Ajol File Journals - 103 - Articles - 230950 - Submission - Proof - 230950 1225 560510 1 10 20220831
Ajol File Journals - 103 - Articles - 230950 - Submission - Proof - 230950 1225 560510 1 10 20220831
Ajol File Journals - 103 - Articles - 230950 - Submission - Proof - 230950 1225 560510 1 10 20220831
The assumption that borehole water is safe for drinking purpose was verified by empirical study of the physico-
chemical properties of borehole water in Gwagwalada Area Council Abuja, Nigeria. The physico-chemical properties
of borehole water were anaysed and compared with regulatory standards for drinking purpose. Fifteen samples were
collected from five purposely selected wards (Dobi, Ibwa, Tungan-Maje, Zuba and Ikwa) in the study area. The
selections of the wards were based on heavy reliance on borehole water for drinking. Three borehole water samples
were spatially collected from each of the five selected wards. The water samples were stored in 75cl plastic bottles
pre-cleaned with distilled water and rinsed with the sample water. Each sample was labeled with the name of the ward
and transported to the laboratory for analysis. Data were analyzed using range and mean. Result showed that water
sample were slight acidic (6.83) to slight alkalinity (7.86) EC was low and ranged from 132-184µS/cm , TDS 1.4-
3.1Mg/l, turbidity 0.36-71NTU, Total hardness 6.12-19.72Mg/l, Chloride (Cl-)1.03-16.86Mg/l, Fe 0.08-0.72Mg/l, Zn
0.021-0.051Mg/l, Cr 0.016-0.086Mg/l, Cd 0.001-0.009Mg/l and Mn from 0.002-0.009Mg/l. Some sample fell short of
regulatory standards in terms of EC and FE. However, most water samples are safe for drinking purpose. Treatment
of sources that fell short of standard before drinking was recommended.
© 2021 Bachudo Science co. Ltd. This work is licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international license.
Owoseye, 2019). For examples, Owoseye (2019) should therefore be protected and treated before
observed that the F.C.T currently practiced open waste consumption.
dumping. However, concern over exposure to drinking Dagim et al., (2017) carried out analysis of the
water contaminants and the resultant adverse effect on physicochemical water quality of borehole and spring
human health has prompted several studies evaluating water supplied to Robe Town. Authors reported that
the quality of drinking water sources (Nkamare et al., most of the samples comply with the water quality
2012; Igwemmar et al., 2013; Peter-Ikechukwu et al., guidelines of Ethiopian limit, WHO and U.SEPA. The pH
2015; Sabo et al., 2020). Nkamare et al (2012) recorded of the water samples from borehole groundwater source
that all physico-chemical parameters in borehole water was found to be slightly acidic and above the maximum
samples from the Okutukutu, Yenagoa Local permissible limit (MPL). High concentration of Fe and
Government Area, Bayelsa State were within Mn that exceeds the MPL set by WHO was found in the
recommended standards. Residual chlorine at the three boreholes. The spring water sources were found to
sample tap was less than recommended amount of be better for drinking than borehole water sources.
0.2mg/l in 61.9% of the boreholes. All borehole samples Though, several studies have been carried on quality of
tested negative for E. coli. 66.7% of stored borehole borehole water including in Gwagwalada Area Council
samples in household tested positive for E. coli but was (Igwemmar et al., 2013). The present study is
negative for all other enterococci bacteria. The study necessary due to the need for constant monitoring of
has shown that water from the boreholes in the drinking water sources and the study by Igwemmar et
community is safe for drinking and other uses. al., (2013) cannot represents the present condition of
Igwemmar et al. (2013) in their study in Gwagwalada, borehole water in Gwagwalada Area Council. This study
Abuja recorded that pH, temperature, turbidity, alkalinity, therefore, complements the efforts of previous studies
nitrate, chloride, iron and total hardness of all the and documented the current status of borehole water in
borehole water samples were below the World Health the study area through the following objectives
Organization (WHO) limits while phosphate and achieved. The physico-chemical properties of borehole
magnesium gave values well above the WHO limits for water were analyzed and compared to the World Health
all the samples except in one case with a magnesium Organization standard for drinking purpose. This
concentration lower than the WHO limit. Also provided answers to the research questions: what are
conductivity result showed some boreholes with values the physico-chemical properties of borehole water in
below WHO limit while others gave higher values. Gwagwalada Area Council? Is borehole water in
Generally, the results exhibited significant variation in Gwagwalada Area Council safe for drinking purpose?
the parameters studied on the samples; this could be
attributed to the geographical positions and depth of the MATERIALS AND METHODS
Peter-Ikechukwu et al., ((2015) observed that all the Study Area
samples from the Federal Housing Estate and Sites and Gwagwalada is one of the five Local Government area
Services Areas of Owerri, Imo State did not meet up councils in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja with an
with the recommended standard of pH (6.5-8.5). area of 1,043 km² and a population of 157,770 at the
However, there was significant difference (p<0.5) among 2006 census. Its geographical coordinates are 8⁰ 56‘29
samples. The temperatures were all significantly the North, 7⁰ 5‘31E. The Area Council has ten political
same and did not exceed standard limit of 37ºC. The wards (Adeniyi and Abdullateef, 2015). The centrality of
total dissolved solids also did not exceed the limit of the town in relation to other Area Council Headquarters
500ppm and the conductivity limit was not exceeded. All makes it influential and important in various socio-
the samples did not exceed limits for zinc, copper, lead, economic activities (Brigid et al., 2020; 2021). It is where
magnesium, cadmium and iron which are 3mg/l, 1mg/l, the University of Abuja, Abuja University Teaching
0.01mg/l, 0.02mg/l, 0.03mg/l and 0.3mg/l respectively Hospital and School of the Gifted are located. Thus, the
except for calcium, where some samples were beyond residents of Gwagwalada Area Council, Abuja
standard of 0.4mg/l. All the samples were significantly supposedly have access to good quality water for
different for each parameter except for lead of which the domestic uses.
entire sample were all the same.
Sabo et al., (2020) investigated borehole and Well Methods
waters located within the industrial areas of Bompai, Field survey for collection of water samples from the
Sharada (Sabuwar gandu), Chalawa (Tsamawa) and study area was conducted in January, 2021. Fifteen (15)
Gyadigyadi, Wailari sewage disposal areas with a view borehole water samples were collected from five (5)
to determine their physicochemical qualities. The wells purposely selected wards in the study. The selections of
water samples showed elevated mean value of lead the wards for sampling were based on heavy reliance of
(0.14mg/I), EC (590.9 us/cm), TDS (l l9.l3mg/l), DO borehole water for domestic use among wards that
(4.67mg/I), BOD (1.25mg/1), Zinc (l.76mg/I), iron currently lack public water supply (Brigid et al., 2020).
(0.6mg/l), Manganese (0.44mg/I) and Chromium Thus, Dobi, Ibwa, Tungan-Maje, Zuba and Ikwa were
(0.57mg/1) when compared to the borehole samples selected. Three borehole water samples were spatially
with mean average value of lead(0.01mg/I), EC collected from each of the five selected wards. The
(483.75), TDS (54.0lmg/I), DO (4.l2mg/l), BOD(l .2mg/I), water samples were stored in 75cl plastic bottles pre-
Zinc (0.91mg/l), Iron (0.l6mg/I), Manganese (0.29mg/l) cleaned with distilled water and finally rinsed three times
and Chromium (0.05mg/l). The result shows that some with the sample water, before taking the sample for
of the borehole and well samples are not within the analysis. Each sample was labeled with the name of the
recommended limit of WHO (2006) and NSDWQ (2007) ward and transported to the laboratory for analysis. Data
standard for drinking water. The borehole and well water
were analyzed using range, mean and t- test in The results of physio-chemical properties of borehole
Microsoft excel 2010 version. water in Gwagwalada Area Council are presented in
table 1.
Table 1: present the physical and chemical properties of borehole water in the study area as follows:
Hydrogen ions (pH) -The concentration of pH in Turbidity- Turbidity ranged from 0.36-71NTU with mean
borehole water in the study area ranged from 6.83-7.86 value of 0.56NTU. The range indicates wide distribution
with mean value of 7.23. The result indicates that water of turbidity in water in Borehole in the study area.
sample were slight acidic (6.83) to slight alkalinity (7.86). Turbidity is a measure of the degree to which the water
The range suggests uniformity in the concentration of loses its transparency due to the presence of suspended
pH among samples. Olatunji et al., (2011) similarly particulates (WHO, 2012). High turbidity in water has
reported uniformity in pH of Asa River in Ilorin, Nigeria. both esthetic and health effect. Thus, it is essential to
Electrical Conductivity (E.C) -The E.C. in water samples eliminate the turbidity of water in order to effectively
ranged from 132-184µs/cm with mean value of disinfect it for drinking purposes.
151.50µs/cm3. The range indicates wide distribution of Total Hardness- The concentration of total hardness in
electrical conductivity of water samples in dry season. water in Borehole in the study ranged from 6.12-
However, a wider range of EC (100 to 730 μS cm ) has 19.72Mg/l with mean value of 11.38Mg/l. The range
been reported by Getahun et al., (2014). However, the indicates wide distribution of total hardness in water.
s 3
closer range of 122-154µ /cm is relatively low because The concentration of total hardness in the water
water of good quality for domestic use should have EC samples is below the report of APHA (2005) but above
s 3
from 1500 µ /cm and above (WHO, 2010). the report of Akpan-Idiok et al (2012). APHA (2005)
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) - The concentration of TDS recorded a range of 29–94 Mg/l and Akpan-Idiok
in water samples ranged from 1.4-3.1Mg/l with mean recorded a range of 6.41-19.20Mg/l.
value of 2.13Mg/l. The range indicates wide distribution Mineral Nutrients (K, Na, Cl-, Mg, Ca)- The
of TDS in borehole water in the study area. However, it concentrations of minerals nutrients in Borehole in the
is more uniform than the range of study area are relatively low except for chloride,
41.4-227.2mg/l reported by Okoro et al., (2017) on three magnesium and calcium. The concentrations were as
borehole water sources in Nsukka urban area, Enugu follows: Potassium (K) ranged from 3.03-4.84Mg/l with
state, Nigeria. mean value of 3.45Mg/l. Sodium (Na) ranged from 3.20-
TSS - The total suspended solids in water samples 6.30Mg/l with mean value of 4.39Mg/l. Chloride (Cl-)
ranged from 0.02-0.07Mg/l with mean value of 0.09Mg/l. ranged from 1.03-16.86Mg/l with mean value of
The range indicates uniformity in concentration of TSS 8.15Mg/l. Magnesium (Mg) ranged from10.07-12.23Mg/l
of water in Borehole in the study. Total suspended solids with mean value of 11.14Mg/l. Calcium (Ca) ranged from
is vital in determining water quality, according to Shalom 18.04-43.75Mg/l with mean value of 28.09Mg/l. The
et al (2011) high concentrations of suspended solids can mean concentrations of mineral nutrients {potassium
cause many problems for stream health and aquatic life. (K), sodium (Na), chloride (Cl-), magnesium (Mg) and
High TSS in a water body can often mean higher calcium (Ca)}, are in the order of Ca> Mg> Cl->Na>K.
concentrations of germs, bacteria, nutrients, pesticides, Heavy Metals (iron Fe, zinc Zn, chromium Cr, cadmium
and metals in the water which makes water unsafe for Cd, copper Cu, manganese Mn) - The concentrations of
consumption. heavy metals (iron Fe, zinc Zn, lead Pb, chromium Cr,
Cadmium Cd, Copper Cu and Manganese Mn, as
follows: Iron (Fe) ranged from 0.08-0.72Mg/l with mean the WHO standard for drinking purpose (WHO, 2010
value of 0.38Mg/l. Zinc (Zn) ranged from 0.021- (Table 2).
0.051Mg/l with mean value of 0.03Mg/l. Chromium (Cr) Table 2 shows the concentration of the physical and
ranged from 0.016-0.086Mg/l with mean value of chemical properties of borehole water, the NSDWQ and
0.04Mg/l. Cadmium (Cd) ranged from 0.001-0.009Mg/l WHO standard for drinking purpose. It shows water
with mean value of 0.01Mg/l. lead was not detected. properties and regulatory standards as follows:
Copper (Cu) ranged from 0.00-0.006Mg/l with mean pH -The concentration of pH ranged from 6.83-7.86.
value of 0.002Mg/l. Manganese (Mn) ranged from 0.002- This value is within the ranges of 6.5-8.5 NSDWQ and
0.009Mg/l with mean value of 0.005Mg/l. The 6.5-9.2 standard set by WHO for domestic purpose.
concentrations of heavy metals in the samples are Thus, borehole water in Gwagwalada Area Council is
relatively lower than results of Sabo et al.(2020) which safe for domestic purpose in term of pH.
reported as follows: Lead (0.01mg/I), Zinc (0.91mg/l), Electrical Conductivity
Iron (0.l6mg/I), Manganese (0.29mg/l) and Chromium The E.C of borehole water in Gwagwalada Area Council
(0.05mg/l) in borehole waters located within the ranged from 132-184 µS/cm with mean value of
industrial areas in Kano Metropolis. This was attributed 151.50µS/cm is below ≥ 1000µS/cm3 NSDWQ and
less industrial activities in the Gwagwalada Area ≥1500µS/cm standards set by WHO for domestic
Council. However, improper management was observed purpose (WHO, 2010). Thus, the EC of borehole water
to be responsible of presence of heavy metals like Cr, in Gwagwalada Area Council fall short of regulatory
Cd and Cu in the study area. standards. Therefore, water from borehole water in
Gwagwalada Area Council is not safe for drinking
Suitability of the Borehole Water for Drinking purpose in terms of EC. Igwemmar et al. (2013) also
Purpose recorded E.C. below World Health Standard in four
The suitability of water samples for drinking purpose boreholes.
was ascertained by comparing the water properties with
Total Dissolved Solids, Turbidity and Hardness 200mg/l. Chloride ranged from 1.03-16.86mg/l but
The concentration of TDS is within the regulatory NSDWQ is 250mg/l. Calcium (Ca) ranged from 18.04-
standard for drinking purpose. TDS ranged from 1.4- 43.75mg/l but WHO standard for domestic purpose is
3.1mg/l. Thus, all values are below 500 Mg/l limit set by 75mg/l. Magnesium (Mg) ranged from 10.07-12.23mg/l
WHO (2010). The concentrations of turbidity is within the but WHO standard for domestic purpose is 30mg/l.
acceptable limit for drinking purpose ≤5NTU set by
WHO for domestic purpose and the ≤10 NTU NSDWQ, Heavy Metals (Fe, Si, Zn, Pb, Cr, Cd, Cu and Mn,)
as it ranged from 0.36-0.71NTU. Therefore, all sampled The concentrations of heavy metals were generally low
borehole water are safe for drinking purpose in terms of but some samples fall short of regulatory standards for
turbidity. T. Hardness also meet regulatory standards drinking purpose. The concentration of Iron (Fe) was
as it ranged from 6.12-19.72mg/l and thus, 500 mg/l and higher in sample(s) than the WHO standard of 0.1Mg/l
200 mg/l limit set NSDWQ and WHO respectively. as it ranged from 0.08-0.72\mg/l. The concentrations of
Zinc (Zn) were generally lower than the WHO standard
Mineral Nutrients (K, Na, Cl, Mg and Ca) of 5Mg/l as it ranged from 0.031-0.061Mg/l. Chromium
The concentrations of these minerals K, Na, Cl, Mg and ranged from 0.006-0.008Mg/l, the range meets the limit
Ca were generally below their regulatory standard. of 0.05 mg/l set by WHO for drinking purpose. The
Potassium (K) ranged from 3.03-4.84mg/l but WHO concentration of cadmium 0.001-0.009mg/l is lower than
standard for domestic purpose is I00mg/l. Sodium (Na) 0.05mg/l limit, set by WHO for drinking purpose. Pb was
ranged from 3.20-6.30mg/l but WHO standard for not detected in all the samples, thus, borehole water in
domestic purpose is 60mg/l and national standard is Gwagwalada is safe for drinking purpose in terms of
lead. Copper ranged from 0.00-0.06mg/l, the WHO set Brigid E. B., Ogah T. A., MagajI J. I., Abugu N. A.,
standard for domestic purpose is 0.05 mg/l, so 2020. The Seasonal Variation of Well Water
sample(s) fall short of WHO set standard for drinking Physical and Chemical Properties in
purpose. Manganese (Mn) ranged from 0.02- Gwagwalada Area Council, Abuja, Nigeria. The
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Brigid E. B., Ogah T. A., Magaji J. I., Oladeinde O. S.,
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