The House of God
The House of God
The House of God
1 10,237
1 author:
Richard Smith
Imperial College London
All content following this page was uploaded by Richard Smith on 21 January 2015.
One of the more depressing moments in my friends about. And it’s these that make
week came when I overheard a conversation patients, especially elderly patients, dread
between two surgical trainees. “I’m covering being in hospital.
the ward today,” said one disgruntled Ironically, this is happening at a time
young man. “I always get the crap jobs.” when great emphasis is being placed on
His colleague was suitably sympathetic at communication skills. Hours are spent
this terrible misfortune. When I teach the teaching medical students this art, and our
medical students they seem fired up with problem based learning cases are packed
the desire to help people. When does this with “social cues.” Yet both doctors and
become limited to wanting to cut bits out nurses spend less time than ever actually
of people, send them back to the ward, and communicating with patients. Part of
forget about them? the problem, of course, is the change to
It’s not just the doctors’ problem. medical training—trainees, now working
The Royal College of Nursing recently shifts and covering many more wards,
warned that cuts in nursing jobs are have less time to spend with individual
putting patients’ lives at risk. Certainly patients. Many of the tasks that would
understaffing is a serious issue—but my have brought trainees into contact with
experience of many wards is that there patients (taking blood, performing
seems to be an invisible barrier between electrocardiograms) have now been
the nursing station and the patient areas. delegated to nurse practitioners. Similarly
Nurses only cross this to do a specific task, many of the tasks done by trained nurses is it appreciated by peers. No one ever
and then scurry back to the paperwork as (“turning” rounds, handing out meals) got a merit award for looking after their
quickly as possible. Recent figures show are now done, if they’re done at all, by patients well. In fact, it seems that the less
that three of the four commonest causes auxiliaries. The result often is that the only time you spend with patients, the more
of delayed discharge are associated with people whom the patients regularly see are likely you are to be rewarded. This is
inadequate care on the ward: pressure completely untrained—and all the valuable tragic, not only for the patients but also,
sores, healthcare acquired infections, and information about patients’ progress which in the present climate, for the future of the
medication errors. Although the news used to be gained has been lost, as have hospital. It’s madness to spend thousands
is full of stories about high technology the opportunities for patients to use these of pounds on fancy surgery if the patients
surgery and expensive new treatments, casual contacts with staff for reassurance are then allowed to develop avoidable
perhaps what we should all be focusing on and asking questions. complications.
is the poor care that patients often receive It’s easy to blame the nurses, but we The crisis on many wards is the result of
on the wards. doctors have to lack of trained staff, lack of continuity of
Friends and relatives who have been It’s easy to blame take our share care, and poor leadership, and it is directly
inpatients recently all have similar the nurses, but of responsibility. harming patients. Many of these changes
complaints—never seeing a nurse except we doctors have I’ve worked on are out of our control, yet they have created
when drugs were being handed out, no to take our share wards where care a problem that we must recognise and deal
one offering reassurance or information, of responsibility is excellent; the with. Doctors often complain that they feel
days going by without any contact with difference is mainly helpless in the face of NHS reforms; this is
senior medical staff, virtually having to beg good leadership, both from the nursing one area in which each and every one of us
for help moving up the bed or getting to hierarchy and from the consultants. If the can make a difference—simply by making
the toilet, repeated requests for analgesia. senior medical staff are rarely on the ward time on the ward a priority, reviewing
Two elderly relatives developed pressure seeing what goes on, if they don’t act as patients, guiding the trainees, and
sores after straightforward surgery, and role models for their trainees, and don’t supporting the nursing staff. If providing
one lost 6% of her body weight after a joint make themselves available to support the care on the ward continues to be the “crap”
replacement because of prolonged nausea nursing team then patient care suffers. job, the experience of those unfortunate
that was inadequately managed. It’s these Ward care is just as important as complex patients will continue to be lousy.
experiences, and not the skilful surgery, surgery—and can be just as difficult—but Katherine Teale is a consultant anaesthetist, Manchester
that patients remember and tell their unfortunately it is not so glamorous, nor [email protected]
Not dead yet—and buried The House of God By Samuel Shem
First published 1978
Henry James once Prevented is full of
remarked that an BETWEEN lurid stories that Sex and death are all that matter, argues Philip Roth,
perhaps the greatest living writer in English. The early
excessive interest in THE LINES make the flesh
years that doctors spend in hospital thus provide rich
the works of Edgar creep: “In a small
Theodore Dalrymple material, as they are surrounded by death and obsessed
Allan Poe was the town in Prussia an by sex. The House of God is the most successful and
sign of a primitive undertaker, living literary of books describing the initiation of doctors and
sensibility: such as in the limits of the has sold over two million copies since it was published
Baudelaire’s, I sup cemetery, heard in 1978. Its bleakness, black humour, and brutishness
pose. I cannot but during the night the paved the way for television programmes like Cardiac
agree with James on cries proceeding Arrest, Green Wing, and Bodies.
The book tells the story of the intern year of Dr Roy
this point, and I might from within the
Basch in a hospital called the House of God, which
add that Poe’s prose grave in which a is based on Beth Israel Hospital in Boston. Basch’s
style seems to me person had been experiences are those of Shem (a pseudonym for
dense without depth buried on the previ psychiatrist Stephen Bergman, who was a Rhodes
and earnest without ous day. Not daring scholar and trained at Harvard). The year is filled
seriousness. to interfere without with exhaustion, error, despair, suicide, inhuman
One of Poe’s pre permission, he went senior doctors, and lots of soulless sex, all leavened
by humour—in other words, a typical “houseman’s
occupations was The narrator in Poe’s story to the police and
year,” as my generation calls it.
shared by many arranged a mechanism in reported the matter.
Everybody is now familiar with such material, but it
people of his time, the coffin in which he When, after a great wasn’t so in 1978. The public was fascinated, hence
namely premature proposed to be buried that deal of delay, the the sales. Older doctors hated the book, but young
burial. Throughout required formalities ones loved it. Looking back after 25 years, Shem
would release him on the
the 19th century, and were fulfilled and tells of a letter he received that said: “I’m alone on
even into the begin faintest movement permission granted call in a VA in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and if it weren’t for
ning of the 20th cen to open the grave, your book I’d kill myself.” Writing the book was for
Shem a way to survive and heal, and he captures
tury, books appeared about the danger it was found that the man had been
how the young doctors come together and make the
of precocious interment, with advice buried alive, but that he was now dead transition to doctors: “Each life was being twisted,
as to how to avoid it. There was even . . . he had skinned his hand and head branded. We were sharing something big and
a Society for the Prevention of Burial in his struggles . . . ” murderous and grand. We were becoming doctors.”
Before Death, which published many The narrator in Poe’s story arranged One factor that lifts the book to the status of a
books and pamphlets; it made much of a mechanism in the coffin in which classic is the energy, beauty, and insightfulness of
the fact that death was a difficult diag he proposed to be buried that would the writing, but another is the “Laws of the House
nosis, the subject of controversy among release him on the faintest movement. of God,” which entered medical parlance not only
in the US but in the UK. Law one is “GOMERS don’t
doctors. (Romeo and Juliet would not Tebb and Vellum describe the apparatus
die.” GOMER stands for “Get Out Of My Emergency
have been a tragedy without a mistaken invented by Count Karnice-Karnicki, Room” and is “a human being who has lost—often
diagnosis of death.) who had once witnessed the premature through age—what goes into being a human being.”
Indeed, the precautions against burial burial of a Belgian girl. A mechanism Rule nine is “the only good admission is a dead
alive taken by Poe’s narrator in the story in the coffin opened a tube to the outer admission.” The book is strongly ageist and sexist
“The Premature Burial” are precisely air and raised a flag above the ground if (just like medicine?), and the descriptions of taking
those recommended in Premature Burial the supposed corpse showed the slight sexual pleasure from examining a patient are more
and How It May Be Prevented, second edi est sign of life. And then there was the shocking in 2007 than they
must have seemed in 1978.
tion 1905, by William Tebb and Edward mortuary in Munich, a kind of purga
The factor, however, that
Perry Vellum MD. Tebb was not a doctor, tory for corpses, in which the corpses’ finally makes the book a classic
but he was interested in such good causes fingers were attached for a few days to a is its deep understanding of
as the abolition of slavery and the avoid bell that rang in an apartment inhabited good medicine—including,
ance of premature burial, to which cause 24 hours a day by an attendant. for example, how avoiding
he gave the last years of his life. He was Was any of this necessary? Even an intervention is often
also the originator and propagator of the now, a person occasionally comes to better than intervening. This
idea that leprosy was caused by smallpox life at his own postmortem examina understanding is captured best
in the mysterious “Fat Man,”
vaccination, and wrote a lengthy treatise tion. Perhaps I was wiser than I knew
a resident who makes patients “feel like they’re
on this subject. Dr Vellum had been when, as an exhausted houseman, a still part of life, part of some grand nutty scheme
medical inspector of the US Army and nurse phoned me from the ward in the instead of alone with their diseases . . . still part of
became interested in the subject of pre middle of the night and said, “Doctor, I the human race.”
mature burial after he nearly drowned, think Mr Jones is dead.” “Well,” I said, Richard Smith, chief executive, UnitedHealth Europe
was given up for dead, and woke up just “if you’re right, he’ll still be dead in the This is a series of reviews of books, films, plays, television series, and
before his own interment. morning,” and went back to sleep. artworks that relate to the practice of medicine. To submit reviews of
medical classics, please email Trevor Jackson ([email protected]).
Premature Burial and How It May Be Theodore Dalrymple is a writer and retired doctor