Internship Guidelines
Internship Guidelines
Internship Guidelines
1,Title Page
The title page of the report will include:
a. Name of the organization
b. Name of the internee, Student Roll No. and session
c. Submission date of the internship report
d. Logo, Name of the Department and University
2.Copy of the internship certificate (provided by the organization) organization (at
Atach the copy of your (original) Internship Completion certificate provided by the
the end as Annexure).
3.Dedication (Optional) dedication note under this section of
If you want to dedicate your work to someone, you may write
your internship report.
4.Acknowledgements you in completion
In this section youacknowledge the help and support of all the people who helpedfamily or any other
of your internship and internship report e.g. the library staff, course instructor,
5.Executive Summary
It can be called as micro
Executive summary previews every section of the report in a short form.
image of the report. It helps the reader to get a quick glance at the report before reading it in detail.
mentioned but briefly
Everything important that you have done, discovered and concluded should be
and concisely.
6.Table of contents
make a separate
List the important headings and sub headings in the report with page numbers. Also any.
list of tables, figures and abbreviations/acronyms in the table of contents if you have
7.Overview of the Organization (word limit: min. 500 words)
a. Brief history
b. Introduction of the organization
c. Policy of the organization
d. Competitors
8.Organizational Structure (word limit: min. 500 words)
a Organizational Hierarchy chart
b. Number of employees
C. Main offices
d. Introduction of all the departments
e. Comments on the organizational structure
9. Plan of your internship program (word limit: min. 300 words)
a. A brief introduction of the branch/ area office of the organization where you did your
b. Starting and ending dates of your internship
c. Names of the departments/persons in/with which/whom you got training and the duration of
your training
10. Training Programn (word limit: min. 200words)
a. Detailed description of the operations/activities performed by the department(s) you worked in.
b. Detailed description of the task(s) assigned to you OR detailed description of the project
11. Cases Deseription
Describe 3-10 cases/suits where intern him/herself appeared before a court of law. This description
must resemble the following format:
i. Title of the case
j. Subject / Facts
k. File No. /Court/Name of the Court
1. Date of institution
m. Current Status
n. Detail of opposite council
0. Interm's contribution/observation
p. Date of hearings
12. Critical Analvsis (word limit: min. 500 worde)
Relate the theoretical concepts with your practical experience during your internship in the
organization(courts. Execute an overall analysis of the organization.
Soction #11-12 are NOT cxpected to be copicd from anywhere, the student must
information in these sections based on his/her personal observation, learning and experience
gaincd during the intermship. Cheating or copying in these sections is NOT acceptable
hence thc cntire internship eport can be completely rejected as per ZERO
POLICY of the department. The department may also take a legal action according to
plagiarisnm policy as defined by HEC(Higher Education Commission).
13. References & Sources
have used for data
In this section, provide all the references and sources in APA format that you
collection in your Intermship Report.
14. Annexes
At the end of your report, attach all of the supportive material you have used for the preparation
your report, like brochures, forms, newsletters, interviews, questionnaires, news reports, articles,
features. columns etc.
i. Complete all the required parts as mentioned in the format of Internship Report.
Remember, cach part is essential, therefore, DO NOT skip any part as every part is
included in evaluation criteria.
ii. Words required for internship report (excluding annexes if any) are 7,000 - 15,000.
iii. There is no specific range of words required for appendices as it will vary from task to
task. However, these words will be in addition to the specified word limit of 7,000 to
15,000 words of internship report.
iv. Internship Report should be submitted within the due date as mentioned in the Semester
Calendar.Submissions made after due date shall not be considered.
Examination Committee LL.B