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one's tne

True freedom means freedom to realise equality

5 Does Mandela think that an African can potential while leading a life of respect,
fulfill the twin obligation ? Give reason for and dignity.
your answer.
9 What did Mandela think for oppressor and
Ans. No, according to Mandela an African cannot fulfill oppressed? CBSE 201
and social obligations. From his
che cwin-personal ana
experience, Mandela believed that only white that boch the oppresor
Ans. Mandela always thoughtdeprived
people in Souch Africa could do so. Thea black and the oppressed are of their humani
South African were not free to live like human. If According to him che oppressor is a prisoner of
hatred and he is locked behind the bars of
chey tried to fulfill cheir obligations, they were
punished and isolated for being involved in the prejudice and narrow mindness. So both of then
rebellions. need to be liberated. He always desired people t
6 What did freedom mean to Mandela in live wich dignity and respect.
childhood? CBSB 2015 10 What did the display of jets and mílitary
Ans. In childhood, freedom for Mandela meant to be salute symbolise?
free to run in che ields, to swim in the dear stream, Ans. There was a spectacular show of Souch AfricnThejcu
free to roast mealies and ride the broad backs of and troop carriers over the Union Buildings.
slow moving bulls. highest generals of the military and police saluted
7 What did Mandela realise about his brothers President Mandela. It was a clear demonstration
a fre
and sisters? CBSB 2012 military's loyalty to democragy as well as to
and fairly clecte
Ans. As Nelson Mandela grew up, he realised that his A K H
brothers and sisters of his community including 11 What does
him and nation were not free. As a result, his 'extraordin 186/569
hunger for freedom which he carlier wanced for Ans. By menionin Aan dis
himself became great. Now, he desired for freedom Mandela is referring to che practice of aparhe
of his entire community. followed in Souch Africa. This meant chat chere a
8 What according to Mandela is 'true freedom'? racial segregation based on colour, due to which de
blacks suffered a lot. They were not allowed to
Ans. According to Mandela, 'true freedom' is not being
able to do what one wants withouc any interference. demand freedom and did nor haveha any right.
[S Mars t
(Long Answer (LA) TypeQuestions
1What do you think about the obligations could never fulfill his duty towards his family s
son, a brocher, a husband and a father.
which the author is talking about? Also
describe his feelings for them. Mandela couldn't enjoy the fulfllment of his r
obligations. However, he fought for his people so
Ans. In he chapter, che author has talked about rwo is thatthey could enjoy their freedom of performi
obliaions for every man. The int The heir personal as well as social duties.
EXAM cowards his family, parents, wife and
second is towards his community and his country. thesc 2 Describe the value of freedom for
a social peron one has to fulfll human beings and how itis important for
obligations. But being lack in Souch Africa, a
obligations. He got growth of civilisation and humanism as.
man was not free to perform his human being. described in the lesson 'Nelson Mandela:
punished if he tried to live as a Long Walk to Freedom'. CBSBZ
When Mandela was a child, the author never older Ans. The value of frcedom is better known to that
chought of such obligation. But as he grew
oppressive human being who has not enjoyed ir till he g
and started chinking about them in his them. In A person, who is bounded within limis and no
society, he realised that he cannot fulfill allowed to perform his duties freely, values fre
bis arcempt to fulfill his dutywasto taken
his peopie ie more than anyone else. For instance, the alue
community and nation, he live in secrecy..He freedom is known berter to Mandela who rerma
family and home. He had to

leon Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom (Section C) 181

behind bars for most of his life. Think about a bird or that in the first decade of the 20th century and
animal which is caged, as it has che habit of living wich before his birth, the white skinned people of
All freedom, but in the cage, it is not free and its South Afica came together and created at
condition is very pitiable. dark-kinned
against the
of racial discrimination
own land. This system was one
Similarty. life becomes hell if we are deprived of people of their
Freedom. There is no growth of civilisation as it grows of the most inhumanç and violent svtem that
only when one has freedom. Similarly, humanism che world had ever seen.
grows in the atmosphere of frecedom. If a man is free to When Nelson realised thar che
do his duries, he can produce better resules. An his nation were not free, he join 187/569
oppressed person always commis mistakes and is National Congress to work for .
uable to perform well, so freedom is important for Freedom for him became feedom of the peopie
the growth of civilisation. of his community to live with respect and
3 Why was Nelson Mandela overwhelmed witha digniry. To get it, he became a bold criminal
sense of history? How did he succeed in ending
who had to spend 30 years in prison. To workhis
for his country, he could not do anyching for
the apartheid regime in South Africa? CBSB 2020 family. In the fight for freedom, he fight along
ns. On che day of the inauguracion, Mandela was with many other courgeous freedom fighters a
overwhelmed with a sense of history. After looking at who even sacrificed cheir lives for the cause. As
che loyalty displayed by the armed force to the new result, afrer long years of struggles, che black
non-racial government, Mandela remembered how che Afrian pcople became free anda non-racial
same officers used to imprison him. He remembered government was set up in South Afria.
(c) Walter Sisulu (d) Both (a) and (b)
(iv) () All of these () () 1, 2 and 4

(Short Answer (SA) Type Questions [2/3 Marks each]

Why was the site called "a rainbow 3 What do you understand by 'apartheid'?
gathering of different colours and nations"? Describe the effect of the policy of apartheid
on the people of South Africa.
s. The site was full of leaders and dignicaries from all
around the world. These leaders, irrespecyedto o. Ans. 'Aparcheid' is a poliical system that divides people
their colour, race and religion had according to cheir race. The policy of aparcheid
celebrate che victory over the apartheid regime and created a deepand lasting wound in South Africa
to support he cause of peace, justice and human and its people. This policy was full ofofterror,
Hence, the site was called a rainbow gathering of
oppression and torture on che blacks South
Africa. The wound created by this policy of racial
discrimination would take many years to recover.
different colours and nations.
4 What intended eftect was produced by
2What promise does Mandela make in the decades of oppression?
beginning of his oath-taking speech? Ans. The decades of torture and oppression created an
S. At the beginning of his oath-taking speech, unintended cffect on the blacks. The black people
uphold the
Mandela promised to obey and the well-being who fought again the unjust policies of aparthcid
constitution and devote himself to of
were produced out of the oppression. These people
nation and its people. had extraordinary courage, wisdom and generosity.
nation free from These people includes many South African patriots
He also promised to make the and such as Walter Sisulu, Oliver Tambo, Bram
poverty, deprivation, oppression
discrimination of all kinds. fscher, etc.

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