Assignment # 01
Q1: Write four purpose statement by highlighting the purpose to inform,
to express, to persuade and to literate.
1. To inform:
Increasing awareness is the aim of providing an audience with accurate and pertinent information
on a specific topic, event, or subject.
2.To express:
The main goal is to authentically and clearly communicate one's own thoughts, sentiments, or
emotions. This goal is frequently achieved through personal communication channels like letters,
messages, or artistic representations.
3. To persuade:
Persuading the audience to embrace a particular point of view, act in a certain way, or decide in
favor of the communicator's message or argument is the primary goal.
4. To literate:
Providing information to an audience with the aim of improving their comprehension and
proficiency in a specific field or subject is the main objective.
decreased burnout, and a feeling of achievement. In summary, mastering and putting into
practice efficient time management techniques is essential for juggling the rigors of
contemporary living. Individuals can maximize their daily activities and ultimately lead happier
lives by remaining informed and putting these concepts into practice.