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Office of Tehsildar
Ref 1: G,RP.& S.D. No.1586/34-D, Dated 17.5.1951
Ref 2: GR.GAD No, Mis.31/76-Desk-o, Dated 25.6.1977
Ref 3: fà 3ÊUfào låat 1087/9698/ 608 -32,. Dated 2,1,1989

Sertal No: 42303160489

District :Osrmanabad

Certificate of Age and Domicile

(lssued by Authorities In the State of Maharashtra)
On submission of the proofs noted below, it is hereby certified that, Kumar Dhanraj Ravndranath
Acsul RIO -, Village ttkur, Tehsil Kalamb, District Osmanabad was born on 20/09/2005 (Twentieth of
September In the yoar Two Thousand and Flve) at tkur, Tehsil Kalamb, District Osmanabad in the State
of "MAHARASHTRA' within the territory of INDIA and he has domicied in the State of Maharashtra.



2. Ration Card
3. School Leavlng Cortificate
4 AfMdavit

5. Adhar Of Ravindranath Adsul

6. Residence certiflcate from Pollce Patl

Signature valid
Digitaly Si ed by
Mustaf k ónde
Date:20 06-30 2:39:03 PM

Plsce : Kalanb
Dale 30/06/2022 Tahsildar

Printed By OMTID:VLE Name :Uttrestwar Sakhaharn Chalak,

Date:30/06/2022 12:59AM
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To varity vioit hlpe www.ataontisgow In/Vertty OR SMS
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