Ei Faq
Ei Faq
Ei Faq
Fees Cost of Application : Rs 140 Application Scrutiny Fee : Rs 140 Fee for issue of Contractor Licence : Rs 430 Application form available from District Office of the Department of Electrical Inspectorate and web site : www.ceikerala.gov.in
The applicant shall have a valid Electrical Wreman Permit issued by Kerala State Electricity Licensing Board and Minimum 5 years practical experience after getting Electrical Wreman Permit ( Examination) Minimum 3 years practical experience after getting Electrical Wreman Permit ( Exemption)
Report from Electrical Inspector / Deputy Chief Electrical Inspector ( The applicant shall be actively engaged in wiring works and shall satisfy the board about his actual experience )
The applicant shall have copies of KSELB rules as amended upto date as well as relevant codes of practice and standards of Indian standards Institution relating to LT Electrical installation
* Electrical Contractor Licence issued with the scope : All LT Electrical Installations ( Allowed to undertake work related to 3 phase domestic equipments upto 10kW )
Renewal fee for Licence : Late Fee for Renewal of Licence after the due date : Fee for the issue of fresh licence in lieu of lapsed Licence : Fee for the issue of duplicate Licence : Rs 360 Rs 140 Rs 430 Rs 540
Basic Qualification The candidate should have passed S.S.L.C. Examination The candidate should be in the age limit between 18 60 Those who have undergone one year Apprenticeship* in Cinema Projector Operation in a Cinema theatre or Those who have served as Cinema Operator in film societies or An Ex-service man who has served as operator or projectionist or those who have served as operator for a minimum period of 3 years in outside state or Union Territories
Cinema Operator
* Apprentice Registration Shall be done at the District Electrical Inspectorate offices from 1 st January to 31 st March every year
( Certificate for one year Apprenticeship is to be attached with the application for Examination )
How to apply
Application Form available from District Offices of the Department of Electrical Inspectorate and at the web site : www.ceikerala.gov.in Head of Account : 0043 - 00 800 98 Fee for Examination: Rs 25 Duly Filled Application form addressed to
The Secretary Board of Examiners for Cinema Operators Office of the Chief Electrical Inspector Department of Electrical Inspectorate Housing Board Buildings Shanthi Nagar Trivandrum 695 001
Examination : Written Examination For two Hours 40 % marks required to pass Practical Examination One hour 50 % marks required
Competency Certificate and licence
Fee for issue of permit and Competency Certificate : Rs 25 Head of Account : 0043 - 00 800 98 The permits are to be renewed once in 3 years.
Purpose for which fee is paid Apprentice Registration Fee fo Examination Fee for issue of licence and certificate Renewal fee before 3 month Late fee for renewal upto 3 months after due date Fee fo fresh permit in lieu of lapsed permit Fee for issue of duplicate licence Fee for issue of duplicate certificate
Rs 5 25 25 6 10 / Month 25 6 4
The applicant shall employee for the purpose of contract work One Electrical Supervisor holding valid Supervisor Permit 'A ' with scope :
The applicant shall employee for the purpose of contract work One Electrical Supervisor holding valid Supervisor Permit 'A ' with scope :
The applicant shall employee for the purpose of contract work One Electrical Supervisor holding valid Supervisor Permit 'A ' with scope :
All LT / MV Electrical Installations, MV Generator upto 500kVA HT Installations upto 500 kVA Transformer
The applicant shall employee for the purpose of contract work Five Electrical Wireman holding valid Electrical Wireman Permit
The applicant shall employee for the purpose of contract work Five Electrical Wireman holding valid Electrical Wireman Permit
The applicant shall employee for the purpose of contract work Six Electrical Wireman holding valid Electrical Wireman Permit
The applicant shall possess the following Instruments ( With Test and Calibration Certificates ) Insulation Tester 500 V Insulation Tester 1000 V Insulation Tester 5000 V ( Motorised or Digital ) Digital Multimeter to measure a.c and d.c voltage and current, resistance and capacitance Tong Tester : 0 10 - 300 A - 800 A & 0 - 300 V - 600V Earth Tester : 0 - 01 / 1000 ohm with selector switch Frequency meter : 45 to 55 Hz Portable PF meter : 5A, 240V, ac The applicant shall possess the following Tools Spanner set ( Double end, Box, Ring, Adjustable type ) Portable Welding Set - 100 A Cutting Pliers ( insulated ) Rollers for cable laying. Nose Pliers Safety Belt Micrometer / Screw gauge Portable grinder Allen key set Rubber Gloves( Electrical Grade) Vernier Caliper Portable Drill ( Heavy duty, Light duty ) Steel Measuring Tape (a) 15 m and (b) 50 m Tool for pipe threading and joining Portable Compressor with spray gun Blow lamp Blower Cable joining facilities Screw Drivers (all size) Crimping tools set with dies up to 400 mm2 (a) Hand Operated (b) Hydraulic Fabrication and materials handling facility (Agreement in Proforma to be furnished)
Office Facilities with Drawing board & Accessories Computer with CAD, Facility for taking Ammonia prints and blue prints, Printer / Plotter Type writer / Computer , Telephone / Fax / E-mail The applicant should have Library facilities, the followings books are needed Electricity Act 2003, Indian Electricity Rules 1956 , Kerala State Electricity Board Rules , Kerala Cinema ( Regulation ) Rules 1988 , Conditions of supply of KSEB,Electrical Inspectorate Standards, Standard Published by Central Board of irrigation & Power, Safety Manual, National Electric Code. IS 732 IS 3043 All important BIS specification as directed by the licensing board and the Electrical inspectorate from time to time The following facilities are required EHT contractors Licensee Facility for handling heavy machineries Fabrication facilities Cable jointing and terminating facilities Oil filtering and testing facilities Relay Testing kit High Voltage Testing facilities The applicant shall produce Bank Solvency Certificate for Rs.25,000
The applicant shall produce Bank Solvency Certificate for Rs.10,000 Inspection and verification of the facilities Electrical Contractor Licence issued with the scope : All LT / MV Electrical Installations, MV Generator upto 500kVA HT Installations upto 500 kVA Transformer Electrical Contractor Licence issued with the scope : All LT / MV / HT Electrical Installations
Electrical Contractor Licence issued with the scope : All Electrical Installations
( All LT / MV / HT / EHT Electrical Installations )
Application form available from District Office of the Department of Electrical Inspectorate and web site : www.ceikerala.gov.in
The applicant shall employee for the purpose of contract work One Electrical Supervisor holding valid Supervisor Permit 'B' with scope : All LT and MV Electrical Installations upto 25 kW including Generator installations upto 25 kVA
The applicant shall employee for the purpose of contract work One Electrical Supervisor holding valid Supervisor Permit 'B' with scope : All LT and MV Electrical Installations upto 50 kW including Generator installations upto 50 kVA
The applicant shall employee for the purpose of contract work One Electrical Supervisor holding valid Supervisor Permit 'B' with scope : All LT and MV Electrical Installations upto 150 kW including Generator installations upto 150 kVA
The applicant shall employee for the purpose of contract work One Electrical Supervisor holding valid Supervisor Permit 'B' with scope : All LT and MV Electrical Installations upto 250 kW including Generator installations upto 250 kVA
The applicant shall employee for the purpose of contract work Two Electrical Wireman holding valid Electrical Wireman Permit
The applicant shall employee for the purpose of contract work Two Electrical Wireman holding valid Electrical Wireman Permit
The applicant shall employee for the purpose of contract work Three Electrical Wireman holding valid Electrical Wireman Permit
The applicant shall employee for the purpose of contract work Four Electrical Wireman holding valid Electrical Wireman Permit
Neon Tester Insulation Tester 500V, Insulation Tester 1000V Voltmeter Multimeter Tong Tester 0-100 A & 0-600V Earth Tester Crimping Tool ( 25 mm2 )
Neon Tester Insulation Tester 500V, Insulation Tester 1000V Voltmeter Multimeter Tong Tester 0-300 A & 0-600V Earth Tester Crimping Tool ( 150 mm2 )
Neon Tester Insulation Tester 500V, Insulation Tester 1000V Voltmeter Multimeter Tong Tester 0-300 A & 0-600V Earth Tester Phase Sequence Indicator Crimping Tool ( 400 mm2 )
Neon Tester Insulation Tester 500V, Insulation Tester 1000V Voltmeter Multimeter Tong Tester 0-300 A & 0-600V Earth Tester Phase Sequence Indicator Crimping Tool ( 400 mm2 )
The applicant should have Drawing facilities and Library facilities The followings books are needed Electricity Act 2003, Indian Electricity Rules 1956 , Kerala State Electricity Board Rules , Kerala Cinema ( Regulation ) Rules 1988 , IS 732 IS 3043 Inspection report from Electrical Inspector / Deputy Chief Electrical Inspector regarding the facilities
* Electrical Contractor Licence issued with the scope : All LT and MV Electrical Installations upto 25 kW including Generator installations upto 25 kVA
* Electrical Contractor Licence issued with the scope : All LT and MV Electrical Installations upto 50 kW including Generator installations upto 50 kVA
* Electrical Contractor Licence issued with the scope : All LT and MV Electrical Installations upto 150 kW including Generator installations upto 150 kVA
* Electrical Contractor Licence issued with the scope : All LT and MV Electrical Installations upto 250 kW including Generator installations upto 250 kVA
Renewal fee for Licence : Late Fee for Renewal of Licence after the due date : Fee for the issue of fresh licence in lieu of lapsed Licence : Fee for the issue of duplicate Licence :
Database : R.K.Subramonian
Close Qualification
Basic Qualification The candidate should have completed S.S.L.C. Course. The candidate should be in the age limit between 18-65 Those who have completed one year course ( Electrical Wireman) conducted by an institution recognised by the Kerala State Electricity Licensing Board. or Those who have undergone one year Apprenticeship after registering as Wireman apprentice in Electrical Inspectorate.
Electrical Wireman
Exempted Category *
Those who have passed National Trade Certificate ( I.T.I ) in the branch of Electrician, Wireman, and those who have passed Kerala Government Certificate Examination in Electrical Engineering
* Apprentice Registration Shall be done at the District Electrical Inspectorate offices from 1 st January to 31 st March of every year through Licensed Electrical Contractors
How to apply
Application Form available from District Offices of the Department of Electrical Inspectorate and web site : www.ceikerala.gov.in Cost of Application form : Rs 110/Head of Account : 0043 - 00 800 99 Fee for Examination: Rs 220
Fee for exemption from examination
How to apply
Application Form available from District Offices of the Department of Electrical Inspectorate and web site : www.ceikerala.gov.in Cost of Application form : Rs 110/Head of Account : 0043 - 00 800 99 Fee for exemption from examination : Rs 220
The Secretary Kerala State Electricity Licensing Board Office of the Chief Electrical Inspector Housing Board Buildings Shanthi Nagar Trivandrum 695 001
Examination Syllabus is at par with I.T.I. (Electrician) Examination. Examination : Two Hours Written Examination and Three hours Practical Examination for those qualify in the written Examination
Purpose for which fee is paid Rs Cost of application form for wireman permit 110 Cost of Application form for Examination 110 Fee for Examination 220 Fee for exemption from examination 220 Fee for issue of permit and Certificate 430 Renewal fee before one month 220( 5 years ) 430 ( 10 years ) Late fee for renewal upto 3 months after due date 110 Fee for fresh permit in lieu of lapsed permit 430 Fee for issue of duplicate certificate 220
Database: RKSubramonian
Basic Qualification The candidate should have passed S.S.L.C. Examination The candidate should be in the age limit between 18-65 Those who have five year practical experience with wireman permit ( four years after taking wireman permit and one year apprentice period ) or Those who have two years practical experience after obtaining wireman permits with ITI, NCVT and KGTE
Electrical Supervisor
Grade A and B
Exempted Category *
Those who have Degree in Electrical Engineering or Diploma in Electrical Engineering
with one year Experience for Supervisor Grade B / Three year Experience for for Supervisor Grade A
How to apply
Application Form available from District Offices of the Department of Electrical Inspectorate and web site : www.ceikerala.gov.in Cost of Application form : Rs 110/Head of Account 0043 - 00 800 99 Fee for Examination: Rs 360/Duly Filled Application form to be addressed to
The Secretary Kerala State Electricity Licensing Board Office of the Chief Electrical Inspector Housing Board Buildings Shanthi Nagar Trivandrum 695 001
How to apply
Application Form available from District Offices of the Department of Electrical Inspectorate and web site : www.ceikerala.gov.in Cost of Application form : Rs 110/Fee for exemption from examination : Rs 360 for for Supervisor Grade B Fee for exemption from examination : Rs 720 for for Supervisor Grade A
The Competency for the award of Supervisor permit Grade B permit is evaluated by conducting an interview The permits are granted with scope of
Examination Syllabus is at par with Diploma in Electrical Engineering Examination : Written Examination : 2 papers ( for 200 ( 100+ 100 ) Marks ) 40 % minimum marks required for pass Practical Examination For 100 Marks 50 % minimum marks required for pass
LT and MV Electrical Installations upto LT and MV Electrical Installations upto LT and MV Electrical Installations upto LT and MV Electrical Installations upto
25 kW including Generator installations upto 25 kVA 50 kW including Generator installations upto 50 kVA 150 kW including Generator installations upto 150 kVA 250 kW including Generator installations upto 250 kVA
The Competency for the award of Supervisor permit Grade A permit is evaluated by conducting an interview The permits are granted with scope of All LT / MV Electrical Installations, MV Generator upto 500 kVA, HT Installation upto 500 kVA Transformer All LT / MV / HT Electrical Installations All LT / MV / HT / EHT Installations
Head of Account : 0043 - 00 800 99 The permits are to be renewed once in 5 years.
Purpose for which fee is paid A Cost of application form for Supervisor permit 110 Cost of Application form for Examination Fee for Examination Fee for exemption from examination 720 Fee for issue of permit and Certificate 1440 Renewal fee before one month 720 Late fee for renewal upto 3 months after due date 360 Fee for fresh permit in lieu of lapsed permit 1440 Fee for issue of duplicate certificate 720 Head of Account : 0043 - 00 800 99 B 110 110 360 360 720 360 180 720 360
*Permits with Scope of All LT / MV Electrical Installations upto 25 k W ( for those who have secured 130 marks out of 300 ) All LT / MV Electrical Installations upto 50 k W ( for those who have secured 180 marks out of 300 ) All LT / MV Electrical Installations upto 150 k W ( Scope enhancement only after 5 years )