Atomic Structure-53-54
Atomic Structure-53-54
Atomic Structure-53-54
625 10 34 3 10 8
× 1.67 × 10 –27 × v 2 =
2 121.6 10 9
v = 4.43 × 10 4 m/sec
Ex 7. Find the energy in kJ per mole of electronic charge accelerated by a potential of 2 volt.
Sol. Energy in joules = charge in coulombs × potential difference in volt
= 1.6 × 10 –19 × 6.02 × 10 23 × 2 = 19.264 × 10 4 J or 192.264 kJ
Ex 8. Which hydrogen like ionic species has wavelength difference between the first line of Balmer and first line
of Lyman series equal to 59.3 × 10 –9 m ? Neglect the reduced mass effect.
Sol. Wave number of first Balmer line of an species with atomic number Z is given by
1 1 2
v ' RZ 2 2 2 = 5RZ
2 3 36
1 1 3 2 1 1
v = RZ 12 2 2 = 4 RZ ; v and v ' '
36 4 1 36 4 88
' – = 2
= 2
= 2
5RZ 3RZ RZ 5 3 15RZ
Z2 = = 9 or Z = 3
59.3 10 9 15 1.097 10 7
Ionic species is Li 2+
Ex 9. (i) What is highest frequency photon that can be emitted from hydrogen atom ? What is wavelength
of this photon ?
(ii) Find the longest wavelength transition in the Paschen series of Be 3+ .
(iii) Find the ratio of the wavelength of first and the ultimate line of Balmer series of He + ?
Sol. (i) Highest frequency photon is emitted when electron comes from infinity to 1 st energy level.
13.6Z 2
E = 13.6 eV
E 2.176 10 18 J
= = = 0.328 × 10 16 Hz
h 6.626 10 34 Js
c 3 10 8
= = = 9.146 × 10 –8 m
0.328 10 16
1 1
(ii) R H Z2 2 2
n1 n 2
= 1172.20 Å
(iii) Wave number of first line of Balmer,
1 1 5 4R 5R
1 RZ 2 2 2 =
2 3 36 9
Wavelength of first line of Balmer =
2 1 1 4R
Wave number of ultimate line of Balmer, 2 RZ 2 = =R
2 4
Wavelength of ultimate line of Balmer =
Ratio =
Ex 10. An electron beam can undergo difraction by crystals. Through what potential should a beam of electrons
be accelerated so that its wavelength becomes equal to 1.0 Å.
Sol. For an electron
mv 2 eV where V is accelerating potential
1 h
m eV
2 m
V =
1 6.625 10 34 = 150.40 volt
2 m 2 e 2 9.108 10 31 (1.0 10 10 ) 2 1.602 10 1 9
Ex 11. The angular momentum of an electron in a Bohr's orbit of H-atom is 4.2178 × 10–34 kgm 2/sec. Calculate
the wavelength of the spectral line emitted when electrons falls from this level to next lower level.
Sol. mvr =
= 4.2178 × 10 –34
1 1 1
R 2 2
1 n 2
1 1 1
109678 2 2
3 4
= 1.8 × 10 –4 cm.