An Awareness Study On Cardiac Injury During Fitness Exercises: A Study From Tamil Nadu, India

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

An Awareness Study on Cardiac Injury during Fitness

Exercises: A Study from Tamil Nadu, India
Dr. M. Anitha1; Dr. R. Anusha2; Dr. P. Allwin Christuraj3; Dr. S. Keertheesvar 4; P.B.Anuraj5; R.Yowesh6
Professor, Department of Nutrition, Sree Ramakrishna Medical College of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences and Hospital,
Kulasekharam, (T.N.) India.
Professor, Department of Naturopathy,Sree Ramakrishna Medical College of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences and Hospital,
Kulasekharam, (T.N.) India.
Professor, Department of Massage and Aromatherapy, Sree Ramakrishna Medical College of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences
and Hospital, Kulasekharam,(T.N.) India.
Lecturer, Department of Fasing & Diet Therapy, Sree Ramakrishna Medical College of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences and
Hospital, Kulasekharam,(T.N.) India.
Medical Student, Sree Ramakrishna Medical College of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences and Hospital, Kulasekharam,(T.N.)
Medical Student, Sree Ramakrishna Medical College of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences and Hospital, Kulasekharam, (T.N.)

Abstract:- Regular exercise lowers the risk of coronary health care professionals with the information they need to
heart disease, but in vulnerable individuals, it can also advise patients more accurately about the benefits and risks
temporarily and acutely raise the risk of acute of physical activities. The medical community strongly
myocardial infraction and sudden cardiac death. In supports regular physiological activity, in part because of
addition to discussing potential cardio-vascular workout strong evidence from basic science, clinical, and
compilations, their pathological substrate, incidence, and epidemiological studies that exercise training and physical
measures to mitigate them, this scientific statement activity can postpone the onset of atherosclerosis and lower
offers suggestions. This research was conducted at sree the risk of coronary heart disease events. However, in
ramakrishna medical college of naturopathy and yogic vulnerable individuals, intense physical exercise can also
sciences and hospital kulasekharam, Tamil Nadu, India. temporarily and acutely raise the risk of acute myocardial
Males aged 25 to 40 are the subjects of this study. After infraction and sudden cardiac mortality. The intention is to
outlining the goal of the study, verbal consent was arm medical practitioners with the knowledge they need to
obtained. Thirty respondents filled out this survey. The more correctly counsel patients regarding the advantages
survey consists of thirty questions. The questionnaire's and disadvantages of physical activity. The majority of
characteristics encompassed gastrointestinal disorders, cardiac incidents in young people are caused by inherited or
heart and respiratory conditions, joint pains, addictions, congenital cardiovascular abnormalities. In contrast, these
and physical activity. Male volunteers in the study who episodes in adults are primarily caused by atherosclerotic
were hesitant or uncooperative were not allowed to disease. The research population's disease prevalence has an
continue with the study. Our research indicates that impact on the outdated rate of exercise-related sudden
people require greater education about the negative cardiac mortality. The pathophysiology of endurance
effects of supplements and the problems they might exercise training and its negative effects on the heart,
cause, as well as about eating a healthy diet, drinking including fibrosis, atrial and ventricular arrhythmias, and
enough water, and getting enough sleep. More advice is sudden cardiac death. It's possible that long-term, intense
needed regarding cardiac episodes that occur while endurance training's mechanical and metabolic strains are
exercising. To improve the general health and well-being significantly contributing to pathophysiology.
of fitness seekers, future healthcare initiatives should
concentrate on these areas. II. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY

I. INTRODUCTION Regular exercise lowers the risk of coronary heart

disease, but in vulnerable individuals, it can also temporarily
Regular physiological activity is widely advocated by and acutely raise the risk of acute myocardial infraction and
the medical community in part because substantial sudden cardiac death. In addition to discussing potential
epidemiological, clinical, and basic scientific evidence cardio-vascular workout compilations, their pathological
suggest that physical activity and exercise training delay the substrate, incidence, and measures to mitigate them, this
development of atherosclerosis and reduce the incidence of scientific statement offers suggestions. The majority of
coronary heart disease events. Nevertheless, vigorous cardiac incidents in young people are caused by inherited or
physical activity can also acutely and transiently increase congenital cardiovascular abnormalities. In contrast, these
the risk of acute myocardial infraction and sudden cardiac episodes in adults are primarily caused by atherosclerotic
death in susceptible individuals. The goal is to provide disease. The research population's disease prevalence has an

IJISRT24JUN502 1150

Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

impact on the outdated rate of exercise-related sudden individuals because the heart may not be able to handle the
cardiac mortality. Physiological and negative cardiac prolonged and sustained excessive physiological demands.
vascular effects of endurance exercise training, including This causes the heart to stretch and subsequently dilate the
fibrosis, atrial and ventricular arrhythmias, and sudden chambers in response to these hemodynamic changes. The
cardiac death. Physiological and negative cardiac vascular most common cause of sudden mortality in individuals
effects of endurance exercise training, including fibrosis, under thirty is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. While sudden
atrial and ventricular arrhythmias, and sudden cardiac death. death frequently happens during severe physical activity, the
It's possible that long-term, intense endurance training's majority of patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy are
mechanical and metabolic strains are significantly asymptomatic and might pass away while at rest or after
contributing to pathophysiology. Excessive and prolonged minor physical exertion.
exercise training produces a lot of free radicals, probably
more than the body can handle. As a result, these people are III. MATERIALS AND METHOD
more vulnerable to oxidative stress and momentary myocyte
dysfunction, which may also negatively alter the quantity This research was conducted at sree ramakrishna
and quality of desmosomes and other cell anchoring medical college of naturopathy and yogic sciences and
structures. Hours of intense exercise and elevated cardiac hospital kulasekharam, Tamil Nadu, India. Males aged 25 to
demands cause the right atrium and right ventricle to dilate 40 are participating in the study. After the goal of the study
as a result of this process. This cycle of repetition may cause was described, verbal consent was acquired. Thirty people
immune cells, such as mast cells, macrophages, and answered this questionnaire. The survey had thirty questions
lymphocytes, to release cytokines, which in turn tell on it. The questionnaire's parameters covered joint
myofibroblasts to multiply and release procollagen, which is complaints, cardiac and respiratory conditions,
then cross-linked to generate mature collagen. Fibrosis gastrointestinal disorders, addictions, and exercise. Due to
gradually develops as a result, spreading more widely male participants' unwillingness or uncooperation, they were
throughout the major arteries and appearing in patches not allowed to continue with the study.
inside the myocardium. Chronically high levels of
endurance exercise training and competition also cause a IV. RESULT
number of other systemic disruptions, such as the episodic
release of excessive catecholamines, which causes coronary The male respondents ranged in age from 18 to 25. In
vasoconstriction, persistent heart rate elevations during total, there are thirty in total. Table 1.1 shows that 86.66%
prolonged aerobic exercise training sessions, which reduces of respondents have a fitness goal, whereas 13.33% do not
the coronary arteries' diastolic filling time, increased oxygen have a fitness goal. 83.33% exercise regularly and do not
demand, altered free fatty acid metabolism, lactic acidosis, exercise regularly, 16.66%.70% of people prefer lifting
and metabolic disturbances. In those who are vulnerable, the exercises, whereas 30% do not prefer lifting exercises.20%
heart might not be able to withstand the intense endurance of people had prior exercise related injuries, while 80% not
exercise. The right heart's preload and afterload increase have prior exercise related injuries.
during an extreme endurance event in susceptible

Table 1 An Awareness Study on Cardiac Injury during Fitness Exercise

1 Fitness goal 86.66% 13.33%
2 Regular exercise 83.33% 16.66%
3 Prefer lifting exercise 70% 30%
4 Have any previous exercise injuries 20% 80%
5 Have any medication 20% 80%
6 Have proper sleep 56.66% 43.33%
7 Have constipation issues 10% 90%
8 Intake 3-4 liters of water per day 90% 10%
9 Feeling tired after workout 43.33% 56.66%
10 Habit of smoking 6.66% 93.33%
11 Prefer to do workouts in gym 76.66% 23.33%
12 Doing push ups regularly 76.66% 23.33%
13 Have cardiac complaints 3.33% 96.66%
14 Experiencing chest pain during workouts 23.33% 76.66%
15 Have high (or) low blood pressure 16.66% 83.33%
16 Have surgical history 10% 90%
17 Have breathing complaints 10% 90%
18 Have diabetes mellitus Nil 100%
19 Have joint problems which are aggravated by workouts 16.66% 83.33%
20 Prefer morning workouts 70% 30%
21 Having Supplements 40% 60%

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

22 Spend minimum 30 minutes for workouts 76.66% 23.33%

23 Are you obese 13.33% 86.66%
24 Consume alcohol 3.33% 96.66%
25 Have ever received guidance for preventing cardiac injuries during fitness training 36.66% 63.33%
26 Awareness of the maximum heart rate during exercise 46.66% 53.33%
27 Knowledge of water intake and proper nutrition during exercise to prevent heart problems 73.33% 26.66%
28 Ever experienced heart related incident during fitness activities 16.66% 83.33%
29 Awareness of preventing measures to reduce the risk of heart injuries during fitness
activities 63.33% 36.66%
30 Know the importance warm up exercises 96.66% 3.33%

Twenty percent of people use medicine, while eighty V. DISCUSSION

percent do not, while eighty.56.66% have enough sleep,
whereas 43.33% don't get enough sleep. Experience The majority of people exercise regularly, 83.33%, and
problems with constipation 90% and 10% of people do not have achieved their fitness goal, 86.66%. Seventy percent of
have constipation.90% of people drink three to four liters of them favor lifting exercise.20% of people have never had an
water each day, while 10% do not drink three to four liters exercise injury before, and take any medication 20%.56.66%
of water each day.43.33% of people felt fatigued after get enough sleep, whereas 43.33% do not get enough
working out, and not exhaustion following exercise is sleep.90% of gym-goers are aware that they should drink
56.66%. Smoking habit 6.66% of people and 93.33% of three to four liters of water each day. Following an exercise,
people do not smoke. Work out in a gym 23.33% and 76.66% 43.33% felt exhausted.76.66% of respondents prefer
of people do not prefer to work out at a gym. Only 23.33% working out at a gym, while 76.66% often perform push-ups.
of people do push-ups infrequently, and 76.66% do it Only 3.33% of people report having cardiac symptoms,
frequently. I experienced heart issues 3.33% and 96.66% of while 23.33% report having chest pain when working out.
the people there were no complaints of heart issues. Chest Only 16.66% of people complained about their blood
pain during working out, 23.33% and 76.66% of people pressure. Nobody has diabetes mellitus. Exercise-induced
report not having chest pain. Experiencing issues with blood arthritic joint issues are less common, 16.66% and also 70%
pressure, 83.33% and 16.66% did not have these issues. of them enjoy working out in the morning.40 percent of
Possess surgical experience of them, 10% and 90% do not them have gym supplements.76.66% of people work out for
have this surgical background. 10% experience problems at least half an hour.36.66% of respondents have ever gotten
with breathing difficulties. Nobody has diabetes mellitus advice on how to avoid cardiac damage when exercising.
100%. Have joint issues that exercising exacerbates 16.66% More people who work out at the gym are aware of the
and 83.33%, this symptom is absent.70% of people prefer importance of drinking enough water and eating right to
morning workouts, whereas 30% don't prefer morning avoid heart disease. More people who work out at the gym
workouts.40% of people have supplements, and 60% do not. are aware of the importance of drinking enough water and
Spend at least thirty minutes working out. Spend a minimum eating right to avoid heart disease, 73.33%. Fewer people,
of 30 minutes for workouts, 76.66% and 23.33% do not 16.66%, have ever had a cardiac episode while engaging in
spend a minimum of 30 minutes on workouts.13.33% of physical activity. Fewer persons, 36.66%, are unaware of
people are obese, but 86.66% are not obese. Drink alcohol, the preventative steps that can be taken to lower the risk of
96.66% abstain from alcohol, 3.33%. Have you ever been cardiac damage during fitness activities.63.33% are aware of
given advice on how to avoid cardiac problems 63.33% and preventative steps that can be taken to lower the risk of
36.66% do not have any instructions. Recognizing your cardiac damage during fitness activities.
maximal heart rate when working out, 53.33% and 46.66%
of people were unaware. Understanding how much water VI. CONCLUSION
and what to eat when exercising to avoid heart problems,
73.33% and 26.66% of them do not know how much water Our research has shown that they have a satisfactory
or what constitutes a healthy diet. Have you ever had a level of awareness. They require more information on the
cardiac episode while exercising 83.33% and 16.66% of negative effects of supplements and the issues they can
respondents said they have never had a cardiac episode cause, as well as about eating a healthy diet, drinking
while exercising. Understanding preventative strategies to enough water, and getting enough sleep. More advice is
lower the risk of cardiac damage when engaging in fitness needed regarding cardiac episodes that occur while
activities, 36.66% and 63.33% did not know these exercising. To improve the general health and well-being of
preventative strategies. Recognizing the value of warm-up fitness seekers, future health care initiatives should
activities, 96.66% and 3.33% do not understand the value of concentrate on these areas.
warm-up exercises.

IJISRT24JUN502 1152

Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165


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