Victory Daily May 2024

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May 6”
Read: John 17:6-11 ur God is a holy God. He is absolutely holy. Sometimes when we hear the
word ‘Holy’ we get scared. It looks like an unreachable level for man. It
M…and l am coming tọ you. Holy Father keep in your name (in the knowledgà of yorsel] those
whom yòu have given me..” (.11) AMPL
Scares us like God’s presence scares the Israclites on Mount Sinai. And to some people it means
God is unapproachable for them. So for this reason they keep off the house of God. Even in the
church when it is time for Holy Communion Some people try to escape simply because of the
word holy. Thank God for light.
But do you know that it means God is a sacred God. He is seperated for dignity and honour. This
means He is a faithful and God that will always be right. He will not promise and fail (Isaiah
40:28). You simply nced to understand, that this attitude of God is for your blessing. It means
Holiness. He has a perfect and good attitude. There is no evil in Him. The wickedness of the
world will not change His plan for you (Proverbs 19:21). That is why God’s word is asking you
to also be holy (1 Peter 1:15-16) So that you can also be a sure blessing to your world.
Do you know that His holiness is the guarantee for your success and victory? Even when you are
not firm His word stands firm. God’s holiness is what guarantees your future. The enemy cannot
turn it down since God is Holy He will fulfill His promises. You just be sure you are obedient to
His word. And at last His holiness will take you there.
Ask: Lord, help me to enjoy the blessing of God’s holiness. “GOD’S HOLINESS IS THE

May 7”
Read: I John 1:5-10 an in his nature could have some Lweaknesses. It is the Holy Spirit that
helps us out of our weaknesses often. We are not yet perfect but the M
“If we confess our sins, He is faith ful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from àll
unrighteousness”(v.9) KJV
Spirit of God is perfecting us. In the course of we relating with one another we often offend each
other. And also as we relate with God our imperfection sometimes reflect. The enemy is always
looking for every avenue to take the advantage for our condemnation. He knows that when men
become guilty they become weak. He is happy when a man is weak for him to accuse us before
the father.
But we have a God of mercy that always forgives our sins. He is not only forgiving but cleanses
so that the traces of the iniquity should never be found in us any more in His presence. It is a
terrible thing to live under the oppression of guilt. It will cripple faith and confidence for
achievement. It will breed condemnation and destroy peace.
You therefore need to know that your God is a God that forgives. Get to know that this is the
simple truth of the word of God. He is not interested in your trouble and lack of peace (Ezekiel
33:11). Learn to confess your sin to Him. Always admit your wrongs before Him. And He will
faithfully forgive you and forget all about that completely. He only does not like it when men try
to cover their sin (Proverbs 28:13). Open up to Him and you will find your peace restored. You
will surely find grace for a renewed relationship with God. Peace!
Ask: Lord, help me to always acceptyourforgiveness.

May 8
Read: I Peter 5:1-7 ome time in life it may look as if we are alone In facing the challenges of our
life. It often looks no one cares, especially as a responsible man and
Çasting all your care upon Him, for He careth foryou” (v.7) KJV
Woman. You don’t want to be a burden on anyone by sharing your challenges with them. And
people because of this term you to be a comfortable person but you are facing itall alone and you
keep feeling no one cares.
This is a very dangerous way of feeling. This will make you to start to react wrongly to people
who may not have had the understanding of what you are going through. But in the midst of such
situation always remember that you have a God that cares for you. Even if you don’t have people
you can freely share with you can share with Him. He understands your very situation and He is
willing to help you (Hebrew 4:15).
Stop carrying your worries and anxiety alone. God’s word says we should cast it on our God.
How? Not by just being irresponsible, but by sharing it in prayers and believing that there shall
be help for us. Often we complain of God not stepping in. but we did not know that we have to
receive instruction from Him after our prayers and step out by faith to receive answer to our
prayers. He never forgets you. He cares for you and desires your peace and progress. Iknow that
at last you shall make it.
Ask: Lord, lead me to my solution today.

May 9
Read: Isalah 49:13-17 ften time situations and circumstances make men think God has forgotten
them. It may even look as if you call and He does not answer. Some
Can a woman forget\her ụrsing child… yes, they may forget yet wilI not forget you” (u
People even feel God has no concern for them. But all these are feelings ofignorance of the
nature of our God.
In the scripture we read today, God asked a question that can a nursing mother forget to breast-
feed her sucking child. All ofus know that except the woman is not with the child, that cannot
happen. And God said even if they do, he can never forget us. You need to know that He created
you for a purpose. And this is for His glory and honour. This makes you to be so important that it
becomes impossible for Him to forget you.
Even ifa man is wayward, yet God is always looking for a means ofrestoring him for His own
glory. No matter what your situation is you need to understand that He can never forget you. All
shall work together for your good (Romans 8:28). It shall at last turn to a testimony for you
(Luke 21:13). All you need to do is to learn to sow a seed of faith unto the Lord. It may be
materials or your service to God. Do it joy fully and your hope shall be revived for a glorious
testimony. You shall be lifted.
Itel PA0+
Ask: Lord, remember me and help me.
May 10”
Read: Psalm 89:20-36
Ften we wait to receive the promise of God’s word but we don’t often understand that this will be
only when we obey his instructions. So most
“My covenant will not break, nor alter the thing thatis gone out of my lips” (v.34) KJV
People easily get wearied and divert their own approach to solving their own problem. But I need
to let you know that God is a covenant keeping God. When He promises, His word cannot fail.
If we learn from the patriarchs many of them went through so many challenges. But God
fulfilled His covenant of victory and success in their life. Even though Abraham waited for God’s
word yet God’s covenant was fulfilled in His life – So also Isaac and Jacob.
Today in our scripture God was confirming to the house of David that He would keep His word.
He has promised never to remove His mercy from His Family and children and to give Him
eternal throne. To this God has been found faithful.
Like to hold unto God’s word when He gives you any promise. He will surely fulfil it. He is not a
man that He will lie. His words are yea and amen. You will surely see the salvation of the Lord
and your success shall be handed over to you. Only be sure that you put your trust in Him. He
will surely restore your glory and strengthen you to make it. And your case shall turn to a
testimony in Jesus name. Ask: Lord, fulfill your word concerning my situation.


May 11”
Read: Psalm 136:1-10
W hen you consider how people behave to you sometimes you will be tempted to conclude that
pcople are not good. The truth is that men
“O give thanks untò the Lord, for he is good: for His mercy endureth far ever” (v. 1) KJV
Don’t live in the love of God and this makes most men not to be good to others. This may also be
as a result of man’s limitation, We often over expect from one another. The person we are
expecting from may not be as we have pictured him in our mind. But the Bible says the Lord is
It is important that you accept this truth sO as to enjoy your walk with God. Even though as
Christians we go through different season for different reasons. Some time God may be
correcting such season and to us may not look very pleasant (Hebrews 12:6-11). Sometimes God
may want to teach ủs a thing. And sometimes God may consciously delay some things from
coming to us for the sake ofright timing.
But at the long run you will discover that the Lord is good. His goodness makes Him have good
plan for every one even your family. When you understand that the Lord is good, it will make
you appreciate His deed in your life. Then life cannot but start to appreciate for you. There is no
way our little mind can comprehend His deeds. But the word of God says He is a good God. He
will surely make His goodness known to you.
Ask: Lord, make ny life to witness yourgoodness.

May 12”
Read: Acts 12:1-11
P rayer is a mcans through which we communicate our mind into our God. And God is a God
that answers prayers. Some god cannot
Upeter was\therefore\kept in prison, but consiant prayer was offered to God for him by the
church” (v.5)
Talk nor hear nor move. But our God do answer prayers. No matter where you may be and no
mattcr how silent your voice may be yet God answer prayers.
In the scripture we read today King Herod made himself available for the devil and began to kill
the Christian leaders. This he was doing to gain acceptability before the Jews. When the church
did not pray he successfully kill James and he kept Peter for the next slaughter. Then the church
began to pray. And God sent His angel to release Peter from prison. It was a miraculous event.
Friend, God still answer praycrs He said call upon me and I will answer you and show you great
and mighty thing that you know not (Jeremiah 33:3). It is the promise of God that when we call
on Him He will always answer us. Jesus said whatever we ask the father in His name He will do
). Why don't you create time to pray about your challenges by faith in God’s grace and mercy?
And you will witness His miracle working power.
Ask: Lord, give me a heartfor prayers.

May 13h
Read: Psalm 25:8-15
The n emeek will He guides in judg ment and the meek will He teach his way” (v.9) is direction.
This is because choice is so costly on the life of men. Result in life is simply a product of choice.
Every body will succeed if only everybody know how to make the right choice. Any time I hear
about people trying to make money through a dubious way I know that it is because they do not
know how, so they think wickedness will produce wealth. But wickedness will always produce
sorrow sooner or later (Proverbs 10:22). It is only godly blessing that will speak joy at last
(Proverbs 13:11). These entire perpetration are products oflack ofunderstanding. Ne of the major
needs of men in life
I like to introduce to you the God that guides His own people. He is able to guide you into joyful
profit (Isaiah 48:17). He is able to give power to make money (Deuteronomy 8:18). He is able to
turn bad life around to good and unfortunate life to be full of fortunes. He does this by guiding
His own people to peaceable blessing.
All you need is the grace for meekness. God only guide the meek.. These are people who are
willing to be corrected and instructed. When wise counsels are given to them they will take it.
God’s word says they will inherit the wealth of the earth (Matthew 5:5), God is able to guide you
to succeed in your education, job, business and ministry. And you will be able to stand out
among others.
Ask: Lord, release yourgrace for meekness on my life. “GOOD DIRECTION IS THE MOTHER
May 14”
Read: Ephesians 3:14-21 to numerous challenges that men are faced with they some times get to
a junction and ask ifGod could help them. But if you look through the word of God you will
discover that there is nothing He cannot do. Yet something in man often want him to feel,though
God can do everything but my own particular problem is too big.” But you need to know that
God ‘s word is true and there is nothing Hc cannot do either for you or for others. SNOW to Him
who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power
that works inusu (v.20).
The scripture we read today says, “…He is able to do… super abundantly, for over and above all
that [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or
dreams]” AMPL. It is therefore the great lie of the enemy to make us feel there is something that
God cannot do. The only condition for the level of His working power in our life is the level of
our faith. If you can just believe Him for anything, that is taking Him for His word, every thing
shall be possible for you.
It Is important that you therefore locate the promises of God concerning your situation and hold
on to it without doubt and you will surely have your miracles. God can deliver (Daniel 3:17).
Subdue all things (Philippians 3:21). Keep your heart (I Timothy 1:12), He is able to save
(Hebrew 7:25) and heal (Act 10:38). Your case cannot be an exception He will surely visit you
with His power and show you His salvation.
Ask: Lord, give me faith to receive.

Read: Malachi 3:1-6 e have come to live in a world where all things changes all the time. That
seems to have even affected our mental view of God. Some people think the from that of today.
Today we experieñce so much change in God of yesterday is different Our government that you
can counts tens of leaders in your state since you were born. The culture we use to have, are fast
becoming obsolete because knowledge increases daily. So there are always changes in education
curriculum. Yet, this does not mean what is happening to us is what is happening to God. May 15
For I am the Lord, I dq not change; therefore you’are not consumed, O sons of Jacob” (v.6) H
The reason for so much change in the world is the discoveries of imperfection. And that is
making our development to be in search of perfect situation. But our God is a perfect God. He
has reached the climax of development. So God’s word says, He is the same yesterday, today and
forever (Hebrew 13:8). No one can dethrone Him. Neither can anyone change His laws.
That is why the word of God cannot change. No situation or devil can change the word of God. It
is written that you will prosper as your soul prospers (III John 1:1), By the stripe of Jesus you are
healed (I Peter 2:24). Your matter will surely turn to a testimony (Luke 21:13). And what is
written is written (John 10:35). God’s power to keep and to help has not change. That is why He
will keep to His covenant notwithstanding the changing world. Believe His word. And you will
surely shine as stars ai
Declaration: Since God’s government cannot change it is notimpossible for His word to manifest
in my life”

May 16
Read: II Samuel 6:5-12
wThe ark of the Lord remained in the houşe of Obed-Edom the Gitite three months. And the
Lard blessed Obed-Edom and all his househotd” (v11) ne of the great virtue highly necded in
many family in Africa is God’s blessing. Every one knows that there is something called God’s
blessings. This is notjust I buy and sell and make money. This is grace for multiplication and
increase. This is not traceable to human ability (Genesis 26:12: 30:27). This is a blessing without
trouble, it is peaceful and fulfilling (Proverbs 10:22).
In the scriptures we read today is’the adventure of a man into the blessing of God. King David
decided to bring the ark of the Lord to the place preparcd for it. But as they were coming
someonc wanting to help it from falling got killed by God (II Samuel 6:6). This was because they
were carrying it contrary to God’s instruction. David then felt the ark should not come to his
house so as not to kill him. It was then dropped in the house of Obed-Edom. But because He
knew how to trcat it God began to bless him and his household.
Friend, you can also enter into God’s blessing when you understand the way to entreat God’s
presence. The ark symbolizes His presence. All you need to do is humbly depend upon His
mercy and not on your labour (Psalms 127:1). And always appreciate Him for each increase on
your labour and labour only as He instructs. You will begin to experience His true trouble frec
Ask: Lord, teach to humble myselfand begrateful.
May 17
Read: Genesis 30:20-24 ometines we try to imagine God in our mind but we cannot really
comprehend the fullness of His splendor. We often look at God as an entity who sits on the
throne and some angels flies around Him. But the picture the Bible gives us about God is not just
that. [If in this world our presidents have offices and numerous department of ministries, sections
of people working with them how much more God. I believe in heaven there will be something
like minister for communication, labour. And the like with their ministry. I believe each of these
ministries have files for everyone on earth (Revelations 20:12). And there will be ministry in-
charge of answer to prayers of God’s children with your files and my files. Then at the appointed
time your case is carried out. So it becomes impossible for God to forget a case. S
Then God rememkered Rachel, and God listened to her and opened her womb” (v.22)
God’s word says, then God remembered Rachel and her prayers was answered. Your case shall
soon be remembered. Sometimes by faith you can break the heaven protocol. Faith makes God to
do the unusual (Hebrew 11:5, I Samuel 1:17-20). By faith the three Hebrews brought Jesus into
scene before His time (Daniel 3:24). Friend, keep knocking heaven by faith this year you shall be
remembered in Jesus name.
Ask: Lord, it is my turn to be remenbered.

May 18
Read: Exodus 19:10-21
Hand the Lord said to Moses, KGO down and wan the people lest they break through to gaże at
the Lọrd, and many of them perish” (21) s a living God, He did has an attitude of speaking. And
that is
WnyY you can read over three thousand times in the Bible saying the Lord said.”
Other gods cannot speak it is men that speaks for them. Do not let anyone deceive you ifyou see
any idol talking, men are behind it.
The reason why God do not always want any one to see Him is that He does not want to be made
into any inage or portray for worship. But we know Him by His word. He wanted to revcal
Himself to the children of Israel and He told Moses to prepare the people to hear God. And He
came down on the Mount Sinai and there was such a great carthquake. Then God spoke to Moses
in the hearing of the Israelites. Wlinctait
You need to know that your God spcaks. He may not cause an carthquake nor thunder before you
hear Him today. If only you can listen with the cars of the spirit God will always speak to you.
To hear God always you will need to develop a deep relationship with God in worship and
prayers. It will get clear as you go deepcr. And His word will change your world.
Ask: Lord, release grace for my closeness to you.

Y father yet alive? And his Bible says the counsel of God
May 19
Read: Genesls 45:1-11 ometimes the enemy feels he can stop the counselofGod. But the
“And Joseph said unto his brethren I am Joseph; doth
Bre thren could not answer him; for they were troubled at his presence” (v.3) KJV ). That is why
you need to stand in faith of God’s word and not on your experience on earth. Shall stand (
Joseph was a man of many troutbles. The enemy used against him his family with all
determination that his dreams will not come to reality (Genesis 37). God often reveal to him that
he will rule over his brothers. As a child of around sixteen he was not wise enough to have been
telling his brothers about his dreams. And he created enmity for himself in the house. They sold
him to slavery for moncy. But because God’s counsel cannot fail, he still become ruler in the
land of slavery and his brother at last came there to bow to him. And he ruled over them.
Friend, don’t let the enemy turn you to an instrument against any one else, you may regret doing
so. But you need to know also that God’s counsel about you cannot change. He will surely fulfill
His word not withstanding the effort of the enemy. You will surely rule. Just be sure you remain
in the will of God and keep serving Him with all faithfulness. At last your enemies will bow
themselves with you. Soon their children will be at your mercy. Inls is because the counsel of
God will surely come to be your life.
Ask: Lord, help me to renain in vour will till I wu 0 lifted by your hand.


May 20
Read: Exodus 2:1-10 t is amazing to see how this great God could -preserve people of destiny till
they see their glory. That is why no enemy can kill a man on the race to destiny. I have seen men
Take this child away and nurse hìm for me, and Iwill give you your wages…” (u.9) AMPL
Rose up to glory right on their wheel chair. And that is why you need to stop your fear and doubt.
Your God is up to the task. And He shall see you through.
Moses was a child born in a time of adversary. This time there was a decree in the land to kill all
male children born by the Hebrews; that is the Israelites. But because the mother was convinced
that his child was a child ofdestiny she refused to submit him for slaughtering against all odds
(Exodus 2:2). And God preserved the life of this child and the mother even started earning salary
by taking care of her own child. At last, the glorious destiny of this child emerged. He became
the greatest leader ofhis time.
Friend can you also see a great destiny ahead of your children. Then God is able to preserve them
till he sees the glory of their greatness. It is not a new thing for God to do for such parent like
you. Start to nurture them in the will and the fear of God knowing very well that they will be
rulers and leaders of tomorrow (Genesis 18:18-19). And at last they will also sail through the
odds of life and at last become great.
Ask: Lord, make ny children great on the earth.
Read: Genesls 28:14-22 ne of the living attributes of God is that He can Smell anything. This
helps Him to approve and disapprove. This helps Him differentiate things ofhigher quality from
things of
“And the Lord smell soothing aroma. Then the Lord said in His heart, “ will never again curse
the ground for man’s sake..” (V.21) a
Lower quality.
After the flood that destroys the entire people of the earth was subsided. God told Noah and His
children to come out of the ark. They came out and they really appreciate God for their life.
Noah set up an alter and made a sacrifice unto the Lord so that He will remember His covenant.
And God smell the sweetness of the sacrifice of Noah. God then make a covenant never to
destroy the earth with water anymore.
Do you know that any time you also make a sacrifice unto God either of praise, giving or service
unto the Lord? God always smell the odour of your sacrifices. And by this He knows whether
your sacrifices are of low quality or good quality. That is why you must always give quality
praise from the heart, quality offering and service to Him. Any time He smells quality sacrifice
He will always give a covenant promise. David the king knew how to give quality sacrifices to
God. One day David just thought of a sacrifice ofbuilding a house for God and God smell it’s
quality and gave him a covenant of eternal enthronement ( smell your sweet sacrifice and your
will earn a place in glory. ). Let God
Ask: Lord, help me to always give quality sacrifices

May 2214
Read: Psalm 8:1-9 hat make life glorious is when excellence is put into it. No matter how much a
Iman is earning the moment excellent is not his life style W:
KO Lord our.. God how excellent (Majes tic and glorious) is your name n all the earthl You have
set your glory on [or above] the heavens”(V1) AMPL
He will be void of glory and beauty. It is excellence that commands the glory of beauty on a
You need to know that your God is an excellent God. The Psalmist said, “How excellent is your
name oh Lord”. Can you imagine the work of ereation? Beginning fronm the sun, the moon and
the stars. They are excellently arranges. Look at the sea and the land. Look at the plants and the
flowers. Look at the variation in different animals and birds. And to crown it all look at the
multiple variations in human looks. All of these are product of God’s excellent work.
Observe yourself well and know that your creature is a product of excellence. Your eyes, nose
like a silencer, ears like a satellite dish, your mouth and all. See, you are truly wonderfully made
(Psalms 139:14). That is why you should always be excellent in all that you do. So that you can
look exactly like your God. And by excellent living you can command the beauty and the honour
of God upon your life and ministry (Philippians 4:8) peace!
Ask: Lor, help me to always give attention to excellence.


Read: I Samuel 2:12-26 ou need to know that your God is a God of favour. That is, it is in His
habit to always favour His own people. When a man is walking in the will of God,
“And the child Samuel grew on and in favor both with the Lord, and men (v.26)
He will sooner or later start to enjoy God’s favour. And when a man enters God’s favor all things
around him will gain a new turn.
The family of Eli was the family chosen by the Lord to forever be the priesthood family in God’s
house. But started changing it when it comes to Eli. This was because he did quickly current his
children in the evil they were committing in the house of the Lord. And God was not happy with
Eli and his children. But as this family was facing the anger of God, Samuel was been favored by
the Lord. Though he was supposed to be an errant boy to Eli and his family but God’s favour
lifted him up.
Friend, you are the next in line to be favoured by the Lord. All you need to do is to humble
yourself to listen and to obey God’s instruction. Make yourself available for serve in His house
like Samuel did. And you will start to enjoy His favour (Psalms 5:12). When God’s favour comes
you will begin to enjoy the blessings you do not deserve. And you will really be blessed.
Ask: Lord, bring me my grace into your favour.

May 24h
Read: Jonah 4:6-11 t is amazing to see how God forbear with the -sons of men. If not that the
Lord can forbear we will have been consumed longest time. He is a God who
MAnd should not A pity Ninevelh, that great city in which are more than ne hundred and twenty
Understand with us and always give us a long rope to pull. But men sometimes abuse this and
destroys themselves.
Nineveh was a city of about 120 thousands people as the Bible says. A time came that this city
sinned against God and He decided to destroy the city. But as in the habit of God He sent Jonah
to this city to preach to them to either repent of face destruction. Jonah was reluctant to take the
assignment because he did not want to be ridiculed since he knew God could have mercy on
them. Jonah wanted them terrified by his message of doom but the people repented in fasting and
God forgave them.
Friend, you need to know that His mercy has kept you and I. It is because God forbear and
tolerate that we have not been destroyed. But we must only be careful not to allow this attitude of
God to make us feel God is not bothered. If not His forbearance could make the careless face His
Wrath. God always expect us to change with time. He always has hope in you that you shall be
better. That is why you must change and be better. And you will not be destroyed.
Ask: Lord, help me to take the advantage of your forbearance for my change.
May 25
Read: Acts 10:34-48 ue to the selfish nature of men partiality is almost very natural for many.
People will always want to satisfy themselves first. Even an adage says, “if a coal of fire drops
on you andyour child you should remove yours first before removing that of your child.” So
because of this selfish nature we always want to show favoritism to our on people before others.
Then Peter ope his gouth and said: “in trùth I perceive that God shows nopartiality” (.34)
But you need to know that God is not a partial God. He does not look at people ‘s face to favour
them neither does it take bribe to promote a man. He is the discerner of the intent of the heart of
man (Hebrews 4:12). So He judges by the heart and not the face (I Samuel 16:7). Ifyou are not
enjoying something from God that others are already enjoying it does not mean is a partial God.
In the experience of Peter today, the gentiles who do not deserve the spirit of the blessing of God
were given. Se, there is nothing God is doing for any one that He cannot do for you. All you need
to do is what Peter said in verse 35. Be sure you are living in the fear and the reference of God.
And be obedience to His instruction. Then He will deliver to you His blessings and His favour.
And people shall call you blessed. Then your glory shall be revealed.
Ask: Lord, help me to always fear your word.

May 26”
Read: Daniel 6:7-22
S ometimes the enemy rises up in the life of sOme people and ensla ves the m for destruction. It
is always the business of the enemy to
Ty God sent His angel and shut the lions’mouths so that they have not hurt. Me.”(.22)
Alwavs steal, kill and destroy. For this reason so many neople today cannot find the liberty to
express their destiny. If you are facing such challenges you need to know that God is able to
deliver from the wickedness of this world.
Daniel was lifted up by the Lord in a land where he was a foreigher and some citizen of the
nation rose up to destroy him. They do not know that no one can undo whatever God has done.
So they ganged up against him. They brought out a decree that saw Daniel up to the lion’s den.
But because he trusted in his God, the hand of God shut the lions’ mouth. Instead of they taking
Daniel for a prey he was taken for a play. And at last Daniel was delivered.
Friend, whatever the enemy may be doing against you, either in the office or in the house that
samne God that delivered Daniel can deliver you. All you need to do is to put your trust in Him.
Call upon Him in prayer of faith. And hold on to His promises. God will surely show up
(Jeremiah33:3). And your enemies shall face destruction.
Ask: Lord, deliver mne from the hand of the wicked.

May 27”
Read: Hebrews 12:1-11 ome people always hate to be corrected. But this is a product of their
ignorance. That is why Solomon said it is foolishness to hate correction (Proverbs
For whom, the Lord lves Ne chastens and sçourges every son whom He receives (v.6)
12:1), One of the attitude of God as a good father is to chastise His own people. This is because
ifa man is left to his evil he will at the end bag destruction.
In the seripture we read today God’s word instructs us as dear son of God not to hate, refuse or
be offended by the chastisement of God. For example ifa Christians stop paying his tithe God
suddenly make things tight for him. The purpose is to call his attention to his error and take
correction. Wisdom therefore demands that you should always check why things are not working
for you. Sometimes it is God that is standing against some people’s progress because of their
disobedience. He did that to Balaam on his horse (Numbers 22:21-34). And He is still doing it till
date. All that some people need is just mercy.
Friend, it will be wise you recognize God’s correction and repent in time before losing many
things. Stop leaving from church to church because you are disciplined. If God is against you
who ever prays for you may die because God is a pillar of fire in front of you and someone is
setting you free from Him. But as soon as you repent He will remove devourer and His barriers
from you (Joel 2:25). The earlier the better.
Ask: Lord, give me a repentant heart.

May 28
Read: Exodus 34:9-17
J ealousy is one of the strong natures of God. So it is important that you recognize your God as a
jealous God. Ignorance of this have throne many into the
For you shall worship no other god, for the Lord whose name is Jealous is ajealous God” (. 14)s
Pit of regrets. We should all learn to be careful not to provoke our God into jealousy. God’s
jealousy is a product of His great love toward His own people. That Is why it is also natural with
men to be jealous. How do you feel when someone is beating your children or spouse? That is
why parent cannot be allowed to come and be in class with their children.
In the scripture we read today, God said, we should never worship any other god. The reason is
because He created those other gods and they are not even gods. They are only turned god by
human ignorance. And when the true God sees you bowing to fake gods, you make Him jealous.
If God is blessing a man and the man begin to glorify an idol for the blessing, God’s wrath will
surely come upon both the blessing and the idols (Exodus 12:12).
You therefore need to be careful of the way you worship your car, house, business, finances,
family or even your ability. It does not take God a minute to destroy it if you activate His
jealousy. Always appreciate Him for all things (John 3:27). And be willing to use them for His
glory. Peace.
Ask: Lord, help me to be willing to worship you with all that I have.

May 29”
Elationship as it were determines so many things in the life of “But Esau ran to meet him, men.
When there is a broken and embraced him and fell on his neck and kissed him, and they wept
(u4) AMPLOTelationship many things also iOSvis breaks. Jacob and his brother
Read: Genesls 33:1-11 R
Parted with great anger. He cunningly claimed his father’s blessing that the father had wanted to
give to his brother Esau. The brother became so much embittered that he deternined to kill Jacob.
When the parents became aware they agreed to send Jacob away to Laban the relation that is far
away thinking out of sight could really be out of mind. When Jacob was leaving the house
ofLaban though he was blessed yet he had the fear of meeting his brother again. IHe prayed to
God to touch the heart of his brother and God did.s99d ai soss) 90T bog 19lo vns qLileo
You may also have a challenge, with someone in relationship. It could be in the house or in the
office. The word of God said the çontrol of the heartof kings is in the hand of God (Proverbs
21:1). Commit their heart to God’s hand; He can touch them for you.Though Jacob was so afraid
to mneet Esau his brother but God had touched his heart: And their meeting was a greatreunion.
Srol519it soY
This God can do the same for you too. No matter how long the relationship has been broken
Godis a master unity builder. He will:restore love into your midst and there shall be peace and
progress again. Ask: Lordoo1 gnillivg stl t
Restorepeace to my broken relationship.
May 30”
Read: Exodus 12:1-12 ur God is a God of judgment. No matter how much a man may try to
escape, he cannot run for the judgment of God (Proverbs 11:21). That is why
waFor I will pass through the land of Egypt on that night, and will strike alh the firstborn…both
man and beast and against all the gods… I will execute judgment: 1 am the Lord (12)
it will be wisdom for you and I to keep our eye on God and keep walking in His will.
The nation Israel has been subjected to slavery for over 400 years. Even though it is in the plan
ofGod that they will be in the land of Egypt for 400 years but not to be wickedly treated as the
Egyptians have treated them. And when the time came, God’s judgment came upon the
Egyptians and their gods. God killed their entire first born since they treated His first born nation
brutally. And up till now the nation Egypt have never fully recovered from that judgment except
the ones that are saved among them.
If anyone is boasting in any power or any capacity to carry out evil against you, if God be for
you they cannot but fail. And if they attack you in anyway the Lord willjudge them. He is a God
of judgment. When He will arise and fight for you everyone will weep for them. You are not
without a defense. You are not without God. Everyone who boasts in his or her power against
you shall go for you. And your peace shall be established.oy noozbnaua
Ask: Lord, arise andjudge theforces against me.


Read: Romans 12:3-12 ifts are God’s -investment to the life of cach man. They are instrument to
produce our destiny. They are currency through which we can purchase our future. God’s gifts in
our life are instruments ofopen doors to our greatness. It is by it we excel. These gifts are the
ability or potentials God has kept in us for our profiting. G
“Having the gift differing àccording to the grace that is given to us, let us use them… “ (v.6)
In our scriptures for today God’s word told us to use them. The first thing is that you will need to
know that there is a gift God has kept in you for your success in life (James 1:17),.It your
responsibility to discover yours. When you have discover them it your responsibility to develop
yours and start to use them to bless the world. Anything you want in life you can always get if
you just help enough other people get what they wants.” This you can do with your gifts. You are
to serve and work and produce what others need with your gifts. And doors of greatness shall be
open on to you (Proverbs 18:16, Proverbs 17:8). It is David’s gift that introduces him to the
palace (I Samuel 16:18- 23). The cheapest way to discover your gift is to get involved in the
service of the Lord as a worker in the church. And soon your star will appear like the sun for a
bright day.
Ask: Lord, show me the way to the stardom through mygif.

June 1*
Read: Exodus 19:1-10
Now therefore if yoų wilII indeed obey my volce\ and t is amazing the way some people lay
claim on -things of this world, as if they will never live them. Shall bea special treasure to God
created all things before me bove all people for all the earthis mtne” (v5) the emnergence of man.
He created the land, the sea and all that is in them. It is true that men thus buy landed property
and all the documents bear their name but this does not remove the fact that it is still belonging
to God. For all men will leave and God will remain the owner at last (Psalm 24:1). So He has
onlygiven us for a while.
God was instructing the children of Israel in our scriptures today that if they will obey Him then
they shall be special and be the chosen nation before Him because the earth is God’s.
It Is therefore expected of you as a child of God to know that whatever you need can always be
given to you if you can ask. If only your faith can be strong enough God is enough to do it
(Psalm 2:8). There is nothing in this world that God cannot give you if it falls into His divine
purpose for you (James 1:17; John 3:27). And when God has blessed you never forget that God is
till the owner. That is why you have to serve Him with what you have. And your portion shall be
established in God.
Ask: Lord, deliver my portion on earth to me.

Read:1 Chronlcles 29:10-21 great virtue of God is power and might. He is the one referred to as
the most powerful, the ultimate of power. No one can stand His power. He is also
“Both riches and honour come from you, and yoù reig over al. In your hand is pawer and might;
In yòur hand it is to make great and to gtve strangthto ail” (v12)
The almighty. All might belongs to Him. Power talks about generation ofenergy and might talks
about demonstration of energy. God is the climax of the two.
When David the king knew that his time on earth was finishing, he started rounding up. He knew
that he has an uncompleted project, which was the building of the temple of God. He also knew
that the one God has chosen to be king after him was so young and tender. So he prayed that the
Almighty God should come to his aid both to build and to reign successfully. And God answered
this prayer.
If you also ask Him to step into your situation He will. God is more than able. All power and
might belong to Him. Riches and honour is great in God’s hand. There is no power nor might
that can wait for Him. In His presence mountain melts like wax (Psalms 97:5). Mount Sinai
quake when the great and mighty God comes on it (Exodus 19:16-20). If you will call on Him
today your enemy will flee. And your victory shall be established.
Ask: Lord, demonstrate your might over the forces that are against me.
June 3
Read: John 15:13-17 W e know so much about the ministry of the son and the Holy Spirit, but
much have not be known of the father’s ministry today. We need to know that God has not
Whatsoever you aşk the father in my name hẹ wit give to you(. 16)
Any one to suffer, struggle or carry life challenges alone. God did not fashion life for struggle.
Men only struggle because of ignorant of the order of life.
The truth is that you are not created to struggle. God has given you some measure of ability but
when you exhaust it you are to turn to your father. Woe to him that lacks a father for when he is
exhausted he will live in frustration. You should learn to pass the baton to the father
A father is someone who knows more, sees more, has more and can do more (John 14:28). God
is our father (John 20:17). He is greater. Men ofGod are His representatives on the earth. So take
advantage of them.
To enjoy His ministry in your life be responsible. Learn to exploit all the strength spiritual,
mental and physical that God’s word gives you. But when you don’t know what next to do turn
to the father (Matthew 7:11). He knows your needs. Where your strength stops, His starts. He has
made away of escape for you (I Corinthians 10:13). Cast all your anxiety on Him. He is capable
(I Peter 5:7). When you have cast it on Him in prayers, don’t carry it again. Believe in your heart
that He is able (II Timothy 1:12). Hannah believed and her story turned around (I Samuel 1:18) It
is your turn!
Ask: Lord, help me to start knowing you as nyfather.


Read: Ephesians 1:3-14 Nhe challenge in the 1ife of m any generations is that life is always
beginning from zero The past generations never thought of leaving good
“Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his gaod pleasure… “ (v9)
Heritance for the present. Neither is the mind of many up till now is thinking of what they shall
leave for the coming generations. It is the reason why many are struggling today. They have no
foundation upon which they can build their lives. So they have to struggle to build one.
But believers need to know that we all have great and glorious inheritance in Christ Jesus. The
scriptures we read today talks about God’s will for us. This is our inheritance. His will are what
He has lefts for us to build our life on. With this today we can claim His promises for our life. A
will is always a legal tender to obtain ones inheritance.
Stop seeing the word of God as a religious book. It is God’s will for the saints (Colossians 1:9-
14). In it, is the provision for our health, victory, help, success and abundance? As an inheritor
always claim the will of your father. Please, always stand to claim the things provided for you in
God’s will. If you have no inheritance from anyone, you have in Christ. You can always have it.
Ask: Lord, help me to start enjoying what is in your will for me.

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