The Sentient Cell The Cellular Foundations of Consciousness
The Sentient Cell The Cellular Foundations of Consciousness
The Sentient Cell The Cellular Foundations of Consciousness
The perfect book for any scientifically curious individual seeking updates to research on my favourite
subject in all the world—the intelligent living cell.
Brian J. Ford
President Emeritus
University of Cambridge Society for the Application of Research (UK)
The most comprehensive vision of post-neo-Darwinian biology to date. Life is not about genes and digital
information codes. Life is about sentience, consciousness, mind, and intelligence. The building blocks of
sentience and consciousness are cells. A landmark book that heralds a welcome paradigm shift in biology.
Predrag B. Slijepčević
Department of Life Sciences, Brunel University London (UK)
In 20 years of researching biological cognition in unicellular organisms I have studiously avoided what I
call the ‘C-word’, consciousness. The Sentient Cell has made me thoroughly reconsider my reticence. It is a
remarkable book that exposes the standard model of consciousness for the early 19th-century relic it is,
providing abundant empirical evidence of why it should be supplanted. An excellent introduction to a
necessary conversation that will unfold over the coming decades and which sits squarely on the right side of
history. Vive la révolution!
Pamela Lyon
University of Adelaide (Australia)
There are few questions as fascinating, far-reaching, and impactful as the emergence of multiscale minds
from the competencies of physico-chemical systems. This highly thought-provoking book addresses the
continuity of life and diverse intelligence across evolution, physiology, and behaviour. An engaging tour of
ideas essential for understanding our nature and our biological, artificial, and hybrid futures.
Michael Levin
Vannevar Bush Professor
Biology Department, Tufts University (USA)
Tackles head-on and without apology the ultimate question: what are the very foundations of sentience and
how did it spread throughout the tree of life? Leave aside any deep-rooted, human-centred prejudices, and
fasten your seat belt. Be humble, the woven expertise on display is well worth the ride!
Paco Calvo
Minimal Intelligence Lab, University of Murcia (Spain)
This new book presents a sentient, dynamic, eternal boundary, dividing and defining the inner and outer
world of cells, translating and interpreting between both, steering their evolution and supplying meaning to
Anton Markos
Department of Philosophy and History of Science, Charles University (Czech Republic)
Although the view that all organisms possess consciousness is widespread, it is rarely discussed, let alone
defended by Western academics. The Sentient Cell champions the position that all life is sentient, exploring
even its most controversial consequences, including plant consciousness and its ethical implications. The
book is consistently provocative, erudite, and engaging
Robert N. McCauley
William Rand Kenan Jr. University Professor Emeritus
Center for Mind, Brain, and Culture, Emory University (USA)
In The Sentient Cell, readers are granted an extraordinary view into the sophisticated nature of cells and the
complex tapestry of life. Remarkably, numerous technologies once thought to be recent human inventions
have been in existence for over a billion years, thanks to the clever biomolecular craft of microorganisms.
This book promises to transform the way you perceive the world.
Perry Marshall
Author, Evolution 2.0
With cognition evident at all scales in nature, animals large and small, plants, and unicellular creatures, a
new synthesis of many different scientific fields is necessary to understand how this can occur and what it
might mean in relation to our human consciousness. This collaboration of three eminent scientists from very
different vantage points makes a remarkable leap in our understanding of this complex project.
Jon Lieff, MD
Author, The Secret Language of Cells
The Sentient Cell
The Cellular Foundations of Consciousness
This volume is the natural follow-up to Arthur Reber’s 2019 book, The First
Minds: Caterpillars, ‘Karyotes, and Consciousness (TFM). In that earlier work,
the Cellular Basis of Consciousness1,2 (CBC) theory was developed based on a
number of earlier efforts published in a variety of journals between 1997 and
2019 as well as in talks, colloquia, and presentations at conferences. The core
proposition in TFM was that life and mind are coterminous. All organisms, all
species extant and extinct, are sentient. All have an existentially secure
consciousness—without which they would have been evolutionary dead ends,
unable to survive in the chaotic, dangerous environment in which life first
appeared. And, importantly, all forms of sentience, all forms of cognitive
functioning right up to and including those expressed by humans, evolved from
the original expression of consciousness at the birth of life in prokaryotes. The
proposition that all life forms evolved from those first unicellular species is a
widely accepted, foundational principle of the biological and social sciences.
The CBC model simply applies that same proposition to sentience.
What was missing from those efforts was an in-depth exploration of the
underlying biochemical, biomolecular, and microbiological factors that were/are
responsible for creating sentient cells. The reason was simple. Reber lacked the
background, training, and experience in the biological sciences needed for such
an exploration. The obvious route was to reach out to others with the requisite
knowledge and skills. František Baluška had already been on board in the sense
that he was one of the cell biologists to whom Reber reached out for advice
while working on TFM. They had also gotten to know each other as participants
in the Summer Institute on the ‘Other Minds’ problem held at the Université du
Québec à Montréal in June 2018. It was at this conference that the decision to
work together on this book was reached. Their approaches were so similar that
Reber recalls thinking ‘Oh no, he’s giving my talk’ while Baluška was
presenting. Bill Miller, a productive medical researcher and frequent collaborator
of Baluška’s, was the obvious choice to round out the team. We put together a
prospectus and sent it to Oxford University Press, the publisher of TFM and
Reber’s 1993 book. After extensive external reviews, they agreed to publish.
One thing was clear from the beginning. Because we were a bit of a
patchwork team coming from very different scientific backgrounds, we needed
to distribute responsibilities for material that reflected our areas of expertise.
Reber’s degree is in experimental psychology and his primary research focus has
been on cognitive processes, in particular ‘implicit learning’—where knowledge
and skills are learned without explicit knowledge of either the processes or
products of acquisition. Think of how infants learn language and how we all
become socialized and come to learn how to behave appropriately in a culture to
get a feeling for the areas where these processes function. Recently, Reber and
Rhianon Allen edited and wrote parts of The Cognitive Unconscious: The First
Half-Century (2022) in which over 30 scholars review the research in a wide
array of topics that emerged from the early experiments on implicit cognition.
Baluška’s degree is in plant physiology and plant cell biology, focusing on
polarity, cytoskeleton, endocytosis, and vesicle recycling as well as other basic
aspects of biology of cells. He is one of the founders of the sub-field of plant
neurobiology where his insights into the causal role that cognition plays in the
life of plants has become increasingly influential in recent years.
Miller’s original training is in medicine and his interests have long been in
developing novel theories for cellular function that expanded the causal factors
that operate in evolution. He has consistently argued that most contemporary
models of evolution are seriously lacking in explanatory power, primarily
because they focus too tightly on genetic factors and fail to take into account a
host of other variables such as information, choice, epigenetics, the impact of an
error-prone biology, the role of stochastic processes, and, of course, cognition.
What emerged from our collaboration is what we regard as a revolutionary
framework for viewing not just consciousness but a model that offers a
genuinely new perspective on evolution and the nature of life on this planet. We
provide support for a framework that downplays the role of genes by making
clear that epigenetic and senomic elements play critical roles, emphasizes the
importance of information and how it is processed by all living forms, embraces
continuity across life forms, integrates all species into a singular framework, and
provides a theoretical platform to understand how cognitive functions evolved
after putting in its original appearance some 4 billion years ago. Keep in mind
that all life was unicellular for some 2 billion of those years. The implication of
this simple fact is that the terms ‘cell’ and ‘organism’ denoted identical entities, a
point that is often missed when the issues raised by our CBC theory are
contemplated. The organismal, sentient nature of cells, all cells including those
in our human bodies, is still valid. We also recognize that our approach raises a
number of questions that touch on ethical conduct and moral behaviour. These
are discussed at length in Chapter 12.
Unlike virtually all other approaches to the broad topic of consciousness, we
begin with the simplest species, with the first appearance of life, and examine
the development and progression of cognitive functions across the evolutionary
tree. We go into some detail outlining why the decision on the part of other
scientists and philosophers to begin the explorations with Homo sapiens was a
tactical error.
Will we convince others? We do not know, of course, but we hope that, as the
advantages of taking the CBC model as the framework for an encompassing
narrative of evolutionary biology become understood, we will see a paradigm
shift. Amusingly, all of us have had the opportunity to present our views to
various groups. A pattern has emerged—a predictable one. Groups of intelligent,
curious laypersons generally respond to our insistence that life begins with
intelligence with comments like, ‘Now that’s interesting. I hadn’t thought of it,
but it does make sense.’ Cognitive scientists and neuroscientists tend to listen but
question and most conclude that our position is a bridge too far. Philosophers, in
particular philosophers of mind, typically think we have lost ours. But some cell
biologists, ones who study bacteria and botanists with close ties to the plant
neurobiology sub-field who examine the cognitive nature of plant life, respond
with ‘Well, duh. Of course.’
We rather like the recent move in many scientific journals to outline who was
responsible for what. Here is ours. Reber undertook writing the initial drafts of
the Prologue and Chapters 1, 2, 12, and this Preface. Parts of Appendix I were
imported from TFM (with modifications and, of course, permission) and updated
by Reber. Baluška wrote the first drafts of Chapters 4, 5, 6, 10, and 11 and
coordinated with Miller in compiling the glossary in Appendix II. Miller took on
responsibility for Chapters 3, 7, 8, and 9. Everything, of course, was read, edited
by others, sent back, rewritten, edited again, and fine-tuned based on the
feedback. It all went remarkably well with virtually never a harsh word or
serious disagreement about how a topic or issue was being handled. Even more
remarkable, the volume was completed within the initial time frame. It is
possible to pull this off when you have such respect for each other.
We do need to warn readers that some of the material, especially in the
chapters that focus on the underlying biomolecular processes that ‘create’
sentience, can be a bit technical. Consult Appendix II when needed. We tried to
tone down the presentation where we could but, of course, did not want to do
violence to the science. The natural processes that occurred when ‘chemistry
made biology’ as Addy Pross, an evolutionary biochemist, put it, was certainly
not easy and the even more complex one of prokaryotes making eukaryotes was
even more so—as the timeline reveals. It would be unwise to assume that it all
could be expressed without the technical details.
Our backgrounds and current scientific efforts can be found in our web pages
and other Internet locations.
For Reber:
For Baluška:
For Miller:
1 A note of appreciation and apology to Lynn Margulis and Pamela Lyon whose important papers
(Margulis, 2001 and Lyon, 2015) were respectively titled ‘The conscious cell’ and ‘The cognitive cell’. We
borrowed their approach here but note that our title has the advantage of being alliterative.
2 Before we begin our deep dive into the origins of minds, a word on terminology. Consciousness, in the
words of cognitive scientist George Miller, is ‘a word worn smooth by a million tongues’. Synonyms such
as ‘sentience’, ‘cognition’, ‘mentation’, and a host of others that can be found dotted throughout the
literature have also been similarly worn down to lexicographic nubs. We will not try to define them but,
rather, use them in a folk psychology fashion, as a collation of rough synonyms—rather like they are
handled by the lay public. See Appendix I for an historical overview of relevant terminology and why we
chose this lexicographic route and Appendix II for a glossary of technical terms from micro-biology, plant
neurobiology, and the cognitive neurosciences that are sprinkled throughout the text.
Prologue: Setting the Stage
As the title of our compact volume states, our goal is to make sense of the classic
problem of the emergence of sentience, consciousness. A few years ago, the
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) considered this
to be the second most important unanswered question in science. ‘What is the
universe made of?’ was rated as the most important. Before getting into the
theoretical and empirical details of our approach, we need to make our central
proposition clear. Our view is that sentience, consciousness, self-referential
awareness—whatever term(s) are used, and we will have more to say on
terminology below—is an inherent feature of all living organisms. In over a
baker’s dozen chapters and appendices, we will advance arguments based on
foundational principles of evolutionary biology and provide empirical evidence
from recent research in microbiology to support the proposition. Put simply, life
and sentience are coterminous.
As noted in the Preface, several chapters present the underlying biomolecular
functions of cells. This material is designed to explain the basic cell biology
processes that support cellular sentience and, necessarily, is technical. Appendix
II provides definitions of the technical terms from microbiology. Consult freely.
Philosopher David Chalmers famously dubbed the question of ‘How do brains
make minds?’ as the Hard Problem of consciousness. What these chapters do is
provide the cellular biomolecular answer to the rephrased problem, ‘How do
cells make sentience?’
So, to summarize our position, which will be the framework for the remainder of
this volume:
• Life and sentience are coterminous. Unicellular prokaryotes (archaea and bacteria), the original life
forms and their descendants, are sentient.
• All living organisms exist in bodies composed of cells. Their functions and behaviours are intimately
linked with those biomolecular, cellular mechanisms.
• These first unicellular species were spectacularly successful and provide the foundation upon which
all life forms, extant and extinct, evolved.
• A basic principle of biological evolution is that a trait, structure, or function that has significant
adaptive elements is virtually never abandoned or jettisoned but becomes the platform for further
• In the absence of evidence that any species or clade ever lost its sentient, affective, and/or social
features, it is reasonable to conclude that cognitive functioning and sociality are essential features of
all embodied life, including plants.
• The hardware-independent functionalist’s core claim is fatally flawed. An AI, even one able to carry
out the full panoply of cognitive functions of a species, would not have that species’ sentience,
internal perceptions, consciousness, or experience of embodiment. It would not feel. It would be as
dumb as a rock—acknowledging that rocks can play important roles but none of them involve
When we begin the elaboration of the arguments we will be making in this book,
the core presumption will be that minds are caused by and only by the
biomolecular functions of living entities, ones based on sentient cells as the
quintessential foundation for all life. Lastly here, we note with amusement that
Putnam, who started this whole gallimaufry, later changed his mind arguing that,
in fact, hardware-independent functionalism was a dead-end and a sentient
computing device is not possible (Putnam, 1999).
3 Chatbots are applications that conduct online conversations through text or text-to-speech. They are
used widely to engage with customers and answer questions that they have about products or issues they
may have with a company and, of course, are used by marketers on what are generally known as
‘robocalls’. The open-source AI, ChatGPT, is uncanny in its ability to answer questions, generate novel
recipes based on a simple request, write essays, and, in ways troublesome to teachers, write term papers.
Like LaMDA, it does stumble over itself when the topic is one it has had little contact with and, of course, it
doesn’t really know anything. In Thomas Nagel’s way of viewing consciousness (Nagel, 1974), there is
nothing it is like to be ChatGPT.
4 British mathematician and computer scientist Alan Turing (1912–1954) was one of the founders of the
field of AI. He maintained that the true test of a sentient AI would be when a human was communicating
with both another human in one room and a computer in another and could not determine which one was
the other human. Many existing AIs can pass a limited version of the test, one where the domain of
questioning is restricted to specific topics. When there are no limits placed on the topics, the artificial entity
is easily identified.
5 For a sense of how LaMDA functions and how the database was created, go here:
7 The original paper (Searle, 1980) was published in Behavioral and Brains Sciences, an open-
commentary journal, and became the journal’s most influential article. Stevan Harnad, who was then the
editor, wrote an overview of the debate as it played out over many years with a variety of proffered
arguments both pro and con (Harnad, 2001).
8 Searle argued that these kinds of operations were examples of ‘weak AI’. In his framework, they were
based entirely on computations and could solve real-world problems but without emulating consciousness
—which he called the goal of ‘strong AI’. As he noted, one could program a computer with the code that
captured everything known about a swimming pool but no one would get wet. The ‘weak AI’ issue would
be resolved but the ‘strong’ one would still be untouched.
9 Our use of ‘free will’ differs from the way the term is typically used in philosophy, sociology, and
cognitive psychology. Our meaning designates processes in cells where decisions are made based on events
at the membrane and how they are interpreted in the cytoskeleton. We discuss these in later chapters. The
late, highly respected Harvard cognitive psychologist Dan Wegner argued in The Illusion of Conscious Will
(Wegner, 2002) that we don’t really have ‘free’ will. We have ‘constrained’ will. We chose from a limited
number of available actions and the limits on them are quite firm as they are the result of culture,
upbringing, socialization, the current circumstances, etc. We agree—noting that so do cells.
AI artificial intelligence
ADP adenosine diphosphate
ATP adenosine triphosphate
CBC Cellular Basis of Consciousness
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
EI* effective information
FUCA first universal cellular ancestor
GABA gamma-aminobutyric acid
ITT integrated information theory
LaMDA Language Models for Dialog Applications
LECA last eukaryotic common ancestor
LUCA last universal common ancestor
PIF pervasive information field
RNA ribonucleic acid
ROS reactive oxygen species
TE transposable element
The Cellular Basis of Consciousness (CBC)
As this process accelerates over geological time, the foundational forms become
ever more firmly set in the functions and processes of every species. In short,
consciousness, sentience, is not only an inherent feature of every species, it is as
deeply encoded in the species’ genetic make-up as the biomolecular processes
that breathed life into it.
An intriguing aspect of this principle is that plants should be sentient. The
flora of the planet all evolved from an endosymbiotic event involving unicellular
organisms. In an earlier work, one of us contemplated this possibility (Reber,
2019) but, after a quick overview of the issue, remained agnostic. In the years
since and after a more careful examination of the empirical and theoretic
literature, the proper outcome was reached and, like any good scientist, a mind
was changed. We will present a thorough overview of the issue of plant
sentience in Chapter 11 and conclude that, however unlikely it may appear to
those who have not seen the evidence, plants are, indeed, sentient. We will also
discuss, as dispassionately as possible, the various ethical concerns that such a
conclusion raises in Chapter 12.
An effective heuristic is to think of evolution as forming a metaphoric
pyramid where the early-appearing traits are integral parts of the base and later
emerging ones build on them. The ones that make up the base tend to be stable;
their biochemical and genetic functions support those that evolved later.
Continuity is the theme as the newer characteristics emerge, not de novo, but
formed using those traits and characteristics from the ‘layers’ that evolved
earlier. The later-emerging traits typically show greater variability and larger
differences among individuals, species, and clades.8 The obvious implications
are straightforward: (a) sentience, consciousness, should be viewed as a
continuum, where each emerging variation creates a new variation on mental
expression that, (b) is one that has its evolutionary foundations, its roots, in the
functions and forms expressed in the species that preceded it. As noted, human
consciousness thus becomes a token of a singular type—as are bonobo
consciousness, raven awareness, jellyfish sentience, Venus flytrap sensitivity,
and pine tree cognition. This principle is going to play a large role in the
exegesis and, as we will see, differentiates the CBC from virtually all the other
models of origins of consciousness that have been introduced in recent decades.
See Reber and Baluška (2022) for a discussion of how approaches that focus on
the discontinuities over the various species, clades, and families differ from the
CBC and what the consequences of these two strategies are in terms of overall
Hunter (2021) is in agreement with this approach and, like Birch and colleagues,
maintains that ‘the emergence of consciousness’ is slowly coming to be
understood as ‘research on animals yields insights into how, when, why
consciousness evolved’.
Overgaard (2021) undertook a similar effort to establish conditions under
which one could conclude that species other than humans could be considered to
possess consciousness. His primary focus was insects arguing that, because their
nervous systems were so different from mammals, identifying consciousness in
these species would be particularly important. We will not go through the
struggles he encountered trying to make sense of the literature on the origins of
minds but we would like to quote from the paper’s final paragraph and note how
his approach reflects the problems that accompany research carried out using the
standard model. When you start with humans and work your way through the
tree of evolution you are invariably going to end up here:
In conclusion, we have no direct evidence of consciousness in insects. Furthermore, for principle
reasons, we will never be able to obtain direct measures of the presence or absence of insect
consciousness. … It appears that the center of the battleground is whether specific neural substrates—
observed in humans—are considered necessary for consciousness. If the answer to this question is
positive, insect consciousness seems unlikely.
There are others who have been a bit bolder. Barron and Klein (2016) focused
their explorations on insects, examining both behavioural and neurological
evidence. They concluded, unlike Overgaard, that there is unambiguous
evidence that insects have subjective experiences, what they dubbed an
‘egocentric representation’ of the environment. They also argued that integrated
structures in the insect midbrain are ‘sufficient to support the capacity for
subjective experience’. They noted that neurological analyses identify the critical
role of the midbrain in humans by integrating experiences of bodily
representation with movement through the environment (Merker, 2005, 2007)—
and that analogous structures in insect midbrain modulate similar functions.
Not surprisingly, there was immediate pushback. Brian Key and colleagues
challenged Barron and Klein’s neuroanatomical analysis claiming that their
characterization of the insect brain was flawed (Key et al., 2016).10 Adamo
(2016) argued that Barron and Klein’s analysis was not really focused on
consciousness because they defined it so narrowly that the evidence they
presented would also apply to robots. Adamo’s conclusion was that their work
was interesting but did not provide any insight into the origins of minds. But,
despite Barron and Klein’s efforts to find evidence for sentience in insects, they
had no intentions of pushing the envelope towards the position of our CBC
model. As they put it, ‘consciousness also gives out somewhere. Plants do not
have it. It would be surprising if jellyfish did.’ We suspect they are not in support
of our cellular-based approach.
Barron and Klein’s analysis also led them to conclude that consciousness first
emerged during the Cambrian ‘explosion’, a period of extensive speciation.
Others, such as Ginsburg and Jablonka (2019), agree on the time frame but for
different reasons. Rather than focusing on neurological and behavioural data,
they argued that the full expression of consciousness required the evolution of an
‘unlimited associative learning’ process, one that was capable of forming
associative links between arbitrary stimuli and events and not tied to specific
aspects of the environment. In their view, earlier forms of learning such as those
observed in species that lack a nervous system are not diagnostic of
consciousness. They refer to these earlier epistemological systems as being
‘nutritive/reproductive’ and assume they operate without awareness, subjectivity,
or preferences.
Chittka and Wilson (2019) reviewed the literature on bees covering a rather
impressive array of cognitive skills including showing foresight in honeycomb
construction, the ability to learn to transport objects like small balls, and,
fascinatingly, solving the ball-moving task after merely watching other bees
perform it. This latter finding is particularly intriguing as the bees distinguish
ball-moving by other bees from instances where no bee is present. If the bees
watch the ball-moving when it was carried out by using magnets under the
apparatus, the bees did not try to move it. Chittka and Wilson also reported on
studies showing that bees can form visual images and anticipate upcoming
events. They conclude that ‘some insects qualify as conscious agents, with no
less certainty than dogs or cats’.
Howard et al. (2022) reported that bees can learn parity, to distinguish
between displays with an odd number of objects from those with an even
number. The displays were composed of four geometric shapes and were
arranged in a random fashion so that the only reliable cue was numerical parity.
In addition to learning the odd versus even task, they generalized it. The original
training used from one to ten objects. When tested with displays of 11 and 12
objects, the bees made appropriate categorization responses. Howard et al. do
not directly confront the question of bee consciousness but they noted that their
study is the first to show parity in any non-human species.
Another phylum that has attracted interest is the cephalopods, in particular
octopuses and occasionally cuttlefish. Australian philosopher of science Peter
Godfrey-Smith’s 2016 book provides a thorough and fascinating overview of the
cognitive functions of cephalopods, concluding that not only are they sentient
but it is likely that this phylum is where consciousness first emerged. Recently,
Ponte et al. (2022) reviewed the large literature on the issue of consciousness in
invertebrates and, like Godfrey-Smith, concluded that cephalopods, in particular
the common Octopus vulgaris, are sentient. Ponte et al. used English biologist
Donald Broom’s (2014) five ‘essential features’ of consciousness: (a) evaluation
of the actions of others, (b) a memory of one’s own actions and their
consequences, (c) being able to assess risks and benefits, (d) some degree of
awareness, and (e) experiencing affective states. Note that these features have
some overlap with those identified by Birch and colleagues (above). However,
unlike Birch, in Broom’s view any species that displayed at least one feature
should be considered sentient. In Chapter 2, where we examine the behavioural
repertoire of the prokaryotes, it will become clear that these ur-life forms,
archaea and bacteria, display all of Birch’s and Broom’s criteria for having a
One more example of how this research strategy plays itself out is the recent
work with crustaceans, much of it carried out by philosopher Jonathan Birch of
the London School of Economics (London, UK) and collaborators (Birch et al.,
2021; Crump et al., 2022). In Birch et al. (2021) they extended earlier analyses
(discussed above) and developed a list of eight criteria that they felt captured
what defined sentience, with a specific focus on the capacity to feel pain and
stress. They reviewed over 300 published papers on the issue and concluded that
crustaceans are sentient, feel pain, and show negative reactions to stress.
Interestingly, the final report convinced the government in the UK to declare
decapod crustaceans (shrimp, lobsters, crayfish, and hermit crabs) and
cephalopod molluscs (squid, octopuses, and cuttlefish) as sentient species and to
include them in the national Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill. These species are
now covered by the various regulations in the UK that are designed to minimize
pain and suffering and promote animal welfare in commerce. The report did not
come to any determinations with regard to the origins of sentience, only that
crustaceans are.
Some 50 years ago, philosopher Thomas Nagel penned one of the most cited
works in the philosophy of mind: ‘What is it like to be a bat?’ (Nagel, 1974). The
paper was a critique of mechanism and reductionism and his answer was that we
will never know—and one of the reasons was because of what is known as the
‘first-person’ problem, that the only mental states we can be certain of are our
own. Conclusions about sentience or consciousness in others, independent of the
species, is just speculation and fatally, in his assessment, cannot be either
demonstrated or falsified. But independent of Nagel’s larger concerns (which
show up in a variety of his works), the ‘what is it like’ question continues to be
routinely asked when other species are the topic. The standard parsing of it is
that one can conclude that a species has an existential consciousness when there
is compelling evidence that there is something it is like to be a member of that
species. The conclusion that each of the various research programmes we have
discussed here is, ‘Yes, there is something it is like to be a bee, a crab, octopus,
or raven.’ In Chapter 2, we will present the evidence that points to the conclusion
that ‘There is something it is like to be a bacterium.’
Interestingly, despite these converging lines of evidence and argument, there
remains a stubborn lack of agreement in the broader field of consciousness
studies. An interesting example is the position of British psychologist Euan
Macphail who is of the opinion that consciousness requires the capacity to
develop relationships of ‘aboutness’ or ‘intentionality’. German philosopher
Franz Brentano11 introduced this concept to refer to the ability to mentally
represent objects, events, properties, and states of being in the environment, to
have mental states that are ‘about’ that which is external to the person. In
Macphail’s view, an existential consciousness is built around aboutness and
requires language. Only humans with language have genuine conscious states.
Children are not fully conscious until they have acquired language,
intentionality, and can differentiate self from non-self (Macphail, 1998). Our
stance, as we will see in Chapter 2, is that the unicellular species express
compelling evidence of intentionality.
Finally here, if any readers are interested in exploring these issues further, we
recommend the relatively non-technical work that is routinely published in the
online journal Animal Sentience edited by Université du Québec à Montreal
psychologist, Stevan Harnad. The journal operates on an open peer commentary
model. Articles are peer reviewed and, after being published, other scholars and
researchers are welcome to submit commentaries, which are themselves peer
reviewed. This strict vetting process gives readers assurance that the work is
solid and the evidence is compelling.12 The original authors typically reply to the
various comments. Many of the issues raised in this chapter are discussed there
and the exchanges can be lively. Interestingly, authors of the original target
article will often identify individuals they would like to receive comments from.
The Crump et al. (2022) paper cited above on the criteria for determining which
species are sentient was published in Animal Sentience and the authors
specifically asked one of us to respond. We did so in a collaborative commentary
(Reber et al., 2022).
1 There are good reasons for treating the earliest appearing eukaryotes as multicellular although the
outward appearance of many species such as amoebas invited the initial assessment that they were
unicellular. This issue is discussed in Chapter 4 where we explore the evolution of eukaryotic life.
Russian–French biologist Ilya Metchnikoff’s (1845–1916) work on phagocytosis led to the modern
science of immunology. In 1908 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for it. We will
discuss the pivotal role of immunological competence and its relationship to consciousness in later chapters.
It is important in appreciating the subtle but critical ways in which self-referential cells handle information
and make decisions.
3 Which, as outlined in Chapter 2, include a variety of cognitive processes and functions such as
valenced perception, feeling, developing preferences, associative learning, pattern learning, forming stable
memories, decision-making, directed locomotion, social interaction, and meaningful communication. The
range of behaviours that prokaryotes routinely carry out is remarkable and far more sophisticated than is
generally recognized. The biomolecular structures and processes of these unicellular species are also far
more complex and rich than most appreciate. These will be examined later, in Chapters 4, 5, and 6.
4 LeDoux’s book was the subject of a special issue of Philosophical Psychology to which two of us
contributed a commentary (Reber & Baluška, 2022). Not surprisingly, we focused on the CBC and how, in
our opinion, LeDoux’s arguments would actually be strengthened by recognizing that all cells are sentient.
5 He has confirmed this shift in his thinking (personal communication).
6 Also, adding a balancing note here, in other talks we have given to groups of laypersons without
backgrounds in biology or philosophy (Humanities Department Colloquia, Elder Colleges, Fulbright
Programs) the most frequent response was a nod, a tilt of the head, and a version of ‘Hmm, I hadn’t thought
of that. But it does make sense.’
7 In the rare cases where a trait is jettisoned, it is because the loss was adaptive. As Nishimura et al.
(2022) recently showed, shedding the vocal fold membranes present in all non-human primates simplified
the anatomy of the vocal system and, critically, reduced the chaotic irregularities typical in the sounds
produced by other primates. The simplified vocal apparatus allowed humans to produce the full
phonological spectrum that led to the evolution of language.
8 This pyramidal model has a formal structure which we do not need to go into here but, for the curious,
outlets. Unfortunately, in recent years the sciences have been flooded with ‘junk’ journals and ‘predatory’
ones. The ‘junk’ journals do not send the submissions out for review by experts but generally publish any
paper sent in. The ‘predatory’ ones follow the same unscholarly protocols but charge outrageous fees, often
several thousands of dollars (US). If a reader stumbles across an article from one of these, it is difficult to
impossible to know whether the work is serious, the data real, and the findings replicable—particularly
because the publishers typically give the journal prestigious-sounding names that make the reader think
they are respected in the field. All three of us are routinely sent ‘invitations’ to publish our work in them.
Our ‘delete’ buttons are all getting work-outs.
It’s Cells All the Way Down
The title of this chapter is stolen from an old joke that (old) philosophers like to
tell—and one of us almost qualifies. It goes like this:
A young man, searching for the answer to a question that has bothered him for a long time, climbs high
into the Andes to probe the mind of an ancient shaman, known for his knowledge of all things.
‘What, Sire’ he asks the wizened one, ‘keeps the Earth stable, fixed in the heavens? Why does it not
fly wildly about in the cosmos or fall into a black nothingness?’
‘Ah grasshopper’, the shaman says, nodding sagely. ‘It is because it rests upon the back of a great
‘Interesting. Thank you Sire. I will contemplate …’ says the young man. He walks away, but only a
few steps. He turns and says, ‘I’m sorry Master, there still appears to be a problem. What keeps the
turtle from simply falling into the abyss?’
‘Because, my child, it sits upon the back of an even greater turtle.’
‘But …’ and that’s all he gets out.
The shaman narrows his eyes and says, ‘Look, young whippersnapper, it’s turtles all the way down.’
And so it is—but with cells. All life is built on, by, and with cells. As we argued
in Chapter 1, those cells are all sentient entities with experiences, internal
representational states, valenced perceptions, and feelings. The rest of this
chapter is devoted to an exploration of the literature that supports this, the core
message of the CBC: life and sentience are coterminous.
Not quite the sorts of things one expects to see in insentient species.
Cells must have the ability to adapt to the ongoing, chaotic, external
environment. The standard picture, based on early work by Jacob and Monod
(1961), had been that regulatory networks evolved to establish effective gene
expression states for commonly encountered environmental changes. In short,
the mechanisms were assumed to already be in place as the result of
evolutionary pressures. Until recently, it was not known how cells would react
when confronted with unfamiliar environments, ones that are not in their
evolutionary history. Saeed Tavazoie’s laboratory at Columbia University (New
York, USA) explored this issue recently and found that cells can, indeed, adapt
successfully to new and potentially lethal environments. In their studies,
metabolic functions were modified so that cells were unable to make the changes
in gene expression that would normally occur when levels of a particular ligand
reached dangerously high levels. Rather than succumbing, the cells carried out
stochastic adjustments in metabolic function by randomly increasing or
decreasing relevant gene expression. The ones that worked, which were effective
in promoting survival, were reinforced and, over time, optimal levels of gene
expression were established without genetically predetermined pathways. In
short, cells learn to tune metabolic functions to adapt to novel, challenging
circumstances (see Freddolino et al., 2018, for details).
Yang and Tavazoie (2020) recently reported a similar finding with yeast cells
(Saccharomyces cerevisiae) exposed to ethanol at levels that crossed what they
called the ‘lethality threshold’. Since simple alcohols were not present in the
original environments of yeast, the normal environmental stress response would
not be activated. Nevertheless, over generations, the yeast cells developed an
adaptive compensatory gene expression reprogramming mechanism—one that
was sufficiently successful that enabled them to not only survive, but display
growth rates that were indistinguishable from control cells.
One of the earliest studies was carried out by American biologist H. S. Jennings
who reported an instance of sophisticated avoidance learning in a sessile ciliate
Stentor roeselii (Jennings, 1906). Jennings dropped an aversive dye into S.
roeselii’s trumpet-shaped intake funnel. The response was a classic escape
response as S. roeselii bent over and shook the particles out and retracted its
cilia. After several additional administrations, S. roeselii contracted so that the
dye did not enter the funnel—a classic avoidance response. After a time, S.
roeselii uncoiled and its cilia returned to their normal functions. Jennings then
reintroduced the dye—which was just too much for S. roeselii. It tore itself loose
from its perch, swam away, and reattached elsewhere—an even more complex
avoidance response.
There is an interesting history to this study. In 1967, Reynierse and Walsh
reported that they were unable to replicate Jennings’ findings and the existence
of avoidance learning in the single-celled eukaryotes was widely doubted. It took
another half-century to restore S. roeselii’s reputation. Dexter et al. (2019) noted
that the non-replication was not a real replication for Reynierse and Walsh used a
different species, S. coeruleus. Dexter, along with colleagues at Harvard and
Dartmouth, ran a series of trials with S. roeselii designed to mimic Jennings’
procedures and reproduced the original findings. The organism engaged in the
four stages of bending, ciliary retraction, contraction, and detachment first
reported by Jennings. In the same year Trinh et al. (2019) reported an additional
replication. Avoidance learning in a single-celled eukaryote is now broadly
Audrey Dussutour’s research group in Toulouse reported that slime moulds
(Physarum polycephalum) learn to navigate a pathway between two Petri dishes
that had caffeine or quinine on it, substances that they find aversive. Over
several days they showed significant improvement in their ability to negotiate
the bridge to the dish containing nutrients without coming into contact with them
(see Boisseau et al., 2016, for details). In their report they described the effect as
‘habituation’ which we found misleading. Habituation is a phenomenon where
responses to a particular stimulus diminish over time as attention is no longer
drawn towards it. It is clear that slime moulds know where they are, where they
are going, and learn the safest path to take. It is worth pointing out that
habituation rarely occurs with aversive stimuli. To do so would not be adaptive
—the presence of stressful events and objects may be unpleasant but,
evolutionarily speaking, it is adaptive to pay attention. What the data do imply is
what we have called here navigational learning and is based, like the research
with S. roeselii, on avoidance of aversive circumstances.
Dussutour, in a recent review of the issue of learning in unicellular species,
hedged on whether there is clear evidence for learning in unicellular species
(Dussutour, 2021). The issue here, we suspect, is yet again, more one of
terminology than of empirical evidence. Her laboratory’s titling a paper that
presents evidence of learning as ‘habituation’ suggests that we really need to
clarify the meanings of terms used in the field. See Appendix I for our
lexicographic efforts.
Recently, Kramar and Alim (2021) and Cheng (2022) independently reported
similar findings where P. polychephalum learned to navigate tubes in which food
had been placed at random locations. Interestingly, both reports refer to the
ability to learn and form memories of the location of nutrients ‘intelligent’
behaviour. Neither regarded the effects as ones of ‘habituation’.
Israeli biologist Yitzhak Pilpel’s laboratory showed that both E. coli and a yeast
(S. cerevisiae) can learn to ‘foresee’ (their term) events and anticipate their
arrival by initiating metabolic changes prior to their onset. The procedure
consisted of presenting a sequence of two sugars that both species are fond of,
lactose and maltose, one after the other in an alternating pattern, LMLMLM (see
Mitchell et al., 2009, for details). When the next cycle began with maltose,
nutritive uptake was inefficient. Both species had already made adjustments in
gene expression designed to maximally absorb the anticipated lactose.
Interestingly, Mitchell et al. were able to extinguish the pattern of shifting gene
expression by presenting an ongoing series of lactose without changing to
Similar findings where the stimulus modifications were in temperature were
observed with E. coli by Saeed Tavazoie’s laboratory. They raised the bacteria in
environments where the temperature was shifted from relatively cool to warm
and back again, repeatedly (details are in Tagkopoulos et al., 2008). Over several
generations the bacteria learned to shift gene expression to anticipate the next
temperature change.
In a recent paper, Australian neuroscientist Brett Kagan and colleagues
reported that neurons in a Petri dish (what they call the ‘DishBrain system’)
learned, in a surprisingly short period of time, to play the classic arcade game
‘Pong’ (Kagan et al., 2022). As they put it, ‘Using the DishBrain system, we
have demonstrated that a single layer of in vitro cortical neurons can self-
organize activity to display intelligent and sentient behavior when embodied in a
simulated game-world’. For the DishBrain cells, their self-organization was
directed, by definition, towards states of collective preference, that is, one
collective state over another. However, we need to point out that, despite their
findings, Kagan and co-authors cling to the standard model and state that they
regard the cells in DishBrain as being ‘intelligent’ but not ‘conscious’. From the
CBC perspective, of course, we view this to be more of a terminology issue than
an existential one. Their DishBrain cells are as sentient as any.
These findings also fit with the recent discovery that xenografts taken from
human neural tissue thrive on rat cortex, indicating that they sense their new
environment, rapidly self-engineer required internal adaptations to participate
with other neurons, associate with them through collaboration, cooperation, and
trade resources. Put simply, they function as participant multicellular co-
engineers, and are capable of individually contributing to the entire brain output,
showing that they retain their own self-identity (Revah et al., 2022).
Let us start this section by noting that whenever you have organisms that learn,
you are, necessarily, going to have ones with the capacity to establish memories
of what has been acquired. Without forming stable memories, the task would
have to be learned anew each time the circumstances or those close to it re-
occurred. Learning without memory is clearly non-adaptive, even for the
simplest of organisms. Interestingly, Robert Macnab and Daniel Koshland
presented evidence for memories in bacteria over a half-century ago. But they
shied away from using language that would make it seem like bacteria displayed
genuine cognitive functions. They put memory in scare-quotes (it appeared as
‘memory’) or qualified it as ‘memory-like’ (Macnab & Koshland, 1972).
Since we have already reviewed a number of experiments showing that
prokaryotes and unicellular eukaryotes learn in a variety of circumstances, it
should be obvious that they have parallel memorial functions. The bacterium that
learned to move out of an environment that has grown uncomfortably warm has
to be able to recall the temperature of the surroundings it left in order to
determine whether the one it travelled into has positive valence. If not, it will
move on again. The slime moulds that learned to navigate a ramp with caffeine
and quinine must be able to recall the location of the aversive acids in order to
travel safely over the bridge to the dish with nutrients. With this in mind, the
following sections deal with some of the details of the memory systems of
unicellular species.
Time Frame
Most prokaryote memories are short term, lasting usually less than a minute,
some as short as 3 or 4 seconds. Their function, as noted, is to keep track of the
current state of their environment so they can make appropriate decisions with
regard to changes in ambient temperature, concentrations of nutrients, and
presence or absence of toxic substances. In these normal environments there
would be little gain to establishing long-term memories. In other circumstances,
longer-lasting memories are created, in particular those that are based on
alterations in gene expression. Swiss biologists Roland Mathis and Martin
Ackermann (2016) showed that a sessile bacterium, Caulobacter crescentus, can
establish memories that last up to 2 hours which, in the lifespan of a bacterium,
is a near-eternity.
Cell division in C. crescentus is asymmetric with the stalked ‘mother’ cell
remaining attached to its spot while the motile ‘daughter’ cell swims away to
find another perch. Before cell division, Mathis and Ackermann introduced an
aversive, concentrated salt solution which, previous research had shown, results
in shifts in gene expression as a protective measure. Then, after the daughter
cells relocated, they reintroduced the toxic salt solution. Death rates were much
higher among the daughter cells that swam away to a presumably safe location
than in the sessile mother cells who remained. The mother cells had established a
memory of earlier events and displayed a readiness to make appropriate
metabolic shifts should the salt solution return. Those that relocated did not.
Importantly, both groups of cells had identical genes.3
Immunological Memory
Bacteria and other prokaryotes routinely establish memories based on
immunological functions. Invasion by a virus or a strand of nucleic acid (a
‘plasmid’) initiates a sequence of responses by the cell. It uses a protein, known
as Cas9, to snip out a piece of the invader’s genetic material and insert it into
their own DNA. The resulting modification of their genome functions as a
memory of the identity of the invader and the cell is better prepared for coping
with any future occurrences. This procedure is, of course, the basis for CRISPR,
the revolutionary gene-editing technique. Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle
Charpentier may have won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their
brilliant work with CRISPR but the technique was invented by prokaryotes
several billion years ago.
Of interest is the question of the precise biomechanisms used to establish what
is, essentially, a lasting representation of events that occurred, or behaviours that
were carried out. Biologists Josep Casadesus and Richard D’Ari at the
University of Seville, Spain, pointed out that there are, in fact, several distinct
ways to encode and hold information (Casadesus & D’Ari, 2002). Some are
basically genetic in that a heritable function, encoded in DNA, is established
based on experience. The result is a modification of the organism’s genome to a
different pattern of gene expression based on the specifics in the stimuli to which
it has been exposed. The results of Pilpel’s and Tavazoie’s laboratories on
anticipation and pattern learning discussed above are based on this
biomechanism as are those that utilize the CRISPR technique. Casadesus and
D’Ari described these processes as ones that ‘lock in’ the change as it is carried
onto future generations. Other techniques for forming memories are based on
modifications in cellular functions that deal with repeated events or actions and
are not heritable. This knowledge dies with the organism that learned and
encoded it.
Many of these findings on pattern learning and memory can be traced back to the
early work of French biochemist Jacques Monod carried out in the 1940s. In a
series of seminal experiments, he provided E. coli with glucose (preferred) and
lactose (nutritious but non-preferred). He observed distinct pauses in the growth
of the colony at those points where all the glucose was consumed and only
lactose remained. The reason for the pause, Monod discovered, turned out to be
one of the most important early findings in cell biology. When glucose was
abundant, E. coli simply turned off the gene expression functions that increased
their ability to metabolize lactose and needed time to make metabolic
adjustments to efficiently metabolize lactose. Literally hundreds (perhaps
thousands) of studies (like those described above) sprung from this finding for
which Monod was awarded the Nobel Prize.
The focus of much contemporary research is on the molecular basis that cells
use to ‘decide’ to switch gene expression (and, yes, ‘decide’ is the term used in
the field). Brandeis University (Waltham, Massachusetts, USA) biophysicist
Jané Kondev reviewed the several theoretical gene expression models for how
well each handled the data in the diet-selection studies (Kondev, 2014). He had a
section with the provocative heading ‘Does E. coli have free will?’ in which he
The result is a population of cells that, although genetically identical [to another], may behave quite
differently. It is as though each E. coli cell is free to choose between two diets, glucose or lactose,
unencumbered by its genes or the environment. Experiments … reveal the molecular nature of that
‘free will’ and trace it to the stochastic expression of E. coli genes.
Prokaryotes are highly social and readily form collectives known as microbial
mats and biofilms. The former are laminated sheets found mostly in aquatic
settings, can be up to a centimetre thick, and are held together by sticky
extracellular substances. Biofilms are only a few layers in thickness and form on
surfaces, commonly on boat hulls and, of course, teeth. Their biomolecular
structures and functions are well known as are the critical roles they played in
evolution. But here we are concerned with their cognitive functions which
include the ability of cells to communicate with each other based on what is
known as quorum sensing or quorum signalling.
As a bacterial colony forms, cells interact with each other by releasing
molecules that have signalling functions that provide critical information to the
rest of the collective enabling them to control gene expression and respond
appropriately to population density.5 When a colony like a biofilm reaches a
certain size, population density issues can arise. Cells on the periphery, the outer
surfaces, are in a nutrient-rich environment but are also exposed to its toxins,
antibiotics, and predators. Those in the interior are in a more protected location
but often are faced with lower levels of nutrients. In fact, if the number of cells
on the periphery becomes too large, the inner cells could literally starve to death
—which would leave the colony at risk from all sides. To prevent this
catastrophic event, the cells in the interior secrete a molecule that signals to the
rest of the colony their state of caloric distress. The cells on the periphery
respond by adjusting metabolic functions, reducing cell division rates, and
decreasing the uptake of nutrients which allows sugar molecules to flow inward.
Once nutrient levels in the interior are back to normal, a different biomolecular
signal is emitted that says, in essence, ‘We’re okay now’, and the outer cells
resume normal activity. When nutrient levels in the interior drop again, as they
must, the phase-cycling repeats and will continue to do so for as long as the
collective lives.
In the event that the biomass has grown large and is made up of different
species (as it often is), the form of communication changes and the interior cells
shift over to releasing potassium ions. These positively charged wave-like
signals travel throughout the collective and have the same effect in
communicating to the outer layers the need for them to make adjustments in
This elaborate communication network is also seen operating between two
separate bacterial colonies. Gürol Süel and colleagues at the University of
California, San Diego (USA) allowed two collectives of the bacterium Bacillus
subtilis to develop in the same Petri dish and carefully controlled the nutrient
levels in their shared environment. When nutrient levels dropped in the area of
one collective, the potassium release mechanism was engaged, travelled through
the dish’s medium, and alerted the other of their distress. The response was a
primitive form of what can only be called altruism.7 The well-fed colony
lowered molecular functions, reduced cell division, and reduced nutrient uptake
until the first collective released another molecule saying they had recovered
(see Prindle et al., 2015, for details). Süel’s laboratory referred to this as ‘time
sharing’ and Humphries et al. (2017) observed it taking place between different
Süel and colleagues’ work showing cooperation and ‘time sharing’ of nutrients
is fascinating and has been replicated by other laboratories, including biologist
Kevin Foster’s group (Sharp & Foster, 2022) at the University of Oxford (UK).
However, they have also reported competition among bacterial colonies, in
particular when they are of different species (Palmer & Foster, 2022). The
situation is, as their recent work shows, more complex than originally thought.
Since these bacteria normally live not in Petri dishes but in hosts, it is becoming
increasingly clear that the host microbiome also plays a role. Depending on how
it interacts with the several bacterial species, either cooperation or competition
can result (Bentley et al., 2022). Foster is optimistic about the possible medical
role of the discovery of competition among different species of bacteria. It hints
at the possibility of developing ways of dealing with bacterial infections without
the need for antibiotics.
Temporal Awareness—Bio-Clocks
Virtually every cell has a circadian bio-clock. We view them as inherently
cognitive for the simplest of reasons. They provide information that can be used
to anticipate the regularities in physical environmental cues such as light and
temperature. Recent discoveries have revealed their deep cellular basis. The
original view of circadian clocks in humans and animals was that they are
controlled by cerebral processes and needed neural systems to function.
However, more recent studies revealed that organs, tissues, and individual cells
are running lower-level, semi-autonomous clocks based on individual cellular
temporal mechanisms that are sensitive to light levels. In fact, it is even a more
complicated issue than just our own cells. Our biorhythms interlink along
complex communicating, metabolic pathways between our body cells and our
constituent microbiome, with significant effects on satiety, sleep cycles, and
even obesity (Rácz et al., 2018).
Keep in mind that photosynthesis, the basis for redox-based circadian clocks,
was ‘invented’ by ancient cyanobacteria some 2.7 billion years ago. Following
the logic of the CBC model, this novel sensitivity to light levels was instantiated
in cells that were sentient and had a rich sensory system in place. The logical
entailment is that all three phenomena (the fundamental sentience of the CBC
model, the first circadian clocks, and membrane-based electron transfers) are
inherently interlinked. Biomolecular details are in Baluška and Reber (2021b),
Edgar et al. (2012), Loudon (2012), and the issues are explored further in
Chapters 5 and 6.
Do bacteria sleep? This is a reasonable question to pose, particularly in light of
the existence of circadian clocks. One of the elements of life is the role of down
time, taking a break allowing the organism time to recover, re-establish normal
metabolic functions, and repair cellular damage. The best evidence to date
suggests that the answer is probably not—if we regard sleep as a state with
specific neural features marked by shifts in electroencephalograms and with
distinct phases like rapid eye movement (REM) sleep that we see in species with
nervous systems.
But something like sleep in bacteria may be based on a different biomolecular
foundation. As noted, bacteria are sensitive to shifts in ambient light levels and
show circadian rhythms. Of the prokaryotes, the most studied are the
cyanobacteria. Susan Golden and her colleagues at the University of California,
San Diego have shown that the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus shifts
gene expression rates and physiological processes in response to cycles of light
and dark (see Boyd et al., 2016, for details). As noted above, cyanobacteria
invented photosynthesis and used it to generate energy. They are also the species
presumed to have been involved in the chimerical event that occurred some 1.7
billion years ago when the first precursors of the plant kingdom evolved. We will
have more to say about this singular occurrence in Chapter 11 when we look
more closely at sentience in plants. Whether these cyclical modifications in
biomolecular functions is anything like ‘sleep’ and whether S. elongatus is in a
more quiescent state during certain phases of its circadian clock are still
unknown. However, there is evidence for quiescence as quasi-sleep at scale. That
bacterial quiescent state corresponds to a sharp decrease in metabolic turnover,
reproductive rate, and intercommunication.
We consider these empirical findings to be persuasive and support the original
assumption of the CBC: life and sentience are coterminous. All but only living
organisms are conscious and have valenced experiences. But, of course, not all
agree. As we have noted in more than a few places, the position taken by the
CBC is not the standard one in the field—and the situation is not simple. Most
researchers in microbiology know the literature and are not only comfortable
with our stance but are in general agreement with it—and, in many cases, took
similar stances long before we published our work. And, as we noted earlier,
many cognitive scientists and neuroscientists are also aware of much of these
data, as are many philosophers who have explored the realm of the prokaryotes.
But they are reluctant, for a variety of reasons, to acknowledge the core principle
—and several of those reasons stand out.
One is based on a model that argues that these behaviours, while exhibiting a
remarkable array of functions, are not accompanied by an existential
consciousness. They are, so the argument goes, merely robotic processes, driven
by genetic factors, and they spin themselves out without awareness, experience,
sentience, or a sense of self. There is, in Dennett’s phrase, ‘competence without
comprehension’. We think this argument is wrong, deeply and profoundly
wrong. It is not wrong like a messed-up sum, but a wrongness that has deflected
the field of what philosopher Ned Block likes to call ‘consciousness science’ off
its proper scientific course. Virtually every recent book on the evolution of
minds that we cited in earlier material puts forward one or another version of it.
When stripped bare, this position gains nothing in explanatory power and is rife
with philosophical and evolutionary biological difficulties.
Let us ask a not-unreasonable question: what could the evolutionary
foundation for such a range of adaptive functions be? If each is gene-driven, it
means that there would have to have been a stunning array of independently
evolved genetic foundations—one for each sensory system, another for
interpreting and perceiving what was detected, another for feelings (which, of
course, would not really be felt), others for the various forms of learning,
additional ones that would establish memories of each acquisitional experience,
at least two different ones for communication, yet another for quorum sensing, a
separate one for processing temperature gradients, distinguishing different
nutrients, directing motility, making decisions about where to relocate, and when
to shift gene expressions. It simply makes no sense and, worse, there is no
evolutionary mechanism that could create such a stunning array of functions in
an organism that is supposedly dumb as a post—especially in the chaotic pre-
biotic environment where change, flux, and variation was a staple of the world,
and still is. Trying to explain the behaviours of single-celled species as a
collection of separate, genetically determined, mindless actions is messy,
cumbersome, and unlikely in the extreme. But, toss in the core assumption of the
CBC, a palpable sentience, and everything falls neatly into place. We claim
William of Occam’s crown. We also conclude that ‘there is something it is like to
be a prokaryote’. We may not know ‘what’ that is but we are certain that we
know ‘that’ there is.
Second, assuming these kinds of mindless, robotic systems did somehow
evolve independent of sentience does not help for the simplest of reasons. It
provides no additional explanatory power over the CBC position. And, worse,
you are back skewered on the pike of the emergentist’s dilemma. If the argument
is that sentience was not an inherent feature of even the simplest unicellular
species, you have a fundamental responsibility. You need to present a coherent,
scientifically testable model that explains how, when, and in what species
phenomenal experience, sentience, a mind, first appeared. That, as we have seen,
is one tough nut to crack. And, we will repeat yet again: none of the researchers
who have taken this position has even acknowledged, let alone attempted, to
solve this problem.
Third, taking the CBC stance frees us up from a creeping mysterianism that
several scientists and philosophers have recently embraced. Here is an extended
quote from a recent book one of us wrote that tried to deal with the issue (Reber,
In this world of the new mysterian, the explanatory gap is somehow made real and unbridgeable, the
impossibility of matter making mind taken as an epistemic inevitability, accepted as gospel, embraced
as truth without evidence. The Hard Problem gets turned into the Impossibly Hard Problem or the
Hardest Problem of All.
The Cellular Basis of Consciousness approach saves us from these kinds of mysterian notions. It opens
another empirical path to wander down but it’s one that has a well-defined goal at the end: uncover the
biochemical, molecular processes that first emerged in the simplest life forms that produced the
emergence of sentience. After that, it’ll just be more evolutionary biology, something we do quite well.
Now it is time to take on the real challenges, the first of which will be to
examine the Vitalism–Mechanism debate and look at what we know about the
origins of life.
1 As noted above, the earliest eukaryotes resulted from an endosymbiotic merging of two prokaryotes.
Although their physical form is that of a unicellular species, there are good reasons for treating them as
multicellular (see Chapter 4 for further discussion of this oft-neglected point). However, we will include
them in this chapter as they display a host of behaviours and functions that are further evidence of cognitive
processes in relatively simple species.
2 Some of which was discussed previously in Baluška and Reber (2021), Baluška et al. (2022b), and
Reber (2019).
3 The role that genes play in these adaptive learning and memory functions is complex. We discussed the
issue in Baluška and Reber (2022) and present more detail on it in Chapter 11.
4 Wegner’s 2002 book The Illusion of Conscious Will is an unpacking of the notion of will that argues,
persuasively in our minds, that we don’t have anything like what the average layperson thinks of as ‘free
will’. What we do have is a more mundane but more understandable range of things we can choose to do, or
not, under the momentary circumstances. We have, in short, the capacity for choice but it is far from ‘free’
and, ultimately, the notion of ‘will’ is best handled metaphorically. The issue of course, is far from resolved
(see Baggini, 2005).
5 In passing, it is worth noting that quorum sensing is also used by more complex species including the
hive insects like bees and termites to make decisions about when a nest has exceeded its optimal size and
should split.
6 The details of these communicative processes can be found in Beagle and Lockless (2015) and more on
quorum sensing is in Schertzer et al. (2009).
7 This is an interesting issue and we will discuss it further in Chapter 12. The reason we are calling it
altruism is because it has the two key features typically identified: (a) the response increases the well-being
of others while (b) it puts the individuals making it at risk. Note that the Humphries et al. (2017) finding is a
classic case of non-kin altruism.
What Is Life? The Vitalism–Mechanism Debate and
the Origins of Life
What Is Life?
Anyone delving into the definition of life will make a disquieting discovery.
There is no established consensus. Enthusiastic scientific arguments are
presented on both sides of that contentious debate, and despite our best efforts,
there are no unambiguous answers.
Arguably, the most influential contribution to this topic was in 1944 by the
Austrian-Irish Nobel Prize-winning physicist Erwin Schrödinger in his seminal
publication What Is Life? In that compact volume, Schrödinger placed life in
terms that make physicists quiver, declaring it to be a special case, defying the
second law of thermodynamics. The second law governs the relationship
between physical order and disorder, generally represented within the framework
of entropy. In an open system, the total disorder of that system must increase
over time as increased entropy. Life is exceptional since it seems to contravene
the second law as an ordered state that never reaches equilibrium. Consequently,
life is a singular physical state. Schrödinger argued that life was defined by this
relative ‘negentropy’ between the external physical world and living organisms,
constituting a state of greater structural ordering, opposing otherwise universal
entropic expansion.
In the decades beyond Schrödinger’s revelatory insight, considerable progress
in cellular biology has steadily accrued with our burgeoning knowledge of the
internal complexities of competent cells. Pertinently, there is an increasing
realization that entropy is interconvertible with information (Brillouin, 1951).
From this equivalency, a few particular characteristics of life come into focus.
Life is an ordered (entropic) state where information (as an entropic
equivalency) has meaning. Crucially, for this conjunction to occur, cellular
consciousness must be present. Further, that essential ordered internal state relies
on the membranous physical boundary that circumscribes all living cells. The
dependence of life on a competent boundary system can now be readily
explained. That membranous boundary is the gateway for the flow of
information into all cognitive cells as a foundational aspect of its information
management system, whose particulars will be discussed in Chapter 7.
It would seem that 60 years after Erwin Schrödinger wrote his book ‘What is Life?’ we should be
able to answer the question. However, Nature never ceases to challenge the limits of our
M. Y. Galperin (2005, p. 149)
The explicit gap separating the living from the non-living cannot be bridged
solely by genetic expression since genes are tools of cells and are inert outside
them (Miller, et al., 2020a). Based on many decades of research, we have learned
that life is defined more by its processes than its molecules. Masi (2022)
considers life as ‘anything capable of metabolizing, eating, excreting,
maintaining homeostasis, growing, adapting and responding to the environment,
reproducing, and evolving’. For most scientists, the capacity to evolve is
regarded as the single most important living attribute. In the search for cosmic
life, NASA has elevated the capacity for evolution, proclaiming it the central
feature in its search for extraterrestrial life. Their definition derives from Carl
Sagan’s vision of life as a ‘self-sustaining chemical system capable of evolution’
(as quoted by Masi, 2022). Current research affirms that this definition is
entirely insufficient.
Although, the origin of life is unknown, it is certain that it was coincident with
the inception of self-referential consciousness. Necessarily, that conscious life
exerted its obliged rules to establish and maintain its living foothold. Through
these perpetual cellular rules, we are the inheritors of an immense succession of
self-referential cellular self-similar reiterations, which have enabled our form of
life, level by level.
Part of the defining problem in the study of life’s origins is an affliction
specific to our modern era. The complexities of every scientific discipline are so
overwhelming that each is relatively segregated from others. Accordingly,
obtaining consensus within one scientific field or cobbling a cross-disciplinary
synthesis imposes natural academic barriers. For instance, in his rewarding book
What Is life?, Nobel Prize-winner, geneticist, and biomedical expert Sir Paul
Nurse emphasizes our need for a modern cell theory in biology. That theory
should concentrate on the endowed properties shared by all living organisms,
focusing on their competent linkages that enable living organisms to evolve and
remain concurrently separate from and connected to the environment (Nurse,
2020). This perspective views life as a propulsive, living process. In contrast, the
Harvard Origin of Life project, which includes the exceptional mathematician
Martin Nowak, declared that ‘life is an engine propelled by evolution’
(Humphries, 2013). For Nowak and colleagues, evolution is governed by precise
mathematical principles. Indeed, in this framework, evolution is not just an
attribute of the living process but is its primary definition, reiterating through
combinations of sequences at successive molecular levels (Nowak, 2006). For
them, like Sagan, the key drivers of life are evolution and natural selection,
which naturally constitute its best definition.
Our approach here, driven by the CBC model, insists otherwise. Life is not
propelled by evolution or natural selection. Instead, life is galvanized by the
consciousness that resides in all living things. Sentient entities communicate and
problem-solve to meet environmental proscriptions (Miller, 2016a, 2018;
Baluška & Reber, 2019). This is the timeless living mission of cells. How is a set
of problem-solving solutions to environmental stresses communicated? That is
heredity in all its forms. Evolution results from this chain of processes that
proceeds through self-referential living choices, not the reverse.
We have learned that the basic cell is a complex enactment of physical
properties into a reproductive, entirely ‘organized whole’ as an entrainment of
physics, utilizing basic minerals and organic molecules (Ho, 1994). These
building blocks may be common in nature, but to join them into living systems
requires lipid membranes, sugars, genes, and calcium—all meeting in a
compatible forum in which reciprocating combinations can seamlessly merge.
How that happened, and its precise order, is yet unknown. Yet, the fundamental
alloying force can now be identified. Self-referential cognition prompts
biological and evolutionary development.
We regard that recognizing organisms as an ‘organized whole’ is essential to
understanding biology. Indeed, this perspective has stimulated several
generations of biologists and philosophers as a form of materialistic holism,
often categorized as ‘organicism’ and separate from vitalism or mechanistic
reductionism (Gilbert & Sarkar, 2000). The central tenet of organicism is that the
whole consists of its parts but becomes greater than any simple summation of
those components because of emergent interactions. The full functions of those
biological parts are context dependent, and attempting to separately reduce a
component to discrete functions outside its exact context leads to a fundamental
misunderstanding of the whole.
This organic holism is increasingly accepted among biologists since it is
amply supported by contemporary research, so much so that it fuels much of
modern systems biology and the growing interest in emergent self-organization
that underpins contemporary studies of metabolism, physiology, and morphology
(Allen, 2005). Further, materialistic holism has become an integral aspect of
analysing the successful adaptation of organisms within their respective
ecological niches (Emmeche, 2004). From our standpoint, organicism is
attractive as it does not entail any vitalistic mysticism and avoids the blind ends
of standard reductionism. For ourselves, we lay no claim to adherence to any
distinct philosophical movement. On the contrary, our allegiance is non-
philosophical and biologically based. Life is cognition, embodied in the
perpetual cellular form.
We do not yet know how the interface between life and non-life was crossed.
The physicist Walter Elsasser insists the behaviour of organisms cannot be
reduced to simple physicochemical reactions (Elsasser, 1987). He repudiated
‘vitalism’, arguing that the structural complexity of cells is ‘transcomputational’,
with computational complexities extending well beyond any machine metaphor.
Indeed, he declared that the separation between the living and the non-living
represents a ‘no-man’s land of irrationality’ whose intricacies are frankly
unfathomable, mirroring the whole universe.
Whatever the case, we can assert that the explicit point of division between
the animate and the inanimate rests discretely between chemical processes on the
one hand and communication and problem-solving capacity on the other. There
may never have been just one line that was crossed, with life emerging on a
sliding scale to achieve full cellular competence. Some insist that we are making
arbitrary distinctions about what constitutes life. Keep it simple, they assert. Life
should be considered just a reproductive lineage capable of collaborating in
metabolism (Dupré & O’Malley, 2009). In that circumstance, the concept of life
might be appropriately applied to viruses, plasmids, prions, and intracellular
What we know with certainty is that life requires biological boundaries since
the living process is as much a product of its constraints as its liberties. However,
once cognition, communication, and problem-solving became entwined within
the cellular compartment, the rest of life can be considered a process of self-
similar reiterations. Each recapitulation from the first instance of cellular
reproduction forward has centred within fundamental cellular principles,
reinforced through the accurate cellular assessment of information, enacted
through cell–cell communication among competent cells, and always directed
towards finding compatible solutions to meet contemporary environmental
stresses. Necessarily then, cells represent an informational interactome (Miller,
2018). All environmental stresses must be internalized so that the three basic
cellular domains can perpetually meet planetary realities (Miller & Torday,
2018). How well have self-referential cells accomplished this? They have
continuously followed their rules for over 3.7 billion years as the planet’s only
perpetual survivors.
Does this dynamic view of life from the first conscious cell forward constitute
vitalism? Surely not in any metaphysical sense. Nonetheless, cellular
consciousness is a verifiable reality. That ineffable quality is our living domain
and we can securely declare that cellular cognition/sentience is the basal impulse
that propels all subsequent biological and evolutionary development. When
correctly viewed within this framework, life becomes a property beyond ‘being’
constituted by material components. Instead, life is a concordant process of self-
referential communication, problem-solving, and collaboration. Vitalism or not,
that planetary gift of consciousness is the central nexus of our continuous
planetary narrative over the billions of years required to yield us. Thus, even if
many answers still elude us, the path towards settling the enduring debate
between vitalism, organicism, or strictly mechanistic reduction can now be
identified. That resolution resides within the identification of those specific
factors that enable the elusive, transcendent quality of living sentience
conclusively separating the animate from the inanimate, which is the mission of
this volume.
Emergence and Evolution of Cells
Developmental biology can be seen as the study of how information in the genome is
translated into adult structure, and evolutionary biology of how the information came to be
there in the first place.
John Maynard Smith (2000)
In Chapter 3, the problems of defining life and precisely understanding its origin
were discussed, and the various factors delineating the living process were
reviewed. One intriguing means of exploring how the animate separates from the
inanimate resides in the complex topic of information science. Pertinently, there
is a clear-cut distinction between how computers and machines use information
and how living organisms assess and utilize it. That crux is that all information is
ambiguous in the living state and thereby distinctly unlike the zeros and ones
that constitute computer data.
This critical difference explains several previously unresolved issues in
biological development, including the origin of multicellularity and the role of
the virome in evolutionary biology. Furthermore, it places life in its correct
perspective. The most important aspect of biology is that all cells are conscious,
self-aware, self-referential, sentient agents. Living organisms are not automatons
that receive information from the environment and respond to it automatically
according to a fixed programme. Instead, intelligent cells measure the
information they receive, which is the essence of our biological experience
(Miller et al., 2020a). Cells measure information to assess its meaning and, based
on those measurements, decide whether or not to communicate that information
to other living organisms and deploy its meaningful content as biological
expression (Miller, 2018). Since the living state is dependent on that cellular
measurement of information, it is apparent that life represents an informational
interactome and that the maintenance of cellular integrity and survival is
rigorously dependent on the competency of its information management system.
This chapter will explore this intimately linked cellular chain of events and
explain its further implications.
This book is premised on the copious research demonstrating that all cells are
intelligent, problem-solving agents (Ford, 2004, 2009, 2017; Shapiro, 2007,
2021; Lyon, 2015; Miller, 2016a; Reber, 2019; Baluška et al., 2021b, 2022b). As
discussed in Chapter 3, the living context of cells is their active management of
information. Cells assess information internally and, dependent on that self-
generated appraisal, communicate to other cells, deploying their limited assets to
sustain cellular balance and protect crucial self-identity. Cellular information
assessment is dependent on the complex linkages that comprise the cellular
senomic apparatus, beginning with the cell’s plasma membrane in immediate
contact with the external environment and extending across its entire internal
milieu (Baluška & Miller, 2018; Miller et al., 2020a; Baluška et al., 2021b).
Crucially, that internal assessment of information constitutes a measurement. Its
meaning is an at-the-moment evaluation of the impact of that external
environmental stimulus vis-à-vis the cell’s self-referential state of preference that
references to its robust retrievable and deployable memory. In simplest terms,
any informational inputs (temperature, light, bioactive molecules) can be
considered a deflection from the mean, which the cell measures to determine its
contingent deployment of resources to meet this variable. As has been
emphasized, cells measure information since all cellular information is
imprecise. Perfect information does not require the expenditure of scant energy
for its assessment.
Evolutionary biologists have traditionally overlooked that cells measure
information; indeed, the study of evolution has not traditionally centred on cells.
Instead, it began as a discipline devoted to rigorous observation and, in the latter
half of the 20th century, devolved into a focus on population genetics.
Consequently, the ramifications of the critical issue of the ability of intelligent
cells to measure information was unappreciated until the last few years (Miller,
2016a, 2018; Miller et al., 2019, 2020a, 2020b). However, the scope of cellular
measurement of information is vital to all biological and evolutionary
In this chapter, the direct connections between measurement, communication,
and natural cellular engineering will be investigated. Through that exploration, it
will be explained why the prior concepts of genes as the centre of biological
activity must be thoroughly reconsidered in a modern context. In 20th-century
neo-Darwinism, genes were presumed to control cells and determine cell fates.
In the 21st century, genes are acknowledged as tools of intelligent, measuring
cells. Instead of the prior conception of our central genome as a nearly inviolable
genetic repository, it has been conclusively demonstrated that genes and the
entire genetic panoply of cells are flexible and malleable participants in cellular
1. First, cells are engaged in collaborative engineering. Consequently, this collaborative engineering
produces the complex cellular ecologies that constitute the bodies of all multicellular eukaryotes
(including you). All phenotypes are the result of concordant natural cellular engineering (Miller et
al., 2020a). Notably, phenotype not only includes observable features like height, weight, hair colour
or texture, or limbs but all metabolic processes. If you look up the definition of phenotype, the
internet will commonly define phenotype as genetic expression. However, there is a vital difference
that should be fully accounted for in modern biology. That genetic expression is a reciprocating
effect of the cellular assessment of environmental cues and collaborative cellular decisions about
how to productively adjust to new stresses. Consequently, phenotypic variations are the result of
concordant differential natural cellular engineering and niche constructions in reciprocation with a
flexible read–write cellular genetic complement.
2. When coordinated biological expression as phenotype is accredited as being due to natural cellular
engineering, it is unquestionably driven by largely non-random processes. That coordinated
engineering is a direct manifestation of cellular problem-solving in response to environmental and
epigenetic impacts (Miller et al., 2021).
3. Since all multicellular eukaryotes are holobionts with active participants from each of the four
domains (Prokaryota, Archaea, Eukaryota, Virome), any holobionic multicellular variation as co-
engineering must be a product of co-engineering among representatives of all four domains (Miller
et al., 2020a). Consequently, the nature of the relationship of the virome to cells requires re-
evaluation. Although viruses are typically described in terms of host–pathogen interactions, that
represents a small minority of the complex interplay between viruses and cells. In the main, viruses
are co-partners with cells in natural viral–cellular engineering, working along with cells in
maintaining suitable niche constructions.
4. Natural cellular engineering and its coupled process of natural genetic engineering are expressions of
cellular problem-solving. However, the explicit purpose of cellular problem-solving is precisely
directed to the protection of the self-integrity of all cellular constituents (Miller et al., 2019). Cells
collaborate volitionally, and cells have learned that their individual interests are best served within a
collaborative form. Indeed, this individual cellular impulse to protect both individual self-identity
and the self-integrity of others is so ingrained that it has been characterized as form of altruism. As
noted in Chapter 2, Gürol Süel and colleagues at the University of California, San Diego found that
distinctly separate colonies of Bacillus subtilis will communicate distress to one another, stimulating
volitional reciprocating adjustments in nutrient uptake of the non-stressed colony in response to
nutrient depletion in a common environment (Prindle et al., 2015). Cells in one colony will sacrifice
to aid the other.
5. When genes are acknowledged as tools of cells subordinate to and reciprocating within a replete
cognitive cell-based informational interactome, the general narrative of evolutionary development
requires a complete reappraisal. In sum, and as will be discussed next, cellular consciousness
changes all previous theories of biological and evolutionary development. Almost everything that
comprises the core of the modern synthesis requires revision since the narrative changes from
genetic mutations and gene frequencies to our contemporary understanding of intelligent, measuring
cells as organized wholes.
Biological and Evolutionary Consequences of Genes as Tools
Darwin’s 1859 On the Origin of Species continues to be acknowledged as the
seminal text in evolutionary biology. However, it is often overlooked that his
inspiration was a theory of forms (Bowler, 2003). With the advent of genetics in
the mid-20th century, evolutionary biology was transformed into a theory of
genes, becoming instilled within the prevailing, canonical neo-Darwinian
modern synthesis. In Darwin’s time, two central questions dominated the debate.
How can life’s diversity and history be explained, and how do form and function
match (Pigliucci, 2007). Lamarck offered an answer through continuous
environmentally induced adaptation, and his conjectures were well regarded in
the 19th century (Gould, 2002). Indeed, it is often overlooked that Darwin was
partial to Lamarckian precepts, offering his own version, termed ‘pangenesis’ in
his 1868 Variation in Plants and Animals under Domestication, attempting to
justify the transfer of traits of somatic cells to offspring under environmental
pressure. Despite summary rejection during the 20th century, Lamarck’s
perceptions are now reinvigorated within the burgeoning science of epigenetics.
Similarly, other previously sacrosanct areas of evolutionary biology are being
substantially re-evaluated. Noble (2021) insists that the modern synthesis, first
formulated in 1942 with the birth of genetic studies, remains steeped within four
governing illusions: the absolute primacy of natural selection, the inviolable
separation between somatic and germ cells, Crick’s central dogma of a
unidirectional flow of genetic information, and a rejection of Darwin’s
gemmules which presumed active cross-connections between somatic cells and
the germ line. All have been contradicted by modern studies, but stubborn
beliefs have impeded the development of a fully coherent alternative to the
modern synthesis.
Of these outdated concepts, perhaps the most nettlesome has been the
commanding influence of Crick’s central dogma asserting primacy of genes.
Nonetheless, the accuracy of that dictum has been increasingly questioned
(Shapiro, 2009, 2021; Camacho, 2019). An embedded belief still exists that the
central dogma remains true according to Crick’s original pronouncement that
‘once sequential information has passed into protein it cannot get out again’,
known informally as the ‘sequence hypothesis’. Recent CRISPR analysis has
begun to call even that into question (Ille et al., 2022). Nonetheless, any narrow
vision of genetic adjustments misses the essential dynamic of a whole-cell flow
of information that is certainly not unidirectional. That entire flow of
information enables a cell to uphold itself, expressed as its self-referential self-
integrity, sustaining its crucial homeorhetic balance and granting it adaptive
flexibility (Miller et al., 2020a). Consequently, the genome and the rest of the
cell-based genetic complement are considered facets of a whole-cell read–write
informational architecture as a crucial component of the cell-wide critical feature
of its information management system.
An alternative conceptual model is now offered that better explains the elusive
nature of living organisms and the complexities of cellular dynamics.
Specifically, the central dogma is replaced by a cell-wide read–write information
system embodied within the cellular form that is compatible with framing
biological and evolutionary development through the flow of information.
Consequently, the cell must be regarded as an organized whole in which the
proteome has a vital reciprocating impact on the genetic resources of the cell,
contravening Crick’s central dogma. Consequently, genes and genetic material
are tools within the information management system of competent, sentient cells,
enabling the requisite harnessing of stochastic and non-stochastic informational
inputs to yield productive outputs. Through this differing frame, evolutionary
biology is returned to its Darwinian roots as a theory of forms and not genes.
Crucially, those forms are shaped by the congruent action of the entire suite of
capacities of intelligent cells as organized wholes rather than genes as ‘selfish’
quasi-autonomous agents, as previously presumed.
Fortunately, contemporary research has spurred a substantial reappraisal of
genomes and how the entire suite of genetic components in cells operate. That
research has displaced the previous conception of genomes as a blueprint (Ball,
2016; Miller, 2018; Miller et al., 2020b; Torday & Miller, 2020). Previously, a
common metaphor for the genome was that it represented ‘the book of life’.
However, it is now understood that the genome is not a book in any traditional
sense. Instead, genes are a type of ‘translational dictionary between two different
worlds (languages), i.e. the world of nucleic acids and the world of proteins’
(Cartwright et al., 2016). The now-refuted metaphor failed to account for the
dynamic, read–write capabilities of the genome by which it flexibly serves
continuous cellular adaptation. Further, the vital role of the large fraction of the
central genome that is non-coding can now be honoured. Research has
demonstrated that this extensive peripheral non-coding DNA protects the
eukaryotic genome through a complex set of interactions. Hence, rather than a
book, a genome is better analogized to an insect colony, which functions as an
extended social habitat exhibiting common defence mechanisms (Qiu et al.,
Consequently, 21st-century biology views the genome as speaking a common
language deployed across the living planet (Torday & Miller, 2020). The genome
and the entire array of genetic participants in cells play a crucial role in
evolutionary development as one of the primary mechanisms of information
transfer as community-wide cell–cell communication. Far from the common
conception of viruses painted in neo-Darwinism within a traditional host–
pathogen model, the virome is a critical co-partner in information transfer as
cell–cell communication and as a co-engineering participant with cells in cellular
Therefore, viruses, retroviruses, subviral particles, and retroelements assist
cells in their continuous adaptation to a shifting environment. Goldenfeld and
Woese (2007) insisted that the neo-Darwinian conception of the virome as mere
pathogens was a fundamental misapprehension. Instead, the virome should be
viewed as a collective memory repository of community-wide genetic
information, thereby contributing to evolutionary dynamics. Notably, viral
incursions do not necessarily trigger immediate results as potential cellular co-
partners. Both non-pathogenic and pathogenic viruses can display latency and sit
quietly within the cellular milieu. In this sense, the virome can be considered ‘on
call’ for future deployment in times of environmental stress, with resulting
bioactive expression. Similarly, TEs, alongside retroviral inclusions, are now
known to be appreciable participants in evolutionary development, partly
accounting for continuous cellular adaptation but also intermittently triggering
bursts of rapid speciation and evolutionary transitions that account for brisk
adaptive variation (Oliver & Greene, 2011).
Cells can produce new phenotypes through collaborative natural cellular
engineering. This process is the biological expression of multicellular
assessment and measurement of informational cues of imposed environmental
stresses. Through their collective action, congruent phenotypic variations as
cellular niche constructions emerge. Necessarily, both random inputs and non-
random cell-generated responses impact that coordinated cellular engineering
(Miller et al., 2020a, 2020b, 2021). As part of this interleaved process, a logical
processor decides if any generated new state is a preferable environmental
response or should be discarded. That logic processor is cellular
At one time, it was presumed that the central genome subsumed this role as
the controlling agency of cell fates. Modern studies indicate that the genome is
crucial, but as a participant in a cell-wide read–write memory system rather than
a developmental agency. Instead, the information management system of the cell
permits the productive separation of conflicting environmental stimuli,
distinguishing between random noise and significant cellular information, and
melding them into integrated, purposeful outputs. Consequently, random inputs
are channelled into practical biological expression as the ‘harnessing of
stochasticity’ (Noble & Noble, 2018). In this manner, random events can be put
to productive purposes. However, for that to be the case, there must be a
biological logic processor coordinating this cell-wide information management
system (Miller, 2018). Unquestionably, genes do not suffice. Instead, they serve
the logic processor, which is, the cellular consciousness assumed in the CBC
The old-fashioned model of evolution ensconced in the neo-Darwinian
modern synthesis regarded random replication errors as the actual drivers of
evolution (Bowler, 2003). Nonetheless, replication errors are subject to highly
controlled error correction mechanisms in which the ability to correct errors via
DNA polymerases can vary substantially depending on genome location and
type of error (Kunkel, 2009). Epigenetic marks are also subject to revision,
suppression, or deletion during two life-cycle stages. The cellular judgement of
their biological suitability is largely determined during the obligatory
recapitulation through the unicellular zygotic state and then further during early
embryogenesis (Torday & Miller, 2016a). During this critical transition period,
cells make decisions for their immediate and long-term benefits. Many of those
epigenetic imprints are random occurrences. Nonetheless, some are differentially
preserved and heritable. That differential has a significant impact on
evolutionary development as a harnessing of stochasticity to sustain cellular
balance or offer novel, beneficial results.
This same narrative determines any viral contribution to adaptive cellular
responses. Viral genetic memory, either DNA or RNA, can be modified by
several variational mechanisms, such as recombination, random point mutations,
post-replicative repair, regulation of lysis, or relaxing polymerase proofreading
(Sanjuan & Domingo-Calap, 2016). Each of these is further influenced by
environmental factors (Zamai, 2020). This mechanism resembles a type of
genetic algorithm through which the generation of new phenotypes intimately
links to genome-wide protein–protein interactions that reciprocally interact with
viral replication/transcription (Pan et al., 2008). Clearly, there are sets of protein-
based biochemical mechanisms that can write on viral and cellular memory by
‘intentionally’ modifying DNA/RNA, contravening Crick’s central dogma.
Perhaps the most consequential reason that the prior presumption of the
primacy of genes must be reconsidered is the rapidly increasing understanding of
the critical impact of our trillions of co-partnering microbial partners on our
biological and evolutionary development (Gilbert et al., 2010; Miller, 2013,
2016b, 2018; Chiu & Gilbert, 2015; Miller et al., 2020a; Torday & Miller, 2020).
It is currently estimated that the human microbiome has between 10 and 100
trillion constituents (Thursby & Juge, 2017). Some estimates of the human gut
microbiome suggest that there are ten times as many bacterial cells as our
personal eukaryotic cells, and their total genetic complement might be 100 times
greater than our intrinsic human one. Others dispute that number and insist that
the ratio is closer to one to one (Sender & Fuchs, 2016).
However, it bears emphasis that these estimates are for bacterial cells as the
most accessible type of microbial constituency for evaluation. None of these
estimates include the virome, and nearly every bacterial cell has its constituency
of phages (viruses in bacterial cells) that contribute to its metabolic outputs.
Furthermore, each of our body sites has its personalized constituent microbiome.
For example, human testes have a dedicated microbiome that contributes to
testicular function (Altmäe et al., 2019). None of these should be considered
passive since microbes function as gene-swapping collectives (Goldenfeld &
Woese, 2007).
Our obligate microbiome is a crucial participant in all of our metabolic
processes and serves a critical reciprocating role in our adaptive resiliency
(Miller, 2016a, 2020b, 2018; Miller et al., 2020a; Torday & Miller, 2020). Over
the last several decades, research has confirmed that the microbiome of
holobionts has a substantial role in biological development based on extensive
mutual dependencies (Kelly et al., 2017). Our constituent microbiome has a
considerable impact on our phenotypes. Through that partnering contribution,
microbiomes significantly contribute to holobionic phenotypes (Lynch & Hsiao,
2019). Most readers are likely to be familiar with the broad impact our gut
microbiome has on our metabolism, partially governing satiety, obesity, and
bowel function. However, our microbiome also crucially influences our brain
and nervous system. For example, our microbiome is essential for the proper
operation of our human gut (Cho & Blaser, 2012), brain, and central nervous
system, even affecting our moods and behaviours (Cryan & Dinan, 2012).
Further, the microbiome has a critical influence on the entire suite of functions of
our immune system, serving as a critical interface between health and disease
(Postler & Ghosh, 2017). Research reveals that every aspect of our metabolism
and physiology has a co-dependent relationship with our microbiome and
adaptive immune responses across our lifespan (Hooper et al., 2012).
Accordingly, it is insufficient to consider evolutionary development through
the restrictive lens of a central genome absent the contribution of this essential,
obligatory contribution factor comprising a genetic complement of millions of
genes that vastly outweighs our paltry 23,000 or so genes. That peripheral,
correspondent genome may not be primary, but neither is it inconsequential.
What role does this obligate microbial genome serve? It is the ready response
system to immediate environmental stresses (Miller et al., 2019). Our relatively
insulated central genome reacts more slowly. Together, they comprise our
exceptionally competent biological system.
Nor is it realistic to singularly concentrate on DNA. Our vast repertoire of
cellular RNA agents represent critical aspects of cell–cell communication,
coordination, and regulation (Villarreal & Witzany, 2019). Most viruses, as
mostly RNA agents, also participate in this intercellular communication grid. All
of these have a complex working relationship with cells, along with TEs, circular
DNAs, and RNA stem loops that contribute to every aspect of cellular life, exert
regulatory controls, alter adaptive immunity, and participate in evolutionary
transitions (Witzany, 2020).
That Was Then, This Is Now: The Demise of the Selfish Gene
The thorough revision of our previous concept of the nature of the genome
heralds a complete reappraisal of biological and evolutionary development. In
the 20th century, evolutionary thought was dominated by the theory of the
‘selfish’ gene (Dawkins, 1976). Evolution was the product of natural selection. It
was not about species or communities but a narrative of preserving individuals
as vessels for their selfish genes. In that era, genes and gene frequencies were
thought to rule. Biology in the 21st century is transformative and explicitly
cognition based. In 21st-century biology, cellular consciousness is biology’s
driving force. The central enacting expression of that cellular consciousness is
the cell’s requisite measurement of the informational cues that the environment
contributes. Cells measure because living information is imprecise.
Consequently, the cell’s sentient capacity to sense that its information is
uncertain represents the distinct root of cellular self-awareness, supported by its
vast panoply of bioactive molecules, energetic fields, and the full array of its
senomic physical apparatus. From that living base, all life spills forward.
To measure better, cells collaborate. This requisite impulse energizes natural
cellular engineering and, correspondingly, since cells intimately partner with the
virome, natural viral–cellular engineering. The purpose of that engineering is
clear-cut. Cellular engineering and, indeed, all cellular communication and the
cellular deployment of resources are tasked to solve problems. In cellular terms,
problem-solving equates with the maintenance of self-referential homeorhetic
balance. Thus, the role of the cell’s entire genetic complement, including its
central genome and abundant supporting cytoplasmic genetic constituency such
as plasmids and circulating small RNAs, clarifies. All the cell’s genetic material
is part of a flexible read–write informational architecture supporting cellular
self-identity as reciprocating, retrievable, and deployable memory purposed for
cellular problem-solving. Reproduction must now be viewed differently.
Reproduction is another form of problem-solving for cells to sustain the three
cellular forms over billions of years. Responsive genomes participate in that
process through the self-editing processes of natural genetic engineering and
continuous modifications by epigenetic impacts.
If the genome and other intracytoplasmic genetic participants function as
memory, what exactly are they remembering? Genomic memory is the repository
of the continuous narrative of cellular solutions to environmental stresses. All
multicellular organisms are an expression of that narrative in biological form.
Through this continuous reciprocating process, cells maintain themselves
through constant assimilation of the external environment. To accomplish that,
cells form holobionic tissue ecologies that further aggregate to become us, as
holobionts. Consequently, evolution can be reappraised beyond a 20th-century
narrative of genes to an entirely different, fluid dynamic of intelligent, measuring
cells upholding their fates through collaborative information assessment and
fluid communication (Miller et al., 2021). Strikingly, biology cannot be a
primarily random process. All cellular actions are based on self-generated
internal measurements and their further communication to stimulate communal
actions. Such deliberative actions represent cellular predictions that are the
opposite of random (Miller et al., 2020a, 2020b).
Over 40 years ago, and long before the contemporary research that underpins
this chapter, the brilliant physicist Walter Elsasser intuited what still represents
the most illuminating concept of the gene (Elsasser, 1981). Working within a
framework of quantum physics, he believed that all biological forms
fundamentally represent expressions of the superposition of states. The concept
of superposition is difficult and non-intuitive but has been confirmed
innumerable times. In physical systems, many configurations are possible at any
time. Superposition indicates that the most probable state is not any specific
fixed one but instead represents a combination of all possibilities that
superimpose on each other. Organisms achieve their form by ‘settling’ into one
or another superposition among the many into discrete biological expressions.
Elsasser insisted that this type of living system could never be controlled by any
simple mathematical rules. Instead, the ‘selection’ from among this large
reservoir of possibilities represents an act of creativity for that organism.
Consequently, heredity reproduction is a process of ‘creativity with constraints’.
Necessarily, these must conform with quantum mechanics, and those constraints
are why ‘progeny tends to resemble progenitors’. This viewpoint significantly
changes the prevailing view that evolution is a mechanistic process that is an
endless stream of minor errors, as the modern synthesis stubbornly maintains.
Instead, a new biology emerges in which a gene is an ‘operative symbol which
functions as the releaser of a creative process’ (Elsasser, 1981, p. 131).
There is a critical entailment from this edifying insight. Any released cellular
creativity derives from the self-referential measuring assessment of information.
Although not obvious, any information or cell–cell communication purposed
towards creativity as biological expression is necessarily a prediction by both
specific cells and collaborating cells as co-engineering. Yet, this coordinated
process is precisely how biological variation emerges. Environmental inputs
stimulate cells to co-engineer in alternative directions. Hence, biological
variations are not random events. Instead, biology variations are purposeful and
creative expressions sourced through cellular predictions (Miller et al., 2020a,
Additional research is needed to establish the entire role of the genome and its
constraints. However, it is now clear that far from being a passive participant, as
once believed, the genome is a direct and flexible participant through consistent
and responsive self-editing as natural genetic engineering and epigenetic
modifications (Witzany, 2011; Shapiro, 2016, 2019). The genetic mobilome,
including large numbers of TEs, is crucial for cellular adaptation in cooperation
with its flexible genome (Shapiro, 2017). Accordingly, non-selfish genes assist
essential symbiotic partnerships among cells and their companion viruses to
attain and sustain compatible habitats as niche constructions. Within this
narrative, genes are tools. What is the glue that binds these complex processes?
Cellular sentience forms that critical bond.
All cells are self-referential cognitive, sentient agents. Computers are logical
but share none of these defining attributes. Computers have no ambiguities.
They share no doubts, preferences, or experiences, nor can they harness random
occurrences, like human engineers often do, in any manner like the living frame.
Neither do our genes. As we noted in the Prologue, AI devices have already
passed a version of the Turing test and seduced a perceptive human into
believing it is fully conscious. Yet, it is still a computer, offering a passing
simulation of a breathing human but only remaining an engineering deception.
The N-Space Episenome
Life as Information Management
The reader might wonder, what is the point of a chapter on anaesthetics in a book
devoted to the examination of the foundations of sentience, in particular one
based on the principle that life and consciousness are coterminous The point is
rather straightforward—as we will see, all species are sensitive to anaesthetics
and the question essentially asks itself. Why? Why would even the most
primitive unicellular organisms be sensitive to and respond to anaesthetics if
they did not feel pain, and did not suffer under stress? As we will see, the
biological mechanisms involved in the manner in which cells respond to
anaesthetics are not simple and, while still not completely understood, it is clear
that considerable biomolecular resources are involved. A core principle of
evolutionary biology is that processes that require the expenditure of
biomolecular resources are ones that are essential for life. In short, all sentient
species respond to anaesthetics simply because they are sentient, have valenced
experiences, and feel pain.
This exegesis on the biomolecular manner of action of anaesthetics clearly
supports our CBC model. As noted, one of the keys to our approach is that
functions, mechanisms, and processes that were adaptive, with significant
Darwinian fitness, are not lost. They are maintained and become the foundation
for evolutionary change over time. Showing that all species, all organisms are
sensitive to anaesthetics and that all share underlying biomolecular modes of
operation reinforces the proposition that all species, all organisms, feel,
experience pain, and react to stress—including the simplest prokaryotes,
bacteria, and archaea. In short, all organisms have valenced experiences—they
are sentient. In Chapter 11, we will take a similarly deep look at sentience in
plants where the biomechanisms differ but the underlying proposition that all
living organisms are sentient holds.
Plant Sentience
Linking Cellular Consciousness to the Cognitive and Behavioural
Features of Plant Life
Introductory Remarks
One of the central themes of this book is that our CBC model and its associated
research strategy differs in fundamental ways from what we have been calling
the ‘standard approach’. We begin the exploration of sentience and
consciousness with the simplest life forms and follow the evolution of cognition
as it developed in more complex species. As noted in several places, the more
common framework is the one that begins with the mental life of Homo sapiens
and looks backward through the evolutionary tree for behavioural
commonalities, biomechanical analogues, and homologues of sentience.
Working within the standard framework, the approach to issues of ethics, animal
welfare, imposition of suffering, the guidelines and regulations of medical
research, commerce, and food processing is relatively straightforward. The
efforts turn on identifying the species that are determined to be sentient, feel
pain, and experience suffering and establish guidelines for their welfare. As we
will see, problems have emerged within this framework primarily because
different researchers and advocates for welfare identify different species and
clades as ones that do, in fact, suffer, do feel pain, and should be given
consideration in all aspects of relevant commercial and research enterprises.
The CBC, on the very other hand, invites, or better, insists that a variety of
additional issues be put under the microscope. We will try to cover all that seem
relevant, noting that in most cases we have no definitive conclusions, only a
motivated framework within which to operate. Our hope here is to engage in and
encourage discussion, debate, and bring in an alternative point of view. We have
a conceptual platform, it tends to be inclusive, but pragmatic and emphasizes the
dignity of all life forms, the interconnectedness of individual organisms and the
planet, builds on efforts to preserve the ecology of complex biospheres, and
outlines a general framework for how to function ethically, behave morally, do
as little damage, cause as little pain as possible, and work to mitigate that which
results from actions taken and decisions made.
These are issues that have not, so far as we have been able to discern, been
broached in the literature but, in our view, need to be. As we have noted in
several places (Baluška et al., in press; Reber et al., in press), the Homo sapiens-
focused strategy is non-optimal and is the reverse of that taken in the physical
and chemical sciences. There, the standard approach has been to begin with the
simple and work towards more complex circumstances as insight and
understanding develop. A critical feature of our CBC model is that it emulates
the natural sciences—begin with the simplest species. In this final chapter, we
will examine the manner in which these two research strategies deal with matters
of morality, ethics, and species welfare.
Let us begin this exploration with a simple fact about the carbon-based life on
this planet—one that some might find uncomfortable:
Except for unicellular prokaryotes and photosynthetic organisms, who are content to consume sugars
and minerals, every organism on the planet lives by ingesting other organisms. Ingesting, of course, is
made possible by engaging in acts that damage or kill other organisms—with a few species that wait
for others to do the deed and then come in for feeding.
In the following discussion we will raise issues that have been part of a variety
of ongoing conversations in fields as diverse as moral philosophy, evolutionary
biology, medical research, food science and commerce, species welfare, and the
role of governmental regulation. In addition, there are issues that have
significant personal features in lifestyles and still others that make contact with
larger social and cultural deliberations. Our goal here is to focus on the
implications of extending these issues to other biological domains examined in a
framework based on evolutionary biology and the deep message of the CBC
The philosophical model that lies behind many of the discussions about welfare
of species is utilitarianism or its earlier instantiation, consequentialism. There
have been a variety of different forms of utilitarianism put forward over many
centuries, but in all, the guiding standard is to try to ascertain the ultimate
consequences of actions, to determine to what extent decisions and operations
based on them increase overall utility—where utility is treated as a general goal
and applied across all the ‘individuals’ impacted by the decisions and actions. In
short, choose actions that have the least negative impact on the species under
consideration and, of course, those that maximize satisfaction and happiness.
There are a number of variations on utilitarianism but each holds onto this
foundation principle. Actions and decisions should be judged on the basis of
which choices maximize happiness, satisfaction, and wellness for the most
‘individuals’. In the standard interpretations, the ‘individuals’ in the analysis are
people.1 In more recent approaches, the coverage extends to ‘sentient beings’
and, again we find the usual struggles to identify which species to include and
which choices and decisions should be made to provide for maximum welfare
for them. We are comfortable with this broad and non-technical utilitarianism—
with the understanding that it does not resolve many of the problems that emerge
when decisions need to be made. Its advantage is that it provides a pragmatic
framework within which to operate.
British moral philosopher Phillipa Foot, a critic of utilitarianism, introduced a
thought experiment some years back known as the trolley problem in which a
runaway trolley is barrelling down the tracks and heading towards five people
who, in the original version, have been tied to the tracks by a mad philosopher.
However, there is a switch you can pull which will divert the train to a siding.
On the siding, however, is a single person, also tied down. Do you pull the
switch? Do you act in a manner that brings about the death of an individual but
saves the lives of five others? The dilemma has been so thoroughly studied and
so many variations on the theme developed, that there is a sub-field in moral
philosophy known as ‘trolleyology’. It is easy to see how the situation can be
made more complex and other factors play a role. For example, in one variation
the single individual is a large, obese person on a bridge over the trolley tracks.
The only way to save the five persons is to push the obese person over the edge
of the bridge—an act very different from simply pulling a switch. In another, the
five are all convicted child rapists and the single individual a respected jurist.
Now, how do you deal with the situation? Put your father or your child on the
single-person track. Et cetera.
In the more familiar terrain of the CBC, we can have a variation on the
problem where the entities are sentient unicellular organisms and the setting is a
Petri dish where a stream of antibiotics is heading towards five prokaryotes but
can be diverted to the other side where there is a single cell. If the five are all
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which are deadly, and the single cell is
Lactobacillus acidophilus, which promotes health, the choice is easy. Flip the
species and the decision changes. Note that the taking of life of equally sentient
organisms ceases to be the critical feature. While the emotional impact of deaths
of the organisms in the Petri dish version is far less than when human beings are
involved, there is little doubt that we would prefer to kill as many deadly
bacteria as we can and protect the lives of beneficial ones.
But in the final analysis, the deep problem with utilitarianism turns on the
difficulty, if not impossibility, of ascertaining what the ultimate consequences of
actions will be. The trolley problem is a nice example of what philosopher Dan
Dennett calls an ‘intuition pump’ in that it stimulates critical thinking in an area
or on an issue but it does not lead to any satisfying conclusions. There are, in
most complex situations where the principle is raised, just too many unknowns
and efforts to make decisions about actions and choices based on what are often
simply educated guesses about the future impact of decisions. In short, we have
adopted a pragmatic utilitarianism. We appreciate the importance of analyses of
the ultimate outcomes of choices and actions but appreciate the criticism that in
most circumstances the final decisions will be lacking in ultimate utility.
As noted above, the debate has been going on literally for centuries with most—
scientific researchers, philosophers, and government regulatory bodies—
concluding that there should be some forms of oversight to prevent or mitigate
suffering when a species is considered to have an existential consciousness. A
classic example of the kinds of issues raised can be seen in the ongoing
discussion involving fish pain. The opening salvo was a paper published in the
online journal Animal Sentience by Brian Key (2016) titled ‘Why fish do not feel
pain’. The paper has received over 40 (as of late 2022) published commentaries
and Key has responded in three separate essays.
Key’s primary claim is that fish do not feel pain because they lack the cortical
structures that are known to be implicated in human experiences of pain. Some,
such as biologist Georg Striedter (2016), argued that the lack of a neocortex does
not imply a lack of painful experiences and maintains that there is not sufficient
evidence to come to any conclusive answer. Others, such as Stuart Derbyshire
(2016), sided with Key. One of us (Baluška, 2016) commented that there is
compelling evidence that plants react to events that cause cell damage by
producing chemicals that have painkilling properties and, importantly, as
discussed in Chapter 10, are sensitive to anaesthetics. If plants feel pain without
anything resembling a mammalian cortex, it is almost certainly the case that
such neural structures are not essential and that fish do, in fact, feel pain.
Stuart Derbyshire (2016) began his commentary with a sentence that makes
clear where the problem is and why there is even a discussion about whether or
not fish feel pain: ‘Debate about the possibility of fish pain focuses largely on
the fish’s lack of the cortex considered necessary for generating pain.’ Again, we
see how the ‘standard model’ of starting the explorations with human
experiences and human neuroanatomy throws the issue into totally unnecessary
confusion. The mental states of Homo sapiens who are suffering are embedded
with human mental representations precisely because of the ways in which our
nervous systems are wired and how the various cortical and subcortical centres
and pathways deal with the environmental inputs. But the conclusion that fish do
not feel pain is absurd. Do they feel pain differently than we do? Does the lack
of a neocortex have an impact on the kinds of pain they experience? Doubtlessly.
They also respirate differently, locomote differently, process the visual spectrum
differently, and detect odours differently. Piscean species and mammals evolved
on distinct branches of the evolutionary tree. But it is misleading in the extreme
to conclude that, because their brains are wired differently from ours, that they
lack certain cortical centres and pathways, that they do not actually feel pain,
and do not suffer when their bio-physiological beings are under stress. The fish
flopping about helplessly in the bottom of a boat with a fishing hook piercing its
mouth is drowning and is doubtlessly in considerable pain.
Similar arguments have been put forward by bio-ethics philosophers
Mikhalevich and Powell (2020) who point to the cognitive functions of
invertebrates and argue that they should have the same kinds of standards of
treatment as vertebrates. As they put it, excluding invertebrates is ‘motivated by
cognitive-affective biases that covertly influence moral judgment’. In a similar
vein Robert Jones (2013) presented an overview of the various ethical
considerations that arise when animals are used in industrial food production and
preparation as well as in scientific research. Not surprisingly, both efforts focus,
as we have seen consistently, on multicellular, larger species and use evidence of
sentience as the criterion for recommending concerns about well-being and the
imposition of government regulations. Once again, we appreciate their efforts
but view them as limited. The issues are larger and pertain across the
evolutionary tree. As we outlined in detail in Chapter 10, there is virtually no
doubt that all living organisms suffer and feel pain as negatively valenced
experiences in some form and note that all respond to anaesthetics in
biomolecularly similar fashions—all of which function to mitigate the
unpleasant experiences. What is the point, evolutionarily speaking, of a species
being sensitive to and responding in appropriate ways to anaesthetics if it did not
experience something akin to what we call ‘pain?’ It would be a waste of
biomolecular resources for no gain—which is not an adaptive evolutionary
Recently, writer Matthew Rozsa ventured into the field in a non-technical essay
in the popular magazine Salon (Rozsa, 2022). While doing due diligence as a
reporter and writer, he focused on our work and the CBC model noting that
‘plants seem to possess a different set of evolutionary tools that suggest they
may experience consciousness, albeit in a radically different way from us’. He
also interviewed one of us (Baluška) and a colleague, Spanish philosopher of
science Paco Calvo, and reported that:
‘We should acknowledge that plants are complex living systems which deserve dignity, as it is stated in
the Swiss Constitution through amendment from 2008 (see Harmon, 2009)’, Baluška argued. ‘As
animals, humans and plants are in close co-evolution and have the same biological origins, we should
treat them as living organisms deserving dignity.’
Calvo noted that, even if humans only acknowledge that plants have a very
primitive form of consciousness, that should still make us feel ‘uneasy’ at the
realization that ‘plants are agents, and not mere objects or resources to be
exploited more or less wisely’.
In short, plants should be dealt with in the same manner that most ethicists
have argued other sentient species should be. Use the precautionary principle to
prevent unnecessary stress and recognize that they are part of the fully balanced
environment within which we all live. Apply a pragmatic utilitarian position in
an effort to recognize what the implications of our actions are and try to mitigate
what suffering we do cause. We began this chapter with the observation that all
species, other than prokaryotes and photosynthetic eukaryotes, can survive only
by damaging or killing and consuming other organisms. It is simply not possible
to survive without causing stress and pain but it can be handled with grace and
sensitivity and an acknowledgement that we are all encased in a complex,
interlocking biosphere in which all are worthy of being treated with dignity—
and, yes, in a complex ecologically structured world, this includes those who are,
shall we say, not our best friends when it comes to our own well-being. Of
course, in households with the pragmatic utilitarianism values we are promoting,
insects like ants, bees, and spiders who venture indoors are gracefully shown the
door and told to handle life as best they can. Mosquitoes and cockroaches are
swatted with no regrets.
1 Wikipedia has a useful entry that touches on the various utilitarian approaches that have been put
forward and the various critiques on them (
2 We note that many of the points we are making here are very similar to the foundation principles of
Jainism where the path to enlightenment calls for non-violence and harm reduction to all life forms,
including plants.
As noted in the Preface and sprinkled throughout the book, there were reasons
for taking the non-definitional route when dealing with our core term,
consciousness.1 One of them was what we found while doing our due diligence,
searching for a useful definition of our central concept. A reasonable place to
start the exercise, we figured, was to look for ‘official’ definitions of the term in
the peer-reviewed reference literature. The most ‘official’ place we know that fits
this description is the Penguin Books Dictionary of Psychology and, since one of
us, Arthur Reber, wrote it, we felt comfortable in starting there. In the first
edition, which was published in the middle 1980s, back when cognitive
psychology was emerging from the hinterlands and rapidly becoming the
dominant approach in psychology, consciousness was given there as:
1. Generally, a state of awareness; a state of being conscious. This is the most general usage of the
term and is intended in phrases like ‘he lost consciousness’. 2. A domain of mind that contains the
sensations, perceptions and memories of which one is momentarily aware; that is, those aspects of
present mental life that one is attending to (see attention). 3. That component of mind available for
introspection. This meaning is found in the older writings of structuralists and other introspectionists.
4. In psychoanalysis, the conscious.
The term has a distinctly checkered history. It has been represented at times as the central focus of
psychology (e.g., structuralism) and at others has been banned from the psychologist’s lexicon as
representing nothing more than the epiphenomenal flotsam of bodily activity (e.g., behaviorism). The
ongoing fascination with it, however, stems from the compelling sense that consciousness is one of the
defining features of our species: that to be human is to possess not only self-awareness but the even
more remarkable capacity to scan and review mentally which we are aware of. [Note: the bolding here
is not for emphasis. It simply signals that the term is defined elsewhere in the dictionary.]
The entry went on to discuss other connotative issues but this gives us a pretty
good feel for how the term had been used in psychology. It did the job and
touched most of the issues, but it didn’t do justice to the range of issues currently
under discussion. The entry was also entirely species-centric. It dealt only with
human consciousness and treated the term as though it denoted functions and
processes only found in Homo sapiens. What was being reflected, of course, was
the bias of the field. Twenty years, three editions, and two new co-authors later,
the fourth edition (now with Emily Reber and Rhianon Allen) still displays these
same themes. There is more up-to-date material but the definition still reflects a
species-centric stance. If there ever is a fifth edition, this narrowness of vision
will be changed.2
How about our chief competitor, the Macmillan Dictionary of Psychology?
The entry on consciousness was written by lexicographer Stuart Sutherland.
Here, there is equally little assistance. Sutherland wrote:
The having of perceptions, thoughts, and feelings; awareness. The term is impossible to define except
in terms that are unintelligible without a grasp of what consciousness means. Many fall into the trap of
confusing consciousness with self-consciousness—to be conscious it is only necessary to be aware of
the external world. Consciousness is a fascinating but elusive phenomenon; it is impossible to specify
what it is, what it does, or why it evolved. Nothing worth reading has been written about it.
Sutherland’s approach rather made it seem that consciousness was like a cold.
You cannot really understand what it is like or how you feel unless you have had
one. Clever but not terribly illuminating—although Sutherland’s tilt toward the
subjective, experiential aspect was typical of the way most used the term. That
last line was, for those who knew him, classic Sutherland. It also made his easily
the most frequently quoted definition.
These two efforts came from psychologists with a cognitive orientation. It is
possible that psychologists’ efforts might prove wanting as we tend to have our
own views on things mental. So let us turn to the authoritative, eight-volume The
Encyclopedia of Philosophy compiled and edited by another long-gone old
friend of one of us (Reber), philosopher Paul Edwards. Paul reached out to
philosopher Charles Landesman to handle the entry on consciousness and
Landesman promptly provided more heat than light:
The term ‘consciousness’ occurs in philosophy, psychology, and common speech with a variety of
different meanings. In this article those meanings will be discussed which are relevant to the
formulation of several recurrent philosophical problems.
And then he described and outlined those problems without making any attempt
to define the term itself.
But lexicographic cowardliness of this kind is nothing compared with the
Penguin Dictionary of Philosophy edited by Thomas Mautner. You might think
you or someone had made some kind of alphabetic sorting error but search as
you may you will not find an entry for consciousness! And nothing for
unconscious, or experience, or awareness. Fascinating how a term regarded as
‘the most challenging and pervasive source of problems in the whole of
philosophy’ by Blackburn can be utterly neglected by Mautner.
Beginning in 1995, Stanford University began publishing, editing, and
regularly updating the freely accessible Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. It
has become one of the most respected online sources for general information on
concepts and terms in the field. The entry on consciousness begins in a manner
that by now those of you still with us here should be ready for:
Perhaps no aspect of mind is more familiar or more puzzling than consciousness and our conscious
experience of self and world. The problem of consciousness is arguably the central issue in current
theorizing about the mind. Despite the lack of any agreed upon theory of consciousness, there is a
widespread, if less than universal, consensus that an adequate account of mind requires a clear
understanding of it and its place in nature. We need to understand both what consciousness is and how
it relates to other, nonconscious, aspects of reality.
What comes next follows the same familiar path only, being the Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy, it is far more extensive than most sources. In fact,
the remainder of the entry is over nineteen thousand words long and explores
scores of specific issues, theories, disputes, and occasional resolutions in the
field without, of course, any suggestion of an effort at a definition.
Wikipedia’s page tells a similar story though it does have a telling sentence in
its rather extensive entry:
Despite the difficulty in definition, many philosophers believe that there is a broadly shared underlying
intuition about what consciousness is. [Emphasis added.]
This is not bad, not at all. It is vintage Searle with its focus on the empirically
demonstrable but when you unpack this paragraph it really turns out to be a
compendium of those mental events, states, and experiences that he feels should
be tucked under the umbrella term itself—which is pretty much the same place
where we arrived when embracing the folk-psychology meaning. Searle, of
course, acknowledges this when he tosses in this line: ‘[W]e are talking about a
definition in common sense terms, sufficient to identify the target of the
Of course, none of this denotative turmoil is new. George Miller, one of the
first to mount a serious research programme in cognitive psychology, fretted
about how this favourite topic of his had been abused. He manifested his
unhappiness in his usual, elegant way. For him, consciousness had become:
A word worn smooth by a million tongues. Depending upon the figure of speech chosen it is a state of
being, a substance, a process, a place, an epiphenomenon, an emergent aspect of matter, or the only
true reality. … Perhaps we become confused because whenever we are thinking about consciousness,
we are surrounded by it, and can only imagine what consciousness is not.
It is worth noting that George Miller wrote this back when psychology was just
beginning to emerge from decades of dominance by behaviourism—and,
amusingly, penned while he and the unrepentant B. F. Skinner, who regarded
such topics as unfit for the attention of serious scientists, were colleagues in the
same department at Harvard.
This contorted denotative and connotative mess gains us, we hope, a little
sympathy for our bailing out on any serious efforts to ‘damn it, define your
terms’ or to track down the meanings of the many others like mind, subjective,
phenomenal, sentience, awareness, or self and self-aware—all of which have, for
centuries now, been worked over by many.
Looking back over this material you can see that strong tendency to tie the
various meanings to the human experience, to our kinds of subjectivity, our
kinds of minds. Essentially all took on the task of defining consciousness
beginning with the presumption that it was a mental state primarily experienced
by members of our species. While it is true that there were a few efforts such as
Donald Griffin’s (1992) that did touch upon the possibility of animal minds, or
for that matter, plant or protozoan minds, it was rare to find an effort at a
definition that was free from species narcissism. And even when the possibility
of consciousness in another species was considered plausible, the subjective
state was still viewed within the context of, or by comparison with, human
experience. Because the focus of the CBC model is on the initial emergence of
sentience, when all was said and done, it just seemed wisest to fall back on the
folk psychology senses of the many terms used as loose synonyms for
consciousness. This, of course, is precisely what virtually all of those working in
the many overlapping and interlocking fields of consciousness science have
1 Some of the material in this appendix appeared in Reber (2017). It is reproduced here with permission
from both Reber and the publisher, Oxford University Press.
2 Penguin has let us know it is extremely unlikely that there will be any future editions. The reason? The
action potentials: The rapid rise and subsequent fall of voltage across
adenosine diphosphate (ADP): ATP molecule lacking one phosphate
adenosine triphosphate (ATP): An energy-carrying molecule found
in all living cells.
ADP: See adenosine diphosphate.
algae: Photosynthetic unicellular protists.
anaesthetics: Compounds that act on specific, sensitive, cellular
targets, especially biomembranes. They induce diminished
sensitivity (analgesia) and loss of consciousness (anaesthesia)
depending on biochemical properties and dosage.
archaea: Prokaryotic, unicellular organisms lacking a nucleus.
However, they have numerous eukaryotic features and are
considered possibly the most ancient form of life. See eukaryote
and prokaryote.
ATP: See adenosine triphosphate.
ATPases: A class of enzymes that catalyse transformation of ATP
into adenosine diphosphate (ADT) for cellular energy
axons: Projections of neurons that conduct action potentials away
from the neuronal cell body.
basal bodies: Protein complexes that function in the assembly of
eukaryotic flagella and cilia.
bioelectric code: Information encoded through bioelectric states of
cellular molecules, structures, and processes that are essential for
guiding growth, development, morphogenesis, and behaviour of
bioelectric field: An electric field generated by fluxes of charged ions
across biomembranes.
biogenesis: Life from life. Generation of living organisms from pre-
existing life, particularly of the same type.
biological Maxwell’s demons: Cellular systems with information
processing capabilities contributing to intracellular structural order.
They operate by controlling what is allowed to enter and leave a
cell through its membrane. The name comes from the thought
experiment proposed by James Clerk Maxwell in 1867 to test the
second law of thermodynamics.
biological order: The totality of the ordered cellular structures and
processes essential for the living status of cells.
bioluminescence: Internally generated light emission by organisms in
which light energy is released by biochemical reactions based on a
light-emitting pigment luciferin interacting with the oxidative
enzyme luciferase.
biomembrane: The selectively permeable sheet-like barrier
separating the inside contents of cells from the external
biophotons: Photons of light in the ultraviolet and ultra-weak ranges
produced by electronically excited biomolecules, especially those
associated with the production of reactive molecular species.
bioplasma: Networks of electromagnetic fields generated within
biopoiesis: Life from non-life. The concept that life develops from
non-living matter and the basis for a widely accepted theory of the
origin of life on Earth.
biosemiotics: The integration of biology and semiotics treating all
organisms as sign-generating and information-interpreting living
biosphere: The sum of all ecosystems on Earth as they evolved
through the functions of biopoiesis and biogenesis.
calcium waves: Wave-like, localized increases of cytoplasmic
carnivorous plants: Plants that have evolved leaf-traps to hunt,
capture, and consume insects and small animals.
cell sentience: Cellular awareness of the external environment and
cellular circadian clocks: Biochemical oscillators within cells that
are synchronized with solar time.
cellular communication: Communication within and between cells.
cellular organelles: Membrane-bound compartments within
eukaryotic cells. See organelles.
cellular respiration: The set of metabolic reactions within cells that
allows conversion of chemical energy of organic macromolecules
into ATP molecules. In eukaryotic cells, cellular respiration is
accomplished within their symbiotic (see symbiosis)
central dogma: The concept that the flow of genetic information is
unidirectional from DNA to RNA and proteins. This outdated
dogma asserted that once information had gone from DNA into
proteins, it could not go back into the genetic code. This
unidirectional process is now known to be incorrect.
centrioles: Cylindrical structures composed of tubulin proteins
organized as nine sets of short microtubule triplets. They play a
role in organizing the microtubules that serve as the cell’s skeletal
centrosomes: Organelles that serve as the main structures allowing
seeding and polymerization of microtubules in eukaryotic cells.
Typically, they consist of two centrioles surrounded by
pericentriolar material.
chemiosmotic theory: A theory based on ATP synthesis through
proton electrochemical coupling. In this process the electron-
transport chain is arranged so that an energy-rich proton gradient is
generated across the inner membrane of a mitochondrion, driving
ATP synthesis.
cilia: Microscopic, hair-like protrusions on the surfaces of many
eukaryotes. They are organized by the cell’s basal bodies and
composed of microtubules and microtubular motor proteins. In
some organisms they vibrate and cause changes in the surrounding
fluids, in others they enable cellular locomotion.
ciliary rootlet: Intracellular extension of ciliary basal bodies (see
basal body) providing structural support to a cilium.
ciliates: Protists that are covered by numerous cilia.
coacervate: Aqueous phase rich in biological macromolecules formed
as large colloidal particles that precipitate out in aqueous medium.
Coacervates are considered the first pre-cells which gradually
transformed into living cells.
coevolution: The process where one species evolves in response to
the evolutionary changes in another species. The changes
themselves typically cause reciprocal adaptation.
cyanobacteria: Ancient photosynthetic bacteria that still thrive in all
planetary environments.
cytokinesis: The process of cell division where a ‘mother’ cell
separates into two ‘daughter’ cells. See mitosis.
cytomatrix: The complex cooperative macromolecular relationship
between cellular interior and the complex set of interior and
exterior water networks.
cytoplasm: All the internal cellular content of a cell, except for the
nucleus and vacuoles.
cytoplasmic calcium: Calcium ions freely localized within the
cytoplasmic streaming: Flow of the cytoplasm within the cellular
cytoskeleton: The network of protein polymers forming filaments
and tubules in the cytoplasm of many living cells, giving them
shape and coherence.
dendrites: Branched tubular extensions of neurons which pick up
impulses from neighbouring neurons.
dendritic spines: Protrusions on the dendrites of neurons which
receive impulses from axons of adjacent neurons.
dimerize: The process in which two molecules combine and create a
single polymer called a ‘dimer’.
electrome: The totality of ionic currents and signals within an
individual cell.
electron transport chain: The transfer of electrons from electron
donors to electron acceptors enabling their transmembrane
transport. The process functions by driving the creation of ATP
used by the cell as energy for metabolic processes and cellular
electrophysiology: The physiology of organisms with a focus on
bioelectric phenomena.
electrostatics: A subdiscipline of biophysics studying electrical
charges of ions and membranes.
embryogenesis: The development of an embryo from a fertilized
oocyte (egg cell).
endocytosis: A process of the internalization of a part of the
extracellular space into the cell by membrane invagination.
endogenous anaesthetics: Anaesthetic compounds synthesized
internally in organisms under stress. Many plant species produce
their own anaesthetics.
endosomes: Intracellular, membranous compartments generated by
the process of endocytosis.
endosymbiosis: A form of symbiosis where the symbiont lives within
the body of a host organism. It is almost certainly the process
whereby the first eukaryotes evolved.
engram: A unit of cognitive information imprinted in cellular
entropy: Disorder, randomness, and uncertainty. The second law of
thermodynamics states that in all closed systems, entropy always
increases. Organisms, in their goal for survival, appear to act
against entropy to create states of greater order.
enzymes: Proteins that act as catalysts accelerating biological
epigenesis: Formation of organisms from an original seed, spore, or
fertilized egg. Epigenesis replaced the now discredited theory of
epigenome: The sum of all non-coding DNA/RNA-based hereditary
information of an organism. Besides the machinery regulating the
packaging of DNA into chromatin and chromosomes, the
epigenome includes all cellular structures acting as templates for
their own replication. It is one means by which organisms adapt to
the environment without requiring a change in the genetic code.
ether: An anaesthetic agent that induces loss of pain sensing
(analgesia) and loss of consciousness (anaesthesia).
ethylene: A plant stress hormone that also acts as a general
anaesthetic agent.
eukaryotes: Complex cells with a nucleus containing the cell’s
genome and a large number of intracellular organelles. The first
eukaryotes are believed to have been formed through
endosymbiosis where a small prokaryote was incorporated by a
larger one.
excitability: The capacity of cells to be excited by stimuli. It’s a
fundamental function for survival of all cellular life and based on
processes generated by biomolecular operations on the cell’s
excitable plasma membrane.
exosome: A extracellular vesicle released from eukaryotic cells.
exteroception: Sensing of events and stimuli in the external
environment. It is an essential feature of the sensory/perceptual
processes of all cells and more complex organisms (compare with
flagella: The membranous protrusions from cells used both for
motility and as a sensing apparatus.
flagellate: 1. A hair-like protrusion on a cell’s membrane that can be
rotated or used in a whip-like fashion for propulsion. 2. A group of
cells, mostly protists and male sex cells, that use microtubule-
based flagella for movements.
frugivores: Animals that feed primarily on fruits and other plant
gamete: See sex cells.
gene: The basic unit of genetic information. The term gene was
introduced by Danish plant physiologist and geneticist Wilhelm
Johannsen in 1909. The concept of a gene is still evolving and has
several different meanings.
gene expression: The transfer of information encoded in sequences of
nucleotides used in the synthesis of proteins, transfer RNAs, small
nuclear RNAs, and non-coding RNAs enabling biological actions.
genome: The sum of all protein-coding DNA/RNA-based hereditary
information of an organism.
holobiont: A multicellular, eukaryotic organism comprised of both its
own eukaryotic cells and its partnering microbiome, forming a
cohesive, adaptive unit through symbiosis.
homeorhesis: The tendency of organisms to return back to their
original trajectories. A ‘trajectory’ can be either movement based or
an internal, sentient process. Compare with homeostasis in which
organism returns to states of stability.
homeostasis: The tendency of organisms to return to their original
biological, physiological state. Compare with homeorhesis where
the tendency is for an organism to return to an original trajectory.
hydrophobic pockets: Protein domains proposed to act as the
primary targets of anaesthetics.
hyphae: Long fungal filaments that can branch, fuse, or join together
to form mycelia cords (see cilia).
info-autopoiesis: The process of the internal self-production of
information. All the information that any cell has about events or
stimuli in the environment must cross the plasma membrane and is
ultimately self-interpreted inside the cell.
interfacial water: A unique state of water with high viscosity and
ordered structure having separate thermodynamic features.
interoception: The sensory/perceptual processing of internal
operations and status of all cells and more complex organisms.
Compare with exteroception.
invagination: Process of biomembrane folding to form a cavity
which can be pinched off as a vesicle.
ions: Molecules with electrical charges.
ionic wave: The flow of ions along cellular structures.
lichens: Composite organisms based on fungi, algae, or
lipid bilayer: The double-layer of phospholipids that forms the main
structure of a biomembrane.
lipid rafts: Domains of biomembranes enriched with ordered
luciferase: An oxidative enzyme producing bioluminescence from
luciferin: A biomolecule that emits light in its excited state through
enzymatic activity of luciferase.
macromolecular crowding: A condition that emerges when
biological macromolecules form collectives at very high
membrane: See biomembrane.
membrane potential: The difference in the electric potential between
the inside and outside of the biomembrane. The interior is
typically negative with respect to the exterior, a feature that
generates energy across the membrane, allowing the transmission of
molecular signals between the cellular interior and the external
membrane repair: Generally, any of several processes that maintain
the structural and functional integrity of biomembranes.
microbiome: A community of microorganisms living together with
their host organism.
microtubules: Polymers of tubulin representing part of the
cytoskeleton of eukaryotic cells. Typically, 13 protofilaments join
together to form a microtubule.
mimicry: The ability of organisms to imitate features of other
organisms for their own advantage and protection.
mitochondria: Symbiotic organelles of most eukaryotic cells
responsible for the cellular aerobic respiration that produces
adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Believed to have originally been a
free-living bacterium that became incorporated in a host cell. See
mitosis: A process where a single cell divides into two ‘daughter’
cells with identical genomic complements and provides each with
an equal division of the plasma membrane. Mitosis is the typical
process of tissue growth and development.
molecular motors: Protein complexes that use ATP to fuel their
morphogenesis: The processes that coordinate the origin and
development of physical characteristics.
multi-vesicular bodies: A special class of late endosomes which
internalize vesicles.
mycorrhiza fungi: Symbiotic fungi that colonize plant roots. These
ancient fungi, which first evolved some 460 million years ago,
allowed early plants to live on land.
nano-intentionality: Intentional faculties of biological
macromolecules allowing intrinsic goal-directedness of all cells.
Nano-intentionality is specific for living cells, and helps explain the
difference between computer architecture, AI, and living systems.
nanotube: A microscopic tubular, membranous connection between
cells forming tubular nanotubes which play a role in
communication and the transfer of cellular resources.
N-space: A term derived from mathematics and used to describe the
four-dimensional fabric that represents the totality of universal
information potentially available to appropriate observers.
N-space Episenome: A multicellular partitioning of N-space that
structures multicellular morphogenesis and the coordinated
embryogenesis. The N-space Episenome is a heritable, adaptive,
information blueprint that guides growth and development from
conception forward and is essential for reproduction and
nucleotides: Organic molecules consisting of a nucleoside and a
phosphate and serving as monomeric units of the nucleic acid
polymers—deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid
(RNA). Nucleotides are the basic structural unit of DNA and RNA.
ontogenesis: Development of organisms from oocytes (eggs)
fertilized by sperm cells.
organelles: Localized structured compartments of eukaryotic cells
each of which performs specific cellular functions.
oxidative phosphorylation: A cell process that harnesses the
reduction of oxygen, generating high-energy phosphate bonds to
form adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which is necessary for
metabolism in all organisms.
peripersonal space: The space surrounding an organismal body that
is in reach of, or can be reached by, adjacent organisms as an
essential component of bodily self-consciousness.
pervasive information field (PIF): A specific sub-domain
compartment of universal N-space representing the totality of all
potential information available to a cell at any moment. This subset
of bio-information is required by cells for effective information
phospholipids: A class of lipids which self-assemble the lipid
bilayers of biomembranes.
photosynthesis: The process of converting the light energy of
photons into the chemical energy of biological molecules.
piezoelectricity: The accumulation of electric charge in some
biomolecules in response to mechanical stress. In cells, the
bioelectricity induced by pressure.
PIF: see pervasive information field.
plant sexuality: The sexual reproduction of plants through the
fertilization of female sex cells (egg cells) by male sex cells (sperm
pollen tubes: Tip-growing tubular plant cells that act as carriers of
male sex cells.
pollinators: Insects or other organisms that transport plant pollen
grains from flower to flower, serving plants in their sexual
polymerization: The process of polymer assembly from associating
polymers: Biological macromolecules composed of numerous
repeating subunits (monomers).
preformationism: The once-popular theory that organisms developed
from their own miniature versions. For example, a human sperm
cell was thought to have a tiny person inside and often depicted as
such. The term, however, is still used in some contexts to refer to
functions that are epigenetic (see epigenesis.)
prokaryotes: Single-celled organisms, including bacteria and
archaea, that, unlike eukaryotes, lack a nucleus. Their DNA is
distributed loosely throughout the organism’s interior.
proprioception: The sense of body location, position, and movement.
proteome: The sum of all cellular proteins.
protists: Single-celled eukaryotes such as protozoa and simple
proto-cells: Non-living, self-organized nano- and micro-sized
biochemical structures that formed in the prebiotic ‘soup’ and are
considered the likely progenitors of fully competent cells.
proton-motive force: The biological processes whereby proton
gradients operate across membranes driving ATP synthesis.
protoplast: A term proposed by Johannes von Hanstein for the entire
cell interior, excluding the cell wall and extracellular matrix.
protozoa: A class of single-celled eukaryotic organisms including
amoeba and paramecia, among others.
radical pairs of electrons: Correlated electron spins involved in the
magneto-perception of birds and a critical element in seasonal
migration. Interestingly, they are also an element in xenon-induced
general anaesthesia.
reactive molecular species: Reactive and charged biomolecules
produced through cellular metabolism and signalling pathways.
Note that ‘species’ here, and in the following entry, refers to a group
of radicals, not a genetically related group of organisms.
reactive oxygen species (ROS): An unstable molecule that contains
oxygen that easily reacts with others in a cell. Excessive build up is
associated with cellular damage, especially to DNA and RNA.
receptors: Biological macromolecules in sense organs. The term has
wide, general reference and also denotes structures that are
distributed across a cell’s biomembranes or an organism’s body that
are capable of receiving and transmitting signals.
redox: A type of chemical reaction in which the oxidation states of
biomolecules change. When electrons are lost, oxidation occurs or
is increased; a gain of electrons produces a decrease in oxidation.
redox code: A set of principles governing and maintaining redox
homeostasis. A redox reaction is a type of chemical interaction that
involves a transfer of electrons between two entities.
redox potential: Oxidation/reduction potential measured as the
tendency of a chemical species to acquire or lose electrons. Each
molecular species has its own intrinsic redox potential. See reactive
molecular species.
regeneration: The process in which an organism is able to reassemble
and reform missing parts or organs.
rhizoplasts: Contractile structures connecting the basal bodies of
eukaryotic flagella and cilia with the surface of the nucleus.
root–fungal networks: Huge networks organized by plant roots and
hyphae of symbiotic fungi which serve in the transport of water
and nutrients and as a means of information exchange across whole
ROS: See reactive oxygen species.
ROS waves: The flow of reactive oxygen species propagating over
considerable distances in response to cellular stimulation.
self-organization: In biology, the ability of life processes and
biomolecular functions to generate and maintain biological order.
senome: The totality of all bioelectric and sensory activities of
biomembranes and their associated organelles and biomolecules
based on the fluxes of all ionic and other cellular charged particles.
senomic field: A bio-electromagnetic field generated by
biomembranes and forming a crucial part of the cell’s sensory
sensors: In biology, sensors are macromolecules, typically protein
complexes, which detect some abiotic or biotic parameters and
convey sensory information into the cell.
sex cells: Reproductive haploid cells, also known as gametes. In
multicellular organisms, male sperm cells are smaller and motile,
whereas female oocytes are large and non-motile.
spontaneous generation: A theory believed for centuries that
organisms regularly arise from non-living matter.
sterols: Organic compounds vital for functions of biomembranes.
symbiosis: A long-term interaction between organisms benefiting all
partners involved. Examples include your partnering microbiome or
the beneficial relationship between ants and acacia trees. The ants
provide the tree with protection against predators and the tree
supplies nutrients to the ants. See also, endosymbiosis.
synaptic domains: Cell–cell adhesion domains consisting of cell-
surface molecules and special types of intercellular bonds critical
for cellular communication.
syncope: Loss of consciousness and muscle strength characterized by
fast onset, short duration, and spontaneous recovery.
thanatosis: Death-feigning marked by tonic immobility. It is a
defensive anti-predatory strategy used by several animal prey
tubulin: Globular proteins which dimerize and form cytoskeletal
polymers known as microtubules.
tunnelling nanotube: A microscopic cytoplasmic bridge between
cells used for cellular communications and exchange of cellular
resources. See nanotube.
valenced experiences: Context-dependent (subjective) awareness of
environmental signals, events, or stimuli. ‘Valenced’ here simply
means that the experiences are marked by either positive or
negative feelings.
vesicles: Biomembrane-derived small, intracellular or extracellular
compartments enclosed by lipid bilayers used to move substances
within or outside cells.
viruses: Semi-living infectious agents that reproduce only inside
living cells. Viruses infect life forms and provoke immune
responses in cells and organisms, but are also crucial partners in
cellular adaptation.
vitalism: The view that living organisms are fundamentally different
from non-living entities by having some type of special essence, an
élan vital.
voltage: The difference in electric potential and charges between two
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For the benefit of digital users, indexed terms that span two pages (e.g., 52–53) may, on occasion, appear
on only one of those pages.
aboutness 17
Ackermann, M. 29
actin cytoskeleton 63–64, 70–73, 86
action potentials 68–69, 72, 146–47
Adamo, G. 14
adaptation 25
adjacents 95
algae 151–52, 153
altruism 32–33, 113–14, 175–76
anaesthetics 63–64, 71, 139–49
action potential sensitivity 146–47
cellular targets 141–44
discovery of 139–40
electro-anaesthesia 146
endogenous anaesthetics 147–48
lipid theory 142–43, 144–45
Meyer–Overton rule 142–43
molecular actions 141–44
plant sensitivity 140, 141, 143, 159–60
pressure reversal 144
proteins with hydrophobic pockets 145–46
sensitivity to 140–41
unicellular organisms 141
anticipation 95
antipodal information 94–95
archaea 62–63, 65–66
assumptions 1–2
ATP 85
ATP synthases 84
attractive field 48
auditory sensing, plants 155–56
avian consciousness 12
avoidance learning 25–26
Damasio, A. 6–7
D’Ari, R. 30
Darwin, C. 43, 114–15
Davies, P. 38
Davy, H. 139–40
Dawkins, R. 112, 119–20
decision-making 30–31
deep-hot biosphere model 40
demons 70–71, 79
Derbyshire, S. 169
Dexter, J. P. 26
DishBrain system 27–28
DNA 59, 77–78
dodder 155–56
Dodig-Crnkovic, G. xx
Driesch, H. 44
Dussutour, A. 26, 27
Edwards, J. 5–6
effective information (EI*) 97, 110
electro-anaesthesia 146
electromagnetic ripples 82–83
electrome 86–87
electronic proteins 146
electron transport 56–59
electrostatic interactions 86
Elsasser, W. 48–49, 53, 121
embryogenesis 131–32
emergentist’s dilemma 4
endocytosis 72–73, 79
endoplasmic reticulum 74
endosomal sorting complexes required for transport (ESCRT) complex 65–66
endosymbiosis 20, 61
engineering cycle 110–14
entropy 40–41
epigenetics 106–7, 117–18, 132–33
Epstein, R. xvii–xviii
Escherichia coli 23, 27, 30
ethanol 148
ethics and morality 163–77
altruism 175–76
pain sensitivity 168–69, 170–71
precautionary principle 167–70
standard model versus the CBC model 164–65
utilitarianism 165–67
vegetarianism and veganism 174–75
welfare issues 170–72
ethylene 142–43
Euglena 69–70
ancient bioelectric and redox codes 59
genes as tools 114–19
key driver of life 51–52
multicellularity 60–61, 62–63
stability 10–11
symbiotic evolution of eukaryotic cells 60–61
viruses as key players 64–66
exclusion zone water 71
exteroception 78–79
extracellular vesicles 81, 83
fatigue 34
fetal development 131–32
first eukaryotic common ancestor (FECA) 65–66
first universal cellular ancestor (FUCA) 55–56
fish pain 168–69
fluid mosaic model 145
Fodor, J. xvi
Foot, P. 166
forms, theory of 114–16
Foster, K. R. 33
free radicals 57–58
free will xix
functionalism xvii
fungi 158–59
habituation 26
Haeckel, E. 153–54
HAP2/GCS1 65–66
Hard Problem of consciousness 5
harnessing of stochasticity 99–100, 117
hearing, plants 155–56
Heisenberg uncertainty principle 94
Hoffman, P. 85–86
homeorhesis 46, 57–58
homochirality 39
Howard, S. R. 15
Hunter, P. 13
hydrothermal vents 41
Jablonka, E. 15
James, W. 5–6
Jennings, H. S. 25–26
Jones, R. 169–70
Kagan, B. 27–28
Kauffman, S. 39, 45
Key, B. 14, 168
Klein, A. 14, 21
kleptoplasty 151
Kondev, J. 30
Koshland, D. 28
k-space 131
MacKay, D. 91
Macnab, R. 28
Macphail, E. 17
Margulis, L. 7, 61
Masi, M. 51
materialistic holism 52–53
Mathis, R. 29
Maxwell’s demons 70–71, 79
Mazor, M. 164–65
mechanistic–vitalism debate 43–45
melatonin 74–75
memory 28–30, 47–48, 77–78, 120–21
metallome 86
Meyer, H. H. 142–43
Meyer–Overton rule 142–43
microbial mats 31
microbiome 118–19
microtubules 63–64, 71, 86
Mikhalevich, I. 169–70
Miller, W. B., Jr. 23
mimicry, plants 157–58
Mimivirus 42
minimal life 49–50
minimal selfhood 9
Mitchell, A. 27
Mitchell, P. 73
mitochondria, anaesthesia 143
mobilome 107–8, 121–22
Monod, J. 30
morality, see ethics and morality
morphogenesis 132
Morton, W. T. G. 139–40
mTOR 49–50
Müller, J. J. A. 12
multicellularity 6, 46, 47, 48, 49
cellular information cycle 97–98
cognitive stress-induced multicellularity 152–53
evolution 60–61, 62–63
N-space Episenome 128–33, 135–36
self-referential framework 97–98, 101–2
senomic micro-fields 83
multiple genesis hypothesis 42
multivesicular bodies 81
Nagel, T. 16–17
nanobrain 50
nano-intentionality 70
nano-protoplasts 70
navigational learning 26–27
neovitalism 44
nervous system, prerequisite for consciousness 2–5
neural crest cells 132
information validity 103
pattern learning 27–28
pollen tubes resembling 155
Ng, Y.-K. 167–68
niche construction 112
Nieder, A. 12
nitric oxide signalling 155
Noble, D. 115, 133
Noble, R. 133
noise 99–100
non-equilibrium principle 48
Norris, V. 7–8
Nowak, M. 51–52
N-space Episenome 81–82
consciousness 133–37
functional partitioning 135–36
multicellularity 128–33, 135–36
plants 160–61
self-identity 160–61
Nurse, P. 51–52
Tagkopoulos, I. 27
Tavazoie, S. 25
temporal awareness 33–34, 60, 68
thanatosis 148
third state information 95
Thomas, L. 38
thought experiments xvi–xvii, 166
time sharing 32–33
Tomasik, B. 8–9
tools, cellular 112–19
transposable elements (TEs) 107, 108–9, 116–17
trolley problem thought experiment 166
tubulin-based cytoskeleton 73–74
Turin, L. 146
uncertainty relation 97
unicellular organisms
communication 31–33
decision-making 30–31
fatigue 34
learning 24–28
memory 28–30
sensitivity to anaesthetics 141
sensory and perceptual systems 22–24
temporal awareness 33–34
thanatosis 148
utilitarianism 165–67
V-ATPases 84
Vavilovian mimicry 158
vegetarianism and veganism 174–75
vesicles 55–56, 78–81, 83
cellular engineering 113, 116–17
form of life 50
genetic memory modification 118
key players in cellular evolution 64–66
retroviruses 109
transposable elements (TEs) 108–9
virus world hypothesis 42
vision, plants 153, 155–56, 158
vitalism–mechanistic debate 43–45
Waddington, C. H. 107
Warren, J. 139–40
Wilson, C. 15
wisdom of cells 96–97
xenon 146
Yang, J. 25