Intro-4-Type-Flavors 1
Subtypes-SF-types 32
Subtypes-ST-types 60
Subtypes-NT-types 88
Subtypes-NF-types 116
Coaching-4-Type-Flavors 144
YangYin-of-Type 175
Introduction to 4 Flavors
of Type Expression
From 16 types to 64 subtypes
By Dario Nardi
20th of Feb. 2022
What’s Inside?
cultural upbringing, physiology, and so forth.
You’ll get an overview of each subtype.
From here, you can explore any and all of the 64
subtypes. And before you start exploring, consider
some advice.
A later module has Q&A, an example of the lifetime arc
of development, and coaching tips.
From 16 types to 64 subtypes.
In his famous book, “Psychological Types”, Dr. Carl Jung observed 8 “types” that
later become 16 types under the research and development of Isabel Myers. Each
“type” is a 4-letter code that actually stands for a “pattern of mental functions”. This
course assumes you are familiar with the 16 Myers-Briggs types. It builds upon that
foundation to reveal 4 subtypes of each type, for 64 subtypes total. You might imagine
the matrix above as having 64 tiny boxes. But really, a “subtype” simply reflects the
people develop, how they express their type. It correlates with brain wiring, career
choice, age, and other demographics. So subtype can shift over time. Let’s take a look!
Why a “subtypes” lens?
• Since the early days, we’ve recognized that people differ within type: “Every ENFP
is like all other ENFPs, like some other ENFPs, and like no other ENFP.”
• “Look-alikes” challenge us to locate best-fit type.
• Type is a developmental framework. So, we can capture development in a
consistent, orderly way?
• Nurture is 50% of the mix. So what about career, sex, culture, physiology, etc.?
• Some organizations are asking for more specificity, which is helpful in
homogeneous groups where team-members tend to be similar types.
• For cross-cultural work, subtypes help us better understand differences.
• Can we reconcile the Myers-Briggs version of the types with, say, the Socionics
(Russian / Eastern European) version of the types?
• Sometimes we don’t seem to get-on well with someone of our type, yet we do
well with someone of a very different type. Why is that? Maybe there is a hidden
dimension of type that we’ve been missing!
Subtype is:
It varies based on age, career, culture,
education, physiology, sex, and similar variables.
Multiple Influences Converge
Dr. Helen Fisher’s work
on 4 personality types
(8 subtypes)
Dr. Victor Gulenko’s based on relative
work (from Socionics) hormone levels.
on 4 observed
subtypes of each type
to reconcile cultural
differences. Dr. Dario Nardi’s
work on differences
in brain wiring
among people of the
same type profile
Dr. Richard Nisbett’s with demographic
work (via Zhihan Cui) on differences (career,
cultural psychology age, etc.)
differences among people
of the same type.
Dr. Helen Fisher’s Work
• Dr. Helen Fisher describes 4 broad personality patterns based on hormone /
neurotransmitter levels. She later refines that to 2 sub-patterns of each, for 8
total. (See chart on the next page.)
• These patterns can look a bit like the 4 or 8 Jungian functions, at first glance.
However, they are physiological and thus vary among persons of the same
Jungian / Myers-Briggs type.
• Looking more closely, they correlate well with brain imaging results, though I have
not actually done research measuring both the brain and hormone levels together.
Dr. Victor Gulenko’s Work
• Dr. Victor Gulenko is a revered psychologist and type theorist in the Eastern
European type (Socionics) community.
• Over the years, like many people who work with type, he has observed consistent
variations among the types.
• Specifically, in his book, he describes 4 subtypes for each of the 16 types.
Psychological Types: Why Are People So Different?: 64 Portraits in Socionics. How
each of the 16 Jungian types varies in 4 main ways. Independently published, 30
September 2019.
• His terms: Dominant, Creative, Normalizing, and Harmonizing (DCNH).
• He also observed that type descriptions, notably for Sensing and Feeling types,
vary between Socionics and Myers-Briggs. He observes that each model is
emphasizing different subtypes.
• Like with Helen Fisher’s work, I found his descriptions and labels compelling and
aligning with my brain imaging work. With his permission, I use his DCNH terms.
• Also, thank you Ben Vaserlan for building this bridge.
Cross-Cultural Differences
(Richard Nisbett and Zhihan Cui)
• Translations of personality tools such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
remind us that we must mind cultural differences, since every society has
different interpretations of words, ideas of what’s normal, etc.
• For example, British people are, as a whole, less extroverted than US
Americans, yet that does not mean they are all introverts!
• Research in cultural neuroscience and cultural psychology reveals
consistent differences between people, for example, between East Asians
and US Americans, on various cognitive tasks.
• In one task, when offered three words (“car, train, and road”) Westerners
are more likely to pair words by categorical definitions and East Asians are
more likely to pair words by functional inter-relationships.
• From China, Zhihan Cui, PhD draws on cultural psychology (c.f. Richard
Nisbett, The Geography of Thought, 2004) to describe 4 distinctly Chinese
(or East Asian) flavors of the 16 types to help make type more accessible
and understandable in China.
I use EEG technology
to peek into people’s brains.
wear an EEG drawing
cap or band and
try an hour’s
worth of tasks
that tap many
daily activities.
imagining calculating
The brain is our toolbox or orchestra.
Various brain regions work
together in networks. Examples:
Front bias Left bias Strong starburst Zigzags
More More
“Analytic”, “Holistic”,
“Logos” or “Eros” or “Yin”
“Yang” style style
In June 2018, I started analyzing brain wiring differences among people of the
same type. I noticed patterns. For example, among ENFPs, I could sort them into
sub-groups based on career, sex, cultural background, age, and so forth. As above,
I sorted the ENFPs into two groups based on career. Each one’s “foreground”
pattern of brain wiring is the “background” pattern for the other.
We can characterize each type’s
Jungian functions yang or yin. E.g.:
The 2x2 matrix of options
leads to 4 “subtypes”.
Dominant = “double Analytic”, where both
dominant and auxiliary functions have more
Analytic (Yang) style.
function (S/N).
We can sort from 2 to 4 variants:
More conventional and specialized. More empathic and reflective.
More of a supporter role. More of a relator role.
Among people of the same type, I can sort their brain wiring into 4 broad
categories. (For a few types, I have enough data to sort them into 8 categories,
but that is too much detail for today and not ready for prime-time!)
Not Really 4 Boxes: We can rank the
variants or place them along a wheel.
Dominant with strong front bias
including strong executives Front bias with soft starburst
Mix of a diamond
and soft starburst
Harmonizing with
Normalizing with diamond-shaped
even-field and networks, weak
either left, right or executives, weak
back bias, plus halo.
strong halo
Zigzag pattern
Example #1: 4 Flavors of INTP
• Dominant: the “Ambitious Strategist” is more confident and
driven than other INTPs. Ex: Critical corporate strategist who
is comfortable with the levers of power.
• Creative: the “Curious Investigator” is more creative and
sociable than other INTPs. Ex: Humorous writer who can
engage people on a wide variety of subjects.
• Normalizing: the “Exacting Designer” is more conventional
and specialized than other INTPs. Ex: Quiet computer
software engineer in a large organization.
• Harmonizing: the “Caring Theorist” is more empathic and
reflective than other INTPs. Ex: Therapist who helps
individuals think clearly and function in a more satisfying way.
Example #2: 4 Flavors of ISFP
• Dominant: the “Enterprising Lead” is more confident and
driven than other ISFPs. Ex: Friendly and ambitious business
entrepreneur in a volatile technical industry.
• Creative: the “Rebel Explorer” is more creative and sociable
than other ISFPs. Ex: Counter-cultural performance artist with
a unique, wild style who travels the globe.
• Normalizing: the “Dedicated Careerist” is more conventional
and specialized than other ISFPs. Ex: Mild-mannered but
perfectionistic dance teacher in a large school.
• Harmonizing: the “Empathic Maestro” is more empathic and
reflective than other ISFPs. Ex: Kind physiotherapist who
draws intuitively on body-mind practices to help each client.
Dominant (D)
• More confident and driven.
• Relatively more testosterone (c.f. Helen Fisher). More of a leader,
territorial and aggressive, thrives on competition, okay with
confrontation, and likes to win. Can be dogmatic.
• Brain wiring: Front-of-brain bias. Quick to respond to input based
on pre-worked out ways of responding. Often has “managerial” link
(balancing a current context against a set of constant principles)
and language-based reasoning (deduction, linear planning,
concepts/categories, and/or metaphor).
• Has adopted a more “in charge” style (regardless of underlying
interaction style).
• Often in a manager, leadership or “alpha” role, or works
independently to maintain personal freedom.
Creative (C)
• More exploratory and sociable.
• Relatively more dopamine (c.f. Helen Fisher). More of a traveler
and risk-taker, needs lots of stimulation, reward/pleasure seeking,
rebellious, okay with change, and likes many different topics.
• Brain wiring: A starburst pattern. All (or most) regions of the brain
fire simultaneously in response to stimuli, whether like a flashing
Christmas tree or in a more Zen-like synched way. Often has just
enough executive coordination and conventional skills to get by.
• Has adopted a more “get things going” style (regardless of
underlying interaction style).
• Often in a creative role, whether that’s idea generation, or more
concrete such as art or music performance. Often good with small
to medium-sized groups (e.g. classroom teacher).
Normalizing (N)
• More conventional and specialized.
• Relatively more serotonin (c.f. Helen Fisher). This helps a person
feel comfortable with a group. Is pro-social and concerned with
fairness, reciprocity, and others’ outcomes. Is averse to harm.
• Brain wiring: More like the general population. That is, often a
farm-field or grid like pattern where every brain region is linearly
linked one-on-one to adjacent neighboring region. Also tends to be
more left hemisphere (analytic) and back of brain (contemplative),
but not necessarily.
• Has adopted a more “chart the course” style (regardless of
underlying interaction style).
• Often in a support or normalizing role. Comfortable in large,
conventional institutions where they give and receive wide support.
Harmonizing (H)
• More empathic and reflective.
• Relatively more oxytocin (c.f. Helen Fisher). Feel more closely and
warmly connected to a few other individuals. Activated by physical
touch for nurturing pair bond. Also associated with more estrogen.
• Brain wiring: A diamond pattern, or four. Also tends to be more
right hemisphere (holistic) and back of brain (contemplative), but
not necessarily. These diamond patterns also support sophisticated
ways of thinking (both analytic and holistic). Outside of familiar
modes/environments, may present as odd, detached or challenged.
• Has adopted a more “behind the scenes” style (regardless of
underlying interaction style).
• Often in a very personal role. Often good working one-on-one in a
personal way such as a therapist or a close adviser.
As you explore the subtypes:
• The subtypes are not crisp categories. Feel free to rank them or locate
yourself along a mid-point between two.
• Subtype reflects development and can shift over time.
• Each subtype is a variation on one’s central, underlying type. Your type’s
themes, core needs, interaction style, etc. remain in play.
• The descriptions are based on demographic and brain data. Thus,
statements about careers, hobbies, etc. are simply examples.
• You may show any of your type’s 4 subtypes in special situations.
• People who identify with different types–but the same subtype– may feel
they share a bit in common.
• If you are clear on your subtype, feel free to read descriptions of that
subtype for types adjacent to yours (i.e. Harmonizing for INFP, INTP, INFJ,
and INTJ have a lot of commonalities).
• There is a “coaching” deck after this with answers to many questions.
True change shows
as behavioral change.
What’s one insight you gained, and/or action
you can take after learning about your subtype?
[email protected]
About the Author…
Dario Nardi, Ph.D. is a world renowned author,
researcher, speaker and expert in neuroscience,
personality, and body-mind practices. He holds a Senior
Lecturer position at University of California (Los
Angeles), where he won UCLA's Copenhaver Award for
Innovative Use of Technology in 2005 and UCLA's
Distinguished Teacher of the year in 2011. His books
include Neuroscience of Personality, 8 Keys to Self-
Leadership, Jung on Yoga, The Magic Diamond, and
Facets of Ayahuasca, among other titles. Since 2006,
Dario has focused on conducting hands-on brain
research, utilizing insights of real-time EEG technology.
Applications extend to coaching, counseling, education,
games, healthcare, leadership development, yoga, and
many other areas. He regularly keynotes international
conferences and facilitates workshops, teaching
professionals about the art and science of the brain. [email protected]
4 Flavors of the 4 SF types
This includes descriptions of ESFJ, ISFJ, ESFP, and ISFP with
Dominant, Creative, Normalizing, and Harmonizing biases, for
16 profiles total, with specific references to brain regions
edited out. Graphics are from actual brain wiring diagrams.
All these slides are YELLOW as suited to the SF temperament.
Understanding SF Type Preferences
People who favor Sensing and Feeling tend to be helpful, sympathetic, and friendly as they tackle
life’s many practical problems. With Sensing, they trust tangible data, particularly what they know first-
hand, such as the signs others give off about their needs and emotions. With Feeling, they tend to set
goals and make decisions based on their values, weighing what matters personally to themselves and for
Generally, whatever the situation, these people attend to concrete information about people, such
as others’ specific likes and dislikes, back-stories, and current life situations. They easily notice people’s de
facto behavior such as body language, attitude, and time spent helping. They tend to focus on how people
interact with each other based on their roles, needs, and drives. For example, did someone lend an ear or
hand in a time of need? Did someone put in extra hours at work or remember to give a nice holiday gift?
And so forth. They are very realistic this way.
On the job, these individuals offer practical help and encourage an enjoyable atmosphere. They are
often adept with customers in day-to-day operations and do their best to bring a happy smile. They like
teams or at least collaborating with or being inspired by someone. They seek others’ input on problems.
As leaders, they like to consult with the people involved, hear what’s going on for them, their opinion, and
then, ideally, engage in some kind of shared process to find and implement a solution. Career wise, they
gravitate to social service, healthcare, craft-work, and the fine and performing arts, though they can work
in any field. What’s important is that their work has a human application and is not overly abstract or
* Used with permission from “The Magic Diamond” by Dario Nardi.
SFs Continued…
In relationships, people who prefer Sensing and Feeling want a down-to-earth, caring partnership.
Ideally, each person constantly keeps in mind what the other prefers and needs and is readily available
with concrete and heart-felt support. They like romantic gestures and can be highly passionate. When
there is a problem, they like to talk it out, though they tend to gather advice from friends and family first.
They may engage in excessive theatrics and catastrophizing rather than painful self-analysis or thoughtful,
forward-looking problem solving.
With strengths comes one-sidedness. These individuals tend to discount what they don’t know
personally, especially regarding future hypotheticals, and they may easily find themselves out of their
element in unfamiliar and impersonal situations. Under stress, they can suddenly get cold, contrary to
their usual personal warmth, and they can get caught up in a really confused picture of others’ intentions
and behaviors, contrary to their usual perceptiveness.
At mid-life or earlier, these individuals experience a gentle push to develop Intuiting and Thinking.
This can show up several ways, such as interest in technology, scientific research, spiritual practices, or
business management. Ideally, the activity includes a practical human element. For example, an interest
in media technology might be about visually telling real people’s dramatic stories. An interest in research
might be about gathering and analyzing data about human behavior. Or an interest in spirituality might
involve teaching a body-mind practice like yoga. Whatever their path, they must often deal with obstacles
to growth such as family obligations, questions of self-worth and capability, or a desire to simply enjoy
life’s comforts.
Four subtypes or variants:
Dominant Creative
Normalizing Harmonizing
Among people who id with the same 4-letter personality type, we can sort their brain
wiring into 4 broad categories. These are subtypes or variants. They reflect development
and “nurture”. Factors include culture, upbringing, career choice, job role, the size or type
of one’s organization, age, sex, and more. The result points to the lifestyle that fits best.
Most people identify with one or two. Do your best to try on and find what fits you.
4 Flavors of ESFJ
ESFJ –Facilitator Caretaker™
ESFJs easily accept and help others. They are often managing people.
They hear out others, voice concerns, and accommodate needs. They easily
keep in mind what’s personally important, and they have a talent to provide
what’s needed. ESFJs admire others’ success. They strive to keep things
pleasant. They keep up a sense of continuity. They account for the human
costs. They can bring a surprise, act as a rebel, or get inventive. They can easily
feel let down by entrepreneurial projects.
Crack the Code: This type has a talent or bias for...
Extraverting Initiate interactions and energized by being with others.
Sensing Perceive what’s concrete, tangible and real based on experience.
Feeling Organize and decide based on harmony with values and beliefs.
Judging Plan ahead with a drive to completion and closure.
ESFJ-D: “Societal Advocate”
ESFJ: Extraverting, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging preferences
Dominant subtype: more driven and confident style than other ESFJs
© Dario Nardi
These ESFJs strive to be of benefit to society and they put themselves out front to do that in an appealing way.
They present a more in-charge style.
For brain-wiring, they tend to have denser connections toward the front and in auditory regions. This means
they are outgoing and can listen, decide quickly, and speak with confidence even as they take in new information.
They also have strong managerial skills to balance their values and preferences against particular needs of the
moment. Often, they show a slight left brain bias. That helps them mentally plan, attend closely to the specifics of
what people say, build rapport, get detailed, word-smith, and respond to feedback. They also tend to have solid
impulse control. As for “right brain” skills, they tend to express ideas and emotions through touch and movement.
They can get into metaphor, jokes, and abstract concepts. That said, they are still linear thinkers. They consider one
or two pieces of data at a time. Finally, they also sport a “halo” of connections around the brain’s perimeter, which
indicates a solid set of socially-expected skills.
Fostering people’s health and wellbeing is a passion. These ESFJs often have technical training whether that’s
acting techniques, applied math, genetics, music theory, or voice training. That said, they quickly put those skills to
use for the betterment of those in need and for society as a whole. They may start a company, act as a consultant, or
take on an administrative, managerial, or executive role. They become community advocates, health coaches, HR
directors, marketing managers, and politicians. Whatever their role, they like to help people form good habits.
They have a reflective side. At times, ideally when alone, they can bring together facts, feedback, memories,
and other data, collating and contemplating the bigger meaning of things.
ESFJ-C: “Flowing Compatriot”
ESFJ: Extraverting, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging preferences
Creative subtype: more exploratory and sociable style than other ESFJs
© Dario Nardi
These ESFJs are charming, attentive to others, adaptable, and often diverse in their interests and skills. They
involve and inspire others. They epitomize a fun, welcoming get-things-going style.
Brain-wise, these ESFJs show a moderate or strong “starburst” pattern. A starburst means all brain regions fire
at the same time in response to an input. They take what comes in—someone’s words, an observation or new idea,
or a memory, painting or song—and they make various associations, maybe in an amusing way. For example, they
might quickly infer what would be a perfect, lovely surprise gift to meet someone’s need. A starburst also means
they tend to be distractible, and they like their days filled with pleasant, interesting diversions. At the same time,
they are still fairly good at setting and following through on plans.
They have varied interests. They might study biology, business or economics. Often, they go into counseling,
entertainment, fashion, hosting , media, music, retail, theater, travel, or weddings. They may launch or manage a
small business venture or two. They particularly like travel and exploring cultural and historic sites, ideally with time
to relax with lovely company. They enjoy being in the lime-light. On the minus side, they can be somewhat careless
and may find they have a penchant, at times, for creating a flurry of “surprise drama” around them.
They like to communicate with a casual style. They observe body language, facial expressions, and voice tone.
They easily attend to others in an open-ended and supportive way, adjusting to the other person. And when needed,
they are skilled at articulating their likes and values. They also tend to have a solid body-based awareness. They
learn and repeat procedures, routines, and steps, or they can just dance the night away with energy and style.
ESFJ-N: “Caring Specialist”
ESFJ: Extraverting, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging preferences
Normalizing subtype: more conventional and specialized style than other ESFJs
© Dario Nardi
These ESFJs are careful, concerned, friendly, and professional. They fit well in society as they fill familiar roles.
They take a more chart-the-course style.
Their brains show a clear “even field”. That is, every brain region connects with its neighbors like a giant quilt.
The result is step-by-step thinking. To get from A to Z, they check multiple, predictable points along the way. Also,
they are grounded in their senses with keen body awareness. That said, they are more auditory and are mindful
listeners and speakers. Besides the even-field, their brain sports a solid “halo” that helps deliver what society
expects of people. In particular, they are attuned to others’ feedback—the words and facial expressions that guide
human relations. Although they are not sophisticated thinkers, they are thoughtful and contemplative. Whatever
comes up in life, they can dig into their giant database of knowledge and memories to compare and contrast, to try
to understand. If something can fire up their brain, it is a buzz-worthy new idea.
In terms of careers, they tend to train for and stick to a role and workplace. Typical jobs include academic
counselor, customer specialist, dental hygienist, nurse, or secretary. They are not so ambitious and need time for
community and family. Thus, they might work to become a doctor and apply to a large, reliable clinic or hospital. As
administrators, they can be “friendly enforcers” of norms and values, which may led to discontent behind their back.
Otherwise, they are personable and bring daily cheer with an occasional side-helping of dark humor. They prefer
stabilize environments, large or small—at times, large can be too impersonal.
These ESFJs enjoy quiet time, though ideally a loved one is close by. They like a beautiful, cozy home and
appreciate animals, craftwork, music, and nature. Although they cultivate a calm demeanor, they can produce a
dramatic outburst or rebellious surprise to relieve stress.
ESFJ-H: “Attentive Facilitator”
ESFJ: Extraverting, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging preferences
Harmonizing subtype: more empathic and reflective style than other ESFJs
© Dario Nardi
These ESFJs are deeply caring feelers. They bring a sophisticated expertise to quietly help others, often face-
to-face. They take a more behind-the-scenes style.
For brain wiring, they tend to show one or more “diamond” networks that stretch across the brain’s
hemispheres. Or, they may have a lot of “zigzag” connections that look like networks. Either way, they think in a
sophisticated and even surprising ways. A diamond network consists of several diverse brain regions that work
together harmoniously. For example, as a counselor, they might hear words and voice tone, make inferences from
those to fit the client into a conceptual model, and then weigh options to locate a helpful next question to facilitate
the client’s growth. Similarly, a zigzag links distant regions that don’t often go together. This allows them to “connect
the dots” for dramatic and intuitive results. Besides these primary patterns, they have good listening skills and
attend to factual details. On the other hand, they often come up short when sticking to plans and making decisions.
And, they lack the full “halo” of everyday skills that society expects. They are observant, sensitive, and empathic yet
also a little bit of odd birds with unusual habits and quirks.
These ESFJs are often in a one-on-one role with clients or customers. These roles require a bit of “reading”,
adapting to, and working with the other person, ideally in a practical way though they are comfortable using
complex conceptual models, at least in their specialty. They might be a business aide, counselor, diplomat, executive
coach, project manager, psychologist, or social scientist. They often have a multi-cultural or international outlook, or
at least are quite comfortable interacting with people from different social classes or cultures.
In their personal life, they enjoy a relaxed, comforting environment. Yet, they also enjoy some novelty to keep
life interesting. Most of all, they really value their close relationships.
4 Flavors of ISFJ
ISFJ –Protector Supporter™
ISFJs easily notice what’s needed and valuable. They have a talent to
arrange careful support. They enjoy their traditions and work to protect the
future. They often listen closely to remember a lot of details. They tend to be
agreeable. They are sensitive to the small things, with strong preferences.
When appropriate, ISFJs like to volunteer. They like to feel a sense of
accomplishment. They can get technical, knowing all of the ins and outs. They
get frustrated when people ignore rules and don’t get along.
Crack the Code: This type has a talent or bias for...
Introverting Focus on inner life and energized by solitary activities.
Sensing Perceive what’s concrete, tangible and real based on experience.
Feeling Organize and decide based on harmony with values and beliefs.
Judging Plan ahead with a drive to completion and closure.
ISFJ-D: “Group Mediator”
ISFJ: Introverting, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging preferences
Dominant subtype: more driven and confident style than other ISFJs
© Dario Nardi
These ISFJs are often in a leadership position or on their way to one. They are adept at shepherding people in
organizations and playing a humanistic role in society. They have an in-charge look and feel.
Brain-wise, these ISFJs have a front bias, a strong halo of connections around the perimeter, and skills suited
to their roles. The front bias means fast executive function. They gather information and make decisions in a
relatively quick way, with care but also a fair degree of confidence. As part of this, they easily build rapport, mentally
plan, think conceptually, and trust values (F8). They also have strong managerial skills to balance the unique
demands of situations against their values. Behind all of this, an “even field” and “halo” support linear thinking,
attentive senses, and essentials expected by society. There are also often a few zigzag connections for dramatic flair.
If their role is public-facing, they are adept communicators and reason using language. Or, if in a more artistic,
physical, or technical role, they have good body awareness. Finally, a few sport a hidden “starburst” that produces
smart ideas when they relax and entertain questions.
They enjoy improving lives and helping others to get along. A typical career path includes many
accomplishments and experiences to draw on. They might run—or help run—a charity organization, HR department,
medical center, school, or professional network. Often they are trained in complementary disciplines. They prize
getting the training and status needed to play their role with confidence.
Overall, they have honed diplomatic skills and aim to minimize conflict and maximize harmony to get things
done. They also have a reflective side. They like quiet moments to review current events against their inner
storehouse to ensure they’re doing their best.
ISFJ-C: “Artistic Composer”
ISFJ: Introverting, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging preferences
Creative subtype: more exploratory and sociable style than other ISFJs
© Dario Nardi
These ISFJs are the most artistically inclined, especially with music. They like to feel sufficiently secure to take
an open, flowing, inspired approach to their work and life. They give off a get-things-going style.
The most prominent brain-wiring is a “starburst” pattern. A starburst means all brain regions fire in sync.
When a new prompt comes, they tap all of their brain’s resources—their storehouse of knowledge—to offer a
creative response. That might be a what-if idea or off-the-wall joke. Or, what it’s usually about for them is crafting a
cohesive result, something harmonious with a lot of elements in play. For example, for music, they are suited to jazz
and are good composers and band-mates. Whatever they do, they are really adroit at weaving together different
They are still planful. Besides the starburst, they tend to have a couple of grounding strengths. They often
have good auditory skills. They also tend to have a large set of routines akin to knowing a large set of chords to play
almost any song. They are in touch with their body, feelings, and sensations. And they easily catch people’s
expressions, moods, and meanings, particularly in light of shared history. Where they tend to lack is executive skill
and are slow to make decisions. They have a quirky side: despite their own sensitivities, desire to be accepted, and
worldliness, they generally lack the halo of skills that society expects of “good workers”. In this sense, they are
independent thinkers, often working solo and approached as experts.
Besides creative work, they enjoy socializing, hosting cozy gatherings, and tending their home so it inspires
them. They avoid people and places that are aggressive or draining. Their brains are like a sponge, and the same
sensitivity that can inspire can also really hamper them.
ISFJ-N: “Conscientious Supporter”
ISFJ: Introverting, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging preferences
Normalizing subtype: more conventional and specialized style than other ISFJs
© Dario Nardi
These ISFJs are particularly careful, caring, conservative, and responsible protectors. Their brain wiring is
common in the general population. They take a more chart-the-course style.
The clearest brain-wiring pattern is an “even field” with a few favored spots. An even-field means every region
neatly links to every other adjacent region like a quilt. Thinking tends to be linear. To get from A to Z requires
stepping through multiple points in between. Yet they also can address almost anything, eventually, at least in a
familiar way. As part of this, they sport a “halo” of skills expected by society. They use all of their senses, have keen
body awareness, and are usually good at reasoning using language. That includes making smart inferences. Where
they lack is out-of-the box thinking. Novelty is not in their wheelhouse.
They tend to have a slight right-hemisphere and back-brain bias. While attentive to details and facts, they lean
toward registering the artistic merits and emotional tenor of situations. And, extra processing in the back of the
brain gives them a strong reflective side. New data goes to the back of the brain for extra processing, making
comparisons to their huge database of factual and personal memories to figure out what fits well and doesn’t.
They tend toward specialized careers in accounting, charity, editing, fine arts, library science, nursing,
psychology, and secretarial work. Whatever it is, they bring a close, detailed attention to the practical human needs
—emotional and physical—of the people they’re helping. They are particularly comfortable in large institutions and
they know how to deliver what the institution can, and cannot, offer.
Home is where the heart is. While a reliable worker, their devotion to family, closest friends, and community
comes naturally. They tend to enjoy cooking and handicrafts. Also, they have a quirky side that they only show to
those close to them, though they are wary of anything that “flies over their head”.
ISFJ-H: “Gifted Conciliator”
ISFJ: Introverting, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging preferences
Harmonizing subtype: more empathic and reflective style than other ISFJs
© Dario Nardi
These ISFJs are gifted, humanistic, and notably sensitive. They have a deep concern for the human dimension,
and they work well one-on-one with others and at complex endeavors. They embrace a behind-the-scenes style.
For brain-wiring, they sport several diamond-shaped networks. Each network stretches across the
hemispheres, offering a finely-tuned blend of artistic and technical know-how for a specific activity. Each diamond
represents an area of expertise. One typical network supports an open-ended, adaptable way to process social
feedback, such as needed with clients. Another network helps them to really attend—in a holistic way—to people’s
body language and facial expressions. This also links to remarkable visual artistic skills. A third typical network builds
off of a set of routines that they can select from and combine to assemble a quick, sophisticated response.
Underlying these networks is often a soft “starburst” pattern that helps them to select what’s needed when and
keep things together. It ties together everything. Overall, they have keen minds and are comfortable with
complexity. On the down side, they struggle with being forceful and making decisions, and they can feel awkward
and exposed, particularly in unfamiliar situations.
A typical career such as counseling allows them to work face-to-face with someone. However, they might be a
film editor, media interviewer, portrait painter, or such; those also deal closely with individuals, each in their own
way that requires a sophisticated patience and appreciation for nuance. There is a good chance they have a more
international or multi-cultural background. They easily come off as their own unique, really interesting person.
Among ISFJs, they are the most philosophical, sensitive, and vulnerable to conflict. They have fine preferences
and tastes, and anything falling outside their favorite networks catches them off-guard. They have a great capacity
for concern and love with high standards on themselves and others.
4 Flavors of ESFP
ESFP –Motivator Presenter™
ESFPs are active and fun. They easily engage others. They have a sense of
style and a talent to present things in a useful way. They look for ways to
motivate and stimulate action, to take pleasure in life. They enjoy learning
about people. ESFPs like their freedom and are open to taking risks. They are
adaptable, charming, and enjoy opening others to what they can do. In their
heart, they care deeply. Many kinds of tasks come naturally to them. Over-
analyzing situations can trouble them.
Crack the Code: This type has a talent or bias for...
Extraverting Initiate interactions and energized by being with others.
Sensing Perceive what’s concrete, tangible and real based on experience.
Feeling Organize and decide based on harmony with values and beliefs.
Perceiving Stay open and engaged with a drive for more input.
ESFP-D: “Charismatic Leader”
ESFP: Extraverting, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving preferences
Dominant subtype: more driven and confident style than other ESFPs
© Dario Nardi
These ESFPs are energetic, optimistic, outgoing, and confident. Their charisma can quickly energize a room
and win over difficult people. They take a more in-charge style.
In the brain, they have a clear frontal bias. The front of the brain supports executive skills to gather
information and make decisions in a quick, effective way. The front is also home to managerial skills—balancing
one’s values against the demands of specific situations. And, this area supports mental planning, logical reasoning,
and the use of metaphor. From all these frontal regions, strong links go out to support body motion and sensation as
well as speaking and listening. Thus, they have a strong physical presence, are active hands-on learners, and are
tactful, friendly communicators with fairly good self-control. Finally, there is often an undergirding “even field”.
When something new needs addressing, they can move through the problem step-by-step to figure it out.
These ESFPs lead active lives as they pursue their ambitions. They do well academically so long as study time
is balanced with social and physical activities. They tend to be popular, and given their sensitivity to others’ telltale
cues, can be practical counselors, particularly to those who resist help. They tend to excel at marketing, media
production, outdoor adventure, politics, recruiting, and talent scouting. They are interested in creative and analytical
topics, but in practice they sit between such people and the public or executives. For example, they gather resources
to make a film rather than hold a camera. At times, they can get competitive or territorial, though usually quietly so.
They must have spice in their life to keep it enjoyable. Maybe they ride a motorcycle or do an extreme sport.
They are not adverse to helping people in bad situations. Of course, there are their own inner dark corners, and they
do their best to avoid stumbling into those.
ESFP-C: “Energizing Entertainer”
ESFP: Extraverting, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving preferences
Creative subtype: more exploratory and sociable style than other ESFPs
© Dario Nardi
These ESFPs are adventurous, bold, entertaining, expressive and curious, especially about people. They live
for the moment, ideally with friends and loved-ones. They epitomize a get-things-going style.
In terms of brain-wiring, they show a “starburst” pattern. They take in a lot of information at once with extra
attention to facts, people, and the physical environment, and they act on all of that really quickly, easily improvising.
Imagine a rap artist in a duet or duel who comes up with rhyming lines on the fly. They have decent managerial and
communication skills but they tend to focus more on themselves than others. In fact, they usually show just enough
of a “halo” and executive skills to keep things together and be presentable to society. Their main strengths: they are
in touch with their convictions, deeply appreciative of style and beauty—with an eye for artistic details and patterns
—and can memorize efficient steps to do things.
These ESFPs have strong artistic potential from acting, comedy, dance, DJing and fashion design to modeling,
music, singing, sports, and video blogging. They rapidly pick up how-to skills, sometimes looking like an expert on a
first try, especially if it involves the whole body. They like travel to explore places and people. Routine bores them.
They may have a technical side such as advertising, banking or marketing, but their passion will be working with an
audience or group. They value self-improvement and like to turn on light-bulbs for others. Thus, they may find a
home in business or human development.
They can turn on the charm and make for fun and a genuine friends. When present, they are like the sun.
Then they are gone. Keeping up connections and commitments takes effort. They lack discipline and often struggle
in school. They are uninhibited and get carried away at times, especially in youth. They enjoy the hit of a reward and
then get tunnel vision around an activity. Their talent to notice patterns in others’ behavior can also stir up trouble.
ESFP-N: “Lively Participant”
ESFP: Extraverting, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving preferences
Normalizing subtype: more conventional and specialized style than other ESFPs
© Dario Nardi
These ESFPs are the most detailed, organized, and subdued of their type. They do a lot to help their group and
those they care about. Don’t underestimate them! They take a more chart-the-course style.
Their brain-wiring shows an “even field” pattern and consistent “halo”. An even-field means every region links
to its neighbors like a quilt. Whatever comes to their attention, they process it step-by-step from A to B to C and so
on—though going all the way to Z is usually more than they like or need. A halo provides the skills that society
expects for the workplace, classroom, and community. So overall, they have a balance of skills. They can get to know
a discpline or career in a fair amount of depth. But overall, they are good-to-go, a jack-of-all-trades, in just about any
of life’s many small situations. They are also moderately contemplative with good observational skills. While they
can multi-task as well as other ESFPs, they tend to stick to straight-forward tasks and everyday amusements.
They prefer professions that are hands-on and offer some problem solving with concrete results. They have a
knack for business, marketing, office administration, and goods trading. Just as easily, they might be a chef, hair
stylist or make-up artist. They might be in the theater or the military. Even if their day job is dull, they will take up a
fun hobby. In fact, they might engage in quite a stimulating, detailed hobby, even a secret long-term project such as
a book that they put a lot of heart and thought into. Overall, they are down to earth and avoid abstraction.
These ESFPs take the time to make things comfortable and tasteful. They make good buddies, and they are
often involved with community and like family outings and little adventures such as a day at an amusement part.
They may take more rides than the kids do! They may splurge. They try to be discrete. Usually, they have a lot of
energy; sometimes, they burn out and need to rest and reorient.
ESFP-H: “Soulful Uplifter”
ESFP: Extraverting, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving preferences
Harmonizing subtype: more empathic and reflective style than other ESFPs
© Dario Nardi
These ESFPs are capable of great emotional, interpersonal and spiritual depths, both within and to lift up
others. They take on a more behind-the-scenes style.
For brain-wiring, they show multiple diamond-shaped networks. Each network handles a different kind of
situation. And the networks tend to be disconnected. So, which to tap when? They may let the situation decide. If
they have strong executive function, then they can really thrive. Or, if they lack the ability to stay focused and active
with foresight, they can get lazy or lost, fall into an unhealthy lifestyle, or come off as aloof or skittish. They also tend
to lack the “halo” of skills that society expects to be well-adjusted. But, one-on-one or in small groups, they excel.
They have fine listening and speaking skills, clarity and depth around values, and awareness of how to “work”
complex interpersonal situations with the best steps to take. Overall, their brain map is a bit like a modernist
painting. They can carry a lot of life wisdom but at a personal cost if they cannot quite figure out their own mind.
Whatever their work, these ESFPs look past common assumptions and conventions. They accept others as
unique individuals and do want to not let ethnicity, social class or race complicate an interaction. They are great for
international trade, aid missions to foreign countries, cultural ambassadorships, and so forth. Of course, psychology
is a draw. If one of their diamond networks supports athletics or music, they are exceptional there too. A great role
for them is to assist a few quality people who can, in turn, help many more. They also shine in a healing role such as
doctor, massage therapist, yoga teacher, or even as a shaman.
Depending on their environment, luck, and an ability make smart decisions, their lives can turn out very
differently, from turbulent struggle with themselves and others to incredible heights of care-giving and success.
4 Flavors of ISFP
ISFP –Composer Producer™
ISFPs seek life’s pulse to go with its flow. They are patient to take
advantage of opportunities as they come up naturally. They stick with what’s
important, to be their true selves with their own personal style. They have a
talent for pulling together what feels just right for an artistic impact. ISFPs
attract others’ loyalty and build relationships with care. They like to play
against expectations and can get really creative at solving a problem. They
struggle to nurture their self-esteem.
Crack the Code: This type has a talent or bias for...
Introverting Focus on inner life and energized by solitary activities.
Sensing Perceive what’s concrete, tangible and real based on experience.
Feeling Organize and decide based on harmony with values and beliefs.
Perceiving Stay open and engaged with a drive for more input.
ISFP-D: “Enterprising Lead”
ISFP: Introverting, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving preferences
Dominant subtype: more driven and confident style than other ISFPs
© Dario Nardi
These ISFPs are ambitious, active, friendly, practical, and willing to put in time and energy to succeed at their
goals. They have developed an “in charge” style and are drawn to leadership roles or at least being their own boss.
Brain wise, these ISFPs have dense wiring toward the front of the brain. Their strong executive functioning
helps them quickly act on new information. They have managerial skills. They are particularly skilled at aligning their
open-ended approach to situations with their bigger goals and deep-values. They are adept with planning and
conceptualizing and have good visual and kinesthetic awareness. They also self-manage well, keeping themselves
together. In contrast to these many strengths, they are not as creative, as good listeners, or quite as reflective as
other ISFPs.
They often work with others, leading a team or acting as part of a team as they assist clients, customers,
students, patients, etc. They have clear goals and are entrepreneurial and even business-minded. They tend to enjoy
a good grasp of technical elements, whatever their area. That may be software coding, a scientific research process,
business strategy, or methods in education, policy making, or health care. If in the arts, they have solid hands-on
technical skills. For example, they really know the ins and outs of lighting, sound, visual design, and so on for film-
making. Importantly, they tend to do well academically.
For their aspirations, they know they need to stay open to meeting new people and making connections,
including new friendships. However, they can also be particularly stubborn and “confidently wrong” in their
methods. Or they may be correct now, but long-term with blinders on, they miss out on new avenues to take.
Occasionally, they may enjoy a philosophical or mystical discussion.
ISFP-C: “Rebel Explorer”
ISFP: Introverting, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving preferences
Creative subtype: more exploratory and sociable style than other ISFPs
© Dario Nardi
These ISFPs are explorers, mavericks, and wanderers. They are open-minded as they explore and develop
their creative spirit, whatever it is. They can stir the pot to energize relationships, teams, and society.
In terms of brain wiring, they usually show a soft “starburst” pattern. That is, they easily call on their intuitive
side to brainstorm or get creative insights, though it can take time to get into and then it feels like a whirlpool.
Otherwise, they usually have decent self-management and rapport building skills with high perceptiveness of voice
tone and body language. They can have a bit of difficulty setting or sticking to goals, and most lack a full suite of
“everyday” brain skills. That is, they can get so immerse themselves in an artistic endeavor or their creative process
that they neglect other things like writing clearly or paying bills.
These ISFPs really enjoy a free-flowing life. They may be talented and still getting established, or they may be
re-developing themselves. This can look like a lack of balance, direction or commitment. Often, they are open to
discover what everything will come to. As part of that, they are perceptive, sociable, imaginative, and can “put
themselves out there” to enjoy exciting activities, especially for travel and with friends. They tend to have a daring or
rebellious style in their look, attitude or ideas while also being egalitarian. They can handle the good, the bad, the
beautiful, and the ugly. They have a lot of creative potential and are open to entertain ideas, even highly abstract
ones, from almost anywhere. They will try something new in hopes of discovering what works. However, they may
not easily process what they take in. For example, they can ask a question yet struggle to do something with the
answer they get.
These ISFPs may pay for their “random” style. Their brain’s creative starburst tends to lift them away from the
concrete reality they normally trust. The result can be episodes of emotional and mental turmoil. Those can feed
their inspiration or set them back.
ISFP-N: “Dedicated Careerist”
ISFP: Introverting, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving preferences
Normalizing subtype: more conventional and specialized style than other ISFPs
© Dario Nardi
These ISFPs are serious, private, and focused on balance. They are steady, perfectionistic, and can be
anywhere in society, as their brains are closer to the norm. They have adopted a more chart-the-course style.
For brain wiring, they show an “even field” where every part of the brain is linked in pairs to every other, like
a quilt. Thus, their thinking tends to be linear and concrete. They take in data through their senses and process it
carefully, slowing determining what needs to be done with each nuance or cue. They don’t like to “wing it”. Rather,
they want to really hone every aspect of their discipline or specialty. Ultimately, they can perform in their sleep, so
to speak, and deliver with amazing impact.
These ISFPs typically have a small bias for the left or right hemisphere reflecting their artistic, physical, social
or technical specialty. That said, they all tend to show extra strength around auditory skills and more wiring in the
back of the brain to contemplate input in terms of what they know. They are well-rounded enough to get by in
institutions, and they can be patient assistants and managers (past whom nothing goes unnoticed). They prefer to
work alone or in a small group of equals such as an acting troupe or office clerical pool. They value balance and
privacy, and they deal well with routine demands such as paying bills. Where they tend to shine, however, is how
they connect language with feeling and body motion. This often shows as a blend of skills in design, media, and
performing arts. Education and social work are also favorite areas. They can be compensated quite well for their
They tend to keep work and play separate. They like free time alone but are also talkative and active with
friends and family. Recharging is important, ideally in nature or with music. They tend to self-educate, listening to
podcasts, reading books, or so on. They have strong boundaries about what does or does not fit in their daily life.
Where they run into trouble is “connecting the dots”, seeing patterns where none exist.
ISFP-H: “Empathic Maestro”
ISFP: Introverting, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving preferences
Harmonizing subtype: more empathic and reflective style than other ISFPs
© Dario Nardi
These ISFPs come off as caring, mystical, and peaceful. They are among the most spiritual of all types. Often,
they work in the background for their family, community or society in a capacity as a creator, counselor, healer, or
For brain wiring, they tend to show a right brain bias, remarkable emotional intelligence, and one or two
specialized networks that cross the hemispheres to bring together a unique set of skills. The network (or two) plays
out as a special “mode” that these ISFPs can enter as a key part of what they do. This might be artistic, a meditative
state, or to fill a therapeutic role. This is in addition to an overall skillset that is sufficient to get by in society (a “halo”
pattern), though they are not excited to do so. They may also have some zigzag connections that similarly lead to
unusual insights and unconventional ways of thinking and living life.
One common special network helps them work tactically with people. They approach a situation with a
person in an open-ended way. As they go, they notice practical visual and auditory indicators to work off of, to assist
the person in terms of energy and emotions. A second common network helps them work with abstract patterns,
feeling and seeing what’s going on. Whichever network, their visceral process feels really intuitive to them. They can
connect with animals and all of nature in the same way.
These ISFPs tend to be further along in their career and/or older or more mature than other ISFPs. They have
a balance of artistic and technical skills plus their own unique creative style for working with others, whether those
are colleagues, clients, sponsors, or so on. They bring a particularly peaceful strength of character. This comes at the
cost of fitting into a lot of what general society considers “normal” or necessary. While very grounded, they are
perhaps more at home in some other world.
4 Flavors of the 4 ST types
This includes descriptions of ESTJ, ISTJ, ESTP, and ISTP with
Dominant, Creative, Normalizing, and Harmonizing biases, for
16 profiles total, with specific references to brain regions
edited out. Graphics are from actual brain wiring diagrams.
All these slides are ORANGE as suited to the ST temperament.
Understanding ST Type Preferences
People who favor Sensing and Thinking tend to be realistic and matter-of-fact with a business-like
approach to life’s many practical challenges. With Sensing, they trust tangible data, particularly what they
can observe and measure, from a car’s idling sound to a company’s bottom-line profit. With Thinking, they
tend to logically assess the facts of a situation, reasoning from cause to effect, premise to conclusion.
Generally, whatever the situation, these people are interested in concrete technical information,
such as cost, weight, typical cycles, and performance metrics like number of customers. They tend to view
people as another kind of resource, and they evaluate others based on their behavior and the results they
produce, often weighing pros and cons. For example, even if a colleague is difficult to deal with
sometimes, exceptional performance makes his or her presence manageable until the person shapes up
or someone better fitting is found.
On the job, these individuals are data- and task-oriented. They collect and verify information, and
then analyze it in an objective way to complete a task or solve a problem. For example, they will look for
tables with numbers to inform decisions, they will trust their experience and observations over
abstractions, and they limit risks to areas they know well. As leaders, they tend to apply incentives for
people to modify their behavior to fit with the key principles and procedures. Career wise, they gravitate
to banking, business, law, manufacturing, the military, land management, and anything hands-on and
technical from car repair to surgery to software coding, though they can work in any field. What’s
important is that the work affords real-world problem-solving and tangible rewards.
* Used with permission from “The Magic Diamond” by Dario Nardi.
STs Continued…
In relationships, people who prefer Sensing and Thinking want a down-to-earth, respectful
partnership. Together, the couple is doing fun activities, divvying up and carrying out responsibilities, and
solving life’s problems in a thoughtful way with minimal drama. When an interpersonal issue arises, they
may endure it as they see how it evolves, and then get blunt about the need for improvement. They may
deploy sarcasm, silence, or criticism rather than deal with emotional scrutiny or inner psychological
With strengths comes one-sidedness. These individuals tend to discount untried ideas with no clear
reason for change, and they may easily be awkward in interpersonal situations that require finesse or
psychological understanding. Under stress, they can suddenly come off as shifty or flustered, contrary to
their usual straight-up demeanor, and they may deal inappropriately with complex human problems, from
a particular leader’s really questionable personal life to broad institutional biases.
At mid-life or earlier, these individuals experience a gentle push to develop Intuiting and Feeling.
This can show up several ways, such as an interest in a humanitarian cause, cross-cultural appreciation,
spiritual practice, or skills counseling. Ideally, the activity taps their nuts-and-bolts style. For example, a
humanitarian cause might mean serving on a local council or helping youth stay out of trouble and
graduate. An interest in spirituality might mean volunteering at or donating to a religious center or
building a business around health retreats. Whatever their path, Sensing-Thinking types must often deal
with obstacles to growth such as high costs versus unclear benefits, or simply being too busy.
Four subtypes or variants:
Dominant Creative
Normalizing Harmonizing
Among people who id with the same 4-letter personality type, we can sort their brain
wiring into 4 broad categories. These are subtypes or variants. They reflect development
and “nurture”. Factors include culture, upbringing, career choice, job role, the size or type
of one’s organization, age, sex, and more. The result points to the lifestyle that fits best.
Most people identify with one or two. Do your best to try on and find what fits you.
4 Flavors of ESTJ
ESTJ – Implementor Supervisor™
ESTJs strive to bring order to chaotic situations. They have an industrious,
hard-work attitude. They quickly educate themselves and connect the dots.
When needed, they step up to supervise. They rely on a philosophy of life and
seek the steps to success. ESTJs like to keep up traditions and reflect on life’s
wealth of experiences. They value being well balanced. To reveal a person’s
character, they can get sharp. They can feel let down when their standards for
economy and quality are not met.
Crack the Code: This type has a talent or bias for...
Extraverting Initiate interactions and energized by being with others.
Sensing Perceive what’s concrete, tangible and real based on experience.
Thinking Organize and decide based on objective, impersonal criteria.
Judging Plan ahead with a drive to completion and closure.
ESTJ-D: “Fortifying Commander”
ESTJ: Extraverting, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging preferences
Dominant subtype: more driven and confident style than other ESTJs
© Dario Nardi
These ESTJs are active, ambitious, decisive, outgoing, and practical. They work hard as they make their way into
roles of responsibility—and maybe, power—where they can get a lot done, even in quickly changing environments.
They have poise. They epitomize an in-charge style.
Brain-wise, they show a strong frontward bias with quick executive function. Their language-based reasoning
combined with body awareness translate as putting ideas into action. They talk and work on the go. Nearby regions
support quick efficiency and awareness of group dynamics. They communicate with a goal focus, attending to visual
and factual details and to social feedback. As part of this, they can deal with people in a tactical way, asking a question
and adjusting accordingly. Often, but not always, they show the telltale wiring for managerial skills to balance firm
values against the shifting challenges of specific situations.
These ESTJs usually act as leaders, business owners, independent consultants, and public speakers. Whatever
their role, they are comfortable dealing with full rooms and organizations. They gravitate to business or community
work. Their background may easily include accounting, human resources, marketing, medicine, or statistics. But they
are not analysts or technicians and lack patience for bureaucracy and solo detailed work. A typical favorite role is as a
branch manager where they enjoy autonomy to set rules, assign tasks, instruct, and so on—they have a personal sense
of the best ways to fulfill responsibilities. They have the confidence to walk into almost any place and do what they
need to.
Their weak side: sensitivity to feelings and dealing with their shadowy depths, which requires quiet, relaxation,
contemplation, and acceptance. When they have their inner and outer life in balance, they can be really inspiring.
ESTJ-C: “Inventive Coordinator”
ESTJ: Extraverting, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging preferences
Creative subtype: more exploratory and sociable style than other ESTJs
© Dario Nardi
These ESTJs are astute, engaging, expressive, inclusive, inventive in everyday challenges, and interested in
learning and new ideas. They give off a get-things-going style.
For brain wiring, they show a moderate “starburst” pattern. That is, when information or a prompt to act
comes, the brain considers all it knows at once to come up with a novel or best-fit response. For ESTJs, that’s often a
witty remark or a surprise out-of-the-box idea. It also signals adaptability. The more of a learning environment they
are in, the stronger the starburst. They sport decent executive skills and are goal-focused, just more short-term than
other ESTJs. They can surprise people with their drive and quick ideas. Also, they lack the “halo” of social skills that
many others have. Thus, they can be insensitive or act as a rebel (or counter-revolutionary) if even in small ways.
They are strong conversationalists and can gab, explore and debate for hours. They tend to have a few favorite
regions in both hemispheres, left and right—these diverse skills show as art appreciation, cultural exchange, people
watching, and similar past-times.
These ESTJs tend to take on careers and roles that task them to constantly self-educate and keep up with
advances, changes, and competition. Whatever their role, they can get creative such as manufacturing products or
artistic presentations. They like something tangible and can coordinate many disparate pieces. They like some daily
variety. In an entertainment career, they stick to classic favorites and a business mindset. They bring ingenuity and a
can-do spirit to face new situations, get familiar with things, overcome failures, and build to success.
They may be somewhat scattered, such as jumping between jobs. They notice social trends. They can be
rabble-rousers for a worthy cause. They have a pointed sense of humor and capacity to “play” with people. Their
insights can be as blunt or tricky as they are accurate.
ESTJ-N: “Administrative Chief”
ESTJ: Extraverting, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging preferences
Normalizing subtype: more conventional and specialized style than other ESTJs
© Dario Nardi
These ESTJs are conscientious, detail-oriented, dutiful, objective, practical, and strict. They work hard, follow
procedures, and aim to set a good example. They take a more chart-the-course style.
In terms of brain-wiring, they have an “even field” pattern with a back and/or left bias. The even-field is like
an expanse of square farm fields, neatly linked to each other by local roads. Thus, they tend to think in a sequential
way, connecting a few dots at a time to build up a picture. They can be quite thorough as they check off boxes. The
left bias supports accurate speech, mental planning, operating procedures, social rules, and visual details. The back
bias gives them a more introverted feel and a bit of reflective depth. Typically, as new input comes in, they
thoroughly vet it against their huge storehouse of knowledge and past experiences to be sure their response will be
the best possible and align with norms and values. Finally, they may develop managerial skills.
These ESTJs tend to fill jobs in large organizations that require a mix of administrative and technical work.
They are often interested in economics, finance, history, law and law enforcement, medicine and health services, the
military, and so on. They may have laboratory experience. They can be extremely versed in logistical and technical
elements, knowing all the ins-and-outs of supplies, tools, and how-to methods in order to make decisions and carry
out plans in the most efficient, effective ways. They can focus academically. And they strive to be highly objective as
they “work the problem”, ideally one problem at a time.
They like being a part of something larger than themselves. They strive to give the most to their family,
coworkers, and community, keeping up values, standards, and traditions. They can hold strong religious or
philosophical sentiments. They care about their heritage. Others may view them as unexpressive, bottled-up,
officious, and unimaginative.
ESTJ-H: “Measured Humanist”
ESTJ: Extraverting, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging preferences
Harmonizing subtype: more empathic and reflective style than other ESTJs
© Dario Nardi
These ESTJs are especially personable with a thoughtful, sophisticated, and multi-faceted way of thinking and
acting. They have charm and create room for others while encouraging growth. They have adopted a more behind-
the-scenes style.
For brain wiring, these ESTJs usually show two or three diamond-shaped networks. Each network spans the
brain hemispheres in a specific way, bringing together a variety of “soft” and “hard” skills into one package. Each
diamond is like a rich, sophisticated how-to procedure. Thus, in what they know, they are multi-faceted with a
balance of technical, artistic, and people-oriented skills. Unlike many other types with these diamond networks, they
have decent executive skills for decision-making. They also have a reflective side that grounds them in their
memories and knowledge more than many others of their type. Finally, brain-wise, they tend to have strong visual
skills, both for in terms of aesthetics and accurate details.
Generally, they focus on others as unique individuals with practical needs and the potential for improvement.
Typical roles include adult educator, customer relations officer, diplomat, media producer, skills coach, teen
counselor, salesperson, social worker, or talent manager. In more technical areas such as information technology
they take a systems view and factor in people. They can comfortably interact with persons of different ages, social
classes, and cultural backgrounds. Often, they have a cross-cultural or multi-cultural outlook. This ultimately makes
them more discerning with an ability to shift perspective and see deep value. More than other ESTJs, they recognize
quality in products, people, and experiences.
They don’t take life too seriously beyond the essentials. They have a sophisticated way of thinking about
things with a philosophical or spiritual streak. They give and take advice. They are willing to sacrifice. And they are
open to new ideas and habits so long as those are functional, and ideally, harmonious.
4 Flavors of ISTJ
ISTJ – Planner Inspector™
ISTJs like to be prepared and draw up plans. They take responsibility as
best they can. They get work done first, are active in the community, and loyal
to their roles. Doing the right thing is important to them. Everyday they strive
to cultivate good habits. ISTJs bear life’s burdens and cross bridges of
adversity. They have a talent to plan, sequence, fill in details, and note what’s
missing. They have a sense of history and a subtle sense of humor. Learning so
much in hindsight pains them at times.
Crack the Code: This type has a talent or bias for...
Introverting Focus on inner life and energized by solitary activities.
Sensing Perceive what’s concrete, tangible and real based on experience.
Thinking Organize and decide based on objective, impersonal criteria.
Judging Plan ahead with a drive to completion and closure.
ISTJ-D: “Dedicated Captain”
ISTJ: Introverting, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging preferences
Dominant subtype: more driven and confident style than other ISTJs
© Dario Nardi
These ISTJs are often in managerial and leadership positions. They faithfully others move toward goals large and
small, and they possess an understated charisma with deep-seated values. They’ve developed an in-charge style.
They show dense wiring right up front around the executive regions with a clear “even field” over the brain’s
front half. This supports quick, organized reactions to inputs, especially familiar ones, though given time, they can chart
a step-by-step response to most problems. They also tend to show wiring to support speaking and listening, language-
based reasoning, and impulse control. They are adept at mental planning, logic and conceptual thinking, and analogies
and metaphors. Importantly, they usually have strong managerial skills. They weigh their values and what they know as
“hard lines” against the demands of specific “here and now” concerns. They detect voice tone and, when speaking, can
inspire others emotionally as they highlight values. Finally, they often sport a very quiet “starburst” pattern that
contributes occasionally in the background. When all brain regions fire in synch, they can “connect the dots” or
contribute some subtle humor or a new idea.
In terms of careers, these ISTJs often gravitate to business or technical activities that involve working with
others. They usually rise to a managerial or administrative role, mastering whatever technical skills are needed. Along
the way, they may also engage in coaching, counseling, instructional design, nursing, teaching, and tech-support.
To better know these ISTJs, look closely. The back of the brain is often sparely and oddly wired. Who knows
what’s down there! Although they are reflective introverts, emotion and introspection are not an orderly affair for
ISTJ-C: “Enthusiastic Prospector”
ISTJ: Introverting, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging preferences
Creative subtype: more exploratory and sociable style than other ISTJs
© Dario Nardi
These ISTJs are affable, enthusiastic, expressive, and friendly. They tend to be congratulatory and convey an
excitement about upcoming prospects. They involve others. They have a more “get things going” style.
At first glance, in terms of brain-wiring, they favor the front-left and back-right of the brain. The front-left
correlates with analytical decision-making skills, mental planning, attention to details, and clear speech. This is how
they keep themselves organized and focused. Meanwhile, the back-right bias correlates with awareness of others’ body
language and voice tone as well as noticing visual patterns and recalling personal memories. Overall, they also show
most of a halo pattern, which supports a variety of skills to be socially well-adjusted.
At the same time, just as important brain-wise, they sport a soft “starburst”. Their whole brain can get involved
as they process a lot of information. This is not instant. There’s a lag of a few extra seconds, or minutes, as they absorb
what’s going on. But it’s sufficiently quick in most situations. They pair whatever comes their way with their rich, varied
storehouse of knowledge, skills, and memories. This give them a fluid, casual, engaged style—they can look like
extroverts—though they will be out of their element when something really comes out of left field or links to an
unhappy past experience or other negative element. At such times, they can give a little bit of an emotional outburst.
Career wise, they are often interested in the arts, history, psychology and travel, though their practical side may
win out with business or engineering. Everything may together in one career such as industrial psychology. Just as
often, they become actors, journalists, painters, or such, running against ISTJ stereotypes. Whatever they do, their mix
of interests, openness, and zest to meet interesting people and visit interesting places, results in having rich,
memorable lives.
ISTJ-N: “Dutiful Role-Keeper”
ISTJ: Introverting, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging preferences
Normalizing subtype: more conventional and specialized style than other ISTJs
© Dario Nardi
These ISTJs are diligent, loyal, meticulous, and serious. They strive to carefully fulfill their community, family, and
work roles. They tend to work a lot under the umbrella of a big organization. They epitomize a chart-the-course style.
Their brains show a left or back bias, or both, as well as an “even field” and “halo”. Sometimes their whole brain
wiring is simply very even like an expanse of farmland with neat square fields, where every brain region is linked to its
local neighbors for a step-by-step, steady way of thinking about everything. Just as often, they have a strong analytical
bent—the stereotype of a “left-brained” person who is a linear, literal thinker. Meanwhile, a back bias indicates a
particularly measured, stoic, and thoughtful approach to life. Every input goes to the brain’s back and memory centers
for comparison and contemplation. Finally, they sport a clear “halo” pattern that correlates with the set of skills that
society expects from people.
Career-wise, they gravitate to the classic, practical, technical professions such as accountant, computer
programmer, doctor, engineer, lab scientist, lawyer, nurse, teacher or technician. Compared to others of their type,
they more likely come from a communal culture or work in a large company or institution such as a well-established
accounting firm, church or hospital, the military, a school system, or any governmental organization. A large, stable
entity gives them a sense of comfort, meaning, and security. They are generally not ambitious and don’t strive to high
positions. They work at an even, comfortable pace and prefer to keep up energy to give to their family and community.
These ISTJs have a quirky side that only comes out with close friends, a loved one, or—in the right situation,
maybe—a total stranger. They are suddenly extravagant or imaginative in a child-like way and may stubbornly make
spur-of-the-moment (even rash) decisions.
ISTJ-H: “Practical Coach”
ISTJ: Introverting, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging preferences
Harmonizing subtype: more empathic and reflective style than other ISTJs
© Dario Nardi
These ISTJs have really put to heart training to help people, especially at an interpersonal level, and as a result,
they have a sophisticated way of thinking and working that requires a behind-the-scenes style.
Brain wise, they usually rely on one or two diamond-shaped networks. Each diamond connects left and right
halves of the brain in a specific way to support a particular role or situation. This helps them attend to technical
elements such as rules or plans as well as human dynamics and creative possibilities. It’s all done according to a specific,
learned methodology. For example, in the role of a coach, they patiently pay attention to what a person is showing on
their face, how they are speaking and what they’re doing; they then see where these behaviors fall into known
categories and thus what rule can apply. When they really get into using a favorite network, they look pretty rational
and theoretical, and they can feel socially awkward at times, especially in new situations. More often, they sport a
moderate “halo” of brain wiring that supports conventional social skills. They also tend to have a slight bias to the
brain’s front-left, giving some needed weight to goal-focused decision-making.
These ISTJs are well-suited to supportive interpersonal work. They advise management, work in marketing,
attend to product quality and customer satisfaction, conduct trainings, act as a liaison between organizational layers, or
coach students or employees. Whatever the specifics, they keep a large storehouse of past situations to draw on. They
listen, observe, and are well-suited to bridge multiple groups or departments, and they are relatively open to change
and will flex and search for ways to comfortably implement new ideas and policies.
At work and at home, they enjoy comfort, safety, and convenience. They are particularly sensitive to subtle
sensory variations, and their personal philosophy often has a spiritual element.
4 Flavors of ESTP
ESTP – Promoter Executor™
ESTPs smoothly get on top of things. They are tactical and quickly play off
of the relevant details. They set a priority while staying open to options. They
enjoy exhilaration at the edge. They have a talent for negotiating and can win
over people to get a lot done through others. ESTPs want a bottom-line
measure of their success. They enjoy acting as a consultant. They have a deep,
heart-felt care for their family and friends. They are disappointed when others
don’t show respect.
Crack the Code: This type has a talent or bias for...
Extraverting Initiate interactions and energized by being with others.
Sensing Perceive what’s concrete, tangible and real based on experience.
Thinking Organize and decide based on objective, impersonal criteria.
Perceiving Stay open and engaged with a drive for more input.
ESTP-D: “Intrepid Leader”
ESTP: Extraverting, Sensing, Thinking, and Perceiving preferences
Dominant subtype: more driven and confident style than other ESTPs
© Dario Nardi
These ESTPs go bravely into challenging ventures, often with a team. They are ambitious, energetic, determined,
decisive yet flexible, and uncommon in their tactics to succeed. They really embrace an in-charge style
In terms of brain-wiring, they sport a frontal bias for strong executive skills. They quickly take in new
information, figure out what’s needed, and decide with confidence. They balance a goal-focus with being open-ended.
These ESTPs also attend to body language and voice tone and can really direct and inspire others. Their slight left-
hemisphere bias supports analytical thinking. They are fast, logical thinkers. In the heat of a moment, they can
categorize, deduce, define, hypothesize, and infer—stepping through an idea or plan, checking and making corrections
as they go. Underlying all of this, their brain usually shows a partial “even field” and/or “halo” typical of the general
population. They fit but they don’t quite do what others expect.
These ESTPs tend to be private business owners or heads of major organizations, maybe with a wide reach—
national or international. They may be in any industry, though they value meeting practical human needs. Their focus
might be aid delivery, live entertainment, health products and services, resort properties, talent promotion, or
whatever else helps people in a fun way. The business might be small, like a gym, or grow large. These ESTPs prize
effective, reliable employees, and high customer satisfaction. When they face a failure or obstacle, they find a way to
start anew.
They are territorial. They have little patience for disrespect, incompetence, ingratitude, nonsense, or timidity. They
trust their own counsel and gut instincts, at times to a fault. Some may view them as braggarts, bullies, or coarse. They
can get into trouble with their emotions and when bypassing bureaucratic obstacles.
ESTP-C: “Social Influencer”
ESTP: Extraverting, Sensing, Thinking, and Perceiving preferences
Creative subtype: more exploratory and sociable style than other ESTPs
© Dario Nardi
These ESTPs are active, charming, flexible, fun-loving, risk-seeking, and at times all over the place. They love
including others in their adventures. They have a get-things-going feel.
Brain-wise, their trademark is a “starburst” pattern. Their senses catch everything going on around them, and
their brain quickly analyzes it all at once and comes up with a next move. This in-the-moment tactics is like playing team
sports. Besides the starburst, they have solid executive skills to decide quickly. They also focus on reading body
language, facial expressions, and voice tone. No clue passes unnoticed. They enjoy a keen sense of what others want
and how they will likely react. Thus, they can be charmers, playful, and maybe misleading. When reasoning, they tend
to visualize ideas, weigh pros and cons, look for leverage, and perhaps bring in a favorite principle. They are not
academic thinkers and their future plans tend to be vague. When needed, they can craft a colorful speech or striking
presentation. They are fairly visual, their stories paint pictures, and they have a eye for beauty and style. However,
metaphorically speaking, their eyes can wander a bit.
Career wise, they like to be interacting and moving around with a lot of variety. Consulting, the arts, public
speaking, and traveling for sales are appealing. Being so tuned in to human behavior and motives also inclines them to
entertainment, marketing, politics, and psychology. They can talk to a lot of people and quickly pick out the gold
These ESTPs are often younger, tend to court danger, and can get into serious trouble. They may easily “forget”
obligations when having fun. That said, their creative brain also has easy access to the artistic muses, intuition, and
altered states of consciousness. If, and how, they use these is up to them.
ESTP-N: “Tactical Adjuster”
ESTP: Extraverting, Sensing, Thinking, and Perceiving preferences
Normalizing subtype: more conventional and specialized style than other ESTPs
© Dario Nardi
These ESTPs are the most analytical, conventional, disciplined, organized, and responsible of their type. Their
gauge for fun is more tame, they have endurance, and they attend to details and facts with a chart-the-course style.
Their brains show an “even field” pattern and a left-hemisphere bias. An even-field means that every region links
to its neighbors like a grid. Like traveling roads, their brains think though things in a sequential way while also attentive
to data and options. Thus, while not so speedy, they adapt in the long-run. As for analytical skills, the left hemisphere
aids speaking and listening to word content, mental planning and logic, identify and labeling, recalling physical routines,
noting other’s feedback, and visual precision. Their minds remember a lot of sensory, technical and factual details that
are relevant to their work and lives. As a consequence, they to do well in school and in most workplaces, where
knowing the standard procedures leads to success. In time, these ESTPs usually develop decent managerial and
executive skills.
They may work for themselves or for a larger organization. Either way, they can put together a package,
portfolio, presentation, product or program that meets the personal needs of clients, customers, and teams in a precise
way to maximize bottom-line impact. Similarly, they can figure out the best driving route, football play, promotional
schedule, sales floor layout, and so on. They will reevaluate as needed. Thus, they are less “designers” and more
“adjusters”. For example, for a stock portfolio, they look ahead to the coming season and year for the best investments
to shift to. In their expertise, they make decent guides and teachers.
They are less physically active and less talkative than most other ESTPs except when it comes to a work topic, a
family or community event, or when someone catches their eye. Then their gregariousness comes out. They love family
time and treat friends well. They also tend to have a private, quiet religious side.
ESTP-H: “Personable Connector”
ESTP: Extraverting, Sensing, Thinking, and Perceiving preferences
Harmonizing subtype: more empathic and reflective style than other ESTPs
© Dario Nardi
These ESTPs are highly attentive to others’ behavior, generally caring, deeply insightful yet also practical, and
relatively patient. In time, they can be great mentors. They have adopted a behind-the-scenes style.
For brain wiring, they show multiple diamond-shaped networks. Each network spans the brain’s hemispheres
and provides a set of diverse skills that are honed to work together in a quick, smooth way. It’s as if each brain
region is a member of a mental team. A network may aid many situations such as visually sizing-up people in an
open-ended, holistic way that looks quite intuitive. Or, a network might be specific to a sport or other high-stakes
skilled activity. For example, as an actor, they might bring together speaking, personal likes and dislikes, and a set of
standard moves to execute, all within a visual-mechanical-spatial framework. Overall, their brains work in a complex
way and they are adept at applying multiple models. Invariably, whatever their networks, they are visual-spatial
thinkers with solid body awareness. To pull together everything, they quickly shift what network to use when.
Otherwise, they tend to lack a common set of socially-expected skills and have unique ways of handling things.
They are masters of subtly with a particular knack for working one-on-one, live and in-person with someone.
They can key into a person, adjust their own language and behavior, and energetically guide the situation. This
makes them excellent actors, counselors, diplomats, high-end salespersons, poker players, shamans, and such.
Often, they have an international or multicultural background. Perspective shifting comes easily, and they tend to
keep things feeling light. Of course, there is always some temptation to use these skills in a manipulative way.
Overall, these ESTPs are sophisticated thinkers, with a clear and nuanced intellectual, philosophical, and
spiritual side. They also enjoy creature comforts and leisure activities with friends and family.
4 Flavors of ISTP
ISTP – Analyzer Operator™
ISTPs are hands-on problem solvers. They closely observe how things
work. They will carefully take apart or poke at something to understand it.
They have a talent for using tools to take the best approach to a problem.
ISTPs need to be independent to follow their own paths. They like to test,
challenge, and push their own limits to find success. They act on their hunches
or intuitions. Making and sharing their own discoveries is satisfying. Powerful
emotional experiences can really unsettle them.
Crack the Code: This type has a talent or bias for...
Introverting Focus on inner life and energized by solitary activities.
Sensing Perceive what’s concrete, tangible and real based on experience.
Thinking Organize and decide based on objective, impersonal criteria.
Perceiving Stay open and engaged with a drive for more input.
ISTP-D: “Success Manager”
ISTP: Introverting, Sensing, Thinking, and Perceiving preferences
Dominant subtype: more driven and confident style than other ISTPs
© Dario Nardi
These ISTPs actively make the most of situations, often finding smart ways to be successful. They steer
themselves and others to make the most from their capabilities. They’ve learned how to be in charge.
Brain-wise, they show extra wiring toward the brain’s front and left, usually with an “even field” in the
background. The front bias supports managerial and leadership skills or it may simply reflect confidence and fast
reactions to problems. A left bias signals an analytical bent. The even field means every brain region links to its
immediate neighbors, helping this ISTP tackle a wide variety of situations, though maybe with extra time and mental
steps. They typically have good verbal and visual-spatial skills, language-based reasoning, and a strong neural “halo”,
indicating they are fairly well-socialized. Though confident and active, they still tend to be quiet and contemplative.
Career-wise, they tend toward administration, business, science, and technology. And sooner or later, they
get into a managerial, training, or leadership position, especially where there is a larger structure with room to make
their own decisions. In a place like the military, they figure out how to best work the system and its rules in order to
thrive. If they cannot find a fit in an organization, they work as consultants, bringing in their expertise. Whatever
their role, they are persistent realists, speak with certainty, and are difficult to sway. Their methods and views are
grounded in facts and first-hand experience, they are independent thinkers, and they focus on putting knowledge
into practice for tangible results.
They relish their solo spare time and try to keep up hobbies and activities, ideally athletics, a craft, or
immersing in nature. When under a bit of pressure, uncertainty, or interpersonal stress, they can get paranoid,
pessimistic, or sarcastic.
ISTP-C: “Diverse Designer”
ISTP: Introverting, Sensing, Thinking, and Perceiving preferences
Creative subtype: more exploratory and sociable style than other ISTPs
© Dario Nardi
These ISTPs are curious with multiple interests, naturals at design in whatever form that may take, and known
for their intriguing creations. Around their favorite interests, they can really give off a get-things-going style.
Their brains usually sport a strong “starburst” pattern. As information comes in, the whole brain gets involved,
helping them see connections and respond in a holistic, intuitive way. They often have left and back brain biases
well. These support analytical thinking and help them synthesize new information with prior observations using their
favorite frameworks. Their creativity is buttressed by categorizing, deducing, labeling, weighing pros and cons, and
seeking leverage (F3, P3, and/or P4). They rely on a toolkit of creative tricks that they’ve worked out. They easily
notice visual and behavioral patterns. And they can get goal-focused particularly around visual detail. Although they
enjoy simulating conversation, they usually have average auditory skills. When presenting or teaching, they must
focus to communicate clearly. They can learn to use metaphor.
These ISTPs are exceptional designers. They bring in artistic, systemic, and visual-spatial thinking. They tinker
and experiment to find ways to satisfy multiple parameters at once. This might be in architecture, computer
simulation, games, fashion, financial modeling, horticulture, industrial product design, landscaping, or the visual or
mechanical arts such as putting together “mutant art cars”. All of these require creativity with technical precision.
They enjoy imparting their how-to knowledge and insights to others.
Ideally, they can move around in their workspace and travel regularly such as visiting client sites. They enjoy
time in nature such as hiking, swimming, and gardening, if they can. When traveling, they like to explore and learn
the options for what’s around to see, learn, and do.
ISTP-N: “Quiet Troubleshooter”
ISTP: Introverting, Sensing, Thinking, and Perceiving preferences
Normalizing subtype: more conventional and specialized style than other ISTPs
© Dario Nardi
These ISTPs fit pretty well into general society. They learn the ins and outs of a specific trade and really
develop expertise in it, both out of deep interest and to help out others. They take a strong chart-the-course style.
In terms of brain wiring, they show a solid bias toward the back of the brain. As input comes in through the
five senses, it mostly flows to the back for thorough consideration. They take time and really reflect, matching what
they observe against what they know, analyzing things and figuring out the best way to respond with deep
understanding. As part of this, they tend to rely on language-based reasoning and physical skills. Underlying it all is a
soft “even field” pattern, which means each brain region links to its neighbors. This helps them tackle pretty much
any kind of situation, though mostly they do so in a step-by-step, linear way, checking their thinking as they go at
their own pace. Finally, they also tend to sport a halo pattern, which correlates with being socially well-adjusted at
least for analytical introverts.
They tend toward conventional service jobs that require technical skills, ideally using their hands or moving
around. For example, they might be an accountant, athlete, biologist, computer programmer, garage mechanic, lab
technician, nature photographer, or a web marketer. Most often, they work on their own within—or do jobs for—
organizations. Beside their specialty, they may keep up side jobs such as accounting during the week and couriering
by bicycle on weekends.
They tend to be very private. They like family excursions such as going on to the beach or woods. They may
surprise others with their intuitive and humanistic sides. Occasionally, a “starburst” comes up from deep within.
When alone and given time, they can receive remarkable insights. These experiences—positive or negative—may
impact their work, hobbies, and spirituality.
ISTP-H: “Humane Investigator”
ISTP: Introverting, Sensing, Thinking, and Perceiving preferences
Harmonizing subtype: more empathic and reflective style than other ISTPs
© Dario Nardi
These ISTPs are hands on and face-to-face. They focus on applying complex ideas to help individual people
solve problems. Given the subtleties of human nature, they take more of a behind-the-scenes style.
Their brain wiring tends to cluster around one or more central points and spread out across the hemispheres
with one or two diamond-shaped patterns. A typical center point toward the back helps them represent complex
systems in a visual-spatial way. They take in an observation, then run a mental simulation to learn what solution is
needed or how things will play out. This is not verbal, though with effort they may learn how to communicate it. One
common diamond network helps them notice body language and other visual patterns. Yet another diamond aids
tactical thinking, especially in physical or social situations. They notice cues, diagnose, and adjust their moves as they
go. Other diamonds are possible, each reflecting a particular problem solving technique. Overall, these ISTPs think in
unusual ways and usually lack the halo of conventional skills most people rely on.
Typical careers have a hands-on human element such as anthropologist, chiropractor, documentary
filmmaker, herbalist, massage therapist, nutritionist, psychology researcher, shaman, or hobby club organizer.
Whatever they do officially, they likely also meditate or practice a martial art or explore altered states of
consciousness. They can come off as fairly introverted, thoughtful, and a little strange.
More than other ISTPs, it’s important they have a daily routine and means for success. They really do things
their own way. They like simple pleasures over exertion. And they trust personal trial-and-error over the
mainstream. They explore, experiment, and blend ideas to develop their own system. In doing so, they can get off
track and miss out on rewards.
4 Flavors of the 4 NT types
This includes descriptions of ENTJ, INTJ, ENTP, and INTP with
Dominant, Creative, Normalizing, and Harmonizing biases, for
16 profiles total, with specific references to brain regions
edited out. Graphics are from actual brain wiring diagrams.
All these slides are GREEN as suited to the NT temperament.
Generally, whatever the situation, these people seek an abstract view of what’s going on and why.
They quickly notice patterns, which they can match with their mental models and theories. They likely
have one or two primary interests plus a dozen side interests. Some of these usually relate to technology
or the future, even if as a hobby, and hopefully, at least one will be how to effectively deal with others.
For example, they might draw on Jungian psychological theory to understand people.
On the job, these individuals bring theoretical and technical understanding and, intended or not,
tend to set an organization or discipline on a new path into the future. They seek a working knowledge of
how things are organized. They prefer to study a problem in a non-personal way and come up with a
strategy to address it long-term. As leaders, they can be visionary, though they may have difficulty with
the practicalities and the human elements. They will often drive hard for quality, are open to quantitative
data and calculated risks, and tend to tap survey feedback to get insights and outside consultants to
promote organizational change. Career wise, they gravitate to science, technology, philosophy, and
organizational strategy, though they can work in any field, or a blend multiple fields. What’s important is
that the work galvanizes their minds to explore and master new ideas, to gain expertise.
With strengths comes one-sidedness. These individuals tend to discount feedback that does not fit
their mental model or strategy. Also, they may over-extended their expertise into an area they don’t
actually know. Under stress, they can suddenly get irrational, contrary to their usual clear thinking, and
they can really lose touch with their practical needs, letting health and happiness slip away. When they
miss others’ humanity, they may be viewed as arrogant or devious.
At mid-life or earlier, these individuals experience a gentle push to develop Sensing and Feeling.
This can show up several ways, such as enjoying nature, improving health and fitness, spending more time
with family, developing an artistic of musical skill, or delving into psychology. Ideally, the activity taps their
scientific mindset and need for life-long learning. For example, they might research and develop their own
fitness strategy. Or, time with family might involve museum trips or anything else that is educational and
somewhat challenging. Whatever their path, Intuiting-Thinking types must often deal with obstacles to
growth such as their innate skepticism, a penchant for turning play into more work, or a sense they can
grow simply by thinking about it.
Four subtypes or variants:
Dominant Creative
Normalizing Harmonizing
Among people who id with the same 4-letter personality type, we can sort their brain
wiring into 4 broad categories. These are subtypes or variants. They reflect development
and “nurture”. Factors include culture, upbringing, career choice, job role, the size or type
of one’s organization, age, sex, and more. The result points to the lifestyle that fits best.
Most people identify with one or two. Do your best to try on and find what fits you.
4 Flavors of ENTJ
ENTJ – Strategist Mobilizer™
ENTJs easily act as leaders with a vision. They bring in resources of all
kinds and maximize talents to make the most progress. They can predict
what’s coming up in the big picture. They enjoy intuitive explorations and can
buck convention. Where they can, ENTJs forge partnerships, mentor, and
empower others. Often, they find they are running many projects. They know
peace and conflict go together. They have a soft spot. They can get over-
whelmed managing a lot of details of time and resources.
Crack the Code: This type has a talent or bias for...
Extraverting Initiate interactions and energized by being with others.
iNtuiting Perceive abstract patterns, concepts and potential possibilities.
Thinking Organize and decide based on objective, impersonal criteria.
Judging Plan ahead with a drive to completion and closure.
ENTJ-D: “Visionary General”
ENTJ: Extraverting, iNtuiting, Thinking, and Judging preferences
Dominant subtype: more driven and confident style than other ENTJs
© Dario Nardi
These ENTJs are particularly ambitious, commanding, and confident. They can potentially rise to become
institutional directors, political leaders, or tycoons of industry. They enjoy leading others to advance a traditional
domain (e.g. healthcare, media, politics, transport) to its next evolutionary step. They exemplify an in-charge style.
In terms of brain wiring, these ENTJs show a clear front and left bias—they are outgoing, tough, analytical,
and generally rely on a preset way to rapidly act on anything that comes up. Their brain tends to be efficient, tapping
a few favorite regions, akin to sticking to only a few critical rooms in a mansion. Turning on some lights in other, less
practiced or expected regions may come slowly for them. Thus, they can be slow to adjust to surprises.
Most favor left-hemisphere regions for word content, facts, and social rules. Others are more well-rounded
with a “halo” of brain links. Either way, they aim to excel in whatever endeavors to which they apply their will
power. They may sport strong managerial and communication skills, though not necessarily—a passion for
leadership may not translate to finesse.
Their interest is usually business management. Favored domains include advertising, cognitive science,
economics, education, games, health care, media, and sales. They like the idea of advancing the public good and
society in general. At the same time, they will push for maximum profits and rapid, controlled growth. They rely on
impersonal metrics to automate the human elements; others may view them as heartless, even villainous. Even
when they fall short of goals, their revolutionary impact can shift an organization, industry or even society for years
to come.
ENTJ-C: “Renaissance Explorer”
ENTJ: Extraverting, iNtuiting, Thinking, and Judging preferences
Creative subtype: more exploratory sociable style than other ENTJs
© Dario Nardi
These ENTJs are notably curious, idealistic, and fun-loving. They exude a magnetic energy that tends to attract
others’ interest and get other people involved in their projects.
Neural wiring tends to show a light or medium brainstorm pattern. This pattern is associated with creative,
out-of-the-box thinking. Sometimes, they may show mediocre pre-frontal executive wiring and can berate
themselves as distractible, indecisive or lazy even when they look active and goal-driven to others.
This variant are adventurers who travel and act with purpose. They dig into diverse topics and are open to
new places and new activities, while usually retaining strong technical and business skills. They can come off as a
prodigy as they quickly pass peers, particularly in adolescence, excelling in academic, athletic and social skills. Their
intuition is not relegated to private time or just for business strategizing. They like to play with a lot of data and ideas
at once, believing an optimal result and practical order can be drawn from that. They easily hold an international
outlook with ambitions to make a cultural impact on a wide stage, even globally. They have a restless drive for
remarkable experiences, be those physical, romantic or mystical such as climbing the tallest mountain with a famous
guru and beautiful companion at their side. They tend to be pretty independent but really need an executive
assistant or small team to help manage daily details and implement all of their activities and ideas. Ultimately, they
tend to settle into a profession that requires a blend of business, creative, social, and technical skills.
These ENTJs have a peppy demeanor, a natural charisma, and perhaps even a playboy or playgirl flair that
draws in others. They may cultivate a celebrity-like following by playing up excitement and opportunity. They can
easily be overly idealistic about relationships. They like technical tools and services such as dating-apps and meet-up
groups to navigate social goals. This variant is most common among younger ENTJs.
ENTJ-N: “Change Administrator”
ENTJ: Extraverting, iNtuiting, Thinking, and Judging preferences
Normalizing subtype: more conventional and specialized style than other ENTJs
© Dario Nardi
These ENTJs blend well culturally with brain-wiring that is more the norm of the general population. They
usually enjoy settled, traditional lives with families, steady jobs, and community activities. They take to a more chart-
the-course style to be a positive force for change.
Their brain often shows an “even field” pattern—neural wiring is relatively even across the cortex, and every
region is connected to its nearest neighbors horizontally or vertically like neat farm fields. This disposes them to a
more linear, logical, step-by-step approach to tasks. That said, many also have a right-hemisphere bias—maybe quite
strong—supporting a quiet reliance on intuition and creativity with a genuine concern for moral and ethical
standards and human welfare. Generally they have mediocre executive coordination. That is, they do not just
integrate new information on the spot but prefer quiet time at their desk to collate and integrate ideas into a
coherent understanding and master plan.
These ENTJs tend to be settled and prefer a calm, steady partner and home-life. Often, they work in the
technical arts (e.g. electronics, mechanics, music) or the social sciences (e.g. anthropology, psychology). They easily
hold a traditional job role, aspiring to general manager or department director, in a large institution such as banking,
education, energy, or medicine–-areas that require a lot of patience and maneuvering through regulations, working
with details and the human political elements to get things done. They have a penchant for focusing and practicing
for high performance that other tend to ENTJs lack.
They believe in learning as a major path to improving just about anything. This can include data analysis,
mentorships, research projects, teamwork, and automated systems. Often, they will enjoy a side-interest in the arts,
philosophy, or psychology. This knowledge helps them better motivate and work with others, and it sheds light on
the existential big-picture of the human condition and their own place in it.
ENTJ-H: “Mystical Practitioner”
ENTJ: Extraverting, iNtuiting, Thinking, and Judging preferences
Harmonizing subtype: more empathic and reflective style than other ENTJs
© Dario Nardi
These ENTJs are eccentric, even mystical, highly observant of what’s going on, and can act as superb
consultants and counselors. They can restructure and rebuild people. To this end, they have adopted a more behind-
the-scenes style.
Often, these ENTJs show a distinct set of diamond-shaped networks, each acting as a distinct mode of thinking
and acting, having trained and tweaked themselves over time through their own studies. While sophisticated, they
also often show weak executive integration and perhaps a back-brain bias. Thus, they tend to reflect on observations
and plot strategy rather than take rapid action. Alternatively, they show an array of unusual connections between
brain regions and an overall knack for holistic thinking.
This variant has an uncanny, intuitive power that they can call up to analyze an individual, group or situation
to instantly understand what is secretly out of whack, and they then work the target like a conductor to move and
restructure things to get a desired outcome. Imagine a healer, educator, hypnotist or even shaman who addresses
both physical and psychological elements in a unified way. To do this, they may easily draw from ancient practices or
dispirit cultural traditions, as contemporary ones often strike them as limited. They are open to complex
frameworks, acting outside the mainstream, and can achieve miraculous results that others puzzle over or wish to
ignore. Like a crafty wizard, they themselves can be difficult to understand or predict. They can feel like a person out
of place, wondering how they got here though still very focused on their mission. Perhaps their understanding and
tough-love style is born of a unique realization or their own physical and personal challenges.
This variant can easily be mistaken for some other type altogether. But one should not mistake their rapport-
building and aligning skills with anything less than a pragmatic power, hopefully to help others.
4 Flavors of INTJ
INTJ – Conceptualizer Director™
INTJs are abstract, self-directed thinkers. They have a drive for self-
mastery to make the most of what they can achieve. They have a talent to
calculate far ahead and deep reasons behind things. They think in terms of
concepts, evidence, efficiency, systems, and strategies. INTJs build a vision and
take steps to realize progress to their goals. They like to stay independent and
be at the leading edge. Their secret is a creative intuition. They can find it hard
to let go to interact freely with others.
Crack the Code: This type has a talent or bias for...
Introverting Focus on inner life and energized by solitary activities.
iNtuiting Perceive abstract patterns, concepts and potential possibilities.
Thinking Organize and decide based on objective, impersonal criteria.
Judging Plan ahead with a drive to completion and closure.
INTJ-D: “Visionary Director”
INTJ: Introverting, iNtuiting, Thinking, and Judging preferences
Dominant subtype: more driven and confident style than other INTJs
© Dario Nardi
These INTJ have things worked out. They are relatively fast reacting, can act as skilled managers or executives,
and lean on analytical skills, particularly language-based reasoning. They’ve learned how to be in charge.
Brain-wise, their wiring is biased toward the front, giving them relatively quick responses, and they also often
favor the left hemisphere for solid analytical skills. They show a weak or no “starburst” brainstorming pattern. Thus,
they lean away from unstructured creativity. Even if they show a weak starburst, it’s something they use more in
quiet time alone. These INTJs rely on specific brain regions for hypothesizing, imaginative analogies, and so forth to
implement their creative side. They also enjoy exceptional speaking skills and self-control.
Compared to other INTJs, Visionary Directors are likely in a large institution or company. That might be the
military, hospital, engineering firm, or software house. They typically lead in a conventional office space and/or are
focused on technical innovation.
Of course, as INTJs, they are still introverts. So, their use of executive and frontal regions—for making
decisions, juggling new data, and managing others—has required an effortful learning curve. They have figured out
how to balance situational demands versus their values and a desire for things being smooth or absolute. Speaking
and listening are comfortable ways for them to act as leaders.
Outside of work, they enjoy imaginative introverted activities that tap the back of the brain. They are more
auditory and less visual than other INTJs and likely enjoy audio books, music, and such. They do have a reflective side
distinct from being “on” at work. They remain open to musings or even hobbies that are esoteric or fanciful.
INTJ-C: “Creative Enthusiast”
INTJ: Introverting, iNtuiting, Thinking, and Judging preferences
Creative subtype: more exploratory and sociable style than other INTJs
© Dario Nardi
These INTJs tend to be highly creative in a thoughtful, detailed way, though also somewhat scattered and
more generalists than specialists. They’ve learned how to stir the pot, engage others, entertain, and get things going.
For these INTJs, the brain often shows a strong, solid starburst pattern typical of fast intuitive insight. They
take in data and quickly play with it in their mind in different ways. To balance this chaos, they have a clear left or
front-left brain-wiring bias, with some back-right bias as well. This allows them to organize, present, and act on their
thoughts and impressions in a goal-focused way. Thus, they are particularly quick at absorbing and synthesizing a lot
of abstract, conceptual material. They easily notice patterns, project into the future how an idea or event will turn
out, and then set a goal and focus around it with a confident drive to completion.
Despite their lively, relatively sociable energy and varied hobbies, they still have mediocre emotional and
body awareness like other INTJs, as they tend to neglect those areas even as they extrovert ideas. They may develop
a circuit or two to handle these in a limited or focused way. Ideally, they incorporate body and emotions into their
creative endeavors such as music and seek a healthy, solid basis in life. Similarly, being introverts, executive tasks
such as decision making, juggling new, incoming data, and managing others take effort and give mixed results.
Oppositely, they tend to seek reward from visual, reflective, and detailed activities that tap their brain’s back
regions. They also find reward from activities that improve their visual-spatial (biomechanical) understanding in life.
They are among the most innovative of all types.
Overall, these INTJs are motivated generalists. They see little difference between their workplace and
hobbies. Their intuitive side works across many subjects and contexts, though often in a scattered way that needs
constant self-management. They make for interesting conversationalists and stimulating partners.
INTJ-N: “Unconventional Guide”
INTJ: Introverting, iNtuiting, Thinking, and Judging preferences
Normalizing subtype: more conventional and specialized style than other INTJs
© Dario Nardi
These INTJs blend in well culturally with brain-wiring that is more the norm of the general population. They
are still quirky. They have a clear chart-the-course style that makes them good stewards, monitors, and guides.
Their brain wiring is relatively even across the brain. That even pattern means every region is connected to its
nearest neighbor horizontally or vertically. Often there is also some bias toward the back, middle-back, and/or left
hemisphere. Overall, this makes them look like linear, reflective, and analytical thinkers, processing information one
step at a time in a rational way. Male INTJs here show a particularly strong linear, deductive style.
These INTJs are more likely to come from a collectivist or a conventional upbringing, perhaps with less
education or lower-profile careers, compared to other INTJs. Or conversely, they may work at a high level, busy
implementing a big idea in a routine way. The more at odds with their upbringing, the more they have introverted
wiring with dense links toward the back of the brain. Conversely, the more they fit with their background, the more
the wiring is an even field across the brain.
Compared to other INTJs, they are more in tune with their senses, more patient with analysis of detail, and
more likely to be well-socialized. They can hang at the county fair, small-talk about everyday events, and enjoy life’s
little moments. They are thoughtful, careful speakers. They tend to be particularly visual, and they enjoy reflection
and internal sorting. Like other INTJs, executive tasks take effort, though they easily make smart, careful managers.
As for their creative side, they enjoy crafts and likely rely on pencil-paper and familiar frameworks to sketch
out ideas. They are less apt than other INTJs to just brainstorm and work out ideas in their head. They remain open
to entertaining a wide range of fanciful ideas that they can mull over in their giant database of abstract impressions.
INTJ-H: “Eccentric Diamond”
INTJ: Introverting, iNtuiting, Thinking, and Judging preferences
Harmonizing subtype: more empathic and reflective style than other INTJs
© Dario Nardi
These INTJs the most eccentric and eclectic of their type. They are also the most values- or principles-based of
INTJs and the most “out there”, living their unique philosophy and desires. They can have a behind-the-scenes
quality, observant and driven yet also tolerant and not pushing themselves onto others.
Their brains rely on one or more diamond-shaped networks that bridge the hemispheres. Thus, their name.
The example shows a set of typical networks. Each network includes four to six diverse brain regions that work in
concert. These multiple networks tend to not overlap. Each does it own thing and represents a different “mode”.
Each mode fits a kind of situation or way of thinking and being. Each mode includes a diverse set of skills that link
and harmonize a thematic set of values, behavior, speech, perception, feeling, analysis, and so on.
To hold these modes together, there is also often a starburst pattern. It may be strongly active, but usually it
is soft, working in the background. Either way, the starburst helps all the regions work in synch. Thus, this INTJ
operates from a meta-perspective much of the time, rapidly switching between modes. And if they lack a mode for a
situation, their behavior is odd or non-reactive. Moreover, they often lack a “halo” in terms of brain wiring pattern.
That means there is no ring of connections around the perimeter of the brain like many other people have. It’s as if
typical forms of linear, everyday expected thinking are actively excluded.
Despite their eccentric style, these INTJs have a strong drive to complete goals, and forming and pursuing
tasks in service of their goals takes scant effort. Oppositely, staying open takes work because their thinking is already
so complex and developed in specialized ways. This variant is most common among INTJs at or after midlife and
among those with a mix of analytical and human-centric careers.
4 Flavors of ENTP
ENTP – Explorer Inventor™
ENTPs are inventive and life-long learners. They explore lots of ideas.
They have a talent to build prototypes and launch projects. They enjoy
creative problem solving. They share their insights about life’s possibilities.
ENTPs are pragmatic as they come up with strategies for success. They enjoy
the drama of give and take. They try to be diplomatic, to invite over others
and host. At some level, they need to feel safe. They are surprised when
strategizing a relationship doesn’t work.
Crack the Code: This type has a talent or bias for...
Extraverting Initiate interactions and energized by being with others.
iNtuiting Perceive abstract patterns, concepts and potential possibilities.
Thinking Organize and decide based on objective, impersonal criteria.
Perceiving Stay open and engaged with a drive for more input.
ENTP-D: “Independent Consultant”
ENTP: Extraverting, iNtuiting, Thinking, and Perceiving preferences
Dominant subtype: more driven and confident style than other ENTPs
© Dario Nardi
These ENTPs are confident, independent experts. They enjoy a lot of variety and life-long learning as they
assist people using their keen minds and insightful problem-solving frameworks. They are cheerful, sophisticated, in
charge of their lives, and serious when they get down to work.
In terms of brain wiring, these ENTPs show a clear front bias indicating quick, extroverted responses. They
also show an underlying zigzag pattern, which points to an out-of-the-box thinking style, where they connect things
in unusual or dramatic ways. Finally, they show a clear right-hemisphere bias, which supports holistic thinking, and a
network in the back of the brain for silent observation and quiet “me time”. Overall, they are skilled at language-
based reasoning, attention to values, listening, and noticing visual and narrative patterns.
These ENTPs tend to work in or pull from business, education, and the social sciences. Whatever they do
officially, they bring in these extra skills since people (and their issues) are the name of the game. At the same time,
they have an independent style, often working as free-lancers while partnering with supportive organizations. Thus,
they are great at assisting others’ structures and processes, large or small, but they personally like a more
unstructured, free-form life. To make this work, they stick to a singular domain of practice, constantly self-enriching
their education there to build their appeal and stay fresh.
Behind their professional veneer, they are unconventional. Compared with the Creative variant, these ENTPs
do not require as much grounding. However, they still benefit from a home-base, regular travel, educational
workshops, and a network of fun colleagues in order to relax, get outside society’s boxes, and feed their needs for
discourse and discovery.
ENTP-C: “Inventive Promoter”
ENTP: Extraverting, iNtuiting, Thinking, and Perceiving preferences
Creative subtype: more exploratory and sociable style than other ENTPs
© Dario Nardi
These ENTPs are often involved in a myriad of exciting projects and ventures with minds that easily take in
and play with a lot of data and possibilities. They are constantly stirring the pot and getting things going, and they
can have trouble focusing and staying grounded.
For brain wiring, these ENTPs show a strong “starburst” pattern. A starburst correlates with creative
brainstorming. It allows all brain areas to fire simultaneously, allowing all of the mind’s departments, so-to-speak, to
potentially contribute to what’s going on. This can lead to surprising leaps of insight and also difficulty staying on one
task. They usually have exceptional auditory skills and a weak “halo”, or no halo at all, especially when younger. A
halo is a classic ring around the brain indicating practical support skills. There is also some right-hemisphere bias that
supports holistic thinking and a back (or center-back) bias aids visual-spatial skills.
These ENTPs are hard to miss. They gravitate to entrepreneurship and are busy everyday promoting, talking to
people, exploring possibilities, and making deals. They often like technology and innovation. They tend to hype
things and jump around multiple businesses. Typically, they have a mix of business, psychology, and/or legal training
to support their activities. More than other ENTPs, they can get into difficulties at times with too many deadlines,
dicey ventures, and/or legal issues. They aim to meet these challenges—and in general, life’s awkward situations—
with a characteristic cheer and an endearingly, cheesy sense of humor.
Given their chaotic minds, there’s a good chance that they have a strong, grounding hobby such as
horticulture, music, martial arts or yoga. A caring circle of friends and family, and a stable institutional or geographic
home-base also help them stay grounded. Being in touch with their deepest passions, finding where they feel safe,
and being more selective in where they put their energy, all help them focus too.
ENTP-N: “Technical Manager”
ENTP: Extraverting, iNtuiting, Thinking, and Perceiving preferences
Normalizing subtype: more conventional and specialized style than other ENTPs
© Dario Nardi
These ENTPs blend well into society. They are relatively structured, comfortable with detail, and organized.
They have adopted a chart-the-course style. That said, they are still curious mavericks at heart. They make for even-
keeled managers with a talent for rapid troubleshooting.
In terms of brain wiring, these ENTPs sport an even-field across the brain for a more linear thinking style. They
show a halo of support skills for social interaction and structured work. And, there is often a bias toward the back of
the brain; they observe and figure out what’s going on before opening their mouths. Overall, there is a balance of
hemispheres, giving a nice mix of analytic skills and holistic understanding of situations.
Many ENTPs here report a background in science or engineering, though their training might easily be
construction, finance, history, linguistics, operations management, or any other area that requires wide knowledge,
technical details, and big-picture understanding. They function well in organizations as technical managers or
specialists, and they can stay put for years, working through daily to-do lists and juggling surprises, all while staying
cool and keeping things moving, fun, and light for themselves and others. They stay organized by having a set up, a
system or set of strategies. They can juggle a lot of complexity. Though aware of rules and the need to avoid trouble,
they have little patience for rigidity. They enjoy figuring out and exploiting weak points and are keen to help friends
and clients work around bureaucratic and technical obstacles.
Socially, these ENTPs easily put out feelers with people, playing with whatever others can serve back. They are
casual and insightful, maybe with a devilish humor. Often, rather than argue, they ask an incisive question or play
devil’s advocate. People find them open-minded and full of illustrative anecdotes. They enjoy weekend getaways, or
if possible, far-flung travels to experience cultural differences. While relatively sedate, they need entertaining social
hobbies or they will fall into unhealthy forms of escape.
ENTP-H: “Strategic Humanist”
ENTP: Extraverting, iNtuiting, Thinking, and Perceiving preferences
Harmonizing subtype: more empathic and reflective style than other ENTPs
© Dario Nardi
These ENTPs are supportive facilitators. They are patient, energized by a deep passion and broad principles.
They attend to many variables, have a strong theoretical bent, like aiding groups, and are good at asking open-ended
questions. They have adopted a more behind-the-scenes style.
Typically, these ENTPs sport a set of distinct, diamond-shaped networks. They switch back and forth between
these networks, each corresponding to a mode of observing, analyzing, and interacting. They also often show the
type’s characteristic zigzag pattern, which supports their creative, quirky, and dramatic style. They may also have a
weak starburst pattern which they bring in for brainstorming. With a back bias, they can get particularly reflective.
Overall, they blend a mix of left- and right-brain ways of thinking to fully understand situations.
These ENTPs tend to focus on reaching out to, guiding, and inspiring others, particularly in a group setting.
They rely on skills they’ve developed for listening and observing as they work from a sophisticated theoretical basis.
They look at situations and systems from multiple angles and at multiple scales, asking questions and suggesting
choice ideas. For example, when looking at an economic issue, there is a large scale of national, global and cross-
cultural power dynamics; then, there is a mid-scale of finances and functioning of a specific industry or organization;
and finally, there are smaller-scale groups within those. They are not dogmatic, loud or pushy. Rather, they are
caring catalysts for change.
These ENTPs aim to bring a pragmatic wisdom to others and society, and they are not naive about this big
enterprise. They are considerate with serious points behind the inspiring talk, and they delight to help others learn,
shift, and grow. They benefit from fun, off-the-wall adventures as breaks as well as from a partner and supportive
team to help them stay organized and get what they need.
4 Flavors of INTP
INTP – Designer Theorizer™
INTPs like to explore ideas to deepen their expertise. They notice new
patterns and elegant connections. They are fine to cross boundaries of
thought. They play with ideas and detach to analyze. They clarify, reference,
and define. INTPs have a talent to design and redesign. They are open to try
whatever starts up their imagination. They like to reflect on thinking. They
hold to core principles and solid models. Making discoveries brings them joy.
They struggle to attend to the physical world.
Crack the Code: This type has a talent or bias for...
Introverting Focus on inner life and energized by solitary activities.
iNtuiting Perceive abstract patterns, concepts and potential possibilities.
Thinking Organize and decide based on objective, impersonal criteria.
Perceiving Stay open and engaged with a drive for more input.
INTP-D: “Ambitious Strategist”
INTP: Introverting, iNtuiting, Thinking, and Perceiving preferences
Dominant subtype: more driven and confident style than other INTPs
© Dario Nardi
These INTPs are comfortable with a managerial or out-front leadership position. They function the same as
other INTPs but on a large stage, often acting as a consummate strategist or top consultant. They may start as
entrepreneurs but prefer to be with an organization or community that matches their values and handles execution
and details.
Brain-wise, their wiring is biased toward the front and often the left hemisphere. They show a weak or no
“starburst” brainstorming pattern, and thus lean away from unstructured creativity. If they show a weak starburst,
it’s mostly for generating ideas. These INTPs rely on brain regions that support speaking and listening, language-
based reasoning, and a balance of flexing to the context while holding to a principle. They also rely on a few back-
brain areas to collate data.
They are objective hard-hitters, speaking their mind as needed, particularly when something is counter to
their understanding. Thus, when immature, they can be argumentative, critical, and highly skeptical. If something
does not follow a core concept for them, then it goes unheard and does not exist. Overall, when they are right, it’s
truly what others need to hear, even when it’s the umpteenth reminder. But when they are wrong, it is a near-
hopeless task to shift their perspective.
These INTPs are comfortable with the principles and levers of power. They proceed patiently with an eye for
when and where to exert leverage. They strategize how to move people, products, and ideas even as they hold to a
core agenda. They don’t stray into areas that lack scrutiny and they often prefer a position next to a throne as a
respected expert, free of constant decision-making and safe from scapegoating for mistakes.
INTP-C: “Curious Investigator”
INTP: Introverting, iNtuiting, Thinking, and Perceiving preferences
Creative subtype: more exploratory and sociable style than other INTPs
© Dario Nardi
This is the most curious, playful, and funny of the INTPs. They can look like social extroverts in their energy
and enthusiasm. They tend to pose lots of questions and offer ideas, and they are often willing to entertain going
down a path or three wherever data leads in their aim for understanding. At times, they may not know when to stop
since they attend more to the ideas than the individuals or social conventions. Overall, they’ve learned how to stir
the pot, engage others, entertain, and get things going.
In terms of brain-wiring, these INTPs often show a strong, solid “starburst” pattern typical of fast intuitive
insights. They take in data and quickly play with it in their mind in different ways. To complement this, they tend to
have strong auditory, linguistic, and visual skills. In particular, they often show a strong goal-focused capacity for
speaking, attending to word content, and processing more-obvious social feedback.
They enjoy a wide range of interests. They can accumulate a incredible database over time of eclectic
knowledge. For example, they may know hundreds of comic books or anime shows. Or they may be highly familiar
with particular painters, musicians, foreign dishes, or so on, knowing many details. At work, they tend to jump
around on various projects or various angles on a project, and can find themselves distracted or scattered with
difficulty attending to official assignments. Searching the Internet for an answer to a question might lead to hours of
exploring that is fascinating and unproductive. Potential patterns fascinate them. They may have a challenging time
finding a best-fit home, professionally. Even when they are in a traditional profession with established thinking and
norms such as medicine or law, they’ll develop a framework and practice in their preferred way.
Despite their more extroverted and open style, make no mistake, these INTPs maintain the type’s need to
analyze situations and control the integrity and quality of outcomes. It’s simply hidden from others’ view and drawn
out over a longer time frame.
INTP-N: “Exacting Designer”
INTP: Introverting, iNtuiting, Thinking, and Perceiving preferences
Normalizing subtype: more conventional and specialized style than other INTPs
© Dario Nardi
These INTPs have brain-wiring that is the most typical of the general population. The wiring is relatively even
across various regions, and often there is also a bias toward the back and/or left hemisphere, giving them a linear,
reflective, and analytical style. They process information one step at a time in a very rational way, often staying with
a particular course.
In the workplace, they are quiet, observant specialists. They focus deeply in one area, gaining an incredible
degree of expertise. Others may find them boring, and they do enjoy discussing the ins-and-outs of their work
because problem solving is both their work and play. They fit well into large, conventional organizations, or at least
they favor steady positions, so long as they’re given projects that are interesting, or that they can make interesting.
These INTPs tend to favor a single, coherent set of tools and methods that is widely-used and meets
professional norms. At the same time, they like to tweak things for incremental gains. For example, they might write
software to speed up a common statistics algorithm and share it with a professional forum. They have a heavy
investment in their domain and are unlikely to flex to new ways. Their whole brain is wired around what they know.
This is also why they can be so fast to spot potential patterns in data and promising leads to solve a problem in their
They are not so social. Their humor tends to be understated. Their words can have multiple, subtle meanings
that poke fun even at the very people they are with, without others hearing it, and this is a kind of stress release.
They are very patient: their frustrations, particularly with difficult people and institutional rules, can simmer for
months or years. They are the most likely to stick to mastering a specific hobby, from playing a musical instrument to
doing martial arts, and they can find a lot of enjoyment and stress relief in such hobbies.
INTP-H: “Caring Theorizer”
INTP: Introverting, iNtuiting, Thinking, and Perceiving preferences
Harmonizing subtype: more empathic and reflective style than other INTPs
© Dario Nardi
This INTP is most often in a people-helping role such as psychologist or diplomat. More than other INTPs, their
specialty is human interactions. They may work a bit with other people, maybe everyday, and they keep a behind-
the-scenes style, acting as subtle, supportive facilitators.
These INTPs are comfortable with lots of fuzzy input, they tend to focus on methodology over technicalities,
and they find clear definitions and models to be essential in this challenging domain. Their memory banks are filled
with specific, detailed cases of others’ words and behavior patterns. They are patient listeners and observers, can
hold multiple models and methods in a light way (not heavy-handed), and they are tolerant, able to shift with others
perspectives and needs.
Their brains rely on one or more diamond-shaped networks that bridge the hemispheres. Each network
includes four to six diverse brain regions that work in concert. Each does it own thing and represents a different
“mode” or “angle”, and each fits a kind of situation or way of addressing a problem. Using these, they experiment
with questions, correlating and shifting angles until something “lands” to get the needed effect. On the downside,
daily details for self-maintenance can be a major challenge. This variant is most common at or after midlife.
These INTPs tend to work at a small, personal scale, one-on-one or in a group setting. They focus on
facilitating others’ potential rather than calculating odds or gains. They can sit with a person or group in a mindful,
patient way, acting as a catalyst for problem-solving to meet the unstated needs in the room. Usually, they don’t
consciously “experience” the other people emotionally in front of them. The distance they keep can be very helpful
when there is a lot of heat and confusion going around. However, the INTP can suffer an odd stress-response
afterward. Given their style, Caring Theorists can make for wise, respected community leaders.
4 Flavors of the 4 NF types
This includes descriptions of ENFJ, INFJ, ENFP, and INFP with
Dominant, Creative, Normalizing, and Harmonizing biases, for
16 profiles total, with specific references to brain regions
edited out. Graphics are from actual brain wiring diagrams.
All these slides are BLUE as suited to the NF temperament.
Understanding NF Type Preferences
People who favor Intuiting and Feeling tend to be insightful and enthusiastic, taking a romantic
approach to life’s big questions and pressing issues. With Intuiting, they notice abstract patterns,
possibilities, and ideas. They notice other’s behavioral patterns and ways to catalyze growth. With Feeling,
they remain in touch with their values and make choices that align with who they are at their core.
Generally, whatever the situation, these people attend to the complex web of human behavior,
relationships, and society. They notice patterns, future potential, people’s stories, new projects that
motivate others to realize their potential, and ways to bring healing and important truths to light. They
tend to perceive what’s going on psychologically, such as seeing beyond the masks people wear, the
scripts they repeat, and the roles they play to the underlying human being. This can be painful, joyful,
inspiring, heart-breaking, and everything in between.
On the job, these individuals bring personal warmth and insight into people issues, and they often
seek to make procedures and structures more human-centric. They soak up information about people,
their values, and the organization, and prefer to use group- and people-oriented techniques to promote
change. They tend to be good communicators of possibilities and values, and they rely on stories,
metaphors, and imagery to make points. They may ignore numerical evidence, get preachy, or over-
estimate their ability to implement plans. Career wise, they gravitate to counseling, human subject
research, media, and the dramatic arts, though they can work in any field. What’s important is that the
work affords creativity and allows them to positively impact society.
* Used with permission from “The Magic Diamond” by Dario Nardi.
NFs Continued…
In relationships, people who prefer Intuiting and Feeling want a stimulating partnership that’s like
being with one’s soul mate. True love is like a fairytale story that sweeps them off of their feet, takes
them on adventures, and allows them to live happily ever after. When problems arise, they may hold fast
to the belief that love conquers all. They may engage in idle fantasy rather than address their own deep
needs, and engage self-discovery over pressing practical daily problems.
With strengths comes one-sidedness. These individuals tend to discount feedback that does not fit
their values. Similarly, they may ignore negative outcomes simply because they had good intentions.
Under stress, they can suddenly start misreading people, contrary to their usual empathic insights, and
they can lose touch with their practical needs such as health and finances. When they over-prioritize
others, or put an abstract ideal before themselves, they can lose touch with their core.
At mid-life or earlier, these individuals experience a gentle push to develop Sensing and Thinking.
This can up show up several ways, such as starting a business, learning a scientific or technical skill, or
turning to a more objective philosophy of life. Ideally, the activity fits their focus on people and desire to
improve the human condition. For example, they might earn a degree in medicine to help solve a personal
or world health issue. Or they might start a business to personally get aligned with an important cause.
Whatever their path, Intuiting-Feeling types must often deal with obstacles to growth such as their innate
optimism, poorly thought out strategies, or a lack of inspiration or belief in themselves.
Four subtypes or variants:
Dominant Creative
Normalizing Harmonizing
Among people who id with the same 4-letter personality type, we can sort their brain
wiring into 4 broad categories. These are subtypes or variants. They reflect development
and “nurture”. Factors include culture, upbringing, career choice, job role, the size or type
of one’s organization, age, sex, and more. The result points to the lifestyle that fits best.
Most people identify with one or two. Do your best to try on and find what fits you.
4 Flavors of ENFJ
ENFJ – Envisioner Mentor™
ENFJs like to communicate and share values. They set goals and seek
shared success at relationships. They strive to realize dreams—their own and
others. They look for ways to grow together. They heed the call to a life’s work
or mission. They have a talent for noticing potential in others. ENFJs enjoy
being creative, using their intuitive intellect. They try to bridge the past and
the future. When needed, they can get very precise or technical. They find it
hard to live in the present moment, to feel at peace.
Crack the Code: This type has a talent or bias for...
Extraverting Initiate interactions and energized by being with others.
iNtuiting Perceiving abstract patterns, concepts and potential possibilities.
Feeling Organize and decide based on harmony with values and beliefs.
Judging Plan ahead with drive to completion and closure.
ENFJ-D: “Communicators Director”
ENFJ: Extraverting, iNtuiting, Feeling, and Judging preferences
Dominant subtype: more driven and confident style than other ENFJs
© Dario Nardi
These ENFJs are charismatic leaders with a clear “in charge” style. They are deeply anchored in their values,
what is needed to improve society, and the insights needed to get there. Whatever their profession or age, even if
young, they tend to fill roles as liaisons, group leaders, educators, policy gurus, and spiritual guides.
Their brain wiring has a clear front bias with strong executive and managerial skills. That means balancing the
needs of a context with key values. They also sport moderate to strong language-based reasoning. Thus, they are
skilled at deduction, step-by-step planning, abstract concepts, and metaphor. They may focus somewhat more
speaking and word content or on voice tone and intention depending on their career skills and other factors. Either
way, they are naturals at communicating. All of this helps them hold an audience and stay on-message, using words
and ideas to inform and sway others. Their weakness is usually poor visual-spatial skills, difficulty being in the
moment, and a lack of deep reflection.
Commonly, these ENFJs stick to a few neural “super highways”, which gives them a lot of resilience. With their
executive and managerial skills, they are dramatic, assertive figures. Being idealistic and anchored in values, they
usually use this power in the name of peace, justice, truth and such (as they see it). They do not back off from
confrontation, quickly taking in and responding to new information to fit their message and vision. At times, their
dominant executive judge may fail like a breaking dam when they can no longer filter out negative feelings or the
reality of a bad situation.
Some ENFJs here, who tend to be older, are more relaxed. They are more reflective, better with detail, rely on
more-effective mental models, and are more patient when helping others.
ENFJ-C: “Dramatic Empath”
ENFJ: Extraverting, iNtuiting, Feeling, and Judging preferences
Creative subtype: more exploratory and sociable style than other ENFJs
© Dario Nardi
These ENFJs are passionate creators. They have a dramatic, intuitive, and open-ended style. They excel in
areas that require adapting, improvising, and expressing themselves. They can stir the pot in almost any situation.
For brain-wiring, they usually have a soft starburst pattern. That is, all areas of the brain respond, relevant or
not, when new input comes. Thus, they tend to be open-minded and exploratory, willing to entertain what-if and try
new things. It also indicates an intuitive way of thinking. Moreover, they have excellent auditory skills, attend easily
to voice tone and body language, and are goal-focused. All this primes them for diverse social endeavors.
Conversely, they tend to lack a halo of links around the brain’s perimeter that is common with more linear thinkers.
They rely more on holistic understanding over knowledge to get by. Sustaining their attention on mundane tasks can
be challenging.
They are collaborative and prefer visceral, in-person activities. They are less adept at directing others or deep
reason. They trust their five senses to feed their intuition, and then rely on direct, face-to-face interaction. They are
well-suited to the creative arts such as acting or dance. But really they can thrive anywhere that benefits from their
style, whether as a business entrepreneur, journalist, or social influencer.
These ENFJs are sensitive to and respond to emotional extremes. They have less of a need to be in control,
and as extroverts, they can throw themselves into a group’s life and have a strong catalytic effect. Ideally, they learn
to channel their dramatic overtones into creative projects. They are particularly idealistic as they stay open to the
whole pallet of human affairs. Work and play, body and spirit all interrelated for them.
ENFJ-N: “Compassionate Expert”
ENFJ: Extraverting, iNtuiting, Feeling, and Judging preferences
Normalizing subtype: more conventional and specialized style than other ENFJs
© Dario Nardi
These ENFJs are inclined to technical work in service to others. They are comfortable taking their time with
details and working in a factual, linear way, ideally to help people. Overall, they’ve adopted a more chart-the-course
Brain wiring is dense toward back and left, and it often spread out like an even field, such that they connect
thoughts and skills in pairs like rungs of a ladder as they go through tasks. They have good visual-spatial skills with an
eye for detail. They quickly notice errors. They listen and speak well. They are fairly contemplative, have a solid
command of facts and case studies, and are adept at collating new data with the giant database of what they know
as they figure out answers.
Being idealists, these ENFJs need to know they are helping individuals and society. For them, this often shows
up as educating people while helping them or directing others to aid those who need it. They have a strong sense of
togetherness, of people caring for and relying on each other. They take pride in their gift to help. Compared to other
ENFJs, they are more likely in a technical field such as medicine, computing or engineering. In leadership roles, they
take a more technical approach, following a model or plan. Even in the arts, they take a conservative, structured
approach such as classical music. Often, they come from a traditional or collectivist culture. Whatever their
background, they crave societal acceptance of their gifts.
Work and play are kept separate. Among ENFJs, they tend to have strong bodily awareness, which can get
quite specific. For example, they might know many dance steps or yoga poses but are uncomfortable with free-form
moves. They can consistently attend to particular ailments. Their intuitive side comes to the fore in specific,
predictable ways such as through dreams, tarot cards, premonitions of the future, and such.
ENFJ-H: “Mystical Counselor”
ENFJ: Extraverting, iNtuiting, Feeling, and Judging preferences
Harmonizing subtype: more empathic and reflective style than other ENFJs
© Dario Nardi
These ENFJs are quietly sophisticated. They are naturals as counselors and therapists, trusting intuitive modes
of thinking to listen, offer insight, and foretell the future. They often work behind the scenes in a private, careful,
and patient way.
For these ENFJs, their brain wiring tends to show up as diamond-shaped patterns, which are unique networks
that stretch across the brain’s hemispheres. Alternatively, they show one diamond network with many zigzag
connections. Either way, there is a lot of cross-hemisphere activity as they bring together diverse brain skills into a
cohesive way of understanding situations. For example, while listening to someone, they may receive a striking
visual image of what that person suffered as a child and bring that up for discussion. Because these diamonds and
zigzags are unusual, the ENFJ’s way of thinking—experiencing the world—can feel equally unusual. They may sink
into a particular oracle-like mode for their best work. And they can really bring up a dramatic twist, connecting data
points that others don’t recognize. At their best, they can shift perspectives to truly relate to other points of view.
Despite their whole-brain pattern, they still tend to have decent executive function. They can take in and
respond to events in a goal-focused, cohesive way. However, they are not so adept at managing others. And, they
lack the “halo” of social skills that society expects of people. Overall, they are more listeners than talkers, and more
reactive than proactive, often waiting for the right insight to come or the right mode to get into. Career-wise, they
might be an artist, counselor, or even a monk or psychic. Their kind of wisdom does not often fit easily in society.
More than other ENFJs, they are comfortable with time alone reflecting, imagining, meditating, divining
hidden meanings, and working with symbols, archetypes, and ideas. They tend to seek flow rather than control. They
accept and accommodate. And they trust the abstract meaning world more than the everyday, “common sense”
one. In this sense, they may seriously struggle with life’s ordinary demands.
4 Flavors of INFJ
INFJ – Foreseer Developer™
INFJs focus on personal growth. They have a talent for foreseeing. A flash
of insight comes and they know what will happen. They can sustain a vision
while honoring the gifts of others. They need a sense of purpose and take a
creative approach to life. INFJs can get into exploring issues to bridge
differences and connect people and ideas. They can get analytical when
problem solving. Living an idealistic life often presents them with a great deal
of stress and a need to withdraw.
Crack the Code: This type has a talent or bias for...
Introverting Focus on inner life and energized by solitary activities.
iNtuiting Perceiving abstract patterns, concepts and potential possibilities.
Feeling Organize and decide based on harmony with values and beliefs.
Judging Plan ahead with drive to completion and closure.
INFJ-D: “Bold Educator”
INFJ: Introverting, iNtuiting, Feeling, and Judging preferences
Dominant subtype: more driven and confident style than other INFJs
© Dario Nardi
These INFJs are outspoken, even daring, and willing to ruffle a few feathers, albeit in an eloquent way. They
are strong, thoughtful, and deeply attendant to values.
Brain-wise, their wiring is biased toward the front and they may show a weak “starburst” brainstorming
pattern too. Thus, they are relatively quick in addressing what they see in situations and—given a little extra time—
bringing in fresh ideas. They can be smooth managers. They can grow to be paragons of emotional intelligence,
aware of where they and others are coming from and how they can manage relationships diplomatically. In support
of this, they often have strong auditory skills. They strive to use the spoken (and written) word to its best effect.
As INFJs, they are still reflective thinkers. They keep refining the expression of their values and principles.
Their relatively quick responses come from the time they spend processing the new with the old, or the recent with
the timeless, to express what’s of eternal value. This verbal and visual process results in maps or montages of
meanings. And, rather than hide or downplay their insights, they tend to pronounce them.
They stay engaged with the world, take chances, and like an audience. They can put themselves out there in a
new place or in the public eye, in an audacious way, even when they feel nervous inside. At their best, they are
articulate proponents with compelling stories and diverse interests. At times, they can look vulnerable or brittle, but
they possess—mentally and emotionally—a hidden strength of character. They can call out and really critique
people, ideas, and institutions. The price: When least expected, stress or depression comes home to slam them hard.
These INFJs can make fine advisers, educators, leaders, managers, and teachers. Whatever their medium or
venue, they aim to inspire people to live together better. They also enjoy taking more of a lead in their romantic,
family, and community lives as a central respected figure.
INFJ-C: “Passionate Creator”
INFJ: Introverting, iNtuiting, Feeling, and Judging preferences
Creative subtype: more exploratory and sociable style than other INFJs
© Dario Nardi
These INFJs trust in the power of flow to channel a hidden muse. They are curious and imaginative, love
learning, and are often well-traveled with a Bohemian flair.
In terms of brain wiring, they usually show a strong starburst pattern. This indicates a creative, intuitive mind.
Like a set of antennas, they take in everything around them and synthesize it to learn or create something new. At
times they feel like a sponge, soaking up everything to get a holistic picture of what’s going on. Or, the starburst
promotes a Zen-like state of creative flow like weaving a great tapestry from many threads. They manage a mass of
details, definitions, images, and diverse ideas to craft something compelling. Or they feel blocked or lazy and nothing
Besides the starburst and flow, they apply executive skills to direct and shape the output of their intuition.
They also often have dense auditory links, especially if playing music is a passion. They are usually skilled with
abstract concepts, metaphor, and humor. And they enjoy a hidden talent for analysis to manage complexity like a
conductor managing an orchestra. They may rely on a set of rote steps or templates to shape their creative work,
whether guitar chord patterns or film editing techniques. On the downside, these INFJs have more difficulty getting
by with mundane daily tasks, as they lack the full halo of connections that most people rely on. They can look
These INFJs are usually in the creative arts, especially music, and they are often into travel, foreign languages,
cross-cultural exploration, and life-long learning. In the arts, they are more likely into jazz or improv than
memorizing classics. They seek their own style. The same if they venture into the sciences. They can make caring and
enthusiastic teachers, and their passion for learning never ends.
INFJ-N: “Enduring Associate”
INFJ: Introverting, iNtuiting, Feeling, and Judging preferences
Normalizing subtype: more conventional and specialized style than other INFJs
© Dario Nardi
These INFJs show brain wiring that is more typical of the general population. That said, they are still their own
unique creature inside, just with a mainstream “costume” to help them work hard to realize their dreams.
For brain wiring, these INFJs show a mix of linear connections. Most often, they possess a halo of conventional
skills to excel in the classroom and the workplace. Yet the rest of the brain within, is a mass of zigzag connections.
Because these zigzags are unusual and specific to them, the INFJ’s way of processing life is equally unusual. When
they experience a situation, their understanding and reaction can feel like a leap or turn of thinking. To work with
this inner life, they tend to have good, even remarkable, self-management skills. This self-conscious emotional
intelligence is often right-brained. That is, it feels both symbolic, valuable, and meaningful. In terms of other skills,
they are adept with language, and they tend to tap this in a practical way such as writing reports with an audience in
mind. Being introverts, of course, they have a deep reflective side. They value having time to get sorted and draw
inspiration from their well of feelings, facts, ideas, stories, and values.
More than other INFJs, they have high endurance in pursuit of goals, which should be clear and compelling.
They rely on multiple touch points to push forward to success. Even when one source of motivation fails them, they
turn to others. They find their inner strength as best they can to keep moving and working. It can feel like a noble
With their endurance, intuitive intellect, and desire to succeed, they often reach a high position. They can get
through medical school, layers of corporate management, the complexities of engineering, a terrible disease, or a
similar demanding goal. Invariably, the path runs through an institution or traditional practice. Prestige often acts as
a compass. Along the way, they bring warm passion for helping others.
INFJ-H: “Prophetic Councilor”
INFJ: Introverting, iNtuiting, Feeling, and Judging preferences
Harmonizing subtype: more empathic and reflective style than other INFJs
© Dario Nardi
These INFJs are ethereal, far-seeing, philosophical, poetic, and soulful. They have sophisticated, even quite
unique, brain wiring that sets them apart.
In terms of brain wiring, they show a mix of complex patterns. They sport a diamond-like network, or two,
that spans the hemispheres. This supports a specialized skillset that mixes analytical and holistic approaches. They
may also tap a soft starburst pattern where all brain regions engage at once in a flow state. Often, they sport a zigzag
of connections too that reflect unusual ways of thinking. They can go from A to B, then M, and back to C. They may
easily also have their own pattern of wiring that, really, doesn’t much look like anyone else’s. They have strong visual
skills invariability tied to a brain region that aids narrative, symbols, and visual patterns. They are also usually
attentive to voice tone and social feedback. They are sensitive to what’s going on with others. All of this is often
disconnected from executive regions. Generally, they are not as adept at language as other INFJs. And they lack the
typical suite of skills that others have to get by easily in daily life. Thus, their intuitive side lies behind a curtain.
They may be in any profession but advising others is a de facto forte. A discipline like counseling or healthcare
fits them, as do mystical or shamanic arts. They are sensitive to artistic quality. They have a knack for cross-cultural
understanding and can hold multiple points of view with detachment. Whatever their role, everything feels
interrelated and is a challenge to communicate directly. Thus, they can look passive. They often prefer to work solo,
one-on-one, or as a revered guest.
To understand these INFJs, look at the small things. They are quiet, considerate, and concerned for others’
well-being. They are fine hosts and romantic partners with thoughtful gifts and personalized touches. They take an
interest in the esoteric and are connected to a spirit world of sorts.
4 Flavors of ENFP
ENFP – Discoverer Advocate™
ENFPs explore perceptions and try out stories. They often see what’s
hidden and voice what’s really meant. They notice others’ potential and like to
inspire. They ask what-if and fly with creative new ideas. They want goodness
and happiness. ENFPs strive to honestly believe in and live with themselves.
They have a talent to bring about ideal or magical moments with someone.
When needed, they can organize. They often feel restless with a hunger to
discover their true direction.
Crack the Code: This type has a talent or bias for...
Extraverting Initiate interactions and energized by being with others.
iNtuiting Perceiving abstract patterns, concepts and potential possibilities.
Feeling Organize and decide based on harmony with values and beliefs.
Perceiving Stay open and engaged with a drive for more input.
ENFP-D: “Crafty Producer”
ENFP: Extraverting, iNtuiting, Feeling, and Perceiving preferences
Dominant subtype: more driven and confident style than other ENFPs
© Dario Nardi
These ENFPs are confident, entertaining, and relatively quick decision-makers. They make good managers and
leaders. They tend to seek out, rope in, and direct others with high potential to bring about a memorable,
compelling result. They have found their “in charge” voice.
In terms of brain wiring, these ENFPs sport strong links in the front of the brain. That includes good executive
skills. They can focus and decide based on new information as it comes in. They tend to be talkative, can follow a
metaphor or line of reasoning, and are moderately perceptive though not as much as other ENFPs. Importantly, in a
leadership role, they easily juggle the needs of the context with their values, likes, and dislikes to keep things
moving. In their endeavors, they tend to be well-rounded jack-of-all-trades but not exceptional. They “remake”
frames rather than break them.
Many of these ENFPs have a soft starburst pattern. Thus, creative thinking fills a support role; for example,
they brainstorm ways to solve a problem, but what’s central is getting a solution. They can easily follow a style or
template, improvising to get the most out of its potential. They are quick to try out things, notably in a managerial,
producer or executive role. They trust their intuitive response, yes or no, right away to go with a result, or they will
turn to someone they believe can help or at least back up their intuition.
With their confident style, they can dominate the scene, talking a bit, and miss nuances or key points. In this
sense, they can come off as egotistical or not as smart or ethical as they think. On the other hand, their confident
excitement brings in a lot of acquaintances. They are persistent, and their mainstream way of doing things can reach
a wide following. Finding conventional rewards and success comes more easily to them than other ENFPs. Whether
they acknowledge others’ contributions and share their success signals their character.
ENFP-C: “Eclectic Wanderer”
ENFP: Extraverting, iNtuiting, Feeling, and Perceiving preferences
Creative subtype: more exploratory and sociable style than other ENFPs
© Dario Nardi
These ENFPs are notably outgoing, positive, adaptable, and energetic with a welcoming, cheerful style. They
are truly capable of perceiving and entertaining a lot at once. They tend to be wanderers, exploring all that life has to
offer. They love to stir the pot and challenge norms.
For brain wiring, they always have a strong starburst pattern. Every region lights up, relevant or not, to fully
consider whatever stimuli come in. Every input is like a potential secret letter that everyone must see. Thus, their
brains are very active and they tend to notice a lot of interesting connections. They will go out of their way to evoke
new input, and will try stuff just to see what results. They trust their talent to adapt, noticing ideal moments to move
and finding ways to use their skills on the go to swing things their way. They can handle a lot of complexity, playing
with possibilities until something helps bring things down to a concrete form.
Besides brainstorming, most have remarkable rapport-building skills with quick, uncanny insights into voice
tone and body language. They easily notice visual and narrative patterns. They usually have fair executive skills: they
can stay with a task when it is clear with a simple, obvious end goal. Otherwise, focusing and making decisions are
challenges, and they can get off track or fall into a funk.
Among these ENFPs, social and artistic interests come first, even with technical tasks, and they often pursue
multiple careers, perhaps moving back and forth between them. They look gifted in each, and they may or may not
succeed in a practical way. They self-motivate only in spurts, and at most they can pursue a big, vague dream.
Settling down can be a big challenge. When they do, they are energetic and quirky partners, parents, and colleagues.
They have a rebellious streak. They really benefit when they have people they care about in their life who help
ground them.
ENFP-N: “Secret Agent”
ENFP: Extraverting, iNtuiting, Feeling, and Perceiving preferences
Normalizing subtype: more conventional and specialized style than other ENFPs
© Dario Nardi
These ENFPs have brain-wiring that is more the norm of the general population. They come off as patient,
reflective, technically adept, traditional, and well-mannered, with a quiet charm. They bring organizational skills, a
team-player mindset, and a more chart-the-course style.
Brain wiring consists of many linear connections toward the left, back, and maybe middle of the brain. Thus,
they are more technical, grounded, and linear thinkers than other ENFPs. They tend to be strongly visual and fairly
factual. They may have trained as an engineer, lawyer, photographer, programmer, scientist, soldier, or such. A
traditional cultural background also encourages this brain wiring. If they are in the arts, which they may well be,
their approach is more physical or technical such as computer graphics. They rely on specific brain regions to engage
in hypothesizing, imagining, and so on.
Their skills and style mirror their brain wiring. They tend to be quieter, more structured, and have more of a
critical eye than other ENFPs. They can come up with designs and plans, they use charts or diagrams, and they want
those to be logical and straight-forward. Not having these can feel stressful though using them is a learned skill. They
are patient to work through problems and tend to keep a lid on their enthusiasm. They chuckle rather than burst
with excitement. They are less random but still subtly playful. They also understand the value of working on a team,
supporting others, and communicating in a clear, effective way. They enjoy family life and traditional cultural
activities, though often with a twist.
Being ENFPs, their skills serve an idealistic interest. Hidden behind their commercial or conventional
presentation are deep passion and a desire to impact others and the culture. They work well with and easily touch
the general populace. Their biggest contribution can be making something a new standard or tradition that the
average person can relate to.
ENFP-H: “Dedicated Advocate”
ENFP: Extraverting, iNtuiting, Feeling, and Perceiving preferences
Harmonizing subtype: more empathic and reflective style than other ENFPs
© Dario Nardi
These ENFPs have many subtle tones. They offer a dedicated heart, are sophisticated thinkers, and are often
older and wiser, if not literally than in the way they come off. They can really apply themselves to a deep cause with
warmth and caring. They have a more flowing, relaxed, behind-the-scenes style than others of their type.
In terms of brain wiring, these ENFPs can show one of two patterns, or a blend of both. They may have a
strong right-hemisphere bias that supports a really holistic or artistic style. Or, the brain wiring consists of a mass of
diamond-shape networks. Each network operates on its own, bringing together a diverse range of skills for them to
work from. This allows them to sink fully into a particular way of thinking and acting as they fill their key roles. For
example, as a therapist, they integrate their natural ENFP talents with all of their career knowledge to work in a deep
way. These diamond networks are also very fast. Some ENFPs show both neural patterns, or also a “starburst” to
weave it all together. Regardless of the pattern, they tend to have strong anchoring in their identity and beliefs.
These ENFPs tend to be older, having had access to and experience in the best aspects of their profession and
what life has to offer. They hail from a wide range of professions from acting and business to engineering and
psychotherapy; what stands out is the high quality of their work and their sophisticated understanding. Whatever
their job, they are great with complex information and can be incredible transformers.
Personally, these ENFPs tend to be peaceful with integrity. They ponder a lot, ask deep philosophical
questions, enjoy discovery through discussion, and act as advocates for enduring changes. With their quieter style
and high standards, they tend to keep a small social circle and are deeply loyal to their intimates, able to endure
4 Flavors of INFP
INFP – Harmonizer Clarifier™
INFPs need a quest or core meaning. Yet they go with the flow. They have
a talent to listen in order to help, noticing what sits behind what is said. They
explore moral questions. They enjoy uncovering mysteries. INFPs relate
through stories and metaphors, and they have a way of knowing what is
believable. They seek to balance opposites. To get to really know oneself again
is a beautiful moment. They can manage others pretty well. They struggle with
structure and getting their lives in order.
Crack the Code: This type has a talent or bias for...
Introverting Focus on inner life and energized by solitary activities.
iNtuiting Perceiving abstract patterns, concepts and potential possibilities.
Feeling Organize and decide based on harmony with values and beliefs.
Perceiving Stay open and engaged with a drive for more input.
INFP-D: “Noble Champion”
INFP: Introverting, iNtuiting, Feeling, and Perceiving preferences
Dominant subtype: more driven and confident style than other INFPs
© Dario Nardi
These INFPs really show strong character. They hold themselves together with endurance toward their goals
and ideals, which can feel like a quest or even a crusade at times. They can become remarkable managers and
Brain-wise, the wiring is densest toward the front. Thus, they are relatively quick to process new information,
sharing their reaction or stating a value at stake. They are strong speakers and writers, and attentive listeners and
readers with exceptional language-based reasoning skills, all woven into a tapestry. They are particularly good at
communicating with a purpose in mind such as explaining a key idea or listening for someone’s real agenda. Ideally,
they find ways to balance the various demands of a situation with their identity, checking that decisions match their
goals and values. Often, they rely upon templates: ways of thinking and working that they can draw on to quickly do
something. To really use their imagination, they must turn it on or wait for it to wake up. This process is often
vaguely visual.
Being INFPs, they still need quiet time. In those moments, they ponder ideas and feelings, comparing what’s
new with to what is already in their memory storehouse. They check for what aligns and may simply screen out what
does not. They are persistent and consistent as they work toward what are inevitably noble, humanistic ends. Their
focus and certainty often frames them as ethical and moral examples. Other times, they can come off as overly
idealistic, preachy, rigid or extreme.
These INFPs tend to excel in public-facing and administrative jobs. Their specific interests vary, but they keep
at whatever it is. Business, education, law, music, psychology, and social work are popular choices. They usually have
musical talent, which they may or may not choose to develop.
INFP-C: “Curious Dreamer”
INFP: Introverting, iNtuiting, Feeling, and Perceiving preferences
Creative subtype: more exploratory and sociable style than other INFPs
© Dario Nardi
These INFPs are delightfully playful. They bring curiosity, fun, and a bubbly imagination. They trust the gift of
magic while exploring life’s many questions. They can seem more extroverted or get-things-going than they truly are.
For brain-wiring, they show a strong “starburst” pattern. That is, they accept and ponder over everything that
comes in. This really helps them think outside the box and allows anything to reveal its potential meaning. This also
makes it harder to focus, attend to particulars, or even stick to one course or career. That said, they are well-suited
to the arts, travel, and working with small groups, as their diffuse psyche allows them to attend to many people and
ideas at once. Given time, they may excel in a more technical field such as film-making, philosophy or journalism, as
these are forever ripe with new questions and possible projects, to feel inspired, bold and fresh.
Besides the starburst, these INFPs often have some dense right-brain connections. They are good with
concepts, humor, and abstract language (F4), easily attend to voice tone and intention, and have a way of working
with stories, symbols and patterns, especially in a visual way. They tend to be decent speakers, though they prefer to
communicate to share and learn rather than be academic or preachy. Often, despite their eclectic interests, their
brain wiring tends to lack a “halo”; thus, they tend to have holes in their education and skills and can find it hard at
times to do something that most others can do. When push comes to shove, they can still usually buckle down so
long as goals, values, and the environment all gel.
Rather than try to force themselves to fit an ideal, they allow themselves to flow through life, exploring to
arrive at the essence of the human condition. They love stories. They value freedom. Others with true eyes and ears
grow with them. They benefit from a stabilizing person in their lives. Though they may lack solid anchoring, they are
a rich soul in any endeavor.
INFP-N: “Faithful Supporter”
INFP: Introverting, iNtuiting, Feeling, and Perceiving preferences
Normalizing subtype: more conventional and specialized style than other INFPs
© Dario Nardi
These INFPs function well in mainstream society. They have brain wiring that is more the norm of the general
population. They tend to work hard, are extremely loyal to loved ones and friends, and do their best to be beacons
of calm. They have adopted a chart-the-course style.
Their brain wiring is relatively even across various regions, giving them a more linear style and an even
distribution of skills. Imagine checkered farm fields. Every skill is connected to every other skill in some way, though
the INFP may need to walk a lot down particular mental paths to get from here to there in a satisfying way. They
tend to rely on patience and hard work. They excel at speaking and listening, especially listening. They also usually
excel at language-based reasoning such as linear deduction and abstract concepts. On the minus side, body-
kinesthetic skills are mediocre. They must take extra care to stay safe when doing physical activities.
What stands out, brain-wise, is their capacity for contemplation. Facts, figures, symbols, metaphors,
memories, stories—they ruminate long and deep with these. They may also show a back-brain bias, in which case
they can come off as notably introverted until they open up around what’s interesting and important to them. This
also means they may react slowly as they aim to thoroughly understand something and find ways to give genuine,
practical help.
When given a chance to shine, these INFPs can get into top colleges and jobs. Or if not, they usually find a
place to prove their value in a traditional career, even a highly technical one, or in a large institution. Whatever their
role, they may easily downplay—even sacrifice—themselves for the greater good. With their patience, they can be
among the most thoughtful, tolerant, and stubborn of types.
INFP-H: “Empathic Counselor”
INFP: Introverting, iNtuiting, Feeling, and Perceiving preferences
Harmonizing subtype: more empathic and reflective style than other INFPs
© Dario Nardi
These are the most multi-faceted, sophisticated, and tolerant of all INFPs. More than others of their type, they
work “behind the scenes” even when right in front of someone.
Often, their brains show a small set of diamond- shaped networks. Each diamond reflects a different mode, a
specific way of acting, feeling, perceiving, and deciding. These networks bridge the hemispheres for a mix of
analytical and holistic skills. This is the fruit of years of life. Moreover, underneath these specialized networks, a bed
of zigzag connections brings in other skills for listening, speaking, language-based reasoning, internal awareness, and
observational skills. These zigzags link brain regions that don’t normally dance together; thus, these INFPs can make
dramatic, intuitive leaps going from A to X to M. Taken together, their way of thinking is complex and unusual.
These INFPs are natural humanists or therapists. Overall, they tend to be more right brained, giving them a
clear holistic style. With another person, they easily notice clues to work off of, to help in terms of energy and
emotions in an open-ended way. They are exceptional at processing a complex interplay of many clues, and they
easily recall a person’s behavioral patterns from one meeting or situation to the next, which provides a profound
historical insight into that person’s journey and psychology. They also have a nose for understanding symbolic
imagery and the unconscious. It’s all a bit like reading a fine character novel. In the same way, they can appreciate
whole complex human systems from couples and families to institutions and cultures. This ability to deeply
understand—and at times, help gently shift—people and systems easily leaves them humbled and hesitant to judge
others or rely on any form of dogma.
These INFPs are usually older or more mature for their age or have a multi-cultural perspective. They excel in
areas like international relations and family counseling. As for themselves, their rich inner world, including their
spiritual life, is almost beyond words to share. That’s what serious (and humorous) novels, plays, and films are for.
Coaching the 4 Flavors
of Type Expression
From 16 types to 64 subtypes
By Dario Nardi
20th of Feb. 2022
What’s Inside?
Case study of INTJs over time: there are patterns
based on age, career choice, ethnicity, and
Answers to many common questions, including
relationship to Interaction Styles
Applications of the Subtypes
Applications of a Subtype Lens.
• Help people better locate their best-fit type (e.g. Dominant male
INFJ thinking he’s maybe INTJ, but is he?)
• More closely coach and advise around career choice, relationships,
and many other issues.
• Demonstrate that people have choices. Help them id where they’ve
gotten stuck, etc. (brain wiring can shift over time with effort).
• Help teams that have “low type diversity” (e.g. a team of 7 xSTJs) to
better appreciate differences.
• Highlight even more that type is developmental “Nurture” is 50% of
the equation. And yes, nurture includes factors such as the size of
organizations we work in and roles we take.
• Reconcile different authors’ and cultures’ takes on the 16 types,
such as variations between Europe and the US and East Asia.
Development is Organic, and
Subtype may result/shift with:
• Hormone and neurotransmitter levels (Helen Fisher).
Testable but likely not entirely linked because…
• Habit building (by choice or not) due to career, cultural
upbringing, age, etc. Whatever we repeat, we are
• Psychological needs (perhaps as compensation for a LOW
hormonal level or a life habit that does not align with our
needs). Psyche is tricky!
• Presently, I rely on brain imaging to give the most insight
here, and even that changes contextually and is reliable
for only 2 years.
Three ways to tap or introduce
subtypes in the coaching process.
1. Can be used as a lens all on its own. Just be sure to
focus on the developmental or external elements (e.g.
career, culture, etc.) as opposed to inner life. This is
particularly good for career coaching.
2. First, use the standard type tools: type preferences,
temperament, whole type themes, and/or cognitive
processes (aka 8 Jungian functions) to locate likely 1, 2
or 3 likely types. Then use subtypes to narrow down
from the two or three options.
3. When best-fit type is clear, use the subtypes as a
compass for growth to find satisfaction and balance.
Coaching Tips for Dominants
• Where are they working? Are they in a managerial or other leadership position, or
in an environment that allows them to “step up” a ladder or “step in” to critical
roles. If they work independently, how often are they engaging with leaders?
• How challenging and influential is their job role? Ideally, their decisions—or at
least their feedback– have an obvious impact on others. And ideally, their role falls
within a sweet spot that engages them while also staying with their competence.
• How are their relationships? They can come across as charismatic, with a vision
and a lot of caring. But they can also come across as impatient, critical, or bullying.
They may also focus so much on the big picture that they treat close relationships
as resources or convenient refuges.
• What if they overplay their hand? They tend to be in more visible roles, and their
failures can be bigger. Yet, often times, they may simply move “horizontally” to
another job without taking responsibility or learning a lesson to carry forward.
• Skill-building focus: Teamwork and leadership training, ethical conduct, finding
ways to get honest feedback, managing the pitfalls of power, being more
transparent and accountable, and inviting others to help lead.
Coaching Tips for Creatives
• Where are they working? If they are working in a large organization, do they at
least have the freedom within it to do their own thing? Otherwise, they will likely
feel smothered after a while or neglect their duties.
• How varied and rewarding is their job role? They may change jobs or careers
rather than finding a “container” or “vehicle” for all of their interests. If they keep
changing, they may miss the benefit of long-term investment. If their workplace is
stifling, their talents will be rejected. In fact, higher ups may not see their value.
• How are their relationships? They like having new experiences, traveling around,
meeting new people, and so on. Ideally, they find time to nurture long-term
relationships, be more intimate, and take a step back from the creative “fugue”.
• What if they get into trouble? Being a rebel, or taking a care-free attitude, can
lead to financial, health, or legal troubles. They should mind their limits here.
• Skill-building focus: Finding a vehicle for all of their interests, developing a
strategy or plan to sustain independence, dealing with addictive things, showing
they are reliable (not erratic), really committing to quality deliverables, and
building in fitness and health routines so they don’t burn out.
Coaching Tips for Normalizers
• Where are they working? If they are working independently or in a very small
organization, they likely are not getting the support or long-term benefits that
they could. At the least, can they join a network or umbrella service?
• How routine and supported is their job role? In an erratic environment, or in one
that demands they flex a lot, think “out of the box” or keep up with innovations,
they likely want to look for more predictability or regularly update their skill set.
• How are their relationships? They like to have around them people with similar
interests, needs, and values. That includes a spouse who can at least flex to the
Normalizing style. Also, they may want to mind their kids’ subtypes.
• What if they don’t fit? “Normalizing” may mean implementing something new
into an organization, community or society. In that case, they best be realistic
about their goals and where they are likely to end up.
• Skill-building focus: Speaking up for oneself, building a supportive personal
network independent of work and family, remembering that not everyone likes
“togetherness”, engaging in “perspective shifting” to others’ POVs, and getting
more comfortable with trying new ideas or activities.
Coaching Tips: Harmonizers
• Where are they working? Regardless of the workplace, do they at least have a few
close, comfortable relationships there? Working independently or with little
recognition can demoralize them.
• How personal and complex is their job role? They have a talent for sophisticated
thinking and often a honed skillset. But are they really getting a chance to put it to
use? Note that they are often good in diplomatic and cross-cultural roles.
• How are their relationships? They usually get on well among colleagues. However,
in situations outside of their comfort zone, they can behave oddly, which contrasts
their usual sensitivity to people. This may show as less eye contact, a quiet voice,
or other ways to be less noticed or to encourage getting close.
• What if they feel wounded or unsafe? This is an opportunity for them to ask for
help from others, though doing that is a paradox of sorts. Help them to get more
direct when needed and take more of the advice they would normally give others.
• Skill-building focus: Decision-making, confidence building, identifying and honing
core competencies, dealing with aggressive people, putting themselves out there
and getting noticed when appropriate, managing emotional boundaries, sorting
what is really worth caring for, and mentorship opportunities.
Each subtype (and blend of
subtypes) has not-so-secret strivings.
Might / conquest Stimulus
Power Composition
Control Adventure
Dominant Creative
Social status (testosterone) (dopamine) Discovery
Wealth Spirit
Here, an ISFP does 4 sustained tasks, from left to right:
1) craft graphic web page, 2) do computer programming, 3) play a
competitive game, and 4) chat casually over lunch.
The #2 task is most UNlike his baseline self and least like his daily activities.
Also, we can use the subtypes lens
for other aspects of type. E.g.,
* Originally, I developed the Mover and Sensate as two (Western) flavors.
Thank you Zhihan Cui, PhD from China for introducing Adventurer and
Participant as Chinese (East Asian) flavors, which we may organize this way.
Case Study of INTJs Over Time
Example: 4 Flavors of INTJ
• Dominant: the “Visionary Director” is more confident and driven
than other INTJs. Ex: Tough executive at a growing company with a
lot of resources to put toward technical innovations.
• Creative: the “Creative Enthusiast” is more creative and sociable
than other INTJs. Ex: Generalist and independent researcher with
diverse interests who travels the world as a speaker and teacher.
• Normalizing: the “Unconventional Guide” is more conventional and
specialized than other INTJs. Ex: Quiet software engineer in a large
organization. Goes to Renaissance Faire on the weekend.
• Harmonizing: the “Eccentric Diamond” is more empathic and
reflective than other INTJs. Ex: Coach who helps people one-on-one
by using hypnosis, meditation, and visualization.
Notice how these are a lot about roles, environments, pacing, and attitudes.
Demographics of
INTJs under study.
The 41 EEG brain-imaging participants
came from the USA, Europe, mainly
Norway, Denmark, France and the UK.
And their brain-Wiring patterns:
People with a “Starburst” or “Diamonds” totaled
50% of the set. These were the “Holistic” folks.
The other 50% were “Analytic”.
Overall, it looks like INTJs are stereotypical sci-tech analytic folks when they are young.
Then they diversity as they get older, and they really specialize in a cross-disciplinary
way in the decade after midlife, which is when they show the most complex thinking. In
later years, they tend to settle and slow into a holistic way of thinking with a diverse life.
Some of this may be demographic more than age-related. We could look at all 16 types.
Answers to Common Questions
FAQ #1
1. What if I identify with more than one subtype? Ideally, rank them from
1st to 4th. If you’re unsure what’s 1st, look at which subtype is LEAST like
you (4th). Whatever is diagonally opposite that is likely 1st.
2. Are there more than 4 subtypes? Brain wiring varies tremendously. Every
person is different in some way even within the “normal” range. You can
view these 4 as cardinal points on a compass. Hypothetically, we could
get more detailed with more subtypes.
3. Is is better to say “variant”, “subtype”, “facet” or other term? The word
“subtype” is easy to understand. But it is also misleading. It sounds like a
box. The word “variant” suggests a variation on the type’s core themes,
which is more accurate. “Facet” also works, though it is used elsewhere.
4. Can my subtype change? To-date, researchers observe that brain-wiring is
reliable (repeatable) for about 2 years. Moreover, the distribution of
subtypes changes by age cohort. For example, middle-age people are
more likely than others to show a diamonds (Harmonizing) pattern.
FAQ #2
5. What are these descriptions based on? They are based on multiple
sources, namely brain imaging by the author using EEG technology. There
were 444 subjects total over 16 types, with 15 to 65 people of each type.
6. Can you tell me more about the neuroscience? EEG reports activity from
the brain’s neocortex, or outer layer, which is the most thick in humans
and reflects higher thinking skills. Subjects went through a diverse
protocol of tasks for either 30 minutes or 1 hour to stimulate their brain
in multiple ways. Later analysis using FFT and “Hebbian Learning” shows
which brain regions are most active, densely connected, and so on.
7. Should I try to be all of these subtypes, or just best at one? If you are
satisfied with your life situation, then it’s likely best to build off of your
strengths and cover blind-spots.
8. How does this relate to other models? These parallel the work of Dr.
Victor Gulenko, Dr. Helen Fisher, and Dr. Richard Nesbitt. In fact, the
subtype names are from Dr. Gulenko and used with permission.
FAQ #3
9. What if I don’t relate to the career or role options in my subtype? The
jobs mentioned are based on people who voluntarily participated in the
study, they likely paid for it, and opportunities were often at
conferences. Thus, there is a bias toward certain careers such as
psychology. That said, we did get people who were in almost every area.
10. How do the demographics shape up in terms of age, gender, type and so
forth? There were many more people with Intuiting preference over
Sensing preference. Still, we had (just!) enough people to do analysis. See
slides 28 and 29 for example demographics.
11. How did you validate people’s 4-letter type codes? The majority of
participants were professionals and long-time type users. However,
when there was uncertainty or the person did not know, I used the CPA
( or the NPI (at In
some cases, people could not settle or they changed their type after the
fact, and those were noted in the data.
FAQ #4
12. Is there a best way to determine someone’s subtype? The best way is a
brain-imaging session. Barring that, you can go through the 4 subtypes
on slides 22-25. And/or, if you know a person’s 4-letter type code, they
can read the four descriptions for their type as well as adjacent types
(e.g. for INTJ, INTP, ENTJ, ISTJ, etc.) They should be able to relate to their
subtype even for the adjacent types as well as their own.
13. Where can someone do a brain-imaging session? Besides occasional
opportunities with the author or associates at conferences and so forth,
you can visit a “neuro-therapy” center in your area and make a request
for a special session. Neuro-therapy typically uses EEG for biofeedback.
But we can send them a protocol and they can send us the data to
14. How do the subtypes get on in relationships? The author did not look
closely at relationships. However, for couples and long-time friends and
associates who participated, similar brain-wiring was a sign for
satisfaction in the relationship.
FAQ #5
15. Can I take deliberate steps to shift my subtype? Yes, though you likely
need to be patient. You can identify a hobby or other niche activity that
interests you and likely uses a brain network like another subtype. For
example, one-on-one time with other people is more Harmonizing. You
can then practice that activity and allow it to take up more of your time.
You can also simply switch careers or such but that is a big change!
16. Should I maximize my subtype or learn to flex to different subtypes?
Most societies reward people for specialization. But personal growth
often relies on learning to flex, and that requires taking risks. Experiment,
think carefully, and have a strong foundation.
17. Which is more important, my personality type (4-letter code) or my
subtype? The 16 types are are psychological in nature. They are not just
behavior traits to adjust. In contrast, subtypes represent more
observable and changeable qualities such as the size of organizations we
work in. Both are important!
How does subtype differ from the
Barens’ Interaction Styles?
• Dr. Linda Berens describes 4 interaction styles. These are similar to the DISC social
styles but adjusted to align with the 16 Myers-Briggs types.
• The 4 styles are In-Charge, Chart the Course, Get Things Going, and Behind the
Scenes. They are spelled in upper case.
• For each of the 4 temperaments (SP, SJ, NT, and NF types), there are the 4 styles.
So, there is In Charge NT (ENTJ), Chart-the-Course NT (INTJ), Get-Things-Going NT
(ENTP), and Behind-the-Scenes NT (INTP). And so on for the other temperaments.
• One’s style is INHERENT to one’s type patterns. That is, each type such as INFP is a
pattern of functional preferences, temperament needs and values, and interaction
style. So all INFPs are inherently Behind the Scenes.
• In contrast, the variants (subtypes) – Dominant, Creative, Normalizing, and
Harmonizing – are DEVELOPMENTAL. They are the nurture component of the
human equation. Thus, all INFPs have a Behind-the-Scenes interaction style, but
some are more Dominant, having developed an in-charge feel; some more
Creative, having developed a get-things-going feel, and so forth. These are spelled
in lower case.
What do various phrases about skills
mean in terms of brain wiring?
• Executive skill refers to pre-frontal cortex EEG regions Fp1 and Fp2 while managerial skills
refer to strongly linked frontal regions F7-F8. Multiple strong links between Fp1, Fp2, F7, F7,
F3 and F4 are hallmarks of a front-brain bias.
• For other regions, auditory skills like speaking and listening to refer to EEG regions T3 and
T4, while language-based reasoning refers to regions F3, Fz, and F4. Contemplative and
reflective thinking involving factual and narrative memory refer to a strong T5-T6 link. Visual
regions refer to regions O1 and O2, but also include links from there to T5, T6, P3, Pz, and P4.
Many of these links indicate a back-brain bias. Strong visual-spatial reasoning often means
strong P3-Pz-P4 links. A person may be strong there without an overall back-brain bias. Body
or kinesthetic skills, including action and mental routines, refer to regions C3, Cz and C4.
• Left bias and right bias refer to the left and right hemispheres, respectively.
• Regarding whole-brain patterns, a starburst refers to all EEG regions firing in sync, which
means all 16, 20 or 32 sensor areas, depending on the equipment used. In contrast, a
diamond-shaped pattern refers to 3+ regions, at least one of which is in a different
hemisphere, that fire together. Both of these patterns mix analytic (“left brain”) and holistic
(“right brain”) skills. In contrast, a zigzag looks like a diamond but the regions only fire in
pairs; thus, it is more linear and less sophisticated thinking. Similarly, an even-field refers to
regions linking in squares only to their neighbors in a linear, step-by-step way.
Subtype: What it’s all about!
• Brain imaging gives us a window into one’s “mental life” and
“developed self”, and the tech keeps advancing all the time.
• Both nature and nurture influence us!
• We can account for nurture (upbringing, environment, job
roles, physiology, etc.) in a coherent way.
• Multiple sources suggest 4 distinct variants (or subtypes):
Dominant, Creative, Normalizing and Harmonizing.
• Analysis of demographic and brain data suggests a person’s
subtype. That analysis also shows ways we tend to change as
we go through life’s seasons.
• There are many helpful applications, but we also don’t want
to overwhelm people!
[email protected]
About the Author…
Dario Nardi, Ph.D. is a world renowned author,
researcher, speaker and expert in neuroscience,
personality, and body-mind practices. He holds a Senior
Lecturer position at University of California (Los
Angeles), where he won UCLA's Copenhaver Award for
Innovative Use of Technology in 2005 and UCLA's
Distinguished Teacher of the year in 2011. His books
include Neuroscience of Personality, 8 Keys to Self-
Leadership, Jung on Yoga, The Magic Diamond, and
Facets of Ayahuasca, among other titles. Since 2006,
Dario has focused on conducting hands-on brain
research, utilizing insights of real-time EEG technology.
Applications extend to coaching, counseling, education,
games, healthcare, leadership development, yoga, and
many other areas. He regularly keynotes international
conferences and facilitates workshops, teaching
professionals about the art and science of the brain. [email protected]
Yin & Yang of Type
Exploring 256 Flavors of Personality
By Dario Nardi, PhD
8th of April 2021
• How many “types” are there? Four, or maybe 16, or more? This is
convenient to understand people. Of course, every individual is unique.
• Brain imaging and other resources suggest a "yin" and "yang" for each
Jungian function. For example, there is a flavor of Extraverted Sensing
that is very physically active, fast and maybe even aggressive. In contrast,
there is also a flavor that is more sensuous, exploratory, and relishes
life's many pleasures.
• The data shows that sex, cultural upbringing, and especially career
choice shape our brains and flavor of personality. We will explore these
flavors for your dominant and auxiliary functions. What flavor are you?
Psychological Functions
(example of “ENTJ”)
Let’s get more civilized!
“A conscious capacity for one-sidedness is a sign of the
highest culture, but involuntary one-sidedness, i.e. the
inability to be anything but one-sided, is a sign of
barbarism.” (Psychological Types, p. 207)
Maybe we are even one-sided with own preferred functions?
Jung observed 4
“mental functions”
From 4 to 8 functional “types”
Analytic (Yang)
vs. Holistic (Yin)
• Analytic / “Yang”: The use is more active, focused, and
fixed. Appears more often in business, law, science, or
technology. And among youth, more likely male.
• Holistic / “Yin”: The use is more receptive, diffuse, and
yielding. Appears more often in the arts, humanities,
or social service. And among youth, more likely female.
When we sort by other factors such as sex, we get a really
similar result for all types. There is a ‘yang’ (at left) and
‘yin’ (at right) developmental expression of type.
Analytic (“Yang”) vs. Holistic (“Yin”)
– An analogy
Imagine driving a car. You keep up two kinds of attention. One kind is focused,
such as looking for specific signage as part of following directions to a set
destination. This is more “analytic”. The other is global as you attend in a diffuse
way to the whole traffic environment so that you can respond to anything that
comes up, not concerned with a destination. It is more “holistic”.
‘Se’ Facets – let’s explore
‘Si’ Facets – let’s explore
‘Ne’ Facets – let’s explore
‘Ni’ Facets – let’s explore
‘Te’ Facets – let’s explore
‘Ti’ Facets – let’s explore
‘Fe’ Facets – let’s explore
‘Fi’ Facets – let’s explore
All 16 function variations:
INFJ Example: 2 Ni flavors
x 2 Fe flavors = 4 flavors
BTW: We can bring it all
together as 4 “subtypes”.
Dominant = “double Analytic”, where both
dominant and auxiliary functions have more
Analytic (Yang) style.
perceiving function (S/N).
Rebalancing = explore out
of your comfort zone!
1. Create room in your life (both physical and time-wise) to
explore a new facet. If you don’t have 15 minutes a day, or 4
hours a week, then get more deliberate.
2. Seek out someone of your type (ideally), or very similar
type, who already expresses that facet, and find ways to
learn from them. Such learning may be surprisingly quick!
3. Adapt a body-mind practice or hobby that requires the new
facet. Bring in the whole self (physical, social, mental, etc.)
We learn best when learning taps multiple modalities.
4. Say “yes” to opportunities to stretch into responsibilities
that emphasizes the facet. Often, people miss out on a
facet because they stay in a familiar arrangement.
E.g. Breathwork practice
aids psychological balance.
• Breath is the essence of life.
• We can benefit from any practice that stimulates the vagal nerve system
(VNS) or parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) in general. This turns
down limbic fight-or-flight response and turns down our egoic “default
network” (aka monkey mind or egoic self).
• Let’s do 10 (or 30!) deep, steady, in-and-out, open-mouth breaths.
• On the last breath, fully exhale and hold your breath for at least 30
seconds. Ideally we go 1, 2 or even 3 minutes.
• After 10 minutes of doing this, your nervous system can’t help but relax.
• Some practice and good health help. However, the biggest obstacle is
psychological. Our monkey brain is afraid. But we can get past that. On
days you can hold longer, you are in a calmer place psychologically.
• It’s not a contest. As we hold our breath, we can focus on our pulse,
heart beat, and energetic body to open the chakras.
True change shows as
behavioral change
What’s one insight you gained,
[email protected]
About the Presenter…
Dario Nardi, Ph.D. is a world renowned author,
researcher, speaker and expert in neuroscience,
personality, and body-mind practices. He holds a
Senior Lecturer position at University of California
(Los Angeles), where he won UCLA's Copenhaver
Award for Innovative Use of Technology in 2005 and
UCLA's Distinguished Teacher of the year in 2011. His
books include Neuroscience of Personality, 8 Keys to
Self-Leadership, Jung on Yoga, The Magic Diamond, and
Facets of Ayahuasca, among other titles. Since 2006,
Dario has focused on conducting hands-on brain
research, utilizing insights of real-time EEG
technology. Applications extend to coaching,
counseling, education, games, healthcare, leadership
development, yoga, and many other areas. He
regularly keynotes international conferences and
facilitates workshops, teaching professionals about [email protected]
the art and science of the brain.