Holiday Homework Class Vi (2024-25)

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Q1. Sustainable Development Goal 14, also known as 'Life Below Water,' primarily focuses on promoting the
conservation and sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine resources. Therefore, it is crucial to avoid polluting
water bodies. Keeping this in view, on a 3D shape of any aquatic animal, write a paragraph describing some ways
and means to safeguard the water bodies from pollution.
(Roll Numbers 1-20)

Q2. “Embrace the blue, save our friends in the deep."

This slogan captures the essence of conserving marine life and using water bodies responsibly. To raise awareness
about the importance of conserving water and promoting sustainable marine practices, write a slogan on an
A4-sized shape of any aquatic animal.
(Roll Numbers 21 onwards)

1.परु ानी बेकार वस्तओ
ु ं (बोतल,डिब्बा,मग आदि) का प्रयोग कर कलात्मक गमला/फूलदान पर पर्यावरण संरक्षण हे तु नारे
लिखिए। अनक्र
ु मांक (1-15)
2.स्वच्छ जल स्वास्थ्य के लिए लाभकारी होता है । जल का महत्त्व दर्शाते हुए संद
ु र व आकर्षक कार्ड बनाइए। अनक्र
ु मांक
3. ‘संतलि
ु त एवं पौष्टिक भोजन’ के विषय से संबंधित कविता सचित्र चार्ट पर लिखिए। अनक्र
ु मांक (31-42)
4. लक्षद्वीप, अंडमान निकोबार द्वीप समह
ू की वेशभष
ू ा का सचित्र वर्णन करते हुए A3 साइज शीट पर संद
ु र व आकर्षक
कॉलाज बनाइए। (सभी विद्यार्थियों के लिए)
5. पंचतंत्र की कहानियाँ (विष्णु शर्मा), बीरबल की कहानियाँ व राजस्थान की लोक कथाएँ पढ़िए।

"La France est une mosaïque culturelle, où l'histoire, l'art et la gastronomie se marient pour créer une
expérience inoubliable."
Project 1: Un dictionnaire
For roll nos 1-20
Préparez un dictionnaire illustré français; collez ou dessinez les images et écrivez leur sens en anglais et français.
Prepare a pictorial dictionary; paste or draw the images and write their meaning in English and French.
The Pictionary has to be pocket friendly. (A4 size sheets cut into four equal parts and bound/stapled together.)

Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to develop their French Vocabulary.

Project 2: Un collage de monuments français

For roll nos 21 onwards
A collage of French landmarks could include iconic images like the Eiffel Tower in Paris, Notre-Dame
Cathedral, the Louvre, the Château de Versailles, the Arc de Triumph, the Basilica of the Sacré-Cœur in
Montmartre, the Mont Saint- Michel in Normandy, the Pont du Gard in the south of France, the City of
Carcassonne, and many others. You could gather images of these landmarks from magazines, books, online prints
or even your own photos and then creatively arrange them on your collage. Don't forget to add captions or
descriptions for each monument if you wish!
Prepare your collage horizontally on an A3 size sheet.

Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to develop an understanding about the culture of France.

अधोलिखितानि कार्याणि उत्तरपस्ति
ु कायां लिखत-
1) बालिका, किम ् (पल्लि
ु ंग) शब्दरूपम ् लिखत।
2) पा,नी (लट्,लट्
ृ लकारे ) धातरू
ु पम ् लिखत।
3) निम्नलिखितानि पदानि लिङ्गानस
ु ारं पथ
ृ क् - पथ
ृ क् कृत्वा लिखत-
ू ः, शक
ु ः, चटका, पत्रम ्,पष्ु पम ्,मयरू ः, शिक्षिका,फलम ्,गजः,कलिका,छत्रम ्,लता
4) कर्तृपदै ः सह क्रियापदानि योजयित्वा सरलवाक्यानां रचना कुरुत-
सः ………. तौ ………. ते ………
त्वम ् ………. यव
ु ाम ् ………. यय
ू म ् …….
अहम ् ………. आवाम ् ………. वयम ् ……
5) दश पष्ु पाणां अथवा दश पक्षिणाम ् नामानि चित्रसहितं संस्कृतभाषायाम ् ए-4 शीटे लिखत।
6) एकीकृत कला परियोजना
i. शरीरस्य अङ्गानि नामानि संस्कृतभाषायाम ् चित्र सहितं चार्टपेपरे लिखत। ( अनक्र
ु मांक 1-13)
ii.“गायत्री मंत्र” अर्थेन सह आकर्षक रूपेण लिखत। (अनक्र
ु मांक 14-26) यथा-
iii. लैगिग
ं समता अस्मिन ् विषये संस्कृते ग्रन्थे अनेकाः श्लोकाः प्राप्यन्ते ।तेषां संकलनं चित्रैः सहितं चार्ट पेपरे
लिखत। (अनक्र
ु मांक -27-28)

1. Complete Chapter 3: Playing With Numbers (Pages 21–30) from the ‘Practice and More Mathematics’ book in
your assignment notebook.
2. Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability
of future generations to meet their own needs. The four main types of sustainability are human, social, economic,
and environmental.
Environmental sustainability is important to preserve resources like clean air, water, and wild life for future
“The book of nature is written in the language of mathematics." -Galileo
Keeping environmental sustainability in mind, the students have to do the following according to roll number
Roll Number
1 to 20 – Create a poster on a chart paper using cut-outs of different fractions showcasing beauty in nature.
Pictures are given for reference:

21 onwards – Create a poster on a chart paper using Mosaic art and calculate fractions of any three colours.
Pictures are given for reference:
Energy Safari
Let’s embark on a journey to revolutionize the energy game in two distinct regions of our nation: Delhi and the
Andaman Islands. Through colorful illustrations, posters, and creative presentations, delve into the heart of energy
resources used to generate electricity in these contrasting landscapes.
Roll numbers 1-20: Get ready to unleash your artistic talents on A2 size sheets as you compare and contrast the
energy resources powering Delhi and the Andaman Islands. From the towering wind turbines and sparkling solar
panels to the rumbling generators and fossil fuel plants, capture the essence of each energy source as it shapes the
power landscapes of these regions. Dive deep into the advantages and disadvantages of both renewable and
non-renewable sources of energy.
Roll numbers 21 and onwards: It's time to unite creativity with innovation as you explore the culinary world of
Delhi and the Andaman Islands. Discover how two distinct cuisines contribute to the conservation of energy in
their own unique ways. From traditional cooking methods that harness renewable resources to innovative culinary
techniques that minimize energy consumption. Soar your creativity by presenting a delicious fusion of food and
energy conservation.

Let your holiday homework ignite curiosity, inspire innovation and spark a newfound appreciation for the power
that drives our world forward.

Project Guidelines
Chapter 4 – What Books and Burials Tell Us

A) Make a neat and well-developed project with the help of following guidelines:
1. Importance of written sources.
2. Books in different religions.
3. Four vedas with brief description of Rigveda.
4. The story of megaliths.
5. Case study of the life of people in Inamgaon.

MAP WORK - On the political map of India locate and mark the neighbouring countries of
Develop the project in about 10 pages with the help of labelled pictures, drawings and
flowcharts. Index and bibliography must be written.

B) Make an attractive and colourful chart depicting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
with their respective logos.

Roll No. 1 to 15 SDG 1-6

Roll No. 16 to 30 SDG 7-12
Roll No. 31 onwards SDG 13-17
Write HTML code to design a webpage that contains information about Sustainable Development Goals. The
sample screenshot is shown here.(Refer Ch-7 Introduction to HTML5 and CSS)

Follow the instructions given below:

1.Set the background color to yellow.
2.Write two paragraphs on SDG using <p> tag.
3. Use <hr> tag for placing a line after the heading SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS.
4. Use <H1> heading for text, “SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS” with alignment “center”.
5. Use <H2> heading for text, “In short, some SDGs are:”
6. Use <H3> heading for text, “Goal 1: No Poverty: End poverty in all its forms everywhere.”
7. Use <H4> heading for text, “Goal 2: Zero Hunger: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition
and promote sustainable agriculture.”
(You can modify the webpage according to your choice to make it look more attractive.)
Submit your holiday homework in Google Classroom

The best things in life are handmade”
So let’s be crafty and turn the ordinary objects into extraordinary artifacts.
VI A – SDG slogan writing on Newspaper/ handmade paper bag
VI B – Decorative message board using waste

VI C – SDG letter craft using jute rope and corrugated cardboard

VI D – Lippon Art using cobalt blue / magenta Acrylic colour

VI E – Transparent lampshade with dry flower pasting

VI F- Table clock using cardboard (theme SDG)

Textbook: It’s time to learn art 6

Page no – 33,37,38,40 and 66

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