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Aerospace Skill-Lync Jan23

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Engineering Education Platform

Bridging the gap between Academia and Industry

Zero Cost Platform to recruit trained engineers
Upskilling platform for Industry to train employees

Aerospace Courses

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Design and Engineering

Summit 2021

Training Partner Training Partner

SKILL-LYNC is an upskilling platform focused on ER&D / PES (Product Engineering
Services), Automotive, EV, Aviation, Medical Equipment, Semiconductor, Telecom,
and Infrastructure sectors


Upskilling Reskilling
Enhancement CORPORATES

US$ 52 6 Cities 250+ 25,000+ 9000+ 280+

Million 2500 Courses Engineering Learners are Companies
Funding + Employees available on our Students & Working leveraging our
platform Freshers Professionals platform

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Our Flagship Tracks covering all New Age Engineering Domains

Mechanical Electrical & Electronics Civil Computer Science

Automotive Design High-Rise Building Full Stack Web

Electric Vehicle Design
& Design Automation Design & Analysis Development

Hybrid Electric Vehicle Automotive Embedded Construction Project Data Science &
Design Systems & Autosar Management Machine Learning

Computational Fluid Power Converter Automotive

Industrial Structures
Dynamics Design & Analysis Cybersecurity

Crashworthiness & Fuel Cells & Ultra Bridge Design &

Analysis Capacitors Analysis Cloud Computing

GIS and Remote

Aerospace Autonomous Vehicle Internet of Things
Digital Commerce with
Plant Engineering Renewable Energy Plant Engineering

5G Wireless Network
Robotics & Automation Renewable Energy Medical Equipment
Architecture & Planning

Medical Equipment Medical Equipment

Drone Technology
& Chip Design

1 2 3 4
Product Design

1 2 3 4 5
Mechanical After Market Supply chain Health & Utility Technical
Product Design Services Engg. Management Sys. Publications
Courses – Aerospace Mechanical Product Design
1 Mechanical Product Design 8 days Tools Proficiency
Structures Design, Hydraulic Actuator Design, Driving Zero Defects
ASME Y14.5M, GD & T Interpretations, AFMEA / FFMEA / DFMEA/DCM, Drawing
Reading and Interpretations,(Product Definition) Dimensioning Technique CATIA Basic
Technical Thoroughness, Work Thoroughness, Design Development Process SOLIDWORKS
Aircraft Materials for Actuators, structures and Engine parts, Castings, Forgings
etc. MBD (Model Based Definitions), Writing QTP's & ATP's); Quality Test
procedure & Acceptance Test Procedure, Gated Review processes
3D Modelling tool proficiency

2 Sustaining Engineering / After Market Services 8 days Tools Proficiency

REACh, Power-B Tool for data analysis, Lean 6-Sigma Green Belt
Lean 6-Sigma Black Belt, Change Management / Non-Conformance NA
Analysis, Repair Scheme development, Problem solving skills; 8D, 5Y,
RCCA, Continual Improvement, NA Basic
Cost reduction Methodologies
- VAVE (Value Analysis Value Engg.
- DFM (Design For Manufacture
- Should Cost Analysis"

Note: The course duration can be customized based on client requirements on specific delivery modes
Courses –Mechanical Product Design
3 Supply chain + Manufacturing Engg. 8 days Tools Proficiency
PFMEA, Driving Zero Defects, Statistical Quality Control, GD & T Interpretations
FAIR (First Article Inspection Report) Process, APQP (Advance Product Quality
Planning), PPAP (Production Part Approval Process), MSA (Measurement Basic
System Analysis), Manufacturing Engineering, Methods Engineering (Process NA
Supply Chain Management process

4 HUMS (Health & Utility Management System 8 days Tools Proficiency

Data Analytics
Machine Learning Basic
Reliability Engineering

5 Technical Publications 8 days Tools Proficiency

Exploded views, Repair Manuals, CMM, Illustrated parts catalogue,
Service bulletins NA Basic

Note: The course duration can be customized based on client requirements on specific delivery modes
Interiors Design (Basics)
Courses – Interiors Design

1 Product Design/Material selection 6 days Tools Proficiency

Basic idea on Product Design, Understanding of Raw Material, Procurement of Raw
material and its cost, Introduction to basic steps of Modeling as per Manufacturing SOLIDWORKS Basic
process SOLID EDGE

2 Composite Structures 4 Days Tools Proficiency

Basic idea on Composite Structures, Types of Composites, Usage of Composites in
Aircraft Structures SOLIDWORKS Basic

3 Manufacturing Process 5 days Tools Proficiency

Types of Manufacturing Process, Cost of Manufacturing Process, Capability of SOLID EDGE
Manufacturing Process, How to choose the right Manufacturing Process

Note: The course duration can be customized based on client requirements on specific delivery modes
Interiors Design (Intermediate)
Courses –Interiors Design
1 Product Design with concepts/Industrial Design Tools Proficiency
Good idea on Conceptual Product/ Industrial Design, Imlpementing DFSS way of 8 days
working, Know how to conduct Brainstorming session, CAD Modeling UG-NX Intermediate

2 Static/ Dynamic Structure Testing procedure study 8 days Tools Proficiency

Learn about CG Calculations, Understand Static testing, Understand
UG-NX Intermediate
Dynamic testing, Understand impact of loads including abuse loads CATIA V5

3 Composite Structures/ Structure Mechanisms 8 days Tools Proficiency

Good idea on Complex Composite Structures, Idea on Manufacturing of
Composites, Kurfing process, Good knowledge on Structure Mechanism, UG-NX Intermediate
Knowledge on CG shift due to various mechanisms CATIA V5

4 FMEA Tools
1 day
Learn about FMEA, How to map Project into FMEA Charter

Note: The course duration can be customized based on client requirements on specific delivery modes
Interiors Design (Advance)
Courses –Interiors Design
1 Product Design and Analysis Tools Proficiency
Good idea on Product Design and Analysis Methods, Implementing DFSS with 7 days
UG-NX Advance
Process understanding, Know how to conduct Brainstorming session CATIA V5

2 Static/ Dynamic Structure Testing for 12 G & 16 G 7 days Tools Proficiency

Learn How to implement 12 G/ 16 G Loads, Learn Testing procedure for different
type of seatings UG-NX Advance

3 FMEA / Advanced Composite Structures 1 day Tools Proficiency

Advanced Study on Composite Structures, Advanced Study on FMEA, Learn how
and where to use Composites for weight reduction, Understand to cut Core to EXCEL Advance
attach standard parts

Note: The course duration can be customized based on client requirements on specific delivery modes
Courses- Computer Aided Engineering

1 Aircraft system and mechanical design Duration TOOLS Relevant

Explain the components, functions, aircraft mission,
Explain mission, loads
loads and
and boundary
boundary conditions. Experience
Aerospace standards, standards, design processes
design processes like DFSS,like DFSS,and
Primary Primary and secondary
secondary structures, 1 day NA 0-4 Years
Material MaterialFasteners
selection, selection,selections,
Fasteners selections, sizing
sizing of the of the structures

2 Drawing and GDnT fundamentals Tools Relevant

Understand the. Drawing, drawing creation process, basics of GDnT, 2D 1 day
tolerance analysis and drawing reviews
NA 0-4 Years

3 Computer-aided design and development Tools Relevant

1 day
Basics of CAD, types of CAD modelling (surface and solid modelling), UG NX
parametric model and tolerance analysis.
Introduction and familiarisation of either UG/CATIA tools 0-4 Years

4 Theoretical background of stress and FEM Tools Relevant

Basics of stress analysis (Linear and Nonlinear),
1 day
failure theory, material properties, FEM n it's practical application and units n
dimensions NA 0-4 Years

5 Details of FEM modelling and hands on ANSYS and NASTRAN package

1 day Tools Relevant
Basics of FEM, Types of FEM modelling (2D/3D). process of FEM modelling, element ANSYS Experience
types, mesh convergence, methods of stress analysis and. FEM solver and results NASTRAN 0-4 Years
verification. Introduction and familiarisation of either ANSYS/NASTRAN tools HYPERMESH

6 Fundamentals of design to life and damage tolerance analysis Relevant

Basics of FEA, LS-PREPOST, Tensile-Test simulation, methods for calculating Understand 1 day Tools
life design philosophy, fatigue, fracture and creep.Understand the process of damage Experience
tolerance analysis, types of damage, and damage tolerance analysis from the mission NA 0-4 Years
stress profile and component design based on DTA principle.
Courses- Computer Aided Engineering
1 Strength/Mechanics of Materials Duration TOOLS Relevant
Stress & Structural analysis basics Experience
Beams ; Lug & pin 1 day NA 0-3 Years

2 1D Problems Tools
FE Modelling of Simple to complex problems 1 day
HYPERMESH Experience
PATRAN 0-3 Years

3 FEM / FEA Theory Tools Relevant

1 day
Basics of FEM/FEA
Basics of Theory of Elasticity
2D problems Stress/FEA NA 0-3 Years

4 2D & 3D problems Tools Relevant

FE Modelling of Simple to complex problems
1 day
HYPERMESH Experience
PATRAN 0-3 Years

5 Composite Structures 1 day Tools Relevant

Basics on Composite Structures Experience
CLPT (Composite Lamina Plate Theory) - Stiffness Matrix NA 0-3 Years
Usage of Composites in Aircraft Structures

6 Composite FE modelling and Analysis 1 day Tools Relevant

Composite FE modelling and Analysis - Ply modelling ; Lamina /stack creations;
definition of orthotropic material cards
0-3 Years
1 Introduction to Computer Programming Tools Proficiency
2 days
Introduction to computing, Problem solving with mathematical packages (as a
calculator),The fundamentals of algorithms, Introduction to high-level C/C++/Python Basic -
programming languages, Problem solving with programs and MATLAB Intermediate

Avionics Proficiency
A breif introduction about various systems available in the aircraft and also 1 day Tools
covering Aerodynamics and principles of aircraft.Model based development,
Simulation, Avonics Data buses, programming techniques, Testing concepts, MALAB Basic -
programming concepts, Programming in C, Programming C++ Intermediate

1 day Tools Proficiency
This study emphasize on the major disciplines of aerodynamics, propulsion,
structures, design, performance, flight mechanics, and control of aircraft.
These subjects are treated at a fundamental level that lays a foundation for Basic -
NA Intermediate
work in a broad variety of specialties in the aircraft industry.

4 DO178C
Do178B Objectives, Software Levels, Planning, Environment considerations 1 day Tools Proficiency
(compiler, run-time libraries, tools, etc.), Requirements and Architecture NA
Software verification process, MC/DC structural coverage, Determinism Basic -
considerations,Differences between DO-178B and DO-178C Intermediate
Overview of the DO-178C supplements and Introduction to tool qualification

Note: The course duration can be customized based on client requirements on specific delivery modes

5 Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering 1 day Tools Proficiency

Electrical circuits, RLC circuits,Electromagnetism, Electronic appliances and Basic -
devices,Computer interfacing applications with analog and digital circuit

6 Astronautics
A well-rounded program of study that provides a background in the traditional 1 day Proficiency
areas of materials, structures, propulsion, and controls, while also giving the Basic -
student a chance to learn about the space environment, attitude determination NA Intermediate
and control, orbital mechanics, mission design, and spacecraft systems

7 Linear Algebra 1 day Tools Proficiency

Matrix algebra, Determinants, Vector spaces, Linear transformations
System of linear equations, Characteristic value problem and Real Advance
symmetric matrices

Note: The course duration can be customized based on client requirements on specific delivery modes
Courses: Embedded Systems

1 Introduction to Computer Programming

2 days Tools Proficiency
Introduction to computing, Problem solving with mathematical packages (as a
calculator),The fundamentals of algorithms, Introduction to high-level C/C++/Python Basic -
programming languages, Problem solving with programs and MATLAB Intermediate

Core concepts of Embedded Systems

2 1 day Tools Proficiency
A brief overview on Embedded systems, memory management, Data manipulation,
I/O programming, Concurrent processing and scheduling
Fundamentals of Electronics and Embedded System NA Basic -
C Programming, Data Structures & C++, ARM7 Architecture & Programming in Intermediate
Embedded C, Linux Commands, Shell Scripting & System programming

Embedded Specialization
1 day Tools Proficiency
Embedded Protocols – UART, I2C, SPI, CORTEX-M Architecture
Model-Based Design using MATLAB (Simulink, Stateflow & Embedded Coder)
Real Time OS (FreeRTOS) Basic -

Note: The course duration can be customized based on client requirements on specific delivery modes
Courses: Embedded Systems

4 RTOS- Hands on using Embedded RTOS

RT Systems–Architecture 1 day Tools Proficiency
Introduction to tasks- Task internals, Task Scheduling, CAN layered architecture
Vx Basic -
Real-Time Task Management State transition Diagramming Free RTOS Schedulers,
Inter task Synchronization, Introduction to semaphores, types (Binary and Mutex) Works Intermediate
Programming with Semaphores, Memory management Strategies of Memory
Management Memory Allocation/De-allocation, Inter task Communication Message
Qs, Pipes, Shared Memory – pros & cons, Introduction to Free RTOS Message
Queues Programming with Message Queues Interrupt Handling Overview of
Interrupts, communication protocols such as I2C, SPI, Modbus/BACnet, CAN, and

5 Linux Device Drivers 1 day Tools Proficiency

Introduction to the device driver
Char driver, Advanced char driver operations, Linux Kernel Build and static Linking RC Linux Basic -
Flow of time, Interrupt handling, Introduction to BBB Board & SOC AM335x RX Linux Intermediate
Functional block and overview, U-BOOT Mechanism & BEAGLE BONEeMMC

Note: The course duration can be customized based on client requirements on specific delivery modes
Partnered with Software OEMs to enhance learning outcomes …
‣ Licenses to Dassault tools for Students, Tutors and Curriculum Development
‣ Curriculum Development Inputs from Subject Matter Experts at Dassault Systemes
‣ Internship & Recruitment Opportunities with Dassault and it’s clients
‣ Approaching Academia & Enterprise Clients as a Joint Offering

‣ Learners have access to MathWorks’ Trainings & Certifications

‣ Partnership across domains such as EV, Telecom, Semiconductors & Medical Technology
‣ Joint Offering to Corporates for assisting in Upskilling & Reskilling Programs

‣ Student and Instructor Licenses Access to ensure learning outcomes are achieved
‣ Curriculum Development Inputs from Industry Experts at Altair
‣ Students onboarded onto Altair Industry Outreach Platform to assist in Recruitment Opportunities

‣ Exclusive Course on Embedded Software Verification & Validation

‣ Curriculum Inputs for incorporating LDRA tools in line with the Industry Demands

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