Comparison of Bidding Document
Comparison of Bidding Document
Comparison of Bidding Document
a) Duly prequalified for this bidding
b) However, a Foreign Constructor
can subm it provisional license
with its Bid but the Foreign
Constructor will be required to
submit standard license after
award of Contract and before
start of work.
c) Foreign constructors must
Duly licensed by the Pakistan partner with a Pakistani
Engineering Council (PEC) in the constructor registered with the
1 Eligible Bidder
category relevant to the value of Pakistan Engineering Council
the Works. and submit their joint venture
agreement before bidding,
following PEC Bye-laws, 1987.
d) Pakistani Constructor must be
on Active Taxpayer List of the
Federal Board of Revenue and
provincial revenue authority
e) All partners constituting the
Bidder including proposed
subcontractors do not appear in
the list of debarred/ blacklisted.
All materials, equipment and
services to be supplied under this
Eligible Materials, Contract shall have their origin in
2 Equipment and __ eligible countries which have been
Services notified by Ministry of Interior,
Government of Pakistan as
Business-Friendly Countries.
Bidding Documents
a) Evaluation Criteria and
Qualification Updating Forms
a) Bill of Quantities (Appendix-D
Contents of b) Schedules to Bid
to Bid).
1 Bidding c) Letter of Acceptance;
b) Form of Indemnity Bond for
Documents d) DAAB (Dispute
Secured Advance
Avoidance/Adjudication Board)
2 Preparation of a) The Bid shall comprise two a) Submit Bid Security in accordance
bids envelopes submitted with Clause IB.16 hereof
simultaneously, one called the b) Submit alternative proposal, if
Technical Bid and the other the permissible in accordance with
Price Bid, containing the Clause IB.17;
c) Submit a written power of attorney
authorizing the signatory of the Bid
to act for and on behalf of the
Bidder. The name and position held
documents listed in Bidding
by each person signing the
Data Sheet under the heading
authorization must be typed or
of IB 11.1 A & B respectively.
printed below the signature;
Both envelopes to be enclosed
together in an outer single d) Submit the Qualification Updating
envelope called the Bid. Each Forms duly filled in, signed and
bidder shall furnish all the stamped along with requisite
documents as specified in attachments, to establish that the
Bidding Data Sheet 11.1 A & B. Bidder continues to meet the
Eligibility and Qualification Criteria
set out in the Pre-Qualification
Documents and as provided in the
Section “Evaluation Criteria and
Qualification Updating Forms”
a) The price and discount if any
quoted by the Bidders in the Letter
of Bid and in the Bill of Quantity
shall conform to the requirement
specified below.
b) The Bidder shall quote any
discounts and the methodology for
their application.
3 Bid Prices ___
c) If bids are being invited for
individual lots (contracts) or for any
combination of lots, the Bidders
can offer discounts for the
individual lots (contracts) as well as
for award of more than one
Contract and shall specify in their
4 Bid Security a) The Bid Security shall be, at the The Bid Security shall be, at the
option of the bidder, in the form option of the Bidder, in the
of Deposit at Call or a Bank form of Call Deposit Receipt
Guarantee issued by a (CDR)/ Pay Order or a Security
Scheduled Bank in Pakistan or issued in the prescribed for (a)
from a foreign bank duly Scheduled Bank in Pakistan or
counter guaranteed by a (b) a foreign bank duly counter-
Scheduled Bank in Pakistan in guaranteed by a Scheduled
favor of the Employer valid for a Bank in Pakistan or (c) an
period 28 days beyond the Bid Insurance Company listed in
Validity date. the Bidding Data and rated by
b) The Bid Security of the PACRA/VIS of rating as
successful bidder will be provided in Table below in
returned when the bidder has favor of the Employer valid for
furnished the required a period 14 days beyond the
Performance Security and Bid Validity date. The Bid
signed the Contract Agreement. Security of Joint Venture shall
be in the name of Joint Venture
or Lead/either Firm of the JV or
in ratio of shares of the
individual JV partners,
submitting the bid.
Minimum Rating
Bid price (In Eq.
of Insurance
million PKR)
Up to 1000 A (+)
1001 to no limit AA