Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics
39. The fluid forces taken into consideration in the Nava Stokes
equation are:
A. gravity, pressure and viscous
B. gravity, pressure and turbulent
C. pressure, viscous and turbulent
D. gravity, viscous and turbulent
Answer: A
57. For supersonic flow, the pressure of the fluid must increase
as the fluid flow area of the duct:
A. increases
B. decreases
C. constant
D. none of these
Answer: B
70. The term subsonic flow refers to a flowing gas with a speed:
A. less than the local speed of sound
B. equal to the speed of sound
C. greater than the speed of sound
D. much greater than the speed of sound
Answer: A
77. Which of the following terms does not appear in the steady
flow energy equation (the extended Bernoulli`s equation)?
A. Kinetic energy
B. Potential energy
C. Friction losses
D. Hysteresis losses
Answer: D
84. The study of the practical laws of fluid flow and the
resistance of open pipes and channels.
A. fluid mechanics
B. hydraulics
C. aerodynamics
D. thermodynamics
Answer: B
90. The Darcy equation can be used for all liquids and flows
A. water
B. alcohol
C. gasoline
D. air flowing supersonically
Answer: D
91. The Hazen – William formula for head loss due to friction is
based upon:
A. rigorous mathematical derivation
B. empirical data
C. semi-empirical analysis
D. screndipity
Answer: B
95. What do you call the lowest portion to the storage base
where the water is not drawn?
A. bottom storage
B. sub soil storage
C. spring reserve
D. dead storage
Answer: D
97. The presence of a minor loss in the energy grade line will
cause the line to slope:
A. down in the direction of the flow
B. upward in the direction of the flow
C. vertically downward
D. there is no effect of friction o the energy grade line
Answer: A
98. What do you call the pressure which the fluid exerts on an
immersed object or container walls?
A. Normal pressure
B. Standard liquid pressure
C. Hydrostatic pressure
D. gage pressure
Answer: C
104. What is the difference between the energy grade line and
the hydraulic grade line?
A. potential energy
B. pressure energy
C. kinetic energy
D. friction losses
Answer: C