Data Science & Machine Deep Learning

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Data Science

Machine + Deep Learning

22 weeks Full-time
35 weeks Part-time
Classroom course

✓ Course developed by experts from India

✓ Get scholarship up to 80% on all courses
✓ Get Job Oriented training and be ready for interviews
✓ Training driven by Artificial Intelligence
Why should you take this course?

By 2025, 70% of companies will use Data Science & Artificial Intelligence to
automate many jobs, which will generate millions of AI jobs.

The data scientist job market is expected to grow at a rate of 30% by 2025.

Go beyond Kenya & Africa and get paid in Dollars $$

Get remote/freelancing/ full-time jobs from international companies!

In Kenya and across many parts of Africa, Software & IT industry is still small and many
graduates are job less.

Don’t worry, there is a good news:

1. Post covid-19, many companies started hiring employees from any part of world and
allow them to work remotely.
2. Many companies across the world started hiring freelancers and on an average pay is
45$ per hour. 1.57 billion people across the world are doing freelancing, you should
be one among them.

Secure your dream job in top tech & freelancing companies with our job-
oriented training

These days companies are conducting:

1. Live coding tests, specially in data structures & programming
2. Take home assignments to understand your technical skills
3. Deep technical interviews to see how sound you are
We will offer you Job oriented training to ensure that you will clear all the interview
rounds and secure a Job in your dream company.
Course Features

Course Duration : 22 weeks full time, 35 weeks part time

Full time : 5 days a week, 10 AM – 5 PM
Part time : Mon, Tue, Wed 5 PM – 8 PM, Sat 10 AM – 5 PM

• Classroom & online sessions led by instructors

• Get a course completion certificate
• Content from experts in industry
• Job oriented training
• Networking with industry professionals and students
• Placement assistance
• 1:1 mock interviews with Artificial intelligence tools
• Co-pilot with chatgpt and github copilot
• Get guided by Machine learning and receive personal
• Special training to crack interviews with international top
tech companies (FAANG) and in freelancing portals like
toptal, turing, upwork and many more which have millions
of Jobs for tech specialists
• Live coding interviews training
• Resume & profile preparation assistance
• Real world projects & excercises
• Course is designed for working professionals & freshers
• Peer networking and group learning
• Monthly hackathons
• Team building activities
Who can apply for this course?

1. Individuals with a bachelors/diploma degree who are interested

in data science, machine learning, deep learning & artificial

2. Working professionals who want to advance their career and

looking for a career transition as data scientist, computer vision
engineer, deep learning engineer, chatbot & NLP engineer, ML
Ops engineer, AI engineer

3. Any one who is interested in getting a job in international

companies which offer either full time/ remote/ freelancing

4. Students specially from Business & administration,

Management, Finance, Engineering, ICT, Mathematics &
statistics, Actuarial science will be a good fit

5. If you do not have a degree, you can still join the course, you
might have challenge in finding a job but you can still freelance
or start your own company

6. For Graduates/Final year students, full-time is recommended

7. For Working professionals, part-time is recommended

What will you learn?

Master Machine Learning & Deep learning skills to build

classification, regression, recommendation, segmentation, computer
vision, natural language processing models. Write programs to
analyse tables, images, text, voice data, implement feature
extraction, and build & deploy machine learning models.
Modules you will learn!
Module Part-time Full-time
Schedule Schedule
• Foundations Week 1, 2 Week 1-3
• Artificial Intelligence - Co-pilot Week 2 Week 3
• Data Wrangling & Manipulation Week 2, 3 Week 4, 5
• Exploratory Data Analysis Week 3, 4 Week 6-8
• Inferential statistics Week 5, 6 Week 8-10
• Feature extraction Week 6 Week 11
• Data Preparation for model building Week 7 Week 12
• Time series analysis Week 7 Week 12, 13
• Mathematical computations Week 8 Week 14
• Machine learning - supervised Week 9, 10 Week 15-18
• Machine learning - unsupervised Week 11 Week 19
• Machine learning - semi supervised Week 11 Week 20
• Advanced Machine Learning Week 12 Week 20, 21
• Deep Learning - Computer Vision Week 12, 13 Week 22-24
• Deep Learning - Text Analytics Week 14, 15 Week 24-26
• Deep Learning - Voice analytics Week 15 Week 27
• Next generation AI tools Week 16 Week 27
• ML ops & API Week 16 Week 28
• Scalable analytics Week 17 Week 29
• Analytics on cloud Week 18 Week 29
• Building AI products Week 18 Week 29
• Job & Interviews preparation Week 19-22 Week 30-35
Tech stack you will master!
Course curriculum

Module 1 : Foundations
Duration : 7 days
Description : Foundations to become a Data Scientist & AI Engineer
Topics Covered:
1. Setting up the environment with Jupyter, VSCode & Anaconda
2. Programming with python – Variables, Operators, Conditions, Functions
3. Data structures with python – Lists, Sets, Dictionaries, Arrays
4. Algorithms with python - Indexing, sorting & searching
5. Databases & SQL - Databases, Tables, CRUD operations
6. GIT repository - Create, add, commit, push, pull, branch, merge, stash, tag, rebase
7. Introduction to data analytics - Market, job opportunity, roles & responsibilities
8. Productivity tools - Miro, Coda, Piazza, Trello

Module 2 : Artificial Intelligence - Co-pilot

Duration : 1 day
Description : Learn how to use AI tools to accelerate development
Topics Covered:
1. Chat GPT
2. Github copilot
3. Open AI Codex
4. Amazon code whisperer
5. AI tools for programming

Module 3 : Data Wrangling & Manipulation

Duration : 5 days
Description : Understand how to connect to different data sources, extract the data and
transform with Pandas
Topics Covered:
1. Introduction to Pandas
2. Creating, reading & writing data frames
3. Data frames indexing & selecting
4. Connecting to different data sources (MySQL, Oracle, Postgre SQL)
5. Merge, Join, Concatenate & compare
6. Reshaping & pivot tables
7. Working with text data
8. Working with dates
Project: Stocks market data wrangling
Course curriculum

Module 4 : Exploratory Data Analysis

Duration : 8 days
Description : Learn how to explore data and gather insights with Pandas, Matplotlib,
Seaborn, Plotly
Topics Covered:
1. Data Cleansing - Handling missing values, outliers, transforming data types,
removing corrupt data, removing duplicates
2. Descriptive analytics - Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation, Quartiles, Inter
quartile range, Variance, Correlation, bin distributions, Covariance, univariate,
bivariate & multivariate analysis
3. Entity summary - Identify entity, group data & derive summary
4. Data Visualization - Histogram, bar plots, line plots, stacked charts, area charts,
column charts, combo charts, donut & pie charts, funnel charts, map charts, scatter
plots, bubble plots, 3D plots, animated charts
5. Gathering business insights - Deriving KPI’s for chosen entity like best performing,
worst performing, summary of entity over time, creating business power points
Project : Retail sales data analysis
Project: Banking loan data analysis

Module 5 : Inferential statistics

Duration : 7 days
Description : Using statistics, dig deeper into data, understand the distributions,
correlations and do hypothesis testing to draw conclusions with scipy, numpy
Topics Covered:
1. Introduction
2. Distributions - Discrete, Bernoulli, binomial, Poisson, continuous, normal,
confidence intervals, skewness, kurtosis, Percentiles, Z-Scores, Density curves,
Random variables
3. Confidence intervals - Introduction, sample, population
4. Sampling distributions - sample proportion, sample mean, central limit theorem
5. Significance tests & Inference - Hypothesis testing, Analysis of variance, t-test, z-
test, Anova, One way Anova, Two way Anova, Chi square test
6. Predictive power - Information value, weight of evidence
Course curriculum

Module 6 : Feature extraction

Duration : 3 days
Description : Creating feature matrix from raw datasets to build ML Models
Topics Covered:
1. Understanding the outcome to be predicted
2. Creating a list of possible independent features that can predict dependent
3. Extracting features & building feature matrix with Python
Project : Feature extraction to predict home loan default

Module 7 : Data Preparation for model building

Duration : 1 day
Description : Preparing the data for building ML Models using Pandas & Numpy
Topics Covered:
1. Train, test & validation datasets
2. Random vs Stratified sample
3. Class Imbalance - Over sampling & under sampling
4. Bias vs Variance

Module 8 : Time series analysis

Duration : 5 days
Description : Using time series analysis learn how to forecast based on past data events
using statmodels & advanced packages
Topics Covered:
1. Seasonal decomposition - trend, seasonality & random components
2. Stationary & non-stationary time series events
3. Moving average - Simple, Weighted & Exponential
4. Correlations - Auto & partial
5. Regressions models - ARIMA
6. Seasonal models - Holt, Holt winters, SARIMA
7. Advance packages in python - prophet, darts, pyflux, kats, autoTS
Project : Daily stock price forecasting
Project: Store sales forecasting
Course curriculum

Module 9 : Mathematical computations

Duration : 2 days
Description : Learn how to perform mathematical computations with Numpy & Scipy
Topics Covered:
1. Foundations of Matrix computations
2. Introduction to Numpy arrays
3. Creating one dimension, two dimension, zero, ones & diagonal arrays
4. Array indexing & looping, reshaping arrays
5. Linear algebra with Numpy & Scipy
6. Probability with Numpy

Module 10 : Machine learning - supervised

Duration : 10 days
Description : Using regression, tree, bagging, boosting, probabilistic models to do learn
the patterns from data and predict the future. Package used for this is scikit-learn
Topics Covered:
1. Introduction - predictor & outcome variables, types of machine learning algos
2. Bias & Variance
3. Introduction to scikit-learn
4. Data preparation - training, testing & validation
5. Error metrics - MAE, MSE, RMSE, Confusion matrix, recall, precision..
6. Regression on numeric data - Gradient Descent, Linear regression
7. Regression on categorical data - Softmax, Logistic regression
8. Other regression techniques - Ridge, Lasso, Polynomial
9. Tree based techniques - Entropy, Information Gain, Gini Index, Decision trees
10. Bagging techniques- Random Forest
11. Boosting techniques - XGBoost, ADA Boost, Light GBM, Gradient boosting
12. Probabilistic - Naive Bayes
13. Dimensionality reduction - SVD, PCA
14. Hyper plane models - SVM
15. Neural networks
Project : Boston house price prediction
Project : Newyork city taxi trip duration prediction
Project: Credit card fraud detection
Project : Home Credit Default risk
Course curriculum

Module 11 : Machine learning - unsupervised

Duration : 3 days
Description : Using clustering techniques to gather similar objects and create
segments. Package used for this is scikit-learn.
Topics Covered:
1. K-Means clustering
2. Hierarchical clustering
3. Anamoly detection models
Project : Credit card customer segmentation
Project : Network anamoly detection

Module 12 : Machine learning - semi supervised

Duration : 1 day
Description : Blend of supervised learning & unsupervised learning
Topics Covered:
1. Clustering & labelling data - unsupervised
2. Building classification model - supervised
3. Predictions on whole data
Project : Credit card segment prediction

Module 13 : Advanced Machine Learning

Duration : 3 days
Description : Fine tuning ML Models to improve accuracy
Topics Covered:
1. Grid search, Auto ML
2. Variable importance and model fine tuning
3. Model interpretation using SHAP, ELI5, LIME
4. Cross validation, Models blending & Models stacking
Project: Fine tuning of ML projects
Course curriculum

Module 14 : Deep Learning - Computer Vision

Duration : 7 days
Description : Image analytics with Tensor Flow, Keras & Pytorch
Topics Covered:
1. Introduction to Computer Vision - Features extraction, data augmentation, MNIST
2. Introduction to OpenCV
3. Introduction to Tensorflow
4. Introduction to Pytorch & torch vision
5. Convolutional Neural Networks - Layers,Image detection & classification
6. Transfer Learning - Hugging Face, Tensorflow Hub, Pytorch
7. Saving & Loading models - Tensor flow lite & server
8. Sequential data forecasting - Recurrent Neural Networks
9. Diffusion models, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
Project : Fashion-MNIST Clothing Classification
Project: Object detection with transfer learning

Module 15 : Deep Learning - Text Analytics

Duration : 7 days
Description : Natural language processing with Tensorflow & pytorch
Topics Covered:
1. Introduction - text preprocessing, speech tagging & sentiment analysis models
2. Advanced concepts - word embeddings, deep learning attention, LSTM, RNN, BERT,
Project: Amazon Toxic Comment Classification
Project : Review sentiment analysis
Project : Building chatbot with transfer learning

Module 16 : Deep Learning - Voice analytics

Duration : 2 days
Description : Speech to text using python, Tensorflow & pytorch
Topics Covered:
1. Speech to text with pre-trained pytorch, tensorflow & hugging face models
Project : Meeting notes application
Course curriculum

Module 17 : Next generation AI tools

Duration : 1 day
Description : AI tools for computer vision, text & voice analytics
Topics Covered:
1. Exploring hugging face
2. Integrations with ChatGPT & Open AI tools
3. Exploring DeepAI
Project : Building chatbot with Hugging face models

Module 18 : ML ops & API

Duration : 5 days
Description : Machine learning operations & serving models, and automation of end to
end pipelines
Topics Covered:
1. Introduction - Different stages & components, Intro to dockers
2. Automating ML Model Cycle - Pycaret
3. Model registration & versioning - Kubeflow, MLFlow, tensorflow
4. Feature extraction automation - Feast
5. Feature store versioning - DVC
6. ML Repository - DVC, MLFlow, Github, Dagshub
7. Serving models through API - FastAPI
Project: ML ops on four ML projects implemented in previous modules

Module 19 : Scalable analytics

Duration : 3 days
Description : Scalable Feature Extraction & Machine learning models
Topics Covered:
1. Introduction to pyspark DataFrames
2. Feature extraction with pyspark
3. Scalable Machine Learning with Spark ML Lib
4. Scalable Machine learning with H20
Project: H20 & Spark ML Lib on four ML projects implemented in previous modules
Course curriculum

Module 20 : Analytics on cloud

Duration : 1 day
Description : Analytical tools on Cloud tech - GCP, AWS & Azure
Topics Covered:
1. Introduction to ML on Azure
2. Introduction to ML on GCP
3. Introduction to ML on AWS

Module 21 : Building AI products

Duration : 2 days
Description : Learn how to integrate ML Models and build AI products
Topics Covered:
1. Introduction to Flask
2. Building products with Flask, Fast API & Dockers
3. Deploying solution
Project : Deploying four ML models on dockers and exposing using Fast API

Module 22 : Job & Interviews preparation

Duration : 25 days
Description : Intense preparation to crack job interviews with top tech companies and
freelancing giants
Topics Covered:
1. SQL live coding questions
2. Python data structures live coding questions
3. Python data analysis live coding questions
4. Python machine learning & deep learning live coding questions
5. Take home data analysis projects preparation
6. Take home machine learning & deep learning projects preparation
7. Mock interviews with AI tools & peers
8. Building profile on Linkedin & other free lancing websites
Projects you will work on

1. Stocks market data wrangling

2. Retail sales data analysis
3. Banking loan data analysis
4. Feature extraction to predict home loan default
5. Daily stock price forecasting
6. Store sales forecasting
7. Boston house price prediction
8. New York city taxi trip duration prediction
9. Credit card fraud detection
10. Home Credit Default risk
11. Credit card customer segmentation
12. Network anamoly detection
13. Credit card segment prediction
14. Fine tuning of ML projects
15. Fashion-MNIST Clothing Classification
16. Object detection with transfer learning
17. Amazon Toxic Comment Classification
18. Review sentiment analysis
19. Building chatbot with transfer learning
20. Meeting notes application
21. ML ops on four ML projects implemented in previous modules
22. H20 & Spark ML Lib on four ML projects implemented in previous modules
23. Deploying four ML models on dockers and exposing using Fast API
How to apply, fee & scholarship

Course fee : 300,000 ksh / 3000$

Scholarship : Up to 80% (240,000 ksh)

Process for scholarship:

1. Any one can apply for scholarship and everyone will be considered
for scholarship for students from Africa
2. Working employees, students and graduates can apply for
3. After applying, you will have to come to head office and take an
assessment followed by interview
4. Based on merit and back ground, students will receive scholarship
up to 240,000 ksh

Payment options

1. Full payment
2. Two installments in first two months @1% interest
3. Three installments in first three months @ 2% interest
4. Four installments in first four months @3% interest
Contact us

Phone number: 0799369972

Email : [email protected]

Ajit Chambers, Mbagathi Way, Nairobi

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