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Ijmet Wedm 08 10 023
Ijmet Wedm 08 10 023
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5 authors, including:
Jayakumar Vijayarangan
Amrita School of Engineering Chennai
All content following this page was uploaded by Jayakumar Vijayarangan on 19 October 2017.
In this paper, the effect of different wire electrodes used in wire electrical
discharge machining (WEDM) on the machining characteristics of Al/SiC/Graphite
has been presented. Aluminium metal matrix composites reinforced with silicon
carbide particulate find several applications due to their improved mechanical
properties for a wide variety of aerospace and automotive applications. The hybrid
composite (Al6061/SiC/Graphite) is prepared by stir casting method. These
reinforcements have 10– 13 micron size particles of SiC & graphite. Three types of
wire materials such as Brass wire, zinc coated wire and diffused coated wires have
been used. The process performance is measured in terms of cutting speed. Taguchi
experimental design strategy is used in the experimentation. Six process parameters,
namely pulse on time, pulse off time, peak current, gap set voltage, wire feed and Wire
tension have been considered. Cutting speed, kerf width, surface roughness is
calculated for each experiment. In this paper cutting speed is compared and studied
for the different wire electrodes. In this study, diffused coated wire electrode’s
performance is better than the other wire electrodes.
Keywords: WEDM, Hybrid composite, Taguchi method, Cutting speed and Stir
Cite this Article: A. Muniappan, C. Thiagarajan, P.V. Senthiil, V. Jayakumar and
T. Shaafi, Effect of Wire-Edm Process Parameters on Cutting Speed of Al6061 Hybrid
Composite, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 8(10),
2017, pp. 185–189.
Aluminium metal matrix composites (MMCs) reinforced with silicon carbide particulate
(SiCp) find several applications due to their improved mechanical properties over the
conventional metals for a wide variety of aerospace and automotive applications.In the recent
days, Al matrix composites have been used for the production of automotive parts such as
engine piston, cylinder liner, brake disc/drum etc.[1].However, the presence of
discontinuously distributed hard ceramic in the MMCs made them as difficult-to-cut materials
for conventional machining methods. Wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) is an
indispensable machining technique for producing complicated cut-outs.By 1975; its
popularity was rapidly increasing, as the process and its capabilities were better understood by
the industry [2]. Wires used in wire electrical discharge machining are the core of the
system.In WEDM, material is eroded from the work-piece by a series of discrete sparks
occurring between the work piece and the wire separated by a stream of dielectric fluid, which
is continuously fed to the machining zone [3]. Brass wire electrode is used extensively as a
tool for WEDM. However, along with the recent diversification in applications of
manufacturing fields, demand is expanding for a wire electrode with performance superior to
the conventional brass wire electrode. These electrodes in use are generally zinc coated wire
with a copper/brass alloy or steel core, the brass containing either a small amount of Cr, or a
high concentration of Zn. Huang et al. [4] argued that several published works [5,6,7] are
concerned mostly with the optimization of parameters for the roughing cutting operations and
proposed a practical strategy of process planning from roughing to finishing operations.
Aluminium based hybrid metal matrix composites (Al6061/SiC/Gr) have been successfully
fabricated by stir cast method by addition of reinforcement combined with preheating of
particulates. Taguchi technique is effectively utilised to analyse the process parameters on
performance characteristics in a wire electrical discharge machining of Al6061 hybrid
composite. Based on the results and discussions the following conclusions are drawn. For
lower pulse on time and pulse off time values zinc coated brass wire electrode gives better
cutting speed comparison with brass and diffused coated wire electrodes. Power consumption
will be higher at high peak current and voltage. In overall diffused coated wire electrode gives
better cutting speed compared to other wire electrodes. Surface roughness is poor at higher
cutting speed.
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