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c11gr8 2 User Manual

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C11G (Rev.8.

2) User Manual


Rev. 8.2
User manual Rev. 2

1. Overview
This card has been designed to provide a flexible interface and functions to your
computer projects, by using the parallel port control software. This board comes as a
response to many customers that have been asking for a faster way to connect
devices and reduce the possibility of wiring errors.

2. Features
• IEEE 1284 Standard compatible.
Includes the circuitry recommended Includes jumpers to select the best
by the IEEE 1284 Level 1 standards input configuration for your
for bidirectional parallel application.
communications between personal
computers and peripherals
• Buffered inputs and outputs.
• PULL-UP or PULL-DOWN Outputs are buffered through the use
selection for inputs. of high speed and high current

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C11G (Rev.8.2) User Manual

buffers allowing the card to output • Output pins 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,

the signals without using the power 14, 16, 17.
from the parallel port. It can take the
+3.3 or +5vdc signal from the parallel • Input pins 10, 11, 12, 13, 15.
port and deliver solid +5vdc at 24
milliamps. • Input and output pins with close
by ground or +5vdc connections

• Microcontroller based SCHP. • The common terminal to pins 2-9

This board comes with a can be ground or +5vdc. Forget
microcontroller that allows the about grounding problems. Easily
implementation of a complex connect your pin by using your close
by ground connection. No need to be
algorithm for sampling and analyzing
an electronics expert to ground all
the SCHP signal. your stuff. The board has a jumper
that allows you to select if the
• Built-in Variable Speed Control.
common terminal to pins 2-9 will
It has an optoisolated analog 0-
carry a ground or +5vdc. So if you
10VDC output that will convert a step
are connecting encoders or proximity
signal into an analog signal that can
switches, you can select it to ground.
be used to command a commercial
If you are connecting Geckodrives or
VFD. This analog can be adjusted
limit switches, you can set It to be
using on-board potentiometer, so this
board can be adjusted to other
• External Enable Pin (EN). The
• Two Electromechanical Relays board has a pin that allows you to
with NO and NC positions. enable/disable all the outputs at
once. The board requires +5vdc in
Mechanical relays are very flexible the EN pin. If it is not present, it will
because they can be used for AC or send all the outputs to ground. You
DC and come with NO and NC can use this to enable or disable the
(Normally Open and Normally system manually, or you can install
Closed) positions. an external Safety Charge Pump or
• Status LEDs on all inputs and other external safety monitoring
output connections. device.
No more guessing. You can SEE all
your signals. Save valuable time and • Works directly with popular CNC
brainpower for CNCing. To avoid hardware and software. Such as
remaining current to the main load Geckodrive or Rutex, and parallel
(driver or other device), all the port control software, such as
indicator LEDs are driven by mach2, Linux EMC, TurboCNC, and
independent buffers of the ones that others. (Not all tested).
drive de output.

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C11G (Rev.8.2) User Manual

• All TTL 5VDC signals. Interface • All pins can be used in a

directly with parallel port interface concurrent manner.
products and other CNC4PC cards. You can use all the input or output
5VDC (TTL) cards are very common pins in a concurrent manner. For
among automation devices. example, if you are using output pin
#1 to control the Built-in
• Screw-On connections for all Electromechanical Relay, you can
terminals. You only have to screw- also access that signal from the
on the wires to make all your output pin on the board or from the
connections. DB25 connector for output. Each
connection will not affect the other
current from the other connection.

3. Specifications.
On-state voltage range 2 to 5V DC
Maximum off-state voltaje 0.8V
Maximum operation frequency 4 MHz
Typical signal delay 10nS


Maximum output voltage (5V power supply voltage) + 0.5V
Typical output current 24mA
Maximum off-state voltaje 0.44 V
Maximum operation frequency 4 MHz
Typical signal delay 10 nS
Time of transition to high impedance state 12 nS*
*Time passed since a low in the ENABLE input is detected and the outputs are disabled

It requires a 5VDC @ 1000 milliamps power supply to operate.

Check the polarity and voltage of the external power source and connect the 5V
and GND. Overvoltage or reverse-polarity power applied to these terminals can
cause damage to the board, and/or the power source.

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4. Functional Block Diagrams

4.1 Outputs 2-9 simplified functional block diagram

Fig. 1 Simplified functional block diagram for the outputs 2-9.

Parallel Port coupling is done following IEEE 1284 standard recommendation. The
indicator led is driven by a different buffer.

4.2 Outputs 1, 14, 16 and 17 simplified functional block diagram

Fig. 2 Simplified functional block diagram for the outputs 1, 14, 16 and 17.

Note: “Internal Enable” = “External Enable Pin” AND (“SCHP” OR “Bypassed SCHP”)

The “Internal Enable” is the result of an AND Operation between the “External Enable
Pin”and the SCHP operation mode selected by the user.

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C11G (Rev.8.2) User Manual

Note: The output will be deactivated if the board is not connected to the PC
parallel port.

4.3 Input simplified functional block diagram

Fig. 3 Simplified functional block diagram for the inputs.

Pins 10, 11, 12, 13 and 15 can be set to pull-down or pull-up by selecting the
jumper in the appropriate position.
The input pins can be set to be pulled up or down with a 4.7Kohm resistor.

1-2: PULL-UP

5. Special Functions

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5.1 Safety Charge Pump “SCHP”. (Pin 17)

This board takes advantage of Mach ability to send a specific frequency through
one of the pins of the parallel port when the program is in control of the system.
CNC machinery can be very dangerous, and you could have a risk of the machine
doing something different that what you intend the machine to do if the program
loses control of your system. Mach be can be programmed in a way, so when it is
“in control”, it delivers a 12.5 KHz signal through one of the pins. This card lets you
use this signal to work as an On/Off switch for your system, enabling a powerful
safety system for your equipment. If you ever had windows crash on you, then this
card is for you. The port can also do weird things while the system is coming up, or

For Configuring the Charge Pump in Mach X: Use the dialog Config / Ports
and pins / Output Signals. Enable the Charge Pump output and configures it as is
shown in the Fig. 8 Next, press the apply button.

Fig. 3. Charge Pump configuration

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C11G (Rev.8.2) User Manual

Selecting the SCHP operation mode.

The Safety Charge Pump can be

activated or deactivated
depending on the jumper position


2-3: SCHP ON

Note: When the Safety Charge Pump is activated, the EN terminal is active and a
valid SCHP signal is present, pin 17 will go high. This high signal can be used to
enable other external devices, such as enabling other Breakout Boards, or relays
that would enable servos, VFDs, contactors, etc….

6.2 Variable Speed Control. (pin 14)

This function lets you control your spindle with step and direction signals, as if it was
an axis motor. It converts the step signal into an analog (0-10VDC).

A Variable Frequency Drive or Inverter works by modifying the frequency for AC

motors. Most of these devices with an external analog signal (0-10VDC). That is, if
there is 5VDC coming into through the control signal, the motor will run at 50% of full
speed, if there was 10VDC, the motor will run at 100% of full speed. If there is no
signal coming out, then the motor will stop.

This function can also be used on many DC motor controllers by replacing the
potentiometer that controls the speed.

It requires a +12VDC@ 20mA power supply to operate.

WARNING: To keep the output signals optoisolated, these must not

have common ground or connections to current with other circuits you
are using.

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C11G (Rev.8.2) User Manual

You will require a voltmeter to fine tune your system.

Before connecting anything, please be sure to read your VFD’s manual and
make sure you understand all the safety issues.

Please check the wiring guide and wiring samples here:

http://cnc4pc.com/Tech_Docs/C6R5_WG.pdf and

Configuring the Control Software:

It is strongly recommend you read your control software’s manual. You need to
configure your control software to control the spindle as if it was an angular axis.
This card requires a 25 KHz input signal in the pin 14 to deliver 10VDC. So you
have to set the speed of the motor (spindle) at maximum. For acceleration values
adjust them to where you feel comfortable. Keep in mind the acceleration of the
motor must also be set in your VFD.

For configuring Mach follow these steps:

1. Go to Config / Ports&Pins / Motor Outputs. Enable the spindle and select the port
and pins you wired for step and direction.

Fig. 4. Ports&Pins configuration screenshot

2. Go to Config / Ports&Pins / Spindle Setup. In the motor control box, check Use
Spindle Motor Output and Step /Dir Motor. Under Pulley Ratios set the pulley
ratios of the machine.

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C11G (Rev.8.2) User Manual

Fig. 5. Spindle Setup screenshot.

3. Go to Config / Motor Tuning / Spindle. On Steps per unit put 1,000, set velocity to
maximum. For Acceleration, choose the acceleration that you feel comfortable
with. Start slow, increase acceleration as you test your system. Under Step Pulse
length, use a number from 3 to 5, but start with 3. This number is directly
proportional to the final voltage you will get in the analog output. Use this number
and the fine tuning pot to adjust the voltage you want to get at max speed.

Fig. 6. Motor Tuning and Setup screenshot.

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C11G (Rev.8.2) User Manual

After configuring the Mach, these steps should be followed.

Step 1. Ensure that all external power sources are set to OFF.

Step 2. Connect the power supply to the Power Inputs Connectors (X1).

Step 3. Turn on the external supplies

Step 4. Connect a voltmeter in the analog outputs connectors (X2) and make and
fine tune this output:
Make sure that when you reach the max
speed in the control software you get 10VDC
out (X2). This voltage can vary depending
on many things, including the electrical
properties of parallel port or breakout board
you are using, the length of the step pulse
your software is delivering, and the normal hi
or low status of your step pin. Play with the
pot, hi/low status of the pin, and pulse length
to fine tune the output voltage.

6.3 Electromechanical relays. (pins 1 and 16)

Mechanical relays are very flexible because they can be used for AC or DC and
come with NO and NC (Normally Open and Normally Closed) positions. Relay are
independents, one reacts to Pin 1 and the other one to Pin16 and that both can be
used at the same time. The relay specification are showed in the below table.


Maximun Current (AC) 7A@240VAC; 10A@125VAC
Maximun Current (DC) 15A@524VDC; 10A@28VDC

Table 2. Electromechanical Relays Specifications.

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C11G (Rev.8.2) User Manual

6.4 Using the COM configuration jumper.

This is for selecting the value to get at
the COM terminals found next to step
and direction terminals (Pin 2-9).
Some drivers expect a ground, and
others expect +5vdc. There is a
jumper (X7) that allows you to select
+5VDC or GND for the COM pins.

1-2: COM= 5V
2-3: COM= GND

6.5 External Enable Pin.

The card must be provided with a 5VDC signal to enable operation. This feature
has been added to externally control the status of the outputs. An external switch
or a Safety Charge Pump can be added to provide the enabling signal. When the
enable signal is not present, output signals sent high impedance state. If this
function is not required, an jumper can be placed between +5vdc and the EN
terminal. It has an internal 4.7kOhm pull-down resistor.

WARNING: This card must have the power supplied while it is connected to
the PC. If power is removed to the card while it is connected to the PC, noise can
be introduced to the output lines. This can create a dangerous situation as relays
or other devices that might be connected to this card could get activated.

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C11G (Rev. 8.2) User Manual

7. Wiring diagrams

While this board supports only TTL +5VDC signals, different kind of sensors,
switches using different voltages can be connected using the diagrams that follow:

Note: The below wiring diagrams are an example, any input can be used for the connections.

Note. The bellow wiring diagrams require setting the inputs to use pull-down

7.1 Connecting Switches or push button.

Fig. 7 Wiring diagram to connect switches.

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C11G (Rev. 8.2) User Manual

7.2 Connecting NPN sensors.

Fig. 8 Wiring diagram to connect NPN open collector proximity sensors.

Fig. 9 Wiring diagram to connect in parallel NPN open collector proximity sensors.

Connecting NPN open collector proximity sensor with the C11G

R1 Value (12V) R1 Value (24V)
Aprox. 10KΩ Aprox. 25KΩ

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C11G (Rev. 8.2) User Manual

Fig. 10 Wiring diagram to connect NPN proximity sensors with internal pull up resistor.
Some NPN proximity sensor has a pull-up resistor (R1) internally. It is necessary
to know its value in order to connect safely the sensor with the BOB. Follow this

Connecting NPN open collector proximity sensor with the C11G

(R1+R2) Value (12V) (R1+R2) Value (24V)
Aprox. 10KΩ Aprox. 25KΩ

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Calculating the R1 value.

Note: Rx is the unknown resistor value.

RX = VEX.(R/V) - R (1)
VEX is the external power supply voltage
V is the voltage across the R resistor

An external resistor and a voltmeter are required to calculate the internal resistor (Rx)

Note. The user should know the R value to do this operation. A 4.7KOhm @ 1/2W is

SAMPLE: if you are using a 12V power supply (VEX), and using a 4.7KOhm as
external resistor (R), then the voltage across R should be 6V, using the equation 1,
the Rx value is 4.7KOhm.

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C11G (Rev. 8.2) User Manual

7.3 Connecting PNP sensors.

Fig. 11 Wiring diagram to connect PNP proximity sensors

Connecting PNP proximity sensor with the C11G

R Value (12V) R Value (24V)
Aprox. 10KΩ Aprox. 25KΩ

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C11G (Rev. 8.2) User Manual

7.4 Other connection.

Other connections can be implemented by setting the inputs to pull-up


Fig. 12 Wiring diagram to do an “Auto Tool Zero”


8. Troubleshooting.
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- Pin conflict or mach3 configuration. - Go to the device manager in windows,

It is possible that the port address and check the memory address used for
used for the pin is not right, or that the parallel port you are using. Usually it
there is a pin conflict with the. That is will be 378 for LPT1. Check also that
that you are using that same pin twice. the port does not have a conflict. Then
(it could be assigned to a different in mach3, go to Ports & Pins / Port Setup
function). and Axis Selection. Check the memory
address is correct.
- Check that the pin you are using is not
been used anywhere else in your setup.
Got to motor output and output signals,
and check all the entries.

- The board does not like the - Play with the active low status of the pin
waveform it is getting. Some used for the frequency.
breakout boards could invert the
signals or modify the pulse width.
Changing the active low status of the
pin used also inverts the waveform.
- The signal or frequencies are not - Try a different cable.
getting to the board. It could be the - Test the pins in the cable (before they
cable or that you are passing the reach the breakout board) with a
signal through the same breakout multimeter.
board that you are enabling/disabling,
so the outputs could be disabled, so
they will not get to the breakout board.
- Problems with Mach3 Pulse - Test this in a different PC.
Generation. Mach3 could have - Follow Art’s suggestions for optimizing
installation problems (you did not up WinXP:
restart immediately after installation), http://www.machsupport.com/downloads/
or there could be something creating a XP_Optimization.txt.
conflict. Some dongle devices might
cause this, other software, like
QuickTime or drivers for touch screen.



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C11G (Rev. 8.2) User Manual


- The EN terminal (Enable Outputs) is - Make sure you are providing +5vdc to
not enabled. The board requires to be the EN terminal. This +5vdc can be
externally enabled. taken from the terminal next to it.

- The Safety Charge Pump is not - Start by disabling the SCHP. Enable it
configured. The Safety Charge Pump and configure it once your system is
can either be configured in the control setup.
software or disabled by moving the
jumper to the disable position.
- The parallel cable is not well - Check if the parallel port is well
connected to the PC parallel port. connected to the PC.



- The board could be underpowered. - Make sure you are using a +5vdc
400mA power supply.

- There could be a short that could be - Check that there are no hot spots in the
draining the power to the board. board or it’s connections.
- Measure the board’s power
consumption, it should be less than
400mA (depending on the features
- Blown chips could create an internal
short and end up drawing power that can
affect how other chips work.

- There could be an external noise - Try using shielded cables.

source that could be introducing - Try to isolate VFDs or AC servos, etc.
noise into the system. - Try using 103. 0.1mF caps between the
I/O terminal and a ground of the board.


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C11G (Rev. 8.2) User Manual


- A chip may have gone bad. These - These chips are inexpensive and readily
buffers could act as fuses for the available. You can order them here:
signals, and they can go bad because http://www.cnc4pc.com/Store/osc/index.ph
of noise spikes or even strong static. p?cPath=38_43.
- Carefully moving chips around and
checking if the problem moves around
could be a way of figuring out if this is
the case.

- There could be a problem with the - Test this with a different PC or parallel
parallel cable or parallel port. port.



- Insufficient pulse width. It is possible - In Mach X, go to Config / Motor Tuning /

that the signal pulse width is not Spindle. Under Step Pulse length
enough to activate the optocouplers. increase this value, use a number from 3
to 5, but start with 3.

- The signal is set active low or the - In Mach X, go to Config / Ports&Pins /

breakout board could be inverting Motor Outputs. Change the active low
the signals. status of the pin used for step.

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C11G (Rev. 8.2) User Manual

9. Dimensions.

All dimensions are in Millimeters.

Use caution. CNC machines could be dangerous machines. DUNCAN USA, LLC
or Arturo Duncan are not liable for any accidents resulting from the improper use of
these devices. The C11G is not fail-safe device, and it should not be used in life
support systems or in other devices where its failure or possible erratic operation
could cause property damage, bodily injury or loss of life.

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