TCDS - EASA A 028 I8 Z - 43 Series
TCDS - EASA A 028 I8 Z - 43 Series
TCDS - EASA A 028 I8 Z - 43 Series
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Issue 8 Z 43 - Series 25 April 2016
ZLIN Z 43 Series
AI. General
AII. Certification Basis
AIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations
AIV. Operating and Service Instructions
AV. Notes
BI. General
BII. Certification Basis
BIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations
BIV. Operating and Service Instructions
BV. Notes
CI. General
CII. Certification Basis
CIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations
CIV. Operating and Service Instructions
CV. Operational Suitability Data (OSD)
CVI. Notes
I. Acronyms
II. Type Certificate Holder Record
III. Change Record
AI. General
1. a) Type: Z 43
b) Model: ---
2. Airworthiness category: Normal (N)
Utility (U)
3. Type Certificate Holder: ZLIN AIRCRAFT a.s.
Letiště 1887
765 02 Otrokovice
4. Manufacturer: MORAVAN n. p.
Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
S/N: 0001-0084
Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
S/N: 0085-0114
5. Certification Application Date: ---
6. CAA CZ Type Certificate Date: May 10, 1972
7. The EASA Type Certificate replaces the CAA CZ Type Certificate No. 72-03.
Z 43
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Z 43
Z 43
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Z 43
9. Fluid capacities:
9.1 Fuel: Z 43, serial number up to 0084 incl.:
Total: 230 litres (2 x 65 litres in main tanks and 2 x 50
litres in wing tip tanks)
Usable: 227 litres
Z 43
17. Levelling Means: Levelling points on left and right side of airplane
fuselage to be levelled. Measurement plane to be min.
600 mm below.
18. Minimum Flight Crew: 1 (Pilot)
Z 43
1. Flight Manual:
– In Czech language Letová příručka Z 43,
Initial issue March 1972 or later approved revisions
2. Technical Manual:
– In Czech language Technický popis a návod k obsluze Z 43
Initial issue June 1972 or later approved revisions
3. Repair Manual:
– In Czech language Opravárenská příručka letounu Z 43,
Initial issue 1980 or later approved revisions
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1. Flight Manual:
– In Czech language Letová příručka Z 43,
Initial issue 30.5.1991 or later approved revisions
2. Technical Manual:
– In Czech language Technický popis a návod k obsluze Z 43
Initial issue 30.5.1991 or later approved revisions
3. Repair Manual:
– In Czech language Opravárenská příručka letounu Z 43,
Initial issue 1996 or later approved revisions
Z 43
Doc. No. 233.021 Příručka pro údržbu letounu ZLIN 43,
Z 43
AV. Notes:
Note 1A: The following Z 43 aircraft have been converted by the aircraft
manufacturer to the Model Z 43M:
Serial number: 0031
Note 2: For the engine the EASA type certification standard includes the TCDS
72 - 05 (issued by CAA CZ) based on individual EU member state
acceptance or certification of this standard prior to 28 September 2003.
Other standards confirming to TC/TCDS standards certificated by
individual EU member state prior to 28 September 2003 are also
Note 3: For the engine the EASA type certification standard includes the TCDS
94 - 06 (issued by CAA CZ) based on individual EU member state
acceptance or certification of this standard prior to 28 September 2003.
Other standards confirming to TC/TCDS standards certificated by
individual EU member state prior to 28 September 2003 are also
Note 4: For the propeller the EASA type certification standard includes the TCDS
73 - 03 (issued by CAA CZ) based on individual EU member state
acceptance or certification of this standard prior to 28 September 2003.
Other standards confirming to TC/TCDS standards certificated by
individual EU member state prior to 28 September 2003 are also
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BI. General
1. a) Type Z 43
b) Model: Z 143 L
2. Airworthiness category: Normal (N)
Utility (U)
3. Type Certificate Holder: ZLIN AIRCRAFT a.s.
Letiště 1887
765 02 Otrokovice
4. Manufacturer: MORAVAN a.s.
Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
S/N: 0001-0012, 0014-0029
Z 143 L
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Power 130 kW
Engine rotational speed 2 200 RPM
Consumption by engine manufacturer 53 l/h
Consumption measured at the aircraft 55.5 l/h
Manifold pressure 84.6 kPa
Z 143 L
9. Fluid capacities:
take-off 14° ± 1°
landing 37° ± 1°
17. Levelling Means: Levelling points on left and right side of airplane
fuselage to be levelled. Measurement plane to be
min. 600 mm below.
18. Minimum Flight Crew: 1 (Pilot)
19. Maximum Passenger
4 (including crew)
Seating Capacity:
20. (Reserved)
21. Baggage/Cargo Upper baggage shelf 20 kg
Compartments: Lower baggage compartment 2 x 30 kg
Max. Weight 60 kg
22. Wheels and Tyres: Wheels of main gear K 22-0100-7 with tyre
Barum 420 x 150 model 2 or
Wheels of main gear K 22-3100-7 with tyre
Mitas 420 x 150 model 2 or Goodyear 6.00-6.5.
Wheel of nose gear K 23-0000-7 with tyre
Barum 350 x 135, or
Wheel of nose gear K 51-1100-7 with tyre
Mitas 350 x 135 or Goodyear 5.00-5
Z 143 L
1. Flight Manual:
– In Czech language Letová příručka letounu ZLIN 143 L,
Doc. No. 005.011 Initial issue 2.5.1994 or later approved
2. Maintenance Manual:
– In Czech language Příručka pro údržbu letounu ZLIN 143 L- ZLIN
Doc. No. 005.021.2 143 LSi,
Initial issue 2.2.2011 or later approved
Z 143 L
BV. Notes:
Note 1: For the engine the EASA type certification standard includes the TCDS
E-295 (issued by FAA) based on individual EU member state acceptance
or certification of this standard prior to 28 September 2003. Other
standards confirming to TC/TCDS standards certificated by individual EU
member state prior to 28 September 2003 are also acceptable.
Note 2: For the engine the EASA type certification standard includes the TCDS
23.130/65 (issued by LBA) based on individual EU member state
acceptance or certification of this standard prior to 28 September 2003.
Other standards confirming to TC/TCDS standards certificated by
individual EU member state prior to 28 September 2003 are also
Z 143 L
CI. General
1. a) Type: Z 43
b) Model: Z 143 LSi
2. Airworthiness category: Normal (N)
Utility (U)
3. Type Certificate Holder: ZLIN AIRCRAFT a.s.
Letiště 1887
765 02 Otrokovice
4. Manufacturer: MORAVAN – AEROPLANES, a.s.
Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
S/N 0042, 0055
Moravan-Aviation, s.r.o.
Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
S/N 0060
Z 143 LSi
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1. Type Design Definition: The specification list of Aircraft Z 143 L No. S-I
2. Description: The Z 143 LSi aircraft is all-metal, four-seat, low wing,
single-engine, cantilever monoplane.
3. Equipment: Master equipment list is stated in Airplane Flight
Manual of the ZLIN Z 143 LSi aircraft, Suppl. 1.
4. Dimensions: Span: 10.136 m
Length: 7.577 m
Height: 2.910 m
Wing Area: 14.776 m2
5. Engine:
5.1. Model: TEXTRON Lycoming IO-540-C4D5
5.2. Type Certificate: EASA Approved (see Note 1)
5.3. Limitations: Max. Take-off power (MT) and
Max. Continuous Power (MC)
Power 175 kW
Engine rotational speed 2 400 RPM
Consumption by engine manufacturer 73.1 l/h
Consumption measured at the aircraft 96 l/h
Manifold pressure MAX
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Z 143 LSi
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Z 143 LSi
20. (Reserved)
21. Baggage/Cargo Upper baggage shelf 20 kg
Compartments: Lower baggage compartment 2 x 30 kg
Max. Weight 60 kg
22. Wheels and Tyres: Wheels of main gear K 22-3100-7 with tyre
Mitas 420 x 150 model 2 or Goodyear 6.00-6.5.
Wheel of nose gear K 51-1100-7 with tyre
Mitas 350 x 135 or Goodyear 5.00-5
Z 143 LSi
1. Flight Manual:
– In Czech language Letová příručka letounu ZLIN 143 LSi,
Doc. No. Si 005.011 Initial issue 30.4.2004 or later approved
2. Maintenance Manual:
– In Czech language Příručka pro údržbu letounu ZLIN 143 L - ZLIN
Doc. No. 005.021.2 143 LSi,
Initial issue 2.2.2011 or later approved
– In English language Z 143 L - Z 143 LSi Airplane Maintenance
Doc. No. 005.022.2 Manual,
Initial issue 2.2.2011 or later approved
The Operational Suitability Data elements listed below are approved by the European
Aviation Safety Agency under the EASA Type Certificate EASA.A.028 as per
Commission Regulation (EU) 748/2012 as amended by Commission Regulation (EU)
No 69/2014.
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CVI. Notes:
Note 1: For the engine the EASA type certification standard includes the TCDS
1E4 (issued by FAA) based on individual EU member state acceptance
or certification of this standard prior to 28 September 2003. Other
standards confirming to TC/TCDS standards certificated by individual EU
member state prior to 28 September 2003 are also acceptable.
Note 2: For the propeller the EASA type certification standard includes the TCDS
23.130/65 (issued by LBA) based on individual EU member state
acceptance or certification of this standard prior to 28 September 2003.
Other standards confirming to TC/TCDS standards certificated by
individual EU member state prior to 28 September 2003 are also
Z 143 LSi
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Issue 8 Z 43 - Series 25 April 2016
I Acronyms
Letiště 1578,
765 81 Otrokovice
Letiště 1578,
765 81 Otrokovice
Issue 5 23-July-2010 Editorial corrections and revision into standard EASA TCDS