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TCDS - EASA A 028 I8 Z - 43 Series

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Issue 8 Z 43 - Series 25 April 2016

European Aviation Safety Agency



ZLIN Z 43 Series

Type Certificate Holder:


Letiště 1887
765 02 Otrokovice

For models: Z 43, Z 143 L, Z 143 LSi

Issue 8: 25 April 2016

EASA Form NR 90 CS-23

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AI. General
AII. Certification Basis
AIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations
AIV. Operating and Service Instructions
AV. Notes


BI. General
BII. Certification Basis
BIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations
BIV. Operating and Service Instructions
BV. Notes


CI. General
CII. Certification Basis
CIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations
CIV. Operating and Service Instructions
CV. Operational Suitability Data (OSD)
CVI. Notes


I. Acronyms
II. Type Certificate Holder Record
III. Change Record

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AI. General

1. a) Type: Z 43
b) Model: ---
2. Airworthiness category: Normal (N)
Utility (U)
3. Type Certificate Holder: ZLIN AIRCRAFT a.s.
Letiště 1887
765 02 Otrokovice
4. Manufacturer: MORAVAN n. p.
Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
S/N: 0001-0084
Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
S/N: 0085-0114
5. Certification Application Date: ---
6. CAA CZ Type Certificate Date: May 10, 1972
7. The EASA Type Certificate replaces the CAA CZ Type Certificate No. 72-03.

AII. Certification Basis

1. Reference Date for determining

the applicable requirements:
2. (Reserved)
3. (Reserved)
4. Airworthiness Requirements: FAR PART 23, Amdt. 23-6 (including)
5. Requirements elected to
6. EASA Special Conditions: None
7. EASA Exceptions: None

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8. EASA Equivalent Safety § 23.177(a) – Requirement for directional and

Findings: lateral stability is not fully met. It is admitted with
regard to the fact that both aileron and rudder
control are of sufficient efficiency for instant
stopping of aircraft rolling and leading to normal
rectilinear flight.
§ 23.613(c); 23.615 – Materials and their
characteristics according to ČSN and aviation
specifications have been used for aircraft design
and construction. It is admitted with regard to the
fact that an intent of the requirement is met.
§ 23.905 – V 500 Propeller is certified according to
BCAR, Section C Regulation instead of Far Part
§ 23.955 – Requirement for flow rate of fuel
supplied by fuel pump to the engine is not met. It is
admitted with regard to the fact that fuel flow is
constructed by fuel valve and is higher than engine
consumption at maximum power.
§ 23.991 – The engine is equipped with high and
low pressure pumps joined to a single aggregate.
Any failure of this aggregate could cause
contemporaneous failure of both supply and
injection pumps. In such case, no emergency
pump could ensure sufficient fuel supply to finish
the flight without abnormal pilot’s skills nor effort.
A failure of low-pressure pump has not been
occurred yet and its occurrence is extremely
§ 23.1013 (e), § 23.1019 – A by-pass is missing
at the screen of oil tank outlet. It is admitted with
regard to the fact that a surface of the screen is
multiply bigger than cross section of the outlet
fitting, thus safety level is kept.
§ 23.1183(a) – Requirement for hoses fire
resistance is not met. It is admitted with regard to
experiences from operation of similar aircraft of this
§ 23.1381 – § 23.1401 – Has not been proved, the
aircraft is not admitted for night operation.

9. EASA Environmental ICAO Annex. 16/I, Chapter 6

Standards: FAR PART 36, App. G (Amdt. 36-20)

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AIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations

1. Type Design Definition: The specification list of Aircraft Z 43 No. S-43.0000;

The specification drawing No. Z 43.0000
2. Description: The Z 43 aircraft is all-metal, four-seat, low wing,
single-engine, cantilever monoplane.
3. Equipment: Master equipment list is stated in Airplane Flight
Manual of the ZLIN Z 43 aircraft.
4. Dimensions: Span: 9.760 m
Length: 7.750 m
Height: 2.910 m
Wing Area: 14.500 m2
5. Engine:
5.1.1 Model: M 337 A
5.1.2 Type Certificate: EASA approved (see Note 2)
5.1.3 Limitations: Max. Take-off power (MT), and
max. Continuous power (MC)
Power 154 kW (210 HP)
Engine rotational speed 2 750 RPM
Consumption 83 l/h
Manifold pressure 118 kPa
Continuous Cruising power (75 % MC)
Power 125 kW (170 HP)
Engine rotational speed 2 600 RPM
Consumption 54 l/h
Manifold pressure 98 kPa
Economic Cruising power (60 % MC)
Power 103 kW (140 HP)
Engine rotational speed 2 400 RPM
Consumption 42 l/h
Manifold pressure 90 kPa
5.2.1 Model: M 337 AK
5.2.2 Type Certificate: EASA approved (see Note 3)
5.2.3 Limitations: Max. Take-off power (MT), and
max. Continuous power (MC)
Power 154 kW (210 HP)
Engine rotational speed 2 750 RPM
Consumption 83 l/h
Manifold pressure 118 kPa

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Continuous Cruising power (75 % MC)

Power 125 kW (170 HP)
Engine rotational speed 2 600 RPM
Consumption 54 l/h
Manifold pressure 98 kPa

Economic Cruising power (60 % MC)

Power 103 kW (140 HP)
Engine rotational speed 2 400 RPM
Consumption 42 l/h
Manifold pressure 90 kPa
6. Load factors: For category Utility (U) +4.4 g, -1.76 g
For category Normal (N) +3.8 g, -1.52 g
7. Propeller:
7.1 Model: AVIA V 500A
7.2 Type Certificate: EASA approved (see Note 4)
7.3 Number of blades: 2
7.4 Diameter: 2 000 mm
7.5 Sense of Rotation: Anticlockwise in flight direction.
8. Fluids:
8.1 Fuel: Non-ethylated aviation gasoline, with minimum 72
octanes. Application of ethylated fuels is only permitted
in case the T.E.L. content does not exceed the value of
0.06 % vol.
BL 78, BP 100L, Aviation gasoline AVGAS 80,
AVGAS 100L, AVGAS 100LL (see service instruction
of engine manufacturer).
8.2 Oil: The oil of kinematic viscosity of 20 mm2/s min. at
100°C, the carbon residue does not exceed 0,4 % of
Recommended oil types:
Continual service:
AEROSHELL Oil W 120 (tropic area)
8.3 Coolant: None

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9. Fluid capacities:
9.1 Fuel: Z 43, serial number up to 0084 incl.:
Total: 230 litres (2 x 65 litres in main tanks and 2 x 50
litres in wing tip tanks)
Usable: 227 litres

Z 43, serial number 0085 and subsequent:

Total: 220 litres (2 x 60 litres in main tanks and 2 x 50
litres in wing tip tanks)
Usable: 215 litres
9.2 Oil: Minimum 7 litres – Maximum 12 litres
9.3 Coolant system None
10. Air Speeds: Never Exceed Speed Limit vNE
- category U 307 km/h IAS
- category N 286 km/h IAS
Normal Operating Speed Limit vNO
- category U, N 222 km/h IAS
Design Manoeuvring Speed Limit vA
- category U 230 km/h IAS
- category N 248 km/h IAS
Maximum Flaps Extended Speed Limit vFE
- category U, N 197 km/h IAS

11. Maximum Operating For category Utility (U) 5 500 m

Altitude: For category Normal (N) 3 800 m
12. Allweather Operations The aircraft is approved for VFR-Day flights.
13. Maximum Weights: Max. Take-off and Landing weight:
For category Utility (U) 1 000 kg
For category Normal (N) – Take-off weight 1 350 kg
For category Normal (N) – Landing weight 1 280 kg
Standard empty weight: 730 kg ± 3 %

14. Centre of Gravity 21.8 % ÷ 36 % MAC

Range: (M.A.C. is 1 489 mm, 0 % M.A.C. is at 376 mm aft of
reference datum)
15. Datum: The back part of fire wall; from it are measured, for
purpose assignation of Gravity Centre, all horizontal

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16. Control surface Elevator deflection up 30° ± 1°

deflections: down 27° ± 1°
Elevator trim tab up 15° ± 1°
down 30° ± 2°
Rudder deflection right and left 30° ± 2°
Ailerons deflection up 21° ± 1°
down 17° ± 1°
Wing flaps positions retracted 0°
take-off 14° ± 1°
landing 37° ± 1°

17. Levelling Means: Levelling points on left and right side of airplane
fuselage to be levelled. Measurement plane to be min.
600 mm below.
18. Minimum Flight Crew: 1 (Pilot)

19. Maximum Passenger 4 (including crew)

Seating Capacity:
20. (Reserved)

21. Baggage/Cargo Upper baggage shelf 20 kg

Compartments: Lower baggage compartment 2 x 30 kg
Max. Weight 60 kg
22. Wheels and Tyres: Wheels of main gear K 22-0100-7 with tyre
Barum 420 x 150 model 2 or
Wheels of main gear K 22-3100-7 with tyre
Mitas 420 x 150 model 2 or Goodyear 6.00-6.5.
Wheel of nose gear K 23-0000-7 with tyre
Barum 350 x 135, or
Wheel of nose gear K 51-1100-7 with tyre
Mitas 350 x 135 or Goodyear 5.00-5

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AIV. Operating and Service Instructions

Z 43 – 1st through 3rd series (up to S/N 0084 incl.):

1. Flight Manual:
– In Czech language Letová příručka Z 43,
Initial issue March 1972 or later approved revisions

– In English language Flight Manual Z 43,

Initial issue April 1974 or later approved revisions

– In German language Flugzeug–Betriebhandbuch Z 43,

Initial issue April 1973 or later approved revisions

2. Technical Manual:
– In Czech language Technický popis a návod k obsluze Z 43
Initial issue June 1972 or later approved revisions

– In English language Technical Manual Z 43,

Initial issue April 1973 or later approved revisions

3. Repair Manual:
– In Czech language Opravárenská příručka letounu Z 43,
Initial issue 1980 or later approved revisions

4. Manual for Operation:

– In Czech language Příručka pro provoz letounu Z 43 bez generálních
Doc. No. 233.071 oprav draku – část 1, část 2, prohlídka A, B, C
Initial issue 3.3.1997 or later approved revisions

Doc. No. 233.021 Příručka pro údržbu letounu ZLIN 43,

Initial issue 8.3.2002 or later approved revisions

– In English language Manual for Operation of Z 43 Aircraft without

Doc. No. 233.071 Airframe Overhaul Part 1, Part 2, Revision A, B, C
Initial issue 3.3.1997 or later approved revisions

Doc. No. 233.022 Maintenance Manual for the ZLIN 43 aircraft,

Initial issue 8.3.2002 or later approved revisions

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5. Spare Parts Catalogue:

– In Russian, Czech, German and English language,
Katalog náhradních dílů letounu Z 43,
Catalogue of spare parts Z 43
Initial issue 1975 or later approved revisions

6. Table of Dimensions, Limits and Clearances:

− In Czech, German and English language
Album rozměrů, tolerancí a vůlí Z 42, Z 42 M,
Z 42 MU a Z 43
Album der Abmessungen, der Toleranz und
Spielangaben Z 42, Z 42 M, Z 42 MU, Z 43
Table of Dimensions, Limits and Clearances Z 42,
Z 42 M, Z 42 MU, Z 43,
Initial issue 1976 or later approved revisions

7. Instruments and aggregates:

– In Czech language Přístroje a agregáty použité na letounech Z 42M
Doc. No. PRA.081.1 Z 42MU, Z 142 a Z 43
Initial issue 10.1.2012 or later approved revisions

Z 43 – 4th series and subsequent (from S/N 0085 incl.):

1. Flight Manual:
– In Czech language Letová příručka Z 43,
Initial issue 30.5.1991 or later approved revisions

2. Technical Manual:
– In Czech language Technický popis a návod k obsluze Z 43
Initial issue 30.5.1991 or later approved revisions

3. Repair Manual:
– In Czech language Opravárenská příručka letounu Z 43,
Initial issue 1996 or later approved revisions

4. Manual for Operation:

– In Czech language Příručka pro provoz letounu Z 43 bez generálních
Doc. No. 233.071 oprav draku – část 1, část 2, prohlídka A, B, C
Initial issue 3.3.1997 or later approved revision

Z 43
Doc. No. 233.021 Příručka pro údržbu letounu ZLIN 43,

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Initial issue 8.3.2002 or later approved revisions

– In English language Manual for Operation of Z 43 Aircraft without

Doc. No. 233.071 Airframe Overhaul Part 1, Part 2, Revision A, B, C
Initial issue 3.3.1997 or later approved revision

Doc. No. 233.022 Maintenance Manual for the ZLIN 43 aircraft,

Initial issue 8.3.2002 or later approved revisions

5. Spare Parts Catalogue:

– In Czech and English language
Katalog náhradních dílů letounu Z 43 (od 4. série)
Catalogue of spare parts Z 43 (from 4th séries)
Initial issue or later approved revisions

6. Table of Dimensions, Limits and Clearances:

− In Czech, German and English language
Album rozměrů, tolerancí a vůlí Z 42, Z 42 M,
Z 42 MU, Z 43,
Album der Abmessungen, der Toleranz und
Spielangaben Z 42, Z 42 M, Z 42 MU, Z 43
Table of Dimensions, Limits and Clearances Z 42,
Z 42 M, Z 42 MU, Z 43
Initial issue 1976 or later approved revisions

7. Instruments and aggregates:

– In Czech language Přístroje a agregáty použité na letounech Z 42M
Doc. No. PRA.081.1 Z 42MU, Z 142 a Z 43,
Initial issue 10.1.2012 or later approved revisions

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AV. Notes:

Note 1: The following Z 43 aircraft have been converted by the aircraft

manufacturer to the Model Z 143 L:
Serial numbers: 0092, 0093

Note 1A: The following Z 43 aircraft have been converted by the aircraft
manufacturer to the Model Z 43M:
Serial number: 0031

Note 2: For the engine the EASA type certification standard includes the TCDS
72 - 05 (issued by CAA CZ) based on individual EU member state
acceptance or certification of this standard prior to 28 September 2003.
Other standards confirming to TC/TCDS standards certificated by
individual EU member state prior to 28 September 2003 are also

Note 3: For the engine the EASA type certification standard includes the TCDS
94 - 06 (issued by CAA CZ) based on individual EU member state
acceptance or certification of this standard prior to 28 September 2003.
Other standards confirming to TC/TCDS standards certificated by
individual EU member state prior to 28 September 2003 are also

Note 4: For the propeller the EASA type certification standard includes the TCDS
73 - 03 (issued by CAA CZ) based on individual EU member state
acceptance or certification of this standard prior to 28 September 2003.
Other standards confirming to TC/TCDS standards certificated by
individual EU member state prior to 28 September 2003 are also

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BI. General

1. a) Type Z 43
b) Model: Z 143 L
2. Airworthiness category: Normal (N)
Utility (U)
3. Type Certificate Holder: ZLIN AIRCRAFT a.s.
Letiště 1887
765 02 Otrokovice
4. Manufacturer: MORAVAN a.s.
Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
S/N: 0001-0012, 0014-0029


Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
S/N 0030-0032, 0034-0041, 0043-0054

Moravan Aviation, s.r.o.

Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
S/N 0056-0058

5. Certification Application Date: October 01, 1991

6. CAA CZ Type Certificate Date: June 10, 1994
7. The EASA Type Certificate replaces the CAA CZ Type Certificate No. 94-08.

BII. Certification Basis

1. Reference Date for determining October 01, 1991

the applicable requirements:
2. (Reserved)
3. (Reserved)

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4. Airworthiness Requirements: FAR PART 23, Amdt. 23-41 (including)

5. Requirements elected to None
6. EASA Special Conditions: None
7. EASA Exemptions: None
8. EASA Equivalent Safety None
9. EASA Environmental ICAO Annex. 16/I, Chapter 10
Standards: FAR PART 36, App. G (Amdt. 36-20)

BIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations

1. Type Design Definition: The specification list of Aircraft Z 143 L

No. S-L143.0000;
The specification drawing No. L143.0000.
2. Description: The Z 143 L aircraft is all-metal, four-seat, low
wing, single-engine, cantilever monoplane.
3. Equipment: Master equipment list is stated in Airplane Flight
Manual of the ZLIN Z 143 L aircraft, Chapter 6.
4. Dimensions: Span: 10.136 m
Length: 7.577 m
Height: 2.910 m
Wing Area: 14.776 m2
5. Engine:
5.1. Model: TEXTRON Lycoming O-540-J3A5
5.2. Type Certificate: EASA approved (see Note 1)
5.3. Limitations: Max. Take-off power (MT), and
Max. Continuous Power (MC)
Power 175 kW
Engine rotational speed 2400 RPM
Consumption by engine manufacturer 74 l/h
Consumption measured at the aircraft 96 l/h
Manifold pressure MAX

Continuous Cruising power (75 % MC) Z 143 L

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Power 130 kW
Engine rotational speed 2 200 RPM
Consumption by engine manufacturer 53 l/h
Consumption measured at the aircraft 55.5 l/h
Manifold pressure 84.6 kPa

Economic Cruising power (60 % MC)

Power 104 kW
Engine rotational speed 2 000 RPM
Consumption by engine manufacturer 38.6 l/h
Consumption measured at the aircraft 44 l/h
Manifold pressure 78.6 kPa
6. Load factors: For category Utility (U) +4.4 g, -1.76 g
For category Normal (N) +3.8 g, -1.52 g
7. Propeller:
7.1 Model: MTV-9-B/195-45a
7.2 Type Certificate: EASA approved (see Note 2)
7.3 Number of blades: 3
7.4 Diameter: 1950 mm
7.5 Sense of Rotation: Clockwise in flight direction.
8. Fluids:
8.1 Fuel: Aviation gasoline 100L, 100LL (see service
instruction of engine manufacturer)
8.2 Oil: By average outside air temperature above + 27°C
are recommended mineral oils with SAE 60 or
dispersant oils with SAE 60.
By average outside air temperature above + 16°C
are recommended mineral oils with SAE 50 or
dispersant oils with SAE 40 or 50.
By average outside air temperature from - 1°C to +
32°C are recommended mineral oils with SAE 40 or
dispersant oils with SAE 40.
By average outside air temperature from - 18°C to +
21°C are recommended mineral oils with SAE 30 or
dispersant oils with SAE 40, 30 or 20W40.
By outside air temperature under - 12°C are
recommended mineral oils with SAE 20 or dispersant
oils with SAE 30 or 20W30.
8.3 Coolant: None

Z 143 L
9. Fluid capacities:

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9.1 Fuel: Category U: Total – 122 litre

Usable – 116 litre
Category N: Total – 224 litre
Usable – 216 litre
9.2 Oil: Minimum 5.7 litres – Maximum 11.4 litres

9.3 Coolant system None

10. Air Speeds: Never exceed speed limit vNE
(category U, N) 306 km/h IAS
Normal operating speed limit vNO
(category U, N) 258 km/h IAS
Design manoeuvring speed limit vA
(category U) 224 km/h IAS

Design manoeuvring speed limit vA

(category N) 236 km/h IAS
Maximum flaps extended speed limit vFE
(category U, N) 190 km/h IAS
11. Maximum Operating For category Utility (U) 5 760 m
Altitude: For category Normal (N) 4 170 m
12. Allweather Operations VFR-Day and VFR-Night, IFR, not in icing conditions
13. Maximum Weights: Take-of: Category Utility (U) 1 080 kg
Category Normal (N) 1 350 kg
Landing: Category Utility (U) 1 080 kg
Category Normal (N) 1 280 kg
Standard empty weight: 855 kg ± 3 %
14. Centre of Gravity Range: 21 % ÷ 34 % MAC
(M.A.C. is 1 489 mm, 0% MAC is at 368 mm aft of
reference datum)
15. Datum: The back part of fire wall; from it are measured, for
purpose assignation of Gravity Centre, all horizontal
16. Control surface Elevator deflection up 30° ± 1°
deflections: down 27° ± 1°
Rudder deflection right and left 30° ± 2°
Ailerons deflection up 21° ± 1°
down 17° ± 1°

Wing flaps positions: Z 143 L

retracted 0°

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take-off 14° ± 1°
landing 37° ± 1°
17. Levelling Means: Levelling points on left and right side of airplane
fuselage to be levelled. Measurement plane to be
min. 600 mm below.
18. Minimum Flight Crew: 1 (Pilot)
19. Maximum Passenger
4 (including crew)
Seating Capacity:
20. (Reserved)
21. Baggage/Cargo Upper baggage shelf 20 kg
Compartments: Lower baggage compartment 2 x 30 kg
Max. Weight 60 kg
22. Wheels and Tyres: Wheels of main gear K 22-0100-7 with tyre
Barum 420 x 150 model 2 or
Wheels of main gear K 22-3100-7 with tyre
Mitas 420 x 150 model 2 or Goodyear 6.00-6.5.
Wheel of nose gear K 23-0000-7 with tyre
Barum 350 x 135, or
Wheel of nose gear K 51-1100-7 with tyre
Mitas 350 x 135 or Goodyear 5.00-5

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BIV. Operating and Service Instructions

1. Flight Manual:
– In Czech language Letová příručka letounu ZLIN 143 L,
Doc. No. 005.011 Initial issue 2.5.1994 or later approved

– In English language ZLIN 143 L Airplane Flight Manual,

Doc. No. 005.012 Initial issue September 1, 1994 or later
approved revisions

Doc. No. 005.012.US ZLIN 143 L Airplane Flight Manual,

Initial issue September 6, 1996 or later
approved revisions

– In German language Flughandbuch Z 143 L

Doc. No. 005.013 Initial issue 1.8.1996 or later approved

2. Maintenance Manual:
– In Czech language Příručka pro údržbu letounu ZLIN 143 L- ZLIN
Doc. No. 005.021.2 143 LSi,
Initial issue 2.2.2011 or later approved

– In English language Z 143 L – Z 143 LSi Airplane Maintenance

Doc. No. 005.022.2 Manual,
Initial issue 2.2.2011 or later approved

3. Illustrated parts catalogue:

- In Czech and English language
Doc. No. 005.040.2 Katalog náhradních dílů letounu Z 143 L -
Z 143 LSi,
Illustrated Parts Catalog Z 143 L - Z 143 LSi
Initial issue September 1999 or later approved

Z 143 L

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BV. Notes:

Note 1: For the engine the EASA type certification standard includes the TCDS
E-295 (issued by FAA) based on individual EU member state acceptance
or certification of this standard prior to 28 September 2003. Other
standards confirming to TC/TCDS standards certificated by individual EU
member state prior to 28 September 2003 are also acceptable.

Note 2: For the engine the EASA type certification standard includes the TCDS
23.130/65 (issued by LBA) based on individual EU member state
acceptance or certification of this standard prior to 28 September 2003.
Other standards confirming to TC/TCDS standards certificated by
individual EU member state prior to 28 September 2003 are also

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CI. General

1. a) Type: Z 43
b) Model: Z 143 LSi
2. Airworthiness category: Normal (N)
Utility (U)
3. Type Certificate Holder: ZLIN AIRCRAFT a.s.
Letiště 1887
765 02 Otrokovice
4. Manufacturer: MORAVAN – AEROPLANES, a.s.
Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
S/N 0042, 0055

Moravan-Aviation, s.r.o.
Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
S/N 0060


Letiště 1887
765 02 Otrokovice
S/N: 0059, 0061 and up
5. Certification Application Date: June 30, 2000
6. CAA CZ Type Certificate Date: April 30, 2004
7. The EASA Type Certificate replaces the CAA CZ Type Certificate No. 94-08.

CII. Certification Basis

1. Reference Date for determining September 12, 2000

the applicable requirements:
2. (Reserved)
3. (Reserved)
4. Airworthiness Requirements: FAR PART 23, Amdt. 23-41 (including)

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5. Requirements elected to comply: None

6. EASA Special Conditions: None
7. EASA Exemptions: None
8. EASA Equivalent Safety None
9. EASA Environmental Standards: ICAO Annex 16/I, Chapter 10
10. Operational Suitability FAR PART 36, App. G (Amdt. 36-20)
Requirements: OSD MMEL: CS-GEN-MMEL, Initial Issue dated 31
January 2014

CIII. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations

1. Type Design Definition: The specification list of Aircraft Z 143 L No. S-I
2. Description: The Z 143 LSi aircraft is all-metal, four-seat, low wing,
single-engine, cantilever monoplane.
3. Equipment: Master equipment list is stated in Airplane Flight
Manual of the ZLIN Z 143 LSi aircraft, Suppl. 1.
4. Dimensions: Span: 10.136 m
Length: 7.577 m
Height: 2.910 m
Wing Area: 14.776 m2
5. Engine:
5.1. Model: TEXTRON Lycoming IO-540-C4D5
5.2. Type Certificate: EASA Approved (see Note 1)
5.3. Limitations: Max. Take-off power (MT) and
Max. Continuous Power (MC)
Power 175 kW
Engine rotational speed 2 400 RPM
Consumption by engine manufacturer 73.1 l/h
Consumption measured at the aircraft 96 l/h
Manifold pressure MAX

Continuous Cruising power (75 % MC)

Power 130 kW
Engine rotational speed 2 200 RPM
Consumption by engine manufacturer 55 l/h
Consumption measured at the aircraft 55.5 l/h
Manifold pressure 84.4 kPa

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Economic Cruising power (60 % MC)

Power 104 kW
Engine rotational speed 2 000 RPM
Consumption by engine manufacturer 39 l/h
Consumption measured at the aircraft 43 l/h
Manifold pressure 82.9 kPa
6. Load factors: For category Utility (U) +4.4 g, -1.76 g
For category Normal (N) +3.8 g, -1.52 g
7. Propeller:
7.1 Model: MTV-9-B/195-45a
7.2 Type Certificate: EASA approved (see Note 2)
7.3 Number of blades: 3
7.4 Diameter: 1 950 mm
7.5 Sense of Rotation: Clockwise in flight direction.
8. Fluids:
8.1 Fuel: Aviation gasoline 100L, 100LL (see service instruction
of engine manufacturer)
8.2 Oil: By average outside air temperature above + 27°C are
recommended mineral oils with SAE 60 or dispersant
oils with SAE 60.
By average outside air temperature above + 16°C are
recommended mineral oils with SAE 50 or dispersant
oils with SAE 40 or 50.
By average outside air temperature from - 1°C to +
32°C are recommended mineral oils with SAE 40 or
dispersant oils with SAE 40.
By average outside air temperature from - 18°C to +
21°C are recommended mineral oils with SAE 30 or
dispersant oils with SAE 40, 30 or 20W40.
By outside air temperature under - 12°C are
recommended mineral oils with SAE 20 or dispersant
oils with SAE 30 or 20W30.
8.3 Coolant: None
9. Fluid capacities:
9.1 Fuel: Category U: Total – 122 litre
Usable – 116 litre
Category N: Total – 224 litre
Usable – 216 litre

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9.2 Oil: Minimum 5.7 litres – Maximum 11.4 litres

9.3 Coolant system None
10. Air Speeds: Never exceed speed limit vNE
(category U, N) 306 km/h IAS
Normal operating speed limit vNO
(category U, N) 258 km/h IAS
Design manoeuvring speed limit vA
(category U) 224 km/h IAS
(category N) 236 km/h IAS
Maximum flaps extended speed limit vFE
(category U, N) 190 km/h IAS
11. Maximum Operating For category Utility (U) 5 760 m
Altitude: For category Normal (N) 4 170 m
12. Allweather Operations
VFR-Day and VFR-Night, IFR, not in icing conditions
13. Maximum Weights: Take-off: Category Utility (U) 1 080 kg
Category Normal (N) 1 350 kg
Landing: Category Utility (U) 1 080 kg
Category Normal (N) 1 280 kg
Standard empty weight: 855 kg ± 3 %
14. Centre of Gravity 21 % ÷ 34 % MAC
Range: (M.A.C. is 1 489 mm, 0 % M.A.C. is at 368.4 mm aft of
reference datum)
15. Datum: The back part of fire wall; from it are measured, for
purpose assignation of Gravity Centre, all horizontal
16. Control surface Elevator deflection up 30° ± 1°
deflections: down 27° ± 1°
Rudder deflection right and left 30° ± 2°
Ailerons deflection up 21° ± 1°
down 17° ± 1°
Wing flaps positions retracted 0°
take-off 14° ± 1°
landing 37° ± 1°
17. Levelling Means: Levelling points on left and right side of airplane
fuselage to be levelled. Measurement plane to be min.
600 mm below.
18. Minimum Flight Crew: 1 (Pilot)
19. Maximum Passenger 4 (including crew)
Seating Capacity:

Z 143 LSi

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20. (Reserved)
21. Baggage/Cargo Upper baggage shelf 20 kg
Compartments: Lower baggage compartment 2 x 30 kg
Max. Weight 60 kg

22. Wheels and Tyres: Wheels of main gear K 22-3100-7 with tyre
Mitas 420 x 150 model 2 or Goodyear 6.00-6.5.
Wheel of nose gear K 51-1100-7 with tyre
Mitas 350 x 135 or Goodyear 5.00-5

Z 143 LSi

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CIV. Operating and Service Instructions

1. Flight Manual:
– In Czech language Letová příručka letounu ZLIN 143 LSi,
Doc. No. Si 005.011 Initial issue 30.4.2004 or later approved

– In English language Airplane Flight Manual ZLIN 143 LSi

Doc. No. Si 005.012 Initial issue 30.4.2004 or later approved

2. Maintenance Manual:
– In Czech language Příručka pro údržbu letounu ZLIN 143 L - ZLIN
Doc. No. 005.021.2 143 LSi,
Initial issue 2.2.2011 or later approved
– In English language Z 143 L - Z 143 LSi Airplane Maintenance
Doc. No. 005.022.2 Manual,
Initial issue 2.2.2011 or later approved

3. Illustrated parts catalogue:

– In Czech and English language
Doc. No. 005.040.2 Katalog náhradních dílů letounu Z 143 L -
Z 143 LSi,
Illustrated Parts Catalog Z 143 L – Z 143 LSi
Initial issue September 1999 or later approved

CV. Operational Suitability Data (OSD)

The Operational Suitability Data elements listed below are approved by the European
Aviation Safety Agency under the EASA Type Certificate EASA.A.028 as per
Commission Regulation (EU) 748/2012 as amended by Commission Regulation (EU)
No 69/2014.

1. Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL)

The MMEL is defined in the Zlin 143 LSi MMEL, DOC. No. Si005.062, Initial
issue or later approved revisions.

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CVI. Notes:

Note 1: For the engine the EASA type certification standard includes the TCDS
1E4 (issued by FAA) based on individual EU member state acceptance
or certification of this standard prior to 28 September 2003. Other
standards confirming to TC/TCDS standards certificated by individual EU
member state prior to 28 September 2003 are also acceptable.

Note 2: For the propeller the EASA type certification standard includes the TCDS
23.130/65 (issued by LBA) based on individual EU member state
acceptance or certification of this standard prior to 28 September 2003.
Other standards confirming to TC/TCDS standards certificated by
individual EU member state prior to 28 September 2003 are also

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I Acronyms

II Type Certificate Holder Record

Letiště 1887
765 02 Otrokovice

Letiště 1578,
765 81 Otrokovice

Letiště 1578,
765 81 Otrokovice


Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice

Moravan Aviation, s.r.o.

Letiště 1578
765 81 Otrokovice
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III Change Record

Issue Date Changes

Issue 1 04-Feb-2005 Transfer of ZLIN Z 143 L and Z 143 LSi Type Design to

Issue 2 14-Dec-2006 Transfer of ZLIN Z 43 as basic Type Design under this TC /


Issue 3 02-May-2007 Introduction of changed Company Name

Issue 4 24-Aug-2009 Change of Company name

Issue 5 23-July-2010 Editorial corrections and revision into standard EASA TCDS

Issue 6 2-Nov-2010 Corrections to B.I.4 and C.I.4 to specify actual serial

numbers manufactured by each company and to exclude
airframes used specifically for test purposes.

Issue 7 28-Oct-2015 Company’s data of Zlin corrected

Introduction of OSD MMEL for model Z 143 Lsi

Issue 8 25-Apr-2016 Editorial and formal correction

Revision of actual accompanying documentation

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