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User’s Manual
Version 3.2
FXJet Marksman ®

2016 East Randol Mill Rd. Suite #409, Arlington, TX 76011 Phone: 817.795.6056 Fax: 817.795.7101
Contents i

Introduction 1
FXJet Marksman 1
Components 1
Optional Accessories 2
Software Installation 3

The FXJet Marksman Printer 4

Initial Boot 4
Overview 4
Security 5
Login 5
Modify 5
System 7
Settings 7
Port Configuration 8
Printer Report 9
Scanner Report 9
User Activity Report 9
Host Login 10
Host Logout 10
Host Configuration 10
View 11
Preview Mode 11
Ink Usage 11
User Elements 11
Configure 12
Heads 12
Printer 14
Scanner 15
Count 16
Delays 16
Operate 17
Start (Load Task) 17
Stop 17
Resume 17
Idle 17
Test 17
Edit 18
Exit 18
Utilities 19
Sync Data 19
Help 20
User’s Manual 20
About 20
Split Task 21
Configure Heads 21
Test 22
Activating Split Task 22
Starting a Task in Split Task Mode 22
Stopping a Task in Split Task Mode 22
Idling a Task in Split Task Mode 22
ii Contents

Resuming a Task in Split Task Mode 23

User Elements 23
Software Features of the Marksman Printer 24
Backup (Standalone Marksman Printers only) 24
Restore 24
Remote Diagnostic Capabilities 24
The BoxWriter Editor 25
A Few Starting Tips 25
Using the Editor 26
The Editor Tool Bar 27
Text 27
Logo 28
Bar Code 28
Count 30
Date 30
Time 30
Expiration Date 31
Shift 31
User 32
Define Product 33
Font Toolbar 34
Editor Menu Items 36
File 36
Edit 36
View 37
Tools 37
Defines 37
Help 39
Creating and Working with Task Elements 40
Creating a Task 40
Creating Bar Codes of Type Elements 40
Custom Bar Codes 42
The BoxWriter Host 44
Operate 44
Start 44
Stop 44
Resume 44
Idle 45
Edit 45
Import Task 45
Export Task 45
Exit 45
View 45
User Log 45
Printer Report 45
Scanner Report 45
System 45
Security 45
Login 45
Logout 46
Users 46
Options 46
Commands 46
Printer 46
Contents iii

Add/Remove 46
Export Configuration 46
Clear Pending Files 47
Advanced 47
Options 47
Printer 48
Head Configuration 48
System Configuration 49
Port Configuration 50
Help 51
About 51
Manual 51
The BoxWriter Workstation 52
Operate 52
Edit 52
Exit 52
Security 52
Modify 52
Login 52
Logout 52
Commands 53
Options 53
System 53
Host Login 53
Host Logout 53
Host Configuration 53
Utilities 54
Sync Data (only present if the workstation is networked to a host) 54
Export to File 54
Import from File 54
Help 54
User’s Manual 54
About 54
Technical Assistance 55
Marksman Printer Hardware 56
FXJet Marksman Printer Specifications 56
Ink Compatibility By Printhead 56
Environmental Limits 56
Print Messages 56
Marksman printer overall dimensions 57
Mounting Options and Dimensions for the Marksman Printer 58
Connecting External Devices to the Marksman Printer 59
Pin outs for Bottom panel DB9 and DB25 ports 60
Door Assembly 61
Printhead Controller Board Settings 62
Single Interface Board Settings (SIB) 63
Motherboard Settings 63
Network Card and Modem Settings 64
Marksman Printer Software 65
CMOS Settings for Marksman Motherboard 65
Serial Protocol 66
Guidelines for Installing BoxWriter™ and Marksman® Software V.3.20 69
Testing the Touch Screen 79
Troubleshooting Printheads 80
iv Contents

Priming and Purging 80

Correcting poor print quality 81
System starts but does not Print 84
Preventative Maintenance 85
Proper Shutdown Procedures 85
Periodic Maintenance 86
Introduction 1

This manual can be found in the software under Help/User’s Manual.
(Manual can only be accessed on-line when logged in.)

FXJet Marksman
The FXJet Marksman is a high-resolution ink jet printing system with a 586-computer platform
that can store and retrieve up to 100,000 tasks and a graphical user interface that makes it very
easy to create, place, and execute tasks.
It prints alphanumeric tasks up to 40 inches in length and bar codes including I-2 of 5, Code
128, Code 39, EAN 13, EAN 128, and UPC at up to 250 feet per minute. Date, time, shift, and
count capabilities are standard features with every system, and an RS-232 port is provided for
connection with a variety of user-supplied equipment. There are LED's and alarms on the
system monitor screen for high voltage, low temperature, low ink, and out of ink conditions. It
can be set up to serve one or more packaging lines as a single unit or a networked system.
You can use a variety of printheads including the UJII 96/32, UJII 192/32, UJII 352/32 and
AlphaCoder. Inks are available in red, blue, green, and black.

A 586-computer platform utilizing standard and custom Windows ™ software, standard
interfaces RS-232 and RS-422, and a graphical user interface for creating and editing tasks.
Each printer can control up to six printheads that can be purchased with it or added later.
The printheads operate at approximately 140°F (60°C) and can cause burns if touched.
Always allow the printheads to cool before handling. Never touch or clean the orifice plates
on the printheads with anything except lint-free cloths. Fibers from other wipes can destroy
the print orifice plate and will void your warranty.
VGA LCD touch screen.
Standard 81-key keyboard.
Printhead Cables
Available in 10, 25, and 50-foot lengths.
Printhead Mounting Brackets
Used to mount the printheads to the conveyors.
2 Introduction

Optional Accessories
Up to six printheads can be added to the FXJet Marksman.
External Encoders
The external encoder is mounted to the conveyor to track the belt speed. When printing
barcodes, it is recommended that you use an external encoder.
Strobe Light
The strobe light is an indicator of error conditions.
Differential Cable
The differential cable passes a photocell and/or encoder signal from one printer to another.
Practical limitations restrict passing the photocell signal more than one or two times.
Software Installation 3

Software Installation
Insert the Marksman Software installation
into the machine and go to the Start
menu. Select Run. Type “A:\Setup”
(without quotes where “A” is applicable
drive letter) in the space and click OK.
When the setup program is started, the
Microsoft® installation wizard will guide
you through the installation process. You
will be instructed to close all other
programs and agree or disagree with the
software license (If you disagree, the
software will not be installed).
Choose which software to install.
BoxWriter Host
Choose this option if the computer, on which the software is being installed, is the
designated host for the networked system.
BoxWriter Workstation
Choose this option if the computer, on which the software is being installed, is to be
designated as a workstation. Upon starting the software, the system will prompt the user as
to whether the workstation software should be ran in networked or standalone mode.
Marksman Printer
Choose this option if the printer, on which the software is being installed, is to be designated
as a printer. Upon starting the software, the system will prompt the user as to whether the
printer software should be ran in networked or standalone mode
4 The FXJet Marksman Printer

The FXJet Marksman Printer

Networked and Stand-Alone

Initial Boot
Upon initial boot of the Marksman Printer,
the software will prompt you whether you
wish to run the Networked or Standalone
version of the software.
If you choose to run the network version,
the software will try to connect to a
BoxWriter Host system.
If you choose to run the standalone
version, the software will run the standard
Marksman software.
In either case, if you choose to select the “Don’t Prompt Again for Application Type” option, the
software will not prompt you again to choose the application type. Please keep in mind that the
two versions of the software use separate databases.

The monitor screen displays
green LED's for heads that are
installed and active, grayed
LED's for heads that are
installed but not on, and dots
where there are no heads
The main screen, shown on the
right, displays a common setup
that includes two heads
engaged in a split task
operation. For more information
on Split Task mode and Split
Task view, see the Split Task
section of this manual.
The FXJet Marksman Printer 5


To log in to either a networked or stand-
alone system, click on Security and
select Login. You can also click on the
USERID button at the bottom of the
screen, or you can use the keyboard
shortcut, Ctrl+L, to open the login box. In
order to prevent an accidental log out,
there is no button for this function.
To log in the first time, click inside the
box beside User Name and type the
default username, MARKSMAN. Next,
click inside the box beside password and
type MARKSMAN . Once you have
logged on to the printer, you may create a personalized username and password as explained
in the Security/Modify section.


Warning: Be sure you do not delete all users with Supervisor, Administrator,
and Security privileges. The system will allow you to delete all of these
users, which will leave you with no means to administer your system.

Adds, deletes, or modifies user information such

as User Name, Password, and Access Level.
Only the Password and/or Access Level may be
changed for an existing user. To add, delete, or
modify user information, click on Security and
select Modify. The screen at right is displayed.
User Name
To add, edit, or delete a username, type in
the name or use the arrow key in the box to
locate a particular username.
Type the password to enter or change in the
password box.
Access Level
Click on an access level to assign it to a particular user. The five default access levels are:
Operator – has access to Start Task, Stop Task, Idle Task, Resume Task, Print Test
Pattern, Change Count, Input Data, User Manual, Log Off, Exit Printer, Reset Strobe, Reset
Scanner Count, and Exit Workstation.
Programmer - Same as Operator with the addition of Change Head Delays and Edit Task.
6 The FXJet Marksman Printer

Administrator - has access to all functions except: Update User Info, Change Security for
Commands, Change Security Options, Change Host Configurations, Change System
Options, Host User Access Reports, Host Clear Pending, and Change Advanced Host
Supervisor - has access to all functions except: Change System Options and Change
Advanced Host Options.
Security - has access to Update User Info, User Manual, Log Off, Change Security for
Commands, Change Security Options, and Host User Access Report.
The Save button saves the information entered. The Delete button deletes the selected
user. The Exit button closes the Security/Modify user box.
When you are finished using the Marksman System, open the Security menu and click on
Logout. This will render the system unresponsive to user input until someone else logs in
Allows you to assign functions to the various
access levels. For instance, if you want an
operator to have task start and stop
capabilities only, you could assign the
Operator an access level with those
functions and remove all others.
Allows you to add five more access level
options (for a total of ten) to the Modify
Users dialog box. This allows you to
customize the software to meet your needs.
The FXJet Marksman Printer 7


Hour Codes
Alphanumeric characters that can be included in
tasks to indicate a particular hour (the first character
represents the first hour, the second character
represents the second hour, etc.).
Month Codes
Alphanumeric characters indicating a particular
month (the first character represents the first month,
the second character represents the second month,
Date Format
Can be displayed in either European (16 JAN 96,
16/01/96, or 16-01-96) or American (16 JAN 96,
01/16/96 or 01-16-96) format.
Measure Units
Can be either Metric (cm/100) or Standard (in/100).
Split Task
Can be set to Yes or No. Turning Split Task on changes many things throughout the system.
It allows the main screen to change so that you can see the heads assigned to each
photocell. It changes Configure/Count, Start, Idle, Resume, Stop, Test, View/User Element,
and any other place a photocell setting can be changed.
The Split Task function creates many new options as well as limitations. In Configure/Heads
for example, while a task is started on photocell A, no changes to the configuration of heads
associated with photocell A can be made. However, changes can be made to heads
associated with photocell B excluding changing which photocell the head is associated with.
Device Select
When enabled in conjunction with download string and split task features, the Marksman will
send out “SOH” and either a “DC1” or a “DC2” character preceding any download string out
of the AUX port. The “DC1” character signifies photocell A was started and “DC2” for
photocell B.
Activity Log
By selecting this box, any changes to the system will be recorded in a user activity log. This
report is accessed through System/User Activity Report.
Continuous Counts
With this feature enabled, the system will not reset the counts for Photocell A and Photocell
B at the start of a task. The system will continue the counts from the previous task.
Photocell A
Can be named anything you like up to 12 characters.
8 The FXJet Marksman Printer

Photocell B
Can be named anything you like up to 12 characters. However, it would not be wise to give
each photocell the same name. If both photocells are being used to print the same message
on the same type product, you should give them similar names like Product A and Product

Port Configuration
The Marksman printer has four communication ports. The mouse function for the touch screen
uses COM2 located on the CPU board. The optional hand-scanner used for scan and shoot
applications is on AUX located on the SIB board. This leaves two open COM ports—one for
each of the on-line scanners. The software convention is as follows:
SCANNER1 uses the COM1 port located on the CPU board.
SCANNER2 uses the PORT A port located on the SIB controller.
The ports for these devices are set-up differently from one another. SCANNER1's options are
set-up through the Windows interface: Start/Settings/Control Panel/System/Device
In order for any changes made to SCANNER1 to take effect, you must exit and restart the
Marksman program. SCANNER2's options are set-up through the Marksman interface
System/Port Configuration/Port A (the left side of the window). The right side of the window is
for the hand scanner or serial input (AUX). Any changes made to SCANNER2 and AUX will take
effect immediately.
Cable Type
Default for Port A is RS232. Default
for AUX is RS232. If you connect a
device to this port, the user's
documentation for that device will list
the appropriate cable setting.
Baud Rate
Default for Port A is 9600. Default for
AUX is 9600. If you connect a device
to this port, the user's documentation
for that device will list the appropriate
baud rate.
Task Start Position
This option relates to the character
position where the task name is
located. Remember, the first character is at position 0. For example, if the bar code
1234567890ABCDE is scanned as serial data, and the TASK start position is 5, the task
name will be read as 67890ABCDE with the Task name length set to 10 or greater.
Task Name Length
This option allows you to shorten the length of the task name. By default, the task name is
15 characters long. The name length may be 15 characters or less. If the task length is
shorter than the characters scanned, the remaining characters will be used as the library
name of where the task is located. For example, if the task name is 67890ABCDE, when
scanned, the system searches for the “67890ABCDE” task in the active library. However, if
The FXJet Marksman Printer 9

the task name length is 5, the system will search for the “67890” TASK in the “ABCDE”
Prompt on Serial Split Task
When selected, the Marksman software will allow you to use one scanner to control both
lines in split task mode. Once a barcode is scanned and transferred to the Marksman, the
system will prompt you to select which photocell you wish to start the scanned task on.
Photocell A Data
When using the serial protocol with a split task system, you may need to send serial data
only to a photocell A. To do this, specify which port will be used to receive the serial data on
photocell A.
Photocell B Data
When using the serial protocol with a split task system, you may need to send serial data
only to a photocell B. To do this, specify which port will be used to receive the serial data on
photocell B. You may use the same port as is specified in the Photocell A Data field.

Printer Report
Displays the printer report window. The data is arranged in the following order: USER, TYPE,
and BAD.

Scanner Report
Displays the scanner report window. The data is arranged in the following order: USER, TYPE,

User Activity Report

Displays the user activity report window. The data is arranged in the following order: TIME,
These windows are a representation of the file C:\MK6000\NODE\REPORT.DBF. This file is
written in Dbase 4 format and can be manipulated by Dbase software. Data is entered into this
file every time a task is started or stopped regardless of photocell name.
After viewing the information, three options are available: Click on Exit to return to the BoxWriter
program, click Clear to erase the database, or select Save to File to save the database as a text
file. After a long period of usage, the database may become extremely large and take a long
time to load. Routine clearing of the database is recommended.
10 The FXJet Marksman Printer

Networked FXJet Marksman Printer

All previous options in this section are available in a stand-alone system.

However, the System/Host options are only available if your printer is networked.

Host Login
Logs the printer into the BoxWriter host.

Host Logout
Logs the printer out of the BoxWriter host.

Host Configuration
Displays the window for configuring the BoxWriter host. See the Host section of this manual for
more details on Host Configuration.
The FXJet Marksman Printer 11


Preview Mode
Displays on the main screen what is to be printed and is accessed by pressing Ctrl+M. Plus, if
Preview Mode is activated, and Split Task is selected, You may split the view displaying
information associated with each photocell.

Ink Usage
Ctrl + K calculates the price of ink per print. Type in the price you pay for a 500ml bottle of ink
and press Recalculate Price.

User Elements
User Elements are created in
the BoxWriter Editor by going to
the Tool menu and choosing
User or by pressing F9. Then,
in the BoxWriter application
software, you are allowed to
choose a photocell for the
currently running task and view
the user elements assigned to a
That is, if a user element is
created for head 1 and head 1
is on photocell A, then the user
element will be assigned to
photocell A. When user elements are added to a task from the BoxWriter Editor, they can be
altered from the main screen. For instance, if an inspector number is printed on boxes, and the
inspector changes, you can go to View/User Elements and change data being printed.
If you have two photocells and the printer is NOT IN SPLIT TASK mode, you will receive an
error message when you change the user element and hit OK. You would receive the same
error message if you were in Split Task and had a User Element on photocell A and then tried to
change it by choosing photocell B.
12 The FXJet Marksman Printer


Before printing, the heads must be configured. To change the configuration, select
Configure/Heads (you can also click on the head number above the status lights in the main
screen or press Ctrl+H). The Configure/Heads screen is displayed. The items under
Configure/Heads are described below.
Configures printheads 1
through 6. To choose a
printhead, click on the arrow
beside the Head box and
click on the number of the
printhead you want to
configure. The information
for that printhead is then
displayed on screen.
Head Type
The Marksman software
currently offers ten types of
printheads. They are the
AlphaCoder, 352/32 UJII,
192/32 UJII, 96/32 UJII,
Magnum XI, Magnum VI,
Magnum III, 8-shooter, 6-shooter, and 3-shooter.
Ink Type
There are three types of ink to choose from depending on what type of head you are using.
To determine what type of ink a particular head uses, look at the color-coded tab on the ink
reservoir. VersaPrint ink type heads have a green “VersaPrint” tab located on the ink
reservoir. AlphaMark ink type heads have a purple “AlphaMark” tab located on the ink
reservoir and can only be used with the AlphaCoder head. The Hi-Def Ink type is used with
3-Shooter, 6-Shooter, and 8-Shooter printheads and has a red vent cap.

Putting the wrong type of ink in a printhead will cause severe problems.

Angle Type
The angle type is mounting angle of the printhead. The 96/32 UJII, 3-Shooter, Magnum III,
192/32 UJII, 6-Shooter, and Magnum VI can use all five angles. The 352/32 UJII, 8-
Shooter, and Magnum XI can only be mounted at 90 degrees.
This is the distance from a photocell to a particular printhead. This is measured in
hundredths of an inch (i.e. If a printhead is 3 inches from the photocell it is using, the
distance would be 00300). Measure as accurately as possible to find this distance and then
make adjustments to correct your print.
The FXJet Marksman Printer 13

Assigns a photocell to each printhead. The choices are Photocell A, Photocell B, and Serial
Photocell, which is a photocell signal passed from another system through a differential
In a simple system with only one photocell plugged into printhead 1, all printheads should be
set to Photocell A. However, if you are using two photocells, the first photocell must be
plugged into printhead 1 and the second photocell can be plugged into any other printhead.
Next, when setting up the heads in the software, choose the photocell closest to the head
that is triggered before the box passes by the head. The distance from this photocell to the
head should be entered in the distance box. If you want to use a photocell signal passed
from another system to start the printing process, click Serial Photocell. When using Serial
Photocell, you must attach a differential cable to the IN port of the system receiving the
Serial Photocell signal. The other end of the differential cable must be plugged into the OUT
port of the system that will pass the photocell signal.
When a task is started on photocell A, you can't make changes to the configuration of heads
associated with it. However, changes can be made to heads associated with photocell B
excluding changing which photocell the head is associated with.
In Use
Select whether or not a particular head is in use. The head must be in use in order to print
from that head. LED lights will also be
enabled on the main screen for diagnosis.
The direction the product is moving with
respect to a particular printhead. To
determine the direction for a particular
head, stand behind the head. The direction
the product moves will be the direction for
that printhead.
This is the orientation of the print on the
container. Upright prints text right side up.
Inverted prints text that is upside down.
This applies to the entire printhead. To
invert just one element, refer to the editor software.
Head Pitch
The new printheads in stainless steel cases are positive pitch. Some much older printheads
are negative pitch. An incorrect pitch setting will result in slanted text.
Select single or double pulse for a particular printhead. Double pulsing will cause a darker
print. You can only set the 96/32 UJII, Magnum III, and 3-shooter printhead type to double
pulse. All other head waveforms are double pulsed. The system will not allow the other head
waveforms to be double pulsed twice.
When you have made all the necessary changes to a printhead, click save. If you have
selected a head number, above the status lights in the main screen after saving changes to
14 The FXJet Marksman Printer

the head, the Configure/Heads window will close. Repeat the above procedure to configure
additional printheads.

The Printer option lets you enter shift
code times, shift codes, encoder type,
internal encoder speed, and signals
you wish to output to other printers. To
change printer information, click on
Configure/Printer (Ctrl+P will also
work). The Configure/Printer screen is
displayed at right. The options under
Configure/Printer are described below.
Shift Codes
Shift Codes can be printed as part
of your task. Enter the time you
want as the starting Shift Code
Time and an alphanumeric
character to represent that
particular shift. To change Shift
Code Time or Shift Code, click in the box beside the code you want to change and enter the
new value.
Encoder Speed
Encoder Speed applies when you are
using an internal encoder. This value
is entered in inches per second times
100 (example, a conveyor moving 60
feet per minute would be entered as
1200--12 inches per second times
100), and the value is to be added to
or subtracted from the current setting.
To change encoder speed, click in
the box beside the encoder needing
to be changed and enter the new
Photocell A and Photocell B
Choose the type of encoder signal to be used with Photocell A and Photocell B. If your not
using photocell B, you won’t need to configure it. Encoder A and Encoder B are both
external encoder signals. Whether or not an external encoder is A or B is determined by
which port the external encoder is connected to. It is important to use an external encoder
any time you print bar codes. You cannot change encoders if any photocells are activated
on the system.
Internal signal is used when an encoder signal is to be generated internally through the
Marksman software and hardware. If internal signal is chosen, an encoder speed must be
entered. Serial Signal is used when an encoder signal is to be shared between one or more
printers through the differential cable.
Out Encoder
The FXJet Marksman Printer 15

Sends the encoder signal to be shared by another device through the In/Out port (See
Technical Assistance portion of this manual). The choices are Encoder A, Encoder B, or
Serial Signal (an encoder signal received through the In/Out port from another device).
Out Photocell
Sends a photocell signal out through the In/Out port to be shared by another device. The
choices are Photocell A, Photocell B, or Serial Signal.
Roll Over Date on Start of Third Shift
Roll Over Date on Start of 3rd Shift will change the date printed when 3rd shift starts. You
can change this time under Shift Code Time 3.
When you have made all necessary changes to printers, click save.

Scanner No Read String
If you have a scanner reading bar
codes in order to check accuracy, the
scanner must be programmed to
send a string when it fails to read.
The Scanner No Read String must be
the exact information the scanner is
programmed to send. If the default is
used, the scanner must be
programmed to send the string "NO
READ" when it is unable to read any
Consecutive Bad Scans per
Scanner to Generate Error
This setting allows you to decide how
many bad scans may pass before
receiving an error light or the strobe
ASCII Scanner PostAmble
User defined ASCII (not hexadecimal) code designated to be sent by the scanner after all
reads. This code must be something that will never appear in a bar code. This is used to let
the system know when a scan has ended. Default is ASCII 17, <DC1>.
Collect Scanner Information
Creates a log of good reads and bad reads and displays them. However, Preview Mode will
override this option and cover the scanner log.
Display Scanner Information
Displays good and bad scans as well as percent of good scans.
Reset Scanner Information at Task Start
Resets scanner information automatically at the start of each task. This keeps you from
having to press the reset button after a new task is started.
16 The FXJet Marksman Printer

Idle Task on Consecutive Bad Scans

Causes the current task to be placed on idle when the number of bad scans equals the
amount set in Consecutive Bad Scans per Scanner to Generate Error.
Reset Scanner Info
Sets good and bad reads to zero. Clears any error conditions with the scanner and writes
the scanner information to the report database.
Reset Scanner Error
Resets the scanners error condition without generating a report or clearing good and bad

Choose the photocell for which you would like to set the count.
Enter the count for the photocell chosen.

Choose the photocell for which you would like to set
the delay.
Displays six heads but only allows delay changes to
active heads.
Enter the delay for the selected head.
The FXJet Marksman Printer 17


Start (Load Task)

Starts printing a new task and resets the count. The following window appears (shown below
left) when Start is chosen from the Operate menu. Be sure that you are in the library where the
required task is stored. In the Library section of the Load Task dialog box, all of your libraries
will be listed. Click on a library to see the tasks it contains. Find the task you wish to start in the
Task Name section. Next, click on the task name and then click on Load.
If you are in Split Task mode, both
photocells will be selected when
you open Load Task. Select the
photocell you want a given task on
and then choose the task. Next,
click Load. If you are not in Split
Task mode, the photocells will be
grayed out.
From the BoxWriter Editor, in
Defines/Down Load String, you can
define a string of characters for
downloading. If you do, there will be
a check box in the Load Task
window for you to choose whether
or not you want to send the Down
Load String. If there is no string
defined in the editor, there will be no check box. If you have defined a down load string
previously for a serially started task, the string will be sent automatically upon task start or when
the software is started and the last task running was a serially started task.

Stops the task from printing. To continue printing, you have to use the Start command.

Resumes printing after using the idle command. The count is not reset.

Suspends printing. To continue printing, you have to use the Resume command. A system may
remain idle for long periods and be resumed without problems. If the system does not image
properly when resumed, check the troubleshooting section of this manual for solutions.

Prints a test task as shown below. This is helpful in determining if all the print channels are
functioning. To run the test, you must stop any running tasks. To return to a task, you must stop
the test task and restart.
18 The FXJet Marksman Printer

Opens the BoxWriter editor. The editor is used to create tasks. (See Using the Editor)

Exits the program. The system will not print if you exit the program.
The FXJet Marksman Printer 19


These functions should only be used when the system is idled or


Sync Data
This option will not be in the menu for stand-alone units. The only Utilities menu options in a
stand-alone printer are Export to File and Import from File.

If a system has been off for a long time, a lot of changes might have been made
to the rest of the network. If this is the case, select the Clear Pending Files On
Host option and then start the printer that has been off or disconnected. Next,
use Sync Data.

Be sure all tasks have been stopped before trying to use Sync Data. Sync Data only works if the
Marksman printer is connected to a host. When Sync Data is chosen, and the settings of the
host and printer are not identical, the printer’s settings are overwritten with the host’s settings.
Export to File
Export to File is used to move settings,
tasks, etc. from one system to another.
If you need to edit a task from a
particular printer on your workstation,
you would need to export not only the
task itself from the printer, but you
would also need to export the
configuration of the printer as well
because the workstation uses default
factory settings that will not match any
actual system setup.
Export File Type
Allows you to choose types of settings
from all the different parts of the
system. For instance, if you choose to
export templates, you would choose Template and press OK. After choosing the type of
setting you want to export, a browser window will open allowing you to export the file to any
directory you choose. When Save is pressed, the template database is saved as an MKF file
in the directory of your choice.
If the printer is not networked, you must copy the exported MKF files to floppy disks and
physically transport them to their destination.
Import From File
After a file has been exported and is on a floppy disk or in a network accessible directory,
you must use Import From File to get that information to the desired location.
20 The FXJet Marksman Printer

If you exported the configuration from a

printer and need to get it into your
workstation for editing a task, you
would use Import From File to set the
workstation up just like the printer that
the task came from. This insures the
task will print correctly when it is
exported from the workstation and
imported back into the printer.
Import File Type
Allows you to choose types of settings
from all the different parts of the
system. Once the type of setting is
chosen, you must choose which library
will receive the imported setting. Next,
a browser window will open allowing
you to search your directories for the file. Once found, you may double click or select the file
and press OK. The file will then be imported.


User’s Manual
This will display the User’s manual in PDF format. Adobe Acrobat will be displayed in
another window.

Software version and copyright information.
The FXJet Marksman Printer 21

Split Task
The Split Task feature executes multiple
(same two or two different) tasks on separate
photocells. The heads assigned to a
particular photocell will show when starting a
Turning Split Task on changes several things
throughout the system. It allows the main
screen to change, so you can see the heads
assigned to each photocell. It changes
Configure/Count, Start, Idle, Resume, Stop,
Test, View/User Element, and any place a
photocell setting can be changed.
The Split Task function creates many new
options as well as limitations. In
Configure/Heads for example, while a task is started on photocell A, you can’t make changes to
the configuration of the heads assigned to photocell A. However, changes can be made to
heads assigned to photocell B excluding changing which photocell the head is associated with.
Preview Mode, in Split Task Mode, gives you
a Split button above the viewing area. When
you click the button, the viewing area splits
into two sections (as seen above left). Each
side represents specific photocell--heads,
design elements, and count. Heads not in
use will be grayed out. When viewing
Photocell A, heads assigned to Photocell B
will show up as blue areas in Photocell A’s
preview region. To rejoin the separated
previews, click the Merge button.
Also, note the “Show” and “Hide” buttons on
the main screen. Clicking “Hide” on Photocell
A, for example, will cover all heads
associated with Photocell A with a blue grid
(Shown above right), likewise for Photocell B.

Configure Heads
You can’t have a photocell active while you’re configuring heads. All tasks must be stopped to
cease photocell functions before making any configuration changes to the heads. However,
changes can be made to heads associated with photocell B--excluding changing which
photocell the head is associated with. Only delays in Quick Head Info can be altered while
photocells are running.
22 The FXJet Marksman Printer

As long as any photocells are functioning, you can’t run Test. To run Test, go to Operate/Stop
and stop any tasks that are currently running. Once that is done, you may run Test. When
finished using Test, you must stop it.

Activating Split Task

To turn Split Task Mode on, go to System/Settings.
The dialog box at right will appear. Place a check in
the box beside Split Task to activate this feature. To
deactivate, remove the check from the box by
clicking on the box again. In this dialog box, you
have the option to give the photocells unique
names. You may name them whatever you like.
However, you should not give them the exact same

Starting a Task in Split Task Mode

To start a new task and reset the count, choose Operate/Start. The window below left appears
when Start is chosen from the
Operate menu. If you type the name
of the task in the task box instead of
selecting one with the touch screen,
be sure that you are in the library that
has the required task. If you are not in
the correct library, a window with
"Invalid Task Name Entered" will
If you are in Split Task mode,
available photocells will be selected
when you open Load Task. All you
need to do is choose the photocell
you want a given task on and then
choose the task. Next, click Load. If
you are not in Split Task mode, the
photocells will be grayed out.

Stopping a Task in Split Task Mode

Though you can start both photocells at the same time using the same task while in Split Task
Mode, you cannot stop both photocells at once. You must go to Operate/Stop, choose the
photocell, and click OK. Then, go back to Operate/Stop, select the remaining photocell and stop

Idling a Task in Split Task Mode

To idle a task while in Split Task Mode, go to Operate/Idle. A dialog box will appear so you can
choose the photocell and task you want to idle. If all running tasks are idled and you choose Idle
again, you will be given an error message.
The FXJet Marksman Printer 23

Resuming a Task in Split Task Mode

To resume a task, go to Operate/Resume and choose the appropriate photocell and task from
the dialog box. If all running tasks have been resumed, or were not idled and you click on
Resume again, you will be given an error message.

User Elements
User Elements are created in the BoxWriter Editor by going to the Tool menu and choosing
User or by pressing F9. You view user elements assigned to a photocell by choosing View/User
Elements. Select the photocell and then click OK. All the user elements running on that
photocell are displayed, and you can input new data. If a user element is created for head 1 and
head 1 is on photocell A, then the user element will be assigned to photocell A. When user
elements are added to a task from the BoxWriter Editor, they can be altered from the main
screen. For instance, if an inspector number is printed on boxes, and the inspector changes,
you can go to View/User Elements and change the number being printed.
24 The FXJet Marksman Printer

Software Features of the Marksman Printer

Backup (Standalone Marksman Printers only)

This feature is used to backup the
C:\MK6000\LNODE directory. This
program can be accessed by
clicking on the Start menu
Tools/Backup. Then, click the plus
sign beside the C drive. Next, click
the plus sign by the MK6000
directory. Next, click on the clear
box next to the Data file to select it
for back up. The plus sign opens
the directory, and putting a check in
the blank box will select that file (or
entire directory) for back up.
Finally, click Next Step and follow
the directions. You will be prompted
to insert blank 3.5" floppy disks and
to name the backup. All of the files
in the Data directory will be stored as .qic files under the name you specify. For clarity's sake,
we recommend you name the .qic group Data. This may require several floppy disks.

This feature is used to restore a copy of the C:\MK6000\LNODE directory. This program can be
accessed by going to the Start menu/Programs/Accessories/System Tools/Backup. Then, select
the Restore tab at the top of the Backup program window. You will be prompted to select the
source that will be used to retrieve the files. Be sure the final disk in the series is in the floppy
drive and select 3.5" Floppy. Follow the directions on the screen. You will be prompted to insert
the 3.5" floppy disks that were used for a previous backup. When the backup is complete,
restart the Marksman printer

Remote Diagnostic Capabilities

Symantec’s pcANYWHERE32 program
makes it easy for FoxJet and you distributor to
connect directly to your Marksman system
and manipulate your applications. It allows us
to work simultaneously with you to solve
problems fast.
The BoxWriter Editor 25

The BoxWriter Editor

The BoxWriter Editor is unlike anything currently on the market. A Microsoft® Windows™ based
environment allows you to point and click to operate virtually everything. The Windows
environment also shows the task exactly as it will be printed. Competitive systems boast the
WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) feature; however, they typically only allow you to
see one head at a time. The BoxWriter Editor displays all six heads and lets you edit while you
are in WYSIWYG mode.

A Few Starting Tips

1. Solid Lines separate each individual heads.
2. Do not place an element on these lines unless you are intentionally trying to split the
element between two or more heads. Be careful not to split an element over two heads on
different photocells.
3. Selecting a large font size and placing text on these lines can create dual and larger text.
4. Do not overlap elements unless absolutely necessary. Overlapped elements may cause
strange results.
5. All elements are created at the horizontal and vertical position listed while the element is
created. Moving the cursor, or a single click of the left mouse button at a new position can
change the position.
6. The cursor will not be printed.
7. After creating an element, you can right-click and select properties or double left-click on it
to change it.
8. If you lose an element, simply go to Help/List Elements, select that element, and press
Delete. The element will be deleted, and you can recreate it.
9. After the product range is specified, be careful that you don’t click the cursor too close to the
edge of the range when inserting an element. The BoxWriter Editor will not let you move an
element out of the defined product range; however, when an element is being created, it can
cross the defined product range boundary. Check all elements to be sure they’re within the
limits of your product range. Otherwise, elements will be truncated.
10. Experiment with different font types, styles, and sizes. You should make sure that the same
fonts are installed on the host, workstation, and printer. To install fonts, see your Windows
11. Define Product length first. You can set up a product for each photocell. If different sized
product lengths are entered, the editor will use the longer of the two.
12. If you are going to edit a task on the workstation in standalone mode, you must export the
configuration of the printer you are running the task on and import it to the workstation you
plan to use for the editing because the BoxWriter software uses factory default settings that
will not match your hardware. In a network system, simply select the printer that is going to
run the task from the printer selection box in the editor that defaults to “LOCAL”.
26 The BoxWriter Editor

13. If you are using the editor on the host, you must choose a printer before continuing. Once
you have chosen a printer, opened and edited a task, you must save the task before
switching to another printer. When a different printer is selected, the current task is cleared.
14. It is recommend that you create libraries according to head configuration, so the tasks in
that library will be printed according to a specific configuration. This will decrease the
chances of unexpected results.

Using the Editor

At the bottom of the editor screen, you will notice a status bar containing the four pieces of
information Task, Library, Zoom, and Photo. Task displays the current task. Library displays the
library containing the task. Zoom displays the zoom factor as a percentage of the screen. Photo
displays the photocell assigned to the selected head. Below Zoom, there is a pair of numbers
arranged like a Cartesian graph set (i.e. 0, 0). They are the coordinates of the cursor with
reference to the rulers on the top and left of the editing area. It is a good idea to reference these
displays frequently to make sure
the chosen task matches the
correct printer configuration. To
access the BoxWriter Editor, click
on Operate/Edit. The screen
below is displayed.
The BoxWriter Editor screen
(Shown to the right) has some
innovative functions. The tool bar
and the text-editing drop down
lists can be moved to any place
on the screen.
As shown at right, the tool bar is
placed out of the editing area and
runs across the bottom of the
editor. However, both the tool bar
and the text-editing drop down
lists can be moved onto the editing area or to the sides of the screen. The BoxWriter Editor
remembers where you placed them and will place them there the next time you open the editor.
Plus, most of the BoxWriter Editor's
functions can be summoned by pressing
Shift and touching inside the editing area
(the equivalent of right clicking with the
mouse). Press shift and touch on empty
editing space, and the menu seen below
left appears. Press shift and touch on an
element, and the menu seen below right
The BoxWriter Editor 27

The Editor Tool Bar

To resize the tool bar after you have moved it, place your cursor on the right or left edge of the
tool bar. The cursor will change into a double-sided arrow, and you will see an outline of the tool
bar change shape as you move the cursor. This outline represents the shape and size of the
tool bar with respect to the cursor's movement. You can also close the tool bar. Pressing the
shift key plus touching an empty spot on the screen and going to insert can reach all of the
elements in the tool bar. You can go to Tools on the menu bar to create elements or use the
function keys to reach the same result.

Click the text icon (F1) when you
want to add text to a task. Another way to
enter text is to click the left mouse button on
the point you want to enter text and start
Type the element’s contents here.
Vertical Position
Location (top to bottom) where the
element should be placed. This number
defaults to the cursor coordinates. 100
equals 1 inch or 1 centimeter depending
on the measure units setting.
Horizontal Position
Location (left to right) where the element
should be placed. This number also
defaults to the cursor coordinates. 100
equals 1 inch or 1 centimeter depending on the measure units setting.
With serial communications, the text can be defined two ways. Text is always fixed for non-
serial applications no matter which of the following is selected:
Fixed- The data cannot be changed through a serial link.
Serial- The data can be changed through a serial link.
A task with several variable elements will slow down the highest possible conveyor speed.
Reverse Print
This will print white letters on a black background.
Invert Print
Invert print causes the text to be upside down.
Upside Down
Text is inverted and backwards. When upside down is selected, invert and backwards will
also be selected.
28 The BoxWriter Editor

Text is printed backwards.
Data Start Position
This option only applies to serial data. The printer must know where to start reading the data
for this element. If a remote computer sends the string “12Testing12” and the element is
supposed to be “Testing”, the start character is the T. Remember that the first character is in
position 0. This makes the data start position 2.

Click the logo icon (F2) when you want
to add a logo to the task.
The name of the bitmap file located in the
C:\MK6000\LOGOS directory. The maximum
number of characters per logo is eight not
including the extension (XXXXXXXX.BMP).
Although Windows will allow you to put a
logo into the logo directory with more than
eight characters, the system will not show
that logo in the names box when inserting
the logo into the task.

Bar Code
Click the bar code icon (F3) to add a bar code to a task.
Available symbologies are displayed in
the drop down list. They include Code
128 (with Application Identifiers) and
EAN-128 (with Application Identifiers). If
either Code 128 or EAN-128 are
chosen, the Elements option in the Type
box will be made available. This dialog
box allows you to choose the industry
standard Application Identifier you need.
Size compared to common bar code
Information contained in the bar code.
Certain bar codes can only use
alphanumeric characters.
The BoxWriter Editor 29

Variable Bar Code Information such as time can be Data Entered Type of Field Result
entered using the "|" key. Select variable type then DD Day 21
JJJ Julian Day 356
enter a | in data field and choose from the MM Month 12
selections listed at the right. After entering the MMM Month DEC
variable field, enter another | character. For YY Year 99
hh Hour 04
example, a bar code with the date and then the mm Minute 59
value 123 would be entered as |MMDDYY|123 in ss Second 58
the data field. CCCCCCCCC Counter 000000008
S Shift Code A
ED EXP Date 21
Alpha Data (MMM for DEC) entered into a numeric EJJ EXP Julian 128
only bar code will be replaced with zeros (000). EM EXP Month 12
Data entered is case sensitive! EY EXP Year 01

Bar Code Element List

This is a list of available elements for your
bar code. Select the predefined element and
click on the down arrow to add the element
to your bar code. If the element is
designated as an application identifier, it will
appear in parentheses in your bar code.
Include Quiet Zone
A predetermined amount of blank space is
left before and after the bar code for
scanners. This space can be eliminated in
some cases and make the bar code shorter.
The quiet zone is only visible if the bar code
has bearer bars (a surrounding box).
Include Text
This option places human readables (text)
under the bar code.
Bar codes have a height to width proportion. FoxJet has developed bar code data that is
designed to print at a specific height and width. This option uses these default bar codes.
Set the height to proportional to achieve the proper height to width ratio.
Some manufacturers desire their bar codes to be disproportional. When set to one head, the
width stays the same but the height changes. To print a bar code on one head using all 32
channels, this option should be chosen.
Data Start Position
This option only applies to serial data. The Marksman printer must know where to start
reading the data for this element. For Example, if a remote computer sends the string
"12TESTING12" and the element is suppose to be "TESTING," the start character is the "T."
Remember that the first character is in position 0. This makes the data start position 2.
DDE Field
This is an advanced feature. This should be attempted only with the assistance of FoxJet
personnel and/or your distributor. In any case, this deals with the ability of the Marksman
printer to connect to a 3rd party DDE server to update fields automatically.
30 The BoxWriter Editor

Click the count icon (F4) to place the count in
the task layout. The count increases each
time the photocell is triggered. The count
increments according to the photocell that controls the
head where the count element is placed.
Number of Places
The count can be from one to nine digits long.
Leading Zeros
Places leading zeros in the count. For example, the
20th print with the Number of Places set as 6 can
print as either 20 or 000020.

Click the date icon (F5) when you want to include the date in the task.
The date can be in different formats as shown in the
table below.
Format Result
MM/DD/YY 08/07/01
MM-DD-YY 08-07-01
MM 08
DD 07
Y 1
YY 01
YYYY 2001
MDDMY 00781

Click the time icon (F6) when you want to
include the time in the task layout.
The time can be in Format Result
HH:MM:SS 12:59:30
different formats.
HH:MM 12:59
Style HH 12
MM 59
Can be either 12
SS 30
hour or 24hour HOUR CODE O
The BoxWriter Editor 31

Expiration Date
Click the expiration date icon (F7) to place the
expiration date in the task layout.
The expiration date can be in different formats such
Format Result
MM/DD/YY 08/07/01
MM-DD-YY 08-07-01
MM 08
DD 07
Y 1
YY 01
YYYY 2001
MDDMY 00781
Expiration Period
Sets the period between current date (system date) and expiration date in Months or Days.
Number Periods
Sets the number of months or days between current date (system date) and expiration
Leading Zeros
Places leading zeros in the date. For example, the 1st day can print as either 1 or 01.

Click the shift icon (F8) to place the shift
code in the task layout. The shift element
correlates to the System/Setting screen settings. The
shift code will change automatically as the shift changes
throughout the day.
32 The BoxWriter Editor

Click the user icon (F9) to place user variable information in the task layout (batch
numbers, serial numbers, etc.). This user variable information can be updated
without restarting the task from View/User Elements in the Marksman printer main screen.
Type the appropriate number of W's in
this field. The W is the widest character
in most fonts and will allocate enough
space for any future data. For example, if
this field is going to be used for a 3-digit
serial number, type WWW.
This eight-character description will be
shown when you have to enter the data.
Use relevant names such as serial #,
batch #, or a similar name.
Prompt at Task Start
If this option is selected, when the task is
started, you will be asked to enter the
element data.

Any user elements with the same prompt and same length will be considered to
be the same piece of information. Thus, the system will only prompt the user
once when entering user element information.

Zoom Out – Click to view a larger portion of the task layout.

Zoom Normal – Click to return to normal viewing after using zoom out, zoom in, or
max zoom.

Zoom In – Click for a closer view of the task layout

Max Zoom – Click to reduce the task layout to its smallest view.

Cut – Places the selected task element in the clipboard. The element can be
retrieved using the paste button.
Copy – Places a copy of the selected task element in the clipboard. The element can
be retrieved using the paste button.
Paste – Retrieves a cut or copied element from the clipboard and places it into the
task layout.

Center – Centers the selected element to the defined product area.

The BoxWriter Editor 33

Define Product
Click the define product icon to
define the area that you will be
printing on (the side or end panel of a
box for example). The screen will then
represent this area.
Units can either be in Inches,
centimeters (2.54 cm/inch), or head
pixels (153.8 pixels/inch).
Use Active Heads Only
If selected, grays out all heads that are
not in use in the printer configuration.
Auto Scroll
When dragging an element (Left
mouse button held down on an element and moving the mouse), the screen will scroll if the
element goes off of the edge of the screen.
Snap to Head
Snaps the element to the nearest head. This makes lining up elements quick and easy. The
number in the Max Distance to Snap box represents how many pixels the element can be
from a head and still snap.
Enter a brief message to identify the task that will appear when saving and loading the task.
Product Length 1
This defines the length of the substrate (material being printed on). The longer product
length will be used for the editor. However, if an element is extended over the defined
length, the element will be cut off at the defined product length when it is being printed.
Remember, 1 inch =100, 1 cm = 100, 1 Head Pixel = 1). This length defines the printable
area for all heads tied to photocell A in the head configuration for the printer.
Product Length 2
This field is the same as Product Length 1 except that it deals with photocell B. Set the
length to the correct length keeping in mind that this field relates only to heads tied to
photocell B.
Count Start
The number that will begin the count. This number increases each time the photocell is
Count End
Once this number is reached, the count will roll over to Count Start value.
Count Increment
The number the count will increase each time the photocell is triggered.
34 The BoxWriter Editor

Font Toolbar
The font toolbar allows you to
select the font style (regular,
bold, italic, etc.) and size to be
used for the selected element.
The font, point size, and style
of type can all be altered
within the BoxWriter Editor by
selecting (clicking on) a text
element. If a text element is to
be created, click on the Text
icon on the Tool Bar and use
the drop down lists to achieve
the desired appearance.
FoxJet does not suggest
using Windows fonts for User
or Variable elements. Only
MK fonts will give predictable
results with these types of elements. For text objects, Windows fonts are fine.
Directly beneath the File, Edit, View, Tools, Defines, and Help menus are boxes with a down-
pointing arrow directly to the right. These boxes are called drop down list boxes. In the picture
above right, the font drop down list box is displaying the font MK Avalon. Clicking on the arrow
lowers the list of True Type fonts. Click on the font desired.
To choose the size of the font, go to the drop down list box to the right of the font box and press
the arrow to see a selection of sizes. Choose one of the sizes in the drop down list or type a
number in the box and the font will resize. If the text element is dragged to a different head, it
will not change size after a user-entered font size is entered for that element.
Just to the right of the font size drop down list there are two buttons for changing the style of the
text. The “B” button makes text bold and the “I” button italicizes the text.
Next to the type style buttons, there are five alignment icons: align left, right, center, top, and
bottom respectively. You can easily line up multiple elements by selecting them and clicking on
one of the alignment icons. You can also go to Edit/Align to accomplish this.
The last button is resize logo. Selecting a logo and then clicking this button lets you resize it.
The BoxWriter Editor is true WYSIWYG software. The element, as measured by the horizontal
and vertical rulers on the screen, will print exactly as it appears (one screen inch equals one
printed inch).
Click and Drag
Once you choose an element and place it in your defined product area, you can touch the
element and, keeping your finger in contact with the screen, drag it to another location in
your defined product area.
Editing an Existing Element
Once you have created an element, you can edit it by pressing Shift and touching an empty
area of the screen and choosing properties. You can also double click while on the element.
This will bring up a menu you can use to make changes to that element. You can choose
multiple elements by holding Ctrl and touching or left clicking on the desired elements. Also,
The BoxWriter Editor 35

you can touch an unused portion of the editing area and drag your finger across all desired
elements. A selection box will be displayed as you drag and select.
To change the font, the style, or the size of an element, touch that element to select it. Then,
use the drop lists (box with a down-pointing arrow on the right) for font selection, font size,
and text style to make the desired changes.
Resizing Logos
Once you have chosen a Logo from the Tool Bar or the Tools menu, you may resize (stretch
or shrink) it. To do so, select the element by touching it. Next, touch the resize button to the
right of the alignment buttons. Then, you may resize the element by dragging one of its
Saving a Task
Once you are through creating or editing a task, you can save it by selecting Save Task or
Save Task As under the File menu. The Save Task option saves the task with the last name
you were working with. The Save Task As option allows you to save the task with a new
name. Remember the library in which the task is saved because you must return to that
library to edit or to print the task.
36 The BoxWriter Editor

Editor Menu Items

Creates a new task. This option removes all elements on the screen and resets the task.
Load Task
Displays a list of libraries, tasks, and descriptions. Select the library that contains the task
you need and choose the task in the list on the right. Libraries are directories where tasks
are stored. The maximum number of libraries is 500. The maximum number of tasks per
library is 3,000 -- not to exceed a total of 100,000 tasks. It is important to know which library
contains the tasks you need because you cannot start a specific task if you are in the wrong
Save Task
Saves the current opened task.
Save Task As
Saves the current opened task under its existing name or a new name. If you had a task
named LABEL, and you wanted a backup copy called LABEL2, you would use Save Task
Adding a Library
Enter the name of the new library in the box beside library name. Click on Add when you are
ready to add the library. Once you are finished, click on Exit to return to the BoxWriter
Task Manager
The Task Manager allows you to delete a single task, all tasks in a library at once, or an
entire library. Before you can delete an entire library, you must clear all the tasks it contains.

Deletes the element you have selected.
Erases the last editing function you executed. The BoxWriter Editor now remembers the last
ten changes you made and allows you to undo them.
Cut, Copy, and Paste
These features allow you to cut, copy, and paste an element or multiple elements in a task.
Also, the BoxWriter Editor allows you to cut or copy an element from one task and paste it in
Select All
Selects all elements in a task. This allows you to move them all at once, cut, or copy then
The BoxWriter Editor 37

When multiple elements are selected, you can align them to the left, right, top, or bottom.
For instance, if you have selected two or more images and you choose align left, the
elements will all line up with the left-most element.
Centers an element in the defined product area.

If checked, the tool bar is displayed.
Head Boundaries
Displays or removes head boundary lines from editing area.
Zoom In
Gives you a closer look at the message.
Zoom Out
Gives you a better over all view of the message layout.
Max Zoom Out
Shows you the entire message.

Gives you access to all the tool functions in the tool bar. The tools are also accessible by
pressing Shift and touching the screen in empty editing space and selecting insert.

Font Width
(Zero is default—height and width are the same) Shrinks or widens letter size. For Variable
Data, the font width must be the same as the font size box at the top of the editor.
Custom Bar Codes
Do not alter unless you know what you are doing. Call FoxJet or your distributor for
assistance if necessary. See Custom Barcode section for further information.
Define Product Area
Sets up measurements of the intended printing area.
Down Load String
Creates a string of information,
including special characters that
can be sent out the AUX port
when the task is started. If you
start a serial task containing a
download string or open the
BoxWriter when the last running
task was serial and contained a
download string, the string will automatically send.
38 The BoxWriter Editor

The Special Characters field can hold up to 200 characters. Keep in mind that one special
character may be several characters in the Special Character field. For example, the
carriage return character, <CR>, is actually four characters -- the first bracket (less than
sign), the C (carriage), the R (return), and the final bracket (greater than sign).
Define Sub-Elements
Contains templates of several default element
structures including Application Identifiers to
be used with Code 128 and EAN-128 bar
codes. You can now include multiple counts,
independently changing at different
increments, in the same message.
If you use one of the default templates from
this box, FoxJet suggests you do not change
it. You have the option of creating your own
template by typing a name for it in the
Template ID box. You may then choose how
elements will be arranged in your template.
Format String
The following element types require a format
string. All formats are case sensitive. Multiple
formats are allowable in some formats as
specified as shown in the tables below.

Time Date Expiration Date

HH mm:ss or hh mm ss DD or dd DD or dd
H mm ss or h mm ss DDD or ddd DDD or ddd
HH or hh MM or mm MM or mm
H or h MMM or mmm MMM or mmm
mm YY or yy YY or yy
ss YYYY or yyyy YYYY or yyyy

The above items can be concatenated. If the current date is January 24, 2001, then using
MMM DD YYYY will print JAN 24 2001 or using MM DD YY will print 01 24 01. The DDD
format will print a three character alpha day of the week such as FRI for Friday.
Mask String
Serial and user elements require a mask string. The mask string is the default string that will
be printed if data is not entered or sent via RS232 communications at print time.
Fixed elements require the data file to be filled in. This is the default data that will print in the
message. You will be prompted for new data at the time the bar code is inserted in the
Some Application Identifiers have not been included in the BoxWriter software. If you need
an AI that is not listed, you can create the template in this window and check the Application
Identifier check box on the upper right of the window. These templates only work with Code
128 and EAN-128 bar codes.
The BoxWriter Editor 39

List Elements
Lists all the elements in the current task. It displays the elements data, type (text, image,
etc.), horizontal and vertical position, which head it's on, and whether it is selected or not.
This window is also useful in locating "lost" and "blank" elements.
A window will appear displaying software version number and copyright information.
40 The BoxWriter Editor

Creating and Working with Task Elements

Creating a Task
To open the BoxWriter
Editor, go to Operate/Edit in
the BoxWriter printer, host,
or workstation software. The
BoxWriter Editor will
automatically open to the
last edited task. If you would
like to edit a previously
created task, go to
File/Open and choose the
task to be edited. If you are
creating a task, you can
immediately start placing
elements in the editor. You
can import image files into
the editor and place them
where you like. You can
also resize an image by
clicking on it and using your pointing device. For more detail, see the Resizing Logo section.
To create text, left click in the design area on the spot you would like your text to start and begin
typing. You can also click on the text button located in the tool bar. Enter the text and click OK
or press Enter. The new text will appear on the editor screen as selected text. You can adjust its
position by clicking and dragging. The appearance can be changed by using the drop lists at the
top of the editor. For more detail, see the Font Toolbar section.

Creating Bar Codes of Type Elements

When entering a bar code from Bar Code Element into a task, and you choose a Code 128 or
an EAN-128 bar code, you will be allowed to select the Elements type. When you click OK, you
are given the Bar Code Element List dialog box. This information was covered in the Bar Code
section. However, to make full use of the bar code elements, you will need use Defines/Define
Sub-Elements where you will be given a list of built-in bar code elements. Some of them are
Application Identifiers and some of them are plain elements. If the bar code is an application
identifier, a check will appear in the box next to Application Identifier.
In the Template ID drop list box, there is a list of existing bar code elements you may use.
However, if you need a User Prompted element longer than the templates provide, do the
1. Highlight the text inside the Template ID drop list text box. Type in the name you wish
your element to have. (USR for User Prompted for example)
2. Choose User Prompted under Element Type.
3. Under Field Type, choose whether you want your User Prompted element to be
Alphanumeric, Numeric Only, or Alpha Only (alphabetic only).
The BoxWriter Editor 41

4. Next specify Maximum Length by entering the number of characters your User Prompted
element will have. Variable Length is not active for User Prompted elements.
5. The bottom field, Data, is the Mask for User Prompted elements. The mask you type in
is simply a padded number of spaces equal to the Maximum Length. For instance, if you
typed in 2 for Maximum Length, you can type in "WW" (or any two characters excluding
the quote marks) for your mask.
6. Type in a description that reflects what you have created. Save and then exit.
Now, when you go to insert a bar code into your design and you are given the Bar Code
Element dialog box, and you choose C128 or EAN-128, you will be given the option in the Type
area to choose elements. If you select elements and click OK, you will be given the Bar code
Element List. The list contains all of the templates you saw in Defines/Define Sub-Elements and
the custom bar code element you created. Select the USR element and click ok to enter the
element you just creating into a barcode in the task.
Below is the list of built-in bar code element templates. Remember, you can alter any of these
templates to suit your needs, and it will permanently change the template in the system.
However, if you delete your database, the default templates will be rebuilt the next time the
software is started.
ID Element Description AI Code
00 Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC) Yes
01 EAN Item Number/Shipping Container Code Yes
10 Batch or Lot Number Yes
11 Production Date Yes
13 Packaging Date Yes
15 Minimum Durability Date Yes
17 Maximum Durability Date Yes
D1 Generic American Date No
D2 Generic European Date No
D3 3 Digit Julian Date No
D4 Two-Digit Day No
HC Hour Code No
M1 Two-Digit Month No
MC Month Code No
T1 Generic Time Field No
Y1 Last Two Digits of the Year No
Y2 4 Digit Year No
42 The BoxWriter Editor

Custom Bar Codes

When the Define/Custom Bar codes option is selected in The BoxWriter™6000 Editor, the
screen below is displayed.

Do not attempt to change these settings unless you know what you are
doing. Any incorrect changes can cause the system to malfunction.

Custom Bar codes is primarily used to change sizes of existing bar code types. For example, if
you wanted a UPC bar code but wanted the height to be different, this is where you would
change it. To do this, open your Custom Bar Codes window and do the following:

1. Select a bar code type, size, and Ink Type--in our example, you would choose I2OF5,
2. Click on Load. The blanks in the dialog box will be filled with the sizes associated with
the selected bar code.
3. The example is an I2OF5. An I2OF5 has only 2 sizes—Mag.7 and Mag1. Select the text
inside the Size drop list box and type in any name you want to describe the new bar
code variation. For example, you could call it "Mag.7C".
4. Adjust the Space and Bar Height settings. Side, Top, and Bottom Frame are widths of
the frame in pixels.
5. Select Save to enter your custom bar code into the system.
The BoxWriter Editor 43

6. To use your bar code, go to Tools (or right click somewhere in the layout white space
and choose Insert/Bar Code) and select Bar Code. When the Bar Code properties box
appears, choose I2OF5 bar code (or whatever type you made your custom bar code)
and in the size drop list you will find Mag.7C in addition to Mag.7 and Mag1.
44 The BoxWriter Host

The BoxWriter Host

The Host is a desktop computer that serves as a centralized database and control center
connected to any combination of 16 total workstations and printers with the potential of utilizing
96 printheads simultaneously.


Starts printing a new task and
resets the count. The
following window appears
(shown right) when Start is
chosen from the Operate
menu. Select the printer you
want to print the task. Next,
select the library containing
the task. When a library is
chosen, its contents will be
shown in the task window.
You then select the photocell. You can choose photocell A, B, or both. When all selections have
been made, click on the task you want to start and then click the start task button.
From the BoxWriter Editor, in Defines/Down Load String, you can define a string of characters
for downloading. If you have defined a download string previously for a serially started task, the
string will be sent automatically upon task start or when the software is started and the last task
running was a serially started task.

Stops a printing task. To continue printing, you have to use the Start command.

Resumes printing after using the Idle command. The count is not reset.
The BoxWriter Host 45

Suspends printing. To continue printing, you have to use the Resume command. A system may
remain idle for long periods and be resumed without problems. If the system does not image
properly when resumed, check the troubleshooting section of this manual for solutions.

Opens the BoxWriter Editor.

Import Task
This option allows you to import tasks created with the workstations or printers.

Export Task
This selection allows you to export tasks created on the host to workstations and printers.

Shuts down the BoxWriter™6000 Host.


User Log
Contains a record of user activity for the host, workstation, and printers.

Printer Report
Shows all print jobs that have been executed on the selected printer. When printer report is
selected, the Select Printer dialog box opens by default.

Scanner Report
Displays a report of all scanners reads.


Select or move the mouse over the security item and the following options will be presenting to

To log in for the first time, type the username MARKSMAN and the password MARSMAN. Click
login and you will be in the host software.
46 The BoxWriter Host

Logs the current user out of the Host software but does not close it.

Adds, deletes, or modifies user information. If you are making modifications, only Password and
Access Level may be changed for an existing user. To modify the username, delete it and add it

Do not delete all users with Supervisor, Administrator, and Security

privileges because you would then have no way to administer your
Marksman system.

This selection allows you to add up to ten security options. The Marksman comes with five
default options: Operator, Programmer, Administrator, Supervisor, and Security. Each has its
own set of default functions that can be modified. See the Security/Modify in the printer section
for more information.

From this menu, you can select a command such as Start Task and choose what level of login
security it is assigned. For instance, if you wanted everyone to be able to start a task, you would
choose Start Task and then select all security levels.

Select or move the mouse over the printer item and the following options will be presenting to

This option allows you to add or remove printers
attached to the network. The computer name is
the network computer name of the printer or
workstation connecting to the host. The friendly
name is whatever you would like to call the
printer or workstation. Password is the password
the printer or workstation uses to connect to the
host. The Session Type option, Printer or
Workstation, is grayed out once the new
connection has been saved. A Session Type
cannot be changed once is has been created.

Export Configuration
Export Configuration allows you to choose a connected printer and export its configuration to an
.mkc file. The file can then be imported into a workstation or printer.
The BoxWriter Host 47

Clear Pending Files

Clears all updates waiting to effect printers that haven’t connected since the updates were
made. If you have a printer that hasn’t connected to the system for a few weeks or more, the
number of pending files could be huge. The best thing to do is clear the pending files and use
the sync data option on the printer.

For FoxJet technicians only!

Port Number
Altering this setting can destroy your
network connections. Many of the system
port numbers are being used or are
reserved for use. Choosing numbers
without knowing which ones are being
used or reserved can cause problems.
Sync Interval (in minutes)
This causes the printer to sync its clock
with the host. If you enter an interval of 10
minutes, every 10 minutes the printer’s
clock will be set to the host. Workstation
modules do not sync to the host’s clock.
Sync Printer Clock
If you want to utilize this feature, click on
the box. A check will appear when selected.
The Language option allows you to
select either English, French,
German, or Spanish as the default
language. When you select the
Language option, the screen at the
top of the next page appears.
Select the language file you want
and click open. You will receive a
warning stating that the application
must be restarted for the changes
to take effect. Exit the software and
restart. The application will now be
in the language you chose.
48 The BoxWriter Host


Head Configuration
When you click on head configuration,
the printer select window appears.
Choose a printer from the drop down
list or enter the name in the space
provided then click OK. The head
configuration window shown at right will
be displayed. The following contains
brief information about the head
configuration options. For more
information, refer to the head
configuration section in the printer
software section.
For Head select a printhead to
configure. Type a number in the
space provided or choose one from
the drop down list.
This is the mounting angle of the printhead.
For this selection enter the distance from a photocell to the selected printhead.
Ink Type
Enter the Ink Type that the particular head uses.
In Use
Select whether a head is in use or not by clicking yes or no.
Choose from Negative or Positive pitch. Most applications call for Positive pitch.
Choose the photocell that the printhead will use when printing.
The direction the product is moving with respect to a particular printhead. To determine the
direction for a particular head, stand behind the head. The direction the product moves will
be the direction for that printhead.
Head Type
This selection defines the head type for the selected printhead.
Select single or double pulse for a particular printhead. Double pulsing will cause a darker
print. However, only a 96/32 UJII, 3-shooter, or Magnum III can be double pulsed.
The BoxWriter Host 49

This option sets the orientation of the print on the container. Upright prints text right side up.
Inverted prints text that is upside down.
Save Changes to Head
When you have made all the necessary changes to a printhead, click Save.

System Configuration
When you click on system
configuration, the printer select
window appears. Choose a
printer from the drop down list
or enter the name in the space
provided then click OK. The
system configuration window
shown at right will be displayed.
The following contains brief
information about the system
configuration options. For more
information, refer to the system
configuration section in the
printer software section.
Measure Units
Can be either metric or English.
Split Task
Sets the selected printer to a split task system if set to yes. For further information, See the
Split Task section of this manual.
Date Format
The date can be displayed in either European (02 JAN 96, 02/01/96, or 02-01-96) or
American (02 JAN 96, 01/02/96 or 01-02-96) format.
Photocell A and Photocell B Uses
Choose the type of encoder signal to be used with Photocell A and Photocell B (If you are
not using photocell B, you won’t need to configure it).
Shift Time 1, 2, and 3
The option sets the time that each shift begins. In the screen capture, the first shift (shift
time 1) begins at 08:00 (8:00 a.m.) Shift time 2 is at 16:00 (4:00 p.m.) and shift time 3 is
00:00 (12:00 a.m.).
Shift Code 1, 2, and 3
Enter an alphanumeric character to represent each shift.
Out Photocell
Sends a photocell signal out through the differential port to be shared by another device.
The choices are Photocell A, Photocell B, or Serial Signal.
Out Encoder
Sends the encoder signal to be shared by another device through the differential port. The
choices are Encoder A, Encoder B, or Serial Signal.
50 The BoxWriter Host

Month Codes
Enter alphanumeric characters indicating a particular month. The first character represents
the first month, the second character represents the second month, etc.
Hour Codes
Enter alphanumeric characters that can be included in tasks to indicate a particular hour.
The first character represents the first hour, the second character represents the second
hour, etc.
Photocell A
Can be named anything you like up to 12 characters.
Photocell B
Can be named anything you like up to 12 characters. However, it would not be wise to give
each photocell the same name.
Encoder 1 and 2 Speed
Encoder Speed applies when you are using an internal encoder. This value is entered in
inches per second times 100, and the value is to be added to or subtracted from the current
setting. Example, a conveyor moving 60 feet per minute would be entered as 1200 (12
inches per second times 100). To change encoder speed, click in the box beside the item
needing to be changed and enter the new value.

Port Configuration
When you click on port configuration, the
printer select window appears. Choose a
printer from the drop down list or enter the
name in the space provided then click OK.
The port configuration window shown at right
will be displayed. The following contains brief
information about the port configuration
options. For more information, refer to the
port configuration section in the printer
software section.
This selection allows you to choose
which port you are going to configure.
Click on the arrow beside the box and
then choose AUX or Port A. After you specify the port, you can then configure it.
Baud Rate
The default for Port A is 9600. The default for AUX is 9600. If you connect a device to this
port, the user's documentation for that device will list the appropriate baud rate.
The parity should be configured to match the device connected to the port. For example, if
information is being sent with even parity, then set the parity to even or the data will not be
read correctly. The default position is None.
Data Bits
Can be set to 7 or 8. The default is 8.
The BoxWriter Host 51

Stop Bits
Can be set to 1 or 2. The default is 1.
Cable Type
Port A can be configured to RS232 or RS422 with default being RS232. If you connect a
device to this port, the user's documentation for that device will list the appropriate cable
setting. AUX can only be configured for RS232.
Task Start Position
This option relates to the character position where the task name is located. Remember, the
first character is at position 0.
Task Name Length
This option allows you to shorten the length of the task name. By default, the task name is
15 characters long. The name length may be 15 characters or less.


This windows will display software version and available information.

When selected, the user’s manual in PDF format will be shown in a separate Adobe Acrobat
52 Technical Assistance

The BoxWriter Workstation

Networked and Stand-Alone

The Workstation software in network mode allows you to connect a desktop computer to the
BoxWriter Host through a Local Area Network (LAN). If the workstation software is in stand-
alone mode, you must export settings from printers and import them into the workstation. You
must change settings in the workstation for each printer on which you edit tasks. Through the
workstation software, you can import, edit, and export tasks back to the printer(s). You can also
modify security commands and host communications as well.


Opens the BoxWriter Editor.

Closes the workstation program. You must be logged in to exit the program.


Add, delete, or change user information.

Warning: Be sure you do not delete all users with Supervisor, Administrator,
and Security privileges. The system will allow you to delete all users leaving
you with no way to administer your Marksman system.

Logs you into the workstation program. Default user is MARKSMAN with MARKSMAN

Logs you out of the workstation software.
Technical Assistance 53

Gives you the ability to determine what each security login is capable of controlling. For
instance, the commands dialog box enables you to configure the software so that only an
Administrator can start or stop a task.

This selection allows you to create security login options. For example, you could create an
option called Guest and configure the system to allow the Guest to do only what you choose.

The System/Host settings are only active if the workstation is
networked to the host

Host Login
Connects the workstation to the BoxWriter Host.

Host Logout
Disconnects the workstation from the BoxWriter Host.

Host Configuration
Configures communications with the
The port number should not be
changed by anyone who is not
absolutely sure of what they are
doing. Default is 700.
IP Address
The IP address is the computer’s
Internet Protocol. It is a 32 bit binary
number that uniquely identifies a
computer on a network.
Save Password
Checking the save password option allows the workstation to automatically connect to the
host without having to prompt you for the password. If this option is not checked, you will
have to enter the password each time you connect to the host.
54 Technical Assistance


Sync Data (only present if the workstation is networked to a host)

Downloads data from the host and stores it locally. This option is only active if the workstation is
networked to a host.

Export to File
Export to File is used to move settings, tasks, etc. from one system to another. If you need to
edit a task that is on a particular Marksman printer or workstation, you would not only export the
task itself, but you would also need to export the configuration as well. The workstation uses
default factory settings, which probably does not match your actual system setup. Exporting the
configuration from the printer lets you take it and import it to the workstation. Once the task has
been edited, you must export it from the workstation and import it back into the printer.

Import from File

After a file has been exported and is on a floppy disk or in a network accessible directory, you
must use Import from File to get that information to the desired location.
If you exported the configuration from a printer and need to have it on your workstation for
editing a task, then you would use Import From File to set the workstation up just like the printer
that the task came from. This insures the task will print correctly when it is exported from the
workstation and imported back into the printer.


User’s Manual
The option display the user’s manual in PDF format in an Abode Acrobat window.

Displays software version information.
Technical Assistance 55

Technical Assistance
This section of the manual will provide you with detailed information for the Marksman printer
hardware and software. This section is provided to assist you with maintenance and
troubleshooting. However, this is not a substitute for the expertise of a factory authorized
distributor or FoxJet representative. Please call for assistance if you are experiencing a problem
that you are unsure how to fix.
The Technical Assistance section is split into four section, Printer Hardware and Software,
Printhead Troubleshooting, and Preventative Maintenance.
The Printer Hardware and software sections contain information such as technical
specifications, dimensions CMOS settings, and other information not covered in the Marksman
software portion of the manual. Also including in this section is step-by-step instructions on how
to install and setup a network card in a standalone Marksman printer to make it a network
Marksman printer.
In the Printhead Troubleshooting section you will find basic troubleshooting techniques to use
with the printhead and Marksman controller. Information contained includes correcting printhead
configuration and priming issues as well as basic errors that may occur on the Marksman
The final section, Preventative Maintenance, will focus on techniques to keep the printer running
in showroom condition. In addition to preventative maintain, proper shutdown procedures are
also discussed in this section.
56 Technical Assistance

Marksman Printer Hardware

FXJet Marksman Printer Specifications

Air Pressure Requirements 15 PSI for NEMA 4 Option
Electrical Requirements 110v/220v, 50-60Hz, 42 amps
System Weight 46 lbs./20.9 kg
Case Construction Heavy Gage Stainless Steel, NEMA 2 std., NEMA 4 Optional
Conveyor Requirements Slider Belt Conveyor
Acoustic Noise Less than 45 DBA
Encoder External Conveyor Mounted at 307 Pulses per Inch or Internal
Mounting Options Table Top, Floor Stand, or Wall Mount
Keyboard Built-in 81 Key
Display 10.4" Color Backlit Touch Screen
Application Software BoxWriter
Operating System Windows 95
Internal Counters Date, Time, Shift, and Count
Alarms Warning Indicators and Optional Strobe Light
Diagnostics Temperature and Ink Status
Printhead Cable Length Up to 100 Feet
96/32 UJII, 3-Shooter, Magnum III, 192/32 UJII, 6-Shooter,
Printheads Supported
Magnum VI, 352/32 UJII, 8-Shooter, Magnum XI, AlphaCoder

Ink Compatibility By Printhead

VersaPrint AlphaMark
96/32 UJII µ
192/32 UJII µ
352/32 UJII µ
AlphaCoder µ

Environmental Limits
Operating Storage Transit
Temperature (°F) 32 to 104 -40 to 104 -40 to 104
Temperature (°C) 0 to 40 -40 to 40 -40 to 40
Relative Humidity (%) 10 to 80 10 to 90 5 to 95

Print Messages
Maximum Length 40 Inches
Alphanumeric Lines per Head Up to 5
Fonts All True Type Windows Fonts
I2OF5, Code 39, Code 128, UPC-A, EAN 13, EAN 128 (Code
Bar Code
128 and EAN 128 can contain Application Identifiers)
Message Storage 100,000 Messages
Graphic/Logos BMP Files (bitmap, 2 colored), Sized on Screen
Technical Assistance 57

Marksman printer overall dimensions

The following diagrams depict the overall dimensions of the Marksman printer. For additional
dimension measurements and mounting instruction see Mounting Options on the following

17.50 in
44.50 cm
1.00 in
2.54 cm

.375 in 3.375 in .50 in

.953 cm 8.57 cm
1.27 cm

15.88 in

40.4 cm
16.00 in
Esc F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 f10 Num Prnt Pause Home End Ins Del

40.64 cm ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = Backspace

21.00 in Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P [ ] \

Caps Lock A S D F G H J K L ; ' Enter

53.34 cm Shift Z X C V B N M , . / Up Shift

Fn Ctrl Alt Space PgDn PgUp Left Down Right

9.625 in
24.45 cm

1.5 in
3.81 cm
Marksman Front Panel
5.875 in 1.25 in

14.93 cm 3.18 cm
1.5 in
.625 in
3.81 cm
1.59 cm

8.25 in
20.96 cm

4.875 in
12.38 cm

.875 in
2.22 cm

Marksman Left Panel Marksman Right Panel

58 Technical Assistance

Mounting Options and Dimensions for the Marksman Printer

There are several ways to mount the Marksman printer. Two mounting brackets are included
with the Marksman printer in order to more easily install the printer into a production setting. In
order to install the mounting brackets, use a 1/8” hex key wrench and the supplied 10-32 ½”
flathead screws.

17.5 in
44.450 cm
.375 in 8.375 in 8.375 in
.953 cm 21.273 cm 21.273 cm
.28 in
.72 cm
.50 in
8.375 in 1.27 cm
21.273 cm

1 in
21.000 in
53.340 cm 2.54 cm

12.250 in
31.115 cm

.44 in .25 in
1.12 cm .74 cm

Back Panel without Mounting Brackets Mounting Eye Hole on Bracket

17.5 in
44.450 cm

2.75 in 6.000 in 6.000 in

6.98 cm 21.273 cm 15.240 cm
18.25 in
46.335 cm

2.75 in
6.98 cm

6.000 in
15.240 cm

17.500 in
44.450 cm

6.000 in
15.240 cm

Vertical Mounting Option Horizontal Mounting Option

Technical Assistance 59

Connecting External Devices to the Marksman Printer

Connect all external devices to the proper ports. The following diagram and descriptions will
provide a brief overview of the correct connection points for each of the devices that connect to
the Marksman.
Parallel Port
Used to connect a desktop printer or a Backpack®
bantum CD-Ro m drive.
Encoder A

Parellel Port
Connect an external shaft encoder into this port. It will
be referred to in the software as encoder A.

Encoder B
Connect an external shaft encoder into this port. It will
be referred to in the software as encoder B. Encoder A


Encoder B
An external strobe device can be connected to this port.
In addition, the customer may wish to activate a PLC Strobe
upon an error condition by connecting it to this port.
Aux (Auxiliary Port) Aux

Used primarily for a hand scanner for the purpose of Port A

scan and shoot operation, but also used for serial
Keybd Com 1 Video

Port A
Primarily used to connect a fixed mount scanner.
Keybd (External Keyboard Port) Out In

Used to connect an external keyboard. Head 1

Com 1 Head 2
Primarily used to connect a fixed mount scanner.
Head 3
Video (External Monitor Port)
Used to connect a monitor. Head 4

BNC (Bayonet Nut Connection) Head 5

Used for coaxial network connections.

Head 6

TP (Twisted Pair)
Used for twisted pair network connections. Modem

Used for inputting serial encoders and photocells.
Used for outputting serial encoders and photocells.
Head 1-6
Connect printheads 1-6 to these ports. Some of these ports may be left blank.
Used for remote diagnostics.
60 Technical Assistance

Pin outs for Bottom panel DB9 and DB25 ports

Six external device ports are available on the Marksman printer as a standard feature. They are
used to connect external encoders, strobes, scanners, and other devices. Below are the pin
outs of each port for your convenience.



25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 13 12 11 10

Parallel Port A B Strobe Auxiliary Port A

Pin Parallel Port Encoder A Encoder B Strobe Auxiliary Port A

1 Strobe Tach B+ Tach B+ +12V +12V DCD
2 Data Bit 0 Tach B- Tach B- Not Used RXD RXD
3 Data Bit 1 GND GND +5V TXD TXD
4 Data Bit 2 Tach A- Tach A- Strobe Out Not Used DTR
5 Data Bit 3 Tach A+ Tach A+ GND GND GND
6 Data Bit 4 GND GND Not Used Not Used DSR
7 Data Bit 5 +12V +12V GND RTS RTS
8 Data Bit 6 +12V +12V Strobe Out CTS CTS
9 Data Bit 7 GND GND Not Used Not Used RI
10 Acknowledge
11 Busy
12 Paper End
13 Select
14 Auto Feed
15 Error
16 Printer Init.
17 Select
18 GND
19 GND
20 GND
21 GND
22 GND
23 GND
24 GND
25 GND
Technical Assistance 61

Door Assembly
The following diagram identifies the connection points as well as the circuit board used to
control the touch screen and keyboard.

FxJet Marksman Door Assembly - 61276

Controller Board -

1 2 3 4 5

Inverter Light Board -

LCD Interface Board -

Video -
To Motherboard

+5V -
To Passive

Mouse Control -
To Motherboard

Keyboard -
To Motherboard
P3 P1

Analog Power
Supply 1 & 2
115/230 AC

Digital Power
115/230 AC

Ground Wire
62 Technical Assistance

Printhead Controller Board Settings

The Marksman controller can control up to six printhead assemblies. A separate Printhead
Controller Board (PHC) is necessary for each head. Each PHC must be jumpered correctly for
the specific head number that it is to control.




Head 1 Head 2 Head 3




Head 4 Head 5 Head 6




Technical Assistance 63

Single Interface Board Settings (SIB)

The SIB board controls the interface of information between the PHC boards and the
motherboard. In order to use a standard encoder (P.N. 5277), remove the DIFF ENC jumper
and move the encoder wire from DIFF ENCODER to ENCODER.


1 9
1 9
RS422 2 10 J12
1 9

2 10
1 9
1 21 2

1 27
1 21 2 SYS IRQ
3F8 JP6 JP7 2F8

Motherboard Settings
Ensure that the jumper setting on the motherboard match the factory specifications.


Hard Drive Connection Floppy Drive Connection Parellel Connection

43 1

44 2


1 JP36

Ext. Video


1 1



JP11 JP13

Video (LCD)






1 1

64 Technical Assistance

Network Card and Modem Settings

The following diagram depicts the correct switch and jumper settings. The Marksman has very
few available IRQ slots, so it is necessary to set the LAN card and modem exactly as specified.
The part number for the LAN Card is 1049126. The modem’s part number is 1049215

I / O A3 A2 A1 A0
* 300 0 0 0 0
320 0 0 0 1
340 0 0 1 0 JP1 JP2
IRQ I2 I1 I0
2/9 0 0 0
360 0 0 1 1 ON EGE * PnP AUI
380 1 0 0 0 S.W.
3 0 0 1 *TP/BNC
4 0 1 0 3A0 1 0 0 1
3C0 1 0 1 0 H.W.
* 5 0 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112
10 3E0 1 0 1 1
1 0 0
200 0 1 0 0
11 1 0 1
12 220 0 1 0 1
1 1 0
15 1 1 1 240 0 1 1 0
260 0 1 1 1
280 1 1 0 0
2A0 1 1 0 1
2C0 1 1 1 0
2E0 1 1 1 1

JP3 1



IRQ 11 9 5 3 J P 1 J P 2

1 1

12 10 7 4
Technical Assistance 65

Marksman Printer Software

CMOS Settings for Marksman Motherboard

The following is a list of the CMOS settings required to run the BoxWriter software correctly. In
order to enter the CMOS setup, press the DEL key upon boot up of the system.
Date: Set to current date. Time: Set to current time.

Type Cyl HD PREcomp Lzone Sectors Size Mode

Hard Disk C Auto 0 0 0 0 0 0 Auto
Hard Disk D Auto 0 0 0 0 0 0 Auto

Floppy Drive A 1.44 MB 3 1 /2

Floppy Drive B Not Installed
Halt On No Errors

Bios Features Chipset Features

Virus warning disabled Auto configuration enabled
CPU internal cache enabled Decoupled refresh enabled
External cache enabled Relocate 256K/384K disabled
Quick power on self test enabled Video BIOS cacheable enabled
Boot sequence A,C System BIOS cacheable enabled
Swap floppy drive disabled External cache scheme write back
Boot up floppy seek enabled Combine alter & tag bits enabled
Boot up number lock status off CHRDY for ISA master enabled
Boot up system speed High Memory hole at 15 MB addr. disabled
IDE HDD block mode Enabled Cache timing control fast
Gate A20 option Fast DRAM timing control fast
Memory parity check disabled Fast DRAM enabled
Typematic rate setting disabled Burst write disabled
Typematic rate (char/sec) 6 CPU write back cache disabled
Typematic delay (msec) 250 Set turbo pin function turbo
Security option setup Set mouse lock disabled
PS/2 mouse function control disabled Onboard local bus IDE enabled
OS select for DRAM>64MB non-OS2 IDE primary master PIO auto
Video BIOS shadow enabled IDE primary slave PIO auto
C8000-CBFFF shadow disabled Onboard FDC controller enabled
CC000-CFFFF disabled Onboard UART 1 3F8/IRQ4
D0000-D3FFF disabled Onboard UART 2 2F8/IRQ3
D4000-D7FFF disabled Onboard parallel port 3BC/IRQ7
D8000-DBFFF disabled Parallel port mode normal
DC000-DFFFF disabled
66 Technical Assistance

Serial Protocol
The serial protocol option allows the user, after logging into the Marksman, to use remote
commands to control the Marksman system through a serial port (AUX port or Port A).
Although the serial communication specifications can be changed through the Marksman
software in the System, Port Configuration screen, the default values are as follows:
Baud Rate 9600
Parity Bit None
Data Bits 8
Stop Bit 1
Flow Control None
Note, Flow Control cannot be modified and must be specified as none on the remote computer.
Starting Tasks from the active library
In order to start a task through the serial protocol, the Marksman must already have the task
saved in its memory. See the editor portion of this manual for help on creating tasks. Once the
task is created and saved, the remote computer can call a task up from the Marksman memory
by sending a start command in the format below. Note, the Marksman will only search the
active library for the task. The active library is the library in which the currently printing task or
last printed task is located.
O S H T A S K N A M E * * * * * * * ESC CR

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

• P
H is the number of the photocell you wish to start in a split task system. A P
H of “space”
starts both photocells. A PH of 1 or 2 will start that respective photocell.

• TASKNAME is the name of the task that is to be started. It is not necessary to pad the
taskname with spaces.

• ESC (Escape) is ASCII 27 and CR (Carriage Return) is ASCII 13.

Starting Tasks from any library
If you need to start a task from a library that is not active, you may specify the library for the
Marksman to search through. Use the following format.
O S H T A S K N A M E * * * * * * * L I

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

B R A R Y N A M E * * * * ESC CR

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

• TASKNAME is the name of the task that is to be started. It is necessary to pad the
taskname with spaces

• LIBRARYNAME is the name of the library that contains the task to be started. It is
necessary to pad the libraryname with spaces.
Technical Assistance 67

Stopping Tasks
If you need to stop a task that is currently running, use the following format.

0 1 2 3 4

• P
H is the number of the photocell you wish to stop in a split task system. A P
H of “space”
stops both photocells. A PH of 1 or 2 will stop that respective photocell.
Requesting Printer Status
The Marksman has the ability to give its current status to the remote computer. In order to
prompt the Marksman to transfer its current status, send the following command.


0 1 2 3

In return, the Marksman will reply in the following 152 characters. Note the bolder boxes are
single items.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56

57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82

83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112113


114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143


144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151

• Depending on the outcome of the request, all fields of the top four data rows will be
padded with spaces where needed to fill the entire data field.

• If either photocell is not active, each data field will be filled in with asterisks for that

• If any head is not set to in use “Yes”, then the 5 data fields associated with that head are
filled with asterisks. When there is no PHC card for the head, all 6 fields are asterisked.

• If any head conditions are set to “E” on any head, the SYE field or System Error field is
set to Y and this also indicates that the strobe light is enabled and printing has been
stopped due to this error.
68 Technical Assistance

• The following describes each head data field. Note, each data field is suffixed with a
number that indicates the head that it relates to. This applies to characters 114-149.

Field Description Values Comment

AC# Print Head In Use? Y/N If N, next 5 fields are asterisked.
AT# At Temp? Y/E If E, SYE is set to Y
HT# Head Heater On? Y/N
LI# Low Ink? Y/E If E, SYE is set to Y
HV# High Volt OK? Y/E If E, SYE is set to Y
OI# Out of Ink? Y/E If E, SYE is set to Y

• All remote commands are ended with ESC (ASCII 27) and CR (ASCII 13).

• All remote commands except printer status request return a response of the following.
For Successful Commands, 1 CR
0 1
For Unsuccessful Commands, 0 CR
0 1
Sending Variable Text to the Marksman
If the message that you are printing has an element with a type set to serial, the Marksman has
the ability to receive that serial data through the AUX port or PORT A serial port and fill in the
element with this data. For more information on message creation with serial data elements,
please refer to the editor portion of this manual. For more information on Port Configuration
refer to System, Port Configuration in the printer section of the manual.

The format for the serial data string is simply a string of text up to 255 characters long ending
with only a CR (ASCII 27) character.

V A R I B L E T E X T H E R E . . . CR
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 . . . 254
Technical Assistance 69

Guidelines for Installing BoxWriter™ and Marksman® Software V.3.20

In order to proceed in the correct installation path, please refer to the following flow diagram.
Once you have determined which installation path to follow proceed to the section for that
Note: If you are upgrading an existing system, please find the currently installation version
number in the Help, About box on the Main system screen.

Proceed to
Is this installation an instructions for
Is this a network Is the previous version
upgrade to a previous Yes No No upgrades for
upgrade? 3.00 or higher?
version? standalone
versions 1.00 to

No Yes Yes

Proceed to Proceed to
Proceed to
Standard Installation
Network Upgrade
Standalone instructions for
Software upgrades for
Installation standalone
instructions versions 3.00 or

The following pages present the installation instructions for each installation path. Complete
only one of the installation paths.
Before upgrading any software exit the printer, workstation, or host software even if the
installation instructions do not explicitly state this. Only remain in the software if you are told to
use a function only found inside the software.
Note, although the installation comes with four floppy disks, depending on the installation type
that you choose (host, workstation or printer), the installation may only prompt you for three of
the four disks. Simply following the prompts on the screen to insure that you have inserted the
correct disk.
70 Technical Assistance

Standard Standalone Software Installation Instructions

1. Insert the BoxWriter Version 3.20 Disk #1 into the floppy drive. For host or workstation
installations, you may also use the CD-Rom version of the installation in which case you will
need to insert the CD-Rom into the CD-Rom drive of the computer.
2. From the Start menu, choose Run. Next, type X:\Setup and click OK. Replace “X” with the
name of the drive. For most floppy drives, the letter will be “A”, whereas CD-Rom drives will
most often be “D”.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions and be sure to select the correct software application
during the installation (Host, Workstation, or Printer).
4. Once the software installation is complete, you will be prompted to restart your computer.
Click OK.
5. After the system has rebooted and the application is running, the system will prompt you
whether you wish to run the standalone or network version of the software. If this system
will be connected to a host computer, select network. If not, select standalone. You may
also click the “do not prompt again” option so that the software will automatically answer this
question for you in the future.
6. Next, log in to the printer software using the following:
7. Username: MARKSMAN
8. Password: MARKSMAN
9. This is the completion of the Standard Standalone Software Installation Instructions. Do not
continue on to other types of installations. Refer to your user’s manual for information on
how to use your BoxWriter software.
Technical Assistance 71

Installation Instructions for upgrades for standalone versions 3.00 or higher

1. Before upgrading your software, make a backup of the software directory in case an error
occurs during setup. To do this, Click Start, Programs, Windows Explorer.
2. On the left side of the screen you should see the contents of the C drive. If the contents are
not visible, double click on the C drive icon.
3. Click on the MK6000 directory.
4. Click on the Edit Menu option and select Copy.
5. Click on the C Drive icon on the left side of the screen.
6. Click on the Edit Menu option and select Paste.
7. There should now be a “Copy of MK6000” directory in the C drive on the left side of the
screen. Click on it, Click on File in the menu, and click on rename.
8. Rename the “Copy of MK6000” to “MK6000XXX” where “XXX” is the name of the previous
version of software you are upgrading from (MK6000312).
9. Double-click on the MK6000 directory and Double-click on the “LNODE” directory.
10. Click on the File menu option and select Rename.
11. Change the name of the LNODE directory to DATA.
12. Exit the Windows Explorer Program.
13. Insert the BoxWriter Version 3.20 Disk #1 into the floppy drive. For workstation installations,
you may also use the CD-Rom version of the installation in which case you will need to
insert the CD-Rom into the CD-Rom drive of the computer.
14. From the Start menu, choose Run. Next, type X:\Setup and click OK. Replace “X” with the
name of the drive. For most floppy drives, the letter will be “A”, whereas CD-Rom drives will
most often be “D”.
15. Follow the on-screen instructions and be sure to select the correct software application
during the installation (Workstation, or Printer).
16. Once the software installation is complete, you will be prompted to restart your computer.
Click OK.
17. After the system has rebooted and the application is running, the system will prompt you
whether you wish to run the standalone or network version of the software. If this system
will be connected to a host computer, select network. If not, select standalone. You may
also click the “do not prompt again” option so that the software will automatically answer this
question for you in the future.
18. Next, log in to the printer software using the following:
19. Username: MARKSMAN
20. Password: MARKSMAN
21. The software will not contain any of your previous information. You must import the data
from the previous version. To do this, choose Utilities, Import from File from the menu.
22. Choose Task and select the library to import the data into. If you would like to create a new
library first to import the data into, please enter the editor before attempting to import data
and select File, Add Library from the Editor’s menu to add a new library to the system.
72 Technical Assistance

23. After selecting the library, you will be prompted for the correct location for the file containing
the import information. In the Look In box select the down arrow and choose the MK6000
directory. First select the C drive then in the box below choose the MK6000 directory.
24. Type mk6v3cnv.cvt in the File Name box and Click Open.
25. Next, import the Configuration file from the previous version. Choose Utilities, Import from
26. Choose the Config option and Click OK. In the same method as above select the MK6000
directory and type mk6v3cnv.cvm into the File Name box and Click Open.
27. Exit out of the software and reenter by clicking on the appropriate icon on the desktop. Use
the same security name as before to log in.
28. You will lose the security portion of the database, but the Workstation or Printer should be
identical to previous version. You will need to recreate your security preferences.
29. This is the completion of this type of Installation Instructions. Do not continue on to other
types of installations. Refer to your user’s manual for information on how to use your
BoxWriter software.
Technical Assistance 73

Installation Instructions for upgrades for standalone versions 1.00 to 1.14

1. Before upgrading your software, make a backup of the software directory in case an error
occurs during setup. To do this, Click Start, Programs, W indows Explorer.
2. On the left side of the screen you should see the contents of the C drive. If the contents are
not visible, double click on the C drive icon.
3. Click on the MK6000 directory.
4. Click on the Edit Menu option and select Copy.
5. Click on the C Drive icon on the left side of the screen.
6. Click on the Edit Menu option and select Paste.
7. There should now be a “Copy of MK6000” directory in the C drive on the left side of the
screen. Click on it, Click on File in the menu, and click on rename.
8. Rename the “Copy of MK6000” to “MK6000XXX” where “XXX” is the name of the previous
version of software you are upgrading from (MK6000114).
9. Exit the Windows Explorer Program.
10. Insert the BoxWriter Version 3.20 Disk #1 into the floppy drive.
11. From the Start menu, choose Run. Next, type X:\Setup and click OK. Replace “X” with the
name of the drive. For most floppy drives, the letter will be “A”.
12. Follow the on-screen instructions and be sure to select the Printer software application
during the installation.
13. Once the software installation is complete, you will be prompted to restart your computer.
Click OK.
14. After the system has rebooted and the application is running, the system will prompt you
whether you wish to run the standalone or network version of the software. If this system
will be connected to a host computer, select network. If not, select standalone. You may
also click the “do not prompt again” option so that the software will automatically answer this
question for you in the future.
15. Next, log in to the printer software using the following:
16. Username: MARKSMAN
17. Password: MARKSMAN
18. The software will not contain any of your previous information. You must import the data
from the previous version. To do this, choose Utilities, Import from File from the menu.
19. Choose Task and select the library to import the data into. If you would like to create a new
library first to import the data into, please enter the editor before attempting to import data
and select File, Add Library from the Editor’s menu to add a new library to the system.
20. After selecting the library, you will be prompted for the correct location for the file containing
the import information. In the Look In box select the down arrow and choose the MK6000
directory. First select the C drive then in the box below choose the MK6000 directory.
21. Type mk6v3cnv.cvt in the File Name box and Click Open.
22. Next, import the Configuration file from the previous version. Choose Utilities, Import from
74 Technical Assistance

23. Choose the Config option and Click OK. In the same method as above select the MK6000
directory and type mk6v3cnv.cvm into the File Name box and Click Open.
24. Exit out of the software and reenter by clicking on the appropriate icon on the desktop. Use
the same security name as before to log in.
25. You will lose the security portion of the database, but the Printer should be identical to
previous version. You will need to recreate your security preferences.
26. This is the completion of this type of Installation Instructions. Do not continue on to other
types of installations. Refer to your user’s manual for information on how to use your
BoxWriter software.
Technical Assistance 75

Network Upgrade Software Instructions

Note: Upgrading a network system is a lengthy process. It requires that the each printer be
shutdown and idled for at least 30 minutes. Please make sure that your production can
accommodate this. Make sure that all workstations and printers are currently connected to the
host to assure good network connectivity. When all the systems are connected to the host
system, record the computer name and friendly name of each system connected to the host.
After you recorded all the system information, disconnect the network wire from each of the
printers and workstations. Each system should drop offline within a few minutes and will run in
standalone until further notice.
BoxWriter Host

1. Before upgrading your software, make a backup of the software directory in case an error
occurs during setup. To do this, Click Start, Programs, Windows Explorer.
2. On the left side of the screen you should see the contents of the C drive. If the contents are
not visible, double click on the C drive icon.
3. Click on the MK6000 directory.
4. Click on the File Menu option and choose rename.
5. Rename the “MK6000” to “MK6000XXX” where “XXX” is the name of the previous version of
software you are upgrading from (MK6000312).
6. Exit the Windows Explorer Program.
7. Insert the BoxWriter Version 3.20 CD-Rom into the CD-Rom drive.
8. From the Start menu, choose Run. Next, type X:\Setup and click OK. Replace “X” with the
name of the drive. For most CD-Rom drives, the letter will be “D”.
9. Follow the on-screen instructions and be sure to select the Host software application during
the installation.
10. Once the software installation is complete, you will be prompted to restart your computer.
Click OK.
11. After the system has rebooted and the application is running, log in to the Host software
using the following:
12. Username: MARKSMAN
13. Password: MARKSMAN
14. The software will not contain any of your previous information. The data will be imported via
the printers and workstations. The security protocol must be recreated from scratch.
15. Next, setup each of the printers that were connected to the host earlier. This information
should be recorded prior to the installation process as documented above.
16. Leave the BoxWriter Host software running.
Marksman Printers and Workstations

1. First, select the printer with the production line down. If none are down, you must wait until
that time presents itself before continuing. This process could take as long as an hour.
2. Log into the available printer as administrator.
76 Technical Assistance

3. Goto Utilities, Export to file. Select Task and Click OK.

4. The Task Export Screen will appear. Select one of the libraries and select all the tasks in
that library. Remember the library name that you are exporting.
5. Next, choose the location to save the exported file. Most likely it will default to the MK6000
directory. This is an ideal location.
6. Rename the File Name to the library name. Click OK. The tasks will be exported.
7. Repeat steps 3-6 until you have exported all libraries out of the printer.
8. Click Utilities, Export to file. Select Config and Click OK.
9. Next, choose the location to save the exported file. Most likely it will default to the MK6000
directory. This is an ideal location.
10. Rename the File Name to the line name such as “Line1”. Make sure this name will be easy
to identify with a system for future use.
11. The task may be restarted on this printer for the time being if necessary. Repeat steps 8-10
for each printer and workstation connected to the host. You will not need to stop production
for this process. However, there may some remote instances where the Marksman will miss
a few prints. Be prepared to pull off boxes if this happens.
12. Go back to the first printer and exit the printer software. This procedure could take as long
as 2 hours on the first printer in which no printing may take place. Each additional printer
should take no longer than 15-30 minutes.
13. Before upgrading your software, make a backup of the software directory in case an error
occurs during setup. To do this, Click Start, Programs, Windows Explorer.
14. On the left side of the screen you should see the contents of the C drive. If the contents are
not visible, double click on the C drive icon.
15. Click on the MK6000 directory.
16. Click on the File Menu option and choose rename.
17. Rename the “MK6000” to “MK6000XXX” where “XXX” is the name of the previous version of
software you are upgrading from (MK6000312).
18. Exit the Windows Explorer Program.
19. Insert the BoxWriter Version 3.20 Disk #1 into the floppy drive.
20. From the Start menu, choose Run. Next, type X:\Setup and click OK. Replace “X” with the
name of the drive. For most floppy drives, the letter will be “A”.
21. Follow the on-screen instructions and be sure to select the printer software application
during the installation.
22. Once the software installation is complete, you will be prompted to restart your computer.
Click OK.
23. After the system has rebooted, choose the network option and the application will try to
connect to the host system. It should connect to the host. If it does not, please check you
network connections and try again.
24. Once the application is running, log in to the printer software using the following:
25. Username: MARKSMAN
Technical Assistance 77

26. Password: MARKSMAN

27. The software will not contain any of your previous information. You must import the data
from the previous version. To do this, choose Utilities, Import from File from the menu.
28. Choose Task and select the library to import the data into. If you would like to create a new
library first to import the data into, please enter the editor before attempting to import data
and select File, Add Library from the Editor’s menu to add a new library to the system.
29. After selecting the library, you will be prompted for the correct location for the file containing
the import information. In the Look In box select the down arrow and choose the MK6000
directory. First select the C drive then in the box below choose the MK6000 directory.
30. Select the correct “.tsk” file from the available files. Click OK.
31. Repeat Steps 26-28 for each library you originally exported.
32. Next, import the Configuration file from the previous version. Choose Utilities, Import from
33. Choose the Config option and Click OK. In the same method as above select the MK6000
directory and select the configuration file applicable for this printer and Click OK. There
should be only one configuration file because each printer was exported separately.
34. Exit out of the software and reenter by clicking on the appropriate icon on the desktop. Use
the same security name as before to log in.
35. Again, you will need to recreate your security preferences if you have not already done so
on the host.
36. Finally, test the system with a couple of tasks normally ran on this system and make sure
that they print correctly.
37. This printer may be put back online and print while the rest of the printers and workstations
are upgraded.
38. Next, go to the next printer that can be down for 15-30 minutes.
39. Before upgrading your software, make a backup of the software directory in case an error
occurs during setup. To do this, Click Start, Programs, Windows Explorer.
40. On the left side of the screen you should see the contents of the C drive. If the contents are
not visible, double click on the C drive icon.
41. Click on the MK6000 directory.
42. Click on the File Menu option and choose rename.
43. Rename the “MK6000” to “MK6000XXX” where “XXX” is the name of the previous version of
software you are upgrading from (MK6000312).
44. Exit the Windows Explorer Program.
45. Insert the BoxWriter Version 3.20 Disk #1 into the floppy drive. For workstation installations,
you may also use the CD-Rom version of the installation in which case you will need to
insert the CD-Rom into the CD-Rom drive of the computer.
46. From the Start menu, choose Run. Next, type X:\Setup and click OK. Replace “X” with the
name of the drive. For most floppy drives, the letter will be “A”, whereas CD-Rom drives will
most often be “D”.
78 Technical Assistance

47. Follow the on-screen instructions and be sure to select the correct software application
during the installation (Workstation, or Printer).
48. Once the software installation is complete, you will be prompted to restart your computer.
Click OK.
49. After the system has rebooted, choose the network option and the application will try to
connect to the host system. It should connect to the host. If it does not, please check you
network connections and try again. This process may show a “please wait” box on the
screen for up to 15-30 minutes. Please be patient. This is the longest portion of this section
of the installation process.
50. Once the application is running, log in to the printer or workstation software using the
51. Username: MARKSMAN
52. Password: MARKSMAN
53. The software will contain all of the task information, but the configuration (heads and system
information) will be blank. You must import the data from the previous version. To do this,
choose Utilities, Import from File from the menu.
54. Choose the Config option and Click OK. In the same method as below select the MK6000
directory and select the configuration file applicable for this printer and Click OK. There
should be only one configuration file because each printer was exported separately.
55. Exit out of the software and reenter by clicking on the appropriate icon on the desktop. Use
the same security name as before to log in.
56. Again, you will need to recreate your security preferences if you have not already done so
on the host or previously upgraded printer(s) or workstation(s).
57. Finally, test the system with a couple of tasks normally ran on this system and make sure
that they print correctly.
58. This printer may be put back online and print while the rest of the printers and workstations
are upgraded.
59. Repeat steps 37-54 until all printers have been upgraded to the 3.20 software.
60. This is the completion of the Installation Instructions. Refer to your user’s manual for
information on how to use your BoxWriter software.
Technical Assistance 79

Testing the Touch Screen

1. Exit any programs that are running.
2. Go to Windows task bar and click on START
3. Click on Shut Down.
4. Click on Restart in MS-DOS mode.
5. After the screen returns to the C:\Windows prompt, type “CD..” then hit ENTER.
6. After the screen returns to the C:\ prompt type “CD ITI_DR˜1\TOUCHS˜1” and then hit
7. After the screen returns to the C:\iti_dr~1\touchs~1\ prompt type “TBDIAG 2” and then
hit the ENTER. (There is a space character between tbdiag and 2.
8. Select the AHL/AR 5000 and Digitouch controllers and hit ENTER.
9. After the blue and red screen returns, touch the screen with fingertip.
10. If a series of numbers and musical notes appear after your touch, the screen is working
11. If this does not happen, it could be one of the following problems:
• The Touch screen might be using COM 1. Try the TBDIAG program again without the 2
by typing simply typing “TBDIAG ”.
• Connections to and from the touch screen could be bad.
• Touch screen controller board could be bad.
• Touch screen itself could be bad.
• Touch screen controller board jumpers could be set wrong.
• CPU board could be bad.
80 Technical Assistance

Troubleshooting Printheads

Priming and Purging

In order to keep printheads attached to the Marksman printer running in optimum operating
order, it is necessary to prime the printhead at least once per shift. It may also be necessary to
prime the head if the head print quality becomes poor throughout the course of the shift or after
a significant shock to the head. Sometimes, if the print quality remains poor after priming, it
becomes necessary to purge the printhead. Follow the second set of instructions for purging.
Priming the Printhead
1. Wait until heads reach operating temperature. (Low Temp Errors will no longer be
2. Fold two or three lent-free cloths over and place them beneath the orifices of the
printhead. Use only FoxJet approved lint-free cloths! These cloths are extremely soft
and lint free unlike other cloths or tissues which could damage the printhead.
3. Press and release the purge bulb on the back of the reservoir case.
4. Wipe the ink off the faceplate with an upward motion if the head is angled and
horizontally if the head is vertically (90°) mounted.
5. Repeat steps 2-4 until you get an even flow of ink from all of the orifices on the
Purging the Printhead
1. Wait until heads reach operating temperature. (Low Temp Errors will no longer be
2. Fold two or three lent-free cloths over and place them beneath the orifices of the
printhead. Use only FoxJet approved lint-free cloths! These cloths are extremely soft
and lint free unlike other cloths or tissues which could damage the printhead.
3. Remove the inkbottle and screw the reservoir shipping cap into the reservoir. Make sure
that the orange rubber O-ring remains in the reservoir.
4. Press the external purge bulb on the vent cap hole on top of the reservoir.
5. Squeeze the external purge bulb until ink flows from the faceplate. Remove the purge
bulb from the vent cap hole before you take your thumb off it in order to prevent ink
being sucked back through the orifices.
6. Wipe the ink off the faceplate with an upward motion if the head is angled and
horizontally if the head is vertically (90°) mounted.
7. Repeat steps 2-6 until you get an even flow of ink from all of the orifices on the
Technical Assistance 81

Correcting poor print quality

In many situations, poor print quality results not from the printhead, but from configuration
issues on the controller. The following examples will give you an idea of common print
problems as well as solutions to fix them.

Problem: Message upside-down, backwards, and slanted

Solution: Change invert head setting.

Problem: Message slanted and backwards

Solution: Change direction setting.

Problem: Channels missing.

Solution: Prime printhead using FoxJet approved lint-free wipes.

Problem: Using a UJII 352/32 or any other 90° angled head, the message prints backwards
and checkered.
Solution: Change direction setting.
82 Technical Assistance

Problem: Channels missing.

Solution: Prime printhead with FoxJet approved lint-free cloths.

Problem: Message upside-down.

Solution: Change invert print settings.

Problem: Message fuzzy.

Solution: Printhead is too far away from printing surface.

Problem: Message slanted.

Solution: If using an internal encoder and message slanted to left (shown above), slow
conveyor down or increase internal encoder speed. If message slanted to the right (shown
below), speed conveyor up or decrease internal encoder speed.
Technical Assistance 83

Problem: Message slanted

Solution: Make sure that the printhead is at the correct angle. The above samples were printed
with a twenty-seven degree head at 1) 15 0 2) 340 3) 39 0

Problem: Small gaps in print with small trailing dots.

Solution: Prime printhead with FoxJet approved lint-free cloths. If problem can’t be corrected,
the printhead might have lint or debris lodged in an orifice. Send the printhead to FoxJet for

Problem: Using a UJII 352/32 or any other 90° angled head, the message appears checkered
when using internal encoder.
Solution: Change conveyor speed or internal encoder speed.

Problem: Text is not on Box

Solution: If this problem occurs with all tasks, measure the distance between the printheads
and photocell again. A delay of 100 is equal to one inch. If this problem only occurs with a
certain message, measure the distance the message should be moved.

Problem: System is not printing the correct information

Solution: Start the task again by selecting Operate then clicking Start. If the print information is
still incorrect, edit and review the task. Then, exit the task editor and restart the task.
84 Technical Assistance

System starts but does not Print

High Voltage Error Displayed on the display panel for one or more heads
Turn the printer off immediately! High voltage errors can damage the printer. While the
power is off, make sure all the cables are connected to the correct ports. Next, turn the
power back on and see if the error is still on the display panel. If the error message is no
longer there, the printer is fine. If the error is still displayed, turn off the power and
disconnect the head indicated on the display panel. Next, turn the power on and see if the
error is still displayed. If not, then the head needs to be repaired. If the error is still there,
then the printer needs to be repaired. Contact your FoxJet distributor to have the system
Low Temp Error is displayed on the display panel
When a printer is turned on, the printheads are cold. The low temperature indicator will
remain lit until they reach operating temperature. Each head has its own particular warm-up
period. If the heads do not heat up in approximately 15 minutes, at room temperature, turn
the printer off and check all the cables. After confirming the cables are connected, turn the
power back on and see if the heads warm-up. If they don’t, the thermal fuse may be blown.
Contact your FoxJet distributor for a replacement fuse.
Low Ink Error is displayed on the display panel
Check the inkbottle and replace if necessary (do not squeeze the bottle). The inside of the
bottle gets coated with ink and can look full even when empty. If the bottle is empty, turn it
counter clockwise to remove it. Make sure the orange gasket remains in the reservoir. (The
gasket will become coated with ink and can be difficult to see.)
Encoder Speed is shown as 0 ft/min in a yellow box on the display panel
If your using an external encoder, make sure the cable is plugged into the correct DB9
connector. If the cables are connected and the box is still yellow, the encoder needs to be
repaired. If you are using the internal encoder, make sure you have it selected.
The Count does not increment as the box passes by the photocell
Make sure the photocell cable is plugged into the printhead. If it is, make sure the photocell
is at the correct distance. Also, check that a task is imaging, information appears in the
preview mode, the encoder box shows a valid speed, and that no errors appear on the
display panel.
Technical Assistance 85

Preventative Maintenance

Proper Shutdown Procedures

Overnight and 1-3 days
Idle the system through the software to avoid any misprinting. It’s ok to leave the system
powered up during this time.
Use the priming and purging procedure after this period of inactivity to remove any
dust/debris that might have collected on the printhead faceplate.
Periods of more than 3 days
1. Exit the software.
2. Power the system down.
3. Close the reservoir vent cap.
4. Replace the protective faceplate or the printhead shipping clip.

Upon restarting the system:

1. Remove protective faceplate or shipping clip.

2. Open reservoir vent cap.
3. Power system up.
4. Use one of the priming procedures to remove any air or debris that might have entered
the printhead or faceplate.

There is a danger of the ink being “cooked” and breaking down if left in a printhead
with the power turned on for extended periods of time. When the ink breaks down, it
can clog up the printhead filter area causing the ink flow to be restricted.
86 Technical Assistance

Periodic Maintenance
Daily - 8 hours
1. Dust touch screen and keyboard with lint free cloth.
2. Make sure the cabinet fan(s) are working.
3. Inspect printhead assemblies for leaks and wipe with lint free cloth as necessary.

Do not wipe the printhead faceplate!

4. Inspect for broken or worn electrical connections.

5. If missing channels occur in printed message, purge printhead.
6. Inspect guide box rails and printhead bracket for wear.
3 Weeks - 120 hours
1. Wipe printhead cases and ink reservoir covers with lint free cloth.
2. Clean printer cabinet with cloth to remove dust.
3. Have qualified person open printer cabinet and inspect for dust. If necessary, blow out
dust with low-pressure air that is moisture and oil free.
4. Inspect the fan filter and replace if necessary. See below for procedure.
5. Make sure the fan turns freely.
3 Months - 500 hours
1. Wipe printhead cases and ink reservoir covers with lint free cloth.

Do not wipe the printhead faceplate!

2. Clean printer cabinet with cloth to remove dust.

3. Have qualified person open printer cabinet and inspect for dust. If necessary, blow out
dust with low-pressure air that is moisture and oil free.
4. Replace fan filter and inspect for bearing wear. Replace if necessary. To replace fan
filter, simply remove the louver plates on the outside side panels of the marksman. The
filter is located under this plate. The fan filter can be cleaned the low-pressure air. For
thorough cleaning, clean with soap and water and allow drying before reinstalling in the
5. With the printer off, make sure tie wraps securely hold all cables. Replace any missing
tie wraps or damaged cables.

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