Austraclear Swift Messaging v1 543 Deliver Against Payment

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Usage Guideline

ASX - AU - Austraclear SWIFT Messaging -

V1 - 543_Deliver Against Payment
ASX - AU - Austraclear SWIFT Messaging -

This document describes a usage guideline restricting the base message MT543 (SR 2022)
.You can also consult this information online.

Published by ASX and generated by MyStandards.

17 October 2022
Table of Content 2

Message Functionality 3

About this document 4

Usage Guideline 5

Legal Notices 16

ASX - AU - Austraclear SWIFT Messaging - V1 - 543_Deliver Against Payment page 2

Message Functionality

Collection Description
ASX - AU - Austraclear SWIFT Messaging - 2022_migrated (link)

Usage Guideline Description

ASX - AU - Austraclear SWIFT Messaging - V1 - 543_Deliver Against Payment (link)

The ASX - AU - Austraclear SWIFT Messaging - V1 - 543_Deliver Against Payment message
is composed of 6 building blocks
a - General Information (A)
b - Trade Details (B)
c - Financial Instrument/Account (C)
d - Two Leg Transaction Details (D)
e - Settlement Details (E)
f - Network Validated Rules

ASX - AU - Austraclear SWIFT Messaging - V1 - 543_Deliver Against Payment page 3

About this document


Abbreviation Term Description

X Excluded An optional field or element must not be populated.
I Ignored A field or element could be populated but is ignored by the
[x..y] Multiplicity A field or element multiplicity has changed.
FV Fixed Value A field or element must contain a given value.
T/C Type / Code A user-defined datatype replaces an existing simple
Change datatype.
A Element Added A field or element has been added.

Header Description
LvL Element nesting in tree hierarchy
Name Element name
Mult Element multiplicity
Type / Code Element formatting
Rest Restriction type
Additional details Other restriction specifics

Type/Code Notation Describes the Element Examples

text{m,M} minimum (m) and maximum (M) text{1,35}
text{L} maximum (L) length, minimum test{10}
length is 0
m <= decimal <= M minimum (m) and maximum (M) 0.01 <= decimal <= 9999.99
fd = F, td = T maximum fractional (F) and total fd = 2, td = 11
(T) number of digits
<<regular expression>> regular expression pattern [A-Z]{6,6}([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1}

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Lvl Name Mult Type / Code Restr Additional details
0 543 Deliver Against Payment (SR2022)
1 General Information (A) [1..1] GENL
2 16R Start of Block [1..1] GENL Comment:
2 20C Reference [1..1] :4!c//16x Comment:
Transaction reference included by the sending participant.
Must be unique within 14 days across all message types.
3 Sender's Message Reference [SEME] [1..1] :4!c//16x
4 20C :4!c//16x
5 Qualifier [1..1] 4!c
5 Reference [1..1] 16x
2 23G Function of the Message [1..1] 4!c[/4!c] Comment:
23G: PREA (Hold Indicator)
3 23G 4!c[/4!c]
4 Function [1..1] 4!c
5 Cancellation Request CANC Comment:
5 New NEWM Comment:
5 Preadvice PREA Comment:
23G: PREA (Hold Indicator)
2 98a Date/Time [0..1] I
2 99a Number Count [0..*] I
2 Linkages (A1) [0..*] LINK
3 16R Start of Block [1..1] LINK Comment:
3 22F Indicator [0..1] :4!c/[8c]/4!c I
3 13a Number Identification [0..1] I
3 20a Reference [1..1] Comment:
Use of the 20C Tag is mandatory if this subsequence is present.

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Lvl Name Mult Type / Code Restr Additional details
4 Pool Reference [POOL] [1..1] :4!c//16x Comment:
The LINK block is a repeating block, to defer a trade send in

5 20C :4!c//16x
6 Qualifier [1..1] 4!c
6 Reference [1..1] 16x
4 Preadvice Message Reference [PREA] [1..1] :4!c//16x Comment:
:20C: PREA//16x
If the message type is NEWM the PREA qualifier can be used for
reference to the trade to be released.
5 20C :4!c//16x
6 Qualifier [1..1] 4!c
6 Reference [1..1] 16x
4 Previous Message Reference [PREV] [1..1] :4!c//16x Comment:
If the message type is CANC, the PREV qualifier must be included
to identify the transaction to be cancelled and must include the
Sender’s Reference from Tag20C:SEME// contained in the original
If the message type is unwind, the PREV qualifier to be included
which is the transaction reference number from the original
5 20C :4!c//16x
6 Qualifier [1..1] 4!c
6 Reference [1..1] 16x
4 Related Message Reference [RELA] [1..1] :4!c//16x Comment:
If the message type is NEWM or PREA the RELA qualifier can be
used to
include comments equivalent to the Comments field in a
terminal entered trade screen.
5 20C :4!c//16x
6 Qualifier [1..1] 4!c
6 Reference [1..1] 16x

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Lvl Name Mult Type / Code Restr Additional details
4 Corporate Action Reference [CORP] [1..1] :4!c//16x
5 20C :4!c//16x
6 Qualifier [1..1] 4!c
6 Reference [1..1] 16x
3 36a Quantity of Financial Instrument [0..1] I
3 16S End of Block [1..1] LINK Comment:
2 16S End of Block [1..1] GENL Comment:
1 Trade Details (B) [1..1] TRADDET
2 16R Start of Block [1..1] TRADDET Comment:
2 94a Place [0..*] I
2 98a Date/Time [1..*] Comment:
ASX will only accept option A with either the SETT or TRAD codes.
3 Settlement Date/Time [SETT] [1..1] Comment:
SETT (Settle Date) is mandatory.

From November 2020, for Repo unwind message this can be in

future date after 1st leg is settled.

For Outright and Repo unwind message this date can be in the
future (Subject to regulatory approval)
4 98A :4!c//YYYYMMDD
5 Qualifier [1..1] 4!c
5 Date [1..1] YYYYMMDD
3 Trade Date/Time [TRAD] [0..1] Comment:
TRAD (Trade Date) is mandatory and not matching from November
4 98A :4!c//YYYYMMDD
5 Qualifier [1..1] 4!c
5 Date [1..1] YYYYMMDD

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Lvl Name Mult Type / Code Restr Additional details
2 90a Price [0..1] Comment:
This is an optional non-matching field.
ASX will accept either option A or B but will only process the Tag if
Yield information is included with option A, ie:
Other codes will be accepted but will be ignored.
The Deal Price will be derived in the system from the Consideration
and any Deal Price figures included in this Tag will be ignored.
If Yield information is not included in this Tag, the Yield will be
entered as zero in the system.
3 Deal Price [DEAL] [0..1]
4 90A :4!c//4!c/[N]15d
5 Qualifier [1..1] 4!c
5 Percentage Type Code [1..1] 4!c
6 Discount DISC
6 Percentage PRCT
6 Premium PREM
6 Yield YIEL
5 Sign [0..1] N
5 Price [1..1] 15d
4 90B :4!c//4!c/3!a15d
5 Qualifier [1..1] 4!c
5 Amount Type Code [1..1] 4!c
6 Actual Amount ACTU
6 Discount DISC
6 Negative Actual Amount NEGA
6 Premium PREM
5 Currency Code [1..1] 3!a
5 Price [1..1] 15d
2 99A Number Count [0..1] :4!c//[N]3!n I
2 35B Identification of the Financial Instrument [1..1] [ISIN1!e12!c][4*35x Comment:
] :35B:ISIN AU0000XQLQC8
3 35B [ISIN1!e12!c][4*35x
4 Identification of Security [0..1] ISIN1!e12!c
4 Description of Security [0..1] 4*35x
5 Line [1..4] 35x

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Lvl Name Mult Type / Code Restr Additional details
2 Financial Instrument Attributes (B1) [0..1] FIA I
2 22F Indicator [0..*] I
2 11A Currency [0..1] :4!c//3!a I
2 25D Status Code [0..*] I
2 70E Narrative [0..*] I
2 16S End of Block [1..1] TRADDET Comment:
1 Financial Instrument/Account (C) [1..1] FIAC
2 16R Start of Block [1..1] FIAC Comment:
2 36a Quantity of Financial Instrument [1..*] Comment:
:36B::SETT//FAMT/6500000,00 or
The ASX will accept both FAMT and UNIT
3 Quantity of Financial Instrument to be [1..*]
Settled [SETT]
4 36B :4!c//4!c/15d
5 Qualifier [1..1] 4!c
5 Quantity Type Code [1..1] 4!c
6 Face Amount FAMT
6 Unit Number UNIT
5 Quantity [1..1] 15d
4 36D :4!c//4!c/30d
5 Qualifier [1..1] 4!c
5 Quantity Type Code [1..1] 4!c
6 Digital Token Unit Number DITU
5 Quantity of Digital Tokens [1..1] 30d
2 70D Narrative [0..1] :4!c//6*35x I
2 13B Number Identification [0..*] :4!c/[8c]/30x I
2 95a Party [0..*] I
2 97a Account [1..*] Comment:
If Option A is included with a valid ACLR mnemonic that has
relevant relationships in place, the transaction will be entered for
that mnemonic.
All other usage will result in the transaction being entered for the
default ACLR Branch attached to the BIC.

ASX - AU - Austraclear SWIFT Messaging - V1 - 543_Deliver Against Payment page 9

Lvl Name Mult Type / Code Restr Additional details
3 Blockchain Address or Wallet [BCAW] [1..1] :4!c/[8c]/140x
4 97D :4!c/[8c]/140x
5 Qualifier [1..1] 4!c
5 Data Source Scheme [0..1] 8c
5 Identification of Blockchain or Wallet [1..1] 140x
3 Safekeeping Account [SAFE] [1..1]
4 97A :4!c//35x
5 Qualifier [1..1] 4!c
5 Account Number [1..1] 35x
4 97B :4!c/[8c]/4!c/35x
5 Qualifier [1..1] 4!c
5 Data Source Scheme [0..1] 8c
5 Account Type Code [1..1] 4!c
5 Account Number [1..1] 35x
2 94a Place [0..*] I
2 Quantity Breakdown (C1) [0..*] BREAK I
2 16S End of Block [1..1] FIAC Comment:
1 Two Leg Transaction Details (D) [0..1] REPO
2 16R Start of Block [1..1] REPO Comment:
2 98a Date/Time [0..*] [1..1] Comment:
This field will denote type of REPO.
ASX will accept option A
Eg. TERM//YYYYMMDD (fixed date REPO)
Or option B
Eg. TERM//OPEN (at call REPO)
Or option C
In the case of option C, the Time will be ignored.
3 Closing Date/Time [TERM] [0..1] Comment:
For the instruct of the unwind, if the term date is different than the
original message then the trade will be updated with the new Term
4 98A :4!c//YYYYMMDD
5 Qualifier [1..1] 4!c
5 Date [1..1] YYYYMMDD
4 98B :4!c/[8c]/4!c

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Lvl Name Mult Type / Code Restr Additional details
5 Qualifier [1..1] 4!c
5 Data Source Scheme [0..1] 8c
5 Date Code [1..1] 4!c
6 Open-Dated OPEN
4 98C :4!c//YYYYMMDDH
5 Qualifier [1..1] 4!c
5 Date [1..1] YYYYMMDD
5 Time [1..1] HHMMSS
2 22F Indicator [0..*] I
2 20C Reference [0..*] Comment:
ASX will ignore any value in 20C:SECO
3 Second Leg Reference [SECO] [0..1] :4!c//16x
4 20C :4!c//16x
5 Qualifier [1..1] 4!c
5 Reference [1..1] 16x
2 92a Rate [0..*] [1..1] Comment:
This field will denote REPO rate:
ASX will accept option A in the form:
Rate must be > = -100 to < = 100

If rate is supplied in 2nd leg instruction then 2nd leg trade rate will
be updated.

Rate will mandatory from 28 June 2021

3 Repurchase Rate [REPO] [0..1] :4!c//[N]15d
4 92A :4!c//[N]15d
5 Qualifier [1..1] 4!c
5 Sign [0..1] N
5 Rate [1..1] 15d
2 99B Number Count [0..*] I
2 19A Amount [0..*]

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Lvl Name Mult Type / Code Restr Additional details
3 Termination Transaction Amount [TRTE] [0..1] :4!c//[N]3!a15d Comment:
This tag contains the trade type indicator.
The below codes will be accepted:
SETR//TRAD for an outright trade
SETR//REPU for a Repo
:22F::SETR//RVPO for reverse Repo
4 19A :4!c//[N]3!a15d
5 Qualifier [1..1] 4!c
5 Sign [0..1] N
5 Currency Code [1..1] 3!a
5 Amount [1..1] 15d
3 Accrued Interest Amount [ACRU] [0..1] :4!c//[N]3!a15d I
2 70C Narrative [0..1] :4!c//4*35x Comment:
3 Second Leg Narrative [SECO] [0..1] :4!c//4*35x
4 70C :4!c//4*35x
5 Qualifier [1..1] 4!c
5 Narrative [1..1] 4*35x
6 Line [1..4] 35x
2 16S End of Block [1..1] REPO Comment:
1 Settlement Details (E) [1..1] SETDET
2 16R Start of Block [1..1] SETDET Comment:
2 22F Indicator [1..*] Comment:
This tag contains the trade type indicator.
The below codes will be accepted:

SETR//TRAD for an outright trade

SETR//REPU for a Repo
:22F::SETR//RVPO for reverse Repo
3 Type of Settlement Transaction Indicator [1..1] :4!c/[8c]/4!c
4 22F :4!c/[8c]/4!c
5 Qualifier [1..1] 4!c
5 Data Source Scheme [0..1] 8c

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Lvl Name Mult Type / Code Restr Additional details
5 Indicator [1..1] 4!c
6 Buy In BYIY
6 Traded Interest Changed INTT
6 Repo REPU Comment:
SETR//REPU for a Repo
6 Reverse Repo RVPO Comment:
:22F::SETR//RVPO for reverse Repo
6 Trade TRAD Comment:
SETR//TRAD for an outright trade
2 Settlement Parties (E1) [1..*] SETPRTY
3 16R Start of Block [1..1] SETPRTY Comment:
3 95a Party [1..*] Comment:
ASX will only accept option R. All others will be rejected.
Austraclear (ACLR) is always the data source in second sub-field.
Note that the inclusion of “ACLR” is a change from current usage
and will result in a rejection if not adhered to.
4 Place of Settlement [PSET] [1..1] Comment:
Under the new protocols introduced by Swift if tag 95R is present
with REAG, then 95P is to be populated with place of settlement
5 95C :4!c//2!a
6 Qualifier [1..1] 4!c
6 Country Code [1..1] 2!a
5 95P :4!c//4!a2!a2!c[3!c]
6 Qualifier [1..1] 4!c
6 Identifier Code [1..1] 4!a2!a2!c[3!c]
5 95Q :4!c//4*35x
6 Qualifier [1..1] 4!c
6 Name and Address [1..1] 4*35x
7 Line [1..4] 35x
4 Receiving Agent [REAG] [1..1]
5 95P :4!c//4!a2!a2!c[3!c]
6 Qualifier [1..1] 4!c
6 Identifier Code [1..1] 4!a2!a2!c[3!c]
5 95Q :4!c//4*35x

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Lvl Name Mult Type / Code Restr Additional details
6 Qualifier [1..1] 4!c
6 Name and Address [1..1] 4*35x
7 Line [1..4] 35x
5 95R :4!c/8c/34x
6 Qualifier [1..1] 4!c
6 Data Source Scheme [1..1] 8c
6 Proprietary Code [1..1] 34x
3 97a Account [0..1] I
3 98a Date/Time [0..1] I
3 20C Reference [0..1] :4!c//16x I
3 70a Narrative [0..*] I
3 16S End of Block [1..1] SETPRTY Comment:
2 Cash Parties (E2) [0..*] CSHPRTY
3 16R Start of Block [1..1] CSHPRTY Comment:
3 95a Party [1..*] I
3 97a Account [0..*] I Comment:
Will default to the Trading Cash Account attached to the Sub-
3 70a Narrative [0..*] I
3 16S End of Block [1..1] CSHPRTY Comment:
2 Amounts (E3) [1..*] AMT
3 16R Start of Block [1..1] AMT Comment:
3 17B Flag [0..*] I
3 19A Amount [1..*] Comment:
Accepted for unwind consideration :SETT//AUD5653950,00
4 Settlement Amount [SETT] [1..1] :4!c//[N]3!a15d
5 19A :4!c//[N]3!a15d
6 Qualifier [1..1] 4!c
6 Sign [0..1] N
6 Currency Code [1..1] 3!a
6 Amount [1..1] 15d
4 Research Fee [RSCH] [1..1] :4!c//[N]3!a15d

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Lvl Name Mult Type / Code Restr Additional details
5 19A :4!c//[N]3!a15d
6 Qualifier [1..1] 4!c
6 Sign [0..1] N
6 Currency Code [1..1] 3!a
6 Amount [1..1] 15d
3 98a Date/Time [0..1] I
3 92B Rate [0..1] :4!c//3!a/3!a/15d I
3 16S End of Block [1..1] AMT Comment:
2 16S End of Block [1..1] SETDET Comment:
1 Other Parties (F) [0..*] OTHRPRTY I

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Legal Notices

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This component is provided 'AS IS'. SWIFT does not give and excludes any express or
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Any and all rights, including title, ownership rights, copyright, trademark, patents, and any
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