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To say Education is important is an understatement. Nelson Mandela rightly said,
“Education is the most important weapon to change the world.” Education plays
an important role in the development of an individual and making him a
knowledgeable citizen. It is the education that makes an individual self-reliant,
helps to suppress the social evils and contribute towards the development of the
society and nation as a whole.

Education helps in unravelling the mystery of nature. It enables us to understand

and improve the working of our society. It creates conditions for a better life.
Education brings out the capabilities to fight injustice happening in society.
Every individual has the right to education.

Education is a significant tool that provides knowledge, skill, technique,

information and enables people to know their rights and duties towards their
family, society and the nation. You can expand your vision and outlook to see
the world around us. It changes our perception of life. Education builds up the
ability to explore new things to enhance your creativity. Your creativity is a tool
to develop the nation.

People still don't realise what role education and being educated plays in our
lives and society. So, before making people aware of education and working for
their access, it is very important to understand the need and importance of
education. Education includes traditional learning methods that include theories
and modern methods that include practical implementation of the subjects.
In schools, education is categorised into four stages, and each stage is important
for each student:
 Preschool
 Primary
 Secondary
 Senior secondary

Education can be classified into Various Forms:

Formal education: teaches us the academic part of any course or class, skills,
or theory.
Non Formal education: We learn from our community, culture, nation-based
programs, and the society that we live in
Informal education: We learn from our life lessons, experiences, other people,
their experiences, nature, surroundings, etc.
Adolescents have to face various difficult situations and education should be so
organised so as to enable them to face all the problems of life. Parents, teachers
and educationists have a vital role to play in the life of adolescents. They can build
their life in a successful manner.

Emotional maturity is the tendency to deal with extreme emotions at adverse

phase of life. Emotional ups and down are commonly observed at adolescent
stage. It is a transitional period from childhood to being an independent adult;
characterized by physical, psychological, social and emotional changes. Positive
changes could only be achieved if parents maintain healthy home environment
to rear their children. Adolescents tend to recognize with groups of peers based
on common traits. Peer group has a great role to play in shaping the personality
of adolescents. Adolescents flourish and become emotionally stable when
parents understand and support, when the child is in dire need of it.

Emotional maturity means controlling your emotions rather than allowing your
emotions to control. A subject is emotionally mature when he has reasonable
control on emotions. That does not mean we should hide or repress our
emotions, though we can reduce their intensity. But means to express emotions
in a socially desirable way and guided more by intellect than by emotions

Social intelligence is the capacity to deal effectively with individual or group in

a social situation. It indicates ability to get along with superiors and
subordinates. Each individual has his own temperament; some are sympathetic,
cordial and pleasant while others are indifferent and unsympathetic. Social
intelligence shows the quality of good adjustment with other persons, situations
and environment. It is one's ability to understand and deal with persons of
different nature. Bernard stated that "social intelligence is the ability to
understand and manage men and women, boys and girls wisely in human

In the present circumstances, youth as well as children are facing difficulties in

life. These difficulties are giving rise to many psycho-somatic problems such as
anxiety, tension, frustrations and emotional upsets in day-to-day life. So, the
study of emotional life is now emerging as a descriptive science, comparable
with anatomy. Actually, emotional maturity is not only the effective
determinant of personality pattern but it also helps to control the growth of
adolescent's development.

 Zirkel (2000) concluded in his work social intelligence: the development

and maintenance of purposive behaviour that social intelligence is closely
related to one's own personality and individual behaviour. Those with
social intelligence are fully aware of themselves and understand their
environment. This enables them to control their emotions, make decisions
about their goals in life.
 Stephen (2002) conducted a study related to neuroticism and emotional
maturity among college female students and found that the individuals
who scored higher neuroticism are having a low level of emotional
 Kaur and Kalaramma (2004) conducted the study of interrelationship
between home environment, social intelligence, and socio-economic
status among male and female to assess the existing levels of inter-
relationship between home environments, social intelligence and socio-
economic status and found that socio-economic status and environment
affect social intelligence.
 Stys and Brown (2004) studied the emotional intelligence literature and
implications for correction and led to the conclusions that pure model
emphasizes cognitive abilities and relies on an objective, performance-
based measure of emotional intelligence, the mixed models assess both
cognitive ability and personality traits using self-report measures.
 Bihari and Surwade (2006) analysed in their work on the effect of
emotional maturity on teacher effectiveness that female teachers are
emotionally more mature / stable than male teachers and also emotionally
more mature / stable teachers are effective in their teaching than
emotionally immature / unstable teachers. There is no sex difference in
emotionally mature group with respect to teacher effectiveness.
 Pastey and Aminbhavi (2006) studied the impact of emotional maturity
on stress and self-confidence of adolescents and led to the conclusion that
adolescents with high emotional maturity have significantly higher stress
and self-confidence than those with lower emotional maturity. The gender
of the adolescent has not influenced their stress and self-confidence.
 Vyrost and Kyselova (2006) investigated interconnections between social
intelligence, wisdom, values, and interpersonal personality traits. The
result revealed close mutual relations between social intelligence and
wisdom related knowledge.
 Gnanadevan (2007) concluded that the social intelligence scores of the
students differed significantly with respect to caste, mother's education
and parent's income but did not differ significantly with respect to gender,
father's education, mother's occupation, or father's occupation.
 Hangal and Aminabhavi (2007) studied the self- concept, emotional
maturity, and achievement motivation of the adolescent children of
employed mothers and homemakers and found that the children of
employed mothers working at the upper, middle and lower levels of
occupations do differ significantly among themselves with regard to their
emotional maturity.
 Liff (2007) revealed in his article social and emotional intelligence
application for development education. In the present investigation the
relationship between social and emotional intelligence and success in
college student's needs and faculty capacities to address those needs, are
 Singh (2007) in his work emotional intelligence, social intelligence,
adjustment and personality differentials of adolescents with high and low
creativity found that no significant difference in social intelligence
between low creative and high creative adolescents and between high
creative boys and high creative girls.
 Randall, Christine and Collaco (2008) in their study on social
intelligence, self-esteem, and intercultural communication sensitivity
suggested that social intelligence can serve as a foundation for, and help
facilitate in the development of, ICS. Components of social intelligence,
such as having an interest and concern for others and demonstrating
empathy, can lead towards acceptance and adaptation.
 Riggio and Reichard (2008) in their work the emotional and social
intelligences of effective leadership research evidence suggested that
emotional and social skills are both related to leader effectiveness and are
able to be improved through training interventions.
 Jadhav (2009) studied the relationship between home environment and
emotional maturity of college students of Belgaum district and came to
the conclusion that there is a positive and significant relationship between
home environment and emotional maturity
 Venita Singh (2015) conducted a study on emotional maturity of
adolescents in relation to certain situational variables and found that there
was insignificant difference in emotional maturity of boys and girls as t-
ratio was insignificant.
 Singh (2015) conducted a study on emotional maturity of adolescents
with respect to urban and rural areas and found that there was significant
difference due to rural urban difference as urban adolescents are more
emotionally mature than rural ones.
 Arora, Sharma (2018) Conducted a study of Social Maturity of Secondary
School Students in relation to their Psychological Well Being and
Emotional Intelligence. The study revealed that emotional intelligence is
required to understand the nature of social world they live within. There
exists significant interaction effect between psychological well-being and
emotional intelligence on the score of social maturity.
 Monica Rawat (2022) conducted a study on the relationship between
social and emotional maturity of secondary school students and found
that social and emotional maturity are related to each other. They affect
the behaviour of the students in their sustainable development.


Emotion plays a major role in influencing our behaviour. Life would be dreary
without feelings like joy and sorrow, excitement and disappointment, love and
fear, hope and dismay. Emotion adds colour and spice to life.

Emotions are feelings such as happiness, disappointment and sorrow that

generally have both physiological and cognitive elements that influence
behaviour. The word emotion is derived from the Latin word ‘Emover’ which
means to stir up’ or to excite’. Emotion can be understood as an agitated or
excited state of our mind and body.

Emotionally mature individuals are better equipped to handle stress,

communicate effectively, manage conflicts, and maintain balance in their lives.
So, it is important for individuals to strive for emotional maturity in order to
lead fulfilling and successful lives. motional maturity can be called as a process
of impulse control through the agency of self and ego. Dosanjh, 1960,
"Emotional maturity means balanced personality. It means ability to govern
disturbing emotion, show steadiness and endurance under pressure and be
tolerant and free neurotic tendency?"

Emotional maturity can be understood in terms of ability of control which in

turn is a result of thinking and learning. Ford and Tisak (1983) defined social
intelligence in terms of behavioural outcomes and were successful in supporting
in a distinct domain of social intelligence. They defined it as "One's ability to
accomplish relevant objectives in specific settings".

As adolescents are the future pillars of nation so it is important to develop

emotional maturity and social intelligence among the adolescents. The current
study will be undertaken to study the levels of emotional maturity and social
intelligence among the adolescents. The present study is meant to find out
whether some relationships exist between social intelligence and emotional
maturity. The result will help to understand the need of social behaviour and
controlling the emotions among the adolescents


Operational definitions of major concepts provide a basis of interpretation of findings.


Emotional maturity is a state of balanced feelings and self-control. Person is

said to be emotionally mature who has in his possession almost all kinds of
emotions (positive as well as negative) and is able to express them justly,
skilfully and timely in different situations of life.


Social intelligence is the ability to understand and manage men and women,
boys and girls, to act wisely in human relations. Social intelligence is that part
of the individual's mental ability which generates in him the capacity to adapt
him to the society. This ability enables him to form relations in the society as
such relations are essential for his existence.


• To study emotional maturity of adolescents with respect to gender.

• To study emotional maturity of adolescents with respect to type of schools.

• To study social intelligence of adolescents with respect to gender.

• To study social intelligence of adolescents with respect to type of schools.

• To study the relationship between emotional maturity and social intelligence.

• There will be no significant difference in emotional maturity of adolescents
with respect to gender.

• There will be no significant difference in emotional maturity of adolescents

with respect to type of school.

• There will be no significant difference in social intelligence of adolescents

with respect to gender.

• There will be no significant difference in social intelligence of adolescents

with respect to type of schools.

• There will be no significant relationship between emotional maturity and

social intelligence of adolescents


The methodology which will be adopted for the study is as follows:


In the present study researcher will use normative survey method for collecting
the data.


In the present research, the researcher will select sample One Hundred (100
Students) of class VIII (50 males and 50 females), 25 male students were
belonging to government school and other 25 to private schools. Similarly 25
female students were taken from government school and other 25 from private


The following tests will be used for assessing emotional maturity and social
intelligence level of adolescents:

• Emotional maturity Scale (Singh and Bhargava, 1990)

• Social intelligence Scale (Chand and Ganesan, 1971)


The data will be analysed by statistical methods like:

• Mean

• Standard Deviation

• Product moment correlation

• T-test


• The study will be delimited to the students of VIII grade of both government
and private schools.

• The study will be delimited to the students of Faridabad district only.

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 Sharma, N. (2000). A Comparative Study of Emotional Maturity of
Children of Working and Non-Working Mothers.M.Ed.
Dissertation.Deptt.Of Education, P.U. Chandigarh.
 Meena, S. 'Holistic development of adolescents for social intelligence,
emotional maturity and spiritual personality for nation building'.
International Journal of Basic, Applied and Innovative Research, 4(1),
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