Rajeev Gandhi Centre Kerala Flood 2018 The Disaster of The Century

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November 2018

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century

Printed & Published by:

Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Development Studies (RGIDS)

Neyyar Dam PO
Kerala – 695 572
Email: [email protected]

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century

Executive summary 1-4
1. Introduction 5-6
2. Geographical features of the State 6-7
3. What Kerala experienced during the flood 2018 7-8
4. Map of affected areas 9 - 10
5. Rainfall and flood 10 - 14
6. Causes of floods 14 - 20
6.1 Causes of landslide
7. Impact across sectors 21 - 40
7.1 Dam management and power generation
7.2 Lapses observed by the committee
7.3 Agriculture
7.4 Kuttanad wet land deserves special dispensation
7.5 Housing
7.6 Disaster management plan by local bodies
8. Observations and recommendations on environment 41 - 42
9. Forest and biodiversity: guidelines for conservation 42 - 44
10. Recommendations and cautions for rehabilitation 44 - 46
11. Lessons learnt 46 - 47
12. The road to recovery: implementation strategy 48 - 51
12.1 River basin council
12.2 Governance issues
12.3 Social audit
12.4 Grievance redresal system
12.5 Building resilience
12.6 India Meteorological Department (IMD)
13. Conclusion 51 - 52

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century


The Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Development Studies (RGIDS) is a nongovernmental research

organisation, registered under the Travancore Cochin Literary Scientific Charitable Societies
Registration Act, 1955. It has been engaged in social science research, training and policy
support to both Central and State Governments since its inception in 2005. Its strong academic
base and core competence in the areas of decentralised governance and central state relations
have been contributing significantly to the State of Kerala.

The institute has also been involved in training and capacity building of the elected
representatives of Panchayati Raj Institutions. RGIDS has conducted various research studies for
the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs, National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD), Kerala
Institute of Local Administration (KILA), Planning Board, Kerala State Higher Education
Council (KSHEC), etc. With its strong academic base and expertise in the field of centre-state
relations, decentralised governance and decision making, RGIDS fosters an innovative and
practical approach while addressing contemporary challenges facing the society.

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century


RGIDS constituted a six-member committee to evaluate and suggest remedial measures on "The
Cause and Impact of Kerala flood 2018" The committee was headed by Shri. Michael Vetha
Siromony (Rtd IAS and former Additional Chief Secretary to the Government of Kerala). The
members of the committee include Dr. Oommen V Oommen (Former Chairman, Kerala State
Biodiversity Board), Shri. John Mathai (Former Scientist, National Centre for Earth Science
Studies), Shri. Muhammed Ali Rawther.M (Former Director, Kerala State Electricity Board
Ltd), and Shri.Thomas Varghese (Former Deputy Chief Engineer, Irrigation Department,
Government of Kerala). Shri.B.S. Shiju (Director, RGIDS) was the Convener of the committee.

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century


RGIDS would like to express sincere thanks to E.Sreedharan, NK Premachandran MP,

Kodikkunnil Suresh MP, KC Venugopal MP, MI Shanavas MP, MK Ragavan MP,
Thiruvanchoor Radhakrishnan MLA, IC Balakrishnan MLA, Experts of Central Water
commission, Officials of irrigation department, Principal Chief Conservator of Forest , M S
Swaminathan Foundation officials Waynad, District Collectors of Idukki, Ernakulam and
Wayanad, P C Vishnunath Ex MLA, Dr. Sherly Philip, Panchayat Presidents of Panmaram and
Pandanad, elected representatives of various local self-government institutions and officials for
providing us with necessary inputs and there valuable suggestions which were very useful in
completing the report.

We are also thankful to former Chief Ministers Shri. AK Antony and Oommen Chandy,
We are grateful to Shri. Mullappay Ramachandran, President Kerala Pradesh Congress
Committee (KPCC).

We are grateful to Shri. Ramesh Chennithala, Leader of opposition, Kerala Legislative

Assembly & Chairman of RGIDS for extending the valuable support and guidance in completion
of the study.

Special thanks to Research associates of the study Rajesh Chandradas, Lekha P. John and
Sameera Manhappulan for their contributions in completing the report.

We sincerely express our gratitude to all the flood victims who traversed through this
deluge and shared their experience to us.


RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century

ADB : Asian Development Bank
BMC : Biodiversity Management Committee
CWC : Central Water Commission
CEA : Central Electrical Authority
CEZ : Coastal Regulation Zone
CEC : Central Electricity Authority
CWC : Central Water Commission
DMA : Disaster Management Authority
DMP : Disaster Management Plan
EAP : Emergency Action Plan
EAC : Emergency Action Plan
IMD : Indian Meteorological Department
KSEBL : Kerala State Electricity Board Limited
KSHEC : Kerala State Higher Education Council
LSF : Local self-governments
MNREGA : Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee
NDMA : National Disaster Management Authority
NIRD : National Institute of Rural Development
PMU : Project Management Unit
PQLI : Physical Quality of Life Index
RBC : River Basin Council
SEIAA : State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority
SPV : Special purpose vehicle
UN : United Nations

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century

Executive Summary
Kerala experienced a disaster of gigantic proportions with the flood of August 2018.
Weathermen have said it is the biggest to have hit the State. The disaster that struck in the
middle of August changed the ecosystem, both on land and water, which adversely affected
the bio resources (bio-diversity), livelihood and capital wealth (Infrastructure). While 483
human lives and thousands of livestock were lost, the disaster incurred immense losses to
the State’s infrastructure, as many roads, bridges and thousands of houses were damaged
/washed away. Large quantities of agricultural produce were lost putting the livelihood of
farmers at risk. The flood has opened the vision on what the future development is to be? The
present development plan, with scant regard to the fragility of the environment, needs
restructuring to withstand the frequent onslaught of disasters, especially in the light of climate
change. The flood was very unprecedented and rainfall in hilly districts were three times
more, and the State was also not prepared for such mega scale, as it has not experienced a
flood of this magnitude, except the recorded one in 1924. This flood can be called as the
‘Flood of this Century’, which hit Kerala continuously from 8th to 18th of August.

The reservoirs were already full in July end unlike other years and there was no place in the
reservoirs to accommodate any more excess rain water. Considering the safety of the dams,
the water had to be released from all the dams. The respective district administrations could
not take adequate precautionary steps as they were also deprived of any information regarding
the quantum of water release, duration and the likely places of inundation, etc. Lapses were
many as the dam water scoured the riverbeds and the low-lying areas were flooded. The Sea
was also rough with high tide and wave setup not allowing water to flow out; all this added to
the flood and related problems. The ecosystem damage is beyond an assessment. The
government after assessing the loss requested for a Central assistance of around Rs 40000
crore through a Memorandum to the Govt. of India. But actual loss incurred to the
infrastructure and livelihoods is far beyond what has been calculated and projected.

The deluge exposed the various deficiencies in the system. Flouting and violating the norms
compounded the problems. The lack of co-ordination and timely decision making by the
RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 1
responsible authorities aggravated the flood into a disaster. Apparently the authorities did not
give adequate attention with the seriousness, it deserves to, the weather forecasts by the
agencies such as IMD. Kerala experienced the best of the support from youth volunteering,
NGO’s, Political bodies, media houses, religious organisations and the fishermen who became
the real Life Savers. The administrative machinery failed in properly managing the disastrous
situation and also identifying safe places /immediate relief centers, which resulted in
confusion within the community.

The Committee observed that the flood made a huge impact across diverse sectors, especially
dam management and power generation, agriculture, housing, environment, biodiversity etc.
All the major dams in Kerala overflowed except the Aanayirankal and Thenmala dams during
the flood. It emphasised the fact that under no circumstances, the dams should be allowed to
overflow and this was a major administrative failure. Moreover, the fact that most of the
rivers experienced a drought-like situation soon after the flood, when the shutters of the dams
were closed, further confirms that the severity of the flood was several times magnified due to
dam openings. Analysing the impact of the flood across the sectors, the Committee has put
forth several suggestions and recommendations.

It recommends a strategy to rethink about the operations of the hydel power stations so as to
maximise the power generation, thereby avoiding the opening of the spillways to control the
flood situations, which needs to be developed. Further, the Committee has called for
institutionalising a proper strategy for opening of the major dams with advance information to
the concerned district authorities, local bodies and public, through all sources of media.
Kerala State Electricity Board Limited (KSEBL) and Irrigation Department is urged to see
that by the commencement of the water year, i.e., by 1st June, all the gates, spillway shutters
and hydel machines of the major stations in the State shall be made fully operational to
properly manage the reservoirs during heavy rainfall situations. An appropriate water
management system should be evolved for maximising the usage of the water storage in the
reservoirs for electricity generation/irrigation as well as other domestic purposes.

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 2

The Committee has proposed that the damage to agriculture sector needs to be assessed
scientifically. It also recommended an expert committee, to be constituted, to look into the
land-use pattern in hilly areas. Cultivation of crops on slopes, which induce heavy tilling, etc.
need to be discouraged. Alternative economic and eco-friendly crops should be recommended
panchayat wise as a long-term conservation strategy. It has suggested that high-rise buildings
should not be permitted in the steep slopes of Western Ghats, as the areas are landslide prone.
In the relatively flat areas of Western Ghats (Wayanad, Palakkad and Idukki) special attention
should be given for farming vegetables, fruits and horticulture. Kuttanad being a unique eco
system with repeated floods, water intrusion in the protected paddy fields, canals and bunds in
a state of disrepair, dwelling units on the bunds, problems of sewerage etc., the challenges
faced here are many. Hence a special purpose vehicle (SPV) for the development of Kuttanad
is recommended.

On the housing front, the Committee recommends Government to implement a new

construction policy against resorts both public and private, especially in the affected hill
districts. Government may regulate the public from constructing huge houses and other
buildings in areas of Western Ghats in general and to have strict restrictions in the
ecologically sensitive areas. Reclamation of flood plains for dwelling sites is to be curbed.

It is recommended to have a Disaster Management plan at the District and Grama Panchayat
levels, which has to be a reference document for implementation. The plan has to be
periodically revised and be made available in the public domain. The Committee suggests to
develop and integrate pre-project plans for reallocation and rehabilitation of local people
likely to be displaced by the landslides and flood, keeping in view their socio-cultural and
livelihood needs.

The Committee, after careful study and examination of the 2018 flood, is of the opinion that
such mega floods which are unprecedented need to be tackled on river basin basis as many
districts fall under each river basin. The President of all the Grama Panchayats, (who are also
chairpersons of BMC’s) falling in the river basin should be made members of the River Basin
Council (RBC). The District Panchayat President, covering the maximum area of the river
RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 3
basin, could be made the chairperson. The district collectors and all the functional line
departments’ head should also be members of the RBC. In addition, the State government can
nominate experts from the state and also from the national bodies like CWC (Central Water
Commission), CEA (Central Electricity Authority) etc. so that required expertise is made
available. International experts through UN organisations may also be invited for the RBC.
This river basin approach of disaster management will be a model plan, which will be more
scientific, holistic and sustainable. The committee further proposes that both technology and
environmental care be given priority in rebuilding a resilient Kerala. The governance issues
related to disaster, transparency, social audit and grievance redresal system should be part of
the efforts.

The committee recommends a high level body at government level to monitor water release,
reservoir management and power generation in the State. It would take many years for the
State to restore to the normalcy in terms of ecosystem, infrastructure and community. Being a
mega disaster the State has to focus on rehabilitating the affected people and rebuilding strong
infrastructure in a time bound manner. Globally demonstrated good practices, lessons learned
and with the participation of all the affected people will strengthen rebuilding process.

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 4

1. Introduction
Kerala is one of the well-developed states of India in terms of its Physical Quality of Life
Index (PQLI), governance, social equity and religious harmony. It experienced a disaster of
gigantic proportions with the flood of August 2018. Weathermen have said it is the biggest to
have hit the state in close to a century. The disaster that struck the state in the middle of
August changed the ecosystem, both on land and water, which adversely affected the bio
resources (biodiversity), livelihood and capital wealth etc. While at least 483 human lives
and thousands of livestock were lost, the disaster incurred immense losses to the state’s
infrastructure, as many roads and bridges, thousands of houses were damaged or washed
away. Large quantities of agricultural produce were lost putting the livelihood of farmers
at risk. The disaster dented tourism industry of the state. It drew the attention of world
organisations including the United Nations (UN), Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the
World Bank. The total loss is estimated around Rs 40,000 Crore. The flood and associated
events made lakhs of Keralites suffer for the next five to 10 years. It will take many years for
the state to recover from this huge setback. However, this calamity needs to be accepted as
a challenge and yet an opportunity to rebuild the state and to provide better standard of living
to all sections of its society.

As a result of the state’s varied geographical features, it often experiences the fury of some of the
natural hazards like flood, droughts, landslides, coastal erosion, lightning and earthquakes. In
periods of prolonged and heavy rainfall, it experiences flood in the low-lying areas and
landslides in the steeply sloping segments of Western Ghats. Coastal erosion is a recurring
phenomenon that is of grave concern, especially in the segments with high density of settlement.
The state is also rocked by minor tremors frequently. The incidence of lightning with casualties
in the state is one of the highest in the country. After the December 2004 earthquake, the state
was also struck by tsunami taking a toll of more than hundred lives. Further, recent cyclonic
events of Ockhi and the major floods of 2018 had their crippling effect on the state’s economy.
The flood of 2018, believed to be events with a long return period, has opened our vision on
what the future development is to be? The present development plan, with scant regard to the
RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 5
fragility of the environment, needs restructuring to withstand the frequent onslaught of disasters,
especially in the light of climate change. The greater value of the ecosystem of the Western
Ghats-the source of all the 44 rivers in the state-to the lowlands with a chain of kayals (lakes)
and backwaters with dense settlement as well as to the coastal region with its dynamic front with
the sea needs to be taken into consideration, before going ahead with any development plan. It is
also essential to work out long-term disaster management plans even at micro level for the state
to mitigate the miseries emanating from the repetitive cycle of disasters and to improve its

The main objectives of the study include:

a) The cause of August 2018 flood in Kerala;
b) Steps taken by the various authorities to meet the calamity;
c) Response mechanisms of the State in water management;
d) Response and defects of disaster management;
e) Lessons learned from the calamity; and
f) Preventive measures (both short- and long-term) for mitigation of impacts

2. Geographical Features of the State

The State of Kerala is located in the southwestern part of Indian peninsula. It has a
geographical area of 38,863 sq.km. With a population of 819 people per sq.km (Census of
India, 2011), Kerala is one of the most densely populated states in India. On the basis of the
physiography, the Resource Atlas of Kerala – 1984 shows that there are five zones from west
to east—mountains and peaks (>1800m), highland, midland, lowland and coastal plains and
lagoons. Mountains and peaks of the Western Ghats mostly from the crest of the mountain
ranges and mark the inter-state boundary. Highland, with an elevation ranging from 600 to
1800 m, has a rugged topography and occupies about 20.35 per cent of the state. Natural
forests, plantations and mixed crops dominate the land use. Most of the dams that generate
power, and some of them with interstate diversions, are located in this zone. Midland forms
an area of gently undulating topography with hillocks and mounds. It forms the western fringe
of the highland with lateralised rocky spurs with an elevation ranging from 300 m to 600 m. It

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 6

covers about 8.44 per cent of the total area of the state. Coconuts, rubber, tapioca, mixed
crops, and paddy fields along the valley dominate the land use. Lowland consists of dissected
pen plains with elevation ranging from 10 m to 300 m. Nearly 54.17 per cent of the state’s
total area is lowland and is constituted by floodplains, river terraces, valley fills, and
sedimentary formations. Coastal plains and lagoons/estuaries are identified with alluvial
plains, sandy stretches, abraded platforms, beach ridges, beach dunes, barrier flats, raised
beaches, lagoons, marshes and estuaries. This is a vast area fringing the coast, covering about
16.4 per cent of the area of the state with an elevation ranging between 0 m and 10 m. Water
bodies running either parallel or oblique to the coastline are a characteristic feature of the
Kerala coast. Many of the perennial rivers of the state debouch into these water bodies.
Vembanad Estuary (kayal), a Ramsar-listed wetland, is the largest with six major rivers
flowing into it.

3. What Kerala experienced during flood 2018

The state faced the wrath of nature in the form of flood and landslides during the monsoon of
2018. The calamity left in its wake a trail of destruction all throughout the state with several
areas submerged under water, landslides in the hills and flood in the valleys and plains. The
continuous rainfall from 8th to 18th of August was excessive and unprecedented, especially in
the hilly districts of Idukki and Wayanad which is around 290 mm, instead these areas
received around 700 mm of rainfall that acted as the trigger for the floods.

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 7

The dams in the state had more storage of water by the month of July 2018 itself. In addition
to that, excessive rain water from August also got stored in them, which was more than
required. This water was used only as a resource for power generation and the purpose of the
dams for flood control was not factored in. When the reservoirs were almost full and there
was no more scope for further manipulation of water within them, shutters of all the 34
reservoirs were opened without considering the impact, it would have created downstream
and the people on the river banks.

The district administration themselves did not had adequate information to convey to the
people in the flood-prone areas, which led to an information gap. Conveying right information
to right people at the right time was missing, which compounded the misery. The district
administration also had no idea of how much area will be inundated if the shutters of
reservoirs are opened, and also of the precipitation of such duration. The lack of flood
mapping added to the problems for the stakeholders, as they had no idea of the areas to be
inundated. This information was to be modeled and conveyed to the respective authorities for
disaster mitigation, which the district administration failed to do so. Moreover, no adequate
evacuation warning could be given to the people.

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 8

4. Map of affected areas

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 9

Source: NASA’s image before and after Kerala flood 2018

5. Rainfall and flood

According to the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), from 1st June to 22 August 2018,
the state received 2411.30 394.4 mm rain compared to the normal 1770 mm (Table 1). In
2018, the southwest monsoon reached parts of southeast Bay of Bengal, south Andaman Sea
and Nicobar Islands on 25th May. It advanced over Kerala on 29th May, three days prior the
normal date of 1st June and covered the entire southern peninsular India by 14th June.
Normally the state gets around 2039.6 mm rainfall from June to September in 120 days, but
the rainfall during southwest monsoon season 2018 (1st June to 28th August 2018) has been
exceptionally high. Kerala so far received 2411.30 mm against normal of 1770 mm (above
normal by 36 per cent). The highest excess rainfall was recorded over Idukki District (84 per
cent above normal) followed by Palakkad (66.80 per cent above normal). The rainfall over the
state during June, July and August (1-19 August) has been 15, 18 and 164 per cent above
normal, respectively. Eleven of the state’s 14 districts were severely affected and the
preliminary estimate of loss projected (not including loss of 483 lives and 55,439 ha (135,454
acres) of agricultural land) by the Government of Kerala is Rs 40000 crore.

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 10

Table 1: Rainfall and its deviation from normal (1st June to 28th August)

Sub Division/ Actual rain Normal rain Percentage/ Remarks

Districts fall in mm fall in mm Departure
Kerala 2411.3 1770.0 36.2 Excess
Lakshadweep (- ) Deficient
461.4 816.0 43.5
Alappuzha 1940.1 1418.7 36.7 Normal
Idukki 3559.4 1933.5 84.1 Large Excess
Kasargode 2349.4 2706.4 13.2 Normal
Kollam 1585.7 1094.5 44.9 Excess
Kottayam 2339.6 1602.0 46.0 Excess
Kozhikode 2941.7 2324.7 26.5 Excess
Malappuram 2652.9 1825.2 45.4 Excess
Palakkad 2293.7 1375.1 66.8 Large Excess
Pathanamthitta 1982.2 1424.6 39.1 Excess
Thiruvananthapurm 967.3 700.7 38.1 Excess
Thrissur 2079.1 1891.5 10.0 Normal
Wayanad 2906.9 2368.5 22.7 Excess

Source: Indian Meteorological Department (IMD).

The rainfall over Kerala has been in general above normal throughout the season.
Specially, there were two consecutive active spells with above normal rainfall peaking
around 14 and 20 June, respectively. Another peak rainfall activity was experienced around
20th July. Extreme rainfall observed (7 cm or more) during 8th to 19th of August is given
in Table 2.

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 11

Table 2: Rainfall observed in different stations (8-19 August 2018)

8 August 2018 10 August 2018 Perinthalamanna 15

Nilambur 15 Peermade To 16 Vellanikkara 14
Vythiri 14 Idduki 12 Angadipuram 14
Iddukki 13 Nilambur 9 Thiruvananthapuram 14
Peermade 12 Paravam 7 Myladumpara Agri. 14
Mananthavady 12 Aryankavu 7 Alwaye PWD 14
Vellanikkara 11 Manantoddy 7 Taliparamba 14
Vadakkancherry 11 11 August 2018 Kannur 14
Thodupuzha 11 Kodungallur 14
Kunnamkulam 9 Idukki 9 Trivandrum AERO 13
Irikkur 9 12 August 2018 Haripad 12
Kuppady 8 Kayamkulam AGRI 11
Chengannur 8 Nil Maveukara 11
Ambalavayal 8 13 August 2018 Kollamkode 11
Konni 8 Erankulam South 11
Ponnani 7 Munnar KSEB 11 Ottapalam 11
Mavelikkara 7 Vadakara 9 Chengannur 11
Piravom 7 Idukki 8 Chalakudi 11
Punalur 7 Manantoddy 8 Kollam Rly 11
Chalakudy 7 Kannur 7 Punalur 11
Irinjalakuda 7 Vyttri 7 Kozha 11
Palakkad 7 Vadakara 10
9 August 2018 15 August 2018
Nilambur 40
Manantoddy 31 Peermade To 27

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 12

Peermade to 25 Idukki 23
Munnar KSEB 25 Munnar KSEB 22 Thritla 10
Palakkad 21 Karipur AP. 21 Chittur 10
Myladumpara 21 Manjeri 20 Mancompu 10
Mannarkkad 17 Kozhikode 20 Alapuzha 10
Chittur 15 Irikkur 18 Tellichery 9
Ambalavayal 12 Alathur 18 Kunnamkulam 9
Idukku 10 Kochicial 17
Kuppady 9 Thodupuza 17
Konni 8 Manantody 16
Mancompu 8 Perumpavur 16 Neyyattinkara 9
Kurudamannil 7 Vadakkanchery 15 Kumarakam 9
Chengannur 7 Quilandi 15 Ambalavayal 9
Ottapalam 7 Vyttri 15 Kochi I.A.F. 9
Punalur 7 Peravam 15 Nedumangad 9
Parumbikulam 7 Parumbikulam 15 Enamakkal 9

Source: Indian Meteorological Department (IMD)

Fresh spell of active rainfall commenced since 8th August and continued till 18th August.
Thereafter, there has been gradual decrease in rainfall over the State. Heavy to extreme
rainfall occurred across the state during 14th, 15th August. The average rainfall on 15/16th
August for the entire State was at about 140 mm/day. The highest rainfall recorded during
2018 southwest monsoon over the State was at Nilambur on 8th August (398 mm) and
Peermedu (Idukki catchment area) recorded 349 mm for a single day on 15th August. It is
also clear from the data in the Table 2 that Peermedu, located in the water divide of Periyar

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 13

and Pamba river basin, has received 1615.7 mm of rain in a matter of 11 days, which is
more than half of average annual rainfall of Kerala.

The unprecedented flood after the heavy rainfall, which came along with several big and
small landslips and landslides, was a natural calamity that struck the State after a century.
However, the flood became a huge disaster taking away 483 human lives and making
thousands homeless, because of the lack of timely responsible human intervention. With
more than 80 small and big dams, Kerala should not have had a flood as compared of the
one in 1924, and it is paradoxical that state still experienced such a huge calamity.

The elevated tidal level corresponding to the new moon phase during Karkidakavavu along
with the wave setup caused the stagnation of flood waters in the kayals and backwaters,
more so in the Vembanad estuarine system. This has led to the accumulation of
floodwaters reaching to greater heights resulting in the flooding of adjacent lowlands.

6. Causes of floods
Dr. E. Sreedharan, well-known technocrat (also known as Metro Man), opined the lack of
inadequate data with dam authorities, co-relating the rain fall precipitation at various points
of the catchments and rate of rising of water in the reservoir with the time lag between
precipitation and rising of water level. Red alerts were therefore not taken seriously. Heavy
silting of reservoirs resulted in significant decrease in the storage capacities. Formation of
artificial islands in the river beds in the absence of a healthy and controlled sand-mining
policy resulted in thick jungle growth with huge trees in these islands, which led to severe
blockage to the river cross section (This was particularly so in Bharathapuzha River, which
resulted in river overflowing its banks). The cause of deluge that struck was as a result of
human omissions and commissions.

All the dams in the state were opened simultaneously, which was a major contributing
factor for the flood. Over the last 20 to 30 years, the land-use pattern in the state had
completely changed due to the reduction in forestland. Encroachments of land and

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 14

unscientific constructions in the catchment areas of dams and high ranges increased the
volume of damage. For example, back in 2005, the Government College in Idukki was
destroyed in a landslide and the same was reconstructed again without conducting any
environmental impact study. The landslide and similar activities (mass wasting) in the
upper catchment areas, silt deposition and soil erosion have reduced the effective storage
capacity (Maximum Draw down Level) of the dams.

Circular failures were noted in almost all the catchment areas. A research Study by IIT,
Gandhinagar, has concluded that the flood in Kerala is a combined impact of extreme
rainfall and reservoir storage and that reservoir operations need to be improved using
skillful forecast of extreme rainfall.

6.1 Causes of landslide

Landslides are normally triggered by heavy rains, earthquakes, or rise in ground water and
undercutting by rivers. In Kerala, landslides commonly occur in localised areas of the
Western Ghats region, where the slope is steep and the soil is over saturated as a result of
prolonged rainfall. These events vary from those affecting a parcel of land to the larger
ones with much causality.

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 15

The State experienced unprecedented landslides in the year 2018, most of which occurred
in the districts of Idukki and Wayanad.

While Idukki experienced a total of 143 landslides, Wayanad was hit with almost 247
landslides, out of which 200 can be classified into road slips. Even though these road slips
do not affect the catchment areas in Wayanad, these cannot not to be taken lightly, as they
happen mainly due to lack of scientific designs in construction of roads.

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 16

The overall terrain setting in the highland of Kerala brings out two prominent plateau like
landform commonly known as plantation surfaces. Peerumedu plateau, Wayanad region
that merges with Mysore plateau, Attappady and Nelliampathy are nearly flat lands at
about 600-800 m elevation. Similarly a near level landform is seen around Munnar where
the valleys are at about 1500 m elevation and the hills reaching to more than 2000m. These
flat lands are flanked by steep to very steep slopes where the incidences of landslides are
highest. Uncontrolled land use practices with cutting and leveling, drainage manipulation
and promoting agriculture practices with frequent tilling in these slopes are some of the
activities that have contributed to an increase in slope failures and landslides recently.
These sloping regions are also the source points of many rivulets that feed majority of the
rivers in Kerala ensuring greater water availability.

A common form of destabilising the steep slopes is by the toe disturbances. Indiscriminate
construction of hilly roads and construction of houses by cutting and leveling the slopes
are rampant in the highlands of the state. Soil piping or subsurface erosion leading to land
subsidence is another active process during monsoons and in most of the places it is
triggered by human activities. The two major causes for recent landslides are given below:

a) Nature of soil: The soil in the highland region like Idukki and Wayanad is slightly
reddish, silty and the cohesive strength is less. Hence, when the soil is saturated, it
has a tendency to swell. By making an artificial cutting of more than 2 to 3 meters,
road structures come down, thereby inducing a possible landslide. This is what is
happening frequently in ‘Wayanad Churam’. This kind of landscaping for any
purpose such as agriculture or construction, depending on the nature of the soil,
must be regulated.

b) Oversaturation of soil: Unscrupulous terracing and cultivation practices that

promote infiltration, water retention that led to the excess entry of water into the
subsoil, are also one of the reasons behind the landslides.

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 17

The sudden flooding in the hilly areas moved downwards, due to the peculiar nature of the
Kerala terrain, to the midland. In addition to the heavy rains in the mid land, the entire low
lying and mid land area got inundated, thus causing heavy damages like severe erosion,
landslides, water logging, etc. It affected the life and properties of people residing in these
densely populated areas in the state. The poor management of water in the reservoirs, dams
and other water-retaining structures belonging to the Power and Water Resource
Departments worsened the situation of flooding. Due to new moon on 12th of August, the
sea was very rough and during this time the roaring waves deposited and took away the
sand and mud in the coastal areas, resulting in the pozhi’s getting closed with sand bar and
water could not be discharged into the sea. The lack of coordination between the officers in
timely communicating the alarming situation to the people residing in the flood-prone
areas also increased the vulnerability of the situation. It is also to be noted in this aspect
that in certain districts, the district administration was not aware of the openings of
spillway shutters of dams resulting in huge damages, whereas in some other districts, the
shutters of dams were kept opened well in advance (Neyyar, Peppara and Themmala) and
with no adverse impact.

The severely flood-affected areas can be classified into three regions:

a) Region 1 (Wayanad, Malappuram and Kozhikode Districts)

b) Region 2 (Palakkad, Thrissur, Ernakulam, Kottayam and Idukki Districts)

c) Region 3 (Pathanamthitta and Alapuzha Districts (Chengunnur and Kuttanad areas).

In the Region 1, two major dams, Karappuzha and Kuttiyadi, and canal system of Banasura
Sagar Dam comes under the control of Irrigation Department whereas the other three dams
come under Kerala State Electricity Board Limited. Of these, the canal system of
Karapuzha Dam reservoir has not been made functional so far. Due to the unexpected
rainfall in the Wayanad District, especially in Panamaram, Padinjarethara and Vythiri,
heavy slippage and landslides occurred and the Kuttiady Dam reservoirs get flooded due to

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 18

the heavy inflow of water, and the shutters were opened without considering the
consequences and hardships. Moreover, no warning was given to the people living in the
downstream of the dams. Wayanad District has got a relentless rainfall of 96.67mm on
16th August alone and continuous rain since 8th of August 2018. The roaring flow of the
flood water ate away the lives and property of the people living in the downstream until it
reached the Arabian Sea. It may be noted that the changes made in the land-use pattern in
the district had contributed substantially for the occurrence of landslides and slippages.
Also paddy cultivation has been almost completely wiped off from the Wayanad district.

The situations in Region 2 were entirely different, where inundation occurred in the plain
lands of Aluva town and its suburbs, North Paravur, Cherai, Chalakudy town and its
periphery, and extended up to Edappally under the Kochi Corporation area. The water
discharged from the Idukki reservoir through the Cheruthony Dam spillways (aggravated
by the opening of all the 13 spillway shutters of the Mullapperiyar Dam), the outflow from
the Dams in the Munnar region, Idamalayar reservoir and also from the Upper Sholayar,
Peringalkuthu and Bhoothathankettu Dam induced such a severe situation in the basins of
Periyar and Chalakudy Rivers. There was huge lapse in communicating the flood situation
that was increasing day by day, which resulted in heavy loss to the people and their
valuable records, certificates, vehicles, livelihood, etc. The worst flood-hit area in the
history of Kerala comes under this region.

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 19

The third region comprising places like Pathanamthitta, Ranni, Chengannur,etc.,
experienced severe damages, even though all these places lie in the central mid land
region. Almost all the dams in the upstream of Pampa River starting from Kochupampa
belong to the Kerala State Electricity Board Limited, and only the barrage at Maniyar
comes under the control of the State’s Irrigation Department. The unprecedented rainfall,
almost four times than the normal, and lack of communication about the opening of the
spillway shutters, etc., contributed to inundation of these regions. In fact, the Alapuzha
District was experiencing a flood since one month before the disastrous second spell. The
stagnation of water in the Kuttanad region increased the area of inundation in the upper
mid lands making life miserable to the people there.

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 20

7. Impact across sectors

The August flood made a huge impact across diverse sectors, especially dam management
and power generation, agriculture, housing, environment, etc.

7.1 Dam management and power generation

Normally during the months of June, July and August, the water level in the reservoirs in
Kerala reaches around 40--50 per cent of their capacity. However, during this period,
unlike previous years, the water levels in almost all dams reached their maximum levels.
The power generation in the respective power houses was not so controlled as to reduce the
alarming higher levels of water storages. The KSEB Limited of the Government has not
taken any steps towards this direction. Usually in Kakki, Pamba and Idukki reservoirs, the
maximum water level reaches during the end of the northeast monsoon. If power
generation were so adjusted or excess water properly released from the respective dams by
opening the respective spillways at appropriate time, the water levels in the reservoirs
could be brought down to a much manageable level. However, what happened in August
was that when the water level reached the maximum, all the dams were suddenly opened
which led to the alarming flood, damaging lives and properties.

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 21


During the year 2017, the total water storage in reservoirs in Kerala for hydel power
generation on 1st of August was 1077McM (Million Cubic Metres). However, in this year,
during 1st of August 2018 itself, the total reservoir storage in the hydel project dams was
3821McM, which was almost four times the usual water storage.

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 22

Table 3: Water storage level in Idukki and power generation from Moolamattom
powerhouse (1st June to 11th August 2018)

Date Storage Power generation in Million Units (MU)

(in %) at Moolamattom (Max: 18.72 MU)
June 01 24.98 8.50
June 10 29.50 3.10
June 25 44.05 3.19
July 01 47.30 2.19
July 10 53.00 4.70
July 15 65.30 2.30
July 20 77.90 9.84
July 22 80.00 8.54
July 25 85.30 12.35
July 31 91.70 15.00
August 92.00 15.00
August 95.74 15.00

Although the water storage on 15th July at Idukki reservoir was 65.30 per cent, the power
generation was only 2.30 MU in the place of a maximum capacity of 18.72 MU. This
clearly indicates the lack of planning from KSEB Ltd, since there was forecasting of heavy
rainfall after July 15th. Usually the Idukki reservoir stands full due to the inflow from
north east monsoon, but this year the storage during June and July months was at higher
level, and in spite of the warning from IMD about higher rate of rainfall in Kerala during
July and August, the generation at Moolamattam power house was very low. Moreover,
power was purchased at higher rates from outside the state.

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 23

The Committee noted that the highest rainfall recorded at 298 mm during the south west
monsoon of 2018 was at Nilambur on 18th August, which is why, unlike the previous
years; Nilambur was hit with the heavy flood for a short period. It is also observed that
anything above 300 mm is considered to be very high rainfall and should be considered as
extreme events. Peerumedu station, which comes between the upper catchment areas of
Idukki and Pamba, had received a rainfall of 1615 mm within 11 days, which is more than
half of Kerala’s average.

Although there is a standing instruction from the KSEB that all the machines in the major
power houses are to be kept ready for operation after completing all the maintenance works
at the beginning of the water year, i.e., June 1st , the committee noted that, two machines at
Moozhiyar power house (110 MW) and one at Moolamattom (130 MW) (another one is
shut down for renovation works) were not functional even during the month of August.
This also contributed towards the higher level of water storages at Idukki, Pamba and
Kakki reservoirs.

As per the GO No (P) No.05/2018/DMD dated TVM 29.09.2018, the severe flood that hit
the state affected 1259 of 1664 villages. Moozhiyar, Ranni, Chengannur, Pandanadu,
Aluva, Chalakkudy and Kuttanad were some of the areas that suffered the most. The
Committee analysed in detail how the opening of the dams added to the flood. Some of its
observations are given below:

a) Pamba Basin: When Kochupamba, Anathodu (Kakki reservoir) and Moozhiyar dams
was opened simultaneously, the water from these reservoirs was been released
simultaneously, which was one of the major reasons for flood in Thriveni, Ranni,
Maraman, Aranmula, Pulladu, Pandanadu, Chengannur, etc. In some areas, the water
level rose up to 16 feet caused by the impulse discharge from the dams.

b) Muthirapuzha Basin: Water from Kundala, Mattupetty, Pallivasal, Kallarkutty and

Ponmudi dams got together in the Muthirapuzha basin.

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 24

c) Periyar Basin: Water from Mullaperiyar and Cheruthoni dams, which are part of the
Periyar basin, joined in Panankutti together with the water from Muthirapuzha basin,
converged at the Lower Periyar dam. As such, the water from the Lower Periyar and
Idamalayar dams (a portion from Peringalkuthu reservoir also contributed to
Idamalayar basin through Watchmaram diversion scheme) came together at
Boothathankettu which was kept opened/overflowed by which Aluva, North Paravur
and the adjoining areas were flooded. This caused the Nedumbassery airport to be shut
down due to heavy damage inflicted upon by rising flood level, damaging compound
wall, runway and airport buildings. The Committee felt that the closure of the airport
for two weeks affected lakhs of passengers and the trauma they experienced is beyond

d) Chalakudy Basin: The dams in Chalakudy basin that include Upper Sholayar,
Parambikulam, Aaliyar and Kerala Sholayar overflowed and the water was released
into Peringalkuthu Dam, which overflowed as well, resulting in flood at Chalakudy
and nearby areas.

e) Wayanad: Water from Banasurasagar Dam was released untimely without any
warning by which Wayanad and nearby areas were flooded. The overflow of Kabani

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 25

River added to the already devastated situation in Mananthavady. The Committee
observed this was indeed an avoidable disaster.

7.2 Lapses observed by the committee

The Committee pointed out that all major dams in Kerala overflowed except the
Aanayirankal and Thenmala dams during the flood. It emphasised the fact that under no
circumstances, the dams should overflow and this was a major administrative failure.
Moreover, the fact that most of the rivers experienced a drought-like situation soon after
the floods, when dams were closed, further confirms that the severity of the flood was
several times magnified due to dam opening.

It is also significant to note that the weather forecast from IMD at the time was not
sensitive and serious enough for such a high-level disaster. The state, district and local
administrations failed to take the warning seriously and the Disaster Management
Authority (DMA) did not act at the required speed for relocation which was marginal,
resulting in confusion among the various government agencies. Predictions from IMD and
Skymet were also not taken seriously. The committee also observed that the general public
is not aware of the different degree of alerts issued during such natural calamities, and the
government should take necessary initiatives to create awareness programmes for the

One of the major objectives of dam management is to control flood and prevent droughts.
As the dams were already full, there was less space to operate and dams were filled the
moment the water was available. There was no space to store further water in the dams,
which led to the water being released at once. The inflow to the down streams, which was
already facing floods due to rainfall, increased the magnitude of flood disaster. Some of the
significant lapses observed by the Committee are given below:

 Lack of coordination between dam management authorities, irrigation authorities and

district administration regarding dam opening, water release and duration of release,

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 26

area of inundation, extend of rise in river water levels with the release of water from
reservoirs, etc.

 The shutters in the Thottappalli spillway were not opened in time to discharge the
flood and the mouth of the Thottappalli pozhi were closed due to the rough sea waves
during that period.

 The sudden release of water from the dams raised the water level so rapidly that there
was not enough time and opportunity to respond to the situation and for eviction. The
potential damage from water suddenly released from a dam is much greater than that
of the gradual rising of water level in the river.

a) Committee’s recommendations
The Committee urges the KSEBL to see that by the commencement of the water year,
i.e., by 1 June, all the hydel machines of the major stations in Kerala shall be made
fully operational to manage the reservoirs during heavy rainfall situations. A strategy
to rethink about the operations of the hydel stations so as to maximise the power
generation, thereby avoiding the opening of the spillways to control the flood
situations, needs to be developed.

 The water flow from Peringalkuthu reservoir to Idamalayar reservoir through

Watchumaram must be properly regulated by revamping the existing gate system. A
proper plan in respect of the power generation strategy, based on the weather forecast
by various agencies, before commencement of the water year shall be envisaged.

 A proper strategy shall be evolved in the opening of major dams, such as, advance
information to concerned district authorities, local bodies and public, through all
sources of media. A proper water management system should be evolved for
maximising the usage of the water storage in the reservoirs for electricity
generation/irrigation as well as other domestic purposes. Dam safety measures shall be

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 27

taken up in a phased manner to renovate the structures of the dams and their
operational equipments.

 The committee suggested that there should be a controlled release from Mullaperiyar
dam, which will help in regulating the water level at Idukki Dam.

 With water level going down and the rivers drying up at appropriate places, the
panchayat needs to build check dams at adequate distance across the river. Rivulets
need to be constructed which will improve the water percolation. It is a proven
technology for water conservation as they take care of the water table. Periodical
removal of the sand and silt accrued needs to be removed in an incremental way and in
a sustainable manner so as to avoid over harvesting is detrimental to the ecosystem.

 Every Dam in Kerala has the Rule Curves that needs to be taken into account before
commencing the procedure to fill the dams. This has to be re-examined so that each
dam in the state will have a clear rule curve that has to be strictly followed. The
evaluation of the Rule Curves of the dam will reveal the lacunae of conservation and
release, and operation during the flood. The Kerala dams clearly failed in flood
moderation during the August 2018 flood, as the dams were already full when the
flood occurred. The Bureau of Indian Standards 1994 code has also prescribed a rule
for reservoir operation, which has a very clear stipulation in this regard and would also
include releasing of all inflows up to the safe channel capacity.

 The CWC and CAG highlighted the need for a Dam Operation Manual and also
Emergency Action Plan (EAP) and it is doubtful whether the dams of Kerala have one.

 The Idukki Dam falls in the Periyar River basin, which alone has 20 dams, 17
reservoirs and has six diversions namely Kuttiyar, Vadakke Puzha, Azhutha,
Narakkanam, Kallar and Erattayar. It filled up to 90 per cent, for the first time in
2018, left with little role to play in flood control in the mid of the southwest monsoon.

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 According to the CWC reports, the worst-affected districts were Wayanad-Kabani sub
basin; Idukki-Periyar sub basin; Ernakulam-Periyar and Chalakudy sub basins;
Alleppy and Pathanamthitta-Pamba sub basin. It is evident that the dams played key
role in these sub basins and they did not follow the rule curves or the emergency plans
or inundation maps, and violated basic norms of reservoir management.

 There should be controlled release in Mullaperiyar Dam, which will help in regulating
the water level at Idukki dam. Special scientific measures should be taken in case of
Alappuzha District as it was one of the worst hit places during the floods.

7.3 Agriculture
Flood severely affected the agriculture sector in terms of crop and yield losses. Diseases
also affected the crops under cultivation. Floods came as another severe blow to the
farmers who were already under stress due to the unsustainable prices for their produce.
Many farmers struggling with loan indebtedness need great support to sustain and to
continue their agricultural activities. In the high and middle lands, where plantation crops
are the predominant crops, farmers were badly hit due to the continuous rain and over
stagnation of water in the cropped area.

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 29

This affected their yield and wilting and weathering of the crops were also noted. Large-
scale premature dropping of the yield in cardamom, pepper, coffee, arecanut, cocoa and
coconut are reported. Rubber plantation, as a predominant crop of the state, is hit by low
price; many areas are left untapped and the heavy rain has hit the plantations and the
growers. The interactions with the farmer representatives and the field visit have convinced
the committee of the severity and the farmers’ plight.

a) Committee’s recommendations

 The damage to agriculture sector needs to be assessed scientifically. Panchayat-wise

aerial maps can be used to assess losses in the area.

 Good quality planting materials need to be supplied to the farmers as there may be a
shortage of planting materials, which has to be procured or raised, so that only quality
planting materials are supplied especially perennials.

 Paddy cultivation is relatively environment-friendly and enriches the ecosystem.

Hence restoring paddy cultivation should be given priority with adequate support.
Paddy fields are an alternative area for flood control and water retention. In fact areas
of paddy cultivation have been left fallow and recovery plan needs to be taken up.
RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 30
Paddy needs to be focused as the priority area and adequate and timely inputs should
be given to the farmers.

 Ensure timely credit for the needy farmers taking into account of their loan, if any

 The biggest depletion is the soil fertility and loss of micro nutrients. This has to be
scientifically assessed and agro region-wise assessment should be done and a
replenishment plan needs to be implemented. Enriching the soil and its fertility needs
to be taken as a government programme rather than leaving the same to the farmers
who may or may not be able to do so.

 Kerala has experienced farmers’ suicide for so many years. Farmers need special
counseling due to crop loss, etc. as a result of floods. Counseling needs to be
organised anticipating their problems.

 A special package needs to be initiated in Wayanad, Idukki and other hilly areas,
which has suffered crop/plantation damage as a result of the flood and landslides.

 An expert committee has to be constituted to look into the land-use pattern in hilly
areas. Cultivation of crops in slopes, which induce heavy soil tilling, etc. need to be
discouraged. Alternative economic and eco-friendly crops should be recommended
panchayat-/ward-wise as a long-term conservation strategy.

 Idukki District, especially its hilly areas like Vattavada, Kanthalloor, Marayoor
(Anchunadu) may be made use of for hill vegetables as Kerala imports them from
neighbouring states. Such vegetables are laden with heavy pesticide content creating
health issues. Moreover, bringing vegetables from other states incurs huge
transportation cost leaving carbon foot print on the eco system/enviorment. This
opportunity must be put to the best use by procuring hilly vegetables locally, which
would support the farming community and also create green jobs locally.

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 31

 Organic agricultural practices need to be encouraged in the Western Ghats, which will
gradually improve soil fertility, and reduce water pollution as all major rivers of the
state originate from the Western Ghats. This is the time to initiate the restoration of the
lost ecosystem in the region.

 Agricultural practices in Wayanad should be revisited. The “Wayalnadu” should

literally be recreated and paddy cultivation must be revived. It is advisable that
specific varieties endemic to Wayanad be cultivated, branded and sold in the market to
boost the local economy. Also, Wayanad-specific organic coffee, tea and spices along
with fruits should be popularised. This will help in bringing back the economy to a
sustainable level. Banana plants, arecanut and coconut trees must not be cultivated in
paddy fields. Farmers may be helped financially for this transformation until they
become self-supportive.

 Wayanad is a potential district for Milk Production because of better climate, higher
elevation and availability of good biomass. Traditional animal husbandry practices
need to be encouraged. With the establishment of the Veterinary and Animal Sciences
University in Wayanad, it should be possible to provide the farmers the necessary
skills and advises, if needed. Agricultural University, Ambalavayal Research Station
and M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) are capable of providing all
scientific support for the restoration of the soil fertility and agro-diversity in Wayanad.

 Idukki District also needs special attention as it is in the Western Ghats. Ecotourism
should be given adequate focus to help increase the livelihood of people without
causing further environmental degradation. Waste management in the hill towns
should be done using modern technology and encourage organic cultivation in
possible areas. At no cost, the rivulets in the hills be polluted.

 Munnar panchayat, municipality in particular, should not continue the raw solid waste
disposal at Nallathanni, which is creating water pollution. Kerosene engine-driven
boats should not be allowed in Mattupetty reservoir in the name of tourism, which

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 32

affects adversely the health of people living downstream. Instead, only pedal boats
must be permitted. Even elephants avoid drinking water from the Mattuppetty
reservoir (Kerosene polluted) and encroach upon jersey farm nearby. The tourism
potential of Munnar should be eco-friendly driven.

 High-rise buildings should not to be permitted in the slope of Idukki hills, particularly
in and around Munnar, as the areas are landslide prone. Idukki district be developed
for farming vegetables, fruits and horticulture.

 Adequate quantum of water should be made available at the right time and at right
places by constructing small check dams, vented cross bars, dykes, lift irrigation
schemes, etc., as envisaged in the Package for Rehabilitation of Farmers of the
Districts of Kasargod, Wayanad and Idukki in 2008--2009.

 All the available ponds, whether private or public, small or big, etc., should be
deepened, widened, protected and maintained, so as to raise water table level.

 The Meteorological Department should be strengthened with up to date technologies,

so that correct and reliable information of each and every places, according to
movement of clouds and winds to be made available.

7.4 Kuttanad wet land deserves special dispensation

Kuttanad has a unique ecosystem which suffers regularly from flood and other natural
calamities. In 2018 unfortunately, Kuttanad had a prolonged water logging in response to
two floods over a period of around 2 months. This situation was created mostly due to the
lack of draing flood water into the see through the Thotappaly spillway and the defective
Thannoor Mukkam band. To worsen the situation the rough sea caused back flow of water
inundating larger areas of Kuttanad. This resulted in the extensive crop loss and livelihood
and added to the misery of the people for a prolonged period.

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 33

Being also a tourist area, Kuttanad should have a SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle) to the
area/region so that it can strengthen itself in a sustainable way. The SPV may have to be a
lean one with top-notch experts for each discipline to provide unity of command, avoid
departmentalism and ensure accountability. The SPV could be owned by a Committee
constituted by all the local bodies under which the Kuttanad Wetland falls. The
chairmanship may be on rotation based on the descending order of the area of the local
body. All the local self-governments (LSGs) falling fully or partially in the basin of the
rivers flowing into Vembanad Lake may be made associate members. This may be
designed considering the provisions of the Wetland Rules 2017 and the institutions made
therein. It is a matter of concern that appropriate technology for sanitation is yet to be
developed for low-lying areas like Kuttanad. Even developing an extensive sewerage
treatment system should be considered in Kuttanad because of the importance and the eco
system service it renders to the country, which is estimated to be Rs.900 crore per year. As
a short-term measure, the unit cost for construction of latrines in Kuttanad should be
increased for high platform units and also eco-friendly toilet units, etc. Subsidy also should
be increased in proportion. Special measures should be arranged for removing septage
before monsoon and adequate mobile units with sucking machines should be purchased
and kept. Another problem afflicting Kuttanad is the presence of houseboats and other

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 34

boats far beyond the carrying capacity of the lake adding to the pollution load. A policy
decision should be taken not to add any more boats to the fleet already present. Many of
the boats don’t have fitness certificates from the Port department and such boats should not
be allowed to operate as accidents can befall any day to the tourists visiting the state.
Kuttanad is a sink for pesticides, insecticides, fertilisers and heavy metals.

The wetland system with abundance of diversity is on a degradation path. Encouragement

of organic farming is important to avoid drinking water contamination with pesticides,
insecticides and fertilisers especially through inundation. The productivity will be lesser in
the first 4 to 5 years of shifting to organic cultivation, and hence subsidy may be provided
for this in a diminishing scale. Government should establish an institution for organic
certification, branding and marketing so that organic cultivators will get credibility and
better price. The river basins of all the four rivers (Achankovil, Pamba, Manimala and
Meenachil) draining into Kuttanad should be included in the mission.

The downstream and upstream of the Thottappalli spillway should be dredged suitably, at
least once in two years, in order to accommodate a portion of the flood water. In this way,
water stagnation in the upper reaches can be avoided to an extent. A separate study is to be

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 35

conducted for the renovation and rehabilitation of the Kuttanad and upper Kuttanad area in
the changed scenario without damaging the ecosystem of the area through an accredited

The Thottappalli spillway and the Thanneermukkam bund may be redesigned to cater to
the needs of the present and the future requirements based on the study report of Kuttanad
Water Balance Study conducted by the Dutch Government during the 1980-85 periods, and
also the recommendation of Swaminathan Commission. Both the committees had
recommended for increasing the size of the waterway of the Thottappalli Spillway and
certain modifications to the Thanneermukkam bund. The assistance of Dutch Government
should be made available for sorting out the problems in Kuttanad, as they were having
such geographical area as of Kuttanad-the wo places in the world where farming is done
below sea level. Proper dam management, Dam break analysis and flood mapping for each
river and dam in the state should be done so that the public can be aware of the situation in
such a calamity. The prone areas of flooding should be marked with the levels of flood in
the yester years, including this year.

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 36

7.5 Housing
The 2018 flood caused heavy damages to houses. A large number of people were
displaced. It is reported that more than 15,000 houses have been completely damaged and
more than a lakh houses are partly damaged, which also need repair, retrofitting and
renovation. People who lost their houses are the most affected as many of their lifetime
investments have been lost. It creates a situation of immense psychological pressure, and
hence this must be given utmost priority for assistance.

a) Committee’s recommendations

 As the demand for construction materials will go high, the availability of building
materials namely sand, brick, rock, wood, etc. may be in short supply. In order to
facilitate supply of building materials, design, technical assistance, etc., the building
centres or Nirmiti Kendra can be strengthened.

 An environment-friendly technology must be followed while constructing new houses.

Since Kerala has demonstrated a popular method of cost-effective technology in
housing, the same may also be promoted, as it will be eco-friendly and economic.

 Government may also construct offices which are affected by the flood. In the case of
those buildings requiring reconstruction, government should follow different
technologies in the same building which will have a demonstration effect and people
would like to replicate it as seeing is believing.

 The area suitable for housing needs to be geologically assessed and certificate need to
be given before relocating the houses.

 As Kerala severely suffers from repeated floods, the construction should be in such a
way that it be able to withstand water stagnation and flooding for a few days.

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 Habitants must be encouraged to insure all housing infrastructure and movable
properties, as insurance is one of the most effective interventions in disaster resilience.

 Retrofitting of existing buildings in vulnerable area must also be looked into.

 The fishermen living in the coasts may be rehabilitated in decent houses so that they
are not subjected to natural calamities every year.

 Government should refrain the public from constructing huge houses and buildings.
Also, higher taxes need to be levied from people who proceed to construct buildings in
the ecologically sensitive areas.

 Government should implement a new construction policy against building home stays
and resorts, both public and private, especially in affected areas of districts like Idukki
and Wayanad.

7.6 Disaster Management Plan by Local Bodies

Consequent on the 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments, the Kerala Legislature
passed the Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994 and the Kerala Municipality Act 1994 to enable
the local governments to function as the third tier of government. Out of the 29 functions
transferred by the government, 26 functions were transferred to the rural Local
Governments as per the 11th schedule of constitution (the functions relating to minor forest
produce, distribution of electricity and implementation of land reforms are not transferred)
and out of 18 functions to be transferred to the urban Local Governments, 17 functions
were transferred (the function relating to fire service is not transferred). As part of
functional decentralisation, government has transferred public service delivery institutions
such as schools, dispensaries, public health centres, community health centres, district
hospitals anganvadis, district farms, krishi bhavans, veterinary institutions, etc. with staff
and funds to the local governments to operate them. As on date, the state has 941 Grama
Panchayats, 152 Block Panchayats, 14 District Panchayats, 87 Municipalities and 6

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Corporations. The local government system affords subsidiary, people’s participation,
transparency, social audit, etc.

The transferred subjects to rural governments include water supply, upkeep of schools,
hospitals, construction of roads and bridges, agriculture, etc, which have a bearing on the
post-disaster amelioration. Regulation of land use and construction of land buildings, urban
planning including the town planning and urban forestry, protection of environment and
promotion of ecological aspects, which have direct pre-disaster management dimensions
are the transferred subjects to urban governments. With the result, Kerala has highly
decentralised governance with high transparency, accountability, public participation and
least corruption among the states of India. It has a system whereby the state government is
primarily responsible for disaster management, at the same time with strong and
responsive local self governments with concurrent powers in disaster management.

a) Committee’s Observations and Recommendations

The Committee found the following lapses with regard to disaster management in the state.

Predictions from IMD and Skymet were not met with enough seriousness.

 The state and district administrations failed to take the warning seriously and the
disaster management authority did not act alerted at the required speed for relocation
resulting in confusion in rescue and eviction.

 The general public is not aware of the different grades of alerts issued during such
natural calamities and the government should take initiatives to create awareness
programmes for the same.

 In the light of the above observations, the Committee has made the following

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 Need for Disaster Management plan at the State, District and Grama Panchayat levels

 All districts need to have a district disaster management plan, which has to be a
reference document for implementation. The plan has to be periodically revised and be
made available in the public domain. This is missing, as the panchayat functionaries
are not aware of the district disaster management plan.

 Nodal agency to coordinate Disaster Management

 In pre-disaster preparedness, determine the hazard prone areas and safe areas for
different disasters through a scientific study. Carry out hazard zonation at village level
with cadastral base. Carry out risk analysis of the hazard-prone area and come out with
mitigation plans.

 Make adequate regulation to restrict activities in hazardous and sensitive areas.

 With the involvement of fishermen, the seacoast or seashore may be protected by

planting site-specific mangroves or other suitable trees as envisaged in CRZ norms.

 Involve local community by providing proper awareness and in the implementation of

local level plans.

 A recent phenomenon that has been observed in Kerala houses is to have an additional
roofing with corrugated sheets ( Aluminium) to prevent excess heat and leakages in
the roofing system. Unfortunately this costs practical difficulties in rescue operation
and airdropping food and relief materials to the marooned people. It would be
probably ideal leave a part of the roof suitable for rescue operation in such events,
should they occur.

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8. Observations and Recommendations on Environment

 Nature should be respected and all violations against it need to be controlled to

protect us from further disasters. Most of the landslides are caused by the human
intervention without following the prescribed rules and regulations.

 The river banks have to be protected with bio fencing using bio materials. For
example, in Panamaram panchayat, Wayanad, river banks were least affected
where bamboo was planted along the rivers. Resources such as bamboo, reeds,
wild saccharum and pandanus, which are locally available, should be used for
covering the exposed banks and soils, and need to be included in the Mahatma
Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee (MGNREG) work. This
investment has multiple benefits such as that it is not very expensive and will also
create employment opportunities. In view of the heavy erosion of the river banks,
it would be appropriate to go this way, which will also reduce carbon print in the
ecosystem, thereby making it eco-friendly.

 River bank encroachments need to be addressed immediately as they are a threat

and add to the vulnerability of the area. Presently the state’s irrigation department
is in charge of protecting the riverbanks and it does so by constructing
empanelment walls, which is done by dumping huge quantity of rubbles on top
until they come to a certain level. This leads to a reduction in the carrying capacity
of the river. Under no circumstances the irrigation department should be allowed
to protect the riverbanks by using artificial methods. This is a continuous
construction process irrespective of the changes of governments. Hence the entire
activities of the river being controlled by the irrigation department need a rethink
from the disaster point of view as well for the health of the river.

 The present unscientific practice of putting rubble (seawall) should be henceforth

stopped because the rubble required for the seawall construction is sourced from

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the hills of Western Ghats, which is another environmental disaster. It will result in
the loss of both the mountains on the east and the seacoast of the west, which
supports the livelihood of lakhs of people. A scientific study reveals that sea wall
construction increases shore erosion.

 There is a need to check whether fragmenting Vembanad Lake through bunds and
folders for agricultural purposes is a sustainable activity in the long-term. Instead,
it is better to try to sustain the agricultural practices in the upper Kuttanad areas
and wherever possible without much intervention so that the lost glory of
Vembanad Lake can be restored which may bring in tourists in larger numbers.
Encouraging more activities to increase sustainable tourism without degrading the
environmental aspects, this will be a boost to the local and state economies in the
years to come.

9. Forest and Biodiversity: Guidelines for Conservation

Kerala has a rich biological diversity consisting of thousands of plants, animals which are
conserved in the Western Ghats Mountains in the eastern side. The Ghats which is the
origin of all the rivers in the state and which regulates the climate of Kerala needs special
protective measures. In the 2018 floods the Western Ghats suffered tremendous destruction
of its landscape resulting in the loss of precious biological diversity evolved over millions
of years.

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The eco-restoration and relocation of people from the unsafe and ecologically sensitive
areas in the Western Ghats (hilly area) of the state have to be done site-specific and by law.
People who live in the landslide-prone areas are to be relocated to the plane areas in the
districts of Wayanad, Idukki, Kozhikode, Ernakulam, Kottayam, Pathanamthitta (Western
Ghats region), etc. The houses to be constructed should be eco-friendly and with peoples’
(owners) participation. Construction of houses should not be done in areas, which have
more than 30-degree slopes. In fact, such areas should not be even used for annual
agricultural activities, as it will trigger landslides again. Quarry mining should not be
permitted in ecologically sensitive areas of the Western Ghats region at any costs.
However, if minable rocks are present in other areas of the region, it should be allowed for
local use with clearance from the State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority
(SEIAA). If need be, rocks should be brought from neighboring districts where mining can
be done scientifically. Western Ghats is the abode of thousands of species of plants and
animals including the ancestral varieties of several species of rice, spices, medicinal plants,
etc. It should be lawfully protected and conserved for the coming generations after current
needs are availed.

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Kerala should pay more attention to responsible tourism without polluting and depleting its
environment. Ancestors did agricultural activities for their livelihood in the Western Ghats
region and have used large quantities of fertilisers and insecticides, which have adversely
impacted the topsoil in the region resulting in the pollution of rivers during the floods.
Moreover, the present generation is not keen in continuing agricultural activities, except a

The Biodiversity Act, Forest Act, Environment Act, Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Rules
and The Kerala Conservation of Paddy Land and Wet Land Act, 2008 must be
implemented without fail. Unavailability of water is also affecting the agriculture in
Wayanad and the government should take necessary measures to solve this problem.
MGNREG manpower must be used for ecological restoration by using watershed
management programme.

10. Recommendations and Cautions for Rehabilitation

 Develop and integrate pre-project plans for reallocation and rehabilitation of local
people likely to be displaced by the landslides and flood, keeping in view their socio-
cultural and livelihood needs.

 Ensure that in all cases in high range areas, the essential minimum needed land for the
rehabilitation is permitted. However, natural forest containing high endemic genetic
resources should never be affected.

 Adopt best practice norms for infrastructure construction to avoid or minimise damage
to sensitive ecosystem and despoiling of landscapes in the Western Ghats region.

 Support practices of rainwater harvesting and revival of traditional methods for

enhancing ground water recharge, except on slopes.

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 A comprehensive policy may be developed to protect watershed, reduce landslides and
to prevent further ecosystem and biodiversity loss.

 Midland areas may be considered for rehabilitation, if needed. A large area of rubber
estates that are uneconomical may be sourced through payment and used for relocating
people from nearby riverbanks affected by floods.

 Riverbanks should be protected by planting more riparian vegetation to prevent soil


 Adequate space must be left on either side of the water bodies for them to expand
during floods. The small rivulets may be revived so that flood water could reach the
flood plane area (room for river).

 Rubble walls/concrete embankments should be avoided in general to protect the rivers.

 The low land area in Kerala needs special package to deal with the annual floods and
occasional disasters like the recent one. Kuttanad and adjoining areas in Alapuzha and
Kottayam districts should be developed as an ecotourism destination. In doing so, all
necessary precautions/scientific methods should be adopted to protect the water and
air quality. All house boats should have centralised STP facility and in no
circumstance, raw sewerage should be allowed in to the Vembanad lake. By law,
Kerala is obliged to protect and conserve the three lakes---Sasthancottah, Ashtamudi
and Vembabad---as they are Ramsar sites of the UNESCO. The paddy cultivation
pattern in Kuttanad needs to be relooked. Vembabad Kayal may be allowed to restore
its past glory/status. Paddy cultivation may continue in Upper Kuttanad areas and
other places using organic pattern. Cleaning all canals and water bodies around can
increase the tourism potential of Alapuzha and eco-friendly practices must be

 All encroachments on waterways, riverbanks, downstream of dams should be cleared.

River bank stabilisation by afforestation by planting bamboos, Pandanus, Wild
RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 45
saccharum, Vetiver, etc. Water retention and more surface runoff. Quarrying rules
must be strictly implemented. Road cutting should have gentle slopes. Soil
stabilisation must be done using gully plugging/geo textiles. Dewatering strategies
should be taken up in the region before north east monsoon. The opened up channel
during the event can be retained as such for the dewatering purpose. This is utmost
important as water infiltration into the soil may lead to further landslide events during
the forthcoming northeast monsoon. At present the slope is in semi equilibrium and
activities that destabilise it should not be taken up. Debris should not be removed from
the region, as it will destabilise the slope. However, large fallen trees/rocks, which
present a chance of slipping, can be removed with minimum disturbance.

 Afforestation activities can be taken up on the debris after the south west monsoon
(2019). This will give sufficient time for natural vegetation growth, especially grasses
and slope stabilisation.

 Fisher folk staying in the seashore are to be relocated to at least within 500 meters
range from the high tide region so that the seashore is made available for the fishing
and coastal development.

 As a precautionary measure, temporary relocation of the people from the region during
the forthcoming northeast and southwest monsoons is advised. Periodic evaluation of
the site for stabilisation is recommended.

11. Lessons Learnt

Weather forecasting has to be more accurate and specific, and needs to be at sub district
level for effective intervention. There should be a system in forecasting weather at
panchayat level, especially in areas of the Western Ghats regions such as Kozhikode,
Wayanad, Idukki and Pathanamthitta. Currently, such systems are only placed at district
level, which should be made to panchayat level. For example, in Karnataka, the
government has invested in such systems at panchayat level, and they have got a better

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methodology and have done it in a very detailed way which Kerala should follow as it is
more prone to the flood.

There needs to be periodic interaction between IMD and the authorised agency for
forecasting in getting proper information. Another important aspect to be adressed is the
flood mapping by making the flood of 2018 as the benchmark.

There should be clear protocol, and advance information system regarding the release of
water quantity from the dam in such advance time for suo motto information for the people
to move safer places/or adequate time for the administration to inform and time to vacate
to safer places. There is also a need for an Emergency Action Plan (EAC) for each dam
which would clearly cover the level of water to be covered, duration, rainfall, etc.

The alerts has to be periodical and people in the vulnerable areas need to be continuously
informed. Merely alerting the public through mike announcements is not enough. The
disaster management protocol clearly states that people from every survey number that is
to be hit by water must be informed beforehand, and then only the announcements are
needed. In the recent flood, people were confused as in when or where they should move
from their houses to rescue shelters. Kerala is being placed in the Zone 3 in terms of
earthquake and the vulnerability needs to be reassessed in view of the 2018 flood. Building
codes has to be enforced at panchayat levels itself so that the panchayat secretary, overseer
or whoever responsible can look into the earthquake aspect of the land before giving
permission for any kind of constructions. These areas have to be put under observation and
studied, and the service of a geologist needs to be used to make reports on the safety of the
buildings located, and also for the planning and locating houses in hilly areas. They should
also be involved in the recovery plan.

The Flood 2018 has cautioned us about the the land-use pattern. Farming should only be
done at flatland areas and cultivation at sloppy areas must be restricted. There should also
be a list of do’s and don’ts by laws and designs. For example, if one needs to construct a

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house at an ecologically sensitive area, one should think about the design beforehand and
certain activities that would disturb the land must be prohibited by law, and permission for
construction by the concerned authorities must be given based on that particular design.

12. The Road to Recovery: Implementation Strategy

12.1 River Basin Council

The Committee, after careful study and examination of 2018 flood, is of the opinion that
such mega floods which are unprecedented need to be tackled on river basin basis as many
districts fall under each river basin, for example, Pampa River basin (Pathanamthitta and
Alappuzha), Periyar River basin (Idukki, Ernakulam, Kottayam, etc.). Any intervention
has to be on a river basin basis starting from the origin of the river and also along the river
flowing which alone will make a good impact on coordinated efforts and there will be an
understanding between all the river basin players. Development schemes in controlling the
flood from the upper catchment to the lower level will be meaningful taking into account
the flow of the river and check dams, river bank taming, etc., need to be done.

All the Panchayats through which the river passes through should be made members of the
River Basin Council (RBC). The district panchayat president, covering the maximum area
of the river basin, could be made the chairperson. The district collectors and all the
functional line departments’ head should also be members of the RBC. In addition, the
State government can nominate experts from the state and also from the national level like
CWC (Central Water Commission), CEA (Central Electrical Authority) so that required
expertise can be made available. International experts through UN organisations may also
be invited for the RBC. This river basin approach of disaster management will be a model
disaster management plan.

12.2 Governance Issues

There is a need for a strong Disaster Management Plan (DMP) at district, block and more
so at the panchayat level, since they being the first responders. As recommended by

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NDMA (National Disaster Management Authority), a Disaster Management Plan needs to
be prepared at Panchayat level. The plan has to be vibrant and should be known to the
community and to all the stakeholders. The Biodiversity Management Committee (BMC)
constituted in all the local self-governments including Panchayats, Municipalities and
Corporations as per the Biodiversity Act 2002, Government of India and Kerala
Biodiversity Rules 2008 is in vogue now. The Kerala government has issued an executive
order authorising the BMC to be the environmental protectors locally and the present
disaster management plan should involve the BMC of the respected LSGs. The BMC may
be requested to provide the necessary inputs for the local disaster management plans as
segmented disaster occurs.

12.3 Social Audit

There should be a well-defined social audit system to ensure that the plans are prepared by
taking the aspirations of the people into account and also to make sure that they are
implemented properly. For this, project ideas generated should be placed in the
Gramasabha/Ward sabha before they are shortlisted by the local government. The finalised
plan should be placed in all the Gramasabhas/Ward sabhas coming under the local
government for information to ensure transparency. Implementation progress should also
be placed in the Gramasabhas/Ward sabhas as a regular agenda item in all their meetings.
Display boards should be erected at the project sites and the estimate amount, materials
used, name of the contractor, administrative department and all other pertinent details
should be displayed for transparency. All the disaster management-related files should be
in electronic format and people should be given the right to see the files. The social audit
cell in the Project Management Unit (PMU) should review the minutes’ entry on disaster
management in the GramaSabhas/Ward Sabhas, and corrective actions must be taken and
published in the website of PMU, respective RBC and concerned local government.

12.4 Grievance Redresal System

A grievance redressal system for summary disposal of grievances should be devised so that
people would get assistance in time proportional to their loss as per government norms. It

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 49

will ensure that no undue favour, partiality, discrimination or nepotism is shown to
anybody. Corruption in the system should also be looked into. For this, an appellate system
may be devised in every district so that fast redresal of grievances would be possible. The
voluntary appellate system could be formed under the Chairmanship of a retired
magistrate/judge and a retired revenue and agriculture functionary not below the rank of a
Tahsildar as members. Complaints, if any, over the decision of the appellate body could be
filed with the Collector, whose decision shall be final.

All grievances should be addressed within one months’ time. There should be display of
the details of the beneficiaries on the website as is being done by the Ernakulum District.

12.5 Building Resilience

Disaster management has to be given thrust in all development programmes and no
development should weaken or add to the problems to the vulnerability of the area. There
should be Local Disaster Management Plan document prepared involving all the
stakeholders, primarily the people in the vulnerable area. All development plans should
add and strengthen the disaster mitigation of the area.

Disaster resilience depends on the local community preparedness. Hence the local people
must be given individual survival skills like swimming, practical aid, provisions to
safeguard the elderly, women, differently abled, etc. At the local level, Panchayats need to
be equipped with minimum equipment’s like boats for rescue, ropes, diesel generators,
public announcement system, powerful torch lights, first aid box, etc. The help of migrant
population and guest workers need to be taken in strengthening the disaster management
system. The document can be made more vibrant by involving all the stakeholders and
primarily the people in the vulnerable area. Following the safety culture, should be made a
habit. There should be a rescue team at local ward or panchayat level, which needs to be
trained periodically and equipped and exposed, as they would be a great strength.

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12.6 India Meteorological Department (IMD)
The IMD is the main weather-related information dissemination unit, but currently there is
gap in information which has been felt in the current flood. It needs to convey information
to the district administration for warning, rescue, etc. Hence the credibility of the weather
forecasting has to be built with all scientific inputs as the current system is inadequate in
terms of inundation, area of flooding and how long, etc.,

The current system of district-level forecasting will not equip us to face the disasters. The
Karnataka Disaster Management System, with local area forecasting and inundation area
and alarming system, need to be studied and replicated. Weather forecasting system needs
to build up.

13. Conclusion
Kerala faced the Disaster of the Century in 2018. The State had to suffer economically,
environmentally, socially and culturally. The disaster drew the attention of world
organizations including the United Nations (UN), Asian Development Bank (ADB) and
the World Bank. The Discovery Channel telecasted an one hour programme about kerla
flood 20018 on 12th November 2018. The disaster has exposed the gaps and the practices
being followed and the deficiencies at various fronts from weather forecasting to water
management, and lack of coordination in dams and reservoir management. Since the flood
and landslide of 2018 had created massive impact in all spheres, it is required to glean out
actions for future so that years of development and assets, both private and public are not
destroyed again.

The committee has made certain recommendations like the need for a disaster management
plan at panchayath level which will build resilience in the local community.
The flood management has to be based on a River Basin Council approach which would
take care of the entire river basin in a co-ordinated manner involving the panchayaths and
the districts. This will be a good pilot model plan in the State and Country. The land use
pattern has to be re looked into, so that the land use is on a scientific basis and only such

RGIDS | Kerala Flood 2018: The Disaster of the Century 51

crops which strengthen soil conservation will be recommended. The flood prone area is to
be brought under mandatory insurance

The present IMD data regarding the forcasting is inadequate and needs strengthening to
have area wise (Sub district level) forecasting. A high level body at government level is
recommended to monitor the reservoir management and water release. An effective co-
ordinated mechanism, transparency, district level grievance redressal system, social audit
are also recommended. The technology and good practices available globally also to be
taken in for rebuilding Kerala.

Climate change has become a reality, and the 2017 drought and 2018 flood are the results
of climate change. Disaster management needs to be integrated in all development plans to
be taken at the local/Panchayat level, and needs to be managed effectively in a coordinated
manner by pooling resources. The recovery and rebuilding should be faster and the needs
of all those who are affected should be addressed. Respecting nature and all the
environmental laws and rules is required so that a Resilient Kerala can be built to face any
such calamities, thereby keeping everyone safe and secure from disasters.

All the activities aimed at rehabilitation and eco-restoration should reduce the carbon
footprint to the extent possible. Climate change over the past few decades has affected our
lives considerably. Therefore, there should be scientific studies and approaches at all levels
to mitigate the climate change-induced environmental degradation and biodiversity loss, to
rebuild a greener, cleaner Kerala and restore it as “Gods own Country”.

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