Flo-Grout 60 - TDS
Flo-Grout 60 - TDS
Flo-Grout 60 - TDS
Technical Properties:
Flo-Grout 60 is pre-mixed, pre-packed chloride free
≥ 25 MPa @ 1 day
cemen ous grout. It contains cement, selected
Compressive strength: ≥ 45 MPa @ 3 days
addi ves, well graded, and non-reac ve aggregates and
ASTM C109/109M-11 ≥ 55 Mpa @ 7 days
is designed to give excellent flow proper es, shrinkage
≥ 65 MPa @ 28 days
compensa on, frost resistance, and high compressive
strength. Flexural strength:
≥ 8 Mpa @ 28 days
BS 6319, Part 3:1990
Colour: Grey
Flo-Grout 60 is ideally designed for use in the following Expansion character-
applica ons: is cs: 0.5 - 3%
ASTM C827/C827M-10
Machine beds.
Stanchion bases, struts, railings, and guardrail assemblies. Fresh wet density: ≈ 2.3 ± 0.1 g/cm3
Filling of shu er e rod openings. Applica on tempera-
Anchoring of e bars, and bolts. 5 - 40oC
Pile top re-profiling.
Service tempera-
-20 to 200oC
Advantages ture:
Good non-shrinkage characteris cs. Notes: Typical proper es @ 4.125 litre/25 kg @ 25˚C.
Extremely dense and low permeability. Compressive strength @ 1 day is under restrain.
High early strength development allowing for rapid Compressive strength and Flexural strength @ 7 and
installa on. 28 days are under wet cure @ 25⁰C.
High flow can be poured or pumped into variable gap
widths down to 10 mm.
Easy to apply, single component which require only To ensure proper mixing, a mechanically powered
addi on of water. mixer or drill fi ed with suitable paddle should be
4.125 litre of clean water should be added to clean
Method of Use
container. The 25 kg powder is then added slowly to
the water while mixing con nuously with low speed
Substrate Preparation
mixer/drill (400 - 600 rpm). Mixing me should be
con nued for 3 minutes un l uniform consistency is
The Substrate should be sound, clean and free from
contamina on. Surface Laitance should be removed
by acid etching.
Placing and Finishing
All surfaces should be soaked with water enough to
reach saturated surfaces prior to grou ng.
Under Base plate:
A water ght formwork should be erected to avoid any
Enough material should be available to achieve
grout loss.
con nuous fill and to complete the work. Pouring of
the mixed grout should be started from one side only to
avoid air entrapment. To obtain maximum flow distance,
a side shu er feed between 100 - 250 mm high should be
The addi on of 4.125 litre of clean water per 25 kg
erected and used to build the required head.
bag is essen al to obtain a flowable consistency and
to achieve the men oned technical proper es. Yet to
use in horizontal situa ons such as filling in e rods
opening, the addi on of 3.3 litre of clean water per 25
kg bag should be used.
Flo-Grout 60
Notes: Fire
At low temperatures (below 8⁰C), warm water is
recommended to achieve the early strength. And the Flo-Grout 60 is nonflammable.
formwork is recommended to be kept longer me.
At high temperatures (35⁰C and above), cold water More from Don Construction Products
(less than 20⁰C) must be used for mixing
A wide range of construc on chemical products are
Cleaning manufactured by DCP which include: