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OPR2601 Major Test 2-2022-Sem 2

Continuous Assessment

Major Test 2


Operations Research

Assessment weight 35%

Total 64 Marks


Honor Pledge: I have neither given nor received aid on the examination.

Plagiarism is the act of taking words, ideas and thoughts of others and presenting it as your own. It
is a form of theft which involves a number of dishonest academic activities.

1. Answer all questions with steps

2. Write clearly using black ink or preferably type your answers
3. Space your work out adequately
4. Read the questions carefully
5. All calculations must be shown and rounded off to 2 decimals wherever possible
6. In the event of uncertainties, state your assumptions clearly and carry on with the questions
7. You must ensure that your student number reflects in the name of the assessment answers

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OPR2601 Major Test 2-2022-Sem 2

Question 1

Consider the Data below:

Activity Predecessor Duration (Days)

A - 3
B A 4
C A 2
D B 5
E C 1
F C 2
G D, E 4
H F, G 3

A. Construct a PERT network (4 Marks)

B. Determine the project duration time (16 Marks)
C. Determine the critical path (4 Marks)


Activity Earliest Earliest finish

Activity Latest Latest Finish
Duration Start

Question 2

Consider the information below:

X1 = number of larger posters

X2 = number of smaller posters
Maximize profit = 3X1 + 2X2
subject to X1 3
X2 5
2X1 + X2  10
X1, X2  0
A. Convert these into Linear Programming equations (5 Marks)

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OPR2601 Major Test 2-2022-Sem 2

Question 3

You are a young and aspiring industrial engineer manufacturing bathtubs. You have
collected 100 weeks of data and you find the following distribution for sales:

Bathtub Number of
Sales weeks Sold
3 2
4 9
5 10
6 15
7 25
8 12
9 12
10 10
11 5

Random Numbers: 10,24,3,32,23,59,95,34,34,51,8,48,66,97,3,96,46,74,77,44

A. Set up a probability and cumulative probability distribution for the variable of bathtub
sales. (9 Marks)
B. Establish random number intervals for the variable. (6 Marks)
C. Simulate 20 weekly bathtub sales (20 Marks)

The End

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