Img 20240604 Wa0072
Img 20240604 Wa0072
Img 20240604 Wa0072
° Correct Answer: + Sinus headaches are often associ ijated with sinus congestion,
i f j
pressure, and pain localized around the forehead, cheeks, or eyes. E oa
* What are common side effects of inhaled corticosteroids, a type of long-
term controller medication for asthma?
* Correct Answer: Common side effects of inhaled corticosteroids may
include throat Irritation, hoarseness, oral thrush, and increased risk of
oral candidiasis. These side effects can often be minimized by using a
spacer device and rinsing the mouth after inhaler use.
* How can individuals with asthma reduce their risk of asthma attacks?
* Correct Answer: Individuals with asthma can reduce their risk of
asthma attacks by avoiding known triggers, taking prescrib
medications as directed, following an asthma action
plan, getting
regular exercise, and maintaining a healthy lifestyl
— —
a sSsS.—™
t e n due to
* What Is glaucoma? damage the op ti c ne rv e, o f
grou ofe e conditions that
¢ Glaucoma is a sure Wi th in the eye.
incr ea se d pr es
th e tw o ma in ty pe s © f glaucoma? cl os ure glaucoma.
* What are au co m 3 an d an gl e-
glau coma are open-angle gl
+ The two main types of de ve lo pi ng gl aucoma?
risk fa ct or s fo r medical
* What are some common ag e, family hist or y of gl au co ma ce rt ai n
ris k fa ct or s fo r la uc om a in cl u de (e .g ., Af ri ca n Am er ic an , Hispanic).
* Comm on hy pe rt en si on), an ethnicit y
conditions (e .g ., sa be te s
+ What is otitis media? middle ear.
ma ti on or in fe ct io n of th e
* Otitis media Is an inflam
* What are the common symptoms of acute otitis media?
in cl ud e ea r pa in , fe ve r, ea r dr ai nage, hearing
symptoms of acute otitis me dia
* Common dren.
loss, and irritability in infants and young chil
otitis media?
* What are the main risk factors for developing
+ How Is otitis media diagnosed?
nd ba se d a n t al ge te ga n or nometry
Sot " itaeiy ae preumatic ©
+ What is the primary treatment for acute otitis ibi oti cs it
tren t for acu oti tis re l ma y inc lud e ant
Caerleon uy ected pain medications | oe
eo me li ei on s ean ar e fro m unt rea ted of ra st a a ac
Ps * What
atthe yenta » dechlaroysningle te. rinedon estng occ andapeechor
t media
| . | of unt
risk of contracting seSTDS!
xual partner
limitingvaccinated against STDS —
hing or
cau se of ank le pai n fol low ing an injury, characterized by stretc
What is a comm on
tearing of the ligaments?
Correct Answer: Ankle sprain
of the con dit ion cha rac ter ize d by inflammation of the fluid-filled sac
What is the name
located around the knee joint?
Correct Answer: Bursitis
or Fals e: R.I. C.E. (Res t, Ice, Com pre ssi on, Elevation) is a common first aid treatment for
ankle and knee injuries.
Correct Answer: True
to stabilize the joint?
Which structure in the knee acts as a shock absorber and helps
Correct Answer: Meniscus
What is the primary symptom of a sprained ankle?
Correct Answer: Pain, swelling, and difficulty bearing weight on the affected ankle
joint often
stiffness, and swelling & in the knee joint,
What condition is characterized dby bY pain,
worsened by activity and raheve
Correct Answer: Osteoarthritis
* What is the purpose of applying compression to an injured ankle or knee?
* Correct Answer: Compression helps to reduce swelling and provides support to the injured