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Moderating Effect of Technological Content Knowledge On Teachers' Attitude Towards Digital Technology and Classroom Supervision Competence

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24JUN890

Moderating Effect of Technological Content

Knowledge on Teachers’ Attitude towards Digital
Technology and Classroom Supervision Competence
Rose Ann Escorido Mansilao (Researcher)
Remigilda D. Gallardo (Co-Researcher)

Abstract:- The study evaluated the moderating effect of teachers incorporate technology with pedagogy and subject
technological content knowledge on the interaction matter knowledge.
between attitude towards digital technology and
teachers’ classroom supervision competence. In this Teachers' attitudes towards digital technology
study, the researcher selected the 200 public elementary significantly influence their willingness to adopt and
school teachers in Marilog District, Davao City as the effectively use such tools in the classroom. Positive attitudes
respondents of the study. Stratified random sampling often correlate with higher levels of technological
technique was utilized in the selection of the respondents. integration, whereas negative attitudes can act as stumbling
Non-experimental quantitative research design using block. However, mere positive disposition towards
descriptive-correlational method was employed. The technology is insufficient; teachers must possess adequate
data collected were subjected on the following statistical expertise and proficiencies to utilize these tools efficiently.
tools: Mean, Partial Correlation, and Heirarchical This is where Technological Content Knowledge (TCK)
Regression Analysis. Descriptive analysis showed that becomes significant. TCK refers to teachers' understanding
attitude towards digital technology, teachers’ classroom of how technology can be used to enhance the learning of
supervision competence, and technological content specific content. It includes not only familiarity with digital
knowledge were rated as extensive. Further, partial tools but also the ability to apply these tools to facilitate and
correlation analysis demonstrated that there is improve subject-specific learning outcomes.
significant relationship between attitude towards digital
technology and teachers’ classroom supervision The intent of this study was to evaluate the moderating
competence when moderated by technological content effect of technological content knowledge on attitude
knowledge. Evidently, hierarchical regression analysis towards digital technology and classroom supervision
proved that technological content knowledge competence of the teachers. Since it is known that the
significantly moderates the interaction between attitude quality of education depends primarily on the way teachers
towards digital technology and teachers’ classroom managed the behavior of the students, more than on the
supervision competence. In other words, technological abundance of available resources, and that the capacity of
content knowledge is a significant moderator on the teachers to maintain orderliness in the classroom influenced
attitude towards digital technology and teachers’ the academic success of the students. To the knowledge of
classroom supervision competence in Marilog District, the researcher, most of the studies on the classroom
Davao City. The study, therefore, was conducted for supervision competence of teachers are conducted in a
further utilization of findings through publication in foreign setting and only examined the direct influence.
reputable research journal. Thus, it is on this context that the researcher felt the need to
fill-in the research gap of conducting a study in the
Keywords:- Educational Management, Attitude towards Philippine context, particularly in Marilog District, Davao
Digital Technology, Teachers’ Classroom Supervision City using a quantitative research design. Specifically, the
Competence, Technological Content Knowledge. researcher used of hierarchical regression analysis to
understand the teachers’ classroom instructional competence
I. INTRODUCTION as determined by the attitude towards digital technology and
moderated by technological content knowledge which is
In the rapidly evolving landscape of education, the found to be scarce.
integration of digital technology has become progressively
more vital. The use of digital tools in classrooms not only Attitude towards digital technology as defined by
improves the learning experience but also demands a Štemberger and Konrad (2021) is one's positive or negative
revolution in teaching practices and supervision strategies. evaluation towards the introduction of new kinds of
Teachers, as the leading facilitators of this change, face the technology in any environment. Also, Meel (2016)
challenge of adjusting to these new tools while providing described attitude toward digital technology as the person’s
effective classroom management. The concept of general evaluation or feeling of favor or antipathy towards
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) computer technologies and specific computer related
has emerged as a critical framework to understand how activities. As attitudes are learnt, Kutluca (2014) viewed that

IJISRT24JUN890 www.ijisrt.com 944

Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24JUN890

they are mouldable that is they change with experience of respond well to technology-infused activities because of
the stimulus objects and with social rules or institutions, and their familiarity with online technology. Online technologies
attitude would affect individual in everything they do and in and teaching efficiency have positive effects on student
fact reflects what they are, and hence a determining factor of motivation.
individual’s behavior towards computer technology.
Classroom supervision competence as defined by
Temli-Durmus (2016) is an intricate aspect of teaching and The researcher utilized quantitative descriptive-
effectively managed classrooms which is essential for the correlational technique of research to gather data ideas, facts
construction of an effective learning environment. Likewise, and information related to the attitude towards digital
Nasey (2012) described management practices as the action technology, classroom supervision competence, and
taken by the teacher or instructor to ensure that the assigned technological content knowledge of teachers. The findings
tasks have been performed by the students. It has to do with from quantitative research aim to provide a deeper
rules, routines, structure-managing instruction, organizing understanding of patterns, relationships, and trends within
learning materials and activities. the data.

In the educational processes, classroom supervision Respondents of the study were the elementary school
competence is considered as a complex exercise. This is teachers in Marilog District, Davao City. In this study, the
because it demands talent, skills, energy, and ability from 200 respondents were selected through stratified random
the teacher to manage classroom because it directly deals sampling technique. The study employed the adopted and
with the behaviors of learners (Zouzou, 2015). Effective modified survey questionnaires which was contextualized to
instructional supervision skill is about creating inviting and fit the context of the respondents of this study.
appealing environments for student learning and also tools
that the teachers can use to help create such an environment, The first part of the instrument concerned about the
ranging from activities to improve teacher-student attitude towards digital technology of the teachers. This
relationships to rules to regulate student behavior questionnaire was composed of statements that were divided
(Korpershoek et al., 2014). among the indicators: technical, pedagogical, ethical, and
attitudinal. The Cronbach’s alpha value of 0.951, described
From the perspective of bonding to schools, describe a as excellent and interpreted as very reliable.
set of emotional supports and organizational techniques that
are equally important to learners as teachers’ instructional The second part of the instrument was the classroom
methods and posited that by providing emotional support supervision competence. The questionnaires were composed
and a predictable, consistent, and safe environment, students of statements which were divided among the indicators
become more self-reliant, motivated to learn, and willing to namely management practices, behavior management, and
take risks by modeling strong organizational and instructional management. The Cronbach alpha value for the
management structures, teachers can help build students’ new scale is 0.956 described as excellent and interpreted as
own ability to self-regulate (Pianta & Hamre, 2009). high reliability and consistency. In the manner of answering
the questionnaire, the items the respondents made use the 5-
In addition, teacher leadership behavior and effective Likert scale.
management practices played a key role in leading the
progress of not only to the class but also to the school, The third part of the instrument concerns about the
therefore it contributed directly to improving students’ technological content knowledge of the teachers in Marilog
achievement. Based on the literature review, teacher District, Davao City adapted from the study of Hosseini and
leadership could bring a positive impact on classroom Kamal (2012). The Cronbach coefficient value for this
management (Tang & See, 2009). Teacher leadership could instrument is 0.953 described as excellent and interpreted as
bring a positive impact on classroom management. Previous high reliability and consistency. In the manner of answering
studies like Siti-Aida (2011) and Tan (2011) have indicated the questionnaire, the items were modified so that it may
that the practice of teacher leadership would enable to suit the context of this study.
improve management practices of teachers.
In conclusion, the researcher utilized statistical tools in
Reviews of literature shows positive association processing the gathered data. Mean was used in
between online technology attitude and individual teaching characterizing the teacher’s attitude towards digital
efficiency. On a study by Granito and Chernobilsky (2012) technology, classroom supervision competence, and
developing individuals’ positive attitude towards online technological content knowledge. Partial Correlation was
technology create enjoyment which allow the teachers to used in this study to assess the significant relationship
innovate their motivated strategies utilized in the teaching- between attitude towards digital technology and classroom
learning processes, thus, helping them respond positively to supervision competence of teachers when moderated by
the challenging tasks given by the career. On the study, technological content knowledge. And the Hierarchical
result pointed out that as the attitude towards online Regression Analysis was applied to evaluate the moderating
technology of the individuals developed, they become effect of technological content knowledge on the interaction
digital natives. Hence, allowing these digital natives to

IJISRT24JUN890 www.ijisrt.com 945

Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24JUN890

between attitude towards digital technology and classroom mean rating of the different items ranges from 3.18 to 4.08.
supervision competence of teachers. The item knowing how to solve their own technical
problems reflects a mean rating of 3.18, described as
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS moderately extensive and interpreted as item is sometimes
observed. Meanwhile, the item, using technology tools to
This presents the extents of attitude towards digital process data and report results shows a rating of 4.08,
technology, classroom supervision competence, and described extensive, interpreted as oftentimes observed by
technological content knowledge of teachers in Marilog the respondents.
District, Davao City; the significant relationship between
attitude towards digital technology and classroom The result means that teachers oftentimes effectively
supervision competence of teachers in Marilog District, integrate technology into their teaching methods. They can
Davao City when moderated by technological content leverage various digital tools to enhance the learning
knowledge; and the moderating effect of technological experience, engage students, and make complex concepts
content knowledge on the interaction between attitude easier to grasp. This supports Mahajan’s (2016) view that
towards digital technology and classroom supervision when teachers are adept at using digital technology, they can
competence of teachers. create interactive and multimedia-rich learning experiences.
This increased engagement can positively impact students'
 Teachers’ Attitude towards Digital Technology motivation and interest in the subject matter. This result also
agrees with the view of Vaseghi et al. (2012) that extensive
 Technical teachers' knowledge and skills on digital technology is
In terms of technical component, it shows an extensive crucial in fostering an innovative and effective learning
category mean rating of 3.78 which means that this attitude environment, preparing students for the digital age, and
towards digital technology of teachers is oftentimes ensuring that education keeps pace with the rapidly evolving
observed by teachers in Marilog District in Davao City. The technological landscape.

Table 1 Teachers’ Attitude towards Digital Technology in Terms of Technical

Statement Mean Descriptive Rating
Knowing how to solve their own technical problems. 3.18 Moderately Extensive
Using technology tools to process data and report results. 4.08 Extensive
Feeling apprehensive about using a computer. 3.91 Extensive
Using technology in the development of strategies for solving problems in the real world. 3.98 Extensive
Being confident that I can handle computer without damaging it. 3.76 Extensive
Mean 3.78 Extensive

 Pedagogical mean rating of 2.62, described as moderately extensive and

Specifically, examining the dimension on pedagogical interpreted as this descriptor on this indicator is sometimes
reveals that its category mean is 3.51 described as extensive observed by respondents. It is worth to note that the item
which means that this dimension of teachers’ attitude using digital technology enhance the presentation of my
towards digital technology in terms of pedagogical is work to a degree which justifies the extra work has a mean
oftentimes observed among the respondents. The table rating of 4.17, described as extensive and interpreted as
further reveals that the mean rating of the items ranges from oftentimes observed by the teachers in Marilog District,
2.62 to 4.17. It is noteworthy that item, choosing technology Davao City.
that can enhance the teaching approaches for a lesson has a

Table 2 Attitude towards Digital Technology of Teachers in Terms of Pedagogical

Statement Mean Descriptive Rating
Using digital technology help me improve my teaching efficiency. 3.01 Moderately Extensive
Working with digital technology help me do my work conveniently. 3.98 Extensive
Using digital technology allows me to do more interesting and imaginative work. 3.75 Extensive
Choosing technology that can enhance the teaching approaches for a lesson 2.62 Moderately Extensive
Using digital technology enhance the presentation of my work to a degree which
justifies the extra work. 4.17
Mean 3.51 Extensive

The result implies that the ability of teachers to technology into their teaching practices. They can choose
navigate the digital age and leverage technology in appropriate digital tools and resources that align with their
meaningful ways within the teaching-learning process is educational goals and enhance the learning experience. This
oftentimes observed. The result supports the assertion of also agreed with the idea of Koehler and Mishra (2009), that
Cavanagh and Koehler (2013) that teachers with high teachers with strong technical and pedagogical skills can
technical and pedagogical skills can seamlessly integrate adapt instruction to meet individual student needs.

IJISRT24JUN890 www.ijisrt.com 946

Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24JUN890

Technology allows for differentiated learning experiences, This finding means that educators are knowledgeable
catering to varying learning styles and paces. about the ethical considerations and responsible use of
technology and the internet. This result supports the finding
 Ethical of Abdullah et al. (2015) that teachers who are well-
The table shows that the dimension, ethical, was informed about cyber-ethics can effectively guide students
assessed by the teacher as extensive with a category mean of in using technology responsibly and ethically. They can
3.40, interpreted as oftentimes observed by teachers in teach students how to navigate digital spaces safely, avoid
Marilog District, Davao City. The mean rating of the different engaging in harmful online behaviors, and understand the
items ranges from 2.78 to 4.20. On one hand, the item consequences of their actions in the digital world. In
Recognizing copyrighted information has a mean rating of addition, the result supports the findings of Oye and Iahad
2.78, described as moderately extensive, interpreted as (2013) that teachers with a strong understanding of cyber-
sometimes observed. On the other hand, the item Being ethics can instill the principles of good digital citizenship in
honest when engaging in digital technology reflects a mean their students. This involves teaching students to respect
of 4.20 described as very extensive and interpreted as others' online identities, engage in constructive online
always observed by the respondents. discussions, and protect their own and others' digital rights.

Table 3 Attitude towards Digital Technology of Teachers in Terms of Ethical

Statement Mean Descriptive Rating
Avoiding using foul language while using digital technology. 3.72 Extensive
Recognizing copyrighted information. 2.78 Moderately Extensive
Being honest when engaging in digital technology. 4.20 Very Extensive
Safeguarding personal and private data. 3.34 Moderately Extensive
Being polite and respectful in communicating while using digital technology. 2.98 Moderately Extensive
Mean 3.40 Extensive

 Attitudinal This finding means that the willingness, receptiveness,

The table shows that the dimension, attitudinal, was and positive disposition of educators towards incorporating
assessed by the teachers as extensive with a category mean and utilizing innovative digital tools and technologies in
of 3.61, interpreted as oftentimes observed by the teachers in their classrooms is oftentimes observed. This supports
Marilog District, Davao City. The mean rating of the Saricoban’s (2013) idea that an open attitude towards
different items ranges from 2.78 to 4.09. Further, the item technology enables educators to adopt adaptive learning
Grabbing opportunity that I can encounter computers at platforms, digital assessments, and personalized learning
school has a mean rating of 2.78, described as moderately pathways to meet students' unique requirements. More so,
extensive and interpreted as sometimes observed by the the result agrees with Sánchez-Prieto’s et al. (2017)
teachers. Furthermore, the item Evaluating and selecting assertion that teachers who are open to new technologies can
new information approaches and technological innovations explore various digital tools and applications to reinforce
based on their appropriateness on specific tasks in concepts, provide timely feedback, and measure student
particular content or topic attained a mean score of 4.09 progress more efficiently. In addition, the result agrees with
described as extensive and interpreted as item on this Wang and Liu’s (2014) idea that educators with an open
domain is oftentimes observed by the respondents in attitude can use digital communication tools, online
Marilog District, Davao City. discussion forums, and collaborative platforms to encourage
peer-to-peer learning and interaction.

Table 4 Attitude towards Digital Technology of the Teachers in Terms of Attitudinal

Statement Mean Descriptive Rating
Being open in using digital technology in teaching. 3.53 Extensive
Grabbing opportunity that I can come in contact with computers at school. 2.78 Extensive
Using computers at school when it is necessary for teaching and completing tasks. 3.93 Extensive
Using technology for more collaboration and communication with students. 3.73 Moderately Extensive
Evaluating and selecting new information approaches and technological innovations based
on their appropriateness on specific tasks in particular content or topic. 4.09
Mean 3.61 Extensive

Lastly, Table 5 shows the summary of the extent of attitude towards digital technology in terms of technical
teachers’ attitudes towards digital technology in Marilog acquired the highest mean score of 3.78 described as
District, Davao City. As shown in the table, the overall extensive and interpreted as oftentimes observed, while
mean of the teachers’ attitude towards digital technology is teachers’ attitude towards digital technology in terms of
3.58 which is described as extensive. It means that the ethical got the lowest mean score of 3.40 described as
teachers’ attitude toward digital technology was oftentimes extensive and interpreted as oftentimes observed by the
observed. Adding more, the table also shows that teachers’ teachers in Marilog District, Davao City.

IJISRT24JUN890 www.ijisrt.com 947

Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24JUN890

Table 5 Summary on Teachers’ Attitude towards Digital Technology in Marilog District, Davao City
Indicators Mean Descriptive Equivalent
Technical 3.78 Extensive
Pedagogical 3.51 Extensive
Ethical 3.40 Extensive
Attitudinal 3.61 Extensive
Overall 3.58 Extensive

The result implies that teachers’ positive beliefs, management is oftentimes manifested by the teachers.
perceptions, and willingness to integrate digital tools and Adding on, looking at the mean ratings of the different
technology into their teaching practices is oftentimes items, they range from 2.85 to 3.98. The item, preparing
observed by the teachers. The result corroborates Kutluca’s good, structured learning activities reflects a mean rating of
(2014) idea that teachers with a positive attitude towards 2.85, described as moderately extensive, and interpreted as
digital technology are more likely to incorporate various sometimes manifested by the respondents. The item
technology tools and applications into their lessons. This encouraging learners to engage in learning tasks has a
integration can lead to more interactive and engaging mean rating of 3.98, described as extensive and interpreted
learning experiences for students. Moreover, the result as item oftentimes manifested by the teachers.
agrees with the idea of Shaukenova (2016) that teachers who
embrace digital technology are more likely to engage in This means that the set of strategies, actions, and
continuous professional development opportunities. They decisions that educators use to effectively organize and
may actively seek out training and workshops to stay facilitate the teaching and learning process in the classroom
updated on the latest technological advancements and best is oftentimes manifested by the teachers. This finding is
practices in educational technology. With a positive attitude congruent to the view of Nevid (2011) that teachers'
towards digital technology, teachers are more likely to adopt instructional management involves fostering effective
blended learning approaches that combine both traditional communication with students. Clear instructions, active
classroom instruction and online learning experiences. This listening, and open dialogue create a supportive and
flexibility can cater to different learning preferences and inclusive learning environment where students feel
schedules. comfortable participating and expressing their ideas. Adding
more, the result corroborates with the view of Zouzou
 Teachers’ Classroom Supervision Competence (2015) that effective instructional management can
positively impact student learning outcomes by optimizing
 Instructional Management instructional time and creating a supportive learning
This dimension has a category mean of 3.50 described environment that fosters engagement and active
as extensive and interpreted as teachers’ classroom participation.
supervision competence in terms of instructional

Table 6 Teachers’ Classroom Supervision Competence in terms of Instructional Management

Statement Mean Descriptive Rating
Encouraging learners to engage in learning tasks. 3.98 Extensive
Preparing good, structured learning activities. 2.85 Extensive
Encouraging learners to be active during learning –teaching process. 3.42 Extensive
Being good at time management. 3.39 Moderately Extensive
Knowing effective strategies to attract students attention. 3.88 Extensive
Mean 3.50 Extensive

 Management Practices The results suggest that strategies, methods, and

This dimension has a category mean of 3.31 described actions that educators use to effectively organize, direct, and
as moderately extensive and interpreted by the teachers of facilitate the teaching-learning process in the classroom is
Marilog District in Davao City is sometimes manifested. sometimes manifested. This finding supports Orodho and
Adding on, looking at the mean ratings of the different Waweru’s (2013) idea that effective management practices
items, they range from 2.61 to 3.92. The item, Persuading contribute to a positive and supportive learning environment
learners to obey the classroom rules reflects a mean rating where students feel motivated, engaged, and respected.
of 2.61, described as moderately extensive and interpreted Adding more, the finding agrees with Lumpkin’s (2013)
as item sometimes manifested by the teachers. The item view that effective management practices help maintain
recognizing what students demand obtained the mean of smooth classroom dynamics and foster positive relationships
3.92 described as extensive and interpreted as item between students and teachers. By implementing effective
oftentimes observe among teachers in Marilog District, classroom management techniques, thoughtful instructional
Davao City. design, and student engagement strategies, teachers can
create an environment that promotes learning, growth, and
success for all students.

IJISRT24JUN890 www.ijisrt.com 948

Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24JUN890

Table 7 Teachers’ Classroom Supervision Competence in terms of Management Practices

Statement Mean Descriptive Rating
Encouraging learners to determine classroom rules. 3.81 Extensive
Persuading learners to obey the classroom rules. 2.61 Moderately Extensive
Having required skills about Classroom Management. 2.62 Moderately Extensive
Providing effective communication skills in classroom. 3.60 Extensive
Recognizing what students demand. 3.92 Extensive
Mean 3.31 Moderately Extensive

 Behavior Management This finding means the ability of the teacher to deal
Specifically, examining the domain on behavior with students’ misbehavior during teaching-learning
management results on Table 8 reveal that its category mean processes is oftentimes manifested by the teachers. This
is 3.69 described as extensive which means that this supports the view of More and Miller (2015) that effective
particular domain on classroom supervision competence is behavior management creates a positive and safe learning
oftentimes manifested by the teachers of Marilog District, environment where students feel comfortable and motivated
Davao City. The table further reveals that the mean rating of to participate actively in the learning process. A positive
the items ranges from 3.06 to 3.98. It is noteworthy that classroom atmosphere enhances engagement and learning
item, using preventive strategies has a mean rating of 3.06, outcomes. In addition, the result is in agreement with the
described as moderately extensive and interpreted as item idea of Blazar (2016) that effective behavior management
sometimes manifested while item dealing with learners’ can strengthen the teacher-student relationship. When
misbehaviors positively has a mean rating of 3.98, described teachers address behavioral issues in a respectful and caring
as extensive and interpreted as item oftentimes observed by manner, students feel supported and valued.
the teachers.

Table 8 Teachers’ Classroom Supervision Competence in terms of Behavior Management

Statement Mean Descriptive Rating
Coping up with disruptive behaviors. 3.69 Extensive
Using preventive strategies. 3.06 Moderately Extensive
Dealing with learners misbehaviors positively. 3.98 Extensive
Influencing the behavior of learners to achieve desired outcomes. 3.95 Extensive
Establishing clear expectations 3.77 Extensive
Mean 3.69 Extensive

Lastly, Table 9 shows the summary of the extent of This means that teachers’ ability to effectively observe,
teachers’ classroom supervision competence in Marilog monitor, and assess student behavior and learning activities
District, Davao City. The overall mean of teachers’ in the classroom is oftentimes manifested. The result
classroom supervision competence is 3.50 described as supports the idea of Nasey (2012) that competent classroom
extensive. Adding more, the table shows that teachers’ supervision allows teachers to maintain a well-organized
classroom supervision competence in terms of behavioral and disciplined learning environment. By being attentive to
management acquired the highest mean score of 3.69 students' behavior and engagement, teachers can promptly
described as extensive and interpreted as oftentimes address any disruptions and ensure that instructional time is
manifested, while teachers’ classroom supervision maximized. Adding more, the result also corroborates with
competence in terms of behavioral management got the Zouzou’s (2015) idea that competent classroom supervision
lowest mean score of 3.31 described as moderately fosters higher levels of student engagement. Teachers can
extensive and interpreted as sometimes manifested among observe students' reactions to different activities and adapt
teachers in Marilog District, Davao City. their teaching methods to enhance student interest and

Table 9 Summary on Teachers’ Classroom Supervision Competence in Marilog District, Davao City
Indicators Mean Descriptive Equivalent
Instructional Management 3.50 Extensive
Management Practices 3.31 Moderately Extensive
Behavior Management 3.69 Extensive
Overall 3.50 Extensive

IJISRT24JUN890 www.ijisrt.com 949

Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24JUN890

 Teachers’ Technological Content Knowledge matter he/she is handling reflects a mean rating of 3.33,
Teachers’ technology content knowledge acquired a described as moderately extensive and interpreted as item
mean score of 3.69 described as extensive and interpreted by sometimes manifested by the teachers. The item, using
the teachers of Marilog District in Davao City is oftentimes technology for presenting the subject matter he/she is
evident. Looking at the mean ratings of the different items, teaching obtained the mean of 4.04 described as extensive
they range from 3.33 to 4.04. The item, Finding and and interpreted as item oftentimes observe among teachers
evaluating the resources that he/she needs for the subject in Marilog District, Davao City.

Table 10 Teachers’ Technological Content Knowledge

Statement Mean Descriptive Rating
Knowing about technologies that he/she can use for understanding the subject matter he/she is
teaching. 4.01
Knowing how to use specific software and Web sites about the subject matter he/she is teaching
in elementary level. 3.45
Finding and evaluating the resources that he/she need for the subject matter he/she is handling. 3.33 Moderately Extensive
Using technology for presenting the subject matter he/she is teaching. 4.04 Extensive
Using technology tools and resources for managing and communicating information of the
subject matter he/she is teaching. 3.62
Mean 3.69 Extensive

This implies that the expertise and understanding that that as the extent of the attitude towards digital technology
educators possess in effectively integrating technology into changes, classroom supervision competence of teachers also
their subject-specific content is oftentimes evident. This changes significantly when moderated by technological
finding supports Aboshady’s et al. (2015) idea that content knowledge. Adding more, the result in the table also
integrating technology in the classroom can facilitate active shows that attitude towards digital technology in terms of
learning strategies, such as collaborative projects, technical, pedagogical, ethical, and attitudinal have
multimedia presentations, and interactive simulations, significant positive relationship with the classroom
promoting deeper understanding and knowledge retention. supervision competence of teachers when moderated by
Adding more, the finding agrees with Renny’s et al. (2012) technological content knowledge with a p-value of .000 that
proposition that encouraging teachers to develop high levels is less than .05 level of significance (two-tailed) (r = 0.351,
of technological content knowledge requires ongoing p < 0.05), (r = 0.659, p < 0.05), (r = 0.246, p < 0.05), and (r
professional development and training. Institutions should = 0.812, p < 0.05), respectively.
invest in workshops and courses to support educators in
enhancing their technological competencies. The result implies that when teachers possess high
technological content knowledge, it can enhance their ability
 Relationship between Attitude towards Digital to effectively supervise classrooms where digital technology
Technology and Teachers’ Classroom Supervision is being utilized. They can more adeptly observe and guide
Competence with Technological Content Knowledge as students' use of technology, ensuring that it aligns with the
Moderator learning objectives and promotes a positive and productive
The results on the analysis on the relationship between learning environment. The result corroborates with Piccinini
attitude towards digital technology and classroom and Scarantino’s (2016) proposition that teachers with a
supervision competence of teachers in Marilog District, high level of technological content knowledge are better
Davao City when moderated by technological content equipped to adapt to new technologies and innovations. As
knowledge are presented. Bivariate correlation analysis they embrace and integrate these new tools into their
using Pearson product moment correlation was utilized to classrooms, their attitude towards digital technology
determine the relationship between the variables mentioned. becomes a driving force for their professional development
and growth. In addition, the result is congruent to Saeed’s
Table 11 shows that attitude towards digital technology (2015) assertion that teachers who possess higher
has a significant positive relationship with the teachers’ technological content knowledge are more likely to provide
classroom supervision competence in Marilog District, equal learning opportunities for all students, regardless of
Davao City when moderated by technological content their socio-economic background or access to technology
knowledge with a p-value of .000 that is less than .05 level outside the classroom.
of significance (two-tailed) (r = 0.788, p < 0.05). It means

IJISRT24JUN890 www.ijisrt.com 950

Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24JUN890

Table 11 Relationship between Attitude towards Digital Technology and Classroom Supervision Competence of Teachers with
Technological Content Knowledge as Moderator
Classroom Supervision Competence
Variables Technological Content Knowledge (Moderator)
r-value p-value Interpretation Decision
Technical 0.351* 0.000 Significant Reject H0
Pedagogical 0.659* 0.000 Significant Reject H0
Ethical 0.246* 0.000 Significant Reject H0
Attitudinal 0.812* 0.000 Significant Reject H0
Overall Attitude Towards Digital Technology 0.788* 0.000 Significant Reject H0
*Significant @ p<0.05

 Moderating Effect of Technological Content Knowledge accounted for an additional 8.40% of variance in the
on the Interaction between Attitude towards Digital dependent variable (ΔR2 = 0.084). Based on the result, the
Technology and Teachers’ Classroom Supervision null hypothesis was rejected as technological content
Competence knowledge (TCK) had significantly moderated the
The moderating effect of technological content relationship between attitude towards digital technology
knowledge (TCK) on the interaction between attitude (ADT) and teachers’ classroom supervision competence
towards digital technology (ADT) and teachers’ classroom (CSC).
supervision competence (CSC) in Marilog District, Davao
City were tested using hierarchical regression analysis. The finding corroborates with the idea of Granito and
Results on the Table 12 shows that the Beta coefficients for Chernobilsky (2012) that teachers with positive attitudes
the Step 1 analysis of attitude towards digital technology towards digital technology are more willing to explore and
(ADT) and teachers’ classroom supervision competence experiment with various technological tools in the
(CSC) were β= 0.105, S.E. = 0.056, p<0.05; and classroom. When they also possess a strong technological
technological content knowledge (TCK) and teachers’ content knowledge, they feel more confident and
classroom supervision competence (CSC) were β =0.211, comfortable using these tools effectively. This confidence
S.E.=0.049, p<0.05. When attitude towards digital allows them to navigate technological challenges,
technology (ADT) and technological content knowledge troubleshoot issues, and maintain a smooth classroom
(TCK) were included as the only independent variables environment while utilizing technology. Adding more, the
(without including an interaction term), the regression result supports the anchored proposition by Roth (2013) that
model explained 63.80% of the variance in teachers’ the combination of positive attitudes and technological
classroom supervision competence (CSC) (R2 = 0.638, content knowledge fosters adaptability and flexibility in
p< .05). teachers. They can quickly adjust their teaching methods
and approaches based on the needs of their students and the
Moreover, Beta coefficients for the Step 2 analysis of available technological resources. This adaptability allows
attitude towards digital technology (ADT) and teachers’ them to take advantage of spontaneous teachable moments
classroom supervision competence (CSC) were β= 0.384, and adapt their classroom supervision techniques to address
S.E. = .031, p<0.05; technological content knowledge evolving classroom dynamics.
(TCK) and teachers’ classroom supervision competence
(CSC) were β =0.177, S.E. = 0.048, p <0.05; and moderator Lastly, the finding corroborates with Mishra and
(ADT*TCK) and teachers’ classroom supervision Koehler’s (2006) TPACK framework that teachers with a
competence (CSC) were β =0.224, S.E.= 0.052, p<0.05. positive attitude towards digital technology are more likely
Also, it was indicated that when an interaction between to feel comfortable using technology tools during classroom
attitude towards digital technology (ADT) and technological observations. This comfort level translates into increased
content knowledge (TCK) was added, the percentage of confidence in utilizing digital tools to capture observations,
variance in teachers’ classroom supervision competence take notes, and provide feedback to their peers. Teachers
(CSC) was 72.20% (R2 = 0.722; p<0.05) indicated the with strong TCK may be better equipped to identify relevant
independent contribution of each variable while controlling digital resources and strategies during classroom
for the influence of others to create the regression equation observations, allowing them to provide more context-
for each analysis, after assuring significance by examining specific feedback to their peers.
accompanying p-values. Hence, the interaction term

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Table 12 Moderating Effect of Technological Content Knowledge on the Interaction between Attitude towards Digital
Technology and Teachers’ Classroom Supervision Competence
Teachers’ Classroom Supervision Competence (CSC)
Step 1
B Beta S.E p-value Decisions
Attitude Towards Digital Technology (ADT) .105 .131 .056 .000 Reject H0
Technological Content Knowledge (TCK) .211 .078 .049 .000 Reject H0
R2 = 0.638 F-value = 117.884** p-value = 0.000
Step 2
Attitude Towards Digital Technology (ADT) .384** .576 .031 .000 Reject H0
Technological Content Knowledge (TCK) .177** .126 .048 .000 Reject H0
Moderator (ADT*TCK) .224** .089 .052 .000 Reject H0
R2 = 0.722 F-value = 132.087** p-value = 0.000
*Significant @ p<0.05

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