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Assessment of Desired Core Competencies and Its Acquisition Barriers of Agricultural Extension Advisors in Nepal

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The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:22, June, 2021


R.K. Mehta 1, O.P. Singh 2, U.P. Sigdel 3 and N.R. Joshi 4

Modern agriculture is the era of 21st century. Competency is an indispensable in every
aspect of delivering services to their ultimate users. Competency is integration of
skills, knowledge, attitude and behavior that trigger to perform the delegated
services in precise and methodical manner. The objective of this study was to identify
important core competency required and its acquisition barrier for extension advisors
of Nepalese agriculture extension service. Data were obtained using survey
questionnaire from officers working at federal, state and local government offices of
the selected 18 districts. The questionnaire was composed of open and close-ended
questions based on 56 indicators of the nine core competencies. The descriptive
statistics were used to analyze the responses. The findings indicated respondent
perceptions on its all nine core competencies- program planning, program
implementation, communication skills, extension education and information
technology, program evaluation, personal and professional development, diversity,
subject matter expertise and emotional intelligence from important to very
important ranges. Subject matter expertise was perceived most important and
communication skills as least one. Subject matter expertise, extension education and
information technology skills positively correlate with education. The limited training
opportunities and high cost for acquiring training personally are major barriers to
gain competencies

Key words: acquisition barrier, Core competency, extension advisor

Nepal is agrarian country with 27.6% contribution of agriculture sector to
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of nation. The development situation is weak
even majority people are involved (MoALD, 2018). The national data shows
increasing rate of foodstuff import to meet the national food demand, as 15
percent (4.6 million) of population are food insecure (FAO, 2019).There are
some promising sectors within agriculture domains like milk production,
poultry, tea, vegetables, seed and fisheries (MoALD, 2019). Besides this,

1 PMAMP, PIU, Morang, MoALD, Nepal

2 FoA, Agriculture and Forestry University, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal
3 FoA, Agriculture and Forestry University, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal
4 FoA, Agriculture and Forestry University, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal
The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:22, June, 2021

poverty reduction, malnutrition and food security are the major challenges
for extension workers to combat for better future.
After the people movements for more than one decade, Nepal is admired by
three tier of government as one central, 7 provinces with 753 local
governments. At federal government, the Ministry of Agriculture and
Livestock Development (MoALD) is leading body for overall agriculture
development in nations (MoALD, 2019). It has three departments namely
Department of Agriculture (DOA), Department of Livestock Services (DLS) and
Department of Food Technology and Quality Control (DFTQC). The major
agriculture extension and development services perform through Department
of Agriculture (DOA) and some central level program and projects. In
province level, agricultural development is governing through the Ministry of
Land Management, Agriculture and Cooperatives (MoLMAC). The province
ministry provides extension and development grant service through
Agriculture Knowledge Centre (AKC) at district level and laboratory service
as divisional office. One AKC covers one or more districts according to
coverage authority. Similarly, the agriculture section is primary and front
line office for Nepalese farmer providing service at local level. The
agriculture officer is chief of municipal level agriculture section, which is
under the chief administrative officer of municipality, who perform all the
primary work of section from planning to implementation and monitored by
chief of municipality (MoALD, 2019).
Extension advisors are the front-line extension workers who provide the
services to farmers. The extension advisors may be Agriculture Technician
(AT) or Agriculture Officers (AO). The front-line extension advisors are AT or
AO working at municipality level. The Extension agents at AKCs or federal
government are in second and third tier of service provider respectively
(MoALD, 2019). The Nepalese agriculture is still facing the acute shortage of
trained human resources. One technician is responsible for an average of
1500 farmers whereas in developed countries the ratio is one technician for
400 farmers (The New Humanitarian, 2013).In such context, to deliver
service to farmer's extension advisor must be skillful to perform all task in
Competencies are the set of skills that individual possesses to perform
certain task. It is combinations of knowledge, skills, attitude and behaviors
(Maddy et al., 2002). The determination of required core competence for
extension agent is very crucial for planning of technical human resource
development. Core competencies are important for managing the need of
organization for maintaining the competitive environment (Vakola et. al.,
2007). There are various competencies required for extension workers to
perform their jobs in field. The competencies requirements depend upon the
working conditions, farmer’s situations and policy of implementation in field.

The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:22, June, 2021

There are various competency areas pointed by different researchers.

According to Ghimire et al., (2016) there are eight core competencies
necessary in Nepalese extension service. The area of competencies are
program planning, communication, program implementation, personal and
professional development, extension education and informational
technology, diversity, program evaluation, and technical subject matter
expertise. Similarly, Lakai et al., (2014) segregate the six core competencies
are for extension advisor for successful in North Carolina Cooperative
extension. The technical human resources have been divided in three layer
of government. There were single office (DADO) to deliver all the service
with all faculty members but there is one section of agriculture in each
municipality with only 1-5 work forces. This deployment of human resources
has made more challenging job of extension workers to deliver all the
services from single service point. At the mean time, technician to farmer
ratio is 1: 1500, which is very tough and challenging for service (IRIN, 2013).
The rewards and barriers are very critical for the competency acquisition
among extension advisors. The rewards support much in moving towards
personal satisfaction, professional respect and colleague recognition (Shinn &
Smith, 1999). A panel of experts identified that in 12 barriers of acquiring
the competencies for extension agents, which were majorly organization
linked (Boyd, 2003).The major barriers were lack of pleasure time for
personal and social activities, increased workload, and higher cost for
attainment of skills, lack of monetary supports. The government needs to
offer the incentives and rewards to staff for professional development. The
extension advisors are responsible for their own professional development
the government must make enabling environment for learning to support in
job performance (Liles & Mustian, 2004). Similarly, the study of extension
advisors in Florida showed financial costs and limited time and job
commitments were barrier for the competency development (Harder et. al.,
In the era of globalization, a skilled and knowledgeable person can play
crucial role for success. According to Severs et al., (2007), the future
extension advisors must be skilled and optimist to deliver the diverse need of
farmers. To address forthcoming demand of farmers, extension worker must
possess latest knowledge and skills to be acquainted with creative and in
recent developments prospective. In Nepal, 753 local governments through
agriculture section with officer level at municipal level, 7 provinces through
AKC with SMS level and 1 federal government through DOA with up to SMS
level extension agents deliver service to farmers. It is very important to
identify the extension agents’ current level of competency to determine

The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:22, June, 2021

whether there is any competency gap in order to deliver the quality

agricultural extension services. Moreover, identification of required
competency is essential for the extension agent as an indispensable element
of their serving. These competencies are important for extension agents, in
order to deliver day-to-day advisory service to their clients.
A good understanding of competencies required by existing and newly
appointed extension advisors is important for overall agriculture
development (Owen, 2004). With the vision, this research focused to
determine the important and current level of competencies of extension
advisors in the Nepalese extension service. It also focused on the barriers of
desired competencies development and ways of acquiring it. It is very
important to determine additional life skills for successful in extension
delivery in the changing context.
The objectives of the study were to determine the important (desired) core
competencies and its acquisition barrier for extension advisors in current
situation of federal Nepal.


The data were collected in October to December 2019 in Nepal. The
researcher requested the extension agents for voluntarily participation to fill
survey questionnaire. Altogether, 72 responses from 18 districts were
received covering all provinces.
The competency assessment questionnaire comprised of 56 indicators with 9
core competencies. The program planning and communication skills consist
of six competencies in each while program implementation, education and
informational technology and program evaluation had seven competencies.
Similarly, personal and professional development, diversity and subject
matter expertise had five competencies each and last emotional intelligence
had eight competencies which made total 56 statements of competences.
Responses were rated over five-point Likert-type scales designed to examine
respondent perceptions. For the importance purpose, 1 equated as “not
important”, 2 as “somewhat important”, 3 as “average”, 4 as “important”
and 5 as “very important”. Similarly, for competency level, one equated as
“very low”, 2 as “low”, 3 as “moderate”, 4 as “high” and 5 as “very high".
The data were analyzed using the descriptive.
Content validity was established with advice and suggestions from experts,
which was incorporated in final questionnaire to make all the necessary
changes were made to establish the desired level of reliability of

The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:22, June, 2021

questionnaire. The question was piloted in Sunsari district with 5 extension

advisors. Data from the pretesting was analyzed to access the reliability of
instrument using the Statistical Package for Social Science 16 (SPSS 16). It was
found that Cronbach alfa was 0.92 for 56-item extension competency
recording scale.
The researcher purposively selected to cover all provinces districts and
representatives samples from all over the Nepal to make research wider
validity and representatives for whole country. The study population
consisted of extension advisors (from Level 6 to 8 & Class III Officers) working
in local level agriculture section, province government and its different
offices like AKCs, federal government, DoA and different projects. Altogether
72 responses were received from the 18 districts covering all provinces of


The survey questionnaire respondents were 84.72% male and 15.28 % female
(as in table no. 1). The age ranged from 25 to 57.11 years with an average
age of 37 years. The grouping of the age was done in three groups, which is
below 35 years, 36 to 50 and above 51 years. The divisions of the respondent
were 58 %, 23 % and 18 % respectively.
Table no 1 demographic characteristic of the respondents
Demographics Frequency Percent
Female 11 15.28
Male 61 84.72
Educational level
TSLC 9 12.50
Diploma/I.Sc.Ag. 11 15.28
B.Sc.Ag. 20 27.78
M.Sc.Ag. 32 44.44
Age group
< 35 years 42 58.33
36-50 year 17 23.61
>50 years 13 18.06
Total service duration (Year)

The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:22, June, 2021

< 5 year 25 34.72

6 -10 year 21 29.17
10-15 year 6 8.33
16-20 6 8.33
21-25 1 1.39
26-30 8 11.11
31-35 2 2.78
> 36 year 3 4.17
Current post service (year)
< 5 year 42 58.33
6-10 year 26 36.11
> 10 year 4 5.56
Local level Ag.section 3 4.17
State Gov/AKC 43 59.72
Federal Gov/Projects 26 36.11
Current job position
Officer L6 15 20.83
Officer L7 19 26.39
Officer L8 13 18.06
Officer Class III 25 34.72
Specialization area
Ag extension 27 37.5
Agronomy 7 9.72
Horticulture 11 15.28
Plant protection 11 15.28
Planning 14 19.44
Soil science 1 1.39
Fisheries 1 1.39
Total 72 100.00

The majority of the extension advisor (44.44%) has masters’ degree or

equivalent. Similarly, 27.78% has obtained the Bachelor level. Similarly, 15
percent have Diploma level degree and only 12.5 % have TSLC level degree.
The age group composition shows that the average age of extension advisors
is 36.97 years. The minimum age of respondents was 25 years while the
maximum age was 57.11 years. The major extension agents are below 35
years with 58%. About 24 % of the Extension agent is in 35-50 years age and

The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:22, June, 2021

18% more than 51 years age. The respondent’s average job experience is
11.46 years. The service duration ranges from 1 to 38 years. The majority of
the respondents belong to less than 10 years of service duration, which is
about 64%. At the same time current service post, average year of experience
is 4.7 years. The minimum current post service year range from 0.25 year to
11 years.
The finding showed the 35% of class three officers as majority of
participation. Similarly, Officer Level 6, 7 & 8 are 20.83%, 26.39% and 18%.
Major respondents was from extension advisor belongs to Agri-extension area
with 37.5% shows more than one third of staff composition. The second group
belongs to planning 19.44%. Similarly, the other is, plant protection 15.28%,
horticulture 15.28% and agronomy with 9.72% as staff composition. The
fisheries and soil science have very few in extension services. The majority of
the survey participants are from state governments with 59.72% of the total
respondent. Secondly, federal government or different projects of it are
36.11%. There were very few respondents from the local level agriculture
section of about 4.17%. The major respondents are form state governments,
while very few from local level government. Extension advisors in study
districts found to be of middle-aged (average age of 37 Year) with male
majority (84.72%) which is high to the percentage of female extension
workers in Nepal- 6.9% (Ghimire et. al., 2016), -7.7% (worldwide Extension,
2011).Result showed professionals had on having more than decade of
experience (M=11.46) While Malaysia and Ethiopia, average was seven years’
experience (Belay & Abebaw, 2004) but it was less than-20 years (Ghimire et
al., 2016). The current post (officer level) experience of extension advisors
shows 4.7 years. This fact indicated that Nepalese extension service is with
majority of young officers or promoted from Junior Technicians (JT).Nepal
can explore the experience of extension advisors to strengthen the extension
delivery service. The perceptions of respondents were all core competences
with important to very important to their daily work. The demographics of
respondents shows increase in female (15.28%) extension advisors,
There are nine area of core competency determined for the Nepalese
Extension System based on the previous study (Lakai et. al., 2014); (Ghimire
et. al., 2016). The core competency areas are program planning, program
implementation, communication skills, extension education and information
technology, program evaluation, personal and professional development,
pluralism, subject matter expertise and emotional intelligence. There are six
unique competencies for each program planning and communication skill,
seven unique competency for each program implementation skills, extension
The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:22, June, 2021

education and information technology, program evaluation, five unique

competency for each personal and professional development, pluralism in
agriculture, subject matter expertise/technical competency and eight
competency for emotional intelligence, which total made 56 competency for
9 core competency.
The top five highest important competency (shown in table no. 2) were basic
knowledge about subject matter specialization (M=4.61), ability for need
assessment and prioritize (M=4.60), practice of doing monitoring and
evaluation (M=4.58), encouragement and motivation to perform work
(M=4.57), basic principles of transfers of technology (M=4.56). At the same
time, top five lowest important competencies were MS-Excel for data
analysis/management (M=4.13), writing success story and lessons learned
(M=4.13), cultural respect for communication (M=4.13), pluralism
(information about multiple organization giving service to farmers) (M=4.15),
knowledge of government administrative and financial rules (M=4.17)
information about budget allocation process (M=4.17).
Table 2. Overall competency importance (desired level) by respondents (5 Most and
Least important competencies only)
S.N. Competency Mean SD
1 Basic Knowledge about Subject Matter Specialization 4.61 0.57
2 Ability for Need Assessment and Prioritize 4.60 0.69
3 Practice of Doing Monitoring and Evaluation 4.58 0.60
4 Encouragement and motivation to perform work 4.57 0.62
5 Basic Principles of Transfers of Technology 4.56 0.60
6 knowledge of Government administrative and Financial rules 4.17 0.92
7 Information about Multiple Organization giving service to farmers 4.15 0.73
8 Cultural respect for communication 4.13 0.73
9 Writing Success Story and Lessons learned 4.13 0.84
10 MS Excel for Data Analysis/Management 4.13 0.96
Note: Scale:1=Very low; 2=Low; 3=Moderate; 4= High; 5= Very high


Table 3. Perception of overall importance (desired level) of core competencies
S.N. Core competencies No. of statements used Mean SD
to compute mean
1 Program planning 6 4.35 0.81
2 Program implementation skills 7 4.36 0.69
3 Communication skills 6 4.23 0.80
4 Extension education and IT skills 7 4.32 0.73
5 Program evaluation 7 4.38 0.67

The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:22, June, 2021

Personal and professional

6 development 5 4.31 0.71
7 Pluralism 5 4.27 0.72
8 Subject matter expertise 5 4.44 0.68
9 Emotional intelligence 8 4.37 0.66
Note: Scale:1=Very low; 2=Low; 3=Moderate; 4= High; 5= Very high

Table no. 3 showed, Nepalese extension advisors perceived each core

competency (desired level) found more than 4 as high importance to
extension work.
Table 4.Overall importance (desired level) of core competency by sex

Number of Overall Importance (Desired) Mean

S.N. Core competencies statement Male Female difference
used Mean Mean Mean SD (Male-Female)
1 Program planning 6 4.38 0.94 4.18 0.78 0.20
2 Program 7 4.39 0.77 4.21 0.67 0.18
implementation skills
3 Communication skills 6 4.30 0.81 3.83 0.78 0.46
4 Extension education 7 4.37 0.69 4.05 0.73 0.31
and IT skills
5 Program evaluation 7 4.45 0.73 3.99 0.63 0.47
6 Personal and 5 4.38 0.66 3.89 0.69 0.49
7 Pluralism 5 4.31 0.65 4.02 0.72 0.29
8 Subject matter 5 4.48 0.63 4.22 0.68 0.26
9 Emotional intelligence 8 4.42 0.65 4.06 0.65 0.37
Note: Scale:1=Very low; 2=Low; 3=Moderate; 4= High; 5= Very high

The study (table no. 4) showed that male and female respondents have
similar perception on overall importance (desired level) core competency.
The male participants have rated subject matter expertise (M=4.48) as most
important as same as female respondents (M=4.22). Similarly, both (male and
female) respondents rated communication skills as least important (M=4.30
and M=3.83) respectively. The highest variation of male and female
respondent’s perception on overall importance is in personal and professional
development (MD=0.49) and least in program implementation (MD=0.18).
Table 5. Overall importance (desired level) by educational level of respondents
The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:22, June, 2021

Overall Importance Valued by different

No. of educational Level
Core statem
S.N. Diploma/I.Sc.
competencies ent TSLC B.Sc.Ag. M.Sc.Ag.
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
1 Program planning 6 4.26 0.76 3.86 0.84 4.44 0.82 4.49 0.74
2 Program 7 4.27 0.70 4.01 0.75 4.44 0.72 4.46 0.61
3 Communication 6 4.09 0.71 4.29 0.74 4.14 0.93 4.30 0.75
4 Extension 7 4.14 0.50 4.30 0.84 4.42 0.69 4.31 0.77
education and IT
5 Program 7 3.90 0.53 4.32 0.68 4.54 0.71 4.44 0.60
6 Personal and 5 4.27 0.45 4.18 0.77 4.32 0.83 4.35 0.67
7 Pluralism 5 4.18 0.53 3.98 0.89 4.31 0.77 4.36 0.63
8 Subject matter 5 4.07 0.58 3.98 0.89 4.67 0.62 4.55 0.54
9 Emotional 8 4.24 0.46 4.20 0.78 4.47 0.67 4.39 0.65

Note: Scale:1=Very low; 2=Low; 3=Moderate; 4= High; 5= Very high

The study (table no.5) found that subject matter expertise was rated most
important core competency (desired level) by extension advisors having M.
Sc. Ag degree (M=4.55) while least the communication skills (M=4.30).
Similarly respondents with TSLC qualification rated program implementation
and personal and Professional development (M=4.27) as most important and
program evaluation (M=3.90) as least. Respondents having B.Sc. Ag degree
rated the program evaluation (M=4.54) as high and pluralism (M=4.31) as low

Table 6. Overall Importance (desired level) by working organization of respondents

The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:22, June, 2021

Overall importance valued by organization

No. of
S. Local level Ag State Federal
Core Competencies stateme
N. section Gov/AKC Gov/Offices
nt used
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
1 Program planning 6 3.83 1.42 4.28 0.83 4.53 0.63
2 Program 7 4.24 0.94 4.32 0.69 4.44 0.66
3 Communication skills 6 2.78 0.88 4.23 0.72 4.39 0.75
4 Extension education 7 4.33 0.66 4.34 0.74 4.28 0.73
and IT skills
5 Program evaluation 7 3.62 1.16 4.32 0.64 4.58 0.55
6 Personal and 5 3.47 1.41 4.29 0.66 4.42 0.61
7 Pluralism 5 3.60 1.24 4.22 0.69 4.42 0.62
8 Subject matter 5 4.20 0.94 4.34 0.72 4.62 0.52
9 Emotional intelligence 8 3.92 0.97 4.35 0.62 4.44 0.67
Note: Scale:1=Very low; 2=Low; 3=Moderate; 4= High; 5= Very high

The overall importance (desired level as in table no. 6) rating was in

ascending order from local level (agriculture section) extension advisors to
federal government extension advisors excepting in extension education and
IT skills. The least rated core competency was communication skills (M=2.78)
and most to program implementation (M=4.24) by local level extension
advisors. At state level, pluralism (M=4.22) was least and emotional
intelligence (M=4.35) as most important one. At federal government,
extension education (M=4.28) was least and subject matter expertise
(M=4.62) as highest rating of importance (desired level).
Table 7. Overall importance (desired level) by job level of respondents
Overall Importance (desired level) by different
No. of
job level
S.N statem
Core Competencies Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Class III
. ent
Mea Mea
used SD SD Mean SD Mean SD
n n
1 Program planning 6 4.06 0.96 4.48 0.84 4.19 0.77 4.51 0.62
2 Program implementation 7 4.18 0.79 4.53 0.61 4.21 0.68 4.42 0.66
3 Communication skills 6 3.93 0.99 4.16 0.76 4.22 0.62 4.46 0.72
4 Extension education and 7 4.18 0.69 4.32 0.82 4.37 0.69 4.37 0.71
IT skills
The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:22, June, 2021

5 Program evaluation 7 4.04 0.82 4.48 0.61 4.29 0.60 4.57 0.54
6 Personal and 5 4.03 0.87 4.44 0.71 4.28 0.65 4.38 0.58
7 Pluralism 5 3.96 0.86 4.47 0.60 4.05 0.76 4.41 0.58
8 Subject matter 5 4.09 0.77 4.68 0.55 4.18 0.77 4.58 0.53
9 Emotional intelligence 8 4.16 0.69 4.60 0.57 4.26 0.65 4.37 0.67
Note: Scale:1=Very low; 2=Low; 3=Moderate; 4= High; 5= Very high

The study (table no. 7) showed that there was increasing trends of overall
importance (desired level) for communication skills (M=3.39>4.16>4.22>4.46)
for level 6 to 8 and most by class III extension officers and extension
education and IT skills (M=4.18>4.32> 4.37=4.37) increased from level 6 to 8
and class III officer rated equal to level 8 officers. The study found program
planning (M=4.51), communication skills (M=4.46), program evaluation
(M=4.57) by class III officer, program implementation (M=4.53), personal and
professional development (M=4.44), pluralism (4.47), subject matter
expertise (M=4.68) and emotional intelligence (M=4.60) rated highest by
officer level 7 staffs. The extension education and IT skills (M=4.37) were
highest rated by level 8 and class III officer.
Table 8. Overall importance (desired level) by age group of respondents

Overall importance (desired level) by

No. of age group
Core competencies stateme
N. <35 years 36-50 Years >50 years
nt used
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
1 Program planning 6 4.40 0.81 4.51 0.67 3.99 0.88
2 Program implementation 7 4.41 0.67 4.43 0.65 4.10 0.75
3 Communication skills 6 4.22 0.86 4.24 0.72 4.23 0.72
4 Extension education and IT 7 4.30 0.76 4.44 0.59 4.23 0.79
5 Program evaluation 7 4.42 0.68 4.37 0.64 4.27 0.67
6 Personal and professional 5 4.28 0.75 4.45 0.55 4.22 0.74
7 Pluralism 5 4.35 0.68 4.14 0.62 4.15 0.89
8 Subject matter expertise 5 4.58 0.59 4.40 0.60 4.03 0.87
9 Emotional intelligence 8 4.39 0.69 4.41 0.54 4.22 0.71
Note: Scale:1=Very low; 2=Low; 3=Moderate; 4= High; 5= Very high

The study (table no. 8) found that the program evaluation (M=4.42>4.24>4.23)
and subject matter expertise skills (M=4.58>4.40>4.03) overall importance

The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:22, June, 2021

(desired level) decreased over the increase in age group. Program planning,
program implementation, communication skills, extension education and IT
skills, personal and professional development skills importance increased with
increase in age, as rating was higher by 36-50 years age group than < 35 years
age group.
Table 9. Overall importance (desired level) by job experience of respondents

No. of Overall importance (desired level)

statem by total job experience
S.N. Core competencies
ent <15 years 15-30 Years >30 years
used Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
1 Program planning 6 4.44 0.80 4.18 0.82 4.07 0.78
2 implementation 7 4.43 0.65 4.18 0.79 4.24 0.66
3 Communication skills 6 4.22 0.83 4.20 0.75 4.31 0.68
Extension teaching
4 and IT skills 7 4.34 0.75 4.20 0.73 4.41 0.64
5 Program evaluation 7 4.44 0.67 4.21 0.63 4.35 0.66
6 Personal and 5 4.33 0.73 4.28 0.61 4.20 0.76
7 Pluralism 5 4.29 0.69 4.27 0.66 4.09 0.95
Subject matter
8 expertise 5 4.60 0.57 4.08 0.71 4.06 0.87
9 intelligence 8 4.44 0.64 4.26 0.64 4.11 0.78
Note: Scale:1=Very low; 2=Low; 3=Moderate; 4= High; 5= Very high

The study (table no. 9) found that the overall importance (desired level)
rating of program planning (M=4.44>4.18>4.07), personal and professional
development (M=4.33>4.28>4.20), pluralism (M=4.29>4.27>4.09), subject
matter expertise (M=4.60>4.08>4.06) and emotional intelligence
(M=4.44>4.26>4.11) decreased with increase in year of experience. Program
implementation, extension education and IT skills, program evaluation was
rated more important by <15 years of experience group than 15-30 years of
experience group.


The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:22, June, 2021

Segregating commonly cited barriers by different researchers, 11 barriers

were short-listed for the competencies acquisition (Lakai et. al., 2014). The
respondents were provided to rate them on a four-point Likert scale from one
being “not at all”, two for “A little Extent”, 3 for “Some Extent” and four as
“Great Extent". The mean values close to four that are greatly hampering
while less value showed lower level.
Lack of training opportunities (M=3.32), high cost for acquiring the training
personally (M=3.26), lack of organizational motivation (M=3.22) and lack of
truth information (M=3.21) were identified as most important barriers for
competencies acquisition. The lack of time for study (M=2.72), excess
program workload (M=2.85) and lack of related reading materials (M=3.00)
were the least important barriers for competencies acquisition.
Table 10.Respondents identified barriers for competencies acquisitions
Barriers Mean SD
Lack of time for study 2.72 0.89
Excess program work load 2.85 0.90
Lack of organizational motivation 3.22 0.77
Lack of personal motivation 3.07 0.89
Lack of training opportunities 3.32 0.82
Not use of effective training methods 3.10 0.72
Lack of related reading materials 3.00 0.79
No additional financial incentives for additional skilled 3.11 0.86
Lack of truth /reliable information 3.21 0.75
No financial support for gaining skills 3.10 0.75
High cost for acquiring the training personally 3.26 0.82
Overall 33.96 8.97
Note. 1= Not at All; 2=A little Extent; 3=Some Extent; 4= Great Extent

Lack of training opportunities was defined as the major barrier that hinders
extension advisor’s ability to desired competency acquisition. Other
important barriers limiting the desired competency are high cost for acquiring
the training personally, lack of organization motivation and lack of truth
information, no additional financial incentives for additional skilled.
Excepting the high cost for acquiring the training personally, all the three
major barriers are (lack of training opportunities, lack of organization
motivation and lack of truth information) are part of organizational culture or
behavior i.e. it seems poor within the organization.
Lack of time for study, excess program workload and lack of related reading
materials are the three least affecting barriers for competency acquisition,
which is contrast to finding of adult learners constantly acknowledged lack of

The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:22, June, 2021

time, but similar as lack of money as barrier (Merriam et.al., 2007). A finding
of Shinn & Smith (1990) shorted that increasing the job responsibility and
personal cost are barrier to competency acquisition for agriculture and
natural resource agent in Texas.
Lack of organization motivation prohibit competency acquisition among
extension advisors, which is similar to finding of, organization should consider
extension advisors acquisition of competency as important part for their
accomplishment (Boyd, 2003).
The analysis of responses indicated that male and female respondents have
similar perception on overall importance (desired level) core competency.
The male and female participants have rated subject matter expertise as
most important and communication skills as least important. The findings of
similar in perception of gender support Burke (2002) but counter (Okwoche et
al., 2011 & Ghimire et. al., 2017). The highest variation of male and female
respondent’s perception on overall importance is in personal and professional
development and least in program implementation.
Subject matter expertise was rated most important core competency (desired
level) by extension advisors having M. Sc. Ag degree while communication
skills as least. Respondents with TSLC qualification rated program
implementation, personal and Professional development as most important
and program evaluation as least. Such finding is similar to Ghimire (2016) but
contrast to Burke (2002). Excepting in extension education and information
technology skills, overall importance (desired level) rating was low from local
level (agriculture section) and high from federal government extension
advisors. All level extension advisors rated communication skill least
important. Subject matter expertise is still most important for all extension
There was increasing trends of overall importance (desired level) for
communication skills for level 6 to 8 and most by class III extension officers.
Program planning, communication skills and program evaluation rated high by
class III officer while program implementation, personal and Professional
development, pluralism, subject matter expertise and Emotional intelligence
rated highest by officer level 7 . The extension education and information
technology skills were highest rated by level 8 and class III officer. It is similar
to Namdar et al., 2010 & Ghimire et al., 2017 but contrasts with Burke,
(2002) as reported no difference in competency rating by extension workers
The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:22, June, 2021

Program evaluation and subject matter expertise skills overall importance

(desired level) decreased over the increase in age group. Program planning,
program implementation, communication skills, extension education and
information technology skills, personal and professional development skills
importance increased with increase in age, as rating was higher by 36-50
years age group than < 35 years age group. Overall importance (desired level)
rating of program planning, personal and professional development,
pluralism, subject matter expertise and emotional intelligence decreased
with increase in year of experience. Program implementation, extension
education and information technology skills, program evaluation is important
for younger extension advisors. Brodeur et al., (2011), support the finding
who indicated that extension advisors perception of core competencies
change with age and experience.
Nepalese extension advisors are in middle age having more than decade of
professional experience with majority having master’s degree. The result
indicated that subject matter expertise as most and communication skills as
least important core competency. Overall importance (desired level) core
competency of program planning, personal and professional development,
pluralism, subject matter expertise and emotional intelligence decreased
with increase in year of experience. Overall importance (desired level) core
competency of program evaluation and subject matter expertise skills
decreased over the increase in age group.
Lack of training opportunities, high cost for acquiring the training personally,
lack of organization motivation and lack of truth information are major
barriers for competency development. The extension advisors felt exposure
visit and in-service training as appropriate method of competency
development. The findings of the study could internalize for human resource

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