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¹Nudia Yultisa, ²Efrini Panjaitan, ³Widya Ulfa

¹[email protected]
²[email protected]
³[email protected]
STKIP Budidaya Binjai


The main purpose of this study is to effectively determine the students' ability to write descriptive text with
personal photos. This study was conducted at SMK Tunas Pelita Binjai. In this study, the population
consisted of 10th grade students. A quasi-experimental design was used in this study using two pre-test and
post-test groups. The instrument used to collect data was a written test. Survey results showed that 10th
grade students scored "very poorly" on the pre-test with an average score of 46.6. After receiving treatment,
the students received a “good” rating with an average score of 84.25. Data analysis results show that
students' writing ability increases significantly when using personal photos. Based on the analysis of the
results, the researcher concluded that using personal photos is effective in improving the descriptive writing
ability of 10th grade students.

Keywords: Writing Descriptive Text, Personal Photos.

Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keefektifan kemampuan siswa dalam menulis teks
deskriptif dengan menggunakan foto pribadi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Sekolah SMK Tunas Pelita Binjai.
Dalam penelitian ini subjeknya adalah siswa kelas X. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode quasi-research
yang menggunakan desain dua kelompok yaitu pre-test dan post-test. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk
mengumpulkan data adalah tes tertulis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa kelas X memperoleh nilai
pre-test “sangat buruk” dengan nilai rata-rata 46,6. Setelah diberikan perlakuan, siswa memperoleh skor
“bagus” dengan nilai rata-rata yaitu 84.25. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan
keterampilan siswa yang signifikan ketika digunakan metode fotografi personal. Berdasarkan hasil
penelitian, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa penggunaan foto pribadi efektif meningkatkan kemampuan siswa
dalam menulis teks deskriptif siswa kelas X.

Kata Kunci: Menulis Teks Deskriptif, Personal Photos.

I. INTRODUCTION description of a living or inanimate
In TEFL (Teaching English as a object. In other words, the text can
Foreign Language), writing is one of detect whether the object is still alive.
the four macro skills in English. Similar This means that descriptive text tells an
to reading skills, writing skills require object that difference other perceptions
and expand the knowledge. Descriptive
continuous writing. Written text serves
text assist readers utilize their creativity
as a key element of reading and writing to realize feelings and emotions.
skills, as it is related to literacy, the There are two common structures
ability to read and write. for descriptive text: a) identification;
Harmer (2004:31) claim that present the subject of illustration. b)
writing encourages people to focus on description; it gives details about
using language correctly because they characteristics such as affection, size,
believe that by writing, it can bring appearance, capabilities, habits, etc.
about good development as they solve However, according to initial
the problems that writing poses out to observations, some students have
their minds. Through writing, people difficulty writing descriptive text.
can share knowledge that others might Students always have difficulty coming
not know and tell others about their up with writing ideas, they don't knew
experiences. what will be if they want begin to write,
Conny (2019) writing is a type of and they are not interested in the media
activity that language learners engage used during the learning process.
in and is one of the most effective Harmer (2010: 14) believe thus writing
skills. Writing, among other English is the challenging skill for students and
skills; listen, speak and read; it is teachers to learn. Writing is becoming
considered useful and relevant, even one of the most significant skills
though it is challenging to acquire. students have to learn.
In modern English teaching, Ferris (2013: 15) said that
writing can be seen as a process and a students have difficulty coming up with
product. They cannot be separated ideas for writing, they don’t knew what
because they are connected (Weigle, will be if they want begin to write, and
2012:21). The writing process allows lots of students disappointed when they
the writer to develop his ideas, feelings, can’t found the right words. Writing is
put them in the draft, then the writer not just the act of translating spoken
tries to explain all of the above in the language into written language, or that
final version as a product. is a mechanism for conveying ideas,
Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue concepts, and knowledge created by
(1997) Writing, especially academic correct structures, coherent paragraphs,
writing, is not easy. As it is known, and no mistakes. mechanical error.
writing is a specified skill that assist Harmer (2016: 261) said: "One of
author to express their ideas clearly and our primary responsibilities as
communicate effectively. This requires educators when it comes to writing is to
certain techniques, including the ability inspire students, foster an environment
to express the writer's thoughts or ideas that is conducive to idea development,
clearly. In addition, writing is some of persuade them of the value of the tasks
the most difficult skills to learn in at hand, and prod them to exert as much
English, especially descriptive text. effort as they can in order to reap the
Pardiyono (2007: 33) states that greatest rewards.” Faced with the
descriptive text deliver the reader with a
problem, teachers must be more places and people. This means that by
creative to make students enjoy writing. taking pictures, students will be able to
Nudia Yultisa (2022) believes think clearly about how to describe an
that English teaching strategies are image and write it as an idea.
necessary to improve students' skills. Teachers can use personal photos
Therefore, English teachers must to enhance students' ability to write
choose appropriate strategies in the descriptive text. Personal photos with
learning process. The main of using memorable student experiences or
special strategies is for help students events from the past. Using this method,
easily prepare and accept the material, students will be able to answer
creating the learning process more questions, ideas, arguments and
effective, dynamic and creative. explanations because they already have
Efrini Panjaitan (2021), A good the activity. By writing down their own
teacher must be able to create the most experiences through photography, they
beautiful classroom environment will generally take the initiative and
possible so that students are happy and naturally prepare vocabulary in their
interested in learning. minds and conveying them in a formal
According to Hornby, A.S. (2007: way. According to Raimes, teachers can
138) personal photos is photo that the find useful resources through images
student owns or have taken themselves. such as: drawings, photos, posters,
Students were able to learn about their caricatures, magazines, advertisements,
own personal experiences through diagrams, graphs, etc. Encouraging
personal photographs. They could students to learn foreign languages is a
described folks, place, or stuffs that good thing. So, students remember
they really like. something more easily using pictures
Personal photos can be used by because they cannot imagine the shape
the teacher to improve student’s ability of the object.
in writing descriptive text. Personal Hidayati, Apriliaswati and
photos contain the student’s own Wardah (2015) Teaching descriptive
experience or memorable event in the text using personal photos: a) Planning;
past. Using this media the students Students paste their personal photos on
easily will be give the comments, ideas, the piece of paper the teacher gives
arguments, and descriptions because them. b) Writing; Students begin to
they was experienced that event. By draw up a plan based on their personal
writing their own experience through photos. c) Editing; Students finish their
the photograph they will usually be writing and show it to others, asking
active and prepare their vocabulary students else analyzed their writing by
spontaneously in their minds and respond questions similarly: "1) Have
convey it naturally. you decided on this passage?, 2) Does
the passage have at least three
Ahola, S.K. (2016) argue that
characteristics?, 3) Does this passage
photography is the development of the
use appropriate grammar (present
photographer's arrangement that it is
important to record the event or what
has just been seen. Teachers can use
this media in the learning process. By
This study is an experimental
using personal images, it will be easier
study. The form of quantitative social
for students to remember events, times,
science research depends on the
problem and research goals. There are
two main types of model-based Table 3. Design of Experiment
quantitative research within quantitative
Group Class Treatment Number of
research methods: descriptive and Student
explanatory (Arikunto, 2010:166). Experime X- Personal 20
The design included one group ntal OTKP Photograph
completing a pretest and a posttest. The Control X-RPL Small Group 20
types of correlated variables studied are TOTAL 40
independent variables and dependent
variables. The instrument used in this
study was a written test. The test is III. FINDING & DISCUSSION
conducted in two parts, such as pre-test
The finding of this research deals with the
and post-test.
students score of pre-test and post-test, the
Table 1. Design of Experiment frequency and the rate percentage of the
Group Pre- Treatment Post- students’ score, the means score and standard
test test deviation, the t-test value and the hypothesis
Experimenta O₁ X O₂ testing.
Control O₁ - O₂ 1. Result of Experimental Class
The data presented in this section are the
The population includes 10th grade results of pre-tests and post-tests in
students from SMK Tunas Pelita Binjai. experimental classrooms. Scores are ranked
The total number of studies was 125 based on two categories, the lowest and the
students. Thus, the sample was made up highest.
of 40 students divided into 5 classes.
These samples were chosen by using
random sampling techniques. Below is Table 4. Student highest and lowest score
a detailed table of student numbers: Students Pre-test Post-test Grade
Score Score
Table 2. Number of tenth grade student KS 26 75 lowest score
Class Male Female Total TAZ 71 91 highest score
X-OTKP 1 29 30
X-TBSM 36 - 36 Based on the table above, conduct a
X-RPL 26 9 35 pre-test and post-test to determine the
results of writing a descriptive essay.
X-TKR 10 - 10
Subject in experimental class pretest
X-TITL 14 - 14 and posttest were 20 students. After
TOTAL 125 gave test, writer conclude the lowest
score was student initial (KS) and
Arikunto (2002: 108) states that if highest score was student initial (TAZ).
The total pre-test score of all students
the total of population more than 100
was 932, while the total post-test score
person, we can take 10-15% or 15-25%
of all students was 1685.
from them. So the sample of this
research are X OTKP as an experiment 2. Result of Control Class
class where they will be taught by using The data presented in this section are the
personal photograph and X RPL as a results of pretests and posttests in a control
control class and they will be taught by class. Scores are classified based on two
conventional strategy. categories, lowest and highest.
the significance level (P) = 0.05 and
Table 5. Student highest and lowest score (df) = 38, then the t-test value is greater
Students Pre- Post- Grade
test test than the t-table value (4.11 > 2.46).
Score Score This means H1 > HO, the hypothesis is
EW 21 46 lowest score accepted.
AFD 70 89 highest score

5. Discussion
Based on the table above, conduct a
The analysis results shown that
pre-test and post-test to determine the
there’s a significantly dissimilarity
results of writing a descriptive essay.
between the t-test and t-table values.
Subject in control class pretest and
Interpretation of the data collected in
posttest were 20 students. After gave
the writing test as described in the
test, writer conclude the lowest score
previous section shown better write
was student initial (EW) and the highest
ability of the students. This is supported
score was student initial (AFD). The
total pre-test score of all students was by the frequency and percentage of
952, while the total post-test score of all students' marks that are better after they
students was 1384. have produced descriptive texts from
personal photos than before students
3. Result of Mean Score and Standard were treated.
Considering the results of the above
calculations, we can conclude that the use of
personal photos is effective in improving the
Table 6. Mean Score & Standard Deviation writing skills of 10th grade students. This
supports Ahola's (2004) claim that pictures can
Types Mean Standard Deviation
Score help students remember details about people,
places, and events. In addition, by using
Pre- Post- Pre- Post-test pictures, students could expressed their
test test test
brainstorms in a creative way and write them
Experimental 46.6 84.25 15.90 6.64 based on their own experiences.
The data presented is also nearly
Control 46.7 69.2 13.78 14.96
related to people, places, and objects in
The ability of students in the the student's environment. This made
experimental group to learn descriptive the students felt simple to find ideas in
texts was higher than students in the the writing process. In addition,
control group. Based on the result personal photos can bring a positive
classroom atmosphere for students and
above, the researchers concluded that
increase students' motivation to
personal photos could be one of the improve their educational performance.
most effective ways to upgrade
students' writing skills. IV. CONCLUSION
4. Result of Hypothesis Established the results and
analysis, the researchers concluded that
Table 7. T-test results learning descriptive writing through
Variable t-test Value t-table Value personal photos was effective in
improving the descriptive writing
X₁-X₂ 4.11 2.46 ability of 10th grade SMK Tunas Pelita
Binjai students. As regards use of
The table shows that the t-test value personal photos, all subjects felt that
is 4.11 and the t-table value is 2.46 at personal photos were a useful place to
write stories since they would use the %20KHASANAH_BIOLOGI
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is greater than the t-table value (2.46). It The Use of Personal Photograph in
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has improved after receiving therapy MTsN Jongkong. A Thesis of FKIP
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