A Crash Course in Redis - ByteByteGo Newsletter
A Crash Course in Redis - ByteByteGo Newsletter
A Crash Course in Redis - ByteByteGo Newsletter
SEP 21, 2023 ∙ PAID
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Redis (Remote Dictionary Server) is an open-source (BSD licensed), in-memory database, often
used as a cache, message broker, or streaming engine. It has rich support for data structures,
including basic data structures like String, List, Set, Hash, SortedSet, and probabilistic data
structures like Bloom Filter, and HyperLogLog.
Redis is super fast. We can run Redis benchmarks with its own tool. The throughput can reach
nearly 100k requests per second.
In this issue, we will discuss why Redis is fast in its architectural design.
Redis Architecture
Redis is an in-memory key-value store. There are several important functions :
1. The data structures used for the values
3. Data persistence
4. High availability
Below is a high-level diagram of Redis' architecture. Let’s walk through them one by one.
Client Libraries
There are two types of clients to access Redis: one supports connections to the Redis database,
and the other builds on top of the former and supports object mappings.
Data Operations
Redis has rich support for value data types, including Strings, Lists, Sets, Hashes, etc. As a result,
Redis is suitable for a wide range of business scenarios. Depending on the data types, Redis
supports different operations.
The basic operations are similar to a relational database, which supports CRUD (Create-Read-
The data structures and operations are an important reason why Redis is so efficient. We will
cover more in later sections.
However, if the server is down, all the data will be lost. So Redis designs on-disk persistence as
well for fast recovery.
AOF works like a commit log, recording each write operation to Redis. So when the server is
restarted, the write operations can be replayed and the dataset can be reconstructed.
This persistence method combines the advantages of both AOF and RDB, which we will cover
4. No persistence.
Persistence can be entirely disabled in Redis. This is sometimes used when Redis is a cache for
smaller datasets,
Redis uses a leader-follower replication to achieve high availability. We can configure multiple
replicas for reads to handle concurrent read requests. These replicas automatically connect to
the master after restarts and hold an exact copy of the leader instance.
When the Redis cluster is not used, Redis Sentinel provides high availability including failover,
monitoring, and configuration management.
Redis also provides an admin interface for configuring and managing the cluster. Persistence,
replication, and security configurations can all be done via the admin interface.
Now we have covered the basic components of Redis architecture, we will dive into the design
details that make Redis fast.
One important reason is that storing data in memory allows for more flexible data structures.
These data structures don’t need to go through the process of serialization and deserialization
like normal on-disk data structures do, so can be optimized for fast reads and writes.
Key-Value Mappings
Redis uses a hash table to hold all key-value pairs. The elements in the hash table hold the
pointers to a key-value pair entry. The diagram below illustrates how the global hash table is
With the hash table, we can look up key-value pairs with O(1) time complexity.
Like all hash tables, when the number of keys keeps growing, there can be hash conflicts, which
means different keys fall into the same hash bucket. Redis solves this by chaining the elements in
the same hash bucket. When the chains become too long, Redis will perform a rehash by
leveraging two global hash tables.
Value Types
The diagram below shows how Redis implements the common data structures. String type has
only one implementation, the SDS (Simple Dynamic Strings). List, Hash, Set, and SortedSet all
have two types of implementations.
Note that Redis 7.0 changed List implementation to quicklist, and ZipList was replaced by
Besides these 5 basic data structures, Redis later added more data structures to support more
scenarios. The diagram below lists the operations allowed on basic data structures and the usage
These data types cover most of the usage of a website. For example, geospatial data stores
coordinates that can be used by a ride-hailing application like Uber; HyperLogLog calculates
cardinality for massive amounts of data, suitable for counting unique visitors for a large website;
Stream is used for message queues and can compensate the problems with List.
Redis SDS stores sequences of bytes. It operates the data stored in buf array in a binary way, so
SDS can store not only text but also binary data like audio, video, and images.
The string length operation on an SDS has a time complexity of O(1) because the length is
recorded in len attribute. The space is pre-allocated for an SDS, with free attribute recording the
free space for future usage. The SDS API is thus safe, and there is no risk of overflow.
Zip List
A zip list is similar to an array. Each element of the array holds one piece of data. However,
unlike an array, a zip list has 3 fields in the header:
The zip list also has a zlend at the end, which indicates the end of the list.
In a zip list, locating the first or the last element is O(1) time complexity because we can directly
find them by the fields in the header. Locating other elements needs to go through the elements
one by one, and the time complexity is O(N).
Skip List
The skip list adds multi-layer indices on top of a linked table so that we can locate the element
faster. The diagram below shows what a skip list looks like.
If the number of elements is less than 128 and the size of each element is less than 64 bytes,
Redis uses zip list as the underlying data structure for ZSet. For a larger sorted set, Redis uses
skip list for ZSet.
Threading model
When dealing with a large number of concurrent visits, it is recommended to increase the
number of threads. Then why is single-threaded Redis so fast?
After Redis 6.0, it uses multi-threading to handle network I/O requests because single-threaded
network processing cannot fully leverage the high-performant network hardware. However,
Redis still uses a single-threaded model for read/write operations on data structures. This change
greatly improves Redis' performance.
It's not very frequent that CPU becomes your bottleneck with Redis, as usually Redis is either
memory or network bound. For instance, when using pipelining a Redis instance running on an
average Linux system can deliver 1 million requests per second, so if your application mainly
uses O(N) or O(log(N)) commands, it is hardly going to use too much CPU.
So the performance of Redis is bound to the network and memory, not the CPU. The design
significantly reduces the cost of context switches.
I/O Multiplexing
The I/O multiplexing mechanism refers to a single thread handling multiple I/O streams. This
capability is provided by the select/epoll functions. Redis leverages I/O multiplexing to allow
multiple listening sockets and connected sockets to exist in the kernel simultaneously. Once
requests arrive, they are sent to a queue (event loop) and dispatched to different event handlers.
The diagram below shows the process. Clients 1 and 2 have established connections with Redis,
and Client 3 is initiating the connection. The Redis network module invokes the epoll
mechanism, instructing the kernel to monitor these 3 sockets. When an accept event, read event,
or write event comes in, they are put into an event loop. Redis then calls the corresponding event
handlers to process the events.
Optimized Persistence
We often use Redis as a cache and keep the data in memory. If the Redis server goes down, all the
data is lost. So Redis provides persistence for fast recovery. Note that the data persistence is not
done on the critical path thread and can be optimized to reduce I/O pressure on the Redis server.
2. RDB snapshots
AOF log is different from Write Ahead Log (WAL). The latter means the modified data is written
to a log file first before it is modified. The AOF log is the opposite. It is a write-after log,
meaning Redis executes commands to modify the data in memory first and then writes it to the
log file. The diagram below shows how AOF works.
AOF log records the commands instead of the data. The event-based design simplifies data
recovery. Additionally, AOF records commands after the command has been executed in
memory, so it does not block the current write operation.
If we record every command on disk after it is executed, the I/O load can be high. So Redis
provides three options:
Everysec. After each write command is executed, the command is written to the memory
buffer first. The accumulated commands in the memory buffer are written to the disk every
No. After each write command is executed, the command is written to the memory buffer
first. Later the operating system decides when to flush the buffer to the disk.
The restriction of AOF is that it persists commands instead of data. When we use the AOF log
for recovery, the whole log must be scanned. When the size of the log is large, Redis takes a long
time to recover. So Redis provides another way to persist data - RDB.
RDB records snapshots of data at specific points in time. When the server needs to be recovered,
the data snapshot can be directly loaded into memory for fast recovery.
RDB process shouldn't block write operations. The diagram below shows how RDB works with
the copy-on-write mechanism.
Step 1: The main thread forks the‘ bgsave’ sub-process, which shares all the in-memory data of
the main thread. ‘bgsave’ reads the data from the main thread and writes it to the RDB file.
Steps 2 and 3: If the main thread modifies data, a copy of the data is created.
Steps 4 and 5: The main thread then operates on the data copy. Meanwhile ‘bgsave’ sub-process
continues to write data to the RDB file.
As a result, the main thread can continue to modify data while the background copy operation is
taking place.
In this issue, we talk through the components of Redis architecture and then deep dive into why
Redis is fast. The in-memory data structures provide more efficiency and flexibility, allowing
most scenarios to be done directly in Redis. The single-threaded operational model has fewer
race conditions on the data and fewer context switches among the threads. Redis’ performance is
not CPU-bound, so we don’t need to use multiple threads for critical-path operations. The newer
version of Redis uses multi-threading to handle network requests, which is an optimization in
response to the performance improvement of network hardware. Last but not least, Redis
optimized persistence to reduce I/O pressure and avoid blocking on the main thread.
These good design points make Redis an ideal cache choice and an excellent design example for
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