The Development of Executive MBA Program at Instit

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The Development of Executive MBA Program at Institut Teknologi Bandung,


Article in Jurnal Teknologi · October 2013

DOI: 10.11113/jt.v64.2258

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5 authors, including:

Novika Candra Astuti Reza Ashari Nasution

Universitas Widyatama Bandung Institute of Technology


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Jurnal Full paper

The Development of Executive MBA Program at Institut Teknologi

Bandung, Indonesia
Novika Candra Astutia*, Reza Ashari Nasutiona, Ilman Hizbullah Hasibuana, Keriel Nataliaa, Anindita Listyaningruma
aSchool of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Article history Abstract

Received :4 April 2013 The purpose of this paper is to study universities which provide executives program on Master of
Received in revised form : Management (MM) or Master of Business Administration (MBA) both in Indonesia and overseas. This
25 July 2013 paper presents a benchmarking a study to compare processes, performance, best practices between
Accepted :15 October 2013 Executive MBA Institut Teknologi Bandung (MBA-ITB) and the other universities. Besides
benchmarking, the authors also used customer intelligence method to gather and analyze information
regarding competitors by visiting universities in Indonesia. To manage and monitor performance of
Executive MBA program, we measured customer satisfaction what products or services provided by
MBA-ITB meet or surpass customers (executive students) and conducted in-depth interview to explore
need and demand of executive students. The results of the study help to develop executive MBA program
and to adopt learning process in other universities to be followed and implemented in MBA-ITB. The
acquired knowledge has been partly adapted and adopted by papers. The main implication is the need to
explore how MBA-ITB can efficiently and effectively adapt and adopt such knowledge from the results.
This work provides effective assistance for development of executive program in MBA-ITB embarking
on this benchmarking journey. The result of customer satisfaction provides an indication of how
successful MBA-ITB is at providing products and/or services to the students.

Keywords: Benchmarking; customer intelligence; customer satisfaction; MBA-ITB

© 2013 Penerbit UTM Press. All rights reserved.

1.0 INTRODUCTION schools both inside and outside the country. Executive MBA at
ITB is designed for business professional with minimum of two
Creating a program for executive MBA is no easy task. It requires years work experience. The objective is to assist business
a demanding flexible program that develops skills and outlook executives to put their experiences in a sound and practical
that executives need. Executive education that is based on the theoretical framework that help them to formulate a better
education and development of the individual as a whole, by decision. The program also helps them to deal with complex
exposing them to a plurality of paradigms and perspectives, is challenges that they will encounter on the way to a higher
what sets university based business schools apart (Harrison, managerial level. Our research was conducted to improve and
Leitch, Chia, 2007). A new and genuine challenge for university- develop executive MBA program at ITB with four method
based business schools has arisen. Studying in business and research such as benchmarking, customer intelligence, measure
management in Indonesia is one of the educational program from customer satisfaction, and in-depth interview.
year to year more and more in demand, due to the paradigm that
business and management education have greater opportunities in
the world of work, because almost all companies engaged in any 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW
need of and business management graduates for their business
development. 2.1 Benchmarking
School of business and management, Institut Teknologi
Bandung offers one type MBA programme for executive, its For decades, practitioners in the public and private sector have
called Executive MBA. It is located in Bandung. The question of adopted the benchmarking approach as a useful tool for
how university-based forms of executive education can effectively performance and quality assessments (Collins et al., 2006). The
contribution to the enhancement of practitioner capabilities. This American Productivity and Quality Center (O’Dell, 1994) defines
question is also become our challenge to do this research, how to benchmarking as “the process of identifying, understanding, and
improve executive MBA at ITB can compete with other business adapting outstanding practices and processes from organizations

64:3 (2013) 9–15 | | eISSN 2180–3722 | ISSN 0127–9696

10 Novika Candra Astuti et al. / Jurnal Teknologi (Social Sciences) 64:3 (2013), 9–15

anywhere in the world to help other organizations to improve extent to which the requirements of the customer are met by
performances.” Codling (1992) defines benchmarking as “an MBA-ITB. Measuring this satisfaction is an important element of
ongoing process of measuring and improving products, services, providing better, more effective and efficient services. This
and practices against the best that can be identified worldwide.” It research is used to measure performance of 7P (product, price,
can be a powerful learning tool and help the benchmarking place, promotion, people, process, and physical evidence).
organization to gain advantages over competitors, such as
reducing costs, increasing productivity, and better aligning
product/service features to customer needs. 3.0 RESEARCH METHOD

2.2 Customer Intelligence We conducted benchmarking between best and famous

universities both in Indonesia and other countries that can be seen
Stephen Haag (2006) states that competitive intelligence is the act in table 1. We collected data from searching in internet.
of defining, collecting, analyzing and distributing intelligence Benchmarking was done based on 7Ps (product, place, people,
about products, customers, competitors and any aspect of the promotion, process, price, and physical evidence). Questions
environment that needed to support executives and managers in items of each 7Ps are product (8 questions), price (3 questions),
making strategic decisions for an organization. MBA-ITB must promotion (8 questions), people (16 questions); staff and customer
struggle to develop actionable insight that reflects a complete and service (10 questions), place (2 questions), process (14 questions),
accurate understanding of their customers/students. The purposes and the physical evidence (21 questions). Participants rated these
of competitive intelligence: items on a five-point Likert scale, with 1 = strongly disagree to 5
1. Can figure out the strategy undertaken by the famous = strongly agree. Questionnaires were distributed to 85 students.
universities in Indonesia. Of the total 23 questionnaires returned were found incomplete
2. Can find the decision to be taken is to know the responses, resulting 53 usable questionnaires. The respondents
situation of the market, competition and consumer were 69.8% male and 30.2% female. The majority was aged
behavior, which in turn can improve the quality of between 26-30 years old (41.5%). The working area of 39.6% of
education, especially executive MBA program. respondents is in the private sector, 34% in public sector, 11.3%
3. Can detect threats and opportunities and find out the has own business, 3.8% in the bank, and 11.3% in the others. In-
advantages or disadvantages of competitors. For depth interviews was conducted to 3 batches of executive students
example, a change in the competition is in the product, to know need and demand what students expect from MBA-ITB,
price, place, promotion, process, and physical evidence. 43% from a batch of 46, 34% from batch 47, and 23% from batch
45. Background jobs, 23% of the banking sector, 17% from
2.3 Customer Satisfaction media, 14% entrepreneurs, 13% oil company, 10%
telecommunication company, 10% of the manufacturer company,
Customer satisfaction is perceived as being a key driver of long- construction 10%, and 3% of consumer good company.
term relationships between suppliers and buyers (Geyskens et al.,
1999; Woodruff and Flint, 2003). Customer satisfaction is the

Table 1 Benchmarking among universities


University of Padjadjaran NUS Business School ESADE Melbourne Business INSEAD
Indonesia University School
PPM School of Maranatha University Indian Institute of Said Business School University of London Business
Management Management University of Oxford Queensland School
Gadjah Mada Telkom Institute of University Of Malaya Harvard Executive Monash University HEC Paris
University Management Education
Bina Nusantara Parahyangan Columbia Business
University University School
Prasetya Mulya Wharton, University
University of Pennsylvania

4.0 RESULTS management up to the level that is considered minimum to be able

to follow the master of management program.
4.1 Benchmarking  At MBA-ITB matriculation is not held, while at
Padjajaran University, Maranatha University, Parahyangan
There are the results of benchmarking from universities in University, University of Indonesia, Prasetya Mulya University,
Indonesia and overseas. Gadjah Mada University, PPM School of management. Some
matriculation courses conducted by several universities in
4.1.1 Product Indonesia included as core courses at oversea universities, such as
at London Business School (introduction to accounting for
 Matriculation managers, understanding general management understanding the
Matriculation is held by few universities which have master of international macroeconomy), and at ESADE (statistic for
management program in Indonesia to equalize students' managers).
knowledge of the material relating to the business and
11 Novika Candra Astuti et al. / Jurnal Teknologi (Social Sciences) 64:3 (2013), 9–15

 Average duration of matriculation which held by several 4.1.2 Place

universities in Indonesia is approximately two months, such as
Padjajaran university, Maranatha university, Prasetya Mulya  In Indonesia, ITB and Gadjah Mada University offer
university, Gadjah Mada University. study at two places (ITB in Jakarta and Bandung; Gadjah Mada
University in Jakarta and Yogjakarta) and the others only at one
 Schedule place.
 At MBA-ITB, class schedules are held every Friday (5
pm to 11 pm) and Saturday (8 am to 6 pm). At other universities,  Executive programs that held in overseas is offered at
class schedules are held in weekdays from monday-Friday, such several places, for example University of Pennsylvania Wharton
as Maranatha University (6.30 pm to 9 pm), Telkom Institute of (San Francisco and Philadelphia), INSEAD (France, Abu Dhabi,
Management (6.30 pm to 10 pm), University of Indonesia (7 pm and Singapore), ESADE (Europe, Asia and America) and Indian
to 9.30 pm), PPM school of management (7 pm to 9 pm), Prasetya Institute Of Management (13 cities in India).
Mulya University (6.15 pm to 9.30 pm / monday, wednesday, and
friday).Other universities also offer two options in class schedule 4.1.3 Process
both on weekdays and weekends; Parahyangan universities
(Monday-Thursday; from 6 am to 10 pm) and (Friday, 6 pm to 8 We discussed about two items, learning process and admission
pm; Saturday, 8 am to 5 pm), Gadjah Mada university (Monday- process. There are the results of benchmarking:
Friday from 7 pm to 10 pm) and Friday 7 pm to 10 pm / Saturday  The minimum eligibility criterion for admission of
8 am to 6 pm are held 3 times in 1 month); Bina Nusantara executive program at MBA-ITB is two years of work experience
University (3-4 times per week weekday 6.30 pm to 9.30 pm; with a bachelor's degree from any faculty. Most universities in
Saturday 7.30 am to 4.30 pm). Indonesia also implement this system, such as Prasetya Mulya,
Telkom Institute of Technology, Padjajaran University, Gadjah
 In other countries, several universities offer module Mada University.
system such as NUS business school where class spread over 15
month period, conducted over 6 two-week (10 days each days)  Other universities who have work experience other
residential segments; INSEAD takes place on a part-time, restrictions, such as PPM Executive (three years of managerial
modular basis on the INSEAD Asia Campus in Singapore (3-4 experience and age above 31 years), Young Executive PPM and
weeks), the Europe Campus in Fontainebleau, France (7-8 weeks) Bina Nusantara University give opportunity to prospective
and the Middle East Campus in Abu Dhabi (1 week); and London students who have worked to apply. In other countries, the
business school which course courses are conducted in London minimum eligibility criteria for admission are whose have
and Dubai In London, core courses are studied on Fridays and working experience minimum three years (Malaya University,
Saturdays of alternate weeks in London. In Dubai, core courses University of Queensland), five years (Melbourne Business
are studied in a four or five-day block each month; Said Oxford School, ESADE, SAID Business School), five years with three
Business School: Sunday evening and Saturday (9 am to 7 pm). years of managerial experience (Monash University), minimum 8
years with five years managerial experience (University of
 Short Course: Pennsylvania, Wharton).
 Harvard university offers short course for executives in
many options, 3-4 days, 6-30 days, until 8 months.  There are many different learning types and approaches
to learning. At MBA-ITB, learning process consists of theory,
 Concentration: reading, case studies, field trip, class discussion, syndicate, guest
 Each student has the opportunity to tailor the Executive lecture, seminar, and business talk show on the radio.
MBA program to their own particular areas of interest via
concentration. Concentration allow students to specialize in  At other universities offer a different learning process,
certain subject areas to either strengthen their current skill set. such as business simulation game (Telkom Institute of
Table 2 shows that the number of concentration in several Management and Prasetya Mulya), writing effective reports and
universities in Indonesia that we benchmarked. technical presentation and also paper in the form of a business
plan (Prasetya Mulya); vision of leadership (HEC Paris, Bina
 Several universities in overseas offer a modular system Nusantara University, University of Pennsylvania), MBA
in which students are asked to complete one module before tournament (HEC); Military camp (HEC Paris and University of
switching to another module for example, Monash University Pennsylvania); In company project (INSEAD, London Business
(first, module of foundation of business in a global context then School, Monash University); Leadership Development
module of the strategic environment of business and critical Program/personal coach (INSEAD, London Business School,
thinking of problem solving); SAID business school, Melbourne ESADE, ), Life-long learning (INSEAD); Conference on
Business School, HEC Paris, INSEAD, and Harvard Business globalization (ESADE), peer exchange (INSEAD), and Company
school. Consulting Project (HEC Paris), field application project
(University of Pennsylvania), Social Economic Engagement
 Any universities in Indonesia which offer for executive Program (University of Queensland), and Peer Feedback
offer specific program which do not provide elctive courses, for (INSEAD and London Business School)
example Bina Nusantara University (MM Executive Business
Management and MM Professional) and University of Indonesia
(MM Capital market and MM Risk Management).
12 Novika Candra Astuti et al. / Jurnal Teknologi (Social Sciences) 64:3 (2013), 9–15

Table 2 The number of concentrations

Number of concentration
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Prasetya Telkom Maranatha Parahyanga PPM School ITB Padjajaran Universit PPM Gadjah
Mulya Institute of University n university of university y of (Young Mada
Technolog managemen Indonesia executive) University
y t

Marketi Corporate Marketing Business Operation Business Financial Finance Financial Entrepreneu
ng develop strategy and managemen managemen risk and managemen managemen rship
manage ment communica t t finance t t
ment tion

Finance Applied Corporate Strategic Marketing Marketing Operation Marketin Operation Finance
finance Finance & managemen managemen managemen g managemen
Business t t t t

Telecommu Entrepreneu Risk Human Operation Marketing Human Marketing Human

nication r managemen Resource managemen resource managemen resource
Business ship t managemen t t and
Manage t organization

Human Indus Strategic Human Human Operatio Human Industrial

resources trial managemen capital resource n capital organization
managemen relationship t managemen managemen
t and human t t

Financial Technolog Entrepreneu Internatio Marketing Marketing

managemen y and rship nal managemen
t Innovation t

Entreprene Internationa Islamic Entrepreneu Strategic

urship l Finance rship managemen
managemen t
General Logistic and Wealth
Manage Supply managemen
ment chain t


4.1.4 Price of price among MM/MBA universities in Indonesia based on data

in 2012.
Price is the very much important thing in consideration of
students to choose university. Price should be competitive and 4.1.5 Promotion
reasonable. The price will define the product development and
diversification. The most expensive price for executive program At MBA-ITB use promotion through websites, social media,
(except Indonesia) is University of Pensylvania; $ 176,000 radio, cooperate with universities abroad, magazines, job expo,
includes tuition fees, books, accommodation and meals and the newspapers, television and education expo. At MBA-ITB only
cheapest is HEC Paris is € 48,000 includes tuition, cost of books, use social media such twitter and face book. But, any of
accommodation, international seminar. Table 3 shows comparison universities have used LinkedIn, You tube, video testimonial is
their website (HEC Paris, INSEAD).
13 Novika Candra Astuti et al. / Jurnal Teknologi (Social Sciences) 64:3 (2013), 9–15

Most of MM/MBA program almost provide promotion through 4.1.7 Physical evidence
media websites, social media radio, cooperation with universities
abroad, magazines, job expo, newspapers, and education expo. In Indonesia, the university that provides comprehensive facilities
(parking area, cafeteria, photocopy, toilet, classroom, discussion
4.1.6 People room, library, computer lab, auditorium, rest room), such as ITB,
Telkom Institute of Technology, Padjajaran University,
In Indonesia, there are almost university lecturers and University of Indonesia, Gadjah Mada University. In other
practitioners got master's degree (University of Indonesia and countries, many universities also provide complete facilities
Prasetya Mulya). University that majority has lecturers that got (parking lots, cafeteria, photocopy, toilet, classroom, discussion
PhD is Parahyangan University. In overseas, academic lecturers room, library, computer lab, simulation room, auditorium), such
are fewer in number than the lecturer practitioner. In addition to as Melbourne Business School, University of Queensland,
academics and practitioners, there is also a coach to assist training Monash University.
and leadership training, for example at INSEAD, London In Indonesia, some universities offer sport field such as
Business School, and ESADE. basket ball and futsal (Prasetya Mulya University) and Fitness
center (PPM of school management). In other countries, the
Indian Institute of Management, HEC Paris, Harvard Gym,
examples of INSEAD, London Business School also provide sport

Table 3 Price for Executive program in Indonesia

Name of University Fees Value

MBA-ITB Rp 77,150,000.00 Tuition fees and meal
Padjadjaran University Rp 63,500,000.00 Tuition fees
Maranatha University Rp 27,000,000.00 Dinner and tuition fees
Rp. 50,000,000.00 Meal (dinner) before evening classes
Parahyangan University Rp. 35,785,000.00 Dinner and tuition fees
University of Indonesia Rp. 90,000,000.00 Tuition Fees
Prasetya Mulya University Rp 98,650,000.00 Tuition fees, dinner, and coffe break
Gadjah Mada University Rp 75,000,000.00 (Afternoon ) Tuition fees
Rp 85,000,000.00 (Weekend)
PPM Rp 95,000,000.00 (Young Executive ) Tuition fees (inc. for Final Project), Text Books,
Library and Computer Lab Membership, Meals
Rp 106,000,000.00 (Executive) and Snacks, Graduation Fee
Bina Nusantara University Rp 95,000,000.00 (Executive Business) Tuition fees, lunch, Starbuck coffee, Examination
and graduation fee

4.2 Customer Satisfaction 4.3 In depth-Interview

There are following parameters from each parameter of 7Ps We visited nine universities in Indonesia to conduct interview to
variables that need be given attention and improved: product know best practices they do. We asked about registration
(available many electives of each concentration, case study process, programs, facilities, faculty, lecture, price learning
given is close to real conditions, good relationship between methods to customer service and looked around campus. We
MBA-ITB and many companies), People, lecturer (lecturers can also interviewed executive students to measure the satisfaction
communicate effectively in class, lecturers give case study based on 7Ps. From the result of in-depth interview with
related to condition now, lecturers give a fair assessment, executive students at MBA-ITB, we got recommendation for
lecturers provide a transparent assessment; staff (staffs give development of MBA-ITB, namely available of student loans,
quickly response to the students who need help, staffs give give more practical lecturers, provide modular system, and
quickly response when receiving complaints, staffs provide provide class in weekdays.
information clearly; process (registration form is made more
simply so it does not take long time easy to know the scores,
scores will be notified in detail); Physical evidence (microphone 5.0 CONCLUSION
is available in class work well, the restroom is kept clean, wifi-
networks smoothly and stably, availability of mosque is clean We have conducted research using the method of benchmarking,
and comfortable, availability of plugs / electrical terminals customer intelligence, measurement of student satisfaction, and
works well in the park, convenience of parking area, parking interview. Here are some things that need to be considered by
area is able to accommodate the number of vehicles, food given MBA-ITB for the improvement and development of executive
is tasty and vary). MBA programs:
14 Novika Candra Astuti et al. / Jurnal Teknologi (Social Sciences) 64:3 (2013), 9–15

1. Offer matriculation program for equate to equalize change better impact to their personal life and
students' knowledge of the material Relating to the company.
business and management up to the level that is the
minimum to be able to follow the Executive MBA 12. Provide coaches who help improvements which refer
program. For matriculation courses that can be offered to changes in students' behavior when they back at
are accounting for managers, introduction to business work, such variables as job satisfaction, reduction in
management, and statistics for business. conflict, commitment to organization, reduce intention
to leave the organization, improve teamwork,
2. Add concentrations such as property study that now, relationships, quality and productivity.
property business in Indonesia is growing fast, wealth
management that supports students to increase of 13. Increase the price tuition fees, but include for final
economy growth in Indonesia, and international project, text books, meals, snacks, and graduation Fee.
management that graduates of this concentration are
expected to master international management, 14. Provide student loans
particularly those aspects of international marketing,
international trade and international financial 15. Improve qualities of lectures
16. Conduct training for staff how to serve students better
3. Provide weekday’s class (Monday until Thursday
from 7 pm to 9 pm). 17. Rectify information system of score

4. Offer short course program (one until three months) to 18. Make registration method is more simple and clear
help companies to increase executives’ knowledge
about management. 19. Improve facilities such as a microphone, plug,
internet, and add land for parking.
5. Provide various choices of executive program, which
is divided into four segments, namely:
a) Young executive (have job) 6.0 LIMITATION AND FUTURE RESEARCH
b) Executive (minimum two years work
experience) This study has limitations such as benchmarking is only
c) Executive Manager (minimum five years performed on prestigious universities in Indonesia and the best
work experience and have managerial which was only done in universities which provide master of
experience) management in Bandung and Jakarta, while universities abroad
d) Senior Executive (minimum eight years only in three and five universities in each continent. This study
work experience and have managerial compared and judged based on 7P (product, price, place,
experience) promotion, people, process, and physical evidence).
Benchmarking data MBA program in universities in other
6. Provide Company Consulting Project (CCP) in which countries only based on data from internet. For further research
participants put their technical training into practice can perform a market analysis survey, to see what is actually
and make a meaningful impact on the performance of needed by the company and what is needed by each individual,
real organizations. so MBA-ITB can set the program to better suit the need and
demand of the market as well.
7. Provide Advance Learning Center technologies which
serve to research projects, business simulation and
learning communities. References
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