Technical Information: Approved Sustainability Certification Scheme
Technical Information: Approved Sustainability Certification Scheme
Technical Information: Approved Sustainability Certification Scheme
At the 80th Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 80), the Interim Guidance on the use of
biofuels under regulations 26, 27, and 28 of MARPOL Annex VI (IMO-DCS and CII regulations)
(MEPC.1/Circ.905) was approved. As a result, it is possible to calculate the CO2 emission factor (Cf)
for biofuels that meet the conditions, and to use it under the IMO-DCS and CII regulations.
The following summary is the IMO Interim Guidance on the Use of Biofuels.
In the 2022 Guidelines on Operational Carbon Intensity Indicators and Calculation Methods
if the type of fuel oil is not included in the relevant guidelines, the fuel supplier is required to provide
the CO2 emission factor (Cf) for that type of oil, along with documentary evidence.
On the other hand, at the IMO, guidelines on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions from the production to consumption of marine fuels (Well-to-Wake) are continually being
discussed. Until the LCA guidelines are developed, it has become possible to use the interim guidance
on the use of biofuels to calculate the CO2 emission factor (Cf) for biofuels that meet the following
conditions, for use in IMO-DCS and CII regulations.
Conditions for biofuels that can be used in IMO-DCS and CII regulations:
(1) Certified to meet sustainability criteria through an international certification system (such as
ISCC, RSB, etc.)1, and
(2) the Well-to-Wake GHG intensity of the fuel is 33gCO2e/MJ or less.
Formula for calculating the CO2 emission factor (Cf) for biofuels:
Cf [gCO2eq/g] = GHG Intensity [gCO2eq/MJ] × Lower Calorific Value (LCV) [MJ/g]
Refer to ICAO's Approved Sustainability Certification Scheme and the CORSIA Sustainability
Criteria (Chapter 2) for CORSIA Eligible Fuels.
(To be continued)
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ClassNK Technical Information No. TEC-1307
Note that in any case, the Cf value of biofuels cannot be less than zero. For blended (mixed) fuels, the
Cf is calculated based on the weighted average of the Cf for the respective amount of fuels by energy.
Additionally, biofuels that are not certified by an international certification system as "sustainable", or
that do not meet the above GHG intensity criteria (33gCO2eq/MJ or less), will be assigned a Cf equal
to the Cf of the equivalent fossil fuel type.
This guidance is temporary and will be discontinued once a more comprehensive Well-to-Wake GHG
emission calculation method, based on the IMO LCA guidelines, has been developed.
2. Procedures for the Use of Biofuels in ClassNK Verification of IMO-DCS and CII Regulations
In verification for IMO-DCS and CII regulations, in order to use the above CO2 emission factor (Cf)
for biofuels, re-approval of SEEMP Part II is required. Please add the biofuels into the section about
fuels type used on the SEEMP Part II and submit it to us through the ClassNK MRV Portal. Also, at that
time, please submit the documents specified in 1. above (Proof of Sustainability certificate or similar
documents), along with a copy of the Bunker Delivery Note.
Regarding how to input fuel oil consumption into the MRV Portal, we will separately inform MRV
Portal users through revised MRV Portal user manual accordingly.
1. MEPC.1/Circ.905; Interim guidance on the use of biofuels under regulations 26, 27, and 28 of
2. Sample of Proof of Sustainability and example calculations for the CO2 Conversion Factor (Cf)
Attachment 1. to
ClassNK Technical Information No. TEC-1307
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7735 7611 Fax: +44 (0)20 7587 3210
24 July 2023
1 The Marine Environment Protection Committee, at its eightieth session (3 to 7 July 2023),
approved the Interim guidance on the use of biofuels under regulations 26, 27 and 28 of MARPOL
Annex VI (DCS and CII), as set out in the annex.
2 Member Governments are invited to bring the annexed Interim Guidance to the
attention of their Administrations, shipowners, ship operators, fuel oil suppliers and any other
interested relevant stakeholders concerned for application as of 1 October 2023.
Annex, page 1
1 The 2022 Guidelines on operational carbon intensity indicators and the calculation
methods (resolution MEPC.352(78) CII Guidelines, G1) provide the possibility for the CO2
Emission Conversion Factor (Cf) to be obtained from the fuel oil supplier, supported by
documentary evidence, in case the type of the fuel oil is not covered by the relevant guidelines.
4 Biofuels not certified as ʺsustainableʺ or not fulfilling the well-to-wake emission factor
criterion above should be assigned a Cf equal to the Cf of the equivalent fossil fuel type.
Refer to ICAO's Approved Sustainability Certification Schemes and the CORSIA Sustainability Criteria
(chapter 2) for CORSIA Eligible Fuels
ClassNK Technical Information No. TEC-1307
Attachment 2. to
ClassNK Technical Information No. TEC-1307
Sample of Proof of Sustainability and Example Calculations for the CO2 Emission Factor (Cf)
ClassNK Technical Information No. TEC-1307
■ Example Calculation 1:
For an unblended biofuel certified by the above PoS sample:
・Lower Calorific Value (LCV) [MJ/g] = 809,930 [MJ] / 21.890 × 106 [g] = 0.037 [MJ/g]
・GHG Intensity [gCO2eq/MJ] = 14.9 [gCO2eq/MJ] (< 33 [gCO2eq/MJ])
■ Example Calculation 2:
For 75MT of blended biofuel (a blend of 21.890MT of the biofuel from Example 1 and 53.110MT of
・Energy of biofuel [MJ] = 0.037 [MJ/gFuel] × 21.890 × 10⁶ [g] = 809,930 [MJ]
・Energy of VLSFO [MJ] = 0.041 [MJ/gFuel] × 53.110 × 10⁶ [g] = 2,177,510 [MJ]
(In the case that LCV and Cf of LFO are used for VLSFO.)
・Ratio of energy between biofuel and VLSFO = 809,930 / (809,930 + 2,177,510) : 2,177,510 /
(809,930 + 2,177,510) = 0.271 : 0.729