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Website Design

By Kiersten Cummings, Jamie Evans-Garcia, & Jacqueline Le

What is Web Design?
It’s a combo of CSS and HTML, used to create and decorate
website pages.
Why should you learn HTML and CSS?
Html and Css are the basics to web development, and
other computer languages have very similar concepts.
● HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup
● You use HTML to structure the
content of your website pages
● Structured in: Head, body, footer,
● Tags in HTML: heading, paragraphs,
lists, graphics, videos, links, etc…
Programming HTML
● HTML can be programmed in a text
editor - in Artemis, we used
Brackets to code.
● Save the file with .html to show
that it is a HTML file.
● To comment out code, use
● White spaces and tabs do not
HTML Tags <title> …</title> - adds a
<a href = “...”> - adds a

<img src = “...” height =

<h1> …</h1>- adds a “...” width = “...”/> -
heading adds graphics, adjusts
graphic size

<p>...</p> - adds a <iframe src = “...”>

paragraph </iframe> - adds a video

<li>...<li> <center>...</center> -
</ul> - adds an center text
unordered list

<ol> <b>...</b> - bold text

<li>...<li> <i>...</i> - italicize text
● Most tags need to be closed by a </…> </ol> - adds an <u>...</u> - underline
● Elements with no content (aka empty ordered list text
elements) are self-closing tags.
○ Ex. <br>
<table> - adds a table
<br> - line break
HTML Hierarchy Declares that

Opens up the HTML

<!DOCTYPE this is a
HTML file
file - signifies the html>
beginning <html> Opens up the
<head> head section
Head elements: title,
Closes the scripts, styles, meta
head section information, etc...
</head> Opens up the
body section
Body elements: heading,
Closes the paragraph, lists, videos,
body section graphics, videos...
</body> Closes the HTML
file - signifies the
Examples of HTML
stating the document is in html Header

title that appears in the tab of your browser

external link


external link
CSS ● Stands for Cascading Style Sheets

● CSS is used to define styles to use in


● Can change color, font, size,

background, shadow, and outline of
text, background, and boxes

● It can help adapt websites to fit on

different sized screens
What is CSS Used for? ● Can change the website as a whole by
changing the body section

● Can change certain parts of website (e.g.

headers, paragraph, links) to look
different than other parts

● Cannot add content to websites, but can

change existing content
How to Use CSS ● CSS files are saved with .css

● To link a CSS and HTML file you need to

write <link rel=”spreadsheet” href=”(your
css file name).css”>

h1 (header 1) {

color: #000 (changes text color to black)

background-color: #F00 (adds a red highlight to the



Changes header 1 border to a 5 pixel dotted line in the color purple

Changes the color of all heading 4s text color to dark turquoise

Changes all paragraphs text color to purple

of CSS
Class & Id

● Classes categorize specific elements

● Not unique
● Can be used on multiple objects


● Id’s are unique

● Only one object can have that id
● Used for identification for a unique element
programs used for coding Programs:

websites ● Brackets
● Thimble Mozilla
● W3Schools Website
○ Used to test your
● Text Editors
○ (save as .html files)
● Atom
● AWS Cloud9
Languages used for coding
websites Languages

● Python
● JavaScript
● Java
● Ruby
● C++/C
Thank You for Listening

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