ISO-13629-2-2014 - Textiles - Determination of Anti-Fungal Activity of Textile Products - Part 2 - Plate Count Method
ISO-13629-2-2014 - Textiles - Determination of Anti-Fungal Activity of Textile Products - Part 2 - Plate Count Method
ISO-13629-2-2014 - Textiles - Determination of Anti-Fungal Activity of Textile Products - Part 2 - Plate Count Method
STANDARD 13629-2
First edition
Textiles — Determination of
antifungal activity of textile
products —
Part 2:
Plate count method
Textiles — Détermination
iTeh STANDARD de l’activité antifongique des produits
textiles —
Partie 2: Méthode par dénombrement sur plaque de gélose
ISO 13629-2:2014
Reference number
ISO 13629-2:2014(E)
© ISO 2014
ISO 13629-2:2014(E)
Contents Page
Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative reference.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Principle......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
5 Safety precaution.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
6 Reference fungi....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
7 Apparatus...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
8 Reagents and culture media...................................................................................................................................................................... 4
8.1 Pure water.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
8.2 Anionic surfactant................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
8.3 Culture medium...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
9 Fungi preservation and use........................................................................................................................................................................ 6
10 Spore suspension.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
10.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
10.2 Suspending spores in culture media..................................................................................................................................... 7
10.3 Collection and dispersion of spore suspension from a culture medium................................................ 7
10.4 Filtering to remove hyphae and spore thread............................................................................................................... 7
10.5 Using centrifuge and re-suspension to remove supernatant........................................................................... 7
10.6 Confirming the concentration of spore suspension................................................................................................. 8
ISO 13629-2:2014
10.7 Adjusting spore suspension for testing.............................................................................................................................. 8
10.8 Enumeration of inoculum . . .............................................................................................................................................................
b70209e7709f/iso-13629-2-2014 8
11 Testing procedure................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
11.1 Inoculation and preparation of specimens...................................................................................................................... 8
11.2 Plate count method procedure................................................................................................................................................ 11
12 Test results................................................................................................................................................................................................................13
12.1 Judgment of test effectiveness................................................................................................................................................. 13
12.2 Calculation of antifungal activity value............................................................................................................................ 13
13 Test report................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Annex A (normative) Fungi used in this part of ISO 13629.......................................................................................................15
Annex B (informative) Antifungal efficacy..................................................................................................................................................16
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
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ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
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For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity
assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers
to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information
The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 38, Textiles.
ISO 13629 consists of the following parts, underISO general title Textiles — Determination of antifungal
activity of textile products:
— Part 1: Luminescence method
— Part 2: Plate count method
This part of ISO 13629 adopts the plate count method as a basis of quantitative determination of
antifungal activity.
The following are characteristics of the plate count method:
— conventional method which is easy to operate in bacteriological laboratories;
— no need to use special apparatus such as a lumino photometer;
— long history and common procedure.
1 Scope
This part of ISO 13629 specifies a test method for quantitative determination of antifungal activity by
plate count method.
This part of ISO 13629 is applicable to various kinds of textile products such as fibres, yarns, fabrics,
clothing, bedclothes, home furnishings, and other miscellaneous goods.
2 Normative reference
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 105-F02, Textiles — Tests for(
colour fastness — Part F02: Specification for cotton and viscose adjacent
ISO 13629-2:2014
ISO 7218, Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs — General requirements and guidance for
microbiological examinations b70209e7709f/iso-13629-2-2014
Note 2 to entry: The control fabric may be the same fabric as the fabric to be tested but without antifungal
treatment. If this is not available, a 100 % cotton fabric without fluorescent brighteners or other finish, complying
with the requirements of ISO 105‑F02, is used as control fabric, after washing at the temperature of 60 °C without
detergents or any brighteners, with mechanical agitation and rinsing.
antifungal agent
chemical agent to prevent or mitigate the growth of fungi or to reduce the number of fungi
antifungal treatment
treatment to prevent or mitigate the growth of fungi or to reduce the number of fungi
spore suspension
liquid with evenly dispersed fungal spores in sterilized water containing an anionic surfactant
plate count method
method in which the number of fungi present after incubation is calculated by counting the number of
colonies according to a ten-time dilution method
Note 1 to entry: The results are expressed in CFU (Colony Forming Unit).
chemical agent used to inactivate, neutralize, or quench the antifungal properties of antifungal agents
4 Principle
A test specimen and a control specimen are inoculated with spore suspension of reference fungi and
incubated at 30 °C for 48 h.
In this part of ISO 13629, fungal growth is quantitatively determined by the visual counting of colonies
on the agar plate as CFU and the fungal activity is calculated by CFU.
In case the test specimen absorbs water, the absorption method is recommended. In case the test
specimen does not absorb water, the transfer method is recommended.
5 Safety precaution
The test method specified herein requires use of fungi.
According to ISO 7218, this test shall be performed only by personnel with training and experience in
microbiological techniques.
ISO 13629-2:2014
All regulations, rules, and recommendations regarding appropriate safety precautions in the country
concerned may be consulted and followed.
6 Reference fungi
The fungi to be used shall be selected from Annex A, Table A.1.
The equivalent fungi types obtained from other agencies of the World Federation for Culture Collection
(WFCC) shall be used as agreed upon between interested parties.
The strain number and supply source of the fungi used shall be stated in the test report.
7 Apparatus
Usual laboratory apparatuses and, in particular, the following apparatuses are used. When relevant, the
items have to be sterilized before using.
7.2 Petri dish, made of glass or plastic, with a diameter of about 60 mm or 90 mm.
7.3 Autoclave, capable of maintaining the temperature of (121 ± 2) °C (equivalent to 103 kPa).
7.7 Vial, capacity of 30 ml screw-top glass vial with polytetrafluoroethylene or silicone gasket and
polypropylene cap. It shall be carefully washed in alkaline or neutral detergent, rinsed, and dried.
7.9 Pipettes, capacity of 0,2 ml, 1 ml, 5 ml, and 10 ml with a tolerance of 0,5 % or less and with a tip
made of glass or plastic.
7.17 Ultrasonic cleaner, compact for experiment ISO 13629-2:2014tools, with frequency of approximately 30 kHz to
50 kHz.
7.18 pH meter, with glass electrodes for biochemical testing or equivalent pH paper.
7.20 Cutting template, made of stainless steel with a diameter of (3,8 ± 0,1) cm.
7.21 Stainless steel cylinder, with a weight of (200 ± 10) g and a diameter of (3,5 ± 0,1) cm.
7.23 Paddle blender [Stomacher-type], capable of speed 6 blows/s to 8 blows/s with the corresponding
disposable containers.
7.24 Humidity chamber, a tropical chamber or other container capable of maintaining a high humidity
atmospheric condition.
7.26 Freezers, adjustable to a temperature below −70 °C and below –20 °C with a tolerance of ±2 °C.
7.28 Disposable plastic bags, suitable for containing food products to be used for the shake-out of
7.29 Microbiological safety cabinet (MSC Type II), designed for microbiological tests use, or other
system with equivalent performances.
7.30 Water baths, one capable of maintaining a constant temperature of (46 ± 2) °C and another capable
of maintaining a temperature of 70 °C to 90 °C.
Peptone 10 g
Dextrose 20 g
Dextrose 20 g
Agar 15 g
Dextrose 40 g
Agar 15 g Pour approximately 10 ml of pre-heated and fully dissolved PDA (described in 8.3.2) into a
sterilized test tube. Put a cotton plug on and sterilize it with steam after sterilization.
iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW Place the test tube at an approximately 15° angle against a level surface on a clean laboratory
table, and leave the contents to solidify.
Polysorbate 80 30 g
Histidine hydrochloride 1g