406 RoofGuard 100
406 RoofGuard 100
406 RoofGuard 100
Standards Characteristics
British Standards-8102
Density: 1.25
DIN 1048, Part 5: 1991, BS 8102.
PH: 8 - 8.5
Surface Preparation
The support must be clean, free of dust, dirt, oil
grease and loose particles. When applying on
metal surfaces, remove rust and contamination for
best results. Apply with brush, roller or an 20 Kg Pail
appropriate spray.
200 Kg Drum
Apply a primer coat of RoofGuard (80% Acrylic
Waterproof + 20% water) with brush, roller or Shelf Life
spray. Once the primer coat has completely dried,
apply a minimum of two coats undiluted RoofGuard
100. Shelf life of 12 months in unopened original
packing. Store under cover, out of direct sunlight
It is important to ensure each coat has totally cured and protect from extreme temperature. In hot
(i.e. minimum 8 hours at 30 C) before applying the
temperature conditions, it must be stored in a
next coat. For better results a glass fibre mat is
reinforced into the first coat while it is wet, at temperature-controlled environment, i.e. less than
expansion areas and joints with parapets. 30 C.
Technical Support
EUROBUILD will be pleased to offer full technical
support on specific applications.
Acids, alcohols, petrol, diesel, saline and non-saline
Tools Cleaning solutions.
As with all chemical products, caution should EUROBUILD manufactures a wide range of
always be exercised. Protective clothing, such as complementary products which includes:
gloves and goggles, should be worn (see
packaging for specific instructions). Treat any Cementitious additive System
splashes to the skin or eyes with fresh water
Bonding Agent & Adhesives
Concrete Flooring and Toping
NOTE: The information supplied in our literature or given by our
employees is based upon extensive experience and, together
with that supplied by our agents or distributors, is given in good Concrete Structural Repair Products
faith in order to help you. Our Company policy is one of
continuous Research and Development; we therefore reserve
Marble and stone protection system
the right to update this information at any time without prior
notice. We also guarantee the consistent high quality of our
products; however, as we have no control over site conditions or Tile Adhesive
the execution of the work, we accept no liability for any loss or
damage which may arise as a result thereof
Cementitious & Epoxy grouts