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Method Statement

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This method statement is proposed for the planning and implementation of the tender for the
AP – KIGOMA CLUSTER with tender no. FEI/TC/01/Y24 which is expected to start on 12th
July 2024 and end on 12th September 2024.
The team which will be responsible for the construction of the AP office at Kakonko villages
Kakonko ap – Kigoma cluster will comprise the following members
1. Project manager: Eng. Joan Jesse
2. Site engineer: Eng Joseph Lukwi
3. Site foreman.
4. Electrical engineer: Eng. Nicholaus Kimaro.
5. Plumber.
6. Driver.
7. Safety officer.
Materials that are going to be used will be about the provided specifications and conditions. The
materials required for the execution of the project are
 Sand
 Aggregates of the recommended size
 Cement
 Paints
 Wood
 Water
 Steel bars
The followings are the tools and equipment that are going to be used to execute the project under
a given condition
 Dumping trucks
 Inspection vehicle
 Concrete mixer
 Porker vibrator
 Various hand tools (spades, shovels, handsaw, hammer etc)
 Surveying and leveling equipment (Dumpy level)
1 Survey and  Survey points shall be marked in Total station 1. Site
setting out either direction of the alignment. /theodolite engineer
 A benchmark shall also be /Dumpy level 2. Site
established nearby where no from control foreman
disturbance will occur throughout the points 3. 3 unskilled
execution phase. labours
 The benchmark shall be checked at
frequent intervals.
 The foundation shall be marked on
the ground with the clearance of
formwork space required.

2. Excavation and  The excavation shall be done with Hand tools such 1. Site
earthworks safe side slopes per ground as spades, foreman
conditions, and sufficient margin for shovels 2. 10
the minimum working area shall be unskilled
left (500mm). labours
 Proper hand tools will be used in
excavating and removing the soil
from the work area.

3. Concrete works  Reinforcement fixing considering the Concrete mixer, 1. Site

provided sizes and drawings porker vibrator, foreman
 Formwork fixing and hand tools 2. 12
 Concreting, mixing according to the such as hammers unskilled
given ratio, pouring concrete, and and handsaw labours
 Removal of formworks
4. Block/brickworks  The area where blocks are to be laid Hand tools 1. Site
will be cleaned Surveyor and foreman
site/Section Engineer, shall endorse 2. 5 masonry
the marking for block work 3. 5 unskilled
following the approved shop labours
drawing. Tolerance as per the
approved Shop drawings
 Prepare the work area and ensure
proper foundation with solid blocks.
Use fresh mortar mix and build walls
level and plumb.
 Cut masonry with minimal damage
and bond new work to existing by
cleaning and wetting the surface.
 Build in sections, cure properly, and
clean the final product. Remove any
defective work and maintain a tidy
5. Doors and  The doors of the suggested size and Carpenters’ tools 1. Carpenter
windows fixing required dimension will then be such as 2. 5 skilled
inserted. Cleaning the surface where screwdrivers, labour
the door has to be placed and hammer, level,
ensuring all the components of the tape measure, pry
door are well-placed bar and putty
 The window provided will be then knife
placed with consideration to the
provided standards of the windows
6. Plastering  Before applying plaster, ensure a
level and protected work area.
Prepare the surface by roughening it
if smooth, dampen it, and allow it to
set. Complete any necessary
installations and create a mock-up to
confirm aesthetics and quality.
 Plastering involves a three-step
process: applying a rough scratch
coat, building up a render coat for
texture, and finishing with a thin,
smooth final coat that meets specified
thickness and level.
7. Electrical  Licensed electricians will install Screwdrivers, 1. Electricians
installation electrical systems following linesman pliers, 2. 2 skilled
approved plans and Permit-to-work wire strippers, labours.
isolation procedures, and PPE will be cable cutters,
strictly enforced. Upon completion, tester, and
all circuits will be tested and electric tape.
8. Plumbing  Licensed plumbers will install the Plumber snake, 1. Plumber
activities water supply and drainage systems wrenches 2. 2 labours
according to approved plans. This (adjustable),
includes rough-in plumbing for hacksaw
fixtures like sinks, toilets, and
faucets, as well as the installation of
piping, valves, and drains. Safe work
practices will be followed, including
wearing appropriate PPE. Upon
completion, the plumbing system
will be thoroughly pressure tested
and inspected for leaks before being
concealed and commissioned
9. Roofing  Experienced and qualified roofers Hand tools such 1. 5 skilled
will perform the installation, strictly as hammer, hand labour
adhering to the manufacturer's saw, tin snips,
specifications and relevant safety rope and tape
regulations. This may involve
framing, underlayment installation,
and final roof material installation.
Flashing will be meticulously
installed around roof penetrations
like vents and pipes to prevent leaks.

10. Painting works  The finishing process requires Hand tools such 1. 6 skilled
meticulous preparation. First, all dust as paintbrush, labour
and dirt must be removed, and any sandpaper 2. 6 unskilled
joint treatment needs to be labour
completely dry. Then, a multi-step
process of applying joint compound,
embedding joint tape, sanding, and
applying a final coat ensures a
flawless finish ready for painting
according to the manufacturer's
11. External works  Construction of septic tank and soak
away pits.
The construction of the septic tank and soak
away pit will follow a well-defined
sequence, prioritizing safety and adherence
to regulations. Initial steps involve site
excavation based on approved plans,
ensuring proper dimensions, and maintaining
safe working conditions. The excavated
materials will be stockpiled for potential
backfilling or disposal. Following
excavation, the focus will shift to
constructing the tank and soak away pit
using approved materials and techniques, as
outlined in the relevant engineering
specifications. in-situ casted concrete will be
used. Strict quality control measures will be
implemented throughout the process to
guarantee a watertight and functional septic
Quality Control
To maintain Quality Control, the following procedures and processes will be adhered to ensure
that quality is being achieved.
Personnel Qualifications
 Assigning qualified full-time personnel trained and experienced in managing and
executing quality assurance and quality control procedures similar in nature and extent to
those required for the contract.
Submittal Procedure
The procedures for ensuring compliance with requirements through review and management of
the submittal process shall be adhered to as described in the Quality Control Plan. The
qualifications of personnel responsible for submittal review are indicated in the FPL
Quality Assurance (QA)
Testing and Inspection
 Performing tests and inspections including third party-performed tests and inspections.
 Special inspections required by authorities having jurisdiction and indicated on the
Specifications and special conditions of the contract.
 Samples of materials and finished work shall be subjected to testing by relevant
laboratories for quality assurance.
Continuous Inspection of Workmanship
 The process for continuous inspection during construction to identify and corrective
actions for deficiencies in workmanship shall be implemented to bring work into
compliance with standards of workmanship as per the contract requirements.
Monitoring and Documentation
 The testing and inspection reports including log of approved and rejected results shall be
maintained and recorded. The corrective actions taken to bring nonconforming work into
compliance with requirements are carried out and recorded.
 Reports from approved lab for testing will be presented to the Client and included in the
progress reports.
Reports and Documents
Test and Inspection Reports: The test and inspection reports are prepared, certified and
submitted to the Client or their representatives. The reports include following:
 Date of issue.
 Project title and number.
 Name, address, and telephone number of testing agency.
 Dates and locations of samples and tests or inspections.
 Names of individuals making tests and inspections.
 Description of the work and test and inspection method.
 Identification of product and specification section.
 Complete test or inspection data.
 Test and inspection results and an interpretation of test results.
 Record of temperature and weather conditions at time of sample taking and testing and
 Comments or professional opinion on whether tested or inspected Work complies with
 Contract Document requirements.
 Name and signature of laboratory inspector.
 Recommendations on retesting and re-inspection.
Permits, Licenses, and Certificates
The copies of permits, licenses, certifications, inspection reports, releases, jurisdictional
settlements, notices, receipts for fee payments, judgments, correspondence, records, and similar
documents should be submitted to the employer for their record and review.
 All staff will be trained on safety and environmental matters before the commencement
of the work.
 A first aid kit shall be maintained at the site.
 All tools and equipment shall be well maintained and checked for safety compliance.
 Toolbox training shall be conducted as per engineer instructions and record kept at the
 Health and accident logs shall be present at the site and incidents will be recorded on a
daily basis.
 All persons accessing the site will be required to wear PPEs
Relevant signs will be kept in place during the whole period of implementation
The PPE’s will be available site are safety boots, reflector, helmet, ropes, safety googles, gloves
and respiratory protection masks.

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