BES-143 Pedagogy of Mathematics: Content Based Methodology-Ii
BES-143 Pedagogy of Mathematics: Content Based Methodology-Ii
BES-143 Pedagogy of Mathematics: Content Based Methodology-Ii
Pedagogy of
Indira Gandhi
National Open University
School of Education
Statistics and Probability 5
Parallel Lines, Parallelograms and Triangles 37
Trigonometry and its Application 73
Mensuration and Coordinate Geometry 95
Prof. I. K. Bansal (Chairperson) Prof. Anju Sehgal Gupta
Former Head, Department of Elementary School of Humanities
Education, NCERT, New Delhi IGNOU, New Delhi
Prof. Shridhar Vashistha Prof. N. K. Dash (Director)
Former Vice-Chancellor School of Education
Lal Bahadur Shastri Sanskrit IGNOU, New Delhi
Vidhyapeeth, New Delhi
Prof. M. C. Sharma
Prof. Parvin Sinclair (Programme Coordinator- B.Ed.)
Former Director, NCERT School of Education
School of Sciences IGNOU, New Delhi
IGNOU, New Delhi
Dr. Gaurav Singh
Prof. Aejaz Mashih (Programme Co-coordinator-B.Ed.)
Faculty of Education School of Education
Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi IGNOU, New Delhi
Prof. Pratyush Kumar Mandal
Prof. Saroj Pandey Mr. S.S. Venkatachalam
Director Assistant Registrar (Publication)
SOE, IGNOU, New Delhi SOE, IGNOU, New Delhi
April, 2017
Indira Gandhi National Open University, 2017
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Course : BES-143 Pedagogy of Mathematics
Block Introduction
The course BES-143: Pedagogy of Mathematics contains four blocks. This is
the fourth block which is titled Content based Methodology-II. The third and
fourth blocks focus on content/concepts. In both the blocks, teaching-learning
process and different modes of evaluation of these concepts have been
discussed. Different aspects of Statistics, Probability, Geometry, Trigonometry,
Coordinate Geometry and Mensuration are discussed in this block. This block
consists of four units.
Unit 14: Statistics and Probability
Unit 15: Parallel Line, Parallelogram and Triangles
Unit 16: Trigonometry and its Application
Unit 17: Mensuration and Coordinate Geometry
We can not imagine any news bulletin without reference to the inflation rate, index
numbers, industrial and agricultural growth rates ,etc. We all come across some
tables, graphs, charts etc., while going through newspaper and news channel of
television. Graph and charts are the pictorial presentation of data and this is the one
of the key aspect of statistics. Thus the Unit 14 discusses the important concepts
of statistics and probability and its application in day-to-day life.
The systematic study of geometry helps in developing logical thinking and increase
the power to analyze things. So the Unit 15 is devoted to develop geometrical
concepts by the children. Parallel lines, parallelograms, concepts of congruence and
the similarity of geometrical figures are dealt in this Unit.
Unit 16 presents a brief discussion of the basic concepts of trigonometry and their
application in solving problems of 'heights and distances'.
Unit 17 'Mensuration and Coordinate Geometry' basically have two sections one
is Mensuration and other is Coordinate Geometry. Mensuration is the branch of
Mathematics which deals with length of lines, area of surfaces and volume of solids.
This Unit is devoted to the study of mensuration. The formulae for finding the area
of different plane figures and the volume of different types of solids discusses with
their application. In the other section of this Unit basics of coordinate geometry;
distance and section formula and its applications are discussed.
After going through this block, you will be able to describe and explain the need
and ways of teaching-learning Statistics, Probability, Geometry, Trigonometry,
Coordinate geometry and Mensuration to the tender minds and you will also be
able to appreciate the practical applications of these branches of Mathematics.
Statistics and
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Objectives
14.3 A Brief Look at Statistics
14.3.1 What are Statistics?
14.3.2 Why do We Use Statistics?
14.4 Collecting Data
14.4.1 Data and its Sources
14.5 Organising Data
14.5.1 Pictorial Presentation
14.5.2 Handling Large Data
14.6 Interpreting Data
14.6.1 Measures of Central Tendency
14.6.2 Measures of Dispersion – Range, Mean Deviation , Standard Deviation
14. 7 Probability and its Applications
14.8 Let Us Sum Up
14.9 Unit End Activities
14.10 Answers to Check Your Progress
14.11 References and Suggested Readings
Modern age is known as information age. Lots of information comes in
numbers. Information involving numbers which we come across is known as
data. Statistics is a branch of Mathematics which deals with collection,
organization and interpretation of data. By using Statistics we get specific trend
or pattern of data. From theses trends or patterns, we derive some predictive
inferences which may or may not be completely true, On the basis of these
inferences we hope that an event occur in certain way. And probability says
simply how likely something is to happen. Whenever we’re unsure about the
outcome of an event, we can talk about the probabilities of certain outcomes—
how likely they are. Mathematics teachers have special role in this field. It is
not just a matter of teaching few topics listed under the title ‘Statistics and
Probability’. Children need to understand these topics in relation to whatever is
happening in society around them. So the unit provides opportunities to involve
students in enjoyable and challenging activities – collecting data, presenting
them in the form of graphs and summarizing them in terms of average (mean),
median and mode. Such data may be in respect of some activity in which
students normally get interested. The unit also provides opportunities to
involve students in various activities that help them to understand the concept
of probability and its applications in day-to-day life.
Content Based
At the end of this unit, you will be able to:
• illustrate the meaning of Statistics and its importance in everyday life
• help students in identification which graphic representation best suits a
given set of data;
• help students in organization of given data in suitable class intervals;
• enable students to calculate mean, median and mode of raw as well as
grouped data;
• understand the concept and importance of probability; and
• explain and design learning activities that help to transact various concepts
of statistics and probability.
Heights (in cm.) of 45 studentsof a class Statistics and
140 142 143.5 140.5 150 149 148.5 148 141
148 148.5 152 153 150.5 147 146 142.5 148
152.5 154.5 155 153.5 152.5 149 147 146 156
152 148 143 149 144 150 152 153 154
156 153 154.5 154 147 148 146 153 154
Ask the students to answer the questions raised. It may still be difficult for
them to answer those questions quickly. Lead the students to realize that they
can answer the questions faster if the data are organized in some manner. Since
the questions relate to a comparison of heights, the best way to organize the
data is to write the heights in increasing or decreasing order. Then see the
following table:
Bar Chart: One way is to use a bar chart. As the name suggests, the bar chart
consists of bars of equal thickness (why?), with the length/height being
proportional to the quantity the bars represent.
Content Based
How the students come to school
10 January
Date Price (per 10 gm) (in Rs.) Statistics and
11.1.15 26700
12.1.15 26900
13.1.15 27050
14.1.15 26700
15.1.15 26500
16.1.15 26600
17.1.15 26600
Ask the students to visualize what practical problem will arise if we were to
start the scale from 0 instead of 26,000.
Sometimes, we need to make a comparative chart about two elements, such as
exports/imports of a certain commodity over a period of time. Then, two bars
may be drawn side by side for each unit of time.
The accompany diagram represents inflation rates in the consumer price index
and the wholesale price index for a number of countries for June 2014 over
June 2013.
City Consumer Price Index Wholesale Price Index
U.S. 2.5 0
U.K. 2.6 2
JAPAN 0.8 -1.9
GERMANY 2.9 1.8
FRANCE 1.8 -1.5
INDIA 10.5 10.2
Inflation Rates
Content Based Wholesale prices are stable in the US, and are falling in Japan and France. In
Methodology-II India, however, they have risen by 10.2 percent when computed on an annual
basis. Sure, the weak rupee is still protecting exports, but the exchange rate is
also under strain at the moment.
An accompanying ability to draw bar charts is the ability to read and interpret a
given bar chart. Present a few bar charts in the class and ask the students to
describe what the bar charts show and what information can be derived from
the same.
Pie Chart: Explain to the students that another mode of representing data is
through the use of a pie chart (also called circle graph). The entire circle is
taken to represent one whole and all the constituents of the entire data are
represented proportionally in the pie chart.
If an answer is not forthcoming straightaway, suggest that the angle around the
centre of a circle is 360°. If we divide a circle into four equal parts by drawing
two mutually perpendicular diameters, we get four quadrants. Each quadrant is
1/4 of the circle and the angle made by the two arms of a quadrant is also 1/4 of
the entire angle i.e., it is 90°. Similarly, a semi-circle divides the circle into
two equal parts and the angle of 360° is also divided into two halves.
Encourage the students to use their intuition to devise a method to make
proportional parts of a circle.
The following table depicts to the ‘mode of transport used by students to reach
the school’ problem.
Angle in Approximate %
Mode of Transport Number the Sector of the whole
School bus 20 160° 44.5%
Public transport 10 80° 22.2%
Cycle transport 4 32° 8.9%
Parent's car 2 16° 4.4%
Parent's two-wheeler 7 56° 15.6%
Walking 2 16° 4.4%
A pie chart depicting the above information will look like the following figure.
Students using different modes of transport Statistics and
Note that while we construct a pie-chart using the idea of angles (since
protractor helps us in constructing it), the magnitude of each item is described
in terms of percent as shown.
Constructing a pie chart involves the following steps:
1) Work out the angle of the sector and approximate per cent of each item in
the data.
2) Draw a circle and construct sectors using the sectoral angle.
3) Label each sector and write the per cent of the whole.
Ask the students to practice drawing pie charts for given data.
2012 3
2013 5.5
2014 6
2015 7.5
2016 8
Taking one car to represent ten thousands, we can depict the above information
in a pictogram as shown:
Content Based 2012
Production of Cars
= ten thousand
Methodology used: To draw figures is a skill which is developed by practice.
A sufficient number of exercises should be provided to the students.
2) The number of schools of different types in Delhi in the year 2016 were Statistics and
as follows:
Primary 2500
Upper Primary 500
Secondary 1000
Higher Secondary 2000
Total 6000
Illustrate by representing this information on a bar chart.
Class Intervals Tallies Frequency Frequency
8,000 – 8,500 33 33
8,500 – 9,000 30 63
9,000 – 9,500 32 95
Total 200
Note that:
i) the upper limit of each class interval appears again as the lower limit of the
next interval. Where data are so classified, the overlapping limit is
included only as the lower limit of the next interval so that there is no
ii) Cumulative frequency is the progressive total all the frequencies up to that
class interval. Interpreted in physical terms, cumulative frequency such as
123 means that there are a total of 123 persons up to that class interval.
Ease of calculation vs. loss of accuracy
Having classified all the data as above, an important question arises, from the
data can we tell the salary of any particular worker of the factory?
The only thing we can say is that his salary lies in some particular income
bracket. If we are required to calculate the entire monthly salary bill of the
workers, we cannot go so unless we make an assumption. This important
assumption is that all the persons in any particular class interval are supposed
to be drawing a salary midway between the upper and lower limits of that class
interval. This mid-value is called the “class mark” for that class.
Ask the students to guess how much inaccuracy this will lead in the total
salary. It will be difficult for them to answer it. The teacher should then point
out that 33 persons in the first class interval will include persons some of those
16 salaries would be below the class mark and some whose salaries are above.
The negative and positive deviations may balance each other to a good extent Statistics and
and only a small inaccuracy may enter in the total bill. The inaccuracy may be Probability
negligible compared to the total bill and the advantage of each calculation may
far outweigh the little error.
Histogram, Frequency Polygon, Ogive
There are alternative modes of representation of data other than the bar chart,
the pie chart and the pictogram. The histogram is closest to a bar graph. If the
bars in a graph are drawn touching each other, then we get a histogram.
Highlight the major differences between a bar chart and a histogram. They are:
i) The histogram is drawn when a frequency distribution is given.
ii) In a bar graph the lengths of the bars are proportional to the frequency,
whereas in a histogram the area of the rectangle is proportional to the
frequency. Clarify this using an example with unequal class intervals.
In a mid-points of the upper side of the bars are joined by straight lines and the
lies reach up to the base on either side, then we get a polygon. Each vertex of
this polygon has coordinates equal to the mid-value of any interval and the
corresponding frequency. In the adjoining diagram, B has coordinates (8250,
Histogram and Frequency Polygon
This represents the statement that the number of persons drawing a salary of
Rs.8250 per month (as per our assumption) is 33. The polygon ABCDEFGHI
is called frequency polygon for this data (distribution).
Note that:
ii) If the points from A to I are joined by a free hand curve, the curve is called
the frequency curve.
Content Based If both the histogram and the frequency polygon are to be drawn, then it is
Methodology-II advisable first to draw the histogram and then join the mid-points of the tops of
the rectangles of the histogram to get the frequency polygon as shown above.
However, if only the frequency polygon is to be drawn, then first represent the
class marks along the x-axis and frequencies along the y-axis and then plot the
corresponding points and finally join them.
To draw a cumulative frequency distribution curve, we plot the points with the
upper limits of the classes on the x-axis and the corresponding cumulative
frequencies on the y-axis.
Ask the students to explain why we take the upper limits and not the class-
mark (mid point of the class interval). Also ask them to explain why ogive is a
rising curve.
The reason for taking the upper limit of each class is the fact that persons
getting salaries within any class interval are actually spread over the whole
class and we take off persons who are getting salaries upto the upper limit
(cumulative frequency taken).
Ogive is a rising curve because the cumulative frequency goes on increasing
with each class.
(Note: In the foregoing diagram, the ogive looks like a straight line since the
frequencies in each class are very close to each other. But this may not always
be the case).
Ask the students to practice drawing the Ogive in all problems where they were
asked to draw a histogram. They should practice both with or without the
The teacher should explain that the value of the variable which occurs most
number of times is called the ‘mode’ of the data or commonly occurring value
in a data is called mode. The middle-most number after rearranging in
increasing or decreasing order is called the ‘median’ and the sum divided by
the number of observations is called the ‘mean or arithmetic mean’.Or we can
Mean= Sum of observations / Number of observations
Let us consider an example to understand mean, median and mode:
Sum of observations
Mean =
Number of observations
(2 + 3 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 0)
= =2
On arranging above data in ascending order, we get
Here total observation is 15 and 2 lies in middle of observed data. So ‘2’ is the
median value.
From the above data we can observe that 9 families have ‘2’ children. So ‘2’ is
the mode value.
Now pose the following situations:
Situation (a): If there were an even number of observations such as 40, how
would you find the middle-most value?
Now we have even number of observations in the above data. So we take two Statistics and
middle values to find median. Probability
Here two middle values are 3 and 5. Now there mean value is (3+5)/2 = 8/2 = 4
So 4 is the median of the above collected data.
Situation (b): If there were more than one number occurring an equal number
of times, which one would you call mode?
Situation(c): If the data was grouped in class intervals, how would you
calculate the median of the data?
Explain: Let us see how to obtain the median in this situation. Consider a
grouped frequency distribution of marks obtained, out of 50 , by 50 students, in
a certain examination, as follows.
The median class interval is the corresponding class where the median (n/2)
value falls.
æn ö
ç - F ÷÷
Median= Lm + è ø
n = the total frequency
F = the cumulative frequency before median class interval
h = the class width
fm= the frequency of the median class interval
Lm= the lower boundary of the median class interval
Explain :Ifx1, x2,. . ., xn are observations with respective frequencies f1, f2, . . .,
fn, then thismeans observation x1 occurs f1 times, x2 occurs f2 times, and so on.
Now, the sum of the values of all the observations = f1x1 + f2x1 + . . . + fnxn,
and the number of observations = f1 + f2 + . . . + fn. So mean (which is denoted
by x ) is given by x = å i i
å fi
Let us see an example.
Marks in Hindi Frequency (fi) Class mark (xi) fixi
(Class Interval)
1 – 10 8 5 40
11 – 20 14 15 210
21 – 30 12 25 300
31 – 40 9 35 315
41 – 50 7 45 315
Total 50 1180
x= åx fi i
åf i
= 1180/50
Assign a few problems to the class to find mean, mode and median.
Explain the role of the assumed mean to facilitate calculation and explain
X = a + å i i where a = assumed mean, h is the size of class interval and
h xf
å fi
x −a
ui = i
xif1 as general notations for different values of x and f should be explained
when they are first introduced.
Ask the students about how to choose the assumed mean. Let them realize the Statistics and
importance of choosing a value somewhere mid-way in the grouped Probability
distribution data so that some u are negative and others are positive giving
å u if i equal to a very small number.
Let the students discuss the following problems:
1) If each observation of some data is increased (or decreased) by 5, what
happens to the mean and median?
2) If each observation of some data is multiplied (or divided) by 2, what
happens to the mean?
3) If one of the observations of a data consisting of 10 values is wrongly
copied as 65 in place of 25, will the true mean increase or decrease and by
how much?
4) Show that:
Mean, mode and median are called ‘measures of the central tendency’ of a
Methodology Used: Mostly discussion method is used to transact the meaning
and calculation of Central Tendencies. However, many examples should be
given to illustrate the points.
Thus, the students are likely to observe that although A might be sharper, yet
he is not consistent. B may not be as sharp as A but he is consistent.
Similarly, if two classes have the same mean score but the range (or spread) of
the marks of one is largest compared to that of the other, than the latter may be
treated as a better class.
If the per capita income of two countries A and B is the same but there is a
wide variation in the highest and lowest income group of country A than in
country B, then A has more poor people and the disparities in income in A are
higher than in B.
å (x- x)
Mean deviation =
Standard Deviation: Standard deviation is the most important and most
frequently used measure of dispersion. It is denoted by σ (sigma)
å(x - x)
s= i
Content Based
xi x i2
6 36 2 2
8 64 σ = ∑x i
− ∑ i
n n
9 81
10 100 840 90
12 144 = −
10 10
11 121
7 49 = 84 − 9 2
8 64 = 84 − 81
10 100 = 3
9 81 = 1.732
90 840
The teacher should discuss with the students the method of finding standard
deviation for grouped data and the short cut method to minimize lengthy
Methodology Used: Again,we mostly depend on discussion with the students
to teach the concept of dispersion and use the drill method to provide sufficient
practice in the use of the formulae.
The answer you may get that the chances of landing on yellow are 1 in 4, or one
fourth. Then you can ask what are the chances of landing on red. Then students
may tell that the chances of landing on red are also 1 in 4, or one fourth.
Now you can introduce them the concept of probability. Explain them
whenever we’re unsure about the outcome of an event, we can talk about the
probabilities of certain outcomes—how likely they are. Probability is simply
how likely something is to happen. It is a branch of Mathematics that is capable
of calculating the chance or likelihood of an event will occur.Probability has a
scientific basis and if you have 10 likelihoods and you want to calculate the
probability of 1 event taking place, it is said that its probability is 1/10 or the
event has a 10% probability of taking place.
Probability of an event happening = Number of ways it can happen /Total
number of outcomes
The probability of an event is shown using ‘P’ and P(A) means ‘Probability of
Event A’.
Some words have special meaning in Probability.
Definition Example
An outcome is the result of a single trial of The possible outcomes are landing
an experiment. on yellow, blue, green or red.
You can assign individual project to students. Tell them throw a die 100 times,
record the scores in a tally table. They can record the results in this table using
tally marks and draw a bar graph and illustrate their results.
Types of Events and Probability
Now it is expected that students know that an event can include several
outcomes and getting a Tail when tossing a coin is an event; rolling a ‘5’ is an
So you can further explain that an event whose chances of happening is 100 %
is called a sure event. The probability of such event is 1. In sure event, one is
likely to get the desired output in whole sample experiment. On the other hand,
when there are no chances of happening an event, the probability of such event
is likely to be zero. This is said to be an impossible event. On the basis of
quality events, these are classified into three types which are as follows:
• Independent (each event is not affected by other events),
• Dependent (also called "Conditional", where an event is affected by other
• Mutually Exclusive (events can't happen at the same time)
Let's discuss at each of those types.
Dependent Events: Two events are dependent if the occurrence of one of the
events affects the probability of the occurrence of the other. Example:
Drawing 2 king cards from a Deck .For the 1st card the chance of drawing a
King is 4 out of 52. But for the 2nd card:
• If the 1st card was a King, then the 2nd card is less likely to be a King, as
only 3 of the 51 cards left are Kings.
• If the 1st card was not a King, then the 2nd card is slightly more likely
to be a King, as 4 of the 51 cards left are Kings.
Replacement: When we put each card back after drawing it the chances
don't change, as the events are independent.
Without Replacement: The chances will change, and the events are
Mutually Exclusive Events: Mutually exclusive events are two or more events
that can not occur simultaneously. If one dice is thrown and comes up three, it
cannot come up six or any other number at the same time. If a coin is tossed
and comes up tails, it cannot come up heads on the same toss. The probability
of one or the other of two mutually exclusive events happening is the sum of
the separate probabilities of these events.
The teacher should discuss with the students the method of finding probability
for independent, dependent and mutually exclusive events .
14.8 LET US SUM UP Statistics and
This unit provides the teacher an opportunity to introduce the topic through
everyday real life situations helping the students to develop a positive attitude
towards the study of Mathematics. The student sees the importance of
collecting and organizing data to be able to answer questions about the
population from whom the data are collected. The students learn how to
present data pictorially and to interpret such data appearing in books,
newspapers, journals, etc.
You would have realized that mode is the most common observation, median is
a point below which lie exactly fifth percent of cases and mean is a value
which represents average of all observations. In the course of handling large
data, the students learn that in order to make calculations less cumbersome,
they have to make a sacrifice elsewhere (in accuracy). This is an attitude
which often comes into play in real life situations also. They are confronted
with decision-making situations such as in deciding the number of class
intervals or in making a choice of assumed mean.
Food Rs.1,600/-
Clothing Rs.1,000/-
Housing Rs.2,400/-
Transport Rs.600/-
Education Rs.800/-
Misc. Expenditure Rs.200/-
Savings Rs.600/-
Total Rs.7,200/-
Expenditure Frequency
600-700 24
700-800 40
800-900 33
900-1000 28
1000-1100 30
1100-1200 22
1200-1300 16
1300-1400 7
Total 200
6) Calculate deviation from the mean for the data given in Q.5. Calculate
the standard deviation also for this data.
7) A school has 4 sections in Class IX having 40, 35, 45, 42 students. The
mean marks obtained in the chemistry test by three of the sections are 50,
60; and 55 respectively. If the overall average of marks per student for
all the section is 52.3, calculate the mean marks obtained by the fourth
10) A bag contains 12 white and 18 black balls. Two balls are drawn in Statistics and
succession without replacement.What is the probability that first is white Probability
and second is black?
11) A bag contains 2 red, 3 green and 2 blue balls. Two balls are drawn at
random. What is the probability that none of the balls drawn is blue?
Content Based 3.
Marks Frequency
0-100 10
100-200 28
200-300 58
300-400 93
400-500 125
500-600 145
600-700 160
4. Mean = 10
5. Mode = 6
6. (a) Median = 28 (b) Median = 69
Statistics and
a = 25 h = 10
Marks x f x–a u = x – a/h u.f
0-10 5 7 –20 –2 –14
10 - 20 10 10 –10 –1 –10
20 - 30 15 15 0 0 0
30 - 40 25 8 10 1 8
40 - 50 35 10 20 2 20
Total – 50 4
hå u i fi
Mean = a+
= 25 + × 10
= 25 + 0.8
= 25.8
8. Range = 19 – 1 = 18
X = 10
X : 5, 10, 12, 7, 8, 6, 15, 17, 1, 19
d = X – X : –5, 0, 2, –3, –2, –4, 5, 7, –9, 9
S.D. = ∑d =
= 5.42
N 10
2 2
∑x i
− ∑ i
9. S.D. = n n
385 55
= −
10 10
= 38 .5 − 30 .25
= 8.25
= 2.87
Content Based 12. Independent (each event is not affected by other events), Dependent
Methodology-II (also called ‘Conditional’, where an event is affected by other events),
Mutually Exclusive (events can't happen at the same time)
Parallel Lines,
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Objectives
15.3 Basic Concepts
15.4 Parallel Lines
15.5 Parallelograms
15.6 Comparison of Two Figures
15.7 Similarity
15.8 Congruence
15.8.1 Definition
15.8.2 Line Segments and Angles
15.8.3 Correspondence and Congruence
15.8.4 Congruence of Triangles
15.9 Constructing Triangles with Available Information
15.9.1 Three Sides (SSS)
15.9.2 Two Angles and a Side (ASA, AAS)
15.9.3 Two Sides and the Included Angles (SAS)
15.9.4 The Hypotenuse and one Side of a Right Triange (RHS)
15.10 Triangle – A Rigid Figure
15.11 Congruence of Triangles
15.12 Let Us Sum Up
15.13 Unit End Activities
15.14 Answers to Check Your Progress
15.15 Suggested Readings
The notions of plane Geometry originated in ancient times. They arose out of
the necessity to solve practical problems. Egyptians used Geometry to
determine the lengths, areas or volumes of various objects. Ancient Hindus
used it to design altars (Vedis) for worship. Later, Greeks formulated the
logical or deductive aspects of Geometry and developed it as a discipline. Most
of the ancient civilizations used Geometry only for practical purposes and not
much was done to make it a systematic study.
The Unit deals with the investigation and study of the concepts of elementary
Geometry; correspondence and congruence in geometrical figures and
construction of triangles. Practical methods, intuition and deduction have been
freely employed to demonstrate their truth. The unit is designed to enable you 37
Content Based to get a greater understanding of the concept of parallel lines, parallelogram
Methodology-II and triangles and to proceed to a logical treatment of the subject.
After going through this Unit, you will be able to:
• explain the basic concepts of Geometry;
• create interest in studying parallel lines and parallelogram;
• demonstrate geometric discussions:
• explain the concept of equality and similarity together with illustrations;
• explain and apply the concept of congruence to geometric figures in
• understand the symbols for these concepts;
• put across the importance of 1-1 correspondence;
• understand that given SSS, SAS, ASA (AAS), RHS we always get
triangles of the same size and shape; and
• develop an activity-based and problem-based approach for teaching-
learning various concepts covered in this unit.
Parallel Lines,
Parallelograms and
Ask : Which faces have the same shape and size in Figure 15.1?
Faces ABCD and HGFE are two such faces. Similarly,
AHED and BGFC is another pair of such faces. ABGH and
CFED is a third pair. They are on opposite sides of each
Explain : The faces ABCD and CFED meet in a straight line CD. In the
whole box there are 12 straight lines or edges.
Explain : The edges AD and DC meet at the point D. Explain that there
are eight such points which are called corners. Each of these
points indicates the meeting points of three edges. Thus, D
indicates the intersection of edges DE, DA and DC.
Explain : The terms ‘point’, ‘straight line’ and ‘plane’ are difficult to
explain in simple words or in terms of the relatively simpler
notions. We take them as undefined. Explain that points such
as D, E, F, etc., have corresponding positions in space. We
frequently mark a position on a piece of paper, or a map, or
on a picture by marking a small dot which indicates some
particular position. Thus, a point indicates a position in
space and has no size or magnitude.
Content Based
Ask : How can we explain the formation of a line using points?
Mark P and Q as two points on the surface of the paper as
shown in Figure 15.2. Suppose point P moves to position Q.
Fig. 15.2
Explain : The straight line which marks the path of a moving point
has length but no width. Hence, a line is said to have one
dimension only.
Explain that from the geometrical point of view a line is a
set of points and extends endlessly in both directions. The
symbol PQ or QP is used for the line l as shown in Figure
Fig. 15.3
Bring out one and only one line can be drawn through two
given points.
Explain : It is the third axiom on lines and points.
: Explain that as a consequence of the third axiom, it is
deduced that if two lines intersect, this intersection is
exactly one point.
Let us consider a line as a number line, then each point of
the line corresponds to a real number.The number
associated with a point is called the coordinate of the point,
and the point associated with a number is called the graph
(or graphical representation) of that number.
Ask : Can you think of any characteristic of the relationship
between the two points of a line and real numbers?
Write: To every real number, there corresponds exactly
one point of the line and vice-versa.
Explain : The correspondence described here is called a one-to-one
correspondence between the points of a line and the set of
real numbers.
It is called the ‘Ruler axiom’.
Explain that if the coordinate of a point P is X and the
coordinate of the point Q is Y, then the distance between P
and Q is |Y – X| which is equal to |X – Y|. We will accept
this as one of our basic assumptions.
Ask : How many positive real numbers can be assigned to the
distance function for a pair of distinct points?
Show that corresponding to every pair of distinct points,
there is one and only one positive real number that can be
assigned for the distance function.
Explain : This real number is called the distance between two points.
This distance is the absolute value of the difference of the
real numbers corresponding to the two points. Explain that
symbol PQ is used to refer to the number which is the
distance between points P and Q.
Ask : Can you think of objects with flat surfaces?
Bring out that table tops, mirrors, papers, walls, etc., are
objects with flat surfaces.
Explain : Flat surfaces are examples of planes. But these are
physical models of planes. A plane is a mathematical
Explain that collinear points are points that lie on the same
line. Similarly, coplanar points are points that are on the
same place.
Explain the following pyramid as in Figure 15.4.
Content Based
Fig. 15.4
l P Q P Q
Fig. 15.5
Explain : The union of the set containing two points P and Q of line
l and the set of all points of l between P and Q is called a
segment denoted by PQ. The length or measure of PQ is
the distance between P and Q and is denoted by PQ. Thus,
Parallel Lines,
PQ = {P} ∪ {Q} ∪ {points between P and Q}
Parallelograms and
Explain : A line may be named by any two of its points but a
segment is always named by its end-points.
Fig. 15.6
Fig. 15.7
OB = {all points P between O and B} ∪ {B} ∪ {all
points P such that B is between O and P}.
Explain that the half-line does not contain the end point O.
Ask : What is the union of the set containing the point O and a
half-line OB .
Bring out that it is a ray denoted by OB (Figure
15.8).Point O is called the end point of the ray.
· ·
Fig. 15.8
Explain : Explain that the rays OA and OB are called opposite rays
if and only if O is between A and B.
Content Based
Ask : Think of two coplanar lines and a line which Parallel Lines,
Parallelograms and
intersects each of the two given lines.
Bring out two distinct points.
Parallel Lines,
Parallelograms and
6) Observe the given figure and answer the following: Triangles
Is S1|| S2? Give reason for your answer.
Main Teaching Point: Different types of quadrilaterals and their interrelations.
Teaching-Learning Process:
Explain : If the boundary lines are all line segments, the figure is called
a rectilinear figure. If four straight lines in a plane intersect in
pairs, the figure formed is a quadrilateral. In Figure 15.16 the
points P, Q, R, S are four vertices of the quadrilateral.
Explain lines that join two opposite vertices are called
diagonals. In Figure 15.16 PR and QS are diagonals of
quadrilateral PQRS.
Content Based The sum of the angles of any quadrilateral is equal to four
Methodology-II right angles. i.e. ∠P +∠Q +∠R + ∠S = 4 (∠90°) or 360°.
Fig. 15.17
Ask : Take the outer cover of an ordinary match box without its inner open
box. Squeeze gently so that two opposite edges come closer. The
rectangular shape of open ends changes. Angle between two edges is
no longer a right angle but the opposite edges are still parallel. A
quadrilateral with each pair of opposite sides parallel is called a
parallelogram. (Figure 15.18)
Ask : What about the shape of the open end of the match box if it
had been a square instead of a rectangle? Bring out that it
would still be changed to a parallelogram, but its sides will
all be equal. It is called a rhombus which is again a special
form of a parallelogram.
Fig. 15.19
b) Compare your answers with those given at the end of the Unit .
7) State whether true or false.
(i) Every rectangle is a square but the converse is not true.
(ii) Every rhombus is a square but the converse is not true.
(iii) Every parallelogram is a quadrilateral but the converse is not true.
Ask : Look at these two cut-outs. What can you tell about these
cut-outs? (In case there is no response in the beginning, you
may bring in leading suggestions like : they look alike, their
sizes are not the same, what else …. There may be response
regarding their volumes, their corners, their sides, … these
are ruled out).
When we say that one is bigger than the other, what are we comparing?
Is it their weight?
Or is it their length?
Or is it the space each over?
Content Based
Fig. 15.27
Two figures can be different in shape and different in size.
Two figures can be different in shape and same in size.
Two figures can be same in shape and different in size.
Two figures can be same in shape and same in size.
Size of the figures is measured by their area.
Methodology Used: Demonstration combined with proper discussion is used
to illustrate the point.
Note: We can use transparencies to show movement of one figure into another
(super positions).
Main Teaching Points: a) Geometrical figures of the same shape are called
similar; and b) The size of similar figures may be same or different.
Teaching-Learning Process: Here we are concerned with the shape of the
figures. Hold in your hand two circles.
Ask : What can you say about the shapes of these two figures?
Repeat with pairs of squares and equilateral triangles. You
may even consider pairs of regular figures.
Ask : Do the two have the same size/area/ (the figures chosen must Parallel Lines,
Parallelograms and
include those of different sizes and the same sizes).
Bring out the two triangles have the same shape but different
Ask : What will happen if AB and XY both are of the same length?
Will you get two triangles of the same shape?
What about their sizes?
: Bring out the triangles are of the same shape and the same
Ask : What can you say about your passport size photograph and
the same in the post-card size?
Explain : We get figures of the same shape. But their sizes may be
same or different.
When the shapes of two figures A and B are alike we say that figures A is
similar to figures B.
In particular
Content Based If ∆ABC is similar to ∆ XYZ.
We write it as:∆ABC ~ ∆ XYZ.
Conclusion: Two figures are similar if they are of the same shape. Their sizes
may or may not be the same.
Methodology Used: Learning by doing to be the best approach. Let the
students draw the figures and help them to reach the conclusions.
15.8.1 Definition
Main Teaching Point: Congruent figures have same shape and same size.
Teaching-Learning Process: Parallel Lines,
Parallelograms and
You have seen above that we can have two figures of the same size and also we
can have two figures of the same shape.
Ask : Are the triangles ABC and XYZ of the same shape? Can you
confirm it by turning around ∆ ABC or ∆ XYZ and then
In all the above parts the size of one triangle is equal to the other and also the
shape of one triangle is same as the shape of the other.
In other words the triangles have the same size and are also similar. You may
note that if two figures completely cover each other when super imposed, these
are of same size and similar too.
The concept of equality of size and similarity of shape is combined in
congruence. We say that one figure is congruent to the other.
Symbol ≅ is used to denote congruence of two figures.
Methodology Used: Demonstration-cum-discussion leading to the conclusion.
Content Based Teaching-Learning Process:
Ask : Given two line-segment what information will you need to
decide whether they are congruent?
Fig. 15.31
Draw figures for other correspondences also. In how many cases a
correspondence results in completely covering one figure over the other. (This
happens only in ABC ↔ PQR).
Activity 2: Take a ∆ABC in which AB = AC. Make a carbon copy of this
triangle and name it ∆PQR. Superimpose and find out how many
correspondences result in covering one figure over the other completely. In
case of ABC ↔ PQR and ABC ↔ PRQ, one ∆ covers the other completely.
Activity 3: Take a ∆ABC which is equilateral.
Make ∆ PQR which is a carbon-copy of ∆ABC.
Superimpose and investigate in this case also as to how many correspondences
result in covering one triangle over the other completely.
Fig. 15.32
Correctly name the triangles which are congruent. You may device more
activities of this type.
Methodology Used: Deductive reasoning is used. From the activities of the
60 previous sections, the students can deduce the definition.
Parallel Lines,
Parallelograms and
Check Your Progress Triangles
Ask : Do you think you need to know data about all sides and
angles of a triangle to be able to construct it.
What data is required so that you can construct a unique
Fig. 15.33
Let every student draw BC = 5 cm
Now Ask : How can you locate A such that A is 3 cm from B and 4 cm
from C?
Lead the response till you have the answer. By drawing
arcs (parts of a circle) with radius 3 cm and 4 cm and
centres B and C respectively.
Ask : What do you observe about the triangle drawn by you and
the one drawn by your neighbouring student?
Expected : They are all similar and equal in size, i.e., they are
Response congruents.
Ask them to verify by measuring and writing the
corresponding angles.
You may repeat by having another set of sides.
1. Given the measures of the three sides of a triangle, we can construct the
triangle uniquely.
2. Triangles drawn with the same measures of sides will be congruent.
3. Given two triangles measures of whose corresponding sides are equal,
the triangles are congruent. This is called SSS Congruence.
Parallel Lines,
Parallelograms and
Fig. 15.34
Every student draws a line-segment (BC) equal to 4.5 cm. Then he draws ∠B =
70° and ∠C = 50°, the non-common arms of the two angles intersect at A.
Ask : What can you say about triangle drawn by you and the ones
drawn by your neighbours?
1) Given the measures of two angles and the included side, we can construct
the triangle uniquely.
2) Triangles drawn with the same measures of two angles and the included
side will be congruent.
3) Given two triangles such that the measures of one of their sides and the
two angles on these sides are equal, the triangles are congruent.
This is called ASA congruence.
Methodology Used: It is purely an activity-based method. Let the students
work it out for themselves and reach the desired conclusion.
Fig. 15.35
1) Given the measures of hypotenuse and a side of a right triangle we can
construct the triangle.
2) Right triangle drawn with the same measure of hypotenuseand a side are
all congruent.
3) Given two right triangles whose hypotenuse and one side each are equal,
the triangles are congruent.
This is called RHS congruence.
Ask : What is the geometric figure that you see when you look at
a bridge, an electric pole or any other heavy structure.
Ask : Why do you think the triangle is used for this purpose?
Let us conduct an experiment.
Fig. 15.36(a)
Fix these sticks, as shown in the figures with nails and screws.
Now try to flex the figure to change its shape.
What do you observe?
Now repeat by forming a five sided figures.
Fig. 15.36(b)
Content Based What do you observe?
Let us now form a triangle shape.
Fig. 15.36(c)
What do you find?
Now you must have understood why in structures we employ a triangle.
Methodology Used: The students can learn this concept best by performing the
activities themselves.
SSS : When the three sides of one triangle are equal to the
corresponding three sides of another triangle.
SAS : When two sides and the included angle of one triangle i.e.
equal to the corresponding parts of the other triangle.
ASA : When two angles and the included side of one triangle are
equal to the corresponding parts of the other triangle.
AAS : When one side and any two angles of one triangle are equal to
the corresponding parts of the other triangle.
RHS : When the hypotenuse and one side of one right triangle are
equal to the corresponding parts of the other right triangle.
Check Your Progress Parallel Lines,
Parallelograms and
Notes: a) Write your answers in the space given below. Triangles
b) Compare your answers with those given at the end of the Unit .
12) In the following diagrams are the triangles in each pair congruent?
Why? Equal parts are shown by similar markings. Explain
10) An angle of 28° more than its complement. What is its measure?
11) The measure of an angle is thrice the measure of its supplementary angle.
Find its measure.
12) In the following figure L is the mid-point of side PS of a trapezium PQRS,
with PQ || SR . A line through L parallel to PQ meets QR in M. Show that
M is the mid-point of QR.
Fig. 15.30
Fig. 15.31
14) Prove that in a parallelogram, the sum of the squares of the lengths of the
diagonals is equal to twice the sum of the squares of the lengths of any
two adjacent sides.
15) Given the information in each part of the question, fill up the blanks:
For ∆ABC and ∆ DEF
Content Based
The corresponding is Two triangle(s) Why
are similar or
a) ∠A = ∠D ABC ↔ __________ ______________ _________
∠B = ∠E
b) AC = DE ABC ↔ __________ ______________ _________
∠B = ∠E
c) ∠A = ∠F ___________ ↔ DEF ______________ _________
∠B = ∠D
d) ∠F = ∠B ___________ ↔ DEF ______________ _________
∠E = ∠C
e) ∠D = ∠A ABC ↔ __________ ______________ _________
= 90°
16) Segments AB and CD insect each other at O. Prove that:
a) ∆OAC ≅∆OBD
b) AC = DB
17) BP bisects ∠ABC. PE and PD make equal angles with BP and meet AB
and AC at D and E respectively prove that ∆BPE ≅∆BPD.
18) AE = ED
Prove that AB = CD
19) DA = DC, BA = BC
Prove that EA = EC
20. DC = AB Parallel Lines,
Parallelograms and
∠1 = ∠2 Triangles
∠3 = ∠4
Prove AE = CF
21. AD = BC
∠1 = 50°
∠2 = 50°
Prove ∆ABC ≅∆BAD
22. AB = AD
Prove AF bisects
23. AC = AD
Prove ∠3 = ∠4.
Content Based 9) The two triangles are similar. Their corresponding angles are equal. The
Methodology-II ratio of the third pair of sides is same as the ratio of the first two pairs of
10) ∠A = ∠M AB = MN
∠B = ∠N BC = NO
∠C = ∠O CA = OM
11) i) For equilateral triangle, the measurement of any one side will be
ii) For Isosceles triangle the measurement of one of the equal side
and the included angle .
12) a) Triangles are not congruent because angles are not included
between the sides.
b) ∆ PQ T ≅∆SRT –– (ASA)
c) ∆ PQ R ≅∆SUT –– (AAS)
d) ∆ ABF≅∆CDE –– (AAS)
e) ∆ BCM ≅∆CBN –– (AAS)
f) ∆ XYL ≅∆XZK –– (AAS)
Trigonometry and
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Objectives
16.3 Trigonometric Ratios
16.3.1 Definitions of Trigonometric Ratios
16.3.2 Trigonometric Ratios of some Specific Angles
16.3.3 Trigonometric Ratios of Complementary Angles
16.4 Trigonometric Identities
16.5 Height and Distance
16.6 Let Us Sum Up
16.7 Unit End Activities
16.8 Answers to Check your Progress
16.9 References and Suggested Readings
Have you ever thought how we can find the height at which the kite is flying or
the height of QutabMinar or the distance of a ship from a light house.
In all the situations given above, the distance or height can be found by using
some mathematical technique which come under a branch of mathematics
called trigonometry.
The word Trigonometry is derived from the Greek words ‘tri’ meaning three,
‘gon’ meaning sides and ‘metron’ meaning measure. These three words
together mean triangle measurement. Thus trigonometry is the study of
relationships between the sides and angles in a triangle. Trigonometric
ratios of angles which always have a unique value for any given angle form the
basic tool for the study of these relationships. So in this unit we will study
about trigonometric ratio and identities. We will also study about how to apply
this knowledge to solve problems on heights and distances. Knowledge of
trigonometry is useful in many situations such as navigation of ships or
movements of aeroplanes, rockets, astronomical sciences, engineering surveys
etc. Thus we will also discuss how trigonometry can be used in our real life
Content Based
After going through this unit, you will be able to:-
• make the students understand the importance of Trigonometry;
• demonstrate to the students how the concepts of similarity form the basis
of trigonometric ratios;
• develop among students the skill of manipulating trigonometric ratios and
appreciate their relationship;
• help the students in using Pythagoras thereom to solve problems involving
trigonometric ratios;
• help the students in finding the trigonometric rations of complementary
angles and applying them;
• develop among students the skill of proving trigonometric identities; and
• develop problem solving skills as required to solve problems of height and
Students we have already studied the concept of ratio. You can now define
certain ratios involving the sides of a right triangle and call them Trigonometric
Ratios. These trigonometric ratios express the relationship between the angle
and the lengths of its sides. Trigonometric ratios of angle A are defined as:
side opposite to angle A BC
sine of ÐA = =
hypotenuse AC
side adjacent of angle A AB
cosine of ÐA= =
hypotenuse AC
side opposite to angle A BC
tangent of ÐA= =
side adjacent to angle A AB
In abbreviated form, these ratios are sin A, cos A, tan A. The ratios cosecant A, Trigonometry and
secant A and cotangent A are the reciprocals of ratios sin A, cos A and tan A its Application
respectively and are written as cosec A, sec A and cot A.
1 hypotenuse AC
cosec A= = =
sin A side opposite to angle A BC
1 hypotenuse AC
sec A = = =
cos A side adjacent to angle A AB
1 side adjacent to angle A AB
cot A = = =
tan A side opposite to angle A BC
Students can observe that
BC BC AC sin A
tan A = = = and
AB AB AC cos A
1 cos A
cot A = =
tan A sin A
Now if you define the trigonometric ratios for
angle C in the same right triangle, you will
see that AC remains the hypotenuse as the
right angle B is fixed.
Now in place of angle A, you can take angle
C. So the side opposite to angle C is AB and
side adjacent to angle C is BC.
Ask your student to write the
trigonometricratios for angle C yourself.
1 Note that sinA is not the product of sin and A, sin separated from A
has no meaning. Sin is always of some angle. The same follows for
other Trigonometric ratios also.
2 For the sake of convenience, we may write sin2A, cos2A, etc. in place
of (sin A)2, (cos A)2 etc. respectively. But we should not write cosec A,
which is the reciprocal of sin A as cosec A= sin-1 A. We can however
write cosec A = (sinA)-1
i. e. (sinA)-1 sin-1A.
Content Based Ask your students that if, they keep the angle A same but change the lengths of
Methodology-II the sides, will the value of trigonometric ratios of that angle change?
For this, ask them to consider again a right ∆ ABC right angled at B.
So, QR = 21 units
QR 21
Therefore, sin P = =
PR 29
QR 21
cosR = =
PR 29
QR 21
cot R = =
PQ 20
Example 2:
Given cos A = , Find other t-ratios of angle
Take a right ∆ABC (Figure)
3 AB
cos A = =
5 AC
AB 3
Note that = does not necessarily mean AB=3
AC 5
units and AC=5 units. In general, this means AB = 3k units and AC = 5k units,
where K is some constant.
By Pythagoras thereom, AC2=AB2+BC2
Or, BC 2 = (5k) - (3k) = 25k 2 - 9k 2 = 16k 2
2 2
So, BC=4k
BC 4k 4
Therefore, sin A = = =
AC 5k 5
1 5
cosec A = =
sin A 4
Content Based 1 5
Methodology-II sec A = =
cos A 3
sin A 4
tan A = =
cos A 3
1 3
cot A = =
tan A 4
Example 3:
In right ∆ABC , right angled at A, in which AB=5 units, BC=13 units and
∠ABC = θ , determine the value of sin 2 θ − cos 2 θ .
In ∆ABC,
BC2= AB2+AC2
So, AC2 = BC2 – AB2= 132 – 52 = 169 – 25 =144
So, AC =12 units
AC 12
Therefore, sin θ = =
BC 13
AB 5
cos θ = =
BC 13
2 2
2 212 5
so, sin θ − cos θ = −
13 13
144 − 25
Trigonometry and
2) From the figure, find tanP–cotR its Application
13 1 - tan 2 q
3) Given sec θ = , find the value of
12 1 + tan 2 q
Content Based 1
Methodology-II Also, cos ec45° = = 2
sin 45°
sec 45° = 2
cot 45° = 1
T-Ratios of 30⁰ and 60⁰
You can take an equilateral ∆ ABC
So, ∠A = ∠B = ∠C = 60°
Draw, ADBC
Now ∆ABD ≅ ∆ACD (by RHS)
So, BD =CD
and ∠ BAD = ∠ CAD
You know that to find the value of all the t-ratios, you must know all the three
sides of the triangle.
In ∆ ABD, let AB = 2a
1 1
As BD= CD So BD = BC = × 2a = a
2 2
By Pythagoras theorem,
AD 2 = AB2 − BD 2
= ( 2a ) − a 2 = 3a 2
so, AD = a 3
BC Trigonometry and
So, sin A = is very close to 0.
AC its Application
cos A = is very close to 1.
So, you define
sin 0⁰=0
cos 0⁰=1
Using these, you have
sin 00
tan 00 = =0
cos 00
cot 00 = = ¥ which is not defined as division by 0 is not
tan 00
sec 00 = =1
cos 00
cos ec 00 = = ¥ which again is not defined.
sin 00
Similarly, when ∠ A is made larger and larger in ∆ ABC till it becomes 90⁰,
point A gets closer to point B and side AC almost coincides with side BC.
Content Based cosec A Not 2 2 1
defined 3
sec A 1 2 2 2 Not
3 defined
cot A Not 3 1 1 0
defined 3
From the above table, students can observe that as ÐA increases from 0⁰ to
90⁰, sinA increases from 0 to 1 and cosA decreases from 1 to 0 and also that
0 ≤ sinA ≤ 1
1≤ cosA ≤ 0
Example 4:-
Evaluate cot2 45⁰- sec260⁰ + sin2 60⁰ + cos2 90⁰
Solution: Given expression
2 2 3
=1 − 2 + + 02
= 1− 4 +
In previous section, you have found all the t-ratios when any two side of the
right triangle are given. Now if, your students are given one side of the triangle
and one angle of the right triangle, then they can find the other two sides of the
triangle. Let us see an example.
Example 5:-
In ∆ ABC, right angled at B, if AB= 5cm,
∠ C = 30⁰, determine the sides BC and AC.
You are given AB and we want to
find BC. So we will choose that-ratio, which
involves these two sides. Here, it is tanC (or
tan 30° =
Ask student, as they know that tan 30° =
1 5
So, =
3 BC
Or , BC = 5√3 cm
To determine AC, you have
AB Trigonometry and
sin C =
AC its Application
sin 30° =
1 5
i.e., =
2 AC
Or, AC = 10 cm
To determine AC you could have used cosC, secC or Pythagoras theorem also.
Now, if your students are given two sides of right triangle they can find its
angles also. Let us an example.
Example 6:-
In right ∆ PQR, right angled at Q, PQ = 3 cm and PR = 6cm, determine ∠ P,
∠ R.
You choose that t-ratio which involves the
two given sides.
PQ 3 1
So, sin R = = =
PR 6 2
So, ∠ R = 30⁰
and so, ∠ P = 60⁰
From the above, you must have noticed that if one of the sides and any other
part either an acute angle or any side of a right triangle are given, you can find
the remaining sides and angles of the triangle.
Content Based 6. In ∆ ABC right angled at B, if AB = 3cm, AC = 2 √3 cm, find ∠ A and ∠ C.
16.3.3 Trigonometric Ratios of Complementary Angles
Ask your student to recall that two angles are complementary angles, if their
sum is 90⁰.
In right ∆ ABC right angled at B,
∠ A + ∠ C = 90⁰.
For convenience, you can write
A + C = 90⁰
i.e. C = 90° − A
Now, sin A = , cos A =
sin C = , cos C =
You can see that
sin A = cos C and cos A = sin C
i.e. sin A = cos (90° − A ) , cos A = sin (90° − A )
Similarly, you can show other t-ratios.
So, for angles lying between 0⁰ and 90⁰, you have
sin (90° − A ) = cos A
cos (90° − A ) = sin A
tan (90° − A ) = cot A
cos ec (90° − A ) = sec A
sec (90° − A ) = cos ecA
cot (90° − A ) = tan A
so, you have
sin30⁰ =cos60⁰
cos30⁰ =sin60⁰
tan30⁰ =cot60⁰
sec30⁰ =cosec60⁰
84 cot30⁰ =tan60⁰
Angle 45⁰ is its own complement. Hence Trigonometry and
sin45⁰ =cos45⁰ its Application
tan45⁰ =cot45⁰
sec45⁰ =cosec45⁰
Example 7
Evaluatecos48⁰ − sin42⁰
cos48⁰ − sin42⁰= cos48⁰ − sin (90⁰ − 48⁰)
=cos48⁰ − cos48⁰
Example 8
If sec4A = cosec (A − 20⁰), where 4A is an acute angle, find A.
since, sec4A =cosec (90⁰ − 4A)
So, cosec (90⁰ − 4A) =cosec (A − 20⁰)
As 90⁰ − 4A and A − 20⁰, both are acute angles, you have
90⁰ − 4A = A − 20⁰
Or 5A = 110⁰
Or A = 22⁰
Check Your Progress
Notes: a) Write your answers in the space given below.
b) Compare your answers with those given at the end of the Unit .
7) Evaluate
cos 72°
8) Prove that
cos 20° cos θ
+ =2
sin 70° sin (90° − θ )
9) If sin 3A = cos ( A − 26°) , where 3A is an acute angle, find the value of A.
Content Based
Can you recall what is an identity ?
An equation which is true for all the values of the variables is called an
A trigonometric identity is an equation, which involves Trigonometric ratios
and is true for all the values of the angles involved.
Consider ∆ ABC right angled at B
AB² + BC² = AC² ____ (1)
Dividing each term of (1) by AC²
You will have
AB2 BC 2
+ =1
AC 2 AC2
æ AB ö 2 æ BC ö 2
i.e. çç ÷÷ + çç ÷÷ = 1
è AC ø è AC ø
2 2
or (cos A ) + (sin A ) = 1
or cos2 A + sin 2 A = 1
This is true for all A such that 0⁰ ≤ A ≤ 90⁰,
So, this is a Trigonometric Identity.
In (i) above, dividing by AB², you will have
æ AB ö 2 æ BC ö 2 æ AC ö 2
çç ÷÷ + çç ÷÷ = ç
ç ÷÷
è AB ø è AB ø è AB ø
i.e. 1 + tan2A = sec²A _________ (2)
As tanA and secA are not defined for A =90⁰, so (2) is true for all A such that
0⁰ ≤ A < 90⁰.
Similarly, dividing (i) by BC² , you can get
æ AB ö 2 æ BC ö 2 æ AC ö 2
çç ÷÷ + çç ÷÷ = ç
ç ÷÷
è BC ø è BC ø è BC ø
i.e. cot²A+1 = cosec²A ________ (3)
(3) is true for all A such that 0⁰< A ≤ 90⁰.
Thus, you will have
sin²A+cos²A = 1
These three relations are all identities and are called fundamental identities.
Each of these identities can be obtained from the other.
If your students know one t-ratio, they can determine other t-ratios using these
Suppose you are given sinA. From the identity sin²A+cos²A=1 you canfind Trigonometry and
sin A its Application
cosA.AlsotanA will be obtained from the relations tan A =
cos A
So, now you know sinA, cosA and tanA and the other t-ratio are reciprocals of
Example 9
Express cosec θ in term of cos θ .
Since, sin² θ + cos²θ =1
So, sin² θ = 1 − cos²θ
or, = 1 − cos 2 θ
cos ec 2θ
or, cos ec2θ =
1 − cos 2 θ
or, cos ecθ = ±
1 − cos 2 θ
As θ is an acute angle, you have
cos ecθ =
1 − cos 2 θ
Example 10
2 1 − cos θ
Prove that (cos ecθ − cot θ ) =
1 + cos θ
1 cos θ
L.H.S. = −
sin θ sin θ
æ1 - cos q ö 2 (1 - cos q )
= çç ÷÷ =
è sin q ø sin 2 q
1 - cos q )
1 - cos 2 q
(1 - cosq )
1 - cos q
= = = R.H.S.
(1 - cosq )(1 + cosq ) 1 + cos q
(i) (ii)
The line drawn from the eye of the observer to the point in the object being
viewed is called the line of sight. The angle made by the line of sight with the
horizontal is called the angle of elevation or angle of depression depending
upon the object viewed is above the horizontal line or below the horizontal
If the object being viewed is above the horizontal line, the angle ∠ BAC is the Trigonometry and
angle of elevation as in fig (i). its Application
If the observer is standing on a balcony and viewed the object C on the road the
∠ BAC is the angle of depression as in the figure (ii). Note here ∠ CAD is not
the angle of depression.
Now let us solve problems.
Example 11
An Electrician has to repair an electric fault on
a pole height 5 m. He needs to reach a point
1.3m below the top of the pole to undertake
the repair work what should be the length of
the ladderthat he should use which, when
inclinedat an angle of 60⁰ to the horizontal,
would enable his to reach the required
position?Also, how far from the foot of the
pole should he place the foot of the ladder?
(take 3 =1.73 )
The electrician has to reach to point B on the pole AD
So, BD = AD – AB = (5 - 1.3) m = 3.7 m
Here, BC represents the ladder in the right ∆BCD and we wants to find its
Which t-ratio should be used?
It should be Sin60⁰
BD 3.7 3
So, = sin 60 2 or =
3.7 × 2
or, BC = = 4.28m (approx )
i.e. length of the ladder should be 4.28m.
We also want to find how far from the foot of the pole should be the foot of the
DC 1
= cot 600 =
BC 3
DC 1
Or, =
3.7 3
So, DC = = 2.14m (approx )
Therefore, she should place the foot of the ladder at a distance of 2.14m from
the pole.
Example 12
From a point on the ground 40 m away from the foot of a tower, the angle of
elevation of the top of the tower is 30⁰. The angle of the elevation to the top of
Content Based a water tank on the top of the tower is 45⁰. Find the height of the tower and the
Methodology-II depth of the tank.
Let AB be the height of the tree and let C and D be the two points on the other Trigonometry and
bank opposite to the tree so that BC measures the width of the river, you want its Application
to find AB and BC.
In ∆ ABC
= tan 60°
Or AB = BC 3 ----------------(i)
Now in ∆ ABD
AB 1
= tan 30° =
BD 3
AB 1
i.e. =
(20 + BC) 3
20 + BC
or AB = − − − − (ii)
From (i) & (ii) you will have
20 + BC
BC 3 =
or 3BC = 20 + BC
or, 2BC = 20
or, BC = 10
So, by (i) AB = 10√3 =17.3m (aprox.)
Hence, height of the tree is 17.3 m approx. and width of the river is 10m.
Example 14
The angels of depression of the top and
bottom of an 8m tall building from the top of
a multistoried building are 30⁰ and 45⁰
respectively. Find the height of the multi-
storied building and the distance between the
two buildings.
In the figure, AB denotes the multi-storied
building and CD the 8m tall building.
You want to find out AB and BD.
∠ FAC = ∠ ACE
and Alternative angles
∠ FAD= ∠ ADB
So, ∠ ACE = 30⁰ and ∠ ADB = 45⁰
Now in right ∆ ACE ,
AE 1
= tan 30° =
CE 3
So, CE = AE √3 --------- (1)
Content Based In right ∆ ADB,
= tan 45° = 1
So, BD=AB -----------(2)
Also BD=CE -----------(3)
So, by (1), (2) & (3) you have,
CE= AE√3 = BD = AB = AE + BE = AE +8
so, AE 3 = AE + 8
i.e, AE ( )
3 −1 = 8
8 8 ( 3 +1 ) 8 ( 3 +1 )=4
so, AE = =
= ( )
3 +1
3 −1 3 −1 )( 3 +1 ) 3 −1
16) From a point on a bridge across a river, the angles of depression of the Trigonometry and
banks on opposite sides of the river are 30⁰ and 45⁰ respectively. If the its Application
bridge is at a height of 3m from the banks, find the width of the river.
5) ( )
If sin 2θ = cos θ − 36° , 2θ and θ − 36° are acute angles, then find the
value of θ .
6) Prove that:-
cos A cos A
+ = cos A, A ≠ 45°
1 − tan A 1 − cot A
7) From a point P on the ground the angle of elevation of the top of a 10m
tall building is 30⁰. A flag is hoisted at the top of the building and the
angle of elevation of the top of the flagstaff from P is 45⁰. Find the length
of the flagstaff and the distance of the building from the point P. (√3 =
Content Based 8) The angle of elevation of the top of a building from the foot of the tower
Methodology-II is 30⁰ and the angle of elevation of the top of the tower from the foot of
the building is 60⁰. If tower is 50m high, find the height of the building.
9) As observed from the top of a 75m high lighthouse from the sea level, the
angles of depression of two ships are 30⁰ and 45⁰. If one ship is exactly
behind the other on the same side of the lighthouse, find the distance
between two ships.
Mensuration and
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Objectives
17.3 Measurement of Perimeter and Area
17.3.1 Perimeter of Rectangle, Square and Triangle
17.3.2 Circumference of the Circle
17.3.3 Area of Trapezium, Quadrilateral and Polygon
17.3.4 Surface Area of Cuboid, Cube, Cylinder, Cone and Sphere
17.4 Measurement of Volume
17.4.1 Volume of Cuboid and Cube
17.4.2 Volume of Cylinder
17.4.3 Volume of Cone
17.5 Coordinate Geometry: Basics and Use
17.6 Distance Formula
17.7 Section Formula
17.8 Let Us Sum Up
17.9 Unit End Activities
17.10 Answers to Check Your Progress
17.11 References and Suggested Readings
Children are familiar with objects like notebook, pencil, lunch box, writing
table, bench, desk and so on. When children think of such objects, generally the
shape comes to their mind. In addition, the grown ups think about their
boundaries, space covered, area, etc. In the case of objects mentioned, each of
these objects is in the form of certain geometrical figures i.e. square, rectangle,
cylinder, circle, etc. In Mathematics the study of shapes occupies a prominent
role as it has relevance in construction of building, houses, bridges, play
grounds, etc. While constructing a new home, the shape and size matters. The
same is experienced when children arrange their bench and desks in the
classroom. In such situations, we do take measurements and the plan is
executed accordingly. The area concerning measuring various dimensions of
geometrical figures is termed as Mensuration. So in first section of this unit, we
will discuss concepts of perimeter, area and volume. Then of this unit we will
try to explore deductive methods for arriving at formula for perimeter, area and
volume for different objects. Further, we will study about basics of co-ordinate
geometry and its applications in day-to-day life*.
* Few examples and figures of this Unit has been adopted from Mathematics NCERT
Content Based
After going through this unit, you will be able to:
• help students understand the meaning of area , perimeter and volume;
• use of the methods of measuring area and perimeter;
• determine the volume of various objects;
• appreciate the beauty of doing geometry in algebraic way;
• recall the basics of Cartesian system;
• develop the skill of proving distance formula and section formula;
• apply them in different situations; and
• help students to develop problem solving skills.
Fig 17.2
How will you calculate the perimeter of plane figures? Let us start with a
simple figure. In order to calculate the perimeter, you need to have
understanding of units and its conversion from one to the other (For example
converting cm to m, mm to cm, etc.). In the Figure 17.3, first the distances
AB,BC,CD,DE ,EF and FA are calculated and they are added. The resulting
value would be the perimeter of the figure. The calculation is given below:
Fig 17.4
Thus we can say that;
Perimeter of the rectangle = length+ breadth+ length+ breadth
Or Perimeter of a Rectangle = 2× (Length+ Breadth)
Now let us calculate perimeter of few regular closed figures. What is the
peculiarity of regular closed figures? Figures that have all sides equal length
and all angles of equal measure are known as regular figures. For example,
square, equilateral triangle,etc. In the below given box, the perimeter of a
square and an equilateral triangle are calculated:
Fig 17.5
Perimeter of Square = Sum of the lengths of Fig 17.6
its four sides
=AB+BC+CD+DA(Since AB=BC=CD=DA) Perimeter of equilateral triangle = Sum of the lengths of
=4×4cm = AB+BC+CA
=AB+AB+AB (Since AB=BC=CA)
Therefore we can say that, instead of adding
the sides four times, multiply one side by 4, =3×(3cm)
which would give the perimeter of the square. =9cm
Thus Therefore we can say that, instead of adding the sides
Perimeter of Square = 4×Length of one side three times, multiply one side by 3, which would give the
perimeter of an equilateral triangle. Thus
Perimeter of Equilateral Triangle = 3×Length of one
In the above section we have derived the formula for finding perimeter of a Mensuration and
regular figure. Now the question is what would be the perimeter of a regular Coordinate
closed figure having five sides? For example, a pentagon. In the case of Geometry
pentagon or figures having equal sides (regular polygons), we may deduce that,
the perimeter is:
Perimeter of a regular polygon= Number of sides × Length of one side.
Check Your Progress
Note: a) Write your answers in the space given below.
b) Compare your answers with those given at the end of the Unit.
3) Find the perimeter of the following figure:
In this case, firstly, we have to find the perimeter of the farmland and then it
has to be multiplied with the money required for one metre. The calculation
goes like this:
Perimeter of the farmland= 82m+222m+104m+282 m=690m
Cost required= 50 × 690= 34500
Rectangle axb
Square axa
Triangle ½ bxh
Parallelogram bxh
Circle πr2
In the coming sections we will explore formula to find area of few other
shapes. Let us do it one by one and later look at its practical applications. 101
Content Based Area of Trapezium
Consider a trapezium as shown in the Figure 17.9. To find the area of the
trapezium, draw EC׀׀AB. Then we get a rectangle ABCE and triangle ECD
right angled at C.
Therefore, Area of trapezium ABDE = Area of triangle +Area of rectangle
Area of trapezium= Area of ∆ ECD+ Area
(h ´ c) + (h ´ a)
æc+2aö æc+a +aö
= hç
ç ÷÷ = hç
ç ÷÷
è 2 ø è 2 ø
= h(
b + a)
i.e. Area of Trapezium =
height × (
sum of parallel sides)
Or Area of trapezium =
= 3´ (
8 + 6)
= 21 cm 2
Thus area of quadrilateral ABCD= Area of ∆ABC+ Area of ∆ADC Mensuration and
= ( AC × h1)+ ( AC × h2)
= AC × (h1+ h2)
= (h1+ h2)
Where d= Length of the diagonal AC
Area of Special Quadrilateral (Rhombus)
Consider a rhombus ABCD as shown in the Figure 17.11. To calculate the area
of rhombus, draw two diagonals resulting in ∆ABC and ∆ACD. The two
diagonals are perpendicular bisectors.
Then, area of rhombus = Area of ∆ADC+ Area of ∆ABC
1 1
= (AC × OD) + (AC × OB)
2 2
= AC × (OD+OB)
= AC × BD
= d1 × d2
Area of Rhombus= (d1 × d2)
where d1 and d2 are length of diagonals
Area of a Polygon
Apart form the general shapes, children come across various shapes that have
multiple sides and we call them polygon. In order to calculate area of any
polygon, we divide them into various triangles
and quadrilateral and area is separately
calculated for each of the triangles and
quadrilateral. Then after, these areas are added
to get the final area. For example, consider a
polygon as shown in the Figure 17.12 Here the
polygon ABCDE is divided into three
triangles namely ∆ABC, ∆ACD and ∆AED.
Thus the area of the polygon ABCDE is given
1 1
Area of ∆PXQ = PX × QX = 2.5 × 2.5 = 3.125 cm2
2 2
Fig. 17.14b
What will be the surface area of cube then? Students must be provided learning
experiences to recognize that; cube is a form of cuboid with all six faces having
same length. Thus the surface area (or we call total surface area) of cube is
given by the formula 2(l× l+ l× l+ l× l) =2(3l2)
i.e. Surface area of Cube = 6l2
Let us solve some examples.
Example 7: Calculate the surface area of a matchbox having height 5cm,
length 2cm and width 3.5cm.
Solution: The match box is in cubiodal shape.
Area of match box = 2 (lb + bh+ hl)
Here, h = 5 cm, l = 2 cm, b = 3.5 cm
Surface Area = 2 (2 × 3.5 + 3.5 × 5 + 5 × 2)
= 2(7+17.5+10) = 69 cm2
Example 8: What is the surface area of the cube measuring each side 6cm?
Surface area of cube = 6l2
Here l = 6 cm
Surface Area = 6 × (6) 2 = 216 cm2
Surface Area of a Cylinder Mensuration and
Students have seen objects like tins, lunch boxes, oil bottles, water bottles, Coordinate
water pipes, etc. Such objects may be used as teaching aids to transact the Geometry
concept of surface area of cylinder. You may ask them to draw the picture of
water pipe and compare with that given below in Figure 17.15a. Then after,
you may explain that, the same picture can be drawn as shown in Fig 17.15b.
Teacher continues that a cylinder has two circular faces (whose radius is ‘r’)
and a rectangular area (whose height is ‘h’). Thus the total surface area of the
cylinder (or we call total surface area) will be the area of two circular faces
plus area of rectangle.
i.e. Surface Area of Cylinder= Area of Circle 1 + Area of Rectangle+ Area of
Circle 2
= πr2+2πrh+ πr2
Surface Area of Cylinder=2πr(r+h); Where r= radius of cylinder, h=height
of the cylinder
(Note: Similar to cuboid, cylinders do
have lateral surface area. Lateral Curved surface area of the cylinder= Area of the
surface area is also known a curved Rectangular sheet= Lenghth x Breadth
surface area. Lateral (curved) surface =Perimeter of the base of the cylinderx h
area of cylinder is the surface area of =2πrxh
the curved part of the cylinder and is
given by the formula 2πrh)
17.15a 17.15 b
(Source: Mathematics Textbook for class VIII, pp 184, NCERT)
Example 9: Rajeev brought a cylindrical pipe having radius 2cm and total
surface are 2640cm2. Calculate the height of the cylinder pipe.
Radius of the cylindrical pipe r = 2cm
Total surface area of the cylindrical pipe = 2640 cm2
Height of the cylindrical pipe = h (to be found out)
Total surface area of cylinder = 2πr (r + h)
\ 2640 = 2´ ´ 2 (2 + h)
2640 =
(2 + h)
Content Based 2640 × 7
Methodology-II 2+ h =
2 + h = 210
h = 208 cm
Or height if cylindrical pipe = 208 cm = 2.08 m
Surface Area of Right Circular Cone
Let us move on our discussion to finding area of right circular cone. Generally
we find right circular and non right circular cones. You may start by showing
the following figures. The Figure 17.16 a is right circular cone; where ‘A’ is
vertex, ‘AB’ the height, ‘BC’ radius and ‘AC’ is the slant height of the cone.
The height, radius and slant height are usually denoted by ‘h’, ‘r’ and ‘l’
respectively and ‘B’ is the centre of circular base of the cone. Figure 17.16b is
not a right circular cone because the base is not circular. After brainstorming
about preliminary knowledge of circular cones, you may help children to arrive
at formula for finding surface area of cone.
Mensuration and
So l = h 2 + r 2
l = 162 + 12 2 =20cm
So curved surface area = π rl=3.14×12×20=753.6cm2
Surface Area=πrl +π r2=753.6+3.14(12)2=1205.76 cm2
Surface Area of Sphere
Students of secondary classes have come across various spherical shapes in
their life. Being a Mathematics teacher, you may elicit few of such shapes
before you arrive at the formula for measuring its surface area. Also, you may
ask your students to define sphere, which would help them in deducing its
surface area. How will you define sphere? A sphere is a three dimensional
figure (solid figure), which is made up of all points in the space,
which lie at a constant distance called the radius, from a fixed point
called the centre of the sphere.
How can we teach children the formula to find surface area of sphere? The
following activity will help you. Ask them to take a long string and rubber ball.
Then measure the diameter of the ball from which you may calculate the
radius. After that, fix a nail and start winding the string over the ball as shown
in Fig. 17.18a. Then mark the start and end point of the string. Now draw four
circles with radius equal to the radius of the ball. Unwind the string and fill
each circle with the string that have been used (as given in Fig. 17.18b).
Through this activity, children will realise that, the string that completely
covered the surface of the ball is completely used to fill four circles. Thus we
can deduce that ,
The surface area of sphere= 4 times the area of a circle of radius r = 4 × (πr2)
Or Surface Area of Sphere= 4πr2
(Source: Mathematics Textbook for class IX, pp 223, NCERT)
Content Based
You may start with simple solid shapes as shown below. As students start
finding volume, the point that, ‘cubic units’ are used to find the volume of
objects unlike ‘square units’ for area. To find the volume of the given figure, it
is divided into different cubit units measuring 1cm
each side. Thus the volume of the given figure 17.20
is 8 cubic units. Also students should be made aware
of the point that, the commonly used cubical units
Fig. 17.22
Source: NCERT Textbook, Class IX)
Let see an example to make idea clear about it.
Example 12: If the lateral surface area of cylindrical vessel is 34 cm2 and its height is 3
cm. Then find the following:
a) Radius of the cylindrical vessel
b) Volume of the cylindrical vessel
Solution :
a) We have lateral surface area of cylindrical vessel = 34 cm2
Height of cylindrical vessel=3 cm
We know that the lateral surface area of cylinder = 2πrh
2´ 3.14´ 3
=1.80 cm
b) Volume of the cylindrical= πr2h; Where r=radius of cylinder, h=height of cylinder
= 3.14 × (1.8)2 × 3= 34.00cm3
17.4.3 Volume of Cone
Now let us discuss about the volume of cone. You may think of interesting
activities to achieve the same. One of such activity for cone is discussed
Fig. 17.23
(Source: NCERT Textbook class IX, pp 188)
Content Based Ask children to bring a hollow cone and a cylinder having same base area.
Methodology-II Then fill the cone with water and empty it an to the cylinder. They may
observe that it fills up only a part of cylinder. Tell them to repeat the same
exercise. Now they may observe that the cylinder is not full. Tell them to
repeat the same exercise. Now they can find that cylinder is full with water.
Thus we come to the conclusion that, three times the volume of cone is equal to
the volume of the cylinder. Therefore volume of cone is three times the volume
of cylinder, i.e.
1 2
Volume of Cone= πr h ; Where r= base radius, h=height of the cone
Now you can give few practical applications to your students.
Fig. 17.24
Content Based To give answer to this question, let us first consider two points lying on the x-
Methodology-II axis say P(2, 0) and Q(6, 0). Then the distance between P and Q is the length of
line segment PQ.
So, PQ = OQ– OP = 6 – 2 = 4 units
Fig. 17.25
Similarly, R is (0, 1) and S (0, 4) lying on y-axis then the distance between
them is
RS = OS – OR = 4 – 1 = 3 units.
Thus, we see that if two points lie on the x-axis or the y-axis we can easily find
the distance between them.
Now, what if two points do not lie on the
coordinate axes. How can we find the
distance between them?
Take coordinate axes and mark two such
points P (x1 , y1 ) and Q (x2 , y 2 ) .
Draw PA and QB perpendicular to x-axis
and PR ⊥ QB as in the figure. We want to
find the distance between P and Q i.e.
length of the line segment PQ. In ∆PQR,
right angled at R, we can apply Pythagoras
theorem to find PQ.
For that we must have PR and QR. Fig. 17.26
Now A and B are points on x-axis. So,
OA = x1 , OB = x2
and so, AB = OB – OA = x2 − x1
PR = AB = x2 − x1
Also, QR = QB – RB = QB – AP = y2 − y1
Using, Pythagoras theorem, we have
PQ 2 = PR 2 + QR2
2 2
= (x 2 − x1 ) + ( y 2 − y1 )
AB = (6 − 2 )2 + (4 − 1)2 = 4 2 + 32 = 16 + 9 = 25 = 5 units.
As 1 unit = 1 km., the distance of her school from her house is 5 km.
Example 13
Find the distance between A (1, – 2) and B(3, –5).
Example 14
Raghav’s grandmother, mother and himself visited a temple. The priest asked
them to sit in a line. They occupied the seats at A (– 3, 2), B(1, –2) and C(9, –
10). Do you think they are seated in a line? Justify.
Three points will be collinear or lie in a line of sum of lengths of the two line
segments is equal to the third.
AB = (1 + 3)2 + (− 2 − 2 )2 = 4 2 + ( − 4) 2 = 4 2
BC = (9 − 1)2 + (− 10 + 2 )2 = 8 2 + ( − 8) 2 = 8 2
AC = (9 + 3)2 + (− 10 − 2 )2 = 12 2 + ( −12) 2 = 12 2
AB = (7 − 2 )2 + (3 + 2 )2 = 52 + 52 = 5 2
BC = (11 − 7 )2 + (− 1 − 3)2 = 4 2 + ( −4 ) 2 = 4 2
CD = (6 − 11)2 + (− 6 + 1)2 = ( − 5) 2 + ( − 5) 2 = 5 2
AD = (6 − 2 )2 + (− 6 + 2 )2 = 4 2 + ( − 4) 2 = 4 2
Diagonal AC = (11 − 2 )2 + (− 1 + 2 )2 = 9 2 + 12 = 81 + 1 = 82
15. Check whether the points (1, 2), (5, 3) and (18, 6) are collinear.
17.7 SECTION FORMULA Mensuration and
Suppose two friends Aditya and Guninder are seated at A and B (Figure). Their Geometry
third friend Akhtar wants to sit in between Aditya and Guninder at P in such a
way that the distance of Akhtar from Guninder is three times his distance
Fig. 17.27
Points A, B and P lie on the same line so we can say that P divides AB in the
ratio 1 : 3. We know the coordinates of A and B and we want to know the
coordinates of P where their third friend should sit.
For that, let us consider the following:
Consider two points A(x1, y1) and B(x2, y2) and assume that P(x, y) divides AB
internally in the ratio m1 : m2 i.e.
PA m1
PB m 2
By internal division we mean that the point of division P lies on the line AB
between A and B. If point P lies on the line AB outside of the line segment AB
PA m1
and = we say that P divides externally the line segment joining the
PB m 2
points A and B.
In this section, we will study the section formula for internal division only.
Draw AR, PS, BT perpendicular to x-axis and AQ, PC parallel to x-axis.
B (x 2 , y2 )
P (x,y) C
Fig. 17.28
m x + m2 x1 m1 y 2 + m 2 y1
So, P(x, y) is 1 2 ,
m1 + m 2 m1 + m2
So, the coordinates of the point P(x, y) which divides the line segment joining
the points A(x1, y1) and B(x2, y2) internally in the ratio m1: m2 are:
m1 x2 + m2 x1 m1 y 2 + m 2 y1
m1 + m 2 m1 + m2
Content Based Example 19
Find the coordinates of point A where AB is the diameter of a circle whose
centre is (2, –3) and B is (1, 4).
Let A be (x, y). AB is the diameter of the circle and centre is the midpoint of
the diameter.
Thus, the midpoint of the diameter AB is :
x +1 y + 4
(–1, 6) = , = ( 2, − 3)
2 2
x +1 y+4
So, = 2, = −3
2 2
Or, x = 4 − 1 = 3, y = −6 − 4 = −10
So, coordinates of A are (3, –10).
Thus, from the above examples we observe that in section formula of any three
out of the following four are given we can find the fourth.
Two points A(x1, y1), B(x2, y2)
Point of division P (x, y)
Ratio m1: m2