The Round Table: - 664 2043560 Radio 152 145660 2
The Round Table: - 664 2043560 Radio 152 145660 2
The Round Table: - 664 2043560 Radio 152 145660 2
ENGLISH TEACHING RESOURCES FOR THEACHERS OF A NEW AGE Carmen Isabel Jauregui Cel. 664 2043560 Radio 152*145660*2
Active/Cooperative Activity 8
papers in a clockwise direction and repeat so that each student now adds to the previous students work. This process continues until the round is complete. This second variation is perfect for use when you want students to work on related subtopics. For example, in a science lesson on elements each team member would add to a list of properties for separate elements; in an English lesson each team member could contribute to a separate character profile.
is best to keep the activity brief once partners lose interest, the effect is lost. This has to be a fast-paced brief review nothing more. Phase three: The teacher calls Come in Number one, your time is up (or something similar) to bring the first session of teaching to a close and partners swap roles. On the second call of Ready, Steady TEACH! , partner two teaches partner one. Partners then thank each other for being wonderful teachers and then the lesson continues. Teach-Back 2: Group Teach-Back In this version, table groups are given a specific piece of content to Teach-Back to the whole class. For simple reviews each group is given five minutes to prepare a short presentation of up to three minutes. To keep presentations brief (difficult to do with groups), and add some mirth to the proceedings, students are only allowed to stand on one leg while speaking. For presentations where groups are encouraged to use visual aids such as slides, charts and posters or demonstrations involving equipment more time is allocated. Table groups make their presentations to the whole class.