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Chapter 1


Now a day, through the advancement of modern technology, there are a lot of fast and
reliable alternatives for research. However, library still pays a vital role on the students
and researcher’s life. Library is still considered the most accurate place for information.
Undeniably, people especially those who are not having internet connections, and even
electricity, rely solely on books. Libraries also supply information not found on World
Wide Web. Library still remain the cheapest and the most accessible place for research.
Gathering of information still plays a very important role when it comes to gathering of

This system is being conceptualized in order for the librarian to access all the books that
was barrowed by the student in the school. And we also know that now days in this
generation we are used to live with technology and we implement this system. After an
interview with the help of the students, we have observed the following problems that
exist in the library when barrowing and returning of books, the in charge manually takes
down information like name and date year which uses a pen and takes time to finish.
Background of the Study

A library management system is software that will handle basic and systematic
organization of function in the library. The system would provide basic set of features to
add/update student’s information, add/update books information, search for books and
manage check-in/check-out processes.

In this application we can maintain the records of students and books and enable to
determine how many books are issued and likewise determine the available books in
the library.

Significant of the Study

The library system for elementary and high school keeps all books and periodicals in the library
and their check – out status. The library system also interfaces with an external relational
database which stores information about the library users (students and staff), including whether
they have any library items checked out; library users can access the catalog and recall books and
periodicals, library employees have the same access as well as additional capabilities (e.g. listing
the status of an item).

General Problem

 Issue / Return a book from/to the library is a cumbersome process. Various

details need to be remembered by the staff members. It is very difficult to keep a
track of all the members/books manually.
 Maintenance of the record of each member/book is a very tedious job. A large
number of human efforts are required to keep a track of members who have
issued a book, who has returned a book and which book is issued/returned.
 Modifying the details of members or books is a very tedious job if done manually.
Specific Problem

 The borrowing and issuing of book is slow where the borrowers will have to wait
for further library transaction.
 The librarian is taking a lot of time to write in the logbook the complete details of
the students who is borrowing, renting and returning the books.

General Objective

This project Library Record System will help to perform tasks in the Baluno National
School libraries which will be a better and easy way than a traditional library
management system.

Specific Objectives

Here are some specific objectives of the project we proposed:

To notify users about the availability of the book and other resources
To notify users of overdue books and other library materials

The Library Record System for Baluno National High School will do
The overall transaction in borrowing and returning of books on time. It reveals the
Borrowers' procedure because it has a report, however, there is a limit on the
Number of books that the students can borrow.

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