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Flood and Landslide Prevention through Recycled Products, Tree Planting,

and Proper Waste Disposal

Disasters can be caused by both natural and man-made phenomena. Disasters generally occur
suddenly and can have a detrimental impact. The community as the party experiencing and
affected by the disaster needs to take action to deal with and overcome it (Iwan Suhiyantoro
(2010), Upaya Mengantisipasi Bencana Melalui Kekuatan Berbasiskan Masyarakat, Jurnal
Dialog Penanggulangan Bencana, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2010, page 55-62). In this modern era,
environmental challenges are increasing, and one of the most felt impacts is the increasing risk of
natural disasters, such as floods and landslides. Both can cause huge losses both economically
and socially. Therefore, it is imperative to take effective preventive measures to reduce the risk
of such occurrences. Three solutions that can be adopted are the use of recycled products, tree
planting, and proper waste disposal.
One of the first steps that can be taken is to utilize recycled products to reduce plastic waste
and other materials that are difficult to decompose in nature. Plastic waste, for example, can clog
waterways and cause flooding when accumulated in rivers or sewers. By supporting the use of
recycled products, we can reduce the amount of waste entering the environment and impeding
the passage of water, thereby reducing the risk of flooding.
To avoid these natural disasters, appropriate preventive measures are needed, for example by
carrying out nature conservation activities (Kurniawan, A (2019). Tanam Pohon dan Konservasi
Lingkungan, Upaya Pencegahan Bencana Alam. Kompas.com 28/03/2019). To prevent floods,
landslides and droughts, we must preserve the environment. One of the efforts to preserve the
environment is by planting trees. Tree planting activities to preserve the environment must be
carried out continuously. Tree roots keep the soil firm and absorb rainwater, preventing soil
erosion that can cause landslides. Trees planted in water catchment areas can also help control
water flow, reduce the risk of flooding, and create a healthy ecosystem. Therefore, tree planting
programs need to be supported en masse as a concrete effort to maintain environmental
In line with Affila, garbage that accumulates in sewers and rivers can cause flooding, which is
a routine disaster in the country (Arisona,(2018), Pencegahan Banjir dan Penumpukan Sampah
Melalui enerapan Lubang Biopori di Desa Jayabakti, Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat, Vol. 5,
No. 1, 2023, page 34‒42). Equally important is public awareness in disposing of waste in its
proper place. Garbage that is thrown away carelessly can clog drainage and impede the flow of
water, thus increasing the risk of flooding. Therefore, public education on the importance of
proper garbage disposal, waste management, and reducing the use of hazardous materials needs
to be improved.
In addition to the direct benefits of preventing floods and landslides, these actions also
support the concept of sustainable environmental management.By utilizing recycled products, we
reduce the pressure on natural resources for the production of new goods. Tree planting not only
contributes to the balance of the ecosystem, but also helps address climate change by absorbing
carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Proper waste disposal is part of efforts to maintain
environmental cleanliness and ecosystem sustainability.In flood and landslide prevention efforts,
cooperation between the government, the community, and the private sector is essential.
Prevention and education programs need to be supported together so that the goal of disaster
prevention can be achieved optimally. By utilizing recycled products, planting trees, and
disposing of waste in its place, we can create a safer, healthier, and more sustainable
environment for future generations.

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