Turismo Guianza Guia

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Nombre de la Unidad: GUIA DE TURISMO

Learning Objective
- To know who is a tour guide, what are their functions and duties.
- To differentiate the types of tour guides.

General Aspects - Description of the Activity

Activity 1 WORKSHOP: I study the contents of the tour guide unit and I make a
workshop that deals with the topics studied in the unit, and I send it.
1. Elaborate a chart of the characteristics that define a tour guide.
2. Consult and research the functions of a tour guide and elaborate an infographic
that synthesizes the key concepts.
3. Elaborate a handout with instructions on the duties of a tour guide.
- Make a mind map that represents the concepts associated with the types of guides.

Develop the workshop and send a digital document (Word or pdf) through the learning
evidence delivery tool.

- Who is a tour guide?

- What are the functions of a tour guide?
- What types of guides do you know?
- Functions of the tour guide during the tour, http://youtu.be/dT9NOUnj6a8
- Assisting and guiding tour groups, http://youtu.be/BulnX
Guiando turistas y grupos, http://www.slideshare.net/rdgonline/guiando-turistas-y- grupos
 Guía de turismo, http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gu%C3%ADa_de_turismo
 Tipos de guías turísticos, http://www.ejemplosde.net/varios/990-tipos-de-guias-
 guías de turismo, guionaje o "guianza" turística en Colombia,
 Funciones del guía turístico durante el viaje, http://youtu.be/dT9NOUnj6a8
 Asistencia y guía de grupos turísticos., http://youtu.be/BulnXhFX8k4

English for Tour Guides

These pages from our English for Work series cover language needed by tour guides in
an English-speaking context.
tour bus
Being a tour guide is a very important job. In many cases, the tour guide is a traveller's
first impression of a foreign country. In other cases a tour guide may be responsible for
teaching tourists about the culture and sites in a city or town. In addition, many tour
guides hold the responsibility of teaching tourists about safety. Even if you are only
responsible for taking a tourist from the airport to his or her hotel, it is your
responsibility to make the short trip interesting, informative, and safe. The following
pages will help you learn some important vocabulary and phrases that you can use with
your English-speaking tourists. Check your understanding as you go.

English Vocabulary for Tour Guides

This page covers vocabulary needed by people working as tour guides in an English-
speaking context.
word meaning example sentence

activities things to do There are lots of activities that the

whole family will enjoy.

architecture design of a building The architecture of this building is

typical of the Renaissance age.

art gallery place to look at We are going to visit the art

professional paintings and gallery where local painters exhibit
drawings their art.

attractions places for tourists to see The water park is our most
recent attraction .

bearings feeling for understanding If you're having trouble getting

one's location/ your bearings just remember that the
surroundings in an mountains are west.
unknown area

business district area in a city that has Keep in mind that this is the business
many offices district so that grocery store may be

castle a building for royalty No one has lived in this castle since
the last king died twenty years ago.

church a place to worship God The church is the central meeting

place in this town.

conveniences things that make life There you will find all of
easier your conveniences, from suntan lotion
to shampoo.

custom something people of a It's a custom to hang beads in the

region do often windows at this time of year.

en route on the way While we are en route to the hotel I

will point out the beach and the golf

entertainment a place where there are If you want to catch a movie while
district theatres and concert halls you're here, the entertainment
district is off to your left.

exception something/ someone that With the exception of Johnson

does not follow the usual Street, it is safe to walk around here at
rules or expectations night.
exhibition objects (i.e. art) displayed It may be tough to find parking with
for a short time for the the car exhibition on this week.
public to view

grocery store/ place to buy food to take Since you have a kitchenette at your
supermarket home hotel you will need to know where
the grocery store is.

highlight the best part People often say that the highlight of
their trip is the botanical gardens.

legend a person or story known According to an old legend, a sea

for a long time monster lives in this lake.

lobby front entrance We will meet in the lobby at 8 am


locals people who live in an area The locals are usually happy to show
tourists around.

location place where something This location is the best because you
can be found don't need to bother renting a car.

map shows roads and I'll give you each a map so you can
directions to places follow along as we walk.

market place to buy fresh food Every Sunday there is a

and homemade items farmer's market on Wade Street.

monument a statue/ structure that This monument honours the men and
honours an event or women who died during the war.

museum a place where historical The museum charges a small fee for
items are displayed adults, but children are free.

necessities things that people need for We recommend that you only
every day living carry necessities in your purse and
leave everything else at the hotel.
original state the way something Except for the roof, this home has
appeared from the been left in its original state.

photograph picture taken with a You may not take photographs here,
camera but you can purchase a postcard.

postcard a card with a picture on The gift shop has many great
one side(usually an object souvenirs, such as postcards of the
or place that tourists see) beautiful waterfalls.
that can be mailed without
an envelope

questions or things that tourists may The plane almost missed

concerns want to say or ask the runway because it was such a bad

request something that has been The driver has made a request that
asked for politely you throw all of your garbage in the
bin at the front on your way out.

restaurant part of a town/ city with You will see there are many more
district many places to eat eateries to choose from when we head
to the restaurant district.

ritual tradition, custom, action It is an old native ritual to dance

(religious or cultural) that during the sunrise.
people do often

scenery natural beauty to look at It is impossible to capture the beauty

of this scenery in pictures.

settlers people who first made a The original settlers relied on oxen to
home in an area carry their wares.

shopping district area of town where there You may want to save some spending
are many stores money because we'll be visiting
the shopping district this afternoon.
site place,location This is the site of a very famous battle.

stairway/ steps going up or down The stairwell is very steep, so please

stairwell watch your step.

street people people who live on the You may be surprised how
street, often begging for many street people ask you for
money money.

surroundings things that you see around I hope you enjoy the castle and
you its surroundings, including the secret

voice the sound you make when I apologize for my voice today as I
speaking have a bit of a cold.

voucher a piece of paper that Don't forget to bring your voucher for
shows you have paid a free coffee in the hotel lobby.

waterfront piece of land next to an There will be plenty of live

ocean, lake, or river entertainment down at the waterfront.

window glass that you look out We can peer in the window but I think
they are probably closed for the day.
word meaning example sentence

arrive reach a destination I am glad to see you

all arrived safely.

close to finish We will close the tour with a view

of the city at sunset.

continue on keep going If you're all finished looking here,

we will continue on with the tour.

depart leave The last ferry departs at 4pm, so

make sure you don't miss it.
enjoy have a good I have enjoyed meeting all of you
experience today.

expect think that You probably weren't expecting to

something will be/ see snow.
happen a certain

permit allow You are permitted to have a

beverage on the bus, but please do
not eat any food.

proceed go forward Please proceed all the way to the

back of the bus.

raise (a hand) lift If you have any questions during the

tour, please raise your hand.

recommend suggest We recommend that you only keep

a small amount of cash in your

refer suggest I will gladly refer you to my

favourite restaurants, if you are

relax sit back and enjoy Tomorrow you will have a day to
time in peace just relax on the beach.

show someone around take people to see When we get to the museum
an area someone else will show us around.

sit back relax in a seated Please sit back and enjoy the bus
position tour.

speak up talk louder If you need me to speak up or slow

down, please let me know.
word meaning example sentence
ancient very old The ancient village has been left

beautiful/ very nice looking You will find beautiful homemade

gorgeous jewellery in that shop.

breathtaking when a view is very Under the starlight the waterfall is

impressive simply breathtaking.

customary traditional It is customary to shake hands and bow as

you enter.

dangerous not safe It is dangerous to accept a ride from a


devastating very sad, unfortunate The tsunami was devastating for local

elegant attractive, yet simple There is an elegant dining room for guests
to eat in.

enormous very large This enormous sculpture stands one-

hundred feet high.

exciting makes one feel very It's so exciting to see new places, isn't it?
happy/ energetic

extensive covers a lot This house has an extensive history, and

you can read more in the brochures.

fascinating very interesting to It is fascinating to know how people lived

learn about/ see back then.

haunted believed to have The house is said to be haunted and no one

ghosts living there has lived in it for fifty years or more.

heritage of historical The government named this school as

importance a heritage site last year.
international around the world Every year it is
an international celebration, with people
coming from as far away as Africa.

lovely very nice This is a lovely place to sit and watch the
(appearance or local birds.

magnificent amazing This part of town is known for

its magnificent wall murals.

popular liked by many June is the most popular time for tourists to
come here.

prevalent very noticeable Crime is prevalent in the old parts of town.

reconstructed built again The village was reconstructed after the

major fire in 1910.

restored returned to its All of the antique furniture has been

original state professionally restored.

safe not dangerous The water is safe to drink here.

scenic nice to look at We will go up to the balcony for

(nature) a scenic view of the grounds.

superb very good (i.e. The children put on a superb concert at

service, food, Christmas time.

thrilling exciting Cliff jumping is a thrilling experience for

those of you who aren't afraid of heights.

unbelievable too amazing/ strange It is unbelievable what some of these street

to seem true entertainers can do.

visible able to be seen The top of the tower may not

be visible because of the fog.
Tour Guide Vocabulary Quiz
You can do this quiz . It's based on the tour guide vocabulary
1. There are many _______ for kids including a zoo and a museum.
2. It is difficult to get your _______ in this city, so please carry a map at all times.
3. The _______ will try to sell you their homemade jewellery and housewares.
4. You will find a free shuttle _______ with your airline ticket.
5. In order to appreciate the _______ of the building, you really need to get off the bus
and get closer to it.
6. We’ll be driving through farmland for a while, so just sit back and enjoy the _______ .
en route
7. Please feel free to wander anywhere you like in the castle and its beautiful _______ .
8. Smoking is not _______ on the bus at any time.
9. The _______ north tower is the only part of the castle that has been changed since the
early 1900's.
10. We are coming up to the waterfall I mentioned earlier, which in my opinion is the
most _______ part of this tour.
Answering Questions - English for Tour Guides
This page covers vocabulary needed by people working as tour guides in an English-
speaking context.

As a tour guide you will face new challenges every day.

One of the hardest parts of your job may be answering questions. Unlike a speech that
you can memorize, you won't always know what questions people will ask. However,
you can anticipate certain types of questions and certain ways that questions will be
asked. You should also learn how to use variety when you answer questions or respond
to comments. You may lose interest in your job if you say the same thing each time.
Finally, it is important to know how to politely explain that you don't understand a
Tour Guide
 Do you have a question, Sir?
 Yes? (if you see a hand raised)
 Is there something I can help you with?
 I'll try my best to answer your questions.
 I'm afraid I don't have the answer to that. (Sorry I don't know.)
 That's an interesting question.
 I wish I knew the answer. (Sorry, I don't know.)
 Hmm.That's a tough (difficult) question.
 I'll have to look into that further.
 I'll have to ask someone about that.
 Hmm. I've never been asked that before.
 Pardon my English; I don't quite understand your question.
 I'm not sure, but I can find out for you.

 Where is the ______ from here?
 How long has _______ been here?
 Where are we headed (going)now?
 What time does _______ stay open until?
 What else is there to do here?
 Which _________ do you recommend?
 Are we allowed to take pictures?
 What's that over there? (tourist points)
 Where's the best place to buy _______?
 My son wants to know if _________? (parent asking a question for shy child)
 Do you know where the nearest washroom is?
 Could you tell us where the nearest bank is?
 You don't happen to have a first-aid kit, do you?
Sample Conversation
Guide: If you have any questions while we're going along, please don't hesitate to ask.
Man: I have a question actually.
Guide: Sure, what's that?
Man: Where's the best place to have dinner around here?
Guide: Well, that's a tough question. There are so many good restaurants. My personal
favourite is Spaghetti Alley.
Man: How do we get there?
Guide: I'll point it out when we pass it. It's going to come up on your right in a few
Woman: My daughter wants to know if we're going to be passing any castles today?
Guide: Castles. No I'm afraid all of the castles are further into the city. We're going to be
staying near the coast today. I can give you a map of the city, though. It shows where all
of the castles are.
Man: Sorry, I have another question.
Guide: No problem. That's what I'm here for.
Man: Are we allowed to take pictures once we get inside the museum?
Guide: Oh, I'm glad you asked that. I forgot to mention that taking photographs inside
the art gallery and the museum is prohibited. However, you can take pictures of the
grounds and the outside of the buildings. The architecture is beautiful.
Woman: Oh, and what time will we be stopping for lunch?
Guide: We'll break around noon and meet back at the bus at 12:45 sharp.

Check your understanding

Test your understanding of the conversation above with this quick quiz.
1. What does the tour guide recommend?
his favourite tour
his favourite meal
his favourite restaurant
2. The tour will NOT be
passing any castles
stopping for lunch
visiting an art gallery
3. The tour guide says tourists are prohibited from photographing
the museum and gallery
the grounds nearby
the exhibits and artworks

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