Pinho Seismic
Pinho Seismic
Pinho Seismic
Estimating seismic demands on structures requires explicit consideration of the structural inelastic behaviour: to this
end, the use of Nonlinear Static Procedures, commonly based on pushover analyses, is inevitably going to be favoured
over complex, impractical for widespread professional use, nonlinear time-history methods. However, in order to
warrant the attainment of reliable predictions of the seismic response of buildings and bridges, it is crucial that these
static procedures manage to somehow incorporate the effects of higher modes of vibration, particularly relevant in
irregular or long-period structures, and of the change in dynamic characteristics of structures as they are subjected to
higher levels of deformation. Analytical parametric studies on a suite of continuous multi-span bridges and framed
buildings, regular and irregular, were employed to scrutinise if conventional and recently proposed adaptive pushover
analytical algorithms, found at the heart of Nonlinear Static Procedures, can lead to the attainment of reliable seismic
response predictions, which would match closely results from dynamic nonlinear analysis. It will be shown that in
particular displacement-based adaptive pushover procedures may indeed lead to the attainment of significantly
improved predictions, which match very closely results from dynamic nonlinear analysis.
On the other hand, however, if one is able to apply
displacements, rather than forces, in an adaptive fashion, that is,
80 with the possibility of updating the displacement loading pattern
according to the structural properties of the model at each step
60 of the analysis, then a conceptually appealing deformation-
based nonlinear static analysis tool is obtained.
period (sec)
first mode
second mode
base shear (kN)
5 third mode
3000 dynamic
2000 1
0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0%
0 total drift
0% 1% 2% 3%
total drift Figure 4. Periods of vibration of 4-storey building under
Figure 2. Capacity curves of a 12-storey building, obtained increasing levels of deformation.
with standard pushover.
0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% 2.5% 3.0% 3.5% 4.0%
Figure 5. Interstorey drift profiles of a 12-storey building
0.00% 2.00% 4.00% 6.00% subjected to increasing levels of deformation.
a) As a result of the aforementioned limitations, recent years
4 DYNAMIC have witnessed the development and introduction of so-called
TRIANGULAR Adaptive Pushover methods whereby the loading vector is
updated at each analysis step, reflecting the progressive stiffness
3 degradation of the structure induced by the penetration in the
inelastic range (Figure 6). The response of the structure is thus
computed in incremental fashion, through piecewise
0% 1% 2% 3%
total drift O dk dk+ ∆dk dt d t+ ∆ d t
Figure 6. Adaptive pushover: shape of loading vector Figure 7. The use of tangent stiffness in updating (i.e.
is updated at each analysis step. incrementing) the loading vector.
Despite their apparent conceptual superiority, or at least the jth mode, φi,j is the mass normalised mode shape value for
despite their conspicuously more elaborated formulation, the the ith storey and the jth mode, Mi is the mass of the ith storey
improvement introduced by such Force-based Adaptive and Saj represents the acceleration response spectrum ordinate
Pushover (FAP) procedures was not-necessarily impressive, corresponding to the period of vibration of the jth mode. Finally,
with respect to its traditional non-adaptive counterparts, αj is a weighting factor that aims at accounting for the varying
particularly in what concerns the estimation of deformation relative importance that each mode j has on the maximum
patterns of buildings, which seemed to be poorly predicted by response of the structure.
both types of analysis, as shown in Figure 8. As described by The employment of such alternative modal combination
Kunnath (2004) and Antoniou and Pinho (2004a), the main procedure, may indeed lead to the attainment of improved
reason for such underperformance seems to be the quadratic results, as demonstrated by the interstorey drift profiles given in
modal combination rules (e.g. SRSS, CQC) used in computing Figure 9, obtained through consideration of the first three modes
the adaptive updating of the load vector; such rules will of vibration of the buildings, and using α1 = 1.0, α2 = -1.0 and
inevitably lead to monotonically increasing load vectors, since α3 = 1.0 in Eq. 1. However, the arbitrary nature of these
the possibility of sign change in applied loads at any location is weighting factors αj renders the method unfeasible for practical
precluded, whilst it may be needed to represent the uneven application, as explicitly acknowledged in Kunnath (2004) and
redistribution of forces after an inelastic mechanism is triggered demonstrated in López-Menjivar (2004). Indeed, in the latter
at some location. work it is demonstrated how values of αj that lead to optimum
With the above in mind, Kunnath (2004) and López- results for some building configurations, lead then to poor
Menjivar (2004) have proposed an alternative modal predictions in buildings with diverse characteristics. Therefore,
combination scheme, consisting of a weighted Direct Vectorial and until a general procedure to correctly determine the values
Addition (DVA) of the different modal shapes that can be of the weighting factors is found, the DVA adaptive pushover
mathematically expressed as: modality cannot really be deemed as a valid solution for
practical application.
Fi = ∑ α j Γ jφ j ,i M j Sa j (Eq. 1)
where i is the storey number, j is the mode number, n is the
highest mode of interest, Γj is the modal participation factor for With a view to overcome all the limitations described
above, Antoniou and Pinho (2004b) have proposed a paradigm
6 2
0 0
0.00% 2.00% 4.00% 6.00% 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00
a) b)
Figure 8. Interstorey drift profiles of : a) 12-storey building and b) 4-storey irregular frame, obtained with
Force-based Adaptive Pushover using SRSS modal combination.
6 2
0 0
0.00% 2.00% 4.00% 6.00% 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00
a) b)
Figure 9. Interstorey drift profiles of: a) 12-storey building and b) 4-storey irregular frame, obtained with
Force-based Adaptive Pushover using DVA modal combination.
shift in pushover analysis, by introducing the innovative an eigenvalue analysis is carried out. To this end, the Lanczos
concept of Displacement-based Adaptive Pushover (DAP). algorithm (Hughes, 1987) is employed to determine the modal
Contrarily to what happens in non-adaptive pushover, where shape and participation factors of any given predefined number
the application of a constant displacement profile would force of modes. Modal loads can be combined by using either the
a predetermined and possibly inappropriate response mode, Square Root of the Sum of the Squares (SRSS) or the Complete
thus concealing important structural characteristics and Quadratic Combination (CQC) methods.
concentrating inelastic mechanisms at a given location, within Since application to the analysis of buildings is the scope of
an adaptive framework, a displacement-based pushover is the present work, use is made of the interstorey drift-based
entirely feasible, since the loading vector is updated at each scaling algorithm, whereby maximum interstorey drift values
step of the analysis according to the current dynamic obtained directly from modal analysis, rather than from the
characteristics of the structure. difference between not-necessarily simultaneous maximum
floor displacement values, are used to compute the scaling
displacement vector. This comes as a reflection of the fact that
4.1. DAP – METHODOLOGY the maximum displacement of a particular floor level, being
essentially the relative displacement between that floor and the
The implementation of DAP can be structured in four ground, provides insufficient insight into the actual level of
main stages; (i) definition of the nominal load vector and damage incurred by buildings subject to earthquake loading. On
inertia mass, (ii) computation of the load factor, (iii) the contrary, interstorey drifts, obtained as the difference
calculation of the normalised scaling vector and (iv) updating between floor displacements at two consecutive levels, feature a
of the loading displacement vector. Whilst the first step is much clearer and direct relationship to horizontal deformation
carried out only once, at the start of the analysis, its three demand on buildings. Readers are referred to Antoniou (2002)
remaining counterparts are repeated at every equilibrium stage for further details on this formulation.
of the nonlinear static analysis procedure, as described in the In such an interstorey drift-based scaling technique, the
following subsections. eigenvalue vectors are thus employed to determine the
The loading vector shape is automatically defined and interstorey drifts for each mode ∆ij, as shown in Eq. 3, while the
updated by the solution algorithm at each analysis step, for displacement pattern Di at the ith storey is obtained through the
which reason the nominal vector of displacements, U0, must summation of the modal-combined inter-storey drifts of the
always feature a uniform (rectangular) distribution shape in storeys below that level, i.e. drifts ∆1 to ∆i:
height, so as not to distort the load vector configuration
determined in correspondence to the dynamic response i
characteristics of the structure at each analysis step. In addition, Di = ∑ ∆ k (Eq. 3)
it is noteworthy that the adaptive pushover requires the inertia k =1
mass M of the structure to be modelled, so that the eigenvalue
analysis, employed in updating the load vector shape, may be
[ ]
n n
∑ Γ j (φi, j − φi −1, j ) 2
with ∆i = 2
carried out. ∑ ∆ij =
The magnitude of the load vector U at any given analysis j =1 j =1
step is given by the product of its nominal counterpart U0,
defined above, and the load factor λ at that step (see Eq. 2). The
Since only the relative values of storey displacements (Di)
latter is automatically increased, by means of a load control
are of interest in the determination of the normalised modal
strategy (Antoniou and Pinho, 2004a), until a predefined
analysis target, or numerical failure, is reached. scaling vector D , which defines the shape, not the magnitude,
of the load or load increment vector, the displacements obtained
U = λ⋅U0 (Eq. 2) by Eq. 3 are normalised so that the maximum displacement
remains proportional to the load factor, as required within a load
control framework:
The normalized modal scaling vector, D , used to determine
the shape of the load vector (or load increment vector) at each Di
step, is computed at the start of each load increment. In order for Di = (Eq. 4)
such scaling vector to reflect the actual stiffness state of the max Di
structure, as obtained at the end of the previous load increment,
Once the normalised scaling vector and load factor have 2000
been determined, and knowing also the value of the initial Experimental
Analytical 1500
nominal load vector, the loading vector Ut at a given analysis
step t is obtained by adding to the load vector of the previous 1000
factor increment ∆λt, the current modal scaling vector D t and -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
the nominal vector U0, as mathematically translated into Eq. 5 -500
and graphically depicted in Figure 10.
normalised shape
normalised nominal new increment -2000
at step
shape t t
at step load vector of forces
of displacements m
∆Ptt = ∆λt ×
∆U × =
Figure 12. Verification of fibre element analytical models of a
2-storey steel frame (Pietra, 2006).
balanced displacem
existing forces ents
new increment
of displacements
of forces new
forces applied applied
at step tat step t
UPt=U t-1+∆U
t=Pt-1 +∆Pt= + = Two clearly distinct building frames, both of which
featuring an irregular type of dynamic response, are
considered herein. The first of these is a 12-storey five-bay
Figure 10. Updating of the loading displacement vector. reinforced concrete structure designed according to Eurocode
8 (2002). It displayed a highly irregular dynamic behaviour
The DAP algorithm has been implemented in the computer (Figure 3) when subjected to an accelerogram (Hollister
code SeismoStruct (SeismoSoft 2005), a fibre element-based station, Loma Prieta earthquake, USA, 1989) that presented a
program for seismic analysis of framed structures, very high amplification in the short-period and thus lead to a
downloadable from the internet. The program incorporates both response very much dominated by the 2nd and 3rd modes of
local (beam-column effects) and global (large vibration. Indeed, and as can be observed in Figure 13, these
displacements/rotations effects) sources of geometric two higher modes (0.15 < T2, T3 < 0.30 secs) feature a
nonlinearity as well as the interaction between axial force and spectral amplification, in acceleration, that is ten times higher
transverse deformation of the element. The spread of material than that corresponding to first mode of vibration (T1 > 1.4
inelasticity along the member length is explicitly represented secs). Further details on this case-study can be found in
through the employment of a fibre modelling approach, implicit Antoniou et al. (2002).
in the formulation of the inelastic beam-column frame elements
adopted in the analyses. Various verification studies have been 0.5
Displacement [mm]
0 0 1 2 3
-20 period (sec)
-40 a)
Analytical 5
-60 Experimental
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
T ime [s] 4
displacement (cm)
60 3
Experimental Numerical 2
Top Displacement (mm)
15 1
-15 0 1 2 3
period (sec)
-45 Figure 13. a) Acceleration and b) displacement response
spectra of accelerogram employed in the analysis of 12-storey
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 building.
Time (s)
b) The second structure is a 4-storey three-bay building refers
Figure 11. Verification of a fibre-element analytical model of: to a full-scale test specimen, built to represent typical design and
a) 4-storey RC frame (López-Menjivar, 2004) and b) RC construction practice in most South-European countries in the
bridge (Casarotti et al., 2005) 1950's, and tested under pseudo-dynamic conditions (Pinho and
6 2
0 0
0.00% 2.00% 4.00% 6.00% 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00
a) b)
Figure 14. Interstorey drift profiles of: a) 12-storey building and b) 4-storey irregular frame, obtained with
Displacement-based Adaptive Pushover using SRSS combination..
Elnashai, 2000) at the JRC in Ispra (Italy). The frame was equilibrium to the applied displacement pattern, thus allowing
designed for gravity loads only, without any consideration of for the reproduction of reversal of storey shear distributions,
ductility provisions or capacity design principles. Consequently, observed in dynamic analysis, even if a quadratic rule is
it exhibited a soft-storey type of deformation mechanism at the employed to combine the contribution of the different modes.
third storey level (e.g. Figure 3) caused mainly by the drastic In effect, DAP drift profiles, despite carrying a permanently
stiffness/strength variation present at such location, as well as by positive sign, do, in any case, feature changes of their respective
inadequate lap-splicing and defective column shear capacity. gradient (i.e. the trend with which drift values change from one
The input motion consisted of artificial accelerograms aiming at storey to the next), introduced by the contribution of higher
being representative of European seismicity (Campos-Costa and modes. When such gradient variations imply a reduction of the
Pinto, 1999). drift of a given storey with respect to its adjacent floor levels,
In Figure 14, the interstorey drift profiles of these two case- then the corresponding applied storey horizontal force must also
studies, as obtained with the employment DAP analyses, are be reduced, in some cases to the extent of sign inversion, as
given. It is observed that the predictions now match much closer observed in Figure 16.
the dynamic response of these two structures, which effectively
means that the response irregularities caused by the flexibility of
the 12-storey structure, and subsequent amplification of higher
modes, as well as the strength irregularity of the 4-storey 11
prototype, have been fully and correctly captured by the 10 uniform
proposed static analysis algorithm. 9 triangular
In Figure 15, on the other hand, the capacity curves of the 8
12-storey building, as derived by both DAP and standard 7
pushover curves are compared with the Incremental Dynamic
Analysis envelope. The advantages of using an adaptive
displacement-based pushover can be inferred also from this type
of results. 4
12 × 3.0 = 36.0 m
non-adaptive pushover techniques, does also feature these
8 × 3.0 = 24.0 m
three advantages over dynamic analysis.
From a usability point-of-view, the proposed displacement-
based adaptive pushover algorithm effectively presents no
additional effort and/or requirements with respect to its
conventional non-adaptive counterparts. In effect, the only
element of novelty, in terms of analysis input, is the introduction REGULARSYSTEM IRREGULARSYSTEM DUAL SYSTEM
of the building’s inertia mass, which, however, can readily be Figure 17. Geometric characteristics of the regular, irregular and
obtained directly from the vertical gravity loads, already dual systems.
included in any type of pushover analysis.
With regards to computational effort, in general, the amount Table 1. Considered building systems
of time necessary to complete an adaptive pushover analysis is Structural Storeys Structure Ductility Design Behavior Tuncracked
typically double the time necessary for a conventional System (Height) Reference Level PGA (g) Factor (q) (s)
procedure, approximately. Obviously, the duration of such finite RH30 High
5.00 0.697
Regular RM30 Medium 3.75 0.719
element runs will vary according to the computing capacity of 12 (36 m)
Frame RM15 Medium 3.75 0.745
the workstation being used, as well as with the characteristics of RL15 Low
2.50 0.740
the model (mainly the number of elements and level of fibre IH30 High 4.00 0.565
discretisation of the sections). In any case, adaptive pushover Irregular
8 (25.5 m)
IM30 Medium 3.00 0.536
Frame IM15 Medium 3.00 0.613
proved to be up to ten times quicker than nonlinear dynamic 0.15
IL15 Low 2.00 0.614
analysis of a same model (keeping in mind that fibre-based WH30 High 3.50 0.569
finite element modelling has been adopted for the current work), Regular WM30 Medium 2.625 0.557
8 (24 m)
hence the time-advantage of static methods versus their dynamic Wall-Frame WM15 Medium
2.625 0.601
RH30 High 5.00 0.697
counterparts is not lost with the addition of the adaptive
As far as numerical stability is concerned, no particular 1.0
problems have been observed in the studies described above,
and those given in subsequent sections, noting that structures 0.8
In this Section, an analytical comparative study involving
different pushover methods, either single or multi mode, 0.0
0 1 2 3
adaptive or conventional, and dynamic nonlinear analysis of period (sec)
analysis method by which a structure is subjected to a series of
nonlinear time-history analyses of increasing intensity. 0.4
0 1 2 3
Characteristics of input motion and structural models. period (sec)
frame and a dual wall-frame system (Figure 17). The latter are
based on buildings previously designed for different ductility
acceleration (g)
except the first storey of the irregular set, which is 4.5 m high.
A detailed description of models and load conditions, as well 0 1 2 3
period (sec)
as of their FE modelling, can be found in López (2004). (c) Record NR2
Four input time-histories, consisting of one-artificially 3.0
used in both its force and displacement-based variants, with INTERSTOREY DRIFT
spectrum scaling, employing SRSS or CQC modal Figure 19. Representative results obtained with model RM15
combination rules. subjected to one of the natural accelerograms employed in this
The inter-storey drift profiles obtained from each pushover study (NR2).
analysis are compared to the drift profiles from the nonlinear
dynamic analysis and the standard error of the pushover NF accelerograms, on the other hand, consist of motions
results, with respect to the dynamic, is calculated as: recorded close to the epicentre and which contain very strong
velocity pulses, originally included in the FEMA-440 work
with the objective of verifying, at least in preliminary fashion,
1 n ⎛ ∆iD − ∆iP ⎞ the validity of employing pushover methods in areas where
Error (%) = 100 ∑⎜ ⎟ (Eq. 6)
n i =1⎜⎝ ∆iD ⎟
⎠ pulse-like near-fault ground motions are likely to occur. For
further details the reader is referred to ATC (2005) and
Somerville et al. (1997).
The interstorey drift profiles are monitored at four different
deformation levels: the pre-yield state (0.5 % total drift), the 1
point of global yielding (1.0 % and 1.5 %), where the stiffness A1
changes significantly and the local distributions are rapidly A2
updated, and the deeply inelastic range (2.5 %). 0.8 A3
The Standard Error of the non-adaptive and adaptive A4
pushover schemes was computed for all the structures and 0.6
earthquake records considered. In order to identify the presence A6
Sd [m]
E1 - 3S [%]
75 Mean
E1 - 9Sw [%]
1st Mode
1st Mode
1st Mode
1st Mode
(a) Floor Displacement (b) Interstorey Drift ( (c) Interstorey Shear (d) Interstorey Moment
Figure 23. Mean values and standard deviation of error measure E1, averaged along the height of buildings
models 3S and 9Sw at the intermediate drift level (top floor drift level of 2%).
Ductility Level (DL) is identified by means of the total drift bearings featuring a linear elastic response. The total number
value (i.e. top floor displacement/building height). Three of bridges is therefore twelve, as shown in Figure 24, where
different drift levels are assumed (0.5, 2 and 4%) and each the label numbers 1, 2, 3 characterise the pier heights of 7 m,
ordinary record has been scaled in order to get the predefined 14 m and 21 m, respectively.
drift for each prototype building. Response parameters of A sufficiently large number of records has been employed
interest (displacement, drift, shear and moment) recorded in so as to bound all possible structural responses. The employed
time-history analyses are then compared, at each level location, set of seismic excitation is defined by an ensemble of 14 large
with those predicted by the pushover procedures at the same magnitude (6 ÷ 7.3) small distance (13 ÷ 30 km) records
roof displacement magnitude. For the 9-Storey weak frame selected from a suite of historical earthquakes scaled to match
system an ultimate drift level of 2.7% has been selected the 10 % probability of exceedance in 50 years uniform hazard
(corresponding to a top floor displacement of 1m), instead of the spectrum for Los Angeles (SAC Joint Venture, 1997). The
4% defined in a preliminary stage, since higher values were bounding characteristics of the records are summarized in Table
leading to the development of a global failure mechanism of the 4. Further details on modelling and input can be found in
structure (corresponding to an ultimate steel strain in frame Casarotti et al. (2005).
elements conservatively fixed in 15% (Ballio and Mazzolani
1987)) under several records, and would thus prevent a SHORT BRIDGES LONG BRIDGES
MeanPUSHOVER − Mean DYNAMIC (Eq. 7) Table 4. Bounding characteristics of the employed set of
E1 = records for bridges
5% Arias Significant Total
Peak Ground Peak Response
Intensity Duration Duration teff / ttot
Obtained results. Figure 23 summarises the results obtained Acceleration Acceleration
threshold teff ttot
through this parametric study, putting in evidence the fact that, Min 0.30 g 0.84 g 1.25 s 5.3 s 14.95 s 9%
1.02 g 3.73 g 12.5 s 19.66 s 80.00 s 52%
when compared with other pushover procedures, DAP leads to Max
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 Antoniou, S., and Pinho, R., (2004b). Development and
Deck Displ. @ Deck Displ. @ verification of a displacement-based adaptive
Central Pier Top (m) Central Pier Top (m) pushover procedure, J. Earthq. Eng., 8(5), 643-661.
Figure 27. Prediction of the deformed pattern: BI and relative
scatter. Applied Technology Council, (2005). Improvement of
Nonlinear Static Seismic Analysis Procedures,
Table 5. Global averages of the summaries of results FEMA-440, ATC, California, USA.
Means Bridge Index Dispersion Normalised Base Shear
mean min max mean min max mean min max Applied Technology Council, (1997). NEHRP Guidelines for
FCPm 0.74 0.57 0.92 0.79 0.58 1.00 0.80 0.69 0.95
FCPu 0.87 0.75 1.03 0.24 0.17 0.34 1.03 0.92 1.18 the seismic rehabilitation of buildings, FEMA
FAP 0.88 0.78 1.01 0.22 0.13 0.34 0.99 0.89 1.10 Report No. 273, Federal Emergency Management
DAP 0.87 0.78 0.99 0.19 0.14 0.27 1.03 0.95 1.13
Agency, Applied Technology Council, Washington
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