Fundamental Rights - 202283 - 13949
Fundamental Rights - 202283 - 13949
Fundamental Rights - 202283 - 13949
Articles 12 - 25
British Origin
Negative concept
Equal subjection to ordinary law of land
American origin
Positive concept
Lay down the foundation stone of social State shall not discriminate against ang
equality and social justice citizen on grounds only of religion, race,
caste, sex, or place of birth
Ensure the dignity and respect of
individuals No citizen shall be subjected to disability,
liability, restriction, or condition on the
facilitate the participation of people in the above grounds
political and administrative process
* State - permitted - special provision for
women and children
Excessive Limitations
No Consistent Philosophy
93rd amendment act of 2005
Article 31A, 31B, and 31C have been Central educational institutions
retained as an exception to Fundamental (reservation in admission) act 2006
Right enacted by centre
Articles 31A does not immunise a state 27% quota for OBCs in all central higher
law fro. Judicial review unless it has been Saving of Laws Providing for Acquisition educational institutions
reserved for the president's cosideration of Estates
and has recieved his assent April 2008 - supreme court upheld both
the acts
Article 31B saves the acts and regulations Exceptions to Fundamental
included in 9th schedule before April 24, Rights Persons holding constitutional posts
1973 from being challenged and
invalidated on the grounds of Group A Group B officers, employees of
contravention of any FR Validation of Certain Acta and Regulations
Reservation for OBCs in Educational PSUs, Banks, insurance organisations,
Prohibition of Discrimination on Certain institutions universities and also private
Article 31B along with 9th schedule was Grounds; Article 15
added by 1st CAA, 1951 Rank of colonel and above in army navy
and air force and parliamentary forces
Article 31C is inserted by 25th Saving of Laws Giving Effect to Certain
Amendment Act of 1971 Directive Principles Professionals - doctors, lawyers,
Exclude creamy layer
engineers, artists, authors,consultants.....
▪︎insurrection changes
Another 10% for economically backward
▪︎rebellion sections of higher castes
Or any other violent resistance to law Supreme court rejected 10% reservation
for poorer sections of higher castes
During martial law military authorities are
vested with abnormal powers
They can punish the civilians and can creamy layer should be excluded
even condemn them to death
No reservation in promotion
SC held that declaration of martial law
does not suspend the writ of habeas Total reserved quota should not exceed
corpus 50%
Upheld constitutional validity of 27%
reservation with certain conditions Carry Forward Rule incase of unfilled
Difference between MARTIAL LAW (Article (backlog) vacancies is valid but should
34) and NATIONAL EMERGENCY (Article not violate 50% rule
Permanent statutory body - to be
established - examine - over-inclusion
and under-inclusion - in OBC list
Article 33 empowers parliament to
restrict or abrogate (repeal) the FRs of Equality of Opportunity in Public
Employment; Article 16 Ram Nandan Committee - appointed - to
the members of armed forces,
identify creamy layer among OBCs -
paramilitary forces, intelligence agencies,
Mandal Commission and Aftermath report - 1993 - accepted
and anologous forces
Parliament can empower any other court 76th Amendment Act 1994 - placed Tamil
to issue directions or orderd and writs of Nadu Reservations Act of 1994 in 9th
all kind schedule to protect it from judicial review
as it provides for 69% of reservation, far
4 provisions in Article 32 are exceeding the 50% ceiling
Any other courts here doesnot include
high courts because Article 226 has
already conferred these powers on the
high courts Added by 103rd Amendment Act 2019
Central govt issued an order in 2019
Right to move the SC shall not be providing 10% reservation for EWSs in
suspended except as otherwise provided civil posts and services in GOI
for by the constitution
EWSs who are not covered under any of
President can suspend the right to move the existing schemes of reservation for
to any court for enforcement of FRs SCs, STs, and OBCs
during a National Emergency (Article
Posts should be in grades above the
lower grade i Group A of the service
Reservation for EWSs in Public
Article 32: Original Jurisdiction but not Employment
Article 226: original Jurisdiction and Should be classified as scientific or
concurrent technical in terms of cabinet secretariat
Supreme Court and High Court Scientific and technical posts which the
order (1961)
following condition can be exempted from
Qualifications should be up to mark
Where relief is available through high the purview of this reservation
where it is necessary to have knowledge
court under Article 226, aggrieved party
in discharge of their duties
should first move to high court
Command issued by Court to a public Prohibits state from conferring any title to
official asking him to perform his official anyone (except a military or academic
duties that he failed or refused to distinction)
Prohibits a citizen of India from accepting
Can also be issued against any public any title from foreign state
body, a corporation, an inferior court, a
tribunal or government
Article 18 abolishes title and makes 4 Foreigner - holding office of profit or trust
provisions in that regard - under state - cannot accept title from
Against a private individual or body foreign state - without consent from -
To enforce departmental institution that
Right to Constitutional Remidies;
does not possess statutory force Article 32 No citizen or foreigner- office of profit or
trust- cannot accept presents
When the duty is discretionary and not emoluments of office from any foreign
mandatory Abolition of Titles; Article 18 state - without consent of President
Cannot be issued
To enforce a contractual obligation 1996 - Supreme Court - upheld the
constitutional validity of the National
Against the President or Governors Awards Bharat Ratna
Against chief justice of high court acting SC - ruled that these awards do not Padma Vibhushan
in judicial capacity amount to titles as acc to meaning of
Article 18 it prohibits only hereditary Padma Bhushan
titles of Nobility
Ditects Activity i.e. to do something
Supreme court (under Article 32) and Padma Sri
which is not done Should not be used as suffixes or
High court (under Article 226) can issue
prefixed to the names of the awardees
the writs of:
To forbid
National awards - instituted - 1954 -
Morarji Desai govt - discontinued awards
Issued by higher court to a lower court or
• revived in 1989 by Indira Gandhi govt
tribunal to prevent the latter from
exceeding its jurisdiction
Issued only against judicial and quasi Right to propagate one's views as well as
judicial authorities views of others
Writs - types and scope
Directs inactivity i.e. stop what it's doing Freedom of press
A riot
Any section of the citizens residing in
aunty part of India having a distinct To resist the execution of any law or legal
language, script, or culture of its own process
shall have the right to conserve the same
To forcibly occupy the property of some
No citizen shall be denied admission info person
any Educational institutions maintained
Under section 144 of Indian Penal Code
by the state or receiving aid or if state
an assembly of 5 or more persons To commit any mischief or criminal
funds in grounds only id religion race
becomes unlawful if the object is trespass
caste or language
Institutions that seek only recognition Internal (right to move inside the Only this dimension is protected under
Subject to regulatory power of state
from state but not aid Minority Educational Institutions are of 3 country) Article 19
Freedom of movement has 2 dimensions
Free to administer their affairs but External (right to move out of the Dealt by Article 21 (right to life and
subject to operation of general laws like Institutions that neither seek recognition country and right to come back) personal liberty)
contract law, labour law, industrial law, nor aid from the state
tax law, economic regulation......
Right to reside in any part of the country
The right to establish and administer Every citizen has the right to reside and (temporarily)
educational institutions is not absolute. settle in any part of the territory of the
There can be regulatory measure for country
This right has 2 parts Right to settle in any part of the country
ensuring educational character and (set up home or domicile) (permanently)
standards and maintaining academic
Right to reside and settle in any part of Intended to remove internal barriers
the territory of India within the country or between any of its
Inner freedom of an individual to mould • promotes narionalism and avoids
his relation with god or creatures in Freedom of conscience narrow mindedness
whatever way he desires
Same as right to movement
Declaration of one's religious beliefs and Reasonable restrictions Habitual offenders are also restricted
Right to Profess
faith openly and freely movement in some areas
These rights are subject to public order, Does not include right to carry on a
morality, health, and other provisions profession or business or trade or
related to fundamental rights occupation that is
• immoral ( trafficking in women or
Regulate or restrict any economic children)
financial or political or other secular • dangerous (harmful drugs or
activity associated with religious practice explosives)
State is permitted to
* state can absolutely prohibit these or
Provide for social welfare and reforms
regulate them
No person shall be compelled to pay any Protection under this provision cannot be
taxes for promotion or maintenance of claimed in case of preventive detention or
any particular religious denomination demanding security from a person
Religious instruction is permitted on a Does not extend to Compulsion to give thumb impression,
Institutions receeiving aid from the state specimen signature, blood specimens
voluntary basis
Child labour (prohibition and regulation) Right to social and economic justice and
amendment act, 2016 amended the child empowerment
labour (prohibition and regulation) act,
1986 - it has renamed the principle act as Right against bar fetters
the Child and Adolescent Labour
(prohibition and regulation) Act, 1986 Right to appropriate life insurance policy
Right to sleep
Right to opportunity
1st part deals with the cases of ordinary Right to be released after 24 hrs unless
law the magistrate authorises further
Exclusive authority to make a law of
Foreign affairs
preventive detention for reasons
connected to
Constitution divided the legislative power Security of India
with regard to preventive between
parliament and state legislature
Security of a state
State legislature concurrently with
parliament can make laws for Maintenance of public order
Maintenance of supplies and services
essential to the community