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Conference of Global Chinese Scholars on Hydrodynamics



Houston Offshore Engineering, 200 West Lake Park Blvd, Suite 1300, Houston, TX 77079, USA,
e-mail : [email protected]

ABSTRACT: This paper introduces hydrodynamic aspects of design by checking Mathieu’s equation to ensure no
in-place TLP tendon design and analysis with emphases on TLP instability problems.
hull/tendon/riser coupled dynamic analysis; tendon Mathieu
It is well known that both tendon springing and
instability; tendon springing and ringing responses; tendon
bottom tension slacking due to wave overtopping; and tendon tendon ringing are high-frequency tendon responses
vortex induced vibration (VIV). due to high-frequency resonant motions. However,

KEY WORDS: TLP, hull/tendon/riser, coupled dynamic

analysis, Mathieu instability, springing and ringing, tension H UL L P O NT O O N E X T E NSIO N

slacking, wave overtopping, VIV T O P CO NN E C TO R A S S Y

1. Introduction TEND ON PORC H

TLP tendons are pre-tensioned slender members,

their tops are connected to the hull and bottoms are L E N G T H A D JU S T M E N T JO I N T

moored to the seabed, as illustrated in Fig.1. In

deepwater, the TLP hull tends to interact more 3 2 ” O D T O 4 0 ” O D T RA N S ITIO N

pronouncedly to its tendons and risers in terms of T E N D O N P IP E

mass, stiffness and damping coupling. The TLP P IP E TO P IP E W E L D A R E A

hull/tendon/riser coupled dynamic analysis forms a

consistent analysis and design framework for
deepwater field development and application. A
traditional way of simulating the dynamics of a TLP is 4 0 ” O D T O 3 2 ” O D T R A N S IT IO N

to use an uncoupled method, which ignores all or part

of the coupling effects (mass, stiffness and damping)
between the TLP hull and tendons/risers. Ormberg and T E N D O N P IP E

Larsen (1998) found that the uncoupled analysis P IP E T O P IP E W E L D

produced severely inaccurate results, especially for

ultra deepwater application. Coupled time domain E X TE N S IO N

analysis technologies (Paulling and Webster, 1986; T E N D O N B O T TO M R E C E P T A C L E

Kim et al., 1994; Ma et al., 2000; Zou, 2003) have

been established. Further developments and T E N D O N P IL E A N C H O R

validations have been reported by Zou (2003).

Mathieu’s equation was applied in the
investigation of the parametric responses excited by
the interactions of tendon tension variation and lateral
dynamics of tendons (Zhang et al., 2002). Mathieu’s
Fig. 1 TLP tendon components
instability could be triggered at a certain model of
tendon lateral motion dependent on the magnitude of
fluctuation of the tendon tension and damping of
tendon transverse motions. It is meaningful for robust

Biography: WANG Tao, Senior Naval Architect; ZOU Jun, Manager of Naval Architecture

ringing appears to be extremely bursting and transient [M] = mass and inertia matrix (6x6), hull structural
(Natvig, 1994). Extensive experimental studies and mass and inertia + hull added mass and inertia + mass
numerical simulations (Zou and Kim, 1996; Zou, 1997; and added mass of slender members,
Zou et al., 1998) have been undertaken to investigate [C] = damping matrix (6x6), potential damping +
the tendon springing and ringing responses. The viscous damping + wave drift damping on hull +
results reveal that the springing is due to weak damping of slender members,
asymmetric waves while the ringing is due to strong [K] = stiffness matrix (6x6), hull hydrostatic stiffness
asymmetric waves. As observed in the North Sea, (heave and roll/pitch) + stiffness due to tendons and
strong nonlinear waves in the irregular wave train do risers,
create the ringing. Tendon springing responses have F = load vector (6x1) of first- & second-order wave
significant impact on tendon fatigue while tendon loads + viscous loads + wind loads, and/or other
ringing responses have considerable impact on the applied loads,
tendon extreme strength. Fm  = load vector (6x1) of tendon and riser tensions
In 2005, two strong hurricanes, Katrina and Rita, at the connected locations,
hit Gulf of Mexico (GOM), causing tremendous U = unknown motion vector (6x1) in the sequence
damages and even capsizing one mini-TLP. It brought of surge, sway, heave, roll, pitch and yaw, res-
great interest in the investigation of tendon bottom pectively.
tension slacking due to wave overtopping on the top
of column(s) and/or even on top of the deck. Prior to
hurricane Katrina and Rita, we had investigated the 6-DOF Line Dynamic
wave overtopping effects on tendon dynamic res- Motion Solver Solver
(Tendon and Riser)
ponses on a three-column TLP. In 1998, physical wave
basin model tests were performed and numerical Motion Etc.
simulations by “model the model” (Zou et al., 2003)
were completed and compared with the measured Tensions, Reaction Loads Etc.
results. The results indicated that the wave over-
topping on top of column was the source to cause Fig. 2 Coupling process chart
tendon tension slacking.
It has been reported (Leverette et al., 2003) that TLP hull/tendon/riser coupling process chart is illu-
the excitation of VIV on tendons due to GOM’s warm strated in Fig. 2. The TLP force model is introduced as
core eddies and deep submerged jets (also called cold a nodal load component in a finite element (FE) model
eddies) can generate noticeable responses of the whole of tendons and risers. Among TLP hull and tendons or
TLP platform. Observations of these excitations due to risers, forces are exchanged back and forth. It should
VIV are typically very high-frequency responses, be noted that this approach yields dynamic equi-
higher than those of heave, roll/pitch natural fre- librium between the forces acting on the TLP and
quencies. This might imply the hull structural and/or tendons and/or risers at every time instant.
deck structural modes have been excited by tendon
VIV. The impacts of tendon VIV are 1) reducing 3. Tendon Mathieu’s Instability
tendon fatigue life, 2) inducing excessive operating Zhang et al. (2002) investigated TLP tendon
downtime, 3) affecting operating personnel comforts, Mathieu’s instability under parametric excitation.
4) creating hull and deck structural high-frequency After substituting boundary conditions and including
fatigue. hydrodynamic damping, a beam equation (tendon
The outline of this paper is as follows. First, the model) had been recast into a general Mathieu’s equa-
hull/tendon/riser coupled dynamic analysis was briefly tion form as follows:
introduced. Second, the progress of tendon Mathieu’s
d2 f df
instability was reviewed. Third, tendon springing and 2
c  (a  b cos z ) f  0 (2)
ringing were discussed. Fourth, tendon bottom tension dz dz
slacking due to wave overtopping was highlighted. where
Fifth, tendon VIV effects were presented. Finally, (n l )[ EI (n l ) 3  T0 (n l )  w]
a , n is the tendon
conclusions were draw. ml  2
mode, l denotes the tendon length, ml stands for the
2. TLP Coupled Dynamic Analysis
A six-DOF coupled dynamic equation of motion is effective tendon mass per unit length, T0 represents
expressed as follows tendon effective tension, and w means tendon under
water weight per unit length. ml  Dh s  0.25D 2  w ,
[M ] U 
  [C] U
  [K ]U  F F 
m (1)
h is tendon wall thickness,  s the density of steel.

 w the density of water, D the diameter of the tendon,
Table 2 Maximum Allowable Tension Variation
 T ( n l ) 2
b , T is tension variation amplitude, First Second
ml  2 Unstable Unstable
c= (4Cd w Du max ) (3m l  ) , u max is maximum velocity Zone Zone
0% 0 495 KN
of tendon transverse motion, Cd is hydrodynamic drag 1% 2067 KN 3617 KN
coefficient, z=t. 5% 6000 KN 11400 KN
The general stability diagram with damping
effects as shown in Zhang et al. (2002) is adopted and
reproduced as Fig.3.

Max Allowable Tension Variation (KN)

First Unstable Zone
2.8 10000
Second Unstable Zone

2.4 8000
b (parameter in Mathieu's equation)




0% o f C ritical D amping
0% o f C ritical D amping
1% o f C ritic al Damping
1% o f C ritic al Damping
5% o f C ritical D amping
0.4 5% o f C ritical D amping 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0%
10% o f Critical D amping
10% o f Critical D amping Damping %
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0

a (parameter in Mathieu's equation)

Fig. 4 Maximum Allowable Tension Variation

Fig. 3 Stability Diagram with and without Damping increase to 2067 KN and 3617 KN respectively for
first and second unstable zones. In reality, the
To demonstrate the importance of the damping damping of tendon transverse motions is much higher
on suppressing Mathieu’s instability, a case study has than 1% of critical damping. Therefore tendon tension
been followed and the TLP tendon parameter is given variations should be well within the allowable ranges.
in Table 1. From Figs. 3 and 4, the higher-order regions of
instability are more sensitive by damping than
Table 1 Tendon Parameters low-order ones. In Figs. 3 and 4, the higher-order
Pretension (mt) 885.6 regions of instability are fading away faster than those
Tendon Diameter (O.D.) (m) 0.6604 of the low-order ones by the same amount of damping.
Tendon Wall Thickness (mm) 26.29 Since the low-order resonance zones are very im-
Tendon Length (m) 826.5 portant, the limited damping effects on low-order
Tendon Wet Weight (mt) 58.2 resonance zones may not be adequate to suppress
Mathieu’s instability. Thus, careful examinations and
Maximum allowable tendon tension variations assessments on the low-order resonance zones are
around the first and second unstable zone with incident recommended.
wave peak periods of 7.25 and 14.5 second are Stability chart including damping effects has
summarized in Table 2 and plotted in Fig. 4. a  0.25 been generated by assuming regular incident waves. It
and 1.0 are around the first and second unstable zones still remains extremely challenging for developing a
in Fig. 3. It has been found that the Mathieu instability Mathieu stability diagram with damping effects for the
will vanish fast with the presence of small damping in a irregular waves with the specified spectrum.
higher-order unstable zone. Thus no tendon mode n>1
is considered in this study. 4. Tendon Springing and Ringing
From the Table 2, it has been noticed that Tendon springing and ringing phenomena are due
maximum allowable tendon tension variations are very to the resonant pitching (rolling) and heaving motions
sensitive to the damping of tendon transverse motions. at high frequencies. Fig. 5 presents one segment of the
If damping is 0, the maximum allowable tendon filtered high-frequency tendon tension time series. It
tension variations for first and second unstable zone are clearly presents the characteristics of the springing
0 KN and 495 KN respectively for first and second and ringing, in which the springing is the high-
unstable zones; if damping is 1% critical damping, frequency resonant tension response with the mode-
maximum allowable tension variations dramatically rate amplitude while ringing is the transient and

energetic event just like the Bell being knocked and 1994; Jefferys and Rainey, 1994; Zou, 1997; Zou1998;
vibrating strongly. Zou et al., 1999). Due to the limited length of the
paper and complexity of the problem, only brief
descriptions are highlighted as follows:

Ringing Springing
Tension (N)


Gaussian Distribution

Log10(Probability Density)
-1.E+07 1.E-01 High Freq. Tension

1140 1160 1180 1200 1220 1240 1260 1280 1.E-02

Time (s)
Fig. 5 Tendon Springing and Ringing

No standard criteria has been officially agreed to 0 2 4 6 8 10
differentiate the springing and ringing yet. However, Extreme Tension/STDEV

parameters, such as extreme factor (extreme high-

frequency tension / standard deviation high- frequency
tension) and Kurtosis are frequently utilized to des- Fig. 7 Probability Distribution of Ringing Tension
cribe the springing and ringing events. In general, the
springing is called if the extreme high-frequency  The ringing (the North Sea) has considerable
tension does not exceed five to six times of the impacts on extreme tendon strength. It is impor-
standard deviation and Kurtosis of the high-frequency tant to adequately account for the effects in the
tension is less or equal to 5.0 (Davis et al., 1994) design either by physical model tests or hybrid
while ringing is named if the extreme high-frequency method (minimum model tests + supplement
tension exceeds seven times of the standard deviation numerical simulations – model the model).
and Kurtosis of the high-frequency tension is greater  The springing (the North Sea and Gulf of Mexico)
than 5.0 (Jefferys and Rainey, 1994). has significant impacts on tendon fatigue life.
Figs. 6 and 7 illustrate typical probability distri- Non-Gaussian effects should be treated properly.
butions of springing and ringing events, and clearly  The springing is due to weak asymmetric waves
indicate that both springing and ringing events are while the ringing is due to strong asymmetric
non-Gaussian distributions. It has been noticed that front-concave waves as shown in Fig. 8.
maximum extreme factor in Fig. 6 is slightly less than 70
6 while the extreme factor in Fig. 7 is close to 10.0. 60

50 Measured
Wave Elevation (ft)


Gaussian Distribution 30
Log10(Probability Density)

High Freq Tension


1.E-02 -10

636 638 640 642 644 646 648 650
Time (s)
0 1 2 3 4 5
Extreme Tension/STDEV

Fig. 6 Probability Distribution of Springing Tension Fig.8 Measured Strong Asymmetric Wave Profile

The importance of investigating tendon springing and  To simulate strong asymmetric front-concave
ringing responses are lieu in two folds, one is to waves in numerical wave tank is extremely
quantify the impacts on extreme tendon strength and challenging in the near future. Therefore, it is
fatigue life; the other is to find what kinds of waves important to generate this type of wave train in the
generate the springing and ringing and to develop wave basin for model tests. Zou et al. (2000) had
reliable method to simulate. Significant progresses developed the methodology and successfully
have been made during past 10 years (Davis et al., generated strong asymmetric waves in random sea

way by employing both time and crest distortions.
4500 440
4000 Simulated 400
5. Tendon Tension Slacking and Wave overtopping 3500
Measured Wave
Wave overtopping of the TLP column(s) and/or

Tnedon Tension (kips)

3000 320

Wave Elevation (ft)

deck is becoming a serious design issue, especially 2500 280
2000 240
after Hurricane Katrina and Rita and a mini-TLP 1500 200
being capsized. Prior to Hurricane Katrina and Rita, 1000 160

wave overtopping had brought our attentions when a 500 120

0 80
three-column TLP physical wave basin model tests -500 40
were performed in 1998 and tendon bottom tension -1000 0

slacking were observed in some runs. Fig. 9 illustrated -1500 -40

520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680 700 720 740
the comparisons of the measured and simulated results
Time (s)
by the “model the model” method (Zou et al., 2004).
The wave overtopping on top of column was iden-
Fig. 9 Simulated and Measured Tendon Tension, and Strong
tified as the key factor to cause tendon tension Asymmetric Wave
Wave overtopping has been investigated in coastal As illustrated in Fig. 10, towing tests were carried
engineering for fixed structures for many years. Up to out at the well-known Offshore Technology Research
date, it still remains extremely challenging to develop Center (OTRC) in 2004, with TLP hull, all tendons
robust model for accounting for layer thickness, over- and top tensioned risers (TTRs) attached without any
topping velocities, cumulative overtopping volume truncation in length. This was the first time in the
and mean overtopping rate. For floating platforms, it world to tow the entire platform in the wave basin.
adds complexity and difficulty for proper simulation The advantages of towing the entire model are as
compared to fixed structures. Fig. 9 shows an example follows:
of intending to reproduce the measured results. Simi-  It is the closest model to the prototype.
larly, only a few key elements involved are briefly  Account for the hull/tendon coupling effects.
introduced as follows:  Mean tension effects on different tendons due to
 Well proven and validated coupled dynamic time mean offsets are inherently built in.
domain analysis program as base line.  The damping effects from hull and TTRs are also
 Additional to the above, the program should have inherently included.
the capability to model the model and account for
wave overtopping:
o Ability to de-composite the strong asym-
metric wave as shown in Fig.9. Strong asym-
metric is referred to both horizontal and ver-
tical axis.
o Capability to reconstruct and reproduce the
measured strong asymmetric waves by the
limited frequencies.
o Validated weakly impact load model inclu-
ding weakly impact velocity and acceleration
in both horizontal and vertical plans due to Fig. 10 Underwater View of Towing Tests Setup
wave overtopping.
The prototype field is in 4,000 ft water depth.
6. Tendon VIV Towing tests consist of towing model in still water and
Millennium eddy currents hit the Gulf of Mexico in waves. The towing tests are intended to simulate
during the spring and summer of 2001. Since Millen- loop current conditions in a conservative and con-
nium profile exceeded the existing design current trollable way (uniform current from top to bottom,
velocities at the depth, a few platforms experienced speed up to 6.0 ft/s). The measured natural periods of
strong tendon VIV and its impacts on operating. heave and roll/pitch are 3.75 s and 3.35 s / 3.38 s
Strong excessive VIV on tendon will reduce its fatigue respectively. The measured bending stiffness of
life, impact human comfortable level, and induce tendon model pipe and axial spring were employed in
ex- cessive operating downtime. Thus, broad the prediction. Tables 3 to 5 document the com-
attentions have been draw and significant efforts have parisons of natural periods of vibrations, Re and St
been made to suppress VIV impacts by devices and to numbers of the prototype, ideal model and actual
develop reliable theory and tool to predict it. model. It can be seen that both Re and St numbers are

very close between the ideal and actual models. Table 7 Modes and periods of high mean tension tendon
However, significantly differences are found w.r.t. Current M ean Top M ode Period
those of the prototype. (ft/s) Tension (s)
For low and high mean tendon tensions in 30 (kips)
degree towing, possible modes being excited by tendon 1 1870 2 13.36
VIV are shown in Tables 6 and 7, and the predicted and 2 1946 3 7.66
measured tension RMS are compared in Tables 8 and 3 2161 3 7.43
4 2532 4 4.68
9. In general, the predicted tension RMS are
5 3091 4 4.44
significantly higher that those measured, which might 6 3740 5 3.03
be caused by the difference between the predicted
mean tensions and the measured. It is also notice that
good agreements have been reached at speed 3 ft/s for Table 8 Comparisons of predicted and measured RMS
tensions of low mean tension tendon
both low and high mean tensions and at speed 5 ft/s for
high mean tension. The measured data are filtered out Current Mode Period RMSA/D Predicted Measured
low-frequency components (period longer than 28.2 (ft/s) (s) RMSTension RMSTension
(kips) (kips)
second) since they are not due to tendon VIV based on 1 2 13.42 0.89 18.2 6.5
Table 1 Actual Model. 2 3 7.76 0.86 37.9 17.8
Table 3 Natural periods of vibrations 3 3 7.64 0.92 43.5 38.6
4 4 4.85 0.96 83.7 43.9
M ode Prototype Ideal M odel Actual M odel
Num ber (sec) (sec) (sec)
5 5 3.31 0.96 131.4 88.9
1 29.4 29.4 28.2 6 5 3.22 1 140.6 122.3
2 14.7 14.7 12.7
3 9.8 9.8 7.4
4 7.3 7.3 4.8 Table 9 Comparisons of predicted and measured RMS
5 5.8 5.8 3.3
6 4.8 4.8 2.4
tensions of high mean tension tendon
7 4.1 4.1 1.8 Current Mode Period RMSA/D Predicted Measured
8 3.5 3.5 1.4 (ft/s) (s) RMS Tension RMS Tension
9 3.1 3.1 1.2
(kips) (kips)
10 2.8 2.8 1.0
11 2.5 2.5 0.8 1 2 13.36 0.88 17.9 5.7
12 2.3 2.3 0.7 2 3 7.66 0.96 47.6 18.3
13 2.1 2.1 0.6 3 3 7.43 0.87 38.6 42.2
14 1.9 1.9 0.5 4 4 4.68 0.98 87.3 43.5
5 4 4.44 0.9 74.2 86.3
Table 4 Re number comparisons 6 5 3.03 0.97 132.9 114.6

Current (ft/s) Prototype Ideal Model Actual Model

1 2.02E+05 3.05E+02 3.41E+02
2 4.05E+05 6.11E+02 6.83E+02 In order to investigate the contributions from
3 6.07E+05 9.16E+02 1.02E+03 different tendon modes, the high pass filtering
4 8.10E+05 1.22E+03 1.36E+03
5 1.01E+06 1.53E+03 1.70E+03
progresses to isolate each mode contribution have
6 1.21E+06 1.83E+03 2.04E+03 been undertaken. Figs. 11(a) to 11g illustrate the high
pass filtered time series of the measured tendon
Table 5 St number comparisons
tension up to mode #7 per Table 3 Actual Model. In
Current (ft/s) Prototype Ideal Model Actual Model this test, the towing speed is 5.0 ft/s (no wave and
1 0.24 0.17 0.17 wind). Fig. 11(a) denotes the first mode high pass
2 0.24 0.17 0.17
3 0.24 0.17 0.17 filtered time series excluding mean and low-frequency
4 0.24 0.17 0.17 components (cut-off period 28.2 s). However, it did
5 0.24 0.17 0.17 include all possible modes due to tendon VIV. Fig.
6 0.24 0.17 0.17 11(b) stands for second mode high pass filtered time
Table 6 Modes and periods of low mean tension tendon
series, which excludes first mode contribution by
setting cut-off period 12.7 s. High pass filtering
Current Mean Top Mode Period processes were repeating up to tendon mode #7 as
(ft/s) Tension (s) shown in Fig. 11(g).
(kips) From Figs. 11(a) to 11(g), a few observations are
1 1849 2 13.42 summarized as follows:
2 1861 3 7.76  It is clear that multi-mode vibrations contribute to
3 1967 3 7.64 the total tendon tension dynamics. In this case,
4 2196 4 4.85 mode #2, #4 and #6 contribute more, especially
5 2515 5 3.31 mode #2.
6 2889 5 3.22
 Mode numbers higher than 6 have virtually no

200 200
Tension (kips)

Tension (kips)
100 100

0 0

-100 -100

-200 -200
50 70 90 110 130 150 50 70 90 110 130 150

Time (s) Time (s)

Fig. 11(a) First mode high pass tension time series Fig.11(g) Seventh mode high pass tension time Ssries

The platform behaves well. No platform response
Tension (kips)


was observed that would lead any concern for
-100 excessive operating downtime and human comfort.
50 70 90 110 130 150
The maxi- mum towing speed 6.0 ft/s represents
Time (s) uniform current profile, which is believed to be
conservative compared to typical GoM eddy current.
Fig. 11(b) Second mode high pass tension time series Further investigations are underway to explore why
and thus might result better platform design to
suppress tendon VIV impacts.
Tension (kips)


0 7. Conclusions
-100 This paper introduces hydrodynamic aspects of
50 70 90 110 130 150
in-place TLP tendon design and analysis with em-
Time (s) phases on TLP hull/tendon/riser coupled dynamic
analysis; tendon Mathieu instability; tendon springing
Fig. 11(c) Third mode high pass tension time series and ringing responses; tendon bottom tension slacking
due to wave overtopping; and tendon vortex induced
vibration (VIV). The progress in these aspects has
been highlighted and discussed. Future works are also
Tension (kips)


0 recommended.

50 70 90 110 130 150
Time (s)

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