Diagnostic Patology in Microbiology & Immunology
Diagnostic Patology in Microbiology & Immunology
Diagnostic Patology in Microbiology & Immunology
NACTE REGISTRATION NUMBER: ________________________________________
NACTE REGISTRATION NUMBER: ________________________________________
E) Group streptococci
5. A 25-year-old male presents with urethritis. The Gram stain shows intracellular
gram positive cocci, the organism is also oxidase opositive. The organism grows only
on enriched media like Chocolate agar. What is the most likely organism?
A) Chlamydia trachomatis
B) Ureaplasma species
C) Neisseria gonorrhoeae
D) Haemophilus ducreyi
E) Neisseria meningitidis
6. A urine culture from an 18-year-old woman with similar symptoms also grew a pure
culture of more than 100,000 colonies/ml of an organism on sheep blood agar (SBA)
and MacConkey’s agar (lactose fermenting colonies on MCA). The gram stain also
showed gram negative rods. What is the most likely organism?
A) Escherichia coli
B) Enterococcus species
C) Staphylococcus epidermidis
D) Staphylococcus saprophyticus
E) Proteus mirabilis
7. General-purpose media such as Nutrient broth, peptone water and nutrient agar
support growth of microorganisms, which do not have special nutritional
requirements such as,
A) Staphylococcus and Streptococci
B) Neisseria species
C) Enterobacteriaceae species
D) Hemophilus species
E) Treponema palidum
8. Alkaline Peptone water is used for cultivation of,
A) Vibrio Cholerae
B) Escherichia coli
C) Salmonella Typhi
D) Shigella species
E) Yersinia pestis
9. Which of the following culture media is used to differentiate sucrose fermenting
from non-sucrose fermenting Vibrio cholerae species.
10. Crystal violet blood agar (in which crystal violet is added) is an enriched, selective,
and differential medium for
A) Streptococcus pyogenes
B) Enterococcus species
C) Staphylococcus epidermidis
D) Staphylococcus saprophyticus
E) Streotococcus pneumoniae
NACTE REGISTRATION NUMBER: ________________________________________
11. To avoid false positive results during performing catalase test, bacteria culture
grown on one of these media should not be used,
D) Nutrient Agar
E) Nutrient broth
12. Which of the following is the right temperature in degrees Celsius scale for storage
of rabbit plasma if it is to be used 20 days to come,
A) -30
B) -80
C) -20
D) 2
E) 2 to 8
13. During performing Coagulase test by slide method colonies from one of the
following media should not be used,
B) Salt Manitol Agar
C) Chocolate Agar
D) Nutrient Agar
14. After preparation of Blood Agar, one of the following organisms must be used to test
performance of the media
A) S aureus
B) Enterococcus faeclis
C) Staphylococcus epidermidis
D) Enterobacter aerogenes
E) Streptococci Viridans
15. Which of the following is a right temperature (in degrees Celcius) for incubation of
most pathogenic bacterial species,
A) 25 degrees
B) 35-38 degrees
C) 39 degrees
D) 36 degrees
E) 45-47 degrees
16. Mueller Hinton agar is a recommended medium for culture and sensitivity of
isolated organisms because
A) It is well defined.
B) Grows the organism rapidly
C) Does not lead to antagonism
D) Has stable PH
E) Is hypertonic.
NACTE REGISTRATION NUMBER: ________________________________________
17. Which is a right temperature of the media to add blood during Blood Agar
A) 60ᵒC
B) 50ᵒC
C) 45ᵒC
D) 40ᵒC
E) 55ᵒC
18. The suitable pressure for sterilization during autoclaving the culture media,
A) 20 PSI
B) 15 PSI
C) 30 PSI
D) 12PSI
E) 121 PSI
19. Bacterial growth is measured by determining number of bacteria through one of
the following methods
A) Viable count
B) Macroscopic counting of cells
C) Through culturing on selective media
D) Through amplification of nucleic acids
E) Counting cell fragments
20. A sample collected from the heart valve of a patient with endocarditis was cultured,
the organism grew was a gram positive cocci, and also Esculin positive. Which of the
following is most likely to be the causative agent.
A) Streptococcus pyogenes
B) Enterococcus species
C) Staphylococcus epidermidis
D) Staphylococcus saprophyticus
E) Streotococcus pneumoniae
NACTE REGISTRATION NUMBER: ________________________________________
NACTE REGISTRATION NUMBER: ________________________________________
NACTE REGISTRATION NUMBER: ________________________________________
NACTE REGISTRATION NUMBER: ________________________________________
c) CLED 1 mark
4. Briefly explain the principles behind the following microbiological tests
a) Catalase 2 marks
b) Coagulase ( both bound and free) 3marks
5. Briefly differentiate gram positive cocci. Start from genus level then concentrate on genus
staphylocci. Clearly mention the tests and results to differentiate species.
6. Explain the principle behind gram staining. 5marks
NACTE REGISTRATION NUMBER: ________________________________________
NACTE REGISTRATION NUMBER: ________________________________________
2. Write an essay on quality control of general purpose culture media (use blood agar
as a reference). 10 marks
NACTE REGISTRATION NUMBER: ________________________________________
3. Write an essay on Crystal violet Capsule Stain. Base on general description and
mechanism of action. 10 marks