YO19 Excel Ch06 Prepare PartB Sales Analysis Instructions
YO19 Excel Ch06 Prepare PartB Sales Analysis Instructions
YO19 Excel Ch06 Prepare PartB Sales Analysis Instructions
Project Description:
Aleeta Herriott, manager of the Red Bluff Pro Shop, would like to develop a marketing strategy for increasing pro shop
patronage. She has requested data about the pro shop sales over the past several years. She needs to be able to work with
the data to understand the current patronage, such as where the patrons were from, what kind of items they purchased, how
much money they spent, and so forth. Exploring the data is key in determining the marketing strategy because it helps her
learn about customer preferences. After analyzing the data, Aleeta will present her ideas to the board of directors.
Steps to Perform:
Step Instructions
Copy the column headings from the SalesData table and paste them
on the DatabaseTotals worksheet, starting in cell A1 to setup the
criteria area of for use in the Database functions.
On the DatabaseTotals worksheet, in cell B5, type NetRevenue for the
field name that will be used in the database functions.
Once all database functions have been created, use the criteria area
to limit the calculations to those records with transaction dates after
11/15/2022 and with Apple Pay as the payment method.
Step Instructions
If using a Mac, the Recommended PivotTable automatically created
will need to be modified before moving forward.
In the PivotTable Fields pane, click to deselect TransDate,
NetRevenue and EMP-ID.
In the PivotTable Fields pane, drag Quantity to Rows, ClubMember? to
columns, and CashDisc to Values.
Right-click the CashDisc field in the Values area, select Field Settings,
and change the Summarize by function to Average.
In cell A4, replace Row Labels with Quantity Sold and in cell B3,
replace Column Labels with ClubMember?
Remove the CashDisc field from the Values area and replace it with
the TotalDiscounts field.
Step Instructions
5 Seeing how the Net Revenue breaks down into various groups can be 15
easily done with PivotTables.
Step Instructions
ClubMember? Yes
NetRevenue 98.85
TotalDiscounts 0