2022 Afin 432 2nd Semester Assignment
2022 Afin 432 2nd Semester Assignment
2022 Afin 432 2nd Semester Assignment
Question 1
Performance Auditing is a recent type of auditing that has its origin from the
Public Sector. Performance Auditing came about due to demand from
Society (taxpayers) for public sector managers to account for efficacy and
effectiveness of public expenditure in view of limited/scarce financial
resources, the traditional role of audit could not satisfy society in the
manner public finances were utilised and as to whether the intended
purpose of the funds were achieved and what impact that achievement had
on society.
The committee did not put anything in place in line with the set guidelines
between government and community through the committee.
Notwithstanding, the lack of discernible work it was alleged that all the
money provided had been used and that there was no evidence of the money
having been correctly used as none of the expected reports were issued to
government for provision of the required services.
Follow up
As a performance auditor you are assigned to carry out the audit and
give a report on your findings to assess the economy and effectiveness
of the Logistics Committee in actualising the community concerns to
uplift their welfare through the establishment of a school, road, clinic
and provision of farming inputs. (40marks)
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
The INTOSAI General Auditing Standards 200, 2.1 common to SAIs which
subscribe to INTOSAI standards are:
(b) the auditor and the SAI must possess the required competence; and
(c) the auditor and the SAI must exercise due care and concern in complying
with the INTOSAI Auditing Standards.