Mark Scheme H446 - 01 Computer Systems June 2023

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Computer Science

H446/01: Computer systems

A Level

Mark Scheme for June 2023

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations

OCR (Oxford Cambridge and RSA) is a leading UK awarding body, providing a wide range of
qualifications to meet the needs of candidates of all ages and abilities. OCR qualifications
include AS/A Levels, Diplomas, GCSEs, Cambridge Nationals, Cambridge Technicals,
Functional Skills, Key Skills, Entry Level qualifications, NVQs and vocational qualifications in
areas such as IT, business, languages, teaching/training, administration and secretarial skills.

It is also responsible for developing new specifications to meet national requirements and the
needs of students and teachers. OCR is a not-for-profit organisation; any surplus made is
invested back into the establishment to help towards the development of qualifications and
support, which keep pace with the changing needs of today’s society.

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and students, to indicate the requirements
of the examination. It shows the basis on which marks were awarded by examiners. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions which took place at an examiners’ meeting before marking

All examiners are instructed that alternative correct answers and unexpected approaches in
candidates’ scripts must be given marks that fairly reflect the relevant knowledge and skills

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the published question papers and the report
on the examination.

© OCR 2023

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations

H446/01 Mark Scheme June 2023



RM assessor

1. Make sure that you have accessed and completed the relevant training packages for on-screen marking: RM assessor Online Training; OCR
Essential Guide to Marking.

2. Make sure that you have read and understood the mark scheme and the question paper for this unit. These are posted on the RM Cambridge
Assessment Support Portal

3. Log-in to RM assessor and mark the required number of practice responses (“scripts”) and the number of required standardisation responses.



1. Mark strictly to the mark scheme.

2. Marks awarded must relate directly to the marking criteria.

3. The schedule of dates is very important. It is essential that you meet the RM assessor 50% and 100% (traditional 40% Batch 1 and 100% Batch 2)
deadlines. If you experience problems, you must contact your Team Leader (Supervisor) without delay.

4. If you are in any doubt about applying the mark scheme, consult your Team Leader by telephone or the RM assessor messaging system, or by email.

5. Crossed Out Responses

Where a candidate has crossed out a response and provided a clear alternative then the crossed out response is not marked. Where no alternative
response has been provided, examiners may give candidates the benefit of the doubt and mark the crossed out response where legible.

Contradictory Responses
When a candidate provides contradictory responses, then no mark should be awarded, even if one of the answers is correct.

H446/01 Mark Scheme June 2023

Short Answer Questions (requiring only a list by way of a response, usually worth only one mark per response)
Where candidates are required to provide a set number of short answer responses then only the set number of responses should be marked. The
response space should be marked from left to right on each line and then line by line until the required number of responses have been considered. The
remaining responses should not then be marked. Examiners will have to apply judgement as to whether a ‘second response’ on a line is a development
of the ‘first response’, rather than a separate, discrete response. (The underlying assumption is that the candidate is attempting to hedge their bets and
therefore getting undue benefit rather than engaging with the question and giving the most relevant/correct responses.)

Short Answer Questions (requiring a more developed response, worth two or more marks)
If the candidates are required to provide a description of, say, three items or factors and four items or factors are provided, then mark on a similar basis
– that is downwards (as it is unlikely in this situation that a candidate will provide more than one response in each section of the response space.)

Longer Answer Questions (requiring a developed response)

Where candidates have provided two (or more) responses to a medium or high tariff question which only required a single (developed) response and not
crossed out the first response, then only the first response should be marked. Examiners will need to apply professional judgement as to whether the
second (or a subsequent) response is a ‘new start’ or simply a poorly expressed continuation of the first response.

6. Always check the pages (and additional objects if present) at the end of the response in case any answers have been continued there. If the candidate
has continued an answer there then add a tick to confirm that the work has been seen.

7. Award No Response (NR) if:

• there is nothing written in the answer space or no valid attempt at an answer (e.g. "I don't know")

Award Zero ‘0’ if:

• there is an attempt at an answer that is not worthy of credit (this includes text and symbols).

Team Leaders must confirm the correct use of the NR button with their markers before live marking commences and should check this when
reviewing scripts.

8. The RM assessor comments box is used by your team leader to explain the marking of the practice responses. Please refer to these comments
when checking your practice responses. Do not use the comments box for any other reason.
If you have any questions or comments for your team leader, use the phone, the RM assessor messaging system, or e-mail.

H446/01 Mark Scheme June 2023

9. Assistant Examiners will send a brief report on the performance of candidates to their Team Leader (Supervisor) via email by the end of the marking
period. The report should contain notes on particular strengths displayed as well as common errors or weaknesses. Constructive criticism of the
question paper/mark scheme is also appreciated.

10. For answers marked by levels of response:

To determine the level – start at the highest level and work down until you reach the level that matches the answer
To determine the mark within the level, consider the following:

Descriptor Award mark

On the borderline of this level and the one below At bottom of level

Above bottom and either below middle or at middle of level (depending on number of marks
Just enough achievement on balance for this level
Meets the criteria but with some slight Above middle and either below top of level or at middle of level (depending on number of marks
inconsistency available)

Consistently meets the criteria for this level At top of level

11. Annotations

H446/01 Mark Scheme June 2023

Annotation Meaning

Omission mark

Benefit of the doubt

Incorrect point

Follow through

Not answered question

No benefit of doubt given

Point being made


Correct point

Too vague
Blank Page – this annotation must be used on all blank pages within an answer booklet
(structured or unstructured) and on each page of an additional object where there is no
candidate response.

Level 1

H446/01 Mark Scheme June 2023

Level 2

Level 3

12. Levels of Response Questions

The indicative content indicates the expected parameters for candidates’ answers, but be prepared to recognise and credit unexpected approaches where
they show relevance.

Using ‘best-fit’, decide first which set of BAND DESCRIPTORS best describes the overall quality of the answer. Once the band is located, adjust the mark
concentrating on features of the answer which make it stronger or weaker following the guidelines for refinement.

• Highest mark: If clear evidence of all the qualities in the band descriptors is shown, the HIGHEST Mark should be awarded.

• Lowest mark: If the answer shows the candidate to be borderline (i.e. they have achieved all the qualities of the bands below and show limited evidence
of meeting the criteria of the band in question) the LOWEST mark should be awarded.

• Middle mark: This mark should be used for candidates who are secure in the band. They are not ‘borderline’ but they have only achieved some of the
qualities in the band descriptors.

Be prepared to use the full range of marks. Do not reserve (e.g.) high Band 3 marks ‘in case’ something turns up of a quality you have not yet seen. If an
answer gives clear evidence of the qualities described in the band descriptors, reward appropriately.
13. Subject Specific Marking Instructions
Mark scheme conventions:

● Each mark point is worth 1 mark unless stated otherwise

● Each mark point can only be awarded once
● A word/phrase that is underlined needs to be exact in the answer to award the mark point
● A word/phrase that is bold needs that concept to be in the answer (but can be given in multiple ways) to award the mark point
H446/01 Mark Scheme June 2023

● 3 dots at the end of one mark point and at the start of the next mark point mean that the second mark point cannot be awarded
without the first being awarded, unless the mark scheme states otherwise (for example a reasonable attempt with some
● 3 dots at the start of a mark point, without 3 dots at the end of the mark point above, means the sentence carries on and there is no
● Any text in brackets is not required to gain the mark point
● Single / means alternative word
● Double // means an alternative statement that is acceptable for the same mark point
● Enlarged font is used for visibility reasons only

Annotating scripts:
● Blank pages at the start of the script need SEEN annotation
● Any questions answered elsewhere (e.g. on the first blank pages, separately on the page) need to be linked within RM Assessor
and annotated with ticks/crosses/SEEN as appropriate
● 1 tick for every mark awarded, if a question is given 3 marks there must be 3 ticks (apart from QER question)
● A BOD or FT annotation needs to be accompanied by a tick
● QER – One annotation from: L1, L2 or L3, according to the level awarded, the page not annotated with the level needs a SEEN
annotation. Do not include any ticks, crosses or other annotations on this question – other than SEEN and one from: L1, L2 or L3
● Any answers with no candidate response need a SEEN annotation and NR entered as the mark.
● Any questions where the candidate has not attempted the question e.g. answered 'don't know' need a SEEN annotation and NR
entered as the mark.
● All questions must be annotated throughout the marking process.

H446/01 Mark Scheme June 2023


High (thorough) Precision in the use of question Knowledge and understanding Concerted effort is made to
terminology. Knowledge shown is shown is consistently applied to consider all aspects of a system /
consistent and well-developed. context enabling a logical and problem or weigh up both sides to
Clear appreciation of the question sustained argument to develop. an argument before forming an
from a range of different Examples used enhance rather overall conclusion. Judgements
perspectives making extensive use than detract from response. made are based on appropriate
of acquired knowledge and and concise arguments that have
understanding. been developed in response
resulting in them being both
supported and realistic.
Middle (reasonable) Awareness of the meaning of the Knowledge and understanding There is a reasonable attempt to
terms in the question. Knowledge applied to context. Whilst clear reach a conclusion considering
is sound and effectively evidence that an argument builds aspects of a system / problem or
demonstrated. Demands of and develops through response weighing up both sides of an
question understood although at there are times when opportunities argument. However the impact of
times opportunities to make use of are missed to use an example or the conclusion is often lessened by
acquired knowledge and relate an aspect of knowledge or a lack of supported judgements
understanding not always taken. understanding to the context which accompany it. This inability
provided. to build on and develop lines of
argument as developed in the
response can detract from the
overall quality of the response.
Low (basic) Confusion and inability to Inability to apply knowledge and Little or no attempt to prioritise or
deconstruct terminology as used in understanding in any sustained weigh up factors during course of
the question. Knowledge partial way to context resulting in tenuous answer. Conclusion is often
and superficial. Focus on question and unsupported statements being dislocated from response and any
narrow and often one-dimensional. made. Examples if used are for the judgements lack substance due in
most part irrelevant and part to the basic level of argument
unsubstantiated. that has been demonstrated
throughout response.

H446/01 Mark Scheme June 2023

Question Answer Mark Guidance

1 (a) (i) e.g. 1 Do not accept “faster” on its own without clarification of
● Fewer mistakes (likely to be made) // More accurate what/why it is faster.
● Faster as you can apply the same formula to
multiple cells // By example
● What-if analysis can be performed
● Values can be changed and results automatically
(re)calculated (by using formulas)
● Can be shared electronically

1 (ii) e.g. 4 Mark in pairs – one mark for naming type of application
● Database/DBMS software, one for the example. Application type must be
● …to store/query/sort data about correct to give example.
Do not accept brand names for first mark but FT for
● Word processor example.
● …to create documents / letters / invoices for
clients/staff Ignore brand names if description given after
E.g. Outlook / Email application
● Presentation software
● …to create presentations for clients/staff Accept other sensible application software (such as
CAD, Desktop Publishing). Do not accept special
● Email software purpose / bespoke / utility software.
● …for staff to communicate with each other or
with customers Do not accept spreadsheet (given in question)

● Graphics manipulation Example must be relevant to the business

● …to produce adverts / images for sales

● Web browser
● ….to view websites to purchase materials/stock
// view competitor’s website

H446/01 Mark Scheme June 2023

1 (iii) ● No access to source code 3 Do not award a reverse of the mark point by describing
● Cannot modify//improve to meet business needs open source
● Cannot fix bugs
● (Usually) cost to purchase licences // licence
conditions to meet//ongoing fees

1 (b) 3 1 mark per row.

H446/01 Mark Scheme June 2023

1 (c) ● Stored away from the computer(s)/remote… 2 Allow multiple interpretations of virtual storage (e.g.
● … so in case of disaster, data is not also damaged cloud / devices not connected directly to the computer)
● All of the data (from multiple machines) can be
backed up at the same time Do not allow space on its own or memory for storage
● Can be accessed from elsewhere / other machines
● Storage can be expanded as necessary//no limit on
● Speed of access is not a priority for a backup
● Can make recovery from another site easier
● No physical space needed for backup hardware
● No on site maintenance required
● Allows more local storage capacity for data

1 (d) (i) e.g. 3 Mark first answer in each answer space

● Share hardware (e.g. printers)
● Share files
● Share Internet connection
● Centralised security
● Log on / access files from any machine on the
● Central maintenance
● Central backup / storage
● Central installation / update of programs
● Can monitor user activity
● Can control access levels // Centralised user
● Access an intranet

1 (d) (ii) ● A set of rules // an agreement 2 Allow suitable example of contents of a protocol for MP3
● Used to ensure the (proper / successful) transfer of
data between devices // used to govern the Do not award a rule - must be plural
transmission/communication between devices
● May specify format of data / error checking / etc

H446/01 Mark Scheme June 2023

1 (d) (iii) 1 mark per protocol listed 2 Mark first answer in each answer space
● HTTP // Hypertext Transfer Protocol
● HTTPS // Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
● TCP // Transmission Control Protocol If mentioned one protocol with 2 versions e.g. IPv4 &
● IP // Internet Protocol IPv6 - only 1 mark
● UDP // User Datagram Protocol
● FTP // File Transfer Protocol If they’ve written the protocol in full but got any word
● Ethernet wrong, no mark awarded
● WPA // Wi-Fi Protected Access
● DHCP // Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
● SMTP // Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
● POP // Post Office Protocol
● IMAP // Internet Message Access Protocol
● RDP // Remote Desktop Protocol
● VoIP // Voice over Internet Protocol

1 (d) (iv) ● To apply protocols in order / one after the other 3

● To provide independence of layers // Layers can be
modified without affecting other layers // Layers are
● Hides details from previous or next layer(s) // is an
● Each layer is well defined / does a specific job
● Breaks tasks down into manageable units // Groups
similar protocols together
● Improved troubleshooting (easier identification of the
layer that causes the issue)
● Each layer only communicates with adjacent layers
// simplifies interfacing
● Hardware/software can be manufactured to fit into
one specific layer
● Allows for standards for individual tasks/layers to be
developed // for compatibility

H446/01 Mark Scheme June 2023

1 (e) (i) ● Real time 1 Correct answer only

1 (e) (ii) ● Multi-tasking… 6 Mark in pairs

● …runs multiple programs at the same time
Allow real time if not given as previous answer
● Multi-user…
● … allows multiple users at the same time (must Do not accept "runs on an embedded system" as
be clear that candidate is not discussing an OS expansion of embedded OS, this is NE.
that simply has multiple accounts)

● Distributed…
● …allows multiple computers to work together on
a single task

● Embedded…
● …has a dedicated/limited function
● …is read-only / cannot be changed

H446/01 Mark Scheme June 2023

1 (f) ● Interrupt checked for at start/end of each fetch- 3

execute cycle
● If the interrupt is of a lower/equal priority to the current
process then the current process continues
● (If interrupt raised) contents of registers copied to
● Flags are set to determine if interrupts are enabled /
● Program counter changed to point to Interrupt
Service Routine (ISR) // ISR runs
● After interrupt complete, previous register values
restored back from stack
● Flag is reset
● If higher priority interrupt received during servicing of
● …this is added to stack and new interrupt dealt with

H446/01 Mark Scheme June 2023

1 (g) Mark Band 3 – High Level (7-9 marks) 9 The following shows example content that may form part
The candidate demonstrates a thorough knowledge and of a candidate’s answer. It is not intended to be an
understanding of memory management carried out by exhaustive resource, nor should a candidate be
operating systems. The material is generally accurate expected to specifically cover any particular amount of
and detailed. this.

The candidate is able to apply their knowledge and Knowledge (AO1)

understanding directly and consistently to the context ● Memory management means to ensure that RAM is
provided. Evidence/examples will be explicitly relevant used efficiently and not wasted
to the explanation. ● Removes data not needed anymore (garbage
collection), frees up space and allocates memory to
The candidate is able to thoroughly assess the applications
importance of memory management to an efficient and ● Paging or segmentation may be used to split up
secure system. memory
● Paging uses fixed size divisions whereas
There is a well-developed line of reasoning which is segmentation uses varying size divisions
clear and logically structured. The information presented ● Paging is where memory is divided physically
is relevant and substantiated. ● Segmentation is where memory is divided logically
● Virtual memory may be used when RAM is (almost)
full to enable applications to continue to run

Application (AO2)
Mark Band 2 – Mid Level (4-6 marks) ● If RAM is unavailable or full, applications cannot be
The candidate demonstrates reasonable knowledge and loaded
understanding of memory management carried out by ● Data transferred out of RAM into virtual memory to
operating systems. The material is generally accurate free up space and then transferred back again when
but at times underdeveloped. needed
● Also includes security so that data stored in memory
The candidate is able to apply their knowledge and is not vulnerable
understanding directly to the context provided although ● Memory management is important for a well-running
one or two opportunities are missed. Evidence / machine. If not, RAM would rapidly run out and fill up
examples are for the most part implicitly relevant to the with unneeded data/instructions and so no new
explanation. applications could run
● Paging causes internal fragmentation whereas
The candidate makes a reasonable attempt to assess segmentation causes external fragmentation
the importance of memory management to an efficient ● A page table is used to map page location which is
and secure system. slower than a segmentation table

H446/01 Mark Scheme June 2023

There is a line of reasoning presented with some ● It is easier for the OS to manage page locations as
structure. The information presented is in the most part they can be stored non-contiguously. Segments can
relevant and supported by some evidence. be non-contiguous but work better contiguously

Mark Band 1 – Low Level (1-3 marks) Evaluation (AO3)

The candidate demonstrates a basic knowledge of ● RAM is much more expensive than secondary
memory management carried out by operating systems; storage (per unit/GB) so virtual memory is useful
the material is basic and contains some inaccuracies. rather than having to buy more RAM
The candidate makes a limited attempt to apply ● Over use of virtual memory causes slow down and
acquired knowledge and understanding to the context even disk thrashing if pages have to be swapped
provided. back and forth too often
● Paging can be more effective because any free
The candidate provides nothing more than unsupported memory space can be used to swap data in and out
assertions. Any discussion of the importance of memory whereas with segments, lots of space will sit unused
management will be vague or lacking detail. until a segment the right size is available
● Segmentation errors can cause memory leakage
The information is basic and communicated in an which would cause the system to crash
unstructured way. The information is supported by ● Security issues – applications can only access
limited evidence and the relationship to the evidence memory allocated to them so (for example) a
may not be clear. malicious application cannot access the memory
allocated to a banking app. Also when applications
0 marks are closed, data is removed before being reallocated
No attempt to answer the question or response is not so that applications cannot see historic data
worthy of credit

H446/01 Mark Scheme June 2023

Question Answer Mark Guidance

2 (a) ● value == "E" 5 All string values must be in quotes. Allow single or double
● value == "S" quotes.
● (numone+numtwo)
● value Don’t allow single = for MP1&2. Penalise once and FT for
● "E" multiple occurrences.

Case needs to match that used in the question

Needs to have brackets for MP3

value = input("Enter a value")
if value == "E" then
num = numbers.pop()
elseif value == "A" or value == "S" then
numone = numbers.pop()
numtwo = numbers.pop()
if value == "A" then
numbers.push(numone + numtwo)
elseif value == "S" then
numbers.push(numtwo - numone)
until value == "E"
2 (b) (i) • 8, 7 3 One mark per stack diagram
• 15
• 15,6

2 (b) (ii) • 12 3
• 7
• 15

H446/01 Mark Scheme June 2023

2 (b) (iii) ● S causes the two values inputted to be popped and 3

only one value to be pushed back // 4 and 2 are
popped and 2 is pushed
● A causes an attempt to pop two values but only
one present / not two values there
● Causing a stack underflow

2 (c) (i) ● Stack is LIFO / FILO 2 Mark in pairs

● Queue is FIFO / LILO
Accept descriptions of LIFO / FIFO for MP1 and 2
● Stack uses one pointer (for head)
● Queue uses two pointers (head and tail)

● Stack, data is popped/pushed from the top

● Queue, data is dequeued from the from the start
and enqueued onto the back // a queue can be

2 (c) (ii) ● Array is of fixed/defined size // static 2 Mark in pairs

● List size can be changed // no defined size //

● Array holds data of single data type

● List can hold data of multiple / different types
2 (c) (iii) ● A tuple cannot be changed at runtime // a tuple 1
is immutable

2 (c) (iv) ● Go to the first position indicated by the start 3 Accept answers relating to locations given by pointers
● From the first position, read the next pointer Allow acceptable diagram illustrating the same points
● …follow this pointer value and access the data

H446/01 Mark Scheme June 2023

Question Answer Mark Guidance

3 (a) (i) ● BD 1 Correct answer only

3 (a) (ii) ● 2AF 1 Correct answer only

3 (b) (i) ● 1110 1011 1 Correct answer only

3 (b) (ii) ● 1001 0101 1 Correct answer only

3 (b) (iii) ● Calculations are more easily performed on two’s 1 Accept the reverse of the MP
● Two’s complement allows for a (negligible) larger
range of numbers to be stored // by example
● No additional hardware is required in two’s
complement // Addition and subtraction are carried
out using only an adder
● Two’s complement has only one representation for 0
3 (c) ● -15.75 is 10000.01 (in fixed point two's complement) 4 Mantissa must be 8 bits, exponent must be 4 bits
● Binary point moved 4 places left
● Mantissa 1000 0010 Accept alternative working for MP2 if appropriate.
● Exponent 0100
If mantissa AND exponent are correct with any working, 4

H446/01 Mark Scheme June 2023

3 (d) ● Exponent is -2 3 MP2 is for correct working of whichever method is used.

● Binary point moved 2 places left (0.001) // 0.5 x 2-2
● 0.125 // 1/8 (one eighth) If answer is correct and working is shown, 3 marks

3 (e) ● precision / accuracy 2

● range / size / magnitude

H446/01 Mark Scheme June 2023

Question Answer Mark Guidance

4 (a) (i) ● Assembly language uses mnemonics 4 Mark in pairs.

● HLL uses English-like words
Allow examples (e.g. JMP, print) for MP1 and 2
● Assembly language uses an assembler to
convert to machine code
● HLL uses a translator (compiler/interpreter) to
convert to machine code

● Assembly language is a one-to-one conversion

to machine code
● HLL may produce multiple lines of machine code
per line of code // one-to-many

● Assembly language requires more knowledge of

the processor // allows direct control of the
● HLL provides more abstraction // requires less
knowledge of the processor

● Assembly language is likely to be specific to the

processor type used // is machine dependent
● HLL is portable // can be used for multiple
processor types // programmer can pick from a
number of HLLs and paradigms // is machine
4 (b) (i) ● Can execute multiple instructions / FDE cycles at 1 Do not accept just "multiple instructions"
the same time // some instructions in the program
can be run in parallel Do not accept tasks/programs for instructions

H446/01 Mark Scheme June 2023

4 (b) (ii) ● Some instructions may not be able to be run in 2

● An instruction may be dependent / waiting for other
instructions to be completed
● Other factors influence processing speed – clock
speed / cache / bottlenecks / etc
● Program / OS needs to be written to specifically use
multiple cores

H446/01 Mark Scheme June 2023

4* (c) Mark Band 3 – High Level (7-9 marks) The following shows example content that may form part
The candidate demonstrates a thorough knowledge and of a candidate’s answer. It is not intended to be an
understanding of encryption and hashing and how they exhaustive resource, nor should a candidate be
can be used to store data and communicate securely. expected to specifically cover any particular amount of
The material is generally accurate and detailed. this.

The candidate is able to apply their knowledge and Knowledge (AO1)

understanding directly and consistently to the context ● Encryption converts data into data that cannot be
provided. Evidence/examples will be explicitly relevant understood (ciphertext) using a key.
to the explanation. ● Symmetric encryption uses the same key for both
encryption and decryption
The candidate is able to weigh up both technologies ● Asymmetric encryption uses two keys, one for
which results in a supported and realistic judgement encryption, one for decryption
covering when each can be used. This is well balanced. ● Encryption is two-way, so data can be restored to
original form, but key is required.
There is a well-developed line of reasoning which is ● Hashing is a one-way (non-reversible) mathematical
clear and logically structured. The information presented process that produces a value from the input value.
is relevant and substantiated.
Application (AO2)
● For robot’s data storage, symmetric encryption is
Mark Band 2 – Mid Level (4-6 marks) useful as no keys to share/transmit.
The candidate demonstrates reasonable knowledge and ● For robot-robot/user communication, asymmetric
understanding of encryption and hashing and how they encryption / public key encryption means that only
can be used to store data and communicate securely; the public key needs to be shared. Data can be
the material is generally accurate but at times encrypted/decrypted with this while the private key is
underdeveloped. kept secure
● Also possible to verify identity of sender / origin of
The candidate is able to apply their knowledge and data using asymmetric encryption.
understanding directly to the context provided although ● Hashing is useful for information (e.g. password) that
one or two opportunities are missed. Evidence / needs to be verified but does not need to be known
examples are for the most part implicitly relevant to the at any point; once hashed, it is impossible to return
explanation. to it.

The candidate makes a reasonable attempt to Evaluation (AO3)

come to a conclusion showing some recognition of ● Encryption useful for most data storage as anyone
either technology. This may not be well-balanced, hacking into the robot will not be able to
covering one side significantly more than the other, read/understand the data.
although both sides will be present.

H446/01 Mark Scheme June 2023

● Hashing is useful for data storage of password /

There is a line of reasoning presented with some other items that need to be verified, hash of input
structure. The information presented is in the most part compared against hash stored to confirm
relevant and supported by some evidence. correctness.
● Hashing is not useful for data that needs to be
Mark Band 1 – Low Level (1-3 marks) returned to the user as impossible to return to.
The candidate demonstrates a basic knowledge of ● Encryption useful for data transmission as data
encryption or/and hashing and how they can be used to intercepted cannot be decrypted without the key.
store data and communicate securely; the material is
basic and contains some inaccuracies. The candidate
makes a limited attempt to apply acquired knowledge
and understanding to the context provided.

The candidate provides nothing more than unsupported

assertions. Any discussion will be almost entirely one-

The information is basic and communicated in an

unstructured way. The information is supported by
limited evidence and the relationship to the evidence
may not be clear.

0 marks
No attempt to answer the question or response is not
worthy of credit.

H446/01 Mark Scheme June 2023

4 (d) (i) ● <ul> and </ul> 5 <html>

● href <head>
● Login <title>Robot User Interface</title>
● text/password </head>
● submit <body>
<h1>Robot directives</h1>
<li>Serve the company trust</li>
<li>Protect data</li>
<li>Uphold standards</li>
<a href="updates.html">Updates</a>
<form action="dologin.php">
<input type = "text" name="pw">
<input type = "submit">

HTML tags are not case sensitive

Correct answer only

H446/01 Mark Scheme June 2023

4 (d) (ii) ● h1 and other code contained in { } 3 Ignore presence or lack of <style> tags. Ignore lack of
● color :white; semicolons
● background-color : red;
//background: red; Penalise misspelling of "color" once and then FT

h1 {
background-color: red;

White can be #FFFFFF or #FFF

Red can be #FF0000 or #F00

4 (e) (i) ● Copyright Designs and Patents Act 3 Must be full name of Act for MP1
Any two from: FT for versions of Copyright or nothing for MP2-6
● Gives the author (the programmers)
ownership/copyright of the photographs
● …no need to apply // this is automatic
● Others cannot use/distribute // can be
prosecuted/fined for using/distributing…
● …without permission
● Permission can be granted / bought / licenced

4 (e) (ii) ● Ask permission of author / photographer / 2 Do not accept just "ask permission"
● Use images marked as copyright free (e.g.
Creative Commons Licence)
● Purchase (licence to use) image

H446/01 Mark Scheme June 2023

4 (f) (i) ● DELETE FROM TblAccessLog 2 Do not accept DELETE * or inclusion of field names
● WHERE UserType = "NotNeeded"
Need quotation on MP2

For field and table names, case must match - only

penalise once and FT

Do not award MP2 if == is used instead of =

4 (f) (ii) ● Each attribute name is unique 2 Do not accept repeated data / data redundancy (higher
● Primary key identified than 1NF) unless specified that this is within one field
● No repeated attributes
● All data in attributes must be atomic (cannot be Allow fields/properties as alternative to attribute
further split up) // by example
4 (f) (iii) ● DateAccessed… 2
● …has non-atomic data // data can be split up (into
separate dates)

H446/01 Mark Scheme June 2023

Question Answer Mark Guidance

5 (a) ● 9 1

5 (b) ● input and store/use a value from user 5 Example code:

● call doCheck function with value input from user num = input("enter a number")
and save/use returned value value=doCheck(num)
● open and close text file in write/append mode, if txtfile = openWrite("storedvalues.txt")
given txtfile.writeLine(num)
● write value returned to text file txtfile.writeLine(value)
● Write value input to text file txtfile.close()

MP2 - doCheck is case sensitive

MP3 - need speech marks around file name

H446/01 Mark Scheme June 2023

Question Answer Mark Guidance

6 (a) (i) ● ¬ (A ˅ B) // NOT (A OR B) 2 First MP requires brackets, NOT A or B is incorrect.

● ˅ C // XOR C
Can be written in different order (e.g. C XOR NOT (B OR A)
as long as logically correct.
Accept (A + B) ⊕ C

6 (a) (ii) ● 1 mark for first two rows (1,0) 3

● 1 mark for next two rows (0,1)
● 1 mark for next four rows (0,1,0,1)

H446/01 Mark Scheme June 2023

6 (b) ● Correct highlighting on K map as shown 4

_ _
● ¬A ∧ ¬C // A.C // NOT A AND NOT C…
● A ∧ ¬D // A.D // A AND NOT D…

● …v // + // OR joining the 2 correct expressions


Do not penalise candidates who attempt to simplify even

further (e.g. NOT A AND NOT C = NOT (A OR C) using De

MP1 - correct answer only

MP4 is dependent on MP2 & 3

H446/01 Mark Scheme June 2023

Question Answer Mark Guidance

7* Mark Band 3 – High Level (9-12 marks) 12 The following shows example content that may form part
The candidate demonstrates a thorough knowledge and of a candidate’s answer. It is not intended to be an
understanding of The Regulation of Investigatory AO1.1 exhaustive resource, nor should a candidate be
Powers Act (RIPA) 2000. The material is generally (2) expected to specifically cover any particular amount of
accurate and detailed. AO1.2 this.
The candidate is able to apply their knowledge and Knowledge (AO1)
understanding directly and consistently to the context AO3.3 ● Implements additional rights regarding surveillance /
provided. Evidence/examples will be explicitly relevant (3) monitoring of individuals and acquisition of
to the explanation. communications data
● Provides the right for many organisations (including
The candidate is able to weigh up both sides of the the Police and security services) to do this.
argument which results in a supported and realistic ● Purpose is to detect crime and defend national
judgement covering the benefits and drawbacks of the security (e.g. terrorism, public disorder)
Act. This is well balanced. ● Gives access to individuals’ private communications,
such as emails, text messages, phone calls, Internet
There is a well-developed line of reasoning which is history.
clear and logically structured. The information presented ● Some people feel this is an invasion of their privacy
is relevant and substantiated.
Application (AO2)
● Monitoring can be carried out by far more
Mark Band 2 – Mid Level (5-8 marks) organisations than just the Police and Security
The candidate demonstrates reasonable knowledge and services – for example, local councils, the pension
understanding of The Regulation of Investigatory regulator and the Environment Agency are all able to
Powers Act (RIPA) 2000; the material is generally use surveillance or request data about individuals.
accurate but at times underdeveloped. ● If files are encrypted, the Act gives powers to force
the handover of keys (from individuals or
The candidate is able to apply their knowledge and organisations) with a 2 year prison sentence
understanding directly to the context provided although possible on refusal.
one or two opportunities are missed. Evidence / ● Wide ranging powers have allowed Police and
examples are for the most part implicitly relevant to the Security services to intercept criminals’
explanation. communications and stop / disrupt crime.

The candidate makes a reasonable attempt to Evaluation (AO3)

come to a conclusion showing some recognition of ● In the modern world, it is important that Police and
benefits and/or drawbacks. This may not be well- Security services are given the power to deal with
balanced, covering one side significantly more than the electronic communications in this way. Many crimes
other, although both sides will be present.

H446/01 Mark Scheme June 2023

(e.g. terrorism) can be detected and stopped before

There is a line of reasoning presented with some they occur, making the public safer.
structure. The information presented is in the most part ● However, some say that it is now a “snooper’s
relevant and supported by some evidence. charter”, with more organisations using their powers
for minor offences such as detecting those lying
Mark Band 1 – Low Level (1-4 marks) about their address to get children into a better
The candidate demonstrates a basic knowledge of The school or fly-tipping.
Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) 2000; the ● Many communication tools (e.g. WhatsApp) now
material is basic and contains some inaccuracies. The include end-to-end encryption by default so that
candidate makes a limited attempt to apply acquired messages cannot be divulged by the organisation
knowledge and understanding to the context provided. because they do not have access to it. Other
encryption tools include plausible deniability.
The candidate provides nothing more than unsupported
assertions. Any conclusion, if present, will be almost
entirely one-sided.

The information is basic and communicated in an

unstructured way. The information is supported by
limited evidence and the relationship to the evidence
may not be clear.

0 marks
No attempt to answer the question or response is not
worthy of credit.

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