2023 NEP BCA 2nd Sem
2023 NEP BCA 2nd Sem
2023 NEP BCA 2nd Sem
Session: 2023-24
Part A - Introduction
Subject BCA
Semester II
Name of the Course Object Oriented Programming using C++
Course Code B23-CAP-201 (Common with B23-CAI-201, B23-CDS-
201, B23-CTS-201)
Course Type: CC
Level of the course (As per 200-299
Pre-requisite for the course (if B23-CAP-101
Course Learning Outcomes(CLO): After completing this course, the learner will be able to:
1. learn the input/output statements and
functions in C++.
2. get familiar with OOPS concepts along with
constructors and destructors in C++ language.
3. Learn the various concepts of operator overloading
and inheritance.
4. get familiar with concepts of virtual functions and
exception handling in C++ language.
question will be compulsory.
The practicum will be evaluated by an external and an internal examiner. The examination
will be of three-hour duration.
Unit Topics Contact
I Input Output in C++: Unformatted and Formatted I/O Operations. 10
I/O using insertion and extraction operators and streams in C++.
Functions: Declaration and Definition, return values, arguments,
passing parameters by value, call by reference, call by pointer,
Recursion, Inline Functions, Function overloading.
Pointers, structures, and union in C++.
II Object-oriented features of C++: Class and Objects, Data hiding & 10
encapsulation, abstraction, Data Members and Member Functions,
accessing class members, empty class, local class, global class, Scope
Resolution Operator and its Uses, Static Data Members, Static
Member Functions, Structure vs Class, Friend function and friend
Constructors and Destructors: Constructors, Instantiation of
objects, Default constructor, Parameterized constructor, Copy
constructor and its use, Destructors, Dynamic initialization of objects.
III Operator Overloading: Overloading unary and binary operators: 10
arithmetic operators, manipulation of strings using operators.
Inheritance: Derived class, base class, Accessing the base class
member, Inheritance: multilevel, multiple, hierarchical, hybrid;
Virtual base class, Abstract class.
IV Virtual Functions, pure virtual functions; Polymorphism & its types 10
Exception Handling in C++: exception handling model, exception
handling constructs - try, throw, catch, Order of catch blocks,
Catching all exceptions, Nested try blocks, handling uncaught
V* Practicum: 25
Students are advised to do laboratory/practical practice not limited to
but including the following types of problems:
Write a C++ program to print the following lines:
Your introduction
Your institute introduction
Write a program that accepts principle, rate, and time from the
user and prints the simple interest.
Write a program to swap the values of two variables.
Write a program to check whether the given number is even
or odd (using ?: ternary operator).
Write a program to check whether the given number is
positive or negative (using?: ternary operator).
Write a program that inputs three numbers and displays the
largest number using the ternary operator.
WAP to initialize data members of the class using the
Pass values to the constructor and initialize the members of
that class to those values.
Create a class called cube with the data members
Length, Breadth, Height
Members functions:
To accept the details.
To calculate the volume of the cube.
To display the details.
WAP to calculate the sum using constructor overloading.
WAP to demonstrate the use of destructor.
Create a C++ Program to show the order of constructor and
C++ Program to Find the Number of Vowels, Consonants,
Digits, and White Spaces in a String
C++ Program to Multiply Two Matrices by Passing Matrix to
Increment ++ and Decrement -- Operator Overloading in C++
C++ Program to Add Two Complex Numbers
C++ Program to Show Function Overriding
C++ Program to Show Polymorphism in Class
C++ Program to Show Function Overloading
C++ Program to Show Inheritance
Suggested Evaluation Methods
Internal Assessment: End-Term
➢ Theory Examination: A
Class Participation: 5 three-hour exam
Seminar/presentation/assignment/quiz/class test etc.: 5 for both theory
Mid-Term Exam: 10 and practicum.
➢ Practicum End Term Exam
Marks: 70(50(T)
Class Participation: 5
Seminar/Demonstration/Viva-voce/Lab records etc.: 5
Mid-Term Exam: NA
Part C-Learning Resources
Recommended Books/e-resources/LMS:
Herbert Scildt, C++, The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw-Hill
Robert Lafore, Object Oriented Programming in C++, SAMS Publishing
Bjarne Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language, Pearson Education
Balaguruswami, E., Object Oriented Programming In C++, Tata McGraw-Hill.
Richard Johnson, An Introduction to Object-Oriented Application Development,
Thomson Learning.
Session: 2023-24
Part A - Introduction
Subject BCA
Semester II
Name of the Course Introduction to Web Technologies
Course Code B23-CAP-202 (Common with B23-CAI-202, B23-CDS-
202, B23-CTS-202)
Course Type: CC
Level of the course (As per 100-199
Pre-requisite for the course (if
Course Learning Outcomes(CLO): After completing this course, the learner will be able to:
1. learn the basics of web development.
2. understand different types of web pages and
web sites.
3. implement HTML and CSS for web page designing.
4. Understand the design of web crawlers and search
5*. to implement the programs based on various
concepts of web development.
Credits Theory Practical Total
3 1 4
Contact Hours 3 2 5
Max. Marks:100(70(T)+30(P)) Time: 3 Hrs.(T), 3Hrs.(P)
Internal Assessment Marks:30(20(T)+10(P))
End Term Exam Marks: 70(50(T)+20(P))
Part B- Contents of the Course
Instructions for Paper- Setter
Examiner will set a total of nine questions. Out of which first question will be compulsory.
Remaining eight questions will be set from four unit selecting two questions from each unit.
Examination will be of three-hour duration. All questions will carry equal marks. First question
will comprise of short answer type questions covering entire syllabus.
Candidate will have to attempt five questions in all, selecting one question from each unit. First
question will be compulsory.
Practicum will be evaluated by an external and an internal examiner. Examination will be of
three-hour duration.
Unit Topics Contact
I Introduction to Internet and World Wide Web (WWW); Evolution 10
and History of World Wide Web, Web Pages and Contents, Web
Clients, Web Servers, Web Browsers; Hypertext Transfer Protocol,
URLs; Searching, Search Engines and Search Tools.
Web Publishing: Hosting website; Internet Service Provider; Planning
and designing website; Web Graphics Design, Steps For Developing
II Creating a Website and Introduction to Mark up Languages (HTML 10
and DHTML), HTML Document Features & Fundamentals, HTML
Elements, Creating Links; Headers; Text styles; Text Structuring;
Text colour and Background; Formatting text; Page layouts, Images;
Ordered and Unordered lists; Inserting Graphics; Table Creation and
Layouts; Frame Creation and Layouts; Working with Forms and
Menus; Working with Radio Buttons; Check Boxes; Text Boxes,
III Introduction to CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): Features, Core Syntax, 10
Types, Style Sheets and HTML, Style Rule Cascading and
Inheritance, Text Properties, CSS Box Model, Normal Flow Box
Layout, Positioning, and other useful Style Properties; Features of
IV The Nature of JavaScript: Evolution of Scripting Languages, 10
JavaScript-Definition, Programming for Non-Programmers,
Introduction to Client–Side Programming, Enhancing HTML
Documents with JavaScript. Static and Dynamic web pages
V* Practicum: 25
Students are advised to do laboratory/practical practice not limited
to, but including the following types of problems:
Create a web page using ordered list and unordered list.
Design a web page to show your institute with hyperlinks.
Create your resume on HTML page.
Create a web page divide the web page into four frames. In
one frame create three links that will display different HTML
forms in the remaining three frames respectively.
Create a web page to show the record of the college in the
form of a table.
Write a HTML code to add internal CSS on a webpage
Design a blog-style personal website.
Design a web page to display your college with hyperlinks.
Write a JavaScript function to calculate the sum of two
Write a JavaScript program to find the maximum number in
an array.
Write a JavaScript function to check if a given string is a
palindrome (reads the same forwards and backward).
Write a CSS file and attach it to any 3 HTML webpages.
Use Div and span in a page and color two words with the
same colors.
Using HTML, CSS create a styled checkbox with animation
on state change
Design a web page that is like a compose page of e-mail. It
should have:
a) Text boxes for To, CC, and BCC respectively.
b) Text field for the message.
c) Send button.
d) Option for selecting a file for attachment
After clicking the send button a new page should open with
the display message “Message has been sent”.
Suggested Evaluation Methods
Internal Assessment: End-Term
➢ Theory Examination:
Class Participation: 5 A three-hour
Seminar/presentation/assignment/quiz/class test etc.: 5 exam for both
Mid-Term Exam: 10 theory and
➢ Practicum
End Term
Class Participation: 5
Exam Marks:
Seminar/Demonstration/Viva-voce/Lab records etc.: 5 70(50(T)
Mid-Term Exam: NA +20(P))
Part C-Learning Resources
Recommended Books/e-resources/LMS:
Raj Kamal, Internet and Web Technologies, Tata McGraw-Hill.
Ramesh Bangia, Multimedia and Web Technology, Firewall Media.
Thomas A. Powell, Web Design: The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw-Hill
Wendy Willard, HTML Beginners Guide, Tata McGraw-Hill.
Deitel and Goldberg, Internet and World Wide Web, How to Program, PHI
David Flanagan, JavaScript: The Definitive Guide: The Definitive Guide.
Kogent Learning, Web Technologies: HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Java, JSP, XML, AJAX –
Black Book, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
Session: 2023-24
Part A - Introduction
Subject BCA
Semester II
Name of the Course Concepts of Operating Systems
Course Code B23-CAP-203 (Common with B23-CAI-203, B23-CDS-
203, B23-CTS-203)
Course Type: CC
Level of the course (As per 100-199
Pre-requisite for the course (if
Course Learning Outcomes(CLO): After completing this course, the learner will be able to:
1. understand the basic concepts of operating
systems and their services along with process
2. understand the concept of process scheduling and
acquire knowledge of process synchronization.
3. learn about memory management and virtual
memory concepts.
4. learn to work with directory structure and
security aspects.
will comprise short answer-type questions covering the entire syllabus.
The candidate will have to attempt five questions in all, selecting one question from each unit.
First question will be compulsory.
The practicum will be evaluated by an external and an internal examiner. The examination
will be of three-hour duration.
Unit Topics Contact
I Introductory Concepts: Operating System, Functions and Characteristics, 10
Historical Evolution of Operating Systems, Operating System Structure.
Types of Operating System: Real-time, Multiprogramming,
Multiprocessing, Batch processing.
Operating System Services, Operating System Interface, Service System
Calls, and System Programs.
Process Management: Process Concepts, Operations on Processes, Process
States, and Process Control Block. Inter-Process Communication.
II CPU Scheduling: Scheduling Criteria, Levels of Scheduling, Scheduling 10
Algorithms, Multiple Processor Scheduling, Algorithm Evaluation.
Synchronization: Critical Section Problem, Semaphores, Classical Problem
of Synchronization, Monitors.
Deadlocks: Deadlock Characterization, Methods for Handling Deadlocks,
Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance, Deadlock Detection and
III Memory Management Strategies: Memory Management of Single-user and 10
Multiuser Operating Systems, Partitioning, Swapping, Contiguous
Memory Allocation, Paging and Segmentation;
Virtual Memory Management: Demand Paging, Page Replacement
Algorithms, Thrashing.
IV Implementing File System: File System Structure, File System 10
Implantation, File Operations, Type of Files, Directory Implementation,
Allocation Methods, and Free Space Management.
Disk Scheduling algorithm - SSTF, Scan, C- Scan, Look, C-Look.
SSD Management.
V* Practicum: 25
Students are advised to do laboratory/practical practice not limited to but
including the following types of problems:
Working with various operating systems, and performing different
operations using operating systems.
Write a program to print file details including owner access
permissions, and file access time, where file name is given as
Write a program to copy files using system calls.
Write a program to implement the FCFS scheduling algorithm.
Write a program to implement the Round Robin scheduling
Write a program to implement the SJF scheduling algorithm.
Write a program to implement a non-preemptive priority-
based scheduling algorithm
Write a program to implement preemptive priority-based
scheduling algorithm.
Write a program to implement the SRJF scheduling algorithm.
Write a program to calculate the sum of n numbers using the
thread library.
Write a program to implement first-fit, best-fit, and worst-fit
allocation strategies.
Suggested Evaluation Methods
Internal Assessment: End-Term
➢ Theory Examination:
Class Participation: 5 A three-hour
Seminar/presentation/assignment/quiz/class test etc.: 5 exam for both
Mid-Term Exam: 10 theory and
➢ Practicum
End Term
Class Participation: 5
Exam Marks:
Seminar/Demonstration/Viva-voce/Lab records etc.: 5
Mid-Term Exam: NA +20(P))
Part C-Learning Resources
Recommended Books/e-resources/LMS:
Silberschatz A., Galvin P.B.,and Gagne G., Operating System Concepts, John Wiley &
Godbole, A.S., Operating Systems, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi.
Deitel, H.M., Operating Systems, Addison- Wesley Publishing Company, New York.
Tanenbaum, A.S., Operating System- Design and Implementation, Prentice Hall of India,
New Delhi.
Session: 2023-24
Part A - Introduction
Subject BCA
Semester II
Name of the Course Mathematical Foundations for Computer Science-II
Course Code B23-CAP-204 (Common with B23-CAI-204, B23-CDS-
204, B23-CTS-204)
Course Type: CC-M
Level of the course (As per 100-199
Pre-requisite for the course (if
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): After learning this course student will be able:
1. Understand the concept of integration.
2. Acquire cognitive and technical knowledge about a
variety of methods of representation of statistical data
3. Understand methods of measure of central tendency.
Analyze the problem and apply the best measure of
central tendency to draw inferences from the
available data.
4. Understand the concept of correlation, and
correlation methods and conclude about the type of
correlation for the available data. Comprehend the
skills of curve fitting.
5. * Attain a range of cognitive and technical skills to
integrate various functions. Have technical and
practical skills required for selecting and using
suitable methods for data representation and measure
of central tendency.
Credits Theory Practical Total
1 1 2
Contact Hours 1 2 3
Max. Marks:50(30(T)+20(P)) Time: 3 Hrs.(T), 3Hrs.(P)
Internal Assessment Marks:15(10(T)+5(P))
End Term Exam Marks:35(20(T)+15(P))
Part B-Contents of the Course
Instructions for Paper-Setter
Unit Topics Contact
I Integration of simple algebraic, trigonometric, and exponential 4
Presentation of data: Frequency distribution and cumulative
frequency distribution, Diagrammatic and graphical
presentation of data, Construction of bar, Pie diagrams,
Histograms, Frequency polygon, Frequency curve, and Ogives.
II Measures of central tendency: Arithmetic mean, Median, 4
Mode, Geometric mean, and Harmonic mean for ungrouped
and grouped data.
Measures of dispersion: Concept of dispersion, Mean
deviation and its coefficient, Range, Variance and its
coefficient, Standard deviation.
III Correlation: Concept and types of correlation, Methods of 4
finding correlation: Scatter diagram, Karl Pearson’s coefficients
of correlation, Rank correlation.
IV Linear regression: Principle of least square, Fitting of a 4
straight line, Two lines of regression, Regression coefficients.
V* Practicum: Students are advised to do laboratory/practical 25
practice not limited to, but including the following types of
Problem Solving- Questions related to the practical problems
based on the following topics will be worked out and a record
of those will be maintained in the Practical Note Book:
Demonstrate skills in finding integration of simple
Representation of data using Bar and pie diagrams.
Representation of data using Histogram, Frequency
polygon, Frequency curves, and Ogives.
Problems to compute measures of central tendency.
Problems to calculate measures of dispersion.
Problem to calculate Karl Pearson’s coefficient of
Problem to fit the straight line for the given data.
Problem to find lines of regression.
Suggested Evaluation Methods
Internal Assessment: End Term
➢ Theory Examination:
Class Participation: 4 A three-hour exam
Seminar/presentation/assignment/quiz/class test etc.: NA for both theory and
Mid-Term Exam: 6 practicum.
➢ Practicum End Term Exam
Class Participation: NA Marks:35(20(T)
Seminar/Demonstration/Viva-voce/Lab records etc.: 5 +15(P))
Mid-Term Exam: NA
Part C-Learning Resources
Text /Reference Books:
S.C. Gupta and V.K. Kapoor (2014). Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, S. Chand
& Sons, Delhi.
R.V. Hogg, J. W. McKean and A. T. Craig (2013). Introduction to Mathematical
Statistics (7 th edition), Pearson Education.
J. V. Dyke, J. Rogers and H. Adams (2011). Fundamentals of Mathematics, Cengage
A.S. Tussy, R. D. Gustafson and D. Koenig (2010). Basic Mathematics for College
Students. Brooks Cole.
G. Klambauer (1986). Aspects of calculus. Springer-Verlag.